Feeling Old

by Michael Hudson

First published

Twilight's feelings toward her age have become a problem. A problem that Celestia is very willing to help with,

50 years. 50 years is a long time to most ponies, and for most, a sign that one's worries are coming to an end. For Twilight though, they are the beginning. Her magic will become weaker, her intellect will dull, and she will fade out of importance.

Trixie can't help her, but knows who can, but hates how much she'll love doing.

Contains: Roleplay, Futa, sexual frustration, allowed cheating

Done as part of the JumbledVision project, so the art is from my wonderful friend, Vois Coldspace, and is the coverart of the soon to come Twilestia comment that can be found on our tumblr: JumbledVision.

An Old Lesson for an Older Mare

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Trixie opened her eyes to the new weight beside her. She had gone to bed a few hours ago, but with how her marefriend had been acting as of late, it had grown… difficult to sleep deeply. She wrapped her arms around the intruder and nuzzled into her soft neck. “About time you came to bed. Trixie was worried you might stay up at your desk again.”

Twilight squirmed in the newfound constraints, making sure they stayed on her stomach. “I remembered the fifteen minutes I had to spend stretching this morning and how long it took to shake my exhaustion, so I decided that sleeping here would lead to more focused work faster tomorrow. That is all. Sorry, Trixie.”

Trixie smiled to herself, rubbing her modest chest against Twilight’s back as she tried wrap a leg around one of her marefriend’s. To this, she found herself being shut out, and Twilight squirming away. Not far enough to get Trixie’s head away though. She nuzzled into the soft, purple fur, and gently nipped the side of her neck. “If you’re so sorry, Trixie could come up with lots of ways for you to make it up to her.”

Twilight let out a sigh and snuggled into her pillow more. “Your tricks won’t work tonight Trixie. I’m not in the mood.”

Trixie pouted for a moment before gripping Twilight tightly, forcing the other mare to come closer before she gave her a peck on the cheek. “Come on, at least give Trixie a chance. One night of relaxing isn’t going to kill you.” Trixie waited for a response before she spoke up again. “Please, Twilight? If you’re not going to let me help you relax, you could at least talk to me.”

A shrug was all Trixie got from her silent lover, but that was not going to be enough to make the showmare give up. She was going to get Twilight to react tonight, and break this stupid cycle of work, sleep, don’t talk, they were stuck in. Slowly, Trixie lowered her lips to the base of Twilight’s neck, just before giving it a gentle kiss. Her tongue then came out, pressing against the base of the alicorn’s spine. With long practiced pushes, she massaged Twilight, knowing that she could enjoy it.

Twilight let out the slightest of moans, her body finally beginning to relax. Trixie was not about to let this chance go, and trailed her fingers up Twilight’s stomach. A pang of worry went through her as she felt Twilight’s ribs, and she mentally scolded herself for not making sure that work was not surpassing survival in importance. Now was not the time though, so a note it stayed.

Unfortunately, Twilight stopped it from being time for anything, turning her grip on her lover’s arms into a vice. When she noted that Trixie could still move, she decided there was a better solution. Trixie’s eyes widened as she felt Twilight’s back tense. “Honey, please n-” Trixie crashed to the ground as Twilight’s wings snapped out.

The alicorn stood up. “You had your chance. Now, I’m going to go out to the couch, and get some sleep. I hope you can do the same, Trixie.”

Trixie watched from the floor, stunned as tears stung her eyes. “Please… please don’t leave Twilight. I… I need you.” It was too late though as the door closed, leaving Trixie in the dark. After a few moments of the moonlight being all that lit up the shuddering figure, Trixie lit a candle, and wiped a tear from her eye. She had given this plan a lot of thought for a while now, and tonight had been her last chance. She had to help Twilight, even if she only had one real option left.

She pulled out a quill, ink, and some parchment. Just as she was about to put the quill to paper though, she stopped, and took one more breath, to calm her nerves. With a final shake of her head, she was certain. Not even her pride would stop her tonight, not for Twilight.


