Camp Orion

by Meemie7

First published

What is necessary is rarely easy or comfortable. It causes anger, depression, and most of all, fear. Pure and simple fear. Fear of what others may think. Fear of what will change. Fear of whether or not things will ever get better.

What is necessary is rarely easy or comfortable. It causes anger, depression, and most of all, fear. Pure and simple fear. Fear of what others may think. Fear of what will change. Fear of whether or not things will ever get better.

Some will run from it. Others will face it.

Luna and Discord are locked into it.

And they are not leaving Camp Orion, the first Royal Rehabilitation Facility, until they do what is necessary.

Chapter 1: Celestia

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Dear Princess Celestia,

I am the mayor of Saddle Lake, a village south Fillydelphia. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I require assistance immediately. A massive infestation of flying pigs have invaded the town. We are trying as best we can to get the situation under control, but the pigs are hostile and we require assistance. I am deeply regretful to ask this of you, but please help us.

Mayor Petal Twirl

My hoof lifts off the edge of the parchment and the scroll rolls neatly back up on its own. I let out a sigh. This is the seventh letter of distress today. Seven towns are being overrun by a new, unique problem. The last one reported orange soda bursting out of the reservoir and the one before that complained about all the dinner china turning into giant rats. Not one letter said that there was a culprit behind the situations, but I know they know. They know that I know, but no pony wrote anything about it. Probably because they don’t want to suggest one of my friends is the mastermind behind all these unnatural disasters. But, every pony knows who is behind this.

I pass the scroll to an on-standing guard. He takes it with his magic. “Take this and assemble another troop to go to Saddle Lake. And look out for a certain Draconiquis, will you?”

“Yes, your Highness.” the guard replies as he leaves the room. I sigh again. We must be running low on troops right now. I don’t want to get to the point where we have to pull troops from the Crystal Empire, but at this rate, that might be the case. I want to go to Saddle Lake and be part of the action, to confront Discord myself. But, the letters just keep coming! I have to be here to receive any news and command the Royal Guard.

Suddenly, another puff of smoke appears above my head. Most villages have ways of sending messages via magic this way, but only one source comes from that green hue of smoke. I pick up the falling letter with my magic before it even hits the ground. Sure enough, it has the special seal of a large, pink star with five white stars surrounding it. Twilight. Oh, don’t tell me he’s gotten to Ponyville now, too! I open the letter and reluctantly begin reading.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I hope you are doing well and I hope Princess Luna is fine as well. I understand that she was absent last night and I apologize for her absence. However, last night, I learned of a very serious matter regarding your sister and I have many concerns. We learned that she created something called the Tantibus…

Chapter 2: Luna

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My wings carry my as fast as they can through the halls of the castle. Why did she not wake me up!? This is a serious matter! Village after village is facing calamity and she had not bothered to think that I might be of assistance! I bank hard as I turn the corner. Just down the hall are the massive double doors to my sister’s study. Two guards stand at both sides of the doors. They catch sight of me and stiffen. “Let me pass.” I state in the royal equestrian voice. The guards do not think twice before they open the door and I fly straight through. The large study is lit by a steady fire in the fireplace. I find my sister sitting the the middle of heaps of opened letters, almost like she was expecting me.

“Hello, Lulu. Did you sleep well?”

“What kind of a bureaucracy are you running where you leave your only co-leader and sister to sleep during a national crisis!?” The white alicorn chuckles and stands up.

“Luna, it is not a crisis at all. No lives were put in danger and the Royal Guard managed to take care of the majority of the problems. Right now, they are just cleaning up.”

“It still must have caused mass panic, Celestia! Are you not concerned about that?”

“Sometimes ponies need a bit of excitement in their lives. We’ll discuss that matter later but, right now, let’s talk about you.” A golden hoof waves to the two guards standing inside the door and they leave the room.

“Me!? You are concerned about me at a time like this!?” My sisters face turns from her warm smile to a cold, torn expression and I keep quiet. After a long silence, Celestia hands a letter to me.

“I received this from Twilight today.” I scan over it and I know exactly what this discussion is about. “Luna… what’s going on, really? And don’t just say that you’re fine.” I swallow hard.

“I… Celestia, it really is fine. I’m fine, now. The Tantibus won’t give me the nightmare again. I won’t let it.”

“So, you still have it.” I take a hoof step back.

“Y-yes…” Celestia sighs.

“Luna, please… don’t do this. You can’t hold yourself to the past. Not like this.”

“I’m not, I’m fine now!”

“Then, why do you still have the Tantibus?” I don’t reply. I never did expect it to go away completely. I just have more control over it now.

“Celestia, I’m sorry. The Tantibus will not escape again.”

“That’s not the point, Luna! I don’t care whether the Tantibus escapes into the real world or not. Right now, I want to know that it’s not hurting you. That you are not hurting yourself.”

“And I’m telling you, I’m not. Sister, I am fine. Really, I am.”

“But-“ A knock interrupts my sister and a guard enters.

“I sincerely apologize, your majesties, but we have found Discord in Trottingham. We need your intervention if we hope to corner him.” I let my shoulders relax.

“We’re not done, Luna. We will discuss this later.”

Chapter 3: Discord

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I dance along the stone pavement of the streets of Trottingham, watching the rain crash into the ground. Well, not exactly rain. More like… yarn. The plush, colorful strings fall into heaps on the ground. Almost all of the stone road is covered in multicolored yarn. Ponies are taking cover in their houses, eyes wide as they stare up into the sky or stare at the Draconiquis dancing in the streets. I don’t usually come out to play in my little secret chaos springs as I call them, but today is different. I grin a toothy grin as I hear the guards behind me.

I pirouette around to find a troop of ten guards plowing through the yarn. “Halt! You’re under arrest!”

“Shouldn’t you catch me before you put me under arrest?” I mock. I always did enjoy a game of tag, especially when the stakes are high and chaos is abundant. And what a glorious day it is for chaos! I wave my lion paw and the yarn piled on the ground begins to move on its own. They tie and weave themselves together in no time, forming a very large serpent with a menacing, toothy grin.

The guard at the lead of the pack unsheathes his sword with his magic and the rest follow suit. The serpent whips his tail at the guards, bringing down the destructive force of a ten-foot heap of wool. Some guards react fast enough to dodge the blow. Others were not so lucky. They stumble backward, their swords crashing to the ground. I laugh as I turn the corner of a tall building. It’s been a long time since I was hunted by the royal guards. I forgot how fun it could be!

I hear the clash of metal against cloth from behind the building, but I also hear the flapping of wings. Large wings. Large, white wings of an alicorn… My long neck cranes to look up at the sky and, sure enough, the white underside of Celestia’s wings as well as the midnight blue of Luna’s wings soars across the clouds. Well, things just got interesting.

I spread out my own wings and fly up to meet them. It does not take them long before they notice me.

“Discord, what are you doing?” Luna snarls. “This is unacceptable!"

“Oh, but look how comfy and colorful it looks! Plus, this town won’t have any shortage of knitting materials for a long time.” I grin. Luna grimaces and Celestia sighs.

“Discord… why? Answer me honestly.” Celestia speaks with her voice like silk. I shrug my lion shoulder and my eagle shoulder.

“Does it matter? I just did, that’s all.” I reply with nonchalance.

“You know we will have to arrest you, correct?” I snort. I expected that much, yes. But, knowing Celestia, she wouldn’t keep me custody for more than a day. Regardless, I have tea with Fluttershy tomorrow and I would prefer not to look like I spent a night in prison.

“Fine, fine. I’ll stop and go home.” Luna bows her head low.

“And how can we trust that you won’t be out again?”

“You know where I live. If you catch me again, you’ll arrest me. Yes?”

“Why shouldn’t we just arrest you now?” I fly forward to where the princesses hover and trace my eagle claw along Luna’s chin.

“Oh, just give me another chance. I’ll behave.” Luna pulls away, glaring at me like a snake. Celestia whirls around to face me.

“No, Discord. I want to know why. Why did you do it? You seemed content before… why now?” I just glare at her, not saying anything. What right does she have to know my motives?

“Discord, if you won’t tell me, I will put you under arrest.” I let out a sigh. I could just run, but where would I go? Maybe camp out in a cave somewhere, but I’d eventually have to go home. I eye Celestia, her brows furrowed.

“I just wanted to have some fun. That’s all it was.”

“I don’t think that’s all.”

“Well, I told you my reasoning, regardless of whether you think it is correct or not. What do you want, a contract?” I snap my fingers and a scroll of paper pops up next to me reading “CONTRACT” in big, gothic letters at the top. Celestia grimaces, but shakes her head.

“No. It’s fine. I’ll take your word for it.”

“But, sister…” Luna protests.

“He’s fine. He won’t bother anyone again, Luna. Let’s go home.” I grin and wave my paw at the growling Luna, shooing her away. With one last look, the princesses poof all the yarn in the town gone and they fly off towards Canterlot. I fly off in the other direction to my own home. I have won, but I don’t feel like I won. It might just be me, but in that last look Celestia gave me… it was a knowing look. One that suggested the wheels in her mind were turning and she had something up her sleeve.

Chapter 4: Twilight

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My hoof steps echo against the tile floor of my mentor’s castle. It feels so cold and lonely here without anyone else around. Even most of the guards are gone today. I couldn’t even bring Spike with me, but I’m sure he’s enjoying his day off. All I have is myself, my saddlebag, and the cavernous halls around me.

The doors to the conference room are already open for me. I can see Celestia and Cadence sitting around an elegant white roundtable. Two chairs are empty, one for me and one for Luna. Except Luna will not be joining us today. This is a more personal princess meeting.

“Good evening, Twilight. I hope getting here didn’t take too long.” Cadence calls to me as I sit down at the table. I can hear the doors close behind me and the hoof steps of the royal guards leaving the room.

“Not at all. Where’s Luna right now?”

“She is out raising the moon. I made sure to schedule this meeting right at this moment, but we have to be fast. Placing the stars in the sky only takes so long.” Celestia says. “Now, we’ve got two matters to discuss here: Luna and Discord. In light of recent events, I don’t think we need much more of an introduction.” Both Cadence and I nod followed by Cadence's voice reaching across the table.

