Mare in the Woods

by Orion Light

First published

A human goes camping in the local woods. He finds out he's not alone...

A camper goes out into the woods to investigate strange events happening from witnesses on the Internet. He doesn't expect what he discovers, nor what happens right after.


This is Human x Anthro.

Cover art is by Arareroll from Derpibooru. Credits to them for their beautifully made pictures.

Keep in mind that this was just an idea after watching Paranormal shows out of boredom. It doesn't mean I am a believer in the stuff. The mares are not really Celestia and Nightmare Moon, but shares the same appearances respectively, except the former has pink mane and tail.

Camping Trip

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It took a 30-minute drive to reach my destination from home, and it's now three in the afternoon. Thankfully, traffic is at its minimum due to work hours and such. The trip was pretty quiet saved for the radio playing in my van, and the road I'm taking leads away from the main road. As I continued along the only unpaved road, I saw the place I'm looking for: the forest.

Wondering why I'm going to the forest? Well, I came here just so I can get out of the house more often. Most of the week I'm inside either working at my self-employed job or watch TV and play video games, with the occasional attendance to the local gym. I didn't want to become a lazy, regular couch potato, but I digress; this is not the reason why I'm here. The real reason why I'm here is because of strange occurrences happening in the woods. I've been reading on a local website's Rumors Board from the internet about campers seeing a strange creature lurking there, among other things. Typically, skeptics dismissed these rumors as local wildlife prowling the area, and the campers are just being paranoid. Then on the following days, more topics were posted from other witnesses about the same thing, as well as finding their food raided the next morning. Again, skeptics dismissed it as wildlife eating the food, only to be shot down by the same witnesses asking them to "explain how all the vegetables and desserts were eaten except anything meat-related?". Even though being a skeptic myself, I can't help but find that last part curious since most of the time nearly all foods gets raided by wildlife, mainly meatstuffs since 80% of the wildlife there are carnivorous from what I know. Anyway, I was just about to forget about the whole thing until another post this morning came up, this time the witness being a friend from high school. This time and dropping the skepticism for a bit, I decided to chat with him on social media. When I asked what happened, he said he decided to camp for a day there, and, like the others, he too saw the strange creature as well as his food gone the next morning. I asked for more details about his encounter, and, unsurprisingly, he said it was bipedal. I was thinking Bigfoot, though highly unlikely around this part of the State, but that thought was quickly shot down when he also mentioned seeing a long, flowing tail and hair and strangely colored, slim body at the last second before it disappeared. That part surprised me, and soon it wasn't long before I decided to see for myself.

And that's where it led me to here today several hours later. One part of me is still skeptical, but another part of me wanted to see it for myself. Therefore, I'm on a mission to find this "colorful, long-haired creature" and bring home the proof.

As soon as I reached the end of the road seeing nothing but trees ahead, I parked the van and shut it off. As of now, there are no other vehicles around here and this is the only path to the forest, indicating that I am the only one here. Getting out of the vehicle, I was greeted with the warm temperature of Spring. I inhaled deeply as the scent of the forest hit my nostrils, which brought a small smile to my face as well as feeling glad that I decided to go out. Opening the back of the vehicle, I reached in pulled out my camping equipment. Since I'm only going to camp here for one day, it's just a simple pack containing a one-man tent, a compass, portable radio, a flashlight and night lamp, a large cooler containing food for the night, a couple of water canteens and a battery-operated night-vision camera, the last which will be used to catch the creature while I'm asleep. I also took with me a light hunting rifle (with a hunting license, of course) in case I come across any predators such as bears here. After doing a once-over and making sure I got everything, I locked the van, slung the pack over my back and looked beyond the woods. Trees of different type, size and proportion stretched as far as the eye could see, but not closely dense enough to be impassable thankfully. If memory serves right, the forums mentioned that the mysterious creature is mostly found deep within the forest near a small pond, which is only a mile on foot north from where I stand. With that in mind, I set off towards the designated area.

The trek was fairly uneventful and silent saved for the crunching of twigs and dead leaves underfoot and the occasional chirping within the trees. Other than that, I couldn't help but admire the greenery around me as I looked around despite the trees almost being close together. I glanced at the small compass in my right hand every few minutes to make sure I'm still going north and not getting lost.

'I don't know how people could find anything, let alone strange bipedal beings, in a forest this big,' I said mentally.

Several minutes later, I looked up and saw a small hill ahead, and as soon as I reached the top, I was greeted with the most beautiful, one-of-a-kind sight: there at the bottom of the hill is a small clearing with some trees surrounding the pond I was searching for. Small beams of sunlight emerged through the canopy above and on the pond, giving a nice sparkle on its surface. I could only stare in awe at the beauty before me, amazed that despite everything around us, only this place remained untouched by Man, possibly due to the rumors going around and whatnot.

Not wanting to waste a moment like this, I decided to pull out the disposable camera I brought with me to take a picture. At least, I'll have something to remember this place by before the time comes that the government decides to the tear the place down for business matters. After that was done, I decided to start setting up camp for the night, so I backtracked and moved to a spot at least ten feet away from the hill, as not to scare off the mysterious forest-dweller.

It took me nearly two hours to set up the small tent, as well as another hour to gather twigs and other firewood. Thankfully, it only rained 3 days ago, and the Spring heat dried up the wood pretty quick. Next was setting up the food for the encounter. From what my friend told me during our chat, it seems our "otherworldly" visitor loves carrots and cake, especially the latter being vanilla- or chocolate-flavored. At first, I found it a little weird as cake isn't something that wildlife would eat without getting sick, but since this isn't a "normal" type of wildlife, I decided to just go with it. Trekking over the hill once more and reaching the pond while carrying the night-vision camera, a bunch of large carrots and a press-&-seal wrapped slice of vanilla-chocolate swirl cake, I placed the first two carefully near the edge of the pond. I unwrapped the slice a little so the creature could access it easily while keeping the bugs out, as well as separating the carrots by one stem at a time. After that, I moved towards a second nearby tree and wrapped the camera's velcro belt around the large trunk. Making sure the camera is facing the pond and the "offerings", I hit the Power button and then Record. Everything from now will be recorded into the SD card placed in its socket. Hopefully- and that's a big "hopefully"- I'll be able to catch the rumored creature in the act as well seeing what it truly looks like.

I let out a tired, but satisfied sigh now that I am finally finished with everything. I looked up and saw the sun reaching twilight, then looked at my wristwatch showing that it's 7:24 p.m..

'Huh. Time really does fly when you're busy,' I mused with a huff.

Not wanting to stick around any longer, I returned to my camp, pulled out my foldable chair and radio and sat outside my tent. I closed my eyes with a small smile as I listened to the light music playing on my favorite station, but kept the volume low to not disturb too much of the forest's tranquility, waiting patiently as the sun began its slow descent beyond the horizon.

Later that night...

I sat in my chair near the campfire I made an hour ago, eating a ham sandwich and a small bag of chips (no marshmallows, sadly) while staying on constant alert to my surroundings. It's now past 11 o'clock, and since I turned off the radio, there was only silence saved for the occasional hooting of a distant owl and constant chirping of cicadas, which I managed to tune out. I stared off into space as the embers from the fire danced in the cool night air. I'm glad I wore a pair of hiking pants and a comfy, green camo shirt since I heard on the news radio earlier that a cool front is approaching. The flames danced almost hypnotically, and I could feel my eyelids starting to droop from just watching it...

A loud snapping sound of a twig was heard behind me, startling me and causing me to stand up immediately, my right hand on the rifle that rested on the right arm of the chair. With the flashlight in my left turned on, I pointed it in the direction of the sound. The campfire's light only covered a few feet in diameter, with the moon in its New Phase. Simply, I couldn't see anything beyond the campsite, even with the flashlight on. A sharp rustling was heard in the opposite direction, and I did a 180 on my heel and looked there, a little adrenaline going through me. A couple of dead leaves were floating a little before resting on the ground once more. This time, I caught a small movement on one of the nearby tree's lower branches, and shining the light there, I noticed it was a squirrel, which suddenly froze when it looked at me like a deer caught in the headlights. I let out a breath I never realized I was holding as I calmed down before lowering and switching off the flashlight.