Knock, knock. Twilight lifted her head from her papers, a set of pajamas clinging to her frail frame. She let out a long yawn, before opening her eyes to a paper stuck to her horn. She gently plucked it off, mumbling a curse underneath her breath as her stiff muscles protested to her moving. As much as she would like to avoid the stiffness, she had to avoid her bed nowadays, lest she have Trixie trying to keep her up all night.

Slowly, the mare made her way to the front door, navigating the mess of papers in the castle. She had been requesting more and more work from Celestia so as to keep herself busy, but she was having trouble keeping up with the mess it generated. She knew she was getting older in age though, so her usefulness was coming ever closer and closer to an end, and that very thought horrified her, so she would not stop asking for more.

Another knock came from the front, and Twilight cleared her throat, wishing Trixie was there. Unfortunately, the showmare was out getting groceries. “Coming!”

“I can wait. Don’t worry.”

Twilight stopped dead in her tracks, staring at the door. She couldn’t be there. Why would she be there? Had Twilight messed up some papers for the next conference, or was it about one of her friends? All things that buzzed through her tired brain as nothing but a lazy, “Uuuuh,” came out.

A small bout of laughter came from the other side. “I suppose that means I can come in?”

Twilight’s eyes almost bulged out of their sockets as the door started to open, and she immediately held a throw pillow over her chest, just to make sure she wasn’t only in her long pajamas. Celestia opened the door, clad in a conservative black vest and white undershirt combo, along with a long, light blue skirt. She smiled at Twilight and shook her head. “Twilight, I’ve seen you upside down with a ball gag in your mouth. Your pajamas are fine.”

The purple mare turned bright red as she remembered her school days, and what exactly her old duties she had had for the crown had entitled. Looking back, she still couldn’t believe half the things she had done with Celestia back then. “Well, I’d rather you preserve that image, rather than this one I guess.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow, looking over her old student. “I don’t see a limb missing or anything like that. Just the same old purple mare I used to be with.”

Small butterflies danced inside Twilight, before she rapidly shook her head. “No. Used to is the key word there. I’m...I’m not worth it now, and with Trixie.” She swallowed hard, her face still a bright crimson. “Now, if this was just a social visit, I’m sorry Princess, but I do have a lot of work to do.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Ah, yes, the work.” She glanced to the side at the mountains of paperwork there, just before Twilight tried to teleport the mess away. That lasted for about all of five seconds before some of it came crashing down the stairs. “I’m not a professional on such matters, but I do believe that is too much. Is this how Luna seems to have almost no paperwork normally?”

Twilight swallowed hard. “I may normally take some of her work. It’s fine of course. It… it keeps me useful.”

“Useful?” Celestia spread a large wing over her fellow princess,, putting a hand on her shoulder as well. “Why would you say you aren’t?”

The smaller mare paled at the words and shook her head. “Um, you still haven’t told me why you’re here. Could I possibly know now?”

The wing came down against Twilight’s head. “Do you suddenly take me for a fool?”

Twilight clutched the top of her skull, wincing from the blow, though it hadn’t actually been that hard. “N-no, of course not princess. I just… I just would rather not discuss it.”

Celestia sighed as she walked forward, embracing Twilight tight, and putting the other mare between her heaving mounds. “Just like you won’t talk to Trixie? Even with simpler questions?”

“How do you-” Twilight stopped as a light came alive in her head, causing her to hang her head low. “She… she wouldn’t have sent you, would she? I mean, she didn’t take the news of my old concubine position that well, and seeing as of late we haven’t exactly…” Her voice trailed off, and she looked away.

“Haven’t exactly what?”

Twilight looked up, and could tell that Celestia knew everything. How didn’t matter, only that she did. “Look, I haven’t been meaning to brush Trixie away, it’s just that when I see her, and she starts taking care of me, and worrying about my health-”

Celestia stepped away and grabbed the bag she brought with her. “You don’t feel worthy, at least, not anymore, correct?”