“I don’t think they should be in commission at this stage. The stress of the job might be getting to Princess Luna and we know we have to restrict Discord.”

“I highly doubt my sister would be willing to take a vacation so liberally. And Discord would downright loathe the idea of being restricted.” Celestia places her chin on her hoof.

“Who said this had to be liberal?” I speak up. Both Cadence and Celestia turn to me and I shy away. “Or, um…”

“No, no. Go on.” Cadence urges. I look to my mentor who nods in turn. I clear my throat.

“W-well, I just… they’re gonna resist anything that we try. Or, at least it sounds like they will.”

“This is the Princess of the Night and the Master of Chaos we’re talking about, you know.” I nod in understanding. They have power, authority. We can’t just do anything we want to them. But, this might be best…

“I know. But, sometimes we have to take more drastic measures to see a result. Whether they like it or not, things have to change.” Celestia sighs.

“Alright. What do you suggest we do, then?” I use my magic to take a sheet of parchment folded into fourths out of my saddle bag. I place it in front of Celestia who proceeds to unfold it, then read it. “Twilight, are you sure this will work?”

“If things have to change, this is the way to do it.” Celestia nods and passes the parchment to Cadence. I get a glimpse of the photo at the top of the page, displaying a mare with blue hair, a calculating gaze at the camera, and one heck of a resume calling for just this type of task.

Chapter 5: Luna

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The tip of my wing brushes against my sister’s outstretched wing as the endless rolling hills race by below us. Six guards surround us in a circular formation, staring straight ahead to the horizon. Supposedly, in a small, obscure village, officials there required a royal audience. At least, that is what my sister told me when she woke me up early this morning. She did not tell me the name of the village or the approximate location.

The grassland hills slowly begin to transform into arid land, the grass becoming like lace, then a half-finished puzzle, then scattered patches. Eventually, grass was seldom seen in the land. The further we fly, the more I doubt that there is actually any kind of civilization out here. Well, I suppose a village like Appleloosa could be here but…

“Um, sister? Where exactly are we going?” Celestia turns to me and grins.

“You don’t see it yet? Do you see that small white spot over there?” I look back and, sure enough, a white building comes into view, surrounded by probably the only patch of grass and trees for miles. Flowers dot the front lawn of the building. They were so colorful and bright that it almost looks fake. Yet, there was only one building.

“Where is the village?”

“There is no village…” I blink. No village? Then, why did we fly all the way out here? Celestia motions for me to descend, giving me a warm smile in the process. I nod hesitantly and follow. What could possibly be going on?

We land and I take in the structure. There is nothing significant about it except for it’s location. It has one door at the front and two windows surrounding the door. The windows appear to have iron grates covering the pane. I shift my gaze to the single tree I spotted from the air and…

“Discord!?” I cry out. He turns toward me and squints his eyes.

“Oh, hello, Princesses. Did you decide to put me under arrest after all?" He motions to the metal cuffs around his wrists. Two guards stand at both of his sides, bowing their heads in our presence.

“No, Discord. Not at all. This is not a prison. Nor is it a village.” Celestia motions to the building and then turns to face us.

“Welcome to Camp Orion, Discord and Luna. This is where you will be staying for the next few weeks.” I blink and turn to Discord who, in turn, looks blankly at me.

“What?” I hiss at my sister. “What do you mean?”

“In light of recent events, Cadence, Twilight and I have decided that something needs to change regarding your destructive behavior. Discord, you have been hurting others and Luna, you have been hurting yourself. We can’t just sit and watch those we care about to do that. So, we came up with a solution and this is it.” I shake my head in disbelief.

“Sister, you cannot be serious about this.”

“I am and you should be, too.” I can feel my face getting hotter. My sister looks up into the sky, squinting her eyes. I follow her gaze and see a slight shimmer in the sky above, some of the clouds being distorted by a pinkish ripple.

“What is that?”

“That is a magic barrier. When you flew through it, your magical abilities were hindered so that summoning the Tantibus or doing any other kind of physical harm to yourself via magic became impossible. The same applies to you, Discord. You no longer have the ability to wield chaos based magic as long as you remain in this barrier.” Discord blinks and snaps his fingers together. Nothing happened. He tries again with a similar result.

“Outstanding.” He mutters.

“The magic barrier also prevents you from leaving Camp Orion. Guards will be on duty around the clock. If you need anything, they’ll be there to tend to your needs given that your request is within boundaries, or course.”

“Celestia, I cannot stay here! You know I don’t belong here!” My sister gingerly steps forward like a spirit and places her hoof on my shoulder.

“Please, Luna. I want to be absolutely sure that you’ll be okay. I know you don’t like this, but it’s for the best. I know that you want to make sure you’re okay, too and this is the way to do it. Please… do it for me and do it for yourself.” Her white wings spread out wide and raise above her head. “I must be going. I’ll come back in a few days to check in, okay?” She glances at Discord who waves a claw at her. “And try not to kill each other…” Her wings push towards the ground and she lifts off into the sky with two guards following her. The rest remained on the ground, all eyes staring at us. I watched in disbelief as my sister’s white coat becomes smaller and smaller with each flap she takes, flying far out of sight.

“Your highness?” A guard taps me on the shoulder from behind. “Shall we go inside?” I don’t speak. I don’t even blink. Emotions well up inside of me and I feel as if they will burst if I even try to speak. They all race around my chest. Anger. Hurt. Despair. Sadness. Guilt. Guilt. Guilt. If I had never created the Tantibus, this never would have happened.

“Princess Luna?” The guard says once more. Without speaking, I nod.

Chapter 6: Luna

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The stallions clad in gold do not show us around the complex, if it can even be called that. They simply open the door for me and the Draconiquis to enter and step back outside the door. There is no tour of the place since it very well seems there is nothing to tour. The room we enter in is quite simple, really. Along the side, closest to the door, a wooden kitchenette area clusters together. On the opposite wall, there is a desk with what seems like hundreds of stacks of parchment, an unopened ink bottle, and a pure white quill, the bristles of the feather aligning perfectly. In the far opposite wall, two cream-colored couches sit across from each other and a large, tall-backed armchair rests between them as if it is breaking them up from a potential fight. There’s a screen door on the opposite wall as well to what looks like a backyard and two doors on the side walls, mirroring each other perfectly.

I stand there motionlessly next to Discord who does much of the same. It is like a stand-off between me and him to see who will make the first move, who will explore the place first. I let out a sigh and take a step forwards rightmost door. I focus on the gold doorknob and try to grab hold of it with my magic. It feels a bit more strained than usual, but the doorknob glows a soft blue and turns to my will. Well, at least my magic isn’t all gone.

The door swings open, revealing a much smaller room than what I am used to. A bed, quite a large one at that, is pushed up against the corner, the white sheets glowing a soft orange from the light of the dipping sun from the window above it. A simple lamp stands next to the bed and a wooden desk similar to the one outside the room is pushed against the other wall. Well, I suppose it will suffice for a little while. I clear my throat and leave the room back into the main corridor.

When I come back, Discord is already no where in sight. Exploring the grounds, I presume. I trot over to the desk pushed up against the wall and use my magic to open up the ink bottle. I pick up the quill, immerse it in the thick, black ink and start scribbling on the nearest sheet of parchment.


Who do I even send this to? Who can get me out of this? None of the princesses would help. This whole endeavor was their idea, after all. Perhaps one of Twilight’s friends…? What would I even say? What would they think if they found out that I was here? I put down the quill pen on the parchment, the dripping ink forming a spreading bushy flower across the near-white surface. I stare at the tiny points the ink makes as if the black is reaching for an unmarked surface to cover. My face begins to scrunch up. Why did I do that? Why did I ever let the Tantibus do that? I should have never let it get that far.

I put the cap back on the ink bottle and slide out of the chair. Over half a day of flying has made my whole body exhausted. I open up the door to my room and trot inside.

“What are you doing?” A certain raspy voice calls at me from the bed. Discord’s serpent-like body sprawls across the sheets, his tail drooping off the far end of the bed.

“What are YOU doing? This is my room!” I snap at him. He sits up on the bed, his back resting against the wall and a cold stare meeting my equally stern eyes.

“I don’t ever recall being assigned rooms and your name was not on it. Therefore, it’s fair game.”

“But, I was here first! Besides, your name is not on it, either.” Discord shows me his toothy smile and points to the wall behind me. I follow his finger and, there, written in dark blue paint and still dripping, was a sloppy “DISCORD”.

“I believe my name IS written on it.” I growl at him.

“Why did you want this room anyway?”

“Well, I’m quite taken with having the moon as my nightlight.” He gestures to the window right above the bed where the sun has already fallen and the moon has begun its trek up into the sky. "Where I live, I don’t see the moon at night. I thought it would be a nice change to watch the moon as I fall asleep.” I swallow hard as I trace every slightest movement of the moon. That moonrise… is supposed to be MINE. I am supposed to be the one bringing that moon up. But, I’m not. I’m here and Celestia is the one raising the moon. Just as she has done for thousands of years…

“Fine. I’ll take the one across.” I storm out of the room.

“Good night, Princess.” Discord calls after me as I shut the door with just the right amount of force to let him know that I am, for lack of a better word, pissed off.

Chapter 7: Discord

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I push open the door to the living room with my shoulder, stretching my lion arm in the process. That was actually a good sleep. Probably the best I had in a while. The sunlight streaming through the window signified that it was very late in the day, probably around ten. The sunlight beams fell on a mane of sparking blue on the couch. She didn’t turn when I made noise, she simply continued staring at absolutely nothing.

“How long have you been there, exactly?” Only then did she turn her head around to face me.

“Before dawn broke the sky. I was not sure when we were starting, so I made sure to be here early.” I scoff slightly and float over to the cupboard. Royalty. So uptight. Just typical. I take out a box of hay crackers from the cupboard. Not usually my kind of diet consisting of chocolate covered whatchamacalsits, but I’ll live. “I’m a bit surprised to see you have risen at all. After eight, I started to lose hope.”