'I'm getting paranoid over nothing... I'm probably just exhausted,' I thought, a yawn that managed to escape from my lips only to further confirm that last thought.

After standing there for a few minutes, I decided it's time to turn in for the night, though I had hoped I may see something before I do. I turned around and walked towards the fire that slowly started to die down from not adding more wood to it. I sped it up by kicking some dirt into it until it finally winked out, before moving on towards my awaiting tent. Inside on the floor is the night lamp I left on after night came and a rolled-up blanket that opens on the inside with a pillow I brought along. Since it would be a bit hot to sleep in it even with night being cool, I decided to undress out of my clothes, leaving me with nothing but a sleeveless undershirt and my boxers. I pulled out an unscented bug spray from my backpack nearby and gave myself a bit of protection from the mosquitoes that decided to join me; I didn't like the smell of the scented ones as they make me a bit nauseous. It's expensive as hell, but since none of the flying nuisances seem to attempt to land on me, it was worth it.

After brushing my teeth to rid of the excess dinner stuck in them, I zipped up the entrance of the tent, slipped inside the blanket, turned off the lamp and, after a few minutes of listening to the outside, drift off to sleep.

Just outside the tent in the pitch darkness of the woods near a large tree, a pair of magenta-colored eyes watched the unaware human's every move inside the tent until it went dark, before it vanished behind said tree and into the shadows.

The next morning...

The loud chirping from the morning birds nearby slightly stirred me from my dreamless slumber, causing me to groan groggily in annoyance as I tried to tune them out, to no avail. Opening my eyes slowly to adjust to the brightness of my tent from the sunlight overhead, I reluctantly raised my right arm to look at my watch. I immediately shot up with wide eyes, all traces of sleep leaving me, as I saw it was a quarter to noon.

"Shit, I overslept!" I cursed under my breath, though a little louder than a whisper.

I stood up, wondering what I should do since my mind is still in the process of waking up, which was only a heartbeat later that I finally realized something: the food and camera near the pond. Not bothering to redress into my camping clothes except for my socks and shoes, I hastily unzipped the tent and ran out towards the place, not caring about the fleeing squirrels or birds that happened to be nearing the camp. As I reached the top of the hill, I looked ahead and almost assumed that nothing has changed as the pond looked exactly like it was yesterday. That is, until I approached the edge of the pond where I left the food. Just as my friend confirmed among other rumors, the cake and the bunch of carrots are all gone, only the heads with the stems attached of the latter left behind. Next, I looked towards the tree where I attached the camera, only, to my stunned surprise, to find the velcro belt still wrapped around the trunk, but the device itself resting on the ground facing down. Worried, I walked over and slowly picked it up. To my slight confusion and disappointment, the whole front of the camera is completely mangled and the lens is cracked all over. What's worst is that the slot in front where the SD card goes into is inaccessible, and I fear that there is a high possibility that the card is broken. So much for bringing home evidence...

With a disappointed sigh, I picked up the useless piece of crap and the also-useless velcro belt and headed back towards the campsite. Just as I was about to head into the tent to begin packing, two snaps sounded behind me before I opened the tent flap, and spun around quickly before seeing something low to the ground blur past to the right before hiding behind a large tree.

"Who goes there?!" I called out to who or whatever was hiding. "Don't think I didn't see you, especially in broad daylight."

My call was answered by another rustling sound behind me, and I turned around and saw something which I thought looked like a tail, this time a little slower than the first, move behind another large tree. Afraid that I may have attracted a predator with smoke from the campfire last night, I dropped everything and went for the rifle, still resting by my folding chair. Now armed, I moved towards the tree where I saw the tail disappear while looking at my surroundings waiting for any more sound.

"I-I have a gun, and I'm not afraid to use it!" I called out shakily, though I doubt whatever is stalking me understood what I said.

Reaching said tree, I leapt around it and aimed at the other side, only to find nothing there. Heart racing and adrenaline pumping, I slowly made a few steps back while looking left and right. I had a sudden feeling I was being watched, but could not pinpoint where. It’s almost as if the forest came alive, watching every move I make. A few more steps, and I froze as my back bumped into something that I know isn't a tree. Somewhat paralyzed, I gripped my rifle tightly with my right hand while, very slowly, I lowered my left hand to my side and behind to feel what is on my back. My eyes widen as said hand felt something firm, yet soft. Feeling a little brave, I trailed the hand upwards until it could reach no more, feeling nothing but more softness still. It was only until I heard what sounded like a snort above me that I finally broke out of my slight paralysis. Bounding a few steps forward, I spun on my heel and aimed at it, only to be further stunned with shock and my jaw dropped at what I was looking at.

There stood before me is a strange, yet tall bipedal creature unlike anything that I've seen before. It has a humanoid body, but definitely not human: it has a head of equine features, with a muzzle instead of a somewhat flat face. I also noticed to my added surprise a white, long and sharp horn sticking out of its long pink hair that seem to end near her lower back with only a few strands over the shoulders. I also noticed a long, pink tail that was swishing side to side behind its pure white body and, surprising me for the second time, a pair of large white wings. Her legs are that of a normal horse’s hindlegs, complete with hooves instead of feet. Other than that, that's not what got my attention the most.

What really grabbed my attention is that the mare-like creature is completely naked from head to hoof, and her bust is freaking huge, almost F-sized, along with an hourglass figure and child-bearing hips! I swear no normal women could move about without having any back problems with a bust that big, but she doesn't seem to feel uncomfortable in the slightest, like it's a normal size for her. What's more is that she is at least nearly 8 feet tall, and I couldn't help but stare at her bust as it is at eye level. A sudden movement from the alabaster mare snapped me out of my trance and when I looked up to meet her eyes, which appears to be magenta-colored, I could tell by her frown, or what looked like it, that she is not happy.

When she took a step forward while staring me down, I took a step back in response, not allowing the distance to change, and we did this a couple more times in between small pauses. Nearly forgetting about the gun, I raised it and aimed at her.

"D-don't move any closer, or I'll shoot," I warned despite the fear towards the being.

She did stop, if only for a moment before taking more steps. Keeping to what I said, I aimed not at her directly as I do not want to shoot her, but to the ground near her fe -- hooves. When she took another step, I pulled the trigger. Click. To my increased fear, the gun did not go off, and I mentally facepalmed as I forgot to load it, and the bullets are inside my hiking clothes in the tent. The sound did stop the alabaster mare in her tracks, but since nothing happened, she continued, this time without pause. I gripped the barrel of the gun tightly like a baseball bat while moving backwards, ready to strike if she gets too close. All of a sudden, my back hit something again, and I nearly stumbled forward. I turned around fully to face whatever got behind me, only to freeze again as I saw another mare-like creature. Like the mare now behind me, she too is humanized and fully nude with F-sized bust, hourglass figure and child-bearing hips. Only difference with this one, however, is the stark contrast in color: her body, wings and horn is pitch black with long blue mane and tail that glittered like stars. Her eyes are teal with cat-like slits for pupils, and like her counterpart (or sister, I could assume), she is not happy either.

Before I could act, the black mare suddenly swiped the rifle out of my hands with her right hand. It was so unnaturally fast that I literally fell back onto my ass before I could even blink or process what the fuck just happened. I watched with increased fear, wondering what will come next, as she moved the rifle that's now in her hands as she scrutinized every detail of it. Then, she looked down at me once more and did the one thing that made my blood run cold:

She took each end of the gun with both hands and snapped it in half with no resistance like a twig, despite being made of metal.

I watched with magnified horror as both pieces fell to the ground, and I knew that I was in deep shit at the sheer strength these mares had. Now defenseless, I backed away from the black mare who is now looking at me, only to move no further as something blocked me. I looked up and saw the first mare standing over me, staring down at me with same expression. In a situation like this, there is only one last thing to do: run. With a new rush of adrenaline, I staggered back to my feet as I ran as fast as I could, only looking back once to see the two still standing there as they watch me. But I did not stop, and after I saw what they did to my weapon, there is no fucking way in Hell I want to find out what they'll do to me.