Twilight shut her eyes tight. Even with Celestia, ever fiber of her being demanded she not talk about this. “Um, well, yeah. And… and that’s it. That is all I have to say on this issue. It was nice seeing you Celestia, but-”

The crack of a whip resonated through the air, and Twilight jumped into the air as she clenched her rump. Looking back at her mentor, she saw a black belt in her hands. “Twilight, you should know better than anypony else that age is not always a bad thing, especially when you’ve bedded the oldest mare in Equestria.”

Twilight’s face only grew brighter as she shook her head. “You don’t get it though. That was so long ago. Back when I was pretty, strong, a mare another might-” She stopped as the whip came back down, stinging the side of one of her thighs. “Ce-Celestia!”

Celestia kicked her hoofs in the air as she sat on Twilight’s desk, and raised an eyebrow. “Last I checked, you were still a good student, right? You listened to your teacher, and did as she asked, correct?”

Twilight winced as she rubbed her thigh. “Y-yes?”

A package materialized in Celestia’s hands, and she passed it to Twilight. At first, the other mare backed away from it, but under the cool gaze of her mentor stepped forward once more. Celestia put her hand over Twilight’s as she reached for the package. “Twilight, you know how much it must have hurt for Trixie to call me. The minute you got married, I swore never to bring up the relationship we once had so you could find happiness with somepony who would age with you. For her, please, go along with my plan, and give me a chance to fix you.”

Twilight looked away, her hands barely plucking the package out of Celestia’s hands. It felt oddly heavy for something that looked so soft. Looking upon the gift, Twilight whispered, “Trixie isn’t grocery shopping, is she?”

Celestia shook her head. “She cares too much, and from her letter, she is desperate. You won’t talk to her, so she had no other choice.”

“And she knows I’ll always listen to…”

Celestia placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder.. “You can make it up to her after this, but for now, do not let the damage to her pride go to waste, okay? Or do you think Trixie can now help you?”

Twilight simply turned away, a tear falling to the crystal floor as she went to another room. Soon, her pajamas were slipped off, and just as she had suspected, a uniform was within. Looking upon the white shirt and the navy blue skirt, Twilight’s pain was dampened by embarrassment. This looked exactly like her old school uniform, and what was worse was that it had no underwear, a rule that came with being a concubine. “She can’t expect me to still fit in this, can she?”

“I’m waiting to start the lesson!”

Twilight looked back, wondering how in Equestria Celestia was being able to switch moods so quickly, before realizing it had to be for her sake. It was all part of the princess’ plan to ‘fix’ her. To make her happy. While Twilight knew she could teleport away, she blinked wearily, and accepted that running was too tiring at this point. She would face Celestia and her age, and be rejected, instead of just run. Then no pony would be able to question her about this again.

Twilight finally exited the side room, clad in the schoolmare’s outfit. The skirt hung loose to her, barely covering her rear as she walked out. Her own large bosom, while modest when compared to Celestia’s mountains, were still well outlined by the tight shirt. In other words, just how Celestia liked it.

Celestia smiled at her student, spreading her hands away from each other, and teleporting a ruler to be between them. “Now, for the start of our lesson, you will need a chalk, and a board to write with.”

Twilight used her magic to quickly pull them out from within the castle. Complex equations filled the large, mobile blackboard, and her jaw went slack when the princess removed it all. “Now Miss Sparkle, starting at the top and moving across, you will write down that you are a royal concubine a hundred times.”

Twilight blinked a few times, as a feeling of deja vu came over her, but she couldn’t quite recall why. This could have been how their first time together had been, but she doubted that. No, this was different, she was certain. Looking up at the board, she knew one thing hadn’t changed, and that would be Celestia’s fascination with punishing her tight rump. The thought chilled her.

Twilight put herself on the tips of her hooves, reaching up with the chalk and barely putting the piece to the top of the board. A shiver ran up her spine as she felt Celestia’s smooth fingers run along her now exposed rear. “I-I’m sorry if it’s a bit bonier then-” She gasped as the ruler came down hard upon her ass, and she crossed out the I she had written down.

Celestia placed her hand on the reddened mark, gripping into the little bit of extra flesh Twilight had there. “I will not have my most beloved lover doubting herself. Now, if you make another mistake like that, I will get much more severe in my punishments.”