“Oh, please. I just came here for breakfast. But, I suppose I’ll have to stay, now.” I mutter while tossing a cracker into my mouth.

“Well, you won’t have to worry about me noting your attendance for long.” I perk up my ears.

“And why is that?”

“Because, I do not need to be here, of course." I roll my eyes.

“And what makes you think that you have any more of a right to leave than I do.” I spit. Luna shrinks back a bit.

“What I mean is… I cannot stay here for long. I have a duty as a princess to Equestria. I must be able to fulfill my responsibilities. You, on the other hand, do not have a royal responsibility.” I slump down in the couch opposite from her.

“Well, this may come as a surprise to you, but I do have a life outside of being the bringer of chaos. I was supposed to help Fluttershy with the duck pond tomorrow. But, it doesn’t look like that will be happening.” I take another bite of the cracker. Luna looks like she is about to retaliate when we hear the sound of a door opening and hoof steps.

“Wow. They weren’t kidding.” I whip around and find a cream-colored mare with pale blue curls standing in the doorway. I can help but stare at the starch white doctor’s coat she adorns. “The Princess of the Night and the Master of Chaos. I have my work cut out for me.” She trots in gleefully, closing the door behind her. “Sorry for my intrusion. I’m Doctor Snowheart, but Snow is just fine. Princess Twilight Sparkle recruited me for this.” The mare takes a seat in one of the empty chairs and drops a clipboard down in front of her hooves.

“Pleasure to meet you, Dr. Snowheart. But, if I may…” Luna pipes up. “I cannot stay here for long. I have to return to my royal duties immediately.” Snowheart frowns.

“You don’t have to worry about that at all, Princess Luna. The other princesses are managing your duties while you recover.”

“But, I cannot let them do such a thing when it is my responsibility!”

“The only thing you need to worry about right now is your recovery. You’re staying here.” Luna slumps against the couch in utter defeat. I try to hide a grin, but Snowheart notices immediately. “Do you want to get out of here, too?” I shrug.

“I’m stuck here no matter what I say, aren’t I?” She nods. “Then, there’s no point in arguing.”

“Fine. We’re clear then? Any other concerns, protests, life-changing revelations?” Neither of us say anything. “Good. Then we can get started.”

Chapter 8: Group

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Snowheart: Luna, let’s talk about you first.

Luna: Whatever for?

Snowheart: Well, I’m curious about this... Tantibus you created.

Luna: It is under control.

Snowheart: How do you know?

Luna: Because I stopped it.

Snowheart: How did you stop it?

Luna: By forgiving myself.

Snowheart: And how did that make you feel?

Luna: Better, I suppose.

Snowheart: So, you say you are fine now?

Luna: Yes.

Discord: Pfft.

Luna: Discord!

Discord: What?

Luna: I was speaking.

Discord: This isn’t just your session, Princess. I’m here, too.

Snowheart: Discord, you don’t seem to believe Luna.

Discord: Indeed.

Snowheart: Why?

Discord: Because things like this just don’t go away because your friends told you to knock it off.

Luna: How do you know? You weren’t there.

Snowheart: Luna, I think he’s right. That’s why you’re here. Scars don’t go away because you put a bandage over it. They take time to heal.

Luna: Some scars can heal fast.

Snowheart: But, it’s scars like these that take the longest time to heal. Don’t you want to be done with this?


Snowheart: Getting Princess Twilight’s help was a step in the right direction. But, you can’t just turn back now. Recovering from this takes time and a lot of effort from both the ponies helping you and from yourself. You are here because we want to help you go all the way. Will you let us help you?


Snowheart: Hf. Please, think about it. I have a homework assignment for you both.

Discord: So, this is a school, too?

Snowheart: If you want to get better, I expect an effort from both of you, like I said. I want you to write why you initially turned evil and what caused you to be reformed.

Discord: Fine.

Luna: Very well.

Snowheart: Good. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s move on to you, Discord.

Discord: Joy.

Chapter 9: Journal

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Question: Why did you initially turn evil and what caused you to be reformed?

Dear Snowheart,

It puzzles me that you would ask such a question. Do the ponies of today so easily forego learning about Equestrian history. Well, if I must remind you, I turned into Nightmare Moon because I felt neglected by my position in the day and night cycle. I understand now that, even though I may harbor feelings of neglect, I cannot take them out on other ponies. Whatever action I do, it cannot harm another. I was reformed by the almighty power of the elements of harmony and was able to return to my throne as Princess Luna.

Princess Luna


Dear Snowheart,

Did it ever occur to you that being the bringer of chaos was fun for me?

You know exactly who this is from.

Chapter 10: Luna

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I flip my head over to the opposite side of the pillow for the billionth time that night. Come on, come on… just go to sleep. I keep my eyes shut tight, waiting for my mind to slip into unconsciousness. All the while, thoughts swim in my head. Flashes of memories drift in and out of my focus. Even though it’s been years, I can still feel the desolation and silence like how it was on the moon. I can still see the darkness that swallowed me. I still remember the small sprite that became a monster because of me a matter of days ago. I squeeze my eyes tighter. No, I can’t think about that now. If I do, he might come back. The Tantibus might return.

I let my hoof hang off the side of the mattress, rubbing the plush fabric of the blanket supplied to us. This is not working. I sit up and let my back hooves hit the wood paneled floor. It creates a rather loud noise but, probably not loud enough to wake my colorful housemate. Not that I would really care anyway.

The door doesn’t give off any sort of squeak as it floats open. The main room has a soft glow to it from the moonlight outside. The walls and furniture are stained a shade of cerulean. The moon outside hovers silently among the few stars that speckle the sky. My moon. My stars. My sky. Yet, for tonight, and for so many nights before, they are hers to control. I turn away from the window and my eye catches a faint golden light coming from the bottom of Discord’s door. I can faintly hear footsteps from the other side. I shift to the side a bit. So, I’m really so bored as to resort to this… With a hesitant hoof, I knock on the door.

“Whooiiiizzzzzzzzzzziiiiiit?” A shrill, high pitched version of Discord’s voice sings from behind the door.

“It is Luna.” I announce. The door opens, the bright light forcing me to squint my eyes. Discord stands in the doorway and raises his eyebrow at me.

“Oh, poo. I thought you were the guard. You haven’t seen him come back, have you?” I shake my head.

“Why would the guard be coming to your door at night?” Discord returns to his room, which is already covered in paint splatters of various bright colors. I wince at the stained walls, some dripping with still-wet paint.

“I ran out of green, so I asked him to get me some more.”

“So, they’ve been giving you paint to throw on your walls.” I retort. Discord gives me a toothy grin.

“Celestia said they would tend to our needs. I needed some paint.” He walks over to an easel in the middle of the room that I didn’t see at first. “And I haven’t been getting it on the walls on purpose. They’re just in the way.” I let out a huff. The guards certainly have a loose definition of what constitutes as a “need”. I walk over to the easel, curious about the painting. I picture an insane image of a confusion of colors and shapes that bear absolutely no resemblance to any physical thing. It would suit him quite well, after all. Discord steps aside and lets me in front of the easel. My lips part ever so slightly.

“Oh…” I involuntarily let out. A sprawling meadow speckled with tiny dots of white and yellow to represent flowers lies out before a lone tree. The tree trunk has careful brush strokes along the trunk of more shades of brown than I can ever imagine. The trunk leads up to the bushy top of the tree that is only halfway finished. The meadow and tree look so real, I feel like I could touch it. Each stroke blends into each other to form a beautiful landscape. Resting under the shade of the lone tree is a lone pony. Her cream-colored coat rests against the tree trunk, the yellow and brown complimenting each other nicely. The pink-colored mane of the pony falls down to the ground like a curtain. The familiar combination of cream and pink brings one unmistakable pony to mind.

“Fluttershy.” I whisper.

“Indeed. Now if that guard would just get here in this century, I might be able to finish the rest of the tree.” Discord flops on the bed, the mattress recoiling upon impact. My eyes role around and around the painting, taking in every detail.

“I didn’t know you could paint.” Discord lifts his head.

“Well, of course I can. You don’t?” I shrug. I’ve tried drawing in the past, but I’ve never really cultivated the pursuit. “Living for thousands of years has its perks. For example, I had ample time to master any craft I wanted. I’m surprised you haven’t done the same.” I look down at the floor.

“Not everyone can just do as they please. Some ponies have certain responsibilities such as running a nation.” Discord nods and lets his head crash onto the pillow. “It’s a lovely painting. I certainly didn’t expect something like this.”

“What did you expect?”

“I suppose something more… erm… surreal?”

“You say ‘surreal’, but you mean ‘chaotic’.” I don’t say anything. Discord swings his legs to the side of the bed, sits up, and glares at me right in the eye. “Just because I am the Master of Chaos does not mean I cannot be an artist. In fact, it is the other way around. I am an artist because I am the Master of Chaos.” I keep eye contact with him and let a heavy silence flow between us until I finally break it.

“I apologize.” Awkwardly, I turn to leave the room to retreat to my own. “Good luck with your painting.” I still feel his glare on me as I shut the door. I feel it as I crawl in my own bed. I feel it as I continue to toss and turn in what I finally surrendered to a sleepless night.

Chapter 11: One-on-One Luna

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Snowheart: I read your journal. And, no, I haven’t neglected Equestrian History.

Luna: That is good to know.

Snowheart: But, I wanted you to write why you turned into Nightmare Moon from your perspective.

Luna: Is that not my perspective?

Snowheart: It sounds more like something from a history book.

Luna: Perhaps history is just that accurate.

Snowheart: What I mean is, I wanted you to write how you felt before you turned, after you were reformed, and how you feel now reflecting back on it.

Luna: Neglected, just as I said.

Snowheart: Is that everything?


Snowheart: Then, what else were you feeling?

Luna: I remember feeling…lonely, I suppose?

Snowheart: Yes? Keep going.

Luna: Lonely… frustrated… depressed…like my nights were not as good as I thought they were.

Snowheart: Why did you feel your nights weren’t as good?

Luna: Because no one seemed to care about it. Creating the night for what it is… that is my entire life. It’s who I am. And when no pony seems to care about the thing I have dedicated my life to…

Snowheart: I understand. But, how did you feel about it after coming back?