I continued running for my life for what felt like five minutes, and when I looked behind me, I noticed they weren't in pursuit. Just when I was about to feel a sense of relief, I looked ahead and my heart stopped, my eyes now the size of dinner plates; the mares were suddenly right in my flight path. I planted both heels into the ground in an attempt to slow down, to little avail, and slid right into a waiting, outstretched hand of the white mare. Said hand wrapped around my throat and lifted me a few feet off the ground until I was hovering at arm's length over the two creatures. Panicking, I grabbed with both hands to pry open her hand, but her grip did not loosen, only to actually close a little tighter in response. Unable to breathe, I flailed a little as panic increased dramatically, and before long I started seeing black spots around my eyes. I wanted to cry out for help as I could feel myself slipping away, but the lack of oxygen and the tight grip restricted my vocal chords as well.

Just before I was about to die from asphyxia, a slight gasp, or what I thought sounded like it, was heard from below and the grip loosened instantaneously, allowing me to gasp and cough violently as beautiful air entered my slightly burning lungs. Relieved, as well as confused on why the sudden noise, I managed with little movement provided to lower my head to see what was going on. The black mare on the left of the white one was staring, rather intently, at something below the latter's outstretched arm holding me. There was also a faint red tint on its cheeks, yet I couldn't see why since said arm is blocking my vision. I craned my head enough to look around it and notice the white mare was looking down blushing as well. Wondering what they were looking at, I was able to move my head down enough for my eyes to see, only for my cheeks to warm a little in embarrassment when I finally noticed what the problem was:

There is a noticeable tent in my boxers and it was poking and brushing against the white mare's cleavage of her bosom, and it didn't help that I was only wearing my t-shirt and boxers and my lower body is pressing against hers. I never noticed this due to the fear and adrenaline earlier, but I must have gotten a semi-erection from staring at their naked bodies when I first laid eyes on them.

"N-n-nice m-mares," I finally able to utter out softly, hopefully to divert their attention from there and preserve my manhood.

My words seem to work, as the two looked up at me once more and back below again. However, after what felt like a slow, agonizing moment, the white mare finally looked up at me, and her neutral expression changed to that of a lustful grin. My eyes widen at this and I tried to struggle, but my body refused to move at my internal commands as I was fixated on those magenta-colored, half-lidded orbs. She lowered me down, but instead of allowing my feet to touch the ground, I was pulled towards her until her bosom was pressing against my chest, my chin just above her cleavage. I was red as a tomato as I felt the other's bust against my back, and I felt the muzzle of both mares on my head followed by a deep inhale, as if they were taking in my scent, before letting out a sigh. A strange, yet oddly pleasant scent hit my own nose, and I inhaled deeply before suddenly feeling a little lightheaded.

Then, I cried out when she suddenly toss me backwards and letting go of my neck completely.

I cringed as I expected a harsh landing, only to actually land on something soft and bouncy. Shocked and confused, I open my eyes and found myself lying on a soft and large red bed that appeared out of nowhere.

"What the hell?" was the only thing I could say.

Before I could even question how, however, my eyes were drawn back to the two mares sauntering towards the bed. I also chanced a look at their suddenly extended huge wings, which stretched out to an estimate of 5 feet. Their bedroom-like gaze still on me, the two then got on and started crawling towards me. I could also feel my own lust clouding my judgment as I watched those pairs of tits swaying a little as they did so. The white mare rested on her knees by my right side as the other mare did the same by my left, preventing any chance of escape. I flinched a little as the black mare suddenly leaned in and started feeling up my covered torso with her left hand. Before I moved to swat the invasive appendage away, the other mare grabbed my head and pressed her lips against mine aggressively, her tongue demanding for entry.

At this point, any rational thought or attempts to get away were completely overwhelmed in my now lust-clouded mind, and I leaned into the kiss and allowed it. I immediately tasted a mix of carrot, vanilla and chocolate, more on the latter two, as her large, wet muscle swirled about in my mouth, occasionally rubbing against my canines. Not one to let her have all the fun, I pressed my tongue against hers in an exchange for dominance, and I heard what sounded like a moan of approval from the other. Sadly, her muscle was longer than mine and overpowered me. We broke the kiss, a string of saliva connected to our parting lips. Before I could get more than one breath out, the black mare stopped feeling me up, grabbed my head and resumed the french kissing. I got the same mix of the three aforementioned flavors, but more on the carrot, as we tongue-wrestled. The other mare decided to get a feel of my body as well, only this time going under my t-shirt. I groaned a little with surprised pleasure at the touch as her hand is as soft as velvet. As the black mare and I continued kissing, she ended the tongue domination rather quickly, and slowly wrapped her tongue around my own gently and held it, which I didn't mind at all.

Unfortunately, it had to end sometime as we both needed oxygen. As we panted, her teal-colored eyes gazed into my own with that of affection and lust before getting up and moving slowly downwards, her ample bust rubbing purposefully against my side. I watched her until she shifted her body over my legs, her chin just now inches above my boxers. At the same time, the white mare's hand retracted from under my shirt as she watched her sister. The garment itself was giving me slight discomfort from the tent it formed as my prized treasure beneath was trying to tear through, begging to be free from its clothed prison. The two gave a silent nod to each other like they were conversing about something I couldn't hear, before their eyes went on me. I tensed a bit, a slight feeling of apprehension overcoming me, as the black mare reached forward with both hands, fingers latching onto the elastic waistband of my trousers, while the other's hands grabbed each piece of my shirt. Before I knew it, both clothing were torn, literally and figuratively, off my body in one swift movement and thrown off to the side. Immediately, both mares' eyes widen with surprised awe as they stared at my package. There, my 10-inch manhood is now free and standing at full attention. Admittedly, I felt a bit self-conscious about my size, but seeing them slack-jawed erased that feeling immediately.

After a full minute passed, both mares gave me an enticing look as they examined my entire body with their colorful eyes, though amusingly they keep going back to my spire mostly. Though I am not very muscular like all those jocks in fitness magazines, the occasional workout at the gym gave me a rather lean form with a noticeable six-pack to show. The black mare was gazing up and down my length as the other took in my entire body, before the former suddenly blew air through her nostrils at my cock, making it twitch and me to shiver a little. Another musky scent wafted over my nostrils in confirmation that they like what they see. Finally, the former made her move by gently gripping the shaft of my cock with her right, velvety hand. I involuntarily let out a light gasp as the touch sent shivers up my spine; her hand is so amazingly soft. Said shivers increased as the other mare used both her hands to slowly feel up my upper body, occasionally tracing a lithe finger over my abdominals. All three of us were enjoying the touches, until the hand holding my cock started stroking slowly from the base to the head. I groaned with pleasure from the motion she made. The white mare could only watch the other with a lustful grin as the two continued their ministrations before she leaned in towards me and bring in another passionate kiss. We both moaned in bliss as the other mare continued her gentle stroking on my manhood, sometimes stopping for a quick-second rest in between several strokes.

Then, her hand suddenly stopped under the head of my cock, and, before I could wonder why, their was a slight shift of movement at the foot of the bed. Following that, something long and slick trailed slowly from the base up to my shaft and back, causing me to groan louder than normal. Though I couldn't see due to the make-out session with the white mare, I realized that the mare had moved up a little and is now using her tongue to continue where her hand left off. This new change of ministration sent more shivers into me, and before I knew it, I felt my cock started leaking a bit a precum from its tip. When the kiss ended for much needed air, I looked down and watched as the mare's tongue slide up over the head and tip, licking up the pre. She hummed in content at its taste, before sticking out her tongue and swirling it around the head, all the while her teal eyes gazed into mine. I threw my head back with eyes closed and grunted, enjoying her wet muscle on my spire.

