MLP Scions Unite!!

by Chrome Masquerade

First published

When a sacrifice is made to defeat a great evil, death is not the end.

After giving their all, the Mane 6 find a need to call on a higher power to defeat an enemy they couldn't otherwise.

They call on the gods of old, from an alternate dimension, sacrificing themselves to save their home.

But the gods yet have use for them. The heroes of one world become the heroes of another!

This is a crossover of White Wolf's Scion and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, neither of which i own the rights to.

I've tried to refine this a bit. Hopefully this will work out better than before.

Prologue: The Ultimate Spell

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“Come on, everypony! We can't... can't give up!” Twilight Sparkle said, coughing up blood.

“If you... don't *cough!* mind me s-s-saying, Twilight, i d-d-don't think we can beat this.” wheezed Fluttershy, barely staying conscious.

Applejack said, “Ah think she's right Twi. This... thing beat even Discord! Even with our Rainbow Powers, it's just too strong!”

The voice of the gigantic beast they were facing rang out, with a laugh that pierced the sky and echoed for miles. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! FOOLISH PONIES. YOU NEVER STOOD A CHANCE AGAINST ME! YOUR PITIFUL LIVES ARE NOW OVER!”

An idea came to Twilight. “We aren't beaten yet, beast!”


“Maybe, but...” Twilight turned to her friends. “Everypony! I have an idea!”

Rarity spoke. “What is it, darling?”

“Yeah! If you have a plan, I'm all ears.” said Rainbow Dash, finally standing up, panting heavily.

“For the good of Equestria, we must sacrifice ourselves!”

Her friends all exclaimed, “WHAT!?”

“I understand your trepidation, but we have to do this.” Twilight said, stepping toward her friends, drawing runes in the earth beneath her in her own blood with her magic.

“For the good of hundreds of thousands of ponies, we MUST sacrifice everything we are today. A living sacrifice! It may just give us enough power to destroy it! But i can't do it without all of you. First, put every bit of magic you have left into this spell!” Twilight said.

“Ah'm behind ya!” Applejack said, standing and forcing her Earth Pony magic into the ground, beginning to turn grayish as she did so.

“Me too!” Rarity exclaimed, doing likewise, her horn glowing like a torch.

“Me three!” Added Pinkie Pie as she added her power, her coat darkening and her mane and tail slowly going flat.

“Let's do this!” Rainbow Dash said, adding her own power, her trademark multicoloured mane and dail fading to brown.

“I'm *cough! Hack!* not sure how much help i can.. can be, but I'm with you!” Fluttershy put in.

“Everypony, there's no going back. We may never see each other again. But know that i'll always love you all, wherever i might be.” Twilight said, pulling her friends into a group hug.

“He's going down!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash, determined now.

“Alright, here goes.” Twilight spoke in the Royal Canterlot Voice, calling out to the heavens. “Hear our plea! Any force of good out there that might be listening! We willingly sacrifice our lives, our bodies, our magic, our very SOULS if you will help us destroy this creature and save our home!!! Please! Answer our prayers! The fate of millions rests on this!”

A booming voice -more like many voices at once- rang out. “We have heard your plea and accept your sacrifice.”

Suddenly the Element bearers were enveloped by a blinding light, slowly dissolving them.
Simultaneously, a similar shaft of light enveloped the creature, not just dissolving it, but utterly obliterating it, scattering its essence across the multiverse. Before it died it cried out, “NOOOOOOOO!!!!! THIS CANNOT BE!!” before both parties vanished. A circle of colored scorch marks in the shape of the cutie marks of the six brave ponies, and the fallen Elements of Harmony were the only indication that any fight had occurred at all.

Later that day, a ceremony was held, nearly every pony in Equestria came to mourn the loss of the heroic group.
Mayor Mare came up first. “We are here to commemorate our friends, our comrades. These ponies that, though from vastly different walks of life, showed that friendship can unite us all. We... may have had tough times with -sometimes because of- them, but I have nothing but respect for them. I... hope that they knew- no, know that, wherever they are.”

Princess Celestia came to the makeshift podium next, tears in her eyes, not even hiding them. “I... always knew that Twilight and her friends would do great things. In our very darkest hour they have made the ultimate sacrifice -literally!- to save us all. I am... so proud of them, that they did something none of us could do.”

Celestia sobbed and wiped her eyes before continuing. “I knew Twilight ever since she was a little filly, and even then saw her potential. But as she grew up she grew... reclusive. Only when she met her friends did she truly let friendship into her heart. They saved us from Nightmare Moon, from Discord, from Chrysalis, from Tirek, and many more. And now they have saved us once again. I hope that wherever they are, they know that we are thankful. That we could never thank them enough for what they did.”