Luna: I… I feel terrible for what I did. I should never have let my emotions go that far. All they ever did was bring me pain.

Snowheart: Did you think about what you could have done differently back then?

Luna: Yes, of course. I should of had better control over myself and my emotions. I should have kept myself in check. That is why...

Snowheart:…you created the Tantibus.


Snowheart: Do you see what the problem is here? You say that you’re trying to control your emotions, but look at where that’s gotten you. The Tantibus did more damage to yourself and others than Nightmare Moon. Repentance isn’t the obstacle, guilt is and I don’t think you quite understand that yet.

Luna: But, I know that I can do better.

Snowheart: Luna… no pony was meant to be an island. There are friends there for you that are more than willing to help you and trust me when I say that you need their help. Why won’t you ask them?

Luna: They should not have to undertake my burdens.

Snowheart: But, they want to. That’s why Princess Celestia is covering for you, why she built this, and why you are here. We all care about you. You never asked us to do this, but we are doing it anyway because we want to see you happy.

Luna:… can we stop?

Snowheart: Luna… I know this isn’t easy, but what’s necessary is rarely easy.

Luna: Please, I just need to think.

Snowheart: Hf. Alright. We’ll come back to this later.

Chapter 12: One-on-One Discord

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Snowheart: Discord…

Discord: Yes?

Snowheart: Can you please… sit normally?

Discord: Whatever do you mean?

Snowheart: You’re sitting on the ceiling.

Discord: Well, what if I feel most comfortable on the ceiling?

Snowheart: Just get down.

Discord: You’re no fun.

Snowheart: Yeah. Fun. Speaking of “fun”…

Discord: Just as I said, being the Master of Chaos is fun for me. Isn’t it expected for us to do what we enjoy?

Snowheart: Well, yes, but… You were doing so well before. I want to know what caused the sudden binge in chaotic spell-casting.

Discord: I got bored. Plain and simple.

Snowheart: But, your actions distressed those around you.

Discord: No one got hurt.

Snowheart: What if someone did?

Discord: Are you here to guilt-trip me or what?

Snowheart: I want to help you.

Discord: You have an odd way of helping others.

Snowheart: Hf. What I mean is… you had your chaotic tendencies under control before. No one was being harmed and everything was kept within moderation. Do you agree?

Discord: I suppose…

Snowheart: What changed?

Discord:… I just got bored is all.

Snowheart: You’re lying.

Discord: You don’t know me. You wouldn’t know if I’m lying or not.

Snowheart: Hf. Regardless, do you see what we need to work on?

Discord: …how to have fun without using Chaos-based magic.

Snowheart: Well, not necessarily. We need to keep it in moderation. Just because you’re here doesn’t mean you have to stop using chaos-based magic for good. You don’t even have to put a limit on it. What we need to fix is how that chaos-based magic affects others.

Discord: Seems like that is up to interpretation.

Snowheart: Well, what’s your interpretation of it? What do you think is going too far?

Discord: …when others are negatively affected?

Snowheart: I think that’s a good start.

Chapter 13: Journal

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Question: What do you plan to do differently after you leave Camp Orion?

Dear Snowheart,

I plan to carry on with my daily duties as Princess of the Night. I will make the nights as beautiful as ever for the ponies of Equestria to enjoy. I will not be using the Tantibus anymore. Once I leave, I will dispel the Tantibus from my body, making sure that it will never hurt me again.

Princess Luna


Dear Snowheart,

I’ll try to keep in mind who I might effect with every spell I cast. That doesn’t mean I’ll succeed, but I’ll try.


Chapter 14: Luna

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Camp Orion Chapter 14


After days of imprisonment, therapy, and journal entrees, the guards allow us to go outside today into the back yard for the first time. Snowheart said the fresh air might do us some good. Many of the guards protested, but just as I have seen during sessions, her persistence proved to be not just limited to interrogation.

Just like the front, it is decorated with bright flowers and shady trees. The bright green grass look like plastic against the dry, cracked earth of the surrounding land. My hoofs get tickled by the thin blades of grass as I trot further away from the building.

“What exactly are we supposed to do out here?” Discord floats up behind me with a fatigued look on his face.

“It is a yard.” I reply flatly.

“Yes, it is. But, what is there to do?”

“You can walk.” I gesture to his claw and hoof hovering above the ground.

“I can walk inside, too. What’s the difference out here?”

“You are outside.”

“I am but what am I supposed to do?” I stifle a groan under my breath.

“You don’t understand it, do you?”

“Oh, I understand it plenty, but it seems so tedious and pointless when you think about it, doesn’t it?”

“Just… leave me alone.” Discord blinks.

“Oh, fine Princess Killjoy. I’ll leave. I’m just trying to make conversation, that’s all. I think I’ll take a walk, then.” Discord flies ahead and plants his feet on the ground. He marches away, taking overly exaggerated steps as if he is stepping over a puddle each time. I scoff and turn away from his retreating back.

The shadows that the tree casts enshroud me in cool air. I let myself sit down at the base of the tree, watching the sunbeams send golden light to the ground. One light beam rests on a bright, pink flower. The petals cascade from the center like a kind of skirt. I allow myself a grin as I touch the top petal of the flower. I urge my magic to work against the inhibitor and onto the flower. The blossom glows a light blue briefly and then fades. Suddenly, the petals begin to move on their own. The stem twists the blossom around and the petals move up and down. The two movements make the flower look like it is dancing for me. I let out a slight giggle as I watch the show.

“How adorable. Well done, Princess.” I whip around to find the smug face of Discord grinning down at me. “Though, I would expect something more… flashy from an alicorn.”

“Do you mind?” I growl at him.

“Oh, no, not at all. Just continue.” I glare at him as he stares expectantly. Magic returns to my horn and find the blades of grass along the side of the flower. They wave side to side in a circle around the flower, creating an optical vortex around the base of the stem.

“Okay, that’s just lame. What kind of presentation is that?” I use my magic to stop all movement and stand bolt upright, staring Discord right in the face.

“I don’t recall ever asking for your opinion.”

“Why did you create the little show, then?”

“I was just playing around. It was really nothing.” Discord chuckles and straightens his back.

"Art is meant to be shared, never for just the maker alone.”

“Why don’t you make your own magical presentation instead of critiquing mine?” He frowns and snaps his fingers. The snapping sound reverberates through the air, but nothing happens beyond that.

“You know exactly why, Princess.” I look down back at the grass. “Look, I’ve been without my chaos magic for five days straight and it’s driving me insane despite our location. The least you can do is let me observe your magic.” I let out a huff as my memory traces back to the second night at Camp Orion. I remember his cold voice, clearly offended. He’s right, it’s the least I can do to make amends for that.

I use my magic to pick some blades of grass from the ground and wad each blade into a ball. Moving them outside of the shade and into the light, I lift them into the air. I remember each combination, each picture that the balls are supposed to make so clearly that I don’t even have to look at what I am doing. It is not until I look up at my creation that I fully come to realize what I have created. I hear Discord coming up behind me.

“Those are the stars, aren’t they?” I swallow hard and release my magic, letting the wads fall to the ground, lost in the sea of grass blades. “Seems like I’m not the only one who misses their magic.” I don’t reply to him.

“You know there’s a way to break out of here, right?” I turn his way.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing is perfect, Princess. Equestria isn’t perfect, Celestia isn’t perfect, and any kind of magical inhibitor she makes isn’t perfect either. It has flaws and if you find it, you can break it.” I blink at him. There’s no way to escape the inhibitor, is there?

“What, pray tell, is this flaw?” Discord motions for me to follow him to the line where the lush grass meets the cracked earth. The line is met with a slight pink ripple in space to signify the presence of the barrier. I look to Discord for a cue.

“Go on. Touch it.” I lift my leg against the barrier and the tip of my hoof falls through.

“Wha…” I keep my hoof moving deeper through the field, ripples flying away from my contact. “It’s… not real?”

“Oh, it’s real alright. Believing that you cannot escape is the most powerful prison of all, there’s no need to put up actual bars.” Discord briskly steps through the field and lands fully on the dry earth. I step through to join him on the other side, feeling the entirety of my alicorn magic surge through me. Discord lifts his wings up to his side and smirks back at me.

“But, unfortunate for them, we know better.”

Chapter 15: Discord

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The wind roars loud enough to drown out the warnings that the guards shout below. Even nature seems to pay them no such heed. The ground gets smaller and smaller below me until the cracks can no longer be seen.

“I can’t believe I did that!” the princess cries next to me. She giggles like a schoolgirl as she positions herself to glide alongside me. “What are we even doing!?”

“Um, flying?” Her giggles erupt into laughter.

“N-no, I mean, what are we going to do!? We’re going to get in so much trouble for this!”

“Then, better make this count for something.” Her laughter dies down, but a stupid grin is left plastered on her face. My gaze wanders to the west and the sun blazes a fiery red-orange signifying that it is getting ready to set. How long have we been out here, exactly? I am about to say something to my fellow escapee when I notice she’s no longer beside me. I tilt my wings to break and turn around. Princess Luna is hovering midair, staring at the sun.

“Oh, sister… Your sunsets are always beautiful…” She lets out a sigh and closes her eyes. A soft breeze blows through the air, sending a slight shiver down my spine. “I miss her…” she whispers. A long silence only filled with the wind grows between us until Princess Luna clears her throat.

“Alright. You said you wanted a show, correct?” I grin and nod. “Then, let’s give my sister a little surprise.” Luna’s horn starts to glow white instead of its usual light blue for simple spells. She turns away from the sunset and towards the eastern horizon where the sky has already taken on a shade of cerulean. Her eyes close and the light glows even brighter.

Then, a pale, white sphere climbs the sky from the bottom of the horizon, surrounded in a bright, white aura. As the moon soars higher into the darkening sky, tiny twinkles begin to shine, dotting the sky like the grass wads back at the yard.