Then, she suddenly stopped and started to get up, much to my confusion and displeasure. That was until the white mare took over the spot while the other returned to her previous position, which is my left side. The former looked at me with a sultry smirk before looking at my rod, opened her mouth, wrapped around the tip and began to suckle. It sent another new sensation, and a rather better one, into my entire body, causing me to gasp. My mouth, however, was immediately assaulted as the other mare kissed me passionately. Granted, it was a bit salty tasting from the precum, but I was more than obliged to return it. Slowly, the mare on my dick stopped suckling and started bobbing up and down, swallowing half my dick. The kiss broke off for much needed air, and the mare trailed her tongue down my neck towards my chest, causing me to shiver, until it stopped and circled around my left nipple. At first it was weird, but it wasn't unpleasant. After a minute, the white mare finally descended all the way until her muzzle reached the base. I let out the loudest groan ever as i could feel her throat tighten around my rod. She is really experienced, and took much effort to prevent my climax. Her moans as she continued blowing sent vibrations through my body, and I started to feel a pressure build up in my loins.

"Ah! Sh-shit! I'm gonna cum. Ngh!" I warned between groans.

The second I said this, the mare stopped blowing with a loud pop, and when I looked up, she grabbed her breasts and mashed it onto my spire and rubbed them up and down. My eyes shot open at the velvety feeling of my cock sandwiched between those amazing mammaries and the pressure started to build up rather quickly.

"Nnnnnngh... Ahh!" I cried out in vain attempt to hold it in.

My senses went into overdrive and my hips pumped involuntarily as ropes after ropes of my seed sprayed out every second. The surprised mare stuck her tongue out as she was showered in it, some getting on there while the rest landed on her face and bust. The black mare stopped her tongue on my nipple as she watched the orgasm with equal surprise. Finally, after a minute of post-coital bliss, my dick stopped pumping seed and my body relaxed, leaving me panting for breath. Admittedly, it was more intense than from masturbating, and it was the best feeling ever. Weakly, I opened my eyes and lifted my head to see the white mare giving me a neutral stare, some of my semen on her muzzle. I could only give her an apologetic look, but she instantly grinned back as she used her right hand's finger to get some off her right breast and stuck it in her mouth. She hummed in content before she moved around to lick herself clean. The other joined in, and I could only watch with mild shock and lust as the two slowly cleaned off and share a kiss, swapping saliva and my seed. It was the hottest show I ever saw, and it made my spire re-harden and at attention once more.

When they finished, they looked with mild surprise at how hard I still am, even after that orgasm, before grinning mischievously once again. The white mare crawled rather sensually over my body until she turned around, her nice, round and perky ass now over my face. I noted her pink slit was winking enticingly and somewhat moist. The other followed, but this time settling over my lower region. I could feel something warm and moist touching the tip of my manhood, but despite the limited view due to the mare on top, I knew it was not her mouth.

"Wait," I called out, and, intelligently, they stopped moving and looked at me, obviously confused. "Can you at least take it slow with this? This is my first, after all," I added the last part with slight reluctance.

It is true that being at 20 years old, I haven't even found a special someone, let alone a relationship. Due to being preoccupied on the job as well as dealing with important things at home, I never even found time to look into it, though I had hoped I might find some. Instead of a verbal response, I felt the white mare's pink tail gently slide across my face, as if a show of affection, as well as a soft hand from the black mare feeling against my abs, assuring me that they understood me. Now ready, the two lowered themselves on my face and manhood. For the latter, I was meeting a little bit of resistance as my tip parted the mare's delicate petals, causing her to moan. Said resistance was gone instantly as I fully hilted inside her. It was very warm and slick, more so than a mouth, and it seem to be contracting around my spire, not wanting to let go. It sent a sensation of a whole new level up my spine, leaving me feeling blissed. As for the former, I could feel the heat radiating off of her slit. Not one to leave her hanging, I grabbed each of her flank with both hands, which was much more softer than their hands, raised my head a bit, stuck my tongue and traced around her slit. I got a moan from the mare above my face in approval. I felt the other's marehood slowly releasing my spire with only the tip still inside, only to come back down again, causing me and the mare responsible to moan. She continued her slow rhythm as I continued my tongue work on the other. Feeling adventurous, I trailed my hands up the sides of her voluptuous body until I reached for her large bust. She didn't stop me, but rather lowered herself further until my face and nose was in between her ass cheeks, not enough to cut off air supply, but allowing me to have a better reach. At the same time, it allowed my head to rest on the bed and give my neck a break from straining, so either way, I was fine with it. Thanks to this shift, I was able to get a handful of her bosom and her hard nipples were pressing against my palm. It was so firm, yet soft and I couldn't help but give them a squeeze. This action caused something wet to leak out of her marehood and onto my tongue, giving me a pleasant taste of vanilla. This surprised me more, but given these two are respectively "aliens", it was understandable. The taste was so amazing, I stopped my tongue-teasing on her slit and shove my wet muscle inside, causing her to squeal with surprise and delight as her walls were trying to close around my tongue.

At the same time, the mare on my dick picked up her pace and force, resulting a faint slapping sound as our hips made contact, all the while I was greedily eating out the other. I eventually stopped groping her breasts and allowed my arms to wrap around her legs, but continued my tongue assault in her as well as flicking it over her now swollen clit. After a few minutes, an all too familiar pressure started to build up indicating I am getting close, and judging by the inner walls tightening around my dick, the stream of vanilla-flavored marecum slowly hitting my tongue and the moans rising in pitch, they weren't far off. Before I could attempt a warning, the white mare's ass pressed and grinded against my face to get every inch of my tongue while the other increased her bouncing, turning the slapping sound into smacking sounds. Therefore, I couldn't say a word nor breathe and just wait out the incoming climax. I tried very hard to hold it in, but it made the pressure so unbearable that I reached the point of no return and let out a muffled grunt. Following through, the mares' back arched and head shot up and let out a loud neigh as they too reached their peak.

The inner walls of the white mare convulsed as marecum splashed across my face while the other's fluids soaked and clenched around my cock like a vice, milking me for every drop as I pumped seed after seed into her womb. Waves of euphoria washed over all three of us for a good minute before our orgasms finally started to subside. The two mares were leaning forward with their hands on each side of me to keep their balance as they panted. After a moment, the mare above me slowly got off and crawled over to where the other was, who followed her example and removed her marehood from my cock with a faint pop. I could see my cum dripping from her and onto the bed, and yet despite the most intense orgasm I ever had, I was still semi-hard. I don't know how I still am since I ended up releasing a lot more than a normal amount, but the white mare who is staring intently at it obviously didn't care. As the black mare returned to my left side and lay down sideways, wrapped her arm around my chest and her body snuggling against mine while giving me a satisfied and lustful look, the other then positioned herself over my manhood. However, I looked at her and noticed her asscheeks were over my crotch and not her soaked petals. Before I could stop her, she brought herself down fast and hard, causing us both to yelp as my rod penetrated her anus. The immediate feeling is, well, imagine sticking your dick in a heated oven and pressing the oven door against it at the same time; I couldn't help but grit my teeth from her anus's vice-like grip. Judging by the pained look on her face, she probably wished she didn't do such a thing. Nevertheless, she managed to begin her rhythm, albeit more slowly, causing us to both groan in pleasure and pain. The black mare attempts to comfort me by bringing me in a passionate kiss, which seem to work as I focused on the pleasure of fucking the white mare's ass. In return, I reached with my right hand to grope the kissing mare's breast, which made her hum in approval in my mouth. In fact, she ended the make-out session and shifted herself upwards until her ample bust was in full view. I couldn't help but stare and drool at the amazing sight until I felt her left hand pressing against the back of my head. As she pulled me close, I opened my mouth and latched onto her right nipple and started suckling while using my right hand to massage the other. She moaned at my ministrations and rested her head on mine while keeping her hold on my head, occasionally letting go so I could alternate between nipples after every ten suckles.