Twilight bit her cheek as the feeling from before grew stronger. And yet, she still could not place when she had been like this before as she wrote. For the first minute or so, Twilight was left alone, quickly scribbling down the line over and over again. Twilight knew how to do such assignments of course. It was akin to when she was signing routine things. She just kept writing and writing, never changing what it was. At least, until Celestia stuck her thumb in her ass. “Yee!”

A small chuckle escaped Celestia. “Still so vulnerable, aren’t you.” She then leaned in closer, pushing the thumb in all the way with the movement. “You also crossed out more of it, so I think you should do a full restart.”

Twilight jumped at the punishment. That or the appendage twisting itself in her backdoor. “Please Princess, that isn’t fair.”

Turning her wrist, Celestia let her four free fingers glide over her students rear, before reaching around and barely stroking the lowest part of her nethers. “I personally think it’s very fair. Though, if it’s an issue of writing the same thing over and over again, you can change it to ‘I am fifty years old’. In fact, let’s do just that!”

Twilight’s spirit took a nosedive at the suggestion. She had been hoping that if Celestia was going to pity fuck her, she would at least pretend like she didn’t know the mare’s age. “Y-yes Celesti-Ai!”

Celestia took her magic away from the tweaked nipple and now moved in to nuzzle against Twilight’s neck. “I will not have a concubine who sounds so sad while I am inside of them. Understood?”

Twilight turned a bright red at having her teacher’s face so close to hers, and shuddered as she felt the thumb beginning to move again. She tried to keep her handwriting clean being on her tiptoes and the arousal from Celestia made it almost impossible. She could barely focus on the words, just putting them down, even if she made mistakes.

With each came a punishment. The first was simply her shirt coming off. Just like with the skirt, she had no underwear underneath, and her breasts sagged from age and weight. The moment Twilight tried to apologize for it, the next punishment came in the form of the first bead of a string of anal beads being shoved into her rectum.

After that came her breasts. While she was being able to lower herself to flat on her hooves, Celestia’s best kept secret was now beginning to awaken, and she could feel it press against her lower back. At first, her mistakes only meant fondling, something Twilight could take rather easily. Pinches, rubs, and pulls were nothing compared to what Celestia could do if she really got into the sex. Twilight immediately regretted the thought as a small burst of electricity ran through her erect nipple.

Celestia stopped for a moment, her index finger and thumb firmly grasped around Twilight’s areolas. She had hear the splash, and Twilight paled at the smile growing on the princess’ face. Celestia bent over slowly, leaving the mare unattended while she brought her face to the ground. Twilight knew not to look away though. She had long ago learned to adore that ass of Celestia’s, and only felt herself getting wetter as she could think of how well it must be being presented. Her strength wavered as she heard a loud slurping sound, and could clearly see in her mind Celestia on her hands and knees, cleaning up her arousal. “You...you didn’t need to do that.”

Celestia straightened, her breasts bouncing a bit before she turned around. “I didn’t back when we did this last either, but you should remember what I said back then too.”

Twilight gasped as the feeling of deja vu snapped into place. This was back from when she was eighteen, and had accepted the role of Celestia’s lover. She had been so scared of all it entailed that Celestia had thought of a way to help her with it. “Why do you think…” She let her voice trail off as Celestia leaned in closer to Twilight, her teacher’s now exposed chest pressing against her..

“Don’t think, Twilight. Simply enjoy, and you’ll have learned your lesson by the end.”

Twilight slowly nodded, before focusing back on the board. She reached up, and immediately found her breasts being clapped over by Celestia’s hands, and another shock going through her most sensitive places. “Nnng.” She shut her eyes for a moment, before realizing that the hands had something in each of them.The cold tape touched her soft skin, and the princess left the small, ball vibrators on each nipple, before they were turned on high, with small bits of voltage coming in at random. Twilight groaned even louder, pressing her body against the board. “Ce-Celestia, this is too much.”