Luna fixes the pale moon into a point halfway between right above our heads and the ground. The sky has gone from many shades of red, yellow and pink to a deep blue. Luna’s horn fades and she starts laughing all over again. “I can’t even imagine my sister’s surprise right about now! She’s probably flabbergasted! Ha!” I smile along with her. Of course, Celestia will know that it was Luna who raised the moon and is most likely on her way here right now with an armed force. Though, I don’t say anything about that. Instead, I place a claw to my goatee and stroke it thoughtfully.

“It’s a lovely night, but I can’t say I’m impressed.” Luna stops smiling.

“Well, what would you do differently?” Luna scoffed. I glanced from her to the sky and flew up higher. I concentrated my energy on the stars and snapped my fingers together. Suddenly, the stars grew brighter and brighter.

The glowing dots turned from white to color. All different colors light up then sky from a fiery red to a cool aquamarine. The earth glows underneath the brilliant light of the sky. The darker shades of brown underneath turn lighter, tinted green as if the sky itself is coloring the land to resemble a meadow. Luna blinks and her lips part ever so slightly.

“Oh…” She whispers. I fly down to her side.

“How about that?” I inquire. She looks to me and the corner of her mouth rises a tad.

“It’s… a nice touch, Discord.” Luna mutters. She looks back up to the sky and her horn glows a bright blue once again.

Suddenly, a brilliant violet flash streaks across the sky, angled down to the earth. It comes and goes like a ghost. Then, another falls of a pink hue. Then, a spring green one, a neon yellow one, a sunset orange one. They keep falling like a rainbow of racing raindrops.

“May I?” I get my fingers ready to snap as I look to Luna quizzically. She smiles and nods and I let the fingers fly. The falling stars no longer fall in a straight line. They curve around the sky, looping around the stars, moon, around each other, like a dance of fire sparks climbing into the sky. The sky lights up with animosity, a light show of color, of life. It has so simple of changes, yet, it makes the black night just as colorful, perhaps even more so, as the day.

“What do you think?” I ask Luna. She grins wide at me.

“I’ve never seen anything like it. I can practically hear all of Equestria coming out of their homes to see this amazing work of art…” Luna whispers.

“Art was meant to be shared.” I repeat. "You get to share your art with the whole world every night.” I lift my head to the sky, basking in the collaborative piece of the Princess of the Night and the Master of Chaos.

“Well… What if you made art that can be shared? That others will enjoy?” Luna whispers. I laugh a bit under my breath.

“I’ve tried in the past, Princess. No one likes the chaos I create.” I mutter.

“Then, what did you just create?” Her hoof motions to the sky, to the infinite color palette, the racing stars, the largest light show this world has ever seen. “Is this not your chaos magic?” I shrug.

“Believe me, Discord. I know what it’s like to believe what you do, what you create, isn’t appreciated.” My eyes cast downward to the cracked, tinted ground where little, black dots move across the ground, emitting voices. Angry, booming voices.

“So, what, pray tell, am I supposed to do about it, Princess?” She places a hoof to her chin in contemplation.

“Accept that there are going to be ponies who don’t approve of your art. But, find the ones who will and confide in them.” Luna announces. I nod slightly and my gaze catches a moving figure in the sky with four legs and two large, white wings. It is still a distance away, but it’s approaching fast, as if on a mission.

“Fun’s over.” I mutter. Luna nods in response.

Chapter 16: Snowheart

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“I thought that, by now, you would decide you would want to get better.” Celestia huffs out as she scolds down our two escape artists. I shift uncomfortably in my spot next to Princess Celestia. My eyes droop ever so slightly in stark contrast to Celestia’s full alertness. I was just about to turn in for the night at the local inn I’ve been staying at when a knock at my door reveal a very frantic, very out of breath royal guard. He escorted me as fast as he could to Camp Orion where Celestia had already taken the two under custody.

“We do, sister. We were just doing something fun.” Luna shrugs a bit.

“We saw an opportunity and we took it. Can you blame us?” Discord retorts. The Sun Goddess grimaces and clears her throat.

“We had clearly defined rules that were there for a reason. They were there to protect you and every pony else and you-“

“Celestia, we didn’t hurt any pony at all. I fail to see what the problem is here.” Luna growls. Both hers and my eyebrows raise. The ferocity in her eyes resembled that of a blue fire. I blink and Celestia stretches her neck in an effort to seem taller.

“I suppose not. Yet, you’re still in a state where I don’t fully trust you with your full magic yet. I’ll be placing the barrier back up and, this time, escape will not be nearly as easy as your escapade today.” Celestia nods to me and trots towards the door. “I’ll be taking my leave, now. Somepony has to explain to the masses why the sky just turned into a fireworks display. She opens the door with her magic and half-trots, half-storms out. Luna and Discord look at each other after the slamming of the door and try their utmost to stifle laughs.

“Well, looks like you two had some fun.” I turn around and walk up to my larger chair adjacent to the couch. “Celestia told me to hold a late-night group session to ‘straighten you out’. Frankly, I think that might be a good idea, too.” I gesture to the couch. “So, shall we?"

Chapter 17: Group

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Luna: We weren’t hurting any pony.

Discord: If Celestia didn’t want us to escape in the first place, she would've made a better barrier.

Luna: I had no intention to bring back the Tantibus.

Snowheart: Okay! I believe you guys.

Luna: So, how much trouble are we in?

Snowheart: Well, yes… about that…

Discord: You’re not taking my painting supplies away if that’s what you’re thinking.

Snowheart: No, no. I actually wanted to say… well… I probably shouldn’t be encouraging this but, I’m proud of you.

Luna: What?

Snowheart: I’m proud of both of you. Luna, you had the opportunity to revive the Tantibus. Discord, you had the opportunity to leave and go terrorize a town. But, you didn’t. You created something that I really wish Celestia didn’t have to take down.

Discord: Well, thank you. You’re too kind.

Snowheart: And, I apologize for Celestia. I guess she’s just a bit frazzled by the glorified “Come and get me” sign you two put in the sky. I’ll talk to her about putting the barrier down.

Luna: What did you say?

Snowheart: What, did you think that you were going to stay here forever? Sometime soon, you will be going back to your daily lives and there won’t be a barrier to put a restraint on you. You will have to be able to restrain yourselves or have at least have as much control to tell some pony else when you feel like you can’t restrain yourself. I’d rather you learn how to do that here, where we can intervene if we have to and you won’t have the stress of everyday life impacting you either. I’d rather take this in baby steps than one giant step.

Discord: Good luck persuading Celestia.

Snowheart: She may be the one who created this complex, but I’m the doctor here, not her. I’ll talk to her and we’ll see how it goes.

Luna: Very well.

Snowheart: Okay. I never expected this to go very long and you seem pretty tired…

Discord: We’re not the only ones, doc.

Snowheart: Heh, you’re right. Get some sleep, then. And, Discord? Try not to stay up all night setting off another paint tornado. The pony who cleans your room is starting to lose his sanity.

Discord: No promises.

Chapter 18: Luna

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“So, Princess… tell me. Have any of the royal guards ever caught your attention?” Discord raised his eyebrows at me to punctuate the question. Shadows are cast across his face from the candle standing in the center of the table in the front room. On both sides were cups of tea that, thankfully, we were finally able to make ourselves using our magic. A few days ago, Snowheart finally convinced Celestia to take down the barrier.

“Not really. I cannot say I’ve had a very romantic interest in the past. A thousand years on the moon can do that to you.” I retort. I bring the glowing cup of tea to my lips and take a sip. “Alright, my turn. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?”

“Oh, please. Hadn’t that question been used to death already?” I shrug my shoulders. “Fine. Rocky Road. Fluttershy introduced me to it a few weeks ago.”

“Speaking of Fluttershy, how’s your painting going?” I set the teacup down on the table.

“Hey, it’s my turn to ask a question.” I grin and lift my hoof to motion him to go on. “If you could wear any kind of animal on your feet as slippers, what would you wear?”

“What kind of a question is that?”

“It’s not that weird. I’ve done it before.” I put my hoof to my chin, picturing two furry rabbits on Discord’s feet. I do not know whether to feel humored or horrified.

“I suppose seals…” I finally mutter, throwing out the first animal that came to mind. “Now, how is your painting going?”

“It’s done.”

“Really? How? We’ve only been here for a few days!”

“Well, I don’t really… sleep that often. I get a few hours here and there, just enough to keep me going.” I just stare at him in wonder. How could someone function on so little sleep?

“Why don’t you sleep?”

“Does that count as another question? Because it’s my turn now.”


“It doesn’t concern you, Princess. You may be the ruler of dreams for ponies, but you do not have to concern yourself with me.” Discord replies as he takes a sip of his own tea.

“Have you forgotten where we are… what we’re here for?” Discord stops drinking and puts down his cup. I plead with my gaze for him to open up. If either of us wants to get better, we cannot keep secrets.

“I’ve just been getting nightmares. That’s all.”

“What about?”

“Usually stuff from my past, before I was trapped in a statue all those years ago.”

“And you don’t want to dream about that because…you’re…afraid?” Discord nods. I get up from the couch and walk over to the draconiquis, his gaze cast down to the floor. I place a hoof on his lion paw.

“I can help you… if you let me.” He locks eyes with mine, the corners of his yellow eyeballs showing a slight shine to them.

“Alright, Princess of the night. What do you want to do?"

“Let me into your dream. I can help you get through it.” Discord is silent for a long time. He does not look at me. He only stares at a non-existent spot on the ground. Perhaps he is staring past the ground, into a realm that only appears itself to him. He finally turns to me with sparkling eyes.

“I guess it’ll be a bit easier having someone there with me.” He whispers in a soft, hushed tone, one that I’ve never heard before in the midst of his raspy, snake-like voice.

I motion for him to lie down on the couch that we have been tied down to for the past few days where our thoughts were squeezed out of us by the blue-haired interrogator. Reluctantly, he shifts down and the back of his neck rests on the arm of the couch. He is quite big for the couch, but he still fits. I sit in the high-backed chair that Snowheart typically sits in.

“Are you ready?” Discord chuckles, his white goatee falling off to the side.

“I’ve never been less tired in my entire life.”