Unfortunately, my third and final orgasm came rather quickly due to the white mare's anus massaging all the right spots on my cock, and when I came, she went over the edge as fluids started to splash onto my waist. Her tongue hung from her mouth as she rode out her bliss before finally falling over and collapsing on top of me. The black mare released her hold on me so I could re-center myself on my back, forcing the other to land on my right side and releasing my now wilting cock. With little strength, the panting mare adjusted herself to a comfortable position by snuggling against me and wrapping her arm around my chest and her leg over my own, the other doing the same. We were all drenched in sweat and sex fluids as we rested to bring our heart rates down.

Now breathing normally once more, the two nuzzled my cheeks, as if thanking me for the wonderful time, before resting their heads against my neck and becoming still, all the while being mindful not to poke me with their oversized horn. I noticed it was now late in the afternoon as orange sunlight filtered through the tall trees. We continued to lay here on the soft bed in silence saved for a few scattered chirping of birds nearby. Though things managed to finally calm down as the mares were breathing lightly meaning they fell asleep, I couldn’t do so as the initial shock returned and my mind went into overdrive. I could barely comprehend what just took place just now, and I wanted to get away really badly. That couldn’t be done since their arms and legs locked me in place, so there was only one thing I can do:

My brain shuts down and I passed out.

Bonus Chapter: Reunion

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It is now five-thirty in the afternoon as I sat in my car, my right arm resting on the center compartment while my other is on the steering wheel, my fingers absentmindedly drumming to an unheard tune as I slowly move along with the every day bumper-to-bumper traffic. I am currently heading home from my recent grocery shopping, and I couldn’t pick the worst time to get back out on the streets. Though I have learned to be patient and just deal with it, not everyone else feels the same way, if their constant - and nerve-grating, I might add - horn-blaring is any indication. There is a solution to that, and what better way to tune out the horn-slammers than to turn up the music of the vehicle’s radio, and that’s exactly what I did. My head nodded continuously to the beat of heavy metal as I looked around, to the right, to see the variety of cars, trucks and the like trying to keep up with the traffic. When I slowly turned my head to the left, however, I stopped nodding, and shivered as a chill went up my spine. It’s not the traffic going in the opposite direction that caused my sudden unease, but what’s on the other side. There, only a few miles from the main road by a small, unpaved road, lies the lush, green forest where I once made camp. At once, the noise from the traffic and the radio were slowly being tuned out as memories of my time in there came to the forefront of my mind, memories I tried so hard to forget. Even though it was four weeks ago, I still remember the events as if it was yesterday.

To make the long story short, I went to the forest due to a rumor on the internet about a strange phenomena witnessed by other campers before me, one of them who happened to be a friend of mine. I was very skeptical about it at first, but I felt like going out camping to take a break from work. Plus, I wanted to prove that whatever people are seeing is nothing but a hoax.

...Little did I know was that I was in for the surprise of my life.

At the start, nothing really unusual happened during the night of my stay. When the next morning came, I saw that whatever the previous campers and my friend saw was still haunting the forest; I left a small bait, a slice of cake and bunch of carrots (Weird, I know, but that’s what whatever is here seems to favor over other food by what the people says in the forums.), by a pond not far from where I camped. A night-vision camera was there to catch it, but I found it completely smashed, and the bait gone. As if that wasn't enough, I had a sudden feeling I was being watched.

That’s when I saw it.

It was nothing I’ve seen before, but it was like something straight out of a myth and a porno. Instead of being quadrupedal, it was a biped with features of an equine, and I also learned it is female. How I knew its gender I'll tell you later. That thought aside, I tried to scare it off because it started to approach me in a slightly threatening manner, as if I was encroaching on its territory, which did make sense since it looked like I was, but it didn’t work. It was right afterwards that I learned it was not alone, as I soon met another alien who matches the description of the first, save for the colors of its appearance, quite possibly its sister. I was defenseless as both of them had me backed into a corner, and never was I so scared for my life until then.

Just when I thought it was over for me, Little Me (No, not the little guy from the Austin Powers movies, the other one.) decided to make himself known, since I was only in my T-shirt and boxers at the time. Why did that suddenly happen? Remember how I learned it was female? Well, let’s just say that they obviously didn’t understand public decency. Yeah, they were in their birthday suits, and I was getting an eyeful. I mean, who wouldn’t get hard from seeing two naked humanoid mares? Not to exclude having an hourglass figure that supermodels would die for, those nice round pair of large breasts, that supple and soft ass --

Gah! I’m getting off-topic here. Anyway, yeah that’s what happened, but somehow them seeing my erection distracted them for a bit, before they suddenly did something I never prepared myself for: a bed appeared out of nowhere, and they raped me. Well, they actually were being gentle with me during the sex, but it was rape nonetheless. I swear, it was like I stumbled into a porno or something, only with aliens with animal features and fur. They did feel nice and soft to the touch though. After all was done, we all passed out. However, it didn’t end there. When I woke up, it was nearly sundown and I find myself on the dirt ground, the mares and the bed gone. At first, I thought it was a crazy dream and I unconsciously got out of my tent, but there were several things that derailed that thought: one, I smelled like sex; two, I found my hunting rifle still in half; and last, the camera and the bait the same as earlier. Plus, I never sleepwalk at all.

Needless to say, I grabbed everything I could carry, but unfortunately left the tent behind, got into my car and drove out of there, never once thought about going back to that forest again.

I was suddenly pulled out of my trip down memory lane by a continuous blaring of a car horn behind me, and I looked up to see the traffic finally moving, noticing a large space between me and another car ahead of me. I waved an apologetic and grateful hand to the driver as I finally started moving along. So yeah, that’s basically what happened those four weeks ago, and it left me to believe that myths may not be myths after all. What is even more stranger is that even after I got raped, I never felt bad about it. Usually, anyone who became a rape victim would be scarred and emotionally traumatized, but I never felt either of that. I never felt good about it either. There is an emotion I am feeling even today, but it’s not anger or sadness. It’s… hard to explain.

I made a turn to the right off the main road and onto one leading me into a cul-de-sac, which only took me another two minutes before finally pulling into a driveway and the garage of my two-story house. Parking and grabbing the groceries, I got out, closed the garage door from inside and went through an adjacent door, leading me directly into the kitchen. After a bit of time organizing and shelving the stuff I bought, I pulled a small bottle of Coca-Cola out of my fridge and took a sip while leaning against the counter, staring off as I think about what I wanted to do for the rest of the evening. My gaze moved to the left before my eyes catches the gun halves resting on a bookshelf in the adjacent living room. I do not know why I kept it after all these weeks, but I guess I can still use it to scare off wannabe burglars, even though it won't fire anymore. With a sigh, I walked into said room, going through a door into another room, which happens to be my office, and sat in my chair in front of the computer. I logged in and fooled around on the internet, which now leads me to another thing: the night-vision camera.

After taking a nice, long shower the same night I left the forest, I went to check on the mangled mess of a camera to hopefully see if the SD card is still working and can be extracted safely. Unfortunately, that hope was shattered, as the mares did some amazing damage to the point that the socket holding the card is twisted and non-functioning, and it’s highly possible the card suffered the same fate. Because of this, both camera and card are nothing but scrap materials at the junkyard now. I also held conflicted feelings whether or not I should get on the Rumors Forum and report what happened during my time in the forest, saying “Hey, I encountered the mysterious aliens, which really turns out to be bipedal mares with wings and horn! What’s more, I had sex with them because they were naked!”. Yeah, Who’s going to believe that story? That would really, no pun intended, alienate me and get a one-way ticket to an insane asylum, and I’m not insane enough. After a few minutes of thinking, I kept it to myself, even from my friend who wanted to know, because he called the next day.

Speaking of the Rumors Forum, the last strange thing happened. People after me went camping in the same woods, only to report back they haven’t seen anything otherworldly, and others after them the same thing. Some even uploaded recordings from their own camera - which I watched - and, sure enough, none of the mares showed up to take the baits located near the pond. One did say they found a tent, which some of the wild animals were poking around at and I knew was my own, but otherwise empty. Afterwards, the rumors on the subject finally stopped, the last one from two weeks ago on a Tuesday. Now, I’m not sure if this is because of what happened the day I spent there, but it seems to be the only plausible reason. If anything, they probably moved on, away from the attention they were getting. Again, I don’t know why I feel this same strange emotion or why I care, but I hope they are safe elsewhere. Who knows what the government could do if they found them.