Twilight moaned again as tears came to her eyes. She was so close to cumming, but years of experience with Celestia kicked in, warning her not to give in next. The princess used her secret to make you cum, and nothing else, so the faster she finished with this assignment, the faster she could find release. While her hand scrawled out each letter, Celestia stayed to the floor, making sure to be loud enough so Twilight could hear the princess as she cleaned up increasing amounts of arousal.

Twilight shattered the chalk piece as she put down the last period and screamed, “Please Celestia, just fuck me already!” She froze after the request, her mind putting the pieces into place. Twilight watched in both the present, and the past, as Celestia ran her hands along her body, teasingly brushing against her crotch, and then her breasts, before forcing the purple alicorn to look up. In front of Twilight was a massive, unreadable, mess.

“So, can you tell me what it says? Because what it says is what you worried about so much.”

A single tear came down Twilight’s face as she bent over. “Hehe. Wh-who ever knew the same trick would… would work twice?”

Celestia merely smiled, undoing the clasps that kept her skirt on.

Twilight readied herself, tears coming down her face. She knew her teacher was smart, but she truly felt like the eighteen year old that had first presented herself to Celestia just like this. Back then, she had been terrified of being in any sort of relationship with the princess, and this lesson had been used to prove how little the change mattered. Twilight felt the tip of her teacher’s hot prick, and moaned greedily, finally ready to expect her more experienced body to drive Celestia wild.

Almost immediately, Twilight remembered that it had been twenty years since she had taken anything larger than a seven inch dildo from Trixie as her nethers stretched open for the girth of her teacher. A scream of ecstasy and pain was cut off short as Celestia, having hoped for this day for over twenty years, accidentally thrust too hard into Twilight, knocking the air out of the other mare. All the pent up arousal came flooding out of Twilight, her folds collapsing onto Celestia’s prick. She shook and shuddered against the blackboard, her sweat and rolled out tongue wiping away some of the chalk.

Celestia let out a long moan before leaning into Twilight’s ear. “Alright Twiley, my turn.” She then put one arm underneath each of Twilight’s legs and pulled her into the air. More of Twilight’s arousal splashed onto the ground as Celestia’s member pulled out. The purple mare looked down, past her drooping breasts and to the erect cock. She could see the veins within the massive member as they bulged, the glisten of her own juices over half of the almost foot long monster making her shiver in anticipation. “P-please?”

The princess smiled, before almost dropping the mare. She heard another gasp be ripped out of Twilight, and whispered a small apology to her. The two had of course done far more extreme than this, but she was a little afraid. After hearing Twilight scream, “More,” she dropped those fears, pulling her up and slamming the other mare right back down. The slapping of Twilight’s breasts were music to her ears.

Twilight twisted around, her body quaking with each moment. Her arms slid around Celestia, her eyes shut as their breasts pressed against the others. More shivers went down her spine as their bosoms ground against together, all while expecting the next plunge of her teacher’s cock. It hurt, but then again, Trixie and her often considered waxing Twilight’s nethers as foreplay. She shut her eyes harder as a scream came out when Celestia’s balls slamming against her ass.

Celestia used the next time Twilight was lifted up to turn the mare around with her magic. The two made eye contact, just before she thrusted Twilight against a wall, her own body having fits as tears came to her own eyes. She knew it had to come to an end eventually, but she had missed her little Twily, and wouldn’t waste this last time with a quick shot.

Twilight wrapped her legs around Celestia as the princess’ thrusts became shorter and faster. Her heels dug into Celestia’s plump ass, and she nuzzled into the large bosom, taking in long, deep breaths of the princess’ scent. She felt Celestia’s lips against the back of her head as the two became the closest they had in a long time, and Twilight could hold back no longer.

Celestia groaned as she felt Twilight close in on her thick shaft, enjoying the tightness for just a moment longer before forcing her way out, and slamming forward as deeply as she could. Her body tensed, but her magic was ready. Long, gushing streams of hot cum flooded Twilight, giving the purple mare the warm bulge in her belly she had learned to adore all those years ago. Celestia’s own body shuddered and shook from the force of it all, and soon, the alicorn lost her strength and fell to the ground, with Twilight still safely nuzzled against her bosom.