“I’ll help with that.” I concentrate the power in my horn on Discord. I don’t know how much magic the field inhibits, but we will never know until we try. A glowing white cord flows from my horn over to Discord. He shrinks back at the sight of it as if it will hurt him. “Are you sure you can do this?” He blinks and relaxes his shoulders a bit.

“Let’s just get it over with.” I nod and the white glow touches his forehead. In that instant, his eyes droop shut and his breathing slows from its fast pace to an even rhythm. I let my back rest against the chair and my vision goes to black.

Chapter 19: Discord

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I’ve been here before.

I don’t know when I was here before or how I’ve gotten here in the past. I just know that I’ve been here many times before.

It’s strange to think that I can sense such familiarity in a place that is fully coated in black. Light is fully void of presence. Perhaps my own body is not a presence here. I trace my claw along my cheek. No, I’m still here. I choose a direction and start walking into the unknown. That is, until my face smacks right into a wall.

“Ngh…” I place my paw against the surface. Black as night, but there is still a wall there. I feel a lump in my throat starting to form. My paw traces the wall until it comes to a corner. Then, another corner and another and another. Four corners. Four walls. I’m trapped.

My pulse begins to quicken and my eyes widen. No…no, I can’t be trapped. I can’t! My breathing kicks into overdrive and I can feel my face getting warmer and warmer. My balled up fists pound on the wall. No, no, no, no! There has to be a way out of here.

“Cease such violence, Draconiquis.” A voice creeps up from behind me. I haven’t heard that title used as a name for me since…

As if it is second nature, I snap my fingers, waiting for a door, a light, something to appear and accompany me. Nothing appears. Instead, the moment my snapped fingers create the noise, a buzz arises within me. The pit of my gut burns and rises up to my throat, coursing through my body. It burns through every fiber of my being. I let out a scream until I fall to the ground. My heartbeat pounds a mile a minute and I fall into a coughing fit.

Whispers pour in through my ears. I lift my head, cringing in the pain to find hundreds of pairs of glowing eyes, red specks among the darkness. They all whisper around me, their voices getting louder and louder. “Stop it.” I hiss. I snap my fingers again, pleading for my magic to work this time. I need something, anything to get me out of here. All I get in response was that same burning sensations crawling up my skin. My muscles go limp and I curl up on the ground. “Stop it, stop it, stop it…” I plead to the glowing eyes. Tears stream out of the corner of my eyes.

“Discord!” A voice calls from above. I glance upwards to see a faint, blue light descending from the sky. As the light gets closer, I make out the figure to be a dark blue alicorn. She land hard in front of me, her back turned to me and growling at the glowing eyes. “Are you alright?” She calls back. I swallow hard and make out a name to fit the alicorn.


“Listen to me, Discord. This is a dream. It’s not real!”

“Draconiquis…” I hear the haunting, raspy voice behind me along with the faint jingle of bells. My breath catches in my throat. I snap my fingers repeatedly. Over and over again, praying for something to happen. Anything… The burning coursed through my body once more. I howl in pain as my body thrashes on the ground. I feel my tail whacking the side of the invisible walls, a cracking sound reverberating through the realm of nothingness. Finally, the burning subsides, leaving my muscles exhausted and limp. “Calm yourself. I’m only here for a visit.” I strain my eyes to find the source of the voice, the hoofsteps and curly white beard of that wretched pony emerging from the shadows. His chin is upturned and he looks down at my crippled state all the while I glare in malice at him.

“Star Swirled the Bearded…” Luna whispers in shock. “What is…?”

“Luna, get out of here. Now.” I hiss at her. She can’t see this. She just can’t… Not like this…

Star Swirled circles around my cage, looking me up and down as I struggle to push myself up off the floor. “Such power… such drive. If you would only share that with me, this would be over. Please, Draconiquis. Just show me. Let me understand and you can leave.” I grit my teeth harder at that his every word.

“Y-you’re a monster.” I manage to make out before I fall into a coughing fit. Star Swirled growls as the ground begins to crack under his feet. Light streams through the ground, sending dark shadows on his face.

“Perhaps you should look in a mirror, Draconiquis.” He stops circling and looks at me dead in the eyes. “All I want is to make sense of your chaos magic abilities.” My coughs begin to slowly transform into slight giggles. I gradually erupt into a rasp laughter, the thunderous noise traveling through the place, reaching every corner. With each laugh, the ground cracks more and more until the surface beneath my hands and feet are a mosaic of black and white. I can hear Luna calling out something that I can’t make out from behind me, but I don’t want to stop. I need to get out.

“Make sense…what fun is there in making sense?” As that last word leaves my mouth, the ground falls through. The world goes from pitch black to blinding white as shards of black pieces fall. My whole body succumbs to the force of gravity dragging me down into the brilliant white word. I hear Luna call my name, but I don’t answer. My breath feels lost in space and my heart goes silent. I roll my head back, diving headfirst into nothingness and close my eyes, letting myself fall further and further into whatever lies below.

Chapter 20: Luna

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I wake up with a start, my chest heaving and my hooves gripping the chair, just to make sure I wasn’t falling. The faint light of the moon streams in through the windows, showing that we were back in the room, at Camp Orion. I urge my heart and breath to slow down as I look across to the couch. Discord has woken up, too. He’s not in much a better state as I am. I give myself a few seconds before I speak.

“Discord? Are you alright?” He doesn’t respond for a few seconds, catching his breath.

“…no. I don’t think I am.” He whispers.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I inquire. He turns his head around at me and nods.

Chapter 21: Group

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Luna: Star Swirled the Bearded was there.

Discord: …yes.

Luna: Did you know him before?

Discord: If being my captor counts as “knowing”, then yes.

Luna: He captured you? Why?

Discord: …what do you know about Star Swirled the Bearded?

Luna:…He was a talented wizard that documented the foundations of magic and made many discoveries.

Discord: Correct. One of his “discoveries” was chaos-based magic. While it’s a powerful magic, it cannot be learned by anypony. Only one being was, is, and ever will be capable of such magic.

Luna: You.

Discord: So, if I’m the only one who wields that magic, the only way to study that magic was to….

Luna:…I’m sorry.

Discord: Why are you sorry? You didn’t lock me up and punish me if I tried to escape.

Luna:…Well…I did the former. I did lock you up in stone…

Discord: It’s not a problem, now.

Luna: Yes, it is. You’ve spent over a thousand years locked away in stone. I know exactly what that feels like and it’s a horrible, horrible experience.

Discord:…I…I’m not going to argue with that. It was horrible.

Luna:… I…I often wonder how we’re still sane.

Discord: What?

Luna: We’ve been locked away for a thousand years. We were frozen, trapped in time with no escape. Then, it all ended. How are we still sane?

Discord: …have you ever considered that we are not sane?


Discord: I can hardly remember what I was like before. I can remember the past, but it’s not through my eyes. I’m not myself when I try to remember. It’s like I’m observing the past, but I never lived in it. It’s like… all those years locked away in stone were erasing my former self until I had nothing but what was left.

Luna: What was left?

Discord: When I broke free, all I thought was to make the whole world immersed in chaos. It was the one of the only things I could remember about myself.

Luna: I…I think I understand. Sometimes… I can’t really imagine why I was so upset when I turned into Nightmare Moon. I can empathize with the situation, but I don’t remember feeling that way… All that was left afterwards was that unyielding feeling of guilt.

Discord:… It’s kind of ridiculous, how they did that. They sent us away and expected us to pick up right where we left off…

Luna:…But, you can’t pick up where you left off when you’re somepony else entirely.



Discord: Hf. I just realized how hard this is going to be.

Luna: How so?

Discord: Everything that we’ve clung onto since returning after a thousand years, identities that have had a thousand years to solidify… we have to change it all if we want to let it go.


Discord: I think… I have an actual journal to write for Snowheart this time…

Luna: Isn’t that due tomorrow?

Discord: It is.

Luna: You want me to stay up with you?

Discord: …Only if you want to.

Luna: Sure…By the way, during the dream…you said my name for the first time.

Discord: …hm. Must have slipped my tongue.

Luna: Heh. I like when you say my name.

Discord: If you say so, Luna.

Chapter 22: One-on-One Discord

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Luna: Why am I here?

Snowheart: Really? We’re going over that again? Celestia founded Camp Orion to-

Luna: No. This is Discord’s session. Why am I here?

Snowheart: Oh. He requested you to be here.

Discord: Sorry for interrupting whatever it is you do in your free time here, but I think you know what this is about…

Luna: …okay.

Snowheart: So, Discord, I did read your journal.

Discord: All of it?

Snowheart: Yes. All seven pages of it.

Luna: He is not making it up. I’ve seen his dreams.

Snowheart: I see. So, let me ask you this, Discord. Why did you cause the widespread chaos?

Discord: …It seemed right, like I was supposed to cause it. Granted, it is fun for me and I take pride in the things that I create. But… the chaos that I conjured before turning into a statue both times… I don’t know.

Snowheart: How did you feel as you were causing the chaos to spread?

Discord: I felt... giddy yet terrified at the same time.

Snowheart: Terrified of what?

Discord: Of getting hurt.

Snowheart: Who would be hurting you?

Luna: Star Swirled…


Snowheart: So, you feel scared of Star Swirled, so you conjure chaos.

Discord: It feels wrong, but… I suppose.

Snowheart: Star Swirled is dead.

Discord: I know he is dead!

Snowheart: Then, why are you scared?

Discord: I don’t know!

Snowheart: Think, Discord. Why are you scared?

Discord: Because who’s to stop other ponies from doing the same thing!?

Snowheart: …

Luna: Oh, Discord…

Discord: I conjure chaos because it blocks that fear. I feel in control and powerful, invincible when all around me becomes my canvas instead of a danger zone.

Snowheart: So, chaos is how you’ve learned to cope.

Discord: I guess so.

Snowheart: Do you feel any less scared long after you’ve done that?

Discord: No. It’s temporary, but it’s better than nothing.

Snowheart: Then, what you’re doing isn’t effective. Chaos doesn’t stop that fear from coming back, does it?


Snowheart: Discord… nopony is out to get you. We all want to help. We all want to make sure you feel safe.

Discord: I’ve long since realized that that is a lie, doctor.