I went on the Forum, and saw it was still the same as before, which makes me somewhat glad that the topic is now old news. At least, I feel a little better knowing that only I had close contact with the mares. I look up from the screen to see the clock hanging on a wall nearby showing that it’s seven-thirty, meaning a good amount of time had passed since I got home. I closed the window, turned off the screen and left for the kitchen, decided to get an early dinner. After thirty minutes of making and eating, I grabbed my dirty dishes and went to the sink. As I washed, I look up towards the window to get a clear view above the roofs of the other houses to see some ominous looking clouds moving into our area, the sky turning a bit darker in the twilight, a surefire sign that there will be a doozy of a thunderstorm, which the news radio during my drive confirmed. Finishing up, I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room to watch TV.

As the man left the room, a shadow from outside zipped past the window from right to left, just before rumble was heard in the distance.

Later that night...

I was relaxing in my recliner as I watched the latest news on TV, as well as tuning out the distinct pattering of rain and thunder outside. On occasion, my mind went back to the mares, and that same feeling comes back again, which has happened to me a lot during the last four weeks. What is this feeling, and why am I thinking about them? Is it because of worry? No, that can’t be it. Why the hell should I worry or care about the extraterrestrials that raped me? The moment I thought that, the feeling became stronger and my heart suddenly wrenched. Again, I could not explain this feeling. Maybe it is worry. Maybe I do care about them. But… they already moved on, away from where no other humans will see them, and I should move on with my life. Though it’s needless to say, it’s very possible that I may never see them the second time, which somehow makes it all the more painful to think about.

A loud crash of thunder outside startled me out of my moping, almost making me jump out of my recliner. After a few calming breaths, I leaned back into it and continue watching the news. Something moved out of the corner of my eye, and I turned my head to see nothing but the stairs leading to the bathroom and my bedroom upstairs. I dismissed it as light reflection from cars moving about outside, though I had a sudden feeling of being watched again. I ignored it due to just being paranoid. After watching the rest of the news and a little bit of the following comedy talk show, I decided to call it a night, so I got up and stretched, turned off the TV, and head upstairs. Taking a few more minutes of brushing my teeth, I left the bathroom and headed for the bedroom. Getting undressed and leaving only my boxers on, I lie down on my king-sized bed, pulled the covers on, and, with my head on the pillow, closed my eyes as the sound of rain became nothing but white noise to help lull me to sleep.

I don’t know how much time had passed, but before I was pulled into the land of dreams, that feeling of being watched returned, only much stronger. I shifted uncomfortably on my side, trying to ignore the feeling, but it didn’t go away. Slowly opening my eyes, I looked at the digital clock on the nightstand, showing it is midnight much to my growing annoyance. Something moved from my peripheral, and taking a sideways glance, I saw what it was. I didn’t realize how fast I shot up to a sitting position, covers thrown off a bit leaving my bare chest exposed, and back fully against the headrest, now on full alert. There standing at the foot of the bed were not one, but two shadow figures. I couldn’t make out their features due to the darkness of the room, but what I can make out is they appear somewhat taller than me - if I was standing - and feminine, the latter judging by their hourglass bodies. I also see something sharp and pointed on top of what seems to be their heads. Lastly, their eyes appears to glow a little with color, the left silhouette’s as magenta and the right’s as teal. Wait, why does that sound familiar all of a sudden? That question was soon answered by brief flash of lightning lighting up the room for a few seconds, but that few seconds was all it took when my eyes widen in recognition at who the intruders were. Everything including time itself seem to slow down.

It was the mares from the forest, the very ones that “raped” me. The one with the magenta eyes is none other than the white, bipedal mare, with an equine-like head with a somewhat long muzzle, her legs that of a normal horse’s hindlegs with hooves instead of feet (Though I can’t tell because of their closeness to the bed, I knew from the first time I saw them), her pink hair, or mane, cascading down her human-like back and strands over her shoulders, unobstructed by her large horn. Her entire figure is still bare for all to see, her large, feathery wings folded behind her back. Her long, pink tail is also noted. The second mare, with the teal eyes and slit pupils, is the same, only with black fur with blue, sparkled mane and tail. Even though the flash passed several minutes ago, the room remain lit, and I looked up to see why: their horns were glowing colorfully, the white mare’s a golden-yellow color and the other’s teal-blue, something I never noticed the first time before, but completely stumping me. They continued to stare at me, something I was doing in return, but neither made any attempts of movement, their expressions unreadable.

At this point, a myriad of questions ran through my mind: “How did they find me?”, “How did they get in without raising the house’s security alarm?”, “Why are they here?” were the few questions that popped up. Then another question came forward, one that filled me with dread: “Have they come to finish what they started before the sex happened?!”

I was snapped out of my train of thought when the white mare finally moved, walking around the left side of the bed, slowly coming closer to me. The last question seem to be the strongest possibility and made me inwardly panic, and I shifted a bit to get away from her, but it was futile as I saw the other moved to the opposite side quicker before I could register, blocking my chance of escape. How the hell is she doing that without any noise?! I looked back at the first to see the distance already closed, and all I could do is press further back in the headrest of the bed. Her face still expressionless and eyes still on mine, she turned a bit before slowly sitting down halfway on the edge of the bed adjusting her tail a bit for comfort (providing me a nice view of her round ass and hip), resting her left leg on the bed close to my covered ones, much to my own discomfort. We continued the staring contest, and I was still panicking if my hands in front of me gripping the comforter tightly is any indication, waiting with bated breath for what will come next. Sadly, it didn’t last long. Slowly, she raised her left hand and reached out to me, and I reacted in my fear-induced state by leaning my head back into the headrest and shut my eyes tight, silently praying to God as I waited for the inevitable.

It never came, but what did, however, was something completely unexpected. I felt her hand brush against my left cheek before moving over to rest on the other, gently applying pressure to tell me to look at her. Hesitantly, I complied and move my head towards her. Cracking open one eye, I noticed her expression had changed. Both eyes fully open, I was staring into those magenta orbs, scared and confused. There was no hostility, only a gentle and comforting smile adorning her muzzle. Why? Why is she trying to comfort me? I should be angry at them for what they did to me in the forest, yet somehow I couldn’t. Lost in her eyes, that feeling that I could not figure out earlier came back, only much more powerful and clear. And this time, I finally knew what it is now: loneliness. All this time, I was living alone for four years, and it never bothered me until now. I felt her thumb brush underneath my eye which felt wet, and I was somehow crying without noticing. I absentmindedly leaned further into her hand, all the while keeping my eyes on her, taking in her comforting smile.

I flinched a little when I felt a hand gently grab my right, and when the white mare removed hers, I looked up to see the black mare looking at me with her own gentle smile, but continued lifting my hand slowly towards her. Confused, I did not resist, but what she did next left my brain on the fritz; she placed my hand on her stomach, and held it there with her own. It did not take a genius to know what the gesture means, yet it still left me shocked and speechless at this new revelation. I see it, but my mind have trouble processing it since it shouldn’t be possible. I may not know much about how reproduction works, but I am very certain that equine/alien and human chromosome levels aren’t compatible. Looking up at the mare’s face and seeing her still smiling genuinely at me, however, silently tells me that this is far from being a joke. She is with child, and I am chosen as its father. The thought alone left me feeling scared yet strangely excited at the same time.

