A Lot Can Happen In 1000 Words


First published

A lot can happen in 1000 words, more than you think. Twilight might lose her books, and Luna might be a troll.

A lot can happen in 1000 words. Equestria could blow up as the Zebra's find a cure for Cancer. A pneumatic toy or whatever can become sentient and cuddle all of Equestria into oblivion. I am here to tell you how fast paced stories can make a heck of a lot happen.

A 1000 Word Time Limit

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Once upon a time there was a Twilight. She loved books. You see, she reads a lot. A real egghead, as one of her friends called her. One day, her books went missing. So, the young unicorn decided to alert her teacher, The Alicorn known as Princess Celestia. Celestia has the job of raising the sun and moon. Her sister went missing 1000 years ago too, unfortunately. Celestia suggested that Twilight looked in Ponyville, a small, cute town with an apple farm to the side. Twilight wasn't happy about this, but, she left her home town, Canterlot, anyway. She just wanted to find her books. If you couldn't tell, Twilight was a real bookworm.

When Twilight got to Ponyville, she was pounced on by a pink pony. The pony claimed to be Pinkie Pie, and then said something about not seeing Twilight before. Before Twilight could introduce herself, Pinkie broke the laws of physics by jumping up in the air, staying that way for a few seconds, and gasping all the while, before zooming into nowhere in particular. Twilight shrugged it off and went to the apple farm.

"Has anypony seen my books?" she questioned an orange cowpony.

"Nope, no books here," th cowpony replied, "I'm Applejack by the way."

"That's very nice, but I've gotta go." Twilight runs off. She enters a building that seemed to be surrounded by animals, and looked like a tree.

"HAS ANYPONY SEEN MY BOOKS!?" She shouted, scaring off all the animals inside.

"Shhh! You'll scare away all the animals!" A yellow Pegasus says, walking up to Twilight. The Pegasus then immediately shies away, hiding behind her long pink mane.

"Yeah, I know, your name is Fluttershy, that's very nice, but I gotta go." Twilight runs off.

Next stop was a building that looked like a carousel. This building stood out to Twilighy because it was different compared to the small houses. She runs up to the door and frantically knocks on it. It was answered by a slightly off-white unicorn with glorious, curly purple locks.

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique! Where everything is chic, unique, and magnifique."

"HAVE YOU SEEN MY BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKS!?!?!?" Twilight screamed in the unicorn's ear, spewing spit everywhere, as well as making a gale force wind come out of her mouth.

"Uhm. No. My name is Ra-"

"Yeah yeah, Rarity, it's nice to meet you and yada yada yada, I gots ta go." Twilight runs off yet again. She runs to another building that caught her eye, it was a building that looked like it was made entirely out of candy. She ran inside and shouted at the top of her lungs,

"HAAAAAS AAANYYYYPOOOOOONYYYYYY SEEEEEEN MYYYYYYYYY BOOOOOKS!?!?!?!?" Her volume was so loud that it shook the entire building. After her outburst, she had to take very deep breaths, since it dragged out for so long. The pink pony from before bounced up to Twilight with a frown on her face.

"You ruined the surprise! We were going to throw a surprise party and now it's not a surprise anymore!"

"Yeah, yeah yeah, cancer is killing ponies, I don't care. I just want to find my books!"

One of the ponies in the background blew up a balloon and stuck it into a strange looking cardboard box. It resembled a dog. The pony let go of the air, and the tail lifts up and starts wagging.

"EUREKA!" The pony shouts, lifting his box into the air. A pony with crazy white hair came up behind the pony and said, "That's my line."

Suddenly, the box barks. Everypony froze. They look down at the box. It was wagging its tail, and it was looking quizzically at the pony holding it. The box lunged, and started snuggling the pony who was holding it. The pony shrugged and went with it. Twilight sighed.

"No hope for finding my books..."

~Two years later~

"OOOHHH, TEH HORROR!" A pony screamed, running away from a box that resembled a dog. The dog pounced, and landed on the pony, and started cuddling with it. A small cult of Zebra's had gathered at a shed, and we're discussing random stuff. A zebra lifted up her head in excitement.

"EUREKA! I HAVE FOUND A CURE FOR CANCA!" She shouted, speaking in rhymed, oddly. The other zebra's stamp their hooves on the ground and look outside the shed.

"Too bad there is nopony left outside this shed. The pneumatic toy snuggled them to death."

A pony with crazy white hair stepped into the shed and said, "that's my line."

And then the world blew up.

Meanwhile, On The Moon...

Luna watches as the world blows up in an amazing extravaganza, incredible fireworks. The kind of fireworks you only see in a lifetime. Many lives were lost, but so what? They had to be sacrificed for the great show! I mean, it is a once in a lifetime kind of thing. Luna takes a sip of her cold, oh so very cold tea as she looks back to the forever starlit sky. She sighs happily, knowing that this was the place she belonged. She, with a mane made out of pure starlight, knew that this was her rightful place. the stars are here to light up the dark side of the moon (which, by the way, is terrifying) and now she has the perfect view of the sun to heat her days on the moon.

She takes another sip of her tea and looks back at here Earth once was. She will soon rest, peacefully in time.

Luna puts on her best trollface.

"And Twilight's books were in Canterlot Library the entire time..."