There the two lay, panting and taking in the afterglow of it all. Celestia looked down at the purple mare, her eyes almost shut from the ferocity of today’s actions. She wanted so badly to whisk her away to the castle. To apologize to Trixie about the princess needing her closest lover back. But she knew better. In another decade.Twilight wouldn’t be up to this anymore, and from then on, Celestia would have to watch as she was able to do less and less and became increasingly miserable, negating the very reason she had come in the first place. It was only for this not to happen, that Celestia stood up.

Twilight looked up, weakly pushing against the floor. “Wh-where are you going?”

Celestia bent down, running a hand along Twilight’s cheek, her exposed chest hanging between them. “You know I can’t stay. That...that I can never stay. I will always cherish today, and be so happy for you and Trixie. However,” patting her stomach and smiling, “this time I took what you offered me twenty years ago, and must prepare for her.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. The month before her wedding, Celestia and Twilight had talked about the immortal princess taking a child from her, but Celestia had turned her down then. For her to take it now brought tears to her eyes. “Th-thank you, my princess. I… I don’t know what to say.”

Celestia stood tall and went to her clothes. She was slipping her skirt back over her secret when she looked at Twilight again. “Do you really want to thank me?”

Twilight slowly sat up, nodding as she did. “Anything for you, princess. As always.”

Celestia stepped over, doing the clasps to her skirt and vest with her magic before stroking the top of Twilight’s head. “Then please, go see the one you love, and make sure she knows she has not lost you.”

Twilight could only cry and nod in response, as her teacher walked out the front door.

Embracing Your Age

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Trixie opened the door to the castle, her head hung low. She had been out for the most of the day, just to make absolute sure that she didn’t walk in anything that would hurt more than it already did. Glancing to the sides, she saw a candle, burning low in its dish. She moved over to it, looking at the large pool of wax in the container. Her spirits sank, wondering if they had left, or were still at it. A single tear put the flame out, but the dim light did not go away.

Looking to find the source, Trixie felt her spirits tentatively rise, letting herself believe that Celestia had not placed the candles on the stairway to the bedrooms. With each one she passed, the blue mare put them out with a soft blow. Her own steps echoing in the large castle caused her heart to race, embracing the silence as another sign of good news. It wasn’t long before she stood before the last candle, the beating in her chest all she could hear. Just before she blew it out though, she noticed a note on the door to her bedroom.

Dear, my beloved, Trixie,

I am sorry for how I’ve been treating you these past weeks, if not months. I have lost count at this point, and that isn’t right to you. Your gift today meant the world to me, and while my teacher may have been a nice snack, I want the meal I chose to have for my whole life. Your dinner and dessert are just around the corner, so I do hope you enjoy them, because they may not be as fresh as they once were, but they’re still piping hot.

With confidence and love,


A tear came down the retired performer’s face as she blew out the candle. The hinges on the door squeaked as she opened it, causing her to wince at the sound. Looking around, she saw candles outlining the walls. She ignored the hanging tapestries, the closets, and didn’t even care about the beautiful, setting sun outside that streamed light through the open window. Her focus was on the large, queen sized bed, and the sleeping princess that laid upon it. “You had a big day, didn’t you?”

Twilight didn’t respond, turning to her side. She had on a very small and flimsy nightgown, dating all the way back to their honeymoon. A small warmth grew in Trixie’s chest as she thought of those times as she put out some of the more precariously placed candles. She noticed the dinner waiting for them and smiled softly. Twilight had still gone to such work for her, just to make sure that she knew who held onto her heart. It was almost causing the unicorn to cry.

Trixie finally sat on the bed, running a hand through her wife’s hair. The nightgown and matching panties did nothing to stop Twilight’s body from being concealed. The black fabric instead wrapped around Twilight’s large breasts, and cut in the middle was a large vee, allowing Trixie at the underside of Twilight’s bosom, which she now gave a small peck to. A small moan came from Twilight, and the blue unicorn smiled, one hand sliding along her lover’s side, Once her hand was on Twilight’s side, she let another tear fall, this time on Twilight’s face.