The alicorn princess stepped aside, allowing her sister to take the stand. Luna said, “You shall have to forgive me. I have never been good with these public speeches.” eliciting a few muffled snickers from the crowd.
“Twilight and her friends, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie... they saved me. They did forgive me for what I had done, and became my friends too. They showed me that friendship is truly the most powerful form of magic there is. New heroes may come, mayhaps one among you all, amd maybe they might hold more power than these ones did. but I do doubt that they will be quite so powerful of spirit, or so warm of heart.” The Lunar princess said, sniffling more than a bit herself.

“I... Will miss them more than they could ever know.”

Luna left the podium and made way for Discord.

“What is there to be said? Those ponies showed me true friendship. They... accepted me for who and what I am. Even though I tried to take over Equestria, even though I betrayed them the one time. They still accepted me as a friend.
Especially... especially Fluttershy. She was my first true friend and she was the one who I came to fall in love with. I even proposed to her last week. She... said yes. But we will not get the chance to be together again, it seems. I don't think my life will be the same without them all, especially her. Therefore, I am giving up my chaos magic, and will put my affairs in order before offering myself to whatever force cane to us. And I will do it as my old self... Starswirl, the Bearded. Or, a part of him, anyway. I'll not explain any further than that.”

The gathered ponies gasped at this bombshell that was just dropped on them.

“Maybe... just maybe we might see each other again. Who knows.”

Discord reverted to the form of Starswirl the Bearded and left the stage, taking the time to hug both Celestia and Luna before disappearing in a flash of white light.

Thus the way was cleared for Spike. “Twilight and her friends always accepted me, just as if i was another pony. Our lives got so much better when they came along. So it's only right that I pay my respects to them all.

"Applejack was always kind and honest, even if a bit stubborn at times. Okay, a lot stubborn, but we all loved her.” Spike said, getting a few laughs from the Apple family.

“Rainbow Dash was always cocky, kind of brash, but she was very loyal and never left us hanging. Rarity... Well, it's no secret that I loved her at first sight. I was going to even propose to her this week. I still have the ring. Anyway, she was so generous, nice, funny at times... She worked me nearly as hard as Twilight, but I could tell that she loved me too. Iiiin her own way.

"Fluttershy was a bit slow to warm up to us. At first she couldn't even finish a sentence before backing up from us, or at least Twilight, a few steps. Oh, she was so kind to everypony, to all her animals...I hope that wherever she is she stays that way.

"Pinkie Pie, well, I think that we can all agree that there are no words to fully describe Pinkie Pie!” Spike smiled and made a wide gesture with his hands, the audience laughing out loud.

“But a few words come to mind. Random, funny, skilled, surprisingly knowledgeable... and she always loved to make others happy. I hope that wherever she is in that big bunch of stars up there that she still does.

"Twilight was my first friend, my mother, my sister. My everything. She meant the world to me. She was the first pony i saw, the first pony who i truly felt... love, of a sort, for."

Everypony was crying now, even ponies like Diamond Tiara and Prince Blueblood.

“But anyway, let me just say that... I may or may not live on, but every night I do will be a bit colder without them around. Every day I'm sure that I'll cry a little. If i could go where they are, I would, in a heartbeat.”

Spike finished, Princess Celestia once more taking the stand, but not before hugging Spike briefly.

“I know that everypony is sad that they're gone, but i'm sure that, wherever they are, they would want us to be happy. So... let's celebrate what they did while they were alive instead of focusing on how much we miss them, now that they, well... aren't. We should be happy that they saved us. So... is anypony hungry? Pinkie seems to have made a few cakes in advance.”

The crowd smiled slightly as one, before Spike hopped up. “Well? You heard the princess! As Pinkie Pie would say herself, LEEEEET''S PARTY!!!”

Princess Celestia frowned a bit at Spike's interruption, but this just made the crowd laugh harder.
Luna came up as well. “Yes! Let us smile as I'm sure they would want! Let the fun be restored!”
The crowd walked off into the town as a whole, smiling.

However, they were being watched

“Did you see that?" a voice said. "Methinks these souls could be better than sustenance.”

“Are you thinking what i'm thinking?” another commented.

“Ragnarok is fast approaching.” a third put in.

“Let us each take one. One day, they might meet again.” said the first again.