I was pulled out of my mindblown stupor when I felt two hands grab the sides of my face, and was slowly turned to face the white mare again, who now was sitting much closer and her muzzle a mere inch from my face. I looked into her eyes, which were half-closed, and it took a heartbeat before I knew what that look meant. Before anything could be said or done, she closed the gap and locked lips with my own with passion. My eyes widen a bit at the sudden motion, but soon they closed as I leaned into it, all feelings of doubt and fear soon giving way to a building passion within. She hummed with approval, and soon I felt her mouth open and something wet prodding my lips. I granted her permission and felt her equine tongue slowly entering and feeling around my teeth. She shuddered at the exotic feeling of my canines due to its sharpness, but was mindful not to cut herself, before finally tapping on my own tongue. I understood and let my muscle get wrapped around by her own, content with just an embrace. My right hand is finally released before feeling the bed shift, signalling that the black mare had joined in on the bed. With both hands freed, I feel a little bold as I used them to explore the white mare’s body, taking in the soft fur. She made no attempt to stop me, not even as I got a feel of the underside of her bosom which made her moan a little, before settling them right on her buttcheeks. Not sure how long we were at it, but we broke the kiss for much needed air, a string of saliva connecting from our mouths as we part. It was amazing and passionate, and at this point, any animosity I had towards them was completely gone only to be replaced with growing lust. I shuddered a little as the black mare used her soft hands to feel around my bare torso. The other removed her own hands from my face, allowing the aforementioned to have her turn in a make-out session. Due to being distracted, I failed to notice the other mare making a bold move by slowly slipping a hand underneath the covers, brushing against my legs - which I barely registered - before finally finding the prize she was looking for. I gasped a little at the touch, not noticing my own growing arousal until now, and broke the kiss with the black mare before staring at the other with a bit of surprise. She gave me an innocent yet lecherous look, all while deliberately rubbing her hand over the gradually-growing tent of my boxers, causing me to shiver with pleasure. Her sister, intently watching the scene, seems to get the idea, and added her own hand to the foreplay while grinning the same grin as the other. I squinted my eyes shut, feeling myself getting harder from their groping, almost letting out a groan; it was getting slightly uncomfortable due to the boxers getting tighter overtime. As if sensing it, they removed their hands, and I felt one on each shoulder and apply a gentle, downward press, signalling me to lie down on my back. I did so, scooting downward a bit before resting my elbows comfortably at my side, resting my head back on the pillow pressed against the headrest. Satisfied, they exchanged looks between the blanket and each other for a bit before sporting a grin, an unknown plan in their minds. They turned to me, which honestly somewhat scared and excited me at the same time, before scooting down towards the end of the bed, leaving both pairs of hands at the hem of the comforter and dragging it down along with them. So there it is, my legs and boxers fully exposed, the latter with a noticeable bulge within. The mares stared at it with hunger, though the black one had a look of annoyance and her horn glowed a little brighter. I literally almost sit myself when a translucent blue beam fired from said horn and hit my boxers, but strangely no pain came forth. Instead, my jaw literally dropped in dumbfoundment when my boxers disintegrated freeing my semi-erect cock in the process.

‘A horn that shoots ‘fabric-atomizing’ lasers?! What’s next, ‘levitation’?!’ my mind scream its disbelief.

I was brought from my shock hearing the mares softly whinnying in mirth at my expression, causing my cheeks to warm and look away. It was short-lived as they finally noticed my semi-erection, almost drooling at the sight. I looked back as they leaned down closer to it, muzzles a mere inch away. I heard them inhale deeply through their nose, taking in my arousal’s musk, taking notice of their wings slowly flaring to their full span, just like last time. If it weren't for the current situation, it makes me wonder if those aren't just for show either. They sighed through their mouths, their hot breaths pulling my attention from the feathery appendages and causing my erection to twitch to full mast. Their eyes make contact with mine briefly, a devilish grin forming on their lips. Then the black mare made her first move by touching my manhood with her fingers and softly moving it from tip to base and back, while the other mare toyed with the sack with her digits. I huff and shivered at the touches again as my body heated up, a reaction they seem to have expected. They continued the teasing for a bit, seeming to enjoy the scrunched expression on my face and shudders my body is making. I want to call them out to stop the torture, but they stopped thankfully before I could. Instead, they repositioned themselves to lie down on their stomach by both side of my waist, their muzzle still very close. Then, their tongues stuck out and on the cock, the white mare’s starting at the tip while the other’s at the base and slowly began licking from tip to base and base to tip, respectively, and back.

“Hooolyyy Mother of God,” I breathed out, not expecting this foreplay, but not at all unpleasant.

The mares hummed, so they continued their work, slathering the sides, head, front and back with their own saliva. They then took it further as the white mare took the tip in her mouth before going down in one gulp, enveloping my cock fully in her warm mouth while her sister suckled on one of my balls. Their actions made me grunt with pleasure, and they kept this up while taking turns on both cock and balls, sending more spikes of pleasure up my spine. After a few minutes of this, I felt my cock twitch occasionally, meaning what I knew would be a first stage of an impending climax. They noticed as well and stopped, making me look at them in confusion as they shifted their upper bodies closer. Before I could voice my displeasure out loud, they immediately held their large breasts, pressed them together a bit, and mashed against each other’s, sandwiching my cock in an instant. My eyes widen and head reeled back as I groaned loudly at the feel of two humongous pairs of fur-covered tits on my manhood, the pleasure returning a tenfold. It didn’t stop there as they began pumping, each taking turns blowing me as they come down. The twitching of my cocktail became more frequent, and once or twice my hips jerk upwards on its own, somehow hitting the back of their throats despite their long muzzles. Then the twitching stops and a familiar pressure slowly started to build up in my loins.

“I’m g-gonna - ah - cum!” I groaned out a warning.

The ears of the mares perked at my words and they stopped blowing, but kept titfucking me and picked up speed. The pressure came faster and more intense from this and I tried to hold it in a bit longer, to little avail.

“Nngh… AaaAAH!” I cried out towards the ceiling as it became too much and climaxed, my hips making one final thrust upward and looked in place.

Four weeks of sexual frustrations without release, and thinking about the mares’ naked bodies, made itself known in the rolling waves of bliss as my cock fired rope after rope of semen into the air before landing on their breasts and muzzles. It was the most intense orgasm I had and it didn’t feel like it will stop. After what felt like the longest ten seconds, my cock finally twitched out a little more before stopping, and my hips relaxed back on the bed along followed by me lying down again. I stared off towards the ceiling for a minute, panting from the high, before I glanced down towards the mares, only to see the most erotic sight yet. The two mares are taking their sweet time cleaning one another of my cum off their boobs and muzzles, ending it with a wet, sloppy kiss. My manhood, going flaccid, slowly re-hardened to full mast once more, ready for round two. I managed, albeit weakly, to sit up on my elbows again, only to get french-kissed by the black mare again. I almost recoiled in disgust from the salty taste of my own ejaculation, but that feeling melted as I felt her one of her soft hands gently stroking my erection. I felt the bed shift behind me, and when I broke the kiss to look back, I saw the most enticing sight. The white mare, while I was distracted, was leaning forward, facing away from me with her hands resting on the headboard, while her back arched and her amazingly round butt stick in the air, complete with her pink tail moved to the side, exposing her marehood. It appears moist and slick from her fluids trailing down her inner thighs, clearly showing her excitement. With a wiggle of her flanks, she turned her head back to look at me over her extended wings with bedroom eyes and biting her lower lip.

‘Goddamn. For an alien that looks half-human, half-horse, she knows how to look sexy,’ the perverted part of my mind spoke, and I would agree with that thought.

Because I was drinking in the sight and not moving, I feel the black mare put her hands on my shoulders and gently push me towards her sister, and I did not resist. As I was on my knees right before the flanks of the white mare, I felt my rod tingle, and I looked down to my slight shock to see it a blue glow around it as it lined up with the mare’s moist slit. The mare’s horn up front is still glowing, but it was yellow, so I looked back at the mare behind me to see hers glowing a bit brighter, and her half-closed eyes and grin gave way to what her plan is. I feel the tip of my cock tracing her vulva, lubricating it with her fluids. Then I feel hands groping my butt before slowly pushing me forward, making me penetrate her. The white mare let out a soft moan at the feeling of my cock entering her, and her inner walls clenched around it, making me grunt in return. It felt amazing, a feeling I’ve missed after so long...

