Determination - A Scootaloo Story

by Yosh-E-O

First published

Years have passed and Scootaloo is now a young mare who is about to show how persistance and dedication can overcome a limitation

Scootaloo is now a young mare who still has a 'blank flank'. Upon learning of how Sweetie Belle got her Cutie Mark, Scoots is now determined to take her many years of education, experience, and love for extreme sports to the next level to see if she truly has what it takes to go beyond being flightless and finally take the skies.

This story was inspired by the art of ChrisRainicorn on Deviant Art. You can find the original image by going to

Determination - A Scootaloo Story

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It was a breezy autumn day in Ponyville as Scootaloo made her way to the top of the highest hill she could find.

“Today,” she said while narrowing her eyes. Her mind flooded with thoughts on this being the day it would finally happen. The day all the mentoring, training, researching, and determination over the years would finally pay off.

“You got this,” she said to herself while feeling the wind blow from behind her. She could feel her mane move about as if she was a storybook heroine about to gallop into battle.

Scootaloo took a moment to enjoy the feeling of the wind blowing at her back before slipping on her helmet. This particular piece of headgear was different from the one she used as a filly. It had a visor in the front to protect her eyes from bugs, wind, or any other potential hazard that might make its way in front of her determined, purple eyes.

Upon securing her helmet, the orange mare checked to make sure her official Wonderbolts flight suit was as form fitting as possible. She knew the suits were designed not only for protection, but also cut down on any resistance the buildup of speed may cause as she accelerated towards her goal.

“Nothing ventured,” she stated while adjusting her scooter’s handlebars. “Nothing gained.”

Scootaloo had attempted other feats of daring do with her updated scooter. It was designed from the lightest weight metals, tires in which could tackle the toughest terrain without losing traction, and an angled set of handlebars that would push through the air to further lower any resistance she may get from accelerating towards her goal.

“I hope you’re out there, Rainbow Dash,” she said while flexing her tiny wings. “Today I’m going to do what no pony has ever done before.”

Scootaloo still hadn’t gotten her Cutie Mark despite all the crusader activities she had done nor for winning any races, talent shows, or extreme sporting activity. However, she did know how Sweetie Belle got hers and it was as a result of doing something that she really wanted to do, felt absolutely terrified about doing it due to the risk it put her in, but did it anyway. Sweetie’s Cutie Mark appearing almost immediately after she had proven to herself that reaching that seemingly unattainable goal had been done.

“Now it’s my turn,” Scoots said while bravely facing down the hill that lead into a flat road before ultimately becoming another hill that had a cliff awaiting her at its end.

“Confidence,” she said while fighting off the fear of failing in her task. “I’m going to take flight before reaching that edge, soar to the sky, and land right on Cloudsdale.”

Scootaloo began to flutter her wings much like how an airplane’s propellers initiate the takeoff sequence. Upon feeling them reach full readiness, she gave a mighty kick off the ground, lowered herself to maximize her air resistance, and launched herself down the hill.

“This is it,” she thought while pushing all fear from her mind. “If Rainbow Dash can do it so can I!”

The determined Pegasus could feel the wind gliding all about her as she reached the bottom of the first hill. It was like it had parted to allow her to bolt towards her destiny. This feeling drove Scootaloo to flutter her wings as she had never fluttered them before.

It wasn’t long before Scootaloo had reached the start of the final hill. The path that would truly define success from failure. The wind around her felt like it was closing in as she continued to accelerate more-and-more.

“NOW!” she exclaimed to herself while positioning herself and her scooter to the most plausible position for air resistance and acceleration while fluttering her wings so fast that they couldn’t even be seen. “CLOUDSDALE, OR-”


As Scootaloo reached the very bottom of the hill she felt a force like none she had ever felt before.

“Did I…?” she asked while allowing herself to focus on the environment around her instead of the task at hand.

“I…,” she gasped. “I…”

Scootaloo couldn’t believe it. She wasn’t just propelling towards Cloudsdale. She was flying over it!

“Did I…?” she asked while realizing she was rocketing over Cloudsdale.


Scootaloo heard a similar sound to the one she heard when she wasn’t sure if she made the jump. Within seconds, Rainbow Dash was at her side.

“WOW, KID!” Dash proclaimed proudly. “YOU DID IT!”

Scootaloo looked towards Rainbow Dash and saw a rainbow streaming behind her. The sort of effect that came when The Sonic Rainboom was performed.

“You mean…?” she asked as an an ear-to-ear smile formed across her face.

“That’s right!” announced the rainbow maned Pegasus. “You just did your first Sonic Rainboom!”

“WOO-HOO!” exclaimed Scoots as she looked towards the heavens and took in her achievement. Her wings were still fluttering to the point they could not even be seen while both she and Rainbow Dash flew further-and-further skyward.

“I knew you had it in you!” cheered Rainbow Dash. “Now you’re just as awesome as me!”

The effects of the Sonic Rainboom had begun to wear off. This didn’t matter to Scootaloo since she was so caught up in the sensation of actual flight for the first time in her life. Fortunately, Rainbow Dash kept a close eye on Scoots and aided in her descent so she touched down safely just outside of The Castle of the Two Sisters.

Dash allowed Scootaloo to fully take in her achievement. She remembered what it felt like when she first did the Sonic Rainboom and knew Scoots needed that moment to fully internalize the gravity of having achieved such a goal.

Scootaloo stood with her mouth wide open. Her breathing was only matched by the pace in which her heart was beating.

“Here,” said Dash while removing the young mare’s helmet.

“What?” asked Scootaloo with surprise. “Where are we?”

Dash smiled as she nudged the Pegasus to whom had admired her for so many years.

“You’re in the middle of the Everfree Forest!” she announced proudly. “Your Sonic Rainboom made it all the way from the far end of Ponyville, over Cloudsdale, and now to the very front of The Castle of the Two Sisters and The Tree of Harmony!”

“I…!” gasped Scootaloo. “I… really did it?”

“You sure did,” Dash said with a nod.

Scootaloo’s mind quickly went from excitement to anticipation. If she did the Sonic Rainboom and landed miles away from where she started she most certainly had to have finally gotten her Cutie Mark.

Without delay, the young mare took off her flight suit.

“Did I get it?” she asked feverishly. “Did I get my Cutie Mark?”

Rainbow Dash checked Scootaloo’s orange flank and smiled.

“You sure did, kid,” she stated humbly.

Scootaloo’s eyes and smile widened like they had never done before as she checked to see her Cutie Mark.

“YES!” she cheered while prancing around. “I GOT MY CUTIE MARK!”

Rainbow Dash reached into a saddlebag she typically carried while going about her duties as Weather Director of Ponyville. She then removed a scroll that appeared to have been stored in it for quite some time.

“I’ve waited to give you this,” she said while passing the parchment to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo took the slightly-worn paper and opened it up. She then read aloud, “Congratulations for graduating Rainbow Dash’s School of Awesomeness! You are now officially 120% cooler!”

Scootaloo smiled as Dash took the certificate and gleamed with pride.

“I knew you always had it in you, kid,” she said. “Now who’s the toughest little pony in town?”

Scootaloo felt tears of joy well up in her eyes as she embraced Rainbow Dash.

“You have a bright future ahead of you, Scootaloo,” stated Rainbow Dash as she held Scoots tight. “And you can bet your feathers that I’m going to be there cheering you on every step of the way.”