Luna: Discord?

Discord: What is it, Princess?

Luna: I don’t want you to feel so scared that you feel like you have to do something to stop it.

Discord: You and every pony else.

Luna: So… how about this. You will never be taken into custody for your actions. Your well being will always be placed as priority under the protection of the Equestrian government as if you were a member of royalty.

Snowheart: Can you do that?

Luna: I am the Princess of the Night. I can do as I please. I will see to it that, once we leave Camp Orion, my sister and I will place this decree into effect.

Snowheart: Well, Discord? What do you think?

Discord: …

Luna: Discord?

Snowheart: Are you alright?

Discord: …why would you do something like that for me?

Luna: Why?

Discord: Yes…after everything I’ve done…why?

Luna:…Because I care about you. So does Celestia and Twilight and Fluttershy and Snowheart. We don’t ever want you to feel scared of us or anypony else.

Discord: …

Snowheart: You okay?

Discord: …sorry…just give me a minute.

Luna: It’s alright, Discord. You’re safe.

Chapter 23: One-on-One Luna

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Snowheart: Luna, you look exhausted.

Luna: My apologies. It was a long night last night.

Snowheart: Couldn’t sleep? I can get you something to help with that.

Luna: No, no. I just… was thinking a lot.

Snowheart: About what?

Luna: Do I have to answer?

Snowheart: No. But, you’re only going to get out of this what you put in. I know it’s hard, but it would help.

Luna: I know.

Snowheart: Take a deep breath if you need to.

Luna: Hf… Guilt, I suppose.

Snowheart: Why?

Luna: …I guess because…it’s all I’ve known for so long…

Snowheart: …Alright. Then, let me ask this again. Why did you create the Tantibus?

Luna: …Because I thought it was the right thing to do.

Snowheart: Is it still the right thing to do?

Luna: …I don’t know anymore…maybe it is. And that’s what scares me.

Snowheart: Luna… everyone in Equestria has forgiven you. They adore you as their Princess. They respect you. You are the only one that has not forgiven yourself.

Luna: I know I am! And I hate myself for it!

Snowheart: Stop it! Just stop it! You need to listen to me!

Luna: …

Snowheart: A thousand years of exiled isolation. Isn’t that enough? Aren’t you tired of prolonging your punishment? Don’t you want it to stop?

Luna: I…I’m sorry…

Snowheart: Apology accepted, but you don’t need to say that you’re sorry. Here, take a tissue.

Luna: I just…want it all to stop.

Snowheart: I know. And you know what’s the good part about this?

Luna: What?

Snowheart: It can be over. Right now.

Luna: How?

Snowheart: Knowing what you do now, would you become Nightmare Moon?

Luna: Of course, not.

Snowheart: Do you see? Nopony is perfect, Luna. Often our mistakes come from not knowing all the facts. Knowing what we know at the time, we don’t see other options and that leads to the mistake. But, we learn from those mistakes so we know what to do once that time arrives. It’s called being a pony.


Snowheart: You kept thinking 'What can I do to prevent myself from becoming Nightmare Moon? What can I do to punish myself?' But, you need to realize something. It is done. It is all done. For once, please, let yourself relax with that fact.


Snowheart: It’s okay. Let it out, Luna.

Chapter 24: Luna

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White mist surrounds the plane of floating stars. There is no sound, no breeze, not even any sort of feeling in this place. There is just me and me alone on the Celestial Plane. I can feel my own chest rising and falling, trying to keep my breath at an even, steady pace. I’m afraid I might not be very good at it, however. After I decided this had to be done, I knew it was not going to be an easy encounter. Yet, just as Snowheart said, what’s necessary is rarely easy.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see a deep violet glow. I take in one final breath and turn to face it. There, standing tall and motionless, staring with an empty, emotionless gaze, is the spirit that has haunted my dreams ever since I have returned to Equestria. The Tantibus remains like a statue, waiting for me to make the first gesture. I take a step towards it and it mirrors my movement. My neck lowers and so does it. Each time I blink, make a slight motion, the Tantibus follows as if the Tantibus is trying to dance with me. No, that is not it. It believes me to be it. Yes, there really is just me and me alone on the Celestial Plane. For that… that monster is me. I can feel tears welling up in the corner of my eyes as I glare at the shadowy figure, glare at myself for creating that part of me. Through tear-filled gasps, I make out the words that have been repeating over and over like a chant in my mind ever since I got to Camp Orion.

“Tantibus… leave this place. Leave me be and never return.” The Tantibus stood like me for only a few moments before turning around, without mirroring me. It begins to walk in a single direction towards seemingly nothing as I watch it go. The faded stars surround the retreating shadow and take hold until it vanishes. I take in a sharp breath. There it goes. The entity that has tormented me, the part of me that has tormented myself, is gone forever. I should be relieved. No longer will I have to endure nightmares every time I fall asleep. I have done what my sister wanted, what Dr. Snowheart had wanted. Then, why do I feel panicked? Why do I miss the Tantibus? A lump catches in my throat as I try to stifle sobs. Why did I ever want that? Why!?

I sit down and let the tears fall to the floor. This is wrong. I shouldn’t be feeling this way. Yet, I do and I don’t know why. I will never be able to hurt myself again. I should feel relieved, glad, hopeful. Yet, I feel despair as if things are not as they should be. I feel a longing for the Tantibus to return. “Why?” I whisper to the small puddle of tears in front of my hooves. I ask them why, but I know the right answer. I don’t know. Things that I never knew could be changed are changing and that terrifies me. It terrifies me not to know.

The faded blue begins to shift in colors. Some stars ripple and distort. I let out one final sob. Morning must be coming soon. The dream is ending. I allow my shoulders to relax as I wait for the retreating dream-state to take me back to my resting body in the real world. I may have been asleep this whole time, yet I feel exhausted.

Chapter 25: Discord

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I set down the quill pen beside the small notebook. This journal assignment really felt like homework. The question, if that can even be called a question rather than a command, was “Create a plan for your recovery after leaving Camp Orion. You may list or bullet point.” Ugh.

“Finished?” Luna asks from the kitchen. I close the book and join her in fixing lunch.

“Finally, yes.”

Snowheart is late, today. Don’t we usually have group in the morning?” She carries her tea over to the couches and I take the box of hay crackers with me. They’re beginning to grow on me in a sense.

“I’m not complaining.”

“Of course, you’re not. You got to finish the journal before the due date.”

“Luna, do you really think I’d be concerned with trivial things like due dates?” The princess simply shrugs and takes a sip of her tea. As if on cue, the door opens and the starch white coat comes flying in.

“Good afternoon, Luna and Discord.” Snowheart announces. I nod to her.

“You’re late.” Luna states, not at all bitter but still a tad annoyed. Snowheart straightens up her neck.

“I’m not late. I knew we’d have group later today.”

“You didn’t tell us about it?”

“I wanted it to be a surprise.” Snowheart stays by the door, holding it agape. A white hoof ending in a golden tip steps in through the door followed my a flowing, rainbow mane, a tall unicorn horn and two white wings. Luna stands straight up.

“Sister?” Luna rushes over to the door to greet the alicorn.

“Luna! It’s good to see you on… better terms.” Celestia speaks with a voice like silk as she places her hoof along her sister’s back.

“Heheh. My apologies for that…” Luna giggles out. Though, I can clearly see from her smug little grin that she’s not sorry at all. Snowheart steps in.

“I thought that today would be a good day to call in friends and family for a little large-group session. So, I called in Celestia.” The Princess of the Sun grins warmly at Luna.

“I’m glad to help in any way I can.” Luna and Celestia embrace in a hug. My eyes cast downward and I feel a pang inside of me. Did Snowheart really expect that Celestia would be able to split her attention between the two of us? I take the box of hay crackers and stand up. Maybe, if I’m quiet, I’ll be able to slip into my bedroom without them noticing…

“Oh, I’m so sorry I’m late!” A voice behind me cries out along with huffs. The voice is gentle and sweet like flowers. Lilacs… her voice is like lilacs. It could never be cruel, but it could certainly be stern if the owner wanted it to. It made the listener feel like they mattered, like they were safe, like she could be trusted…

I whip around and she walked in with a kind smile and sparkling eyes. Her soft pink hair hung across the side of her face like a silk curtain waiting to be carried by the breeze. She floats in like a gliding bird, graceful and silent. She finds me with those caring, empathetic round eyes and approaches me, opening her slim mouth to speak.

“Hi, Discord. I missed you so much!” My lips part and one word escapes my lips in hardly a whisper.


Chapter 26: Group

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Snowheart: Welcome to group, Celestia and Fluttershy.

Discord: Otherwise known as interrogation for us.

Fluttershy: It can’t be that bad, is it?

Luna: No, not at all.

Fluttershy: Oh. That’s good. Are you getting the help you need, Discord?

Discord: Yes, I suppose.

Snowheart: Discord has made some great breakthroughs in the past few days. I encourage you to share a bit, Discord, but what happens in each session does stay confidential.

Discord: Well… I do now have royal protection from the Equestrian Government.

Celestia: Excuse me?

Luna: Ah, yes. Tia, Discord won’t be taken under custody under any circumstance and he is under priority protection of the Royal Equestrian Government. Please see to it that it is done.

Celestia: Um…

Luna: I’ll explain at a later time if it is alright with Discord.

Discord: Yes, that’s fine.

Fluttershy: Well, I’m glad to hear that. So, when will you be leaving?

Discord: Tomorrow.

Fluttershy: Wow, you’re all better then?

Snowheart: Well, not exactly. That’s why I’ve invited you and Celestia to come here given your close relationships. Recovery doesn’t end after leaving here, far from it. I’ve already discussed with Luna and Discord that they will have to keep up their goals and strategies from Camp Orion in their everyday lives. I was hoping that you two would be willing to help your friends and family in their recovery.

Celestia: Of course.

Fluttershy: Oh, certainly.

Snowheart: Thank you so much for your help. Luna and Discord, how about you share with them?

Discord: Do we have to?

Snowheart: And what do you think my answer to that is?

Luna: We will if we want to get better.