...and I loved it every bit of it.

Again, I was not moving so the black mare took it upon herself and placed her hands on my hips. Slowly, she pulled me back, assisting me as my cock slowly comes out with the tip still inside, then pushed forward, hilting her sister once more. Taking the hint, I grabbed the white mare by her butt, giving them a little squeeze and feeling the softness as well, and took over, allowing the other to wrap her arms around my torso and rest her head on top of mine, and feeling her breasts pressed against my back, content with just hugging me while I fucked her sister. The white mare’s moans of pleasure were music to my ears, and after a while I picked up the pace, the sound of skin meeting fur just barely audible. Then, the mare behind repositioned her head to my right shoulder from my head (thankfully, since the pressure was straining my neck a bit) and her left arm unwrapped itself from me. I felt her shift a bit on my back, but never removed her bosom, and soft moaning was heard right in my ear. I don’t know what she was doing back there, but I can take a wild guess that the noise and lack of arm means she is fingering herself, probably aroused as well. Plus, the moaning from both mares was hot and only spurred me on.

Suddenly, the mare in front let out a short neigh as her marehood clenched around my cock like a vice, forcing me to stop abrupty for at least two seconds, a bit of marecum covering it in the process, before she relaxed with a shudder, meaning she just had a mini-orgasm. I continued to rut her for a bit longer before finally noticing that her wings were twitching in a steady rhythm, almost like a heartbeat (my eyes were on her butt the entire time). Curiosity finally getting to me, I slowed down my fucking and leaned forward a little, losing the feel of the black mare’s bosom and head at the same time, reaching out with both hands. As soon my hands gently grabbed each wing, the mare below tensed a little before relaxing again, possibly surprised at the touch. It was muscle and bone as I gently massaged the wing near the base, and judging by a louder whine of pleasure in response, I think I discovered an erogenous zone. After a bit of feeling her wing from base as far as I could towards where the bending joint is located (seriously, her wings are definitely twice my arm’s length), I traced my fingers over her primaries and small feathers, making them twitch a little more. They felt amazing and soft to the touch, if I daresay softer than her butt. After a while of slow fucking and feeling her wings, I felt my cock twitching once more and her vagina convulsing and letting out a steady stream of her fluids, signalling that we’re close, so I tripled the pace and pounded her pussy with abandon, our hips now making slapping sounds. The white mare moaned ever louder as I massaged her wings while pleasing her down below, and it wasn’t long before the pressure in my loins build up again.

“I’m going to cum!”

In response, her pink tail flicked and wrapped itself around my torso, repositioned herself so her elbows rested on the bed, while her rump meets my waist midway in our rutting, giving me all that I need to know where she wanted it. I took notice of her horn glowing brighter and letting out tiny sparks like fireworks, which was shocking and awe-inspiring at the same time. I held it in a bit longer before she let out the loudest neigh that made my ears ring a little as her marehood convulsed and gripped me like a vice again, milking me for what I was worth. This in turn made me cry out towards the ceiling as I hilted fully and climaxed hard, my seed mixing in with her own gushing fluids. I felt it overflow as some of it leaked on my balls and dripped on the bed. There was another cry of ecstasy from behind, signalling the black mare’s own orgasm. As we finally came down from our post-coital high, the mare below struggled a little before she collapsed fully on the bed, followed by me right on top of her, my arms splayed out over her wings and still inside her. A few seconds later, I weakly managed to sit up again before slowly pulling out of her winking and oversensitive marehood. Her tail finally released its hold on me, so I took a minute to look down at my handiwork to see some of our cum trickling out of her marehood onto the sheets. It must have been quite a lot than it was during the titfuck/blowjob, and I could feel myself almost spent. The mare shifted onto her right side, her eyes closed and a satisfied smile on her face.

Before I could do anything, I felt arms wrap around me again in a hug, followed by a wet muscle and series of slow, sensual licks on my back and neck, picking up the sweat I accumulated from the rough sex. Weird, but not unpleasant as it gave me goosebumps. Then, the mare behind me crawled on her hands and knees around me, eyes on my shrinking rod until she fully faced me. She opened her mouth and wrapped around it, cleaning off any remaining fluids while moaning in delight. I winced due to my cock being oversensitive, but somehow her actions made me hard again. She released with a low, satisfying pop before turning around and crawled to the front of the bed to left of her sister. Still on her hands and knees, she craned her head to glance at me seductively over her slightly extended black wings before raising her starry, blue tail straight up high, fully exposing her dripping marehood and her puckered plothole. I stared at her, grinning like an idiot, before getting on my own hands and knees and crawling right behind her, my face now just inches from her sacred flower. I took in her pleasant musk through my nose before shoving my tongue right into her love tunnel, receiving a bittersweet yet pleasant taste of her fluids. She let a surprised whinny at the sudden invasion, but her butt now leaning into my face to get my tongue further silently tells me that she welcomed it. I continued to eagerly lap up her juices as well as pulling out to trace her petals. It wasn’t long before she let out a whine of desperation and pulled away. I looked up at her to see her giving me an adorable pout while wiggling her hips, and I understood what she wanted. Sitting up on my knees again and moving closer, I lined up my rod right on her second hole and, after getting a nod from the mare, slowly pushed in. Despite my dick lubricated with both saliva and sex fluids, her hole was very tight and her body went rigid as soon as my tip entered. I saw her pained expression and massaged her butt to comfort as I continued to ease through, which helped a little. After what felt like a full minute, I was fully inside her as her burning anal walls clenched with a double vice-like grip, which was just as painful as the last time to be honest. It took another whole minute before she finally relaxed, and I slowly thrusted in and out of her. Her face soon gave way from pain to pain and pleasure as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her tongue hang limply out of her mouth. Her sister, who recovered earlier and was currently watching us, scooted closer and started exchanging wet kisses with each other. I’ll admit it was hot to watch. Just like last time, the climax came short and quick as I emptied whatever semen I had left before finally spent. Thankfully, the mare moaned out her own peak as her fluids dripped on the bedsheets before collapsing on her left side, releasing my shrinking cock. Out of breath, I managed to crawl over to join them, the white mare returning to her previous position, before I turned and collapsed onto my back right in between them. The two scooted closer, each wrapping an arm over my body and leg intertwining with my own. I felt them nuzzle followed by a lick on my cheeks before resting their heads on the pillows with a contented sigh. For a while, we just lay there as we bring our heart rates down, and soon the glows of their horns slowly grew dimmer before winking out, the room enveloped in complete darkness once more.

When the calm and silence finally joined the darkness saved for the low pittering of rainfall on the window, I finally noticed with a clearer head of a change within me. Any resentment I had towards the mares were completely gone, only to be replaced with a feeling I haven’t felt for a long while: happiness. I was happy, as well as joyful due to the fact that I will soon be a father to not one, but possibly two children. It was unexpected, sure, but it has always been my dream to have a family of my own. There is also a hidden thought that due to the two being half-horses that my children may be born a hybrid, but I trashed that instantly; I wouldn’t care about that, because I would still love them and be the best father I can be. Then, one last thought came up, one that almost killed my happiness: if I wake up, will they still be here, on my bed asleep. With that thought, I turned over slowly without disturbing them on my side until I was facing the white mare. Despite the dark, I can still see her eyes closed and a small smile on her face, breathing softly. It hurt me a bit if that were ever to happen, so I wanted to prevent it by doing the only thing: I wrapped my arm around her body as well, and barely wanted to pull her closer and never let her or the other mare go.

“Please, don’t leave me alone,” I half-whispered, half-whimpered, hoping they can understand me, “Stay with me… Stay by my side until death do us part.

In answer to my plea, they snuggled closer and held me tighter, letting out a light nicker before going silent and still again. This action alone rekindled my happiness, and a tear of joy was shedded. Finally, after a moment of silence, fatigue sets in and my eyelids felt heavy before I soon drifted off to the land of dreams with a smile on my face.

Since that night, the mares have stayed with their human lover, with their two healthy Alicorn children born eleven months later, up until he died of ripe, old age.