The purple alicorn squirmed a bit from the touches, before opening an eye. She gasped at the sight of Trixie and sat up, Trixie following her so as to not get impaled. “What are you doing here? I was supposed to surprise you. Oh sweet Luna, I must have fallen asleep, even though I had everything planned!” She would have gone further, if not for a blue pair of lips shutting her up. Twilight let out a soft moan as Trixie’s tongue coiled around her own, the two muscles playing a dance they had let grow far too rusty.

Trixie pushed Twilight back onto the bed, with one hand gently grasped around her beloved’s breast. She gave it a squeeze as they hit the sheets, enjoying the softness. She had long ago learned them like her own, which included such secrets as Twilight’s odd sensitivity at the underside of her breasts, where a harder grasp would immediately get her another loud moan. “Predictable as always, Twilight.”

Twilight puffed her cheeks out, trying not to let out another moan as Trixie’s other hand massaged her inner thighs. Her horn lit up for a moment, and the magic pushed Trixie back. The purple mare was on top of her in an instant, her head at Trixie’s stomach. There, she blew against Trixie, getting the other mare to shiver, just before she began to sensual lick and nuzzle against the flat torso. Her hands kneading into Trixie’s sides were the final nail in the coffin to get the retired showmare to coo. “Now who is predictable?”

Trixie writhed on the bed, missing the touch of anything but plastic and her own fingers. While she would never tell, she was in practical ecstasy just by being in bed with Twilight, let alone finding out that her wife still remembered all of her best spots. She couldn’t hold in her next moan as she spread her hands along Twilight’s back, her fingers sparking. Shivers came from the alicorn as magic kneaded into her muscles, giving them a much needed massage, while also making them much more sensitive. “Trixie thinks she likes being predictable.”

Twilight was panting at this point. She could feel her lower lips moistening in anticipation, and the need for more growing within her. Even if it meant getting away from those magical hands, she needed a sweeter part of her marefriend, and fast. Her mouth left a gentle trail of kisses along Trixie’s stomach, making its way ever lower on the blue mare. With expert practice, Twilight wrapped her tongue around the button holding Trixie’s jeans on, and undid it with ease.

The pants slowly were slid down by Twilight’s bites and pulls, while Trixie sat up, her hands getting to Twilight’s wing joints. Her nimble finger pressed just above the bone, pushing into the tightest part of a pegasus’, or in this case, alicorn’s wings. The long, wings sprang to life, rising above Trixie as she continued to knead into the spot. With the right encouragement, she moved the wing closer, trying to ignore the breaths on her thighs as she brought her mouth around the edge of the wing, using her lips to massage and tease the sensitive bone.

Twilight put her face into the covers, using her hands to get the jeans off of her lover’s legs as she mewled like a mare in heat. She could feel a drop of arousal run away from her nethers, sliding along her crotch and getting caught by the light underwear she was wearing. At least, it was until magic pulled at the center of the underwear, and slowly peeled it away. Twilight tried not to moan in anticipation from her marefriend’s magical trickery and crawled along the bed, nuzzling in between Trixie’s thighs, breathing in her marefriend’s scent. She didn’t have enough strength at this point though to actually get to her real goal and start enjoying the taste of her beloved, leaving her at Trixie’s mercy. That one thought forced shivers down her spine.

The nibbling on Twilight’s wings didn’t stop, not yet. Trixie was more than content to massage her lover’s back, and taste her feathers, while letting her magic progress them further. A small yelp came from the princess as a magical finger ran along her nethers. This one came around, and let Twilight taste her own arousal, as a larger hand stroked at her crotch. More mewls came from Twilight as her hips swayed, trying to get the hand to come inside, instead of just being teased. Feeling her marefriend’s need in the shivers, shakes, and groans that was Trixie’s whole world at the moment, she decided to give her just what she wanted.

The magic became like a gelatinous blob, sliding into Twilight’s folds and heating them up. Twilight’s gasp filled the air as the warm pit in her crotch grew and expanded, coating every inch of her. “Tri-Trixie, this is, nng, a n-new one.”