Snowheart: That’s right, Luna. Now, I asked Luna and Discord to come up with some strategies and goals to enact outside of Camp Orion in their last journal. Discord, how about you go first?

Discord: ~sigh~ Fine. I will do my best to try keep my chaos magic within reasonable limits. At least, making sure that no pony is negatively effected by my magic.

Snowheart: and…

Discord: …

Snowheart: What is it?

Discord: Can I talk about something else? Please, I need to talk about this.

Snowheart: Yes, of course.

Discord: Fluttershy, I need to know something.

Fluttershy: …

Discord: I may end up doing some things that I will regret in the future. I will make mistakes and I might even wind up hurt some pony. I might end up hurting you.

Fluttershy: …

Discord: I don’t want to and I have no intention to. But, I feel scared that I will. I need a promise from you… will you still be my friend if that happens?

Fluttershy: Yes. I will. Um, I might be cross with you and I might make mistakes, too. Will you be my friend if I make mistakes?

Discord: Of course, I will.

Luna: And I’ll hold up my end, as well.

Discord: Thank you, Luna.

Snowheart: Luna, you’re up.

Luna: Sister…

Celestia: Lulu, I’m so proud of you, how much you’ve accomplished.

Luna: Tia… are you still mad at me?

Celestia: About what?

Luna: The Tantibus.

Celestia: Luna… I’m not mad at you. I was never mad. Not at all. I was worried about you. You’re my sister and I love you so much.

Luna: What about my turning into Nightmare Moon?

Celestia: No, I’m not mad about that either. You are not Nightmare Moon anymore. That’s not who you are.

Luna: I caused you so much pain.

Celestia: It’s in the past now. It is done, Luna. It’s all done. None of the pain from the past will ever happen again. It’s finished.

Luna: Sister, I dispelled the Tantibus a few nights ago.

Celestia: You…did?

Luna: It’s gone forever.

Celestia: Oh, Lulu…thank you. That’s incredible.

Luna: Um, is it okay that, every once in a while, we can talk? I…I don’t think that I should be keeping everything in.

Celestia: I’d love that, Luna…

Discord: Ah, that reminds me. Fluttershy, I’ll be talking with you more. A lot.

Fluttershy: I look forward to it, Discord.

Snowheart: Celestia and Fluttershy? You’ve heard what their plans are. What I’m asking you is that you make them accountable. Just as they’ve said, I had to interrogate them a lot to get them to open up. They know that they have to open up to you, so keep them to that promise. One of the most important factors in recovery is accountability. Can I trust you to keep them accountable?

Celestia: Yes.

Fluttershy: Yes.

Snowheart: Good. Anything else you want to say to each other?

Luna: Um… Tia?

Celestia: Yes, Lulu?

Luna: Don’t ever put the two of us in the same living quarters ever again.

Discord: Agreed.

Celestia: Heh. Alright.

Chapter 27: Discord

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The tip of the brush drifts off the paper as the tail to the last “d” in my name runs out of canvas. My dark blue signature in the bottom corner is just barely distinguishable from the remainder of the painting. The one with Fluttershy is kept in a cloth bag, leaning against the corner, ready to go. This final painting is mostly dry, but it will still take a few hours to become dry enough for travel. I put the paintbrush back in its case along with the paints I’ve used already. Miraculously, paint does not cover the walls this time. The bed is made and all the furniture are in their correct places. Snowheart made sure that, when I left Camp Orion, the place would be spotless.

I take one last look at the painting before going out to get breakfast. This one took me about a week. I started it the night after our little escapade and just finished it last night. The pale moon hangs still in the sky among the light show of stars and comets, bursting with every color of the rainbow. I remember the real version of the picture so clearly in my head, it was little trouble converting it onto a canvas.

Luna is already sipping tea from a small cup at the dining table, a daisy sandwich placed neatly in front of her. She notices me and gives me a nod. I sit down next to her and snap my fingers. A plate of noodles with chocolate syrup and gummy bears lands flat in front of me along with a fork. The Princess grimaces at my breakfast choice and adverts her eyes to her own meal.

“You should really try it, sometime. It might surprise you.”

“Discord, it wouldn’t surprise me if that thing came alive and start crawling around.”

“I can make that happen.”

“For the sake of my own appetite, kindly refrain.” I smirk and jab the heap of noodles with my fork. Luna sets down her teacup next to her plate and sighs as I shovel a forkful into my mouth.

“Did you pack?” Luna’s eyes are still focused on her teacup.

“Mmhm.” I make out through a full mouth.

“What are you going to do after Camp Orion?” I swallow hard to make room in my mouth for speech.

“I suppose I’ll be talking to Fluttershy quite a bit more but, other than that, I don’t have much of a plan.” She just nods solemnly and lifts her sandwich to her mouth with magic.

The door opens behind me and I can hear the familiar footsteps of a certain doctor coming up to the table. Her soft face comes into view and I greet her.

“Pretty quiet today. You doing alright?” The two of us nod at her and she raises an eyebrow at us quizzically. “We’ll talk about it at group. Bring your breakfast.” She marches off to her chair as I close my claws around the rim of the plate. Luna stares at her tea a moment more before following suit to the couch for the very last time.

Chapter 28: Group

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Snowheart: Alright, so what’s the beef?

Discord: Don’t look at me, I’m fine. It’s her who’s moping around.

Snowheart: Luna, Discord says that you’ve been pretty quiet this morning.

Luna: I’ve heard.

Snowheart: What do you think about that?

Luna: I don’t know, I’ve just been… thinking.

Snowheart: About what?

Luna: I… Do you really think that we’re ready to leave?

Discord: A little while ago, you couldn’t wait to leave.

Luna: Yes…but what if we go back to how things were?

Snowheart: And you’re scared about that?

Luna: I suppose so.

Snowheart: It’s true that many ponies who go through this sort of thing will relapse. But, think about how far you’ve come. If you never came to Camp Orion, where do you think you would be?

Luna: Probably… still with the Tantibus…

Snowheart: Discord?

Discord: Turning Canterlot Castle into a House of Cards.

Snowheart: It concerns me how quickly you came up with that answer.

Discord: Don’t get me wrong, as soon as I’m getting home, I’m making a house of cards sculpture of the castle.

Snowheart: You do that. But, back to the topic at hand. You don’t have to fall back into that trap, but that means that your work is not done after you leave here. You’ll need your friends and family to keep you grounded and to make you accountable. I think you should also probably be seeing a professional for a while. Specifically, a cream-colored, blue-maned professional whose name adheres to a certain season…

Discord: I didn’t know Sunshower Raindrops was a doctor.

Snowheart: Ha. Ha. Well, actually, turns out I’m moving to Canterlot.

Luna: What? Why?

Snowheart: Celestia promised me funds for a new office if I were to make the move. Frankly, a free house and office in a city like Canterlot… it’s an offer I couldn't refuse. So, I can make appointments for both of you, solo or group if you want. I can also make other recommendations if you’re getting sick of me or want to try someone new.

Discord: Then, you’re certainly not seeing the last of me.

Snowheart: Good to hear. How about you, Luna?

Luna: Of course.

Discord: So, any last words of advice before you kick us out of here?

Snowheart: Yeah. I wanted to say I’m proud of you. I’m so proud of both of you. What you’ve been going through is not easy and it’s something that most ponies don’t have to put up with. But, you’ve decided to fight it and it’s a battle that’s worth the fight. You two deserve to be free of your past, multiple times over.

Luna: Snowheart…

Discord: Thank you for everything.

Snowheart: I’m just doing my job. So, how about Tuesday in Canterlot?

Luna: Sounds good.

Author's Ending Remark

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This is lengthy so I decided to make it a chapter instead of in that grey box at the bottom.

First of all, thank you for reading Camp Orion. The support that I get means a lot to me. The below remark is getting more in depth about mental illness and what can be done about it.

I started Camp Orion after the airing of Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep this year. For the most part, I found the episode intriguing, but found something missing or something that needed further covering. This, of course, was Luna’s recovery. Self harm is not something that should be dismissed after a few passing words. It takes a lot of time and effort from both the person, friends, family, and the inevitable professional help that they will need.

People go through some really tough crap in their lives. Sometimes, it’s situational. Loved ones pass away, couples break up, jobs have been lost, or they got back from being banished for a thousand years…ahem.

Other times, it’s something that’s been there a person’s entire life. It’s not going to be gone anytime soon nor will it ever be gone. But, they can be healed. All pain can heal. And pain doesn’t heal by itself. It needs someone else to help it heal. Heck, it needs a lot of people to help it heal. So, I guess my point is this:

If you are in pain, seek help. Even talking to trusted friends about what’s going on in your life can do wonders in lifting your mood. You may also want to get professional help to help you find good strategies to use to help dig yourself out of a hole when you stumble in. I get that, often, you might believe that nothing that anyone could say or do could help but, please, I urge you to just try it. Overall, don’t give up because there are so many people who love you and who would be devastated if you weren’t around and they want to help you if you let them. I realized that the recovery of Luna would never be that quick in real life. Like all scars, it takes time to heal. That is why I wrote Camp Orion and I included Discord along with his own back story to convey that this happens to more than one person. You are not alone in this struggle. There are people who might be about to go through what you are, people who are currently in the same situation as you, and people that have been there and have beaten it. Look for those people if you feel alone in the struggle.

If you know someone who is in pain and you are willing to help, keep in touch with that person. Not only will that person feel very loved that someone cares about them that much, but it also gives accountability. It helps them to remember that they should be progressing instead of regressing, to not go back to old, possibly destructive, habits. The other thing is, listen to them. You don’t even have to respond with some enlightening advice because I know that that can scare people into thinking that they won’t be able to help them. Just have an open ear and show that you are concerned. Ask questions and, if they reveal something that sounds like they might be a danger to themselves or others, don’t let them out of your sight and call 911. This is just personal preference at this point but, be liberal with hugs if they want them.

If you’ve got any questions about anything at all, I’d be more than happy to answer them. I’ve had to deal with Depression and have been clean from self harm for ten months now.

If you really really really need advice on something and no one you know can help you, I’ve found this guy to be pretty darn helpful(he’s also a Brony, btw):