A smile broke out over the show mare’s face. “Good, but Trixie isn’t done.”

Twilight paled at the announcement. It already felt so good to have the magic swirling within her, she didn’t know what more Trixie had planned. It was then that the vibrations started. Every inch of Twilight’s pussy suddenly felt like it had a small speaker in her, and all it did was amplify bass. It started slowly, yes, but that didn’t matter when the vibration was all encompassing. She tried to hold out, tried not to let Trixie’s spell finish her so easily, but it wasn’t long before her toes curled, her mouth hung open, and her eyes almost rolled back in her head.

Trixie felt as her lover grew tense, and pushed the vibrations to max, wanting Twilight thoroughly exhausted for the next part of her makeshift plan. The alicorn’s scream roared out as she could take no more. A long stream of arousal squirted out of Twilight, coating both of their legs and thighs as she shook violently from the intensity of it all.

Trixie smiled as the alicorn fell to the ground, still shaking and panting from it all. She then made her way over Twilight, gently pushing the purple mare to the ground, and making sure she then stayed exactly where she was. The showmare slowly pulled her shirt off, tossing it to the side as she showed off her modest B-cups. She then undid the bra, and stretched over Twilight, putting the lacy piece of cloth beside the alicorn’s head. “So, ready for Trixie’s grand finale?”

Twilight weakly smiled, unable to do much at the moment other then be treated to whatever Trixie had planned. “As a note, I was supposed to spoil you tonight.”

A slight chuckle filled the air from both of them, as a tear of joy fell down Trixie’s face. Neither needed an explanation, not at this point in the night. Entangled like this, with Trixie kneeling between her thighs and smiling at her, Twilight was amazed she wasn’t crying herself. It was then that the hidden, glowing hand that Trixie had behind her back, grabbed ahold of Twilight’s crotch, cutting off the alicorn’s thoughts. The purple mare jumped slightly, and her eyes widened as far as they could. “Tr-Tr-Trixie, n-nng, now think aboaaah this. L-last time w-we did this-”

Trixie lowered herself, her chest gently grazing Twilight’s and getting a loud moan from the now infinitely sensitive mare. Their bodies were aligned almost perfectly, with Twilight’s heaving bosom and taut nipples grazing the top of Trixie’s own breasts, while their crotches hung centimeters from each other. “You passed out after five minutes. Consider this payback for how long Trixie went without you.”

“N-Now Trixie!” Twilight threw her head back, her tongue dropping to the side of her mouth as a primal scream came out. Having Trixie’s pussy grind against her own, the folds gripping and teasing her own while their clits pressed mercilessly against each other was simply too much. Add to that Trixie’s more pointed, perky tits, stabbing, rubbing, and pushing against her own, especially the underside, and Twilight didn’t stand a chance. Her world was quickly becoming one long orgasm, and she adored it.

Trixie on the other hand, was very close to the brink herself. She had imagined this day for so long, and to have Twilight crying out her name in ecstasy because of her and her alone, was music to her ears. Having her lover’s juices constantly splashing against her own crotch, wetting her thighs and filling the air with the sweet scent of female arousal and sweat didn’t hurt the dream either. She moaned into Twilight’s neck, their bodies as close as they could be, the alicorn’s soft, pillowy bosom pressed against her own. She didn’t fight it, but accepted the end of the night, not wanting to be greedy with the one she would have until she died.

The two’s screams filled the night as finally, they came as one. Trixie’s body was stiff as a board while fluid leaked out of her and her folds closed like a vice against her lover. Feeling her wife clench down onto her was the last straw for Twilight, having been close to losing it since they had begun grinding like this. With one more yelling of her beloved’s name, Twilight collapsed, her eyes staring into nothing, the excitement and arousal having gone too far. Trixie collapsed besides Twilight, panting hard as she pressed two fingers into the alicorn’s neck. Feeling the declining, but still rapid pulse, Trixie could only smile, before falling asleep. Both of them would feel it tomorrow, a reminder of their age, but neither would ever call this night anything less than perfect.