A fourth voice spoke up. “Honestly, I think i speak for the Loa in general when I say, 'pass'.”

“How can you say that?! They just gave up everything to save their home. Something you should be able to understand.” the second inserted, angrily.

“You know full well that we value prosperity of a single town over the salvation of a world. In our eyes they may have aided this, but can no longer aid in its defense or amelioration. We are not perfect, but we have our own standards.” the fourth replied before vanishing entirely.

“Your loss, then." the first said, dismissively. "Wait, there are six. Seven, if you count the dragon. Who shall take the extra?”

There was some argument before one was decided.

“This One is badly damaged. I'll need to work with one of my brothers to help her.” yet another new voice said.

“That dragon will come with us as well. I feel that he needs his... sister.” one more voice added.

“So be it. These will be our scions. Death is just the beginning of their journey.” the first said, with finality.

Part 1 Chapter 1: Twilight and Spike; Reborn!

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I woke up, finding myself somewhere warm and safe. I could make out a thumping sound nearby, but couldn't tell what it was. I don't know how long I was there, but eventually I was sent out of this safe and warm place to reveal...a smiling face. Some part of me registered, “Mama!” and reached out inarticulately. A moment later, another face came to me. My.... brother? I supposed
“-ongr-tul—ions, m—s S-arkl-. Y-u h--e tw--s!” a voice said.

“Oh, th--'re -- be---if-l!” my “mother” said.
She sort of... imprinted on me. This was the one who held me for months, the one who gave me life. I reached out for her and (with some aid) hugged her.
“Oh y—r f-th-r wi-- be – pr—d!” she gushed.

“Wh-t –e t-i-r na—s?”

-Suffice it to say, my mother noticed that my eyes were like the sky, just before dark and called me Twilight. My brother's hair was grown in as soon as he was born. It was a VERY dark green, naturally going into a sort of stegosaurus-like pattern. He was therefore named Spike. it should probably be noted that my hair started growing in at one month, being a lustrous royal purple, with a pink streak in it.-

“Ma!” we exclaimed simultaneously.

“Impressive! Not even a few minutes old and they said their first word!”

Thus began our childhood.

We grew and developed quickly, much faster than the norm. I took my first steps at three months, fully walking at four. My brother was up and walking by four as well. I learned how to (sort of) speak as we were born, but I learned how to read by myself at just over 18 months, and thus speak much better around that time. My brother learned quickly too, having some innate ability to learn from my learning. Our progress was astounding, and our future potential, seemingly limitless.

At two and a half years I first discovered my magic. I remember mom's reaction to that.

“Mommy! Look what I do!”

“(Gasp!) How are you doing that?”

“But... you not proud, me?”

“(sigh.) Of course I am, sweetie. I just... remembered who your father really was.”


“(sigh.) Haven't you ever wondered why you were so interested in books of mythology? Specifically Egyptian mythology?”

“Noooo....” I had no idea what she was getting at.

“Your father... is Thoth, the Egyptian god of knowledge. And Spike's father is Horus.”

“Daddy.. god?” my two year old mind was blown. “Daddy is thofe? Toth? Thou- I no can say that.”

My mother giggled a bit. “Yes sweetie, he is. This means, however, that now your training intensifies.”

From there, our mother trained me both in my mind and magic, my brother learning the more physical side of things. We went to school five days a week, but never showed our powers. We knew better than to do that.

However... I was something of a nerd. Okay, I was a HUGE nerd. Either way, it meant I was going to be bullied. I usually got beat up until my significantly tougher brother came to my defense. At first I tried to love and tolerate and all, but it just got worse. Until one day...

Grade 7. It was lunch hour and i was outside, Naturally my usual bully came along. This was Bruce. Now, normally he was pretty harmless, giving me little more than scrapes or bruises, which I could heal with my magic when I got home. THIS time, however, he came with friends, and my brother had been called to speak with the principal, keeping him from me.

All in all, there were five in the group. They glowered toward me as I backed away. I knew that if I didn't try to defend myself I would get seriously hurt. When they pinned me down I panicked, reflexively lifting the lot of them in the air with my magic. With a gasp I dropped them.

They got back up, madder than ever, but suddenly I felt a flash behind my eyes. My muscles locked up. I could barely shout “Run! Run!” Sure, they were jerks, but I knew that whatever was happening would hurt -or possibly kill- someone who got too close.

I lifted into the air, energy saturating my body. A purple haze started forming around me. Students were running, but Bruce, the idiot, was still within range. My eyes went entirely white and the haze exploded, only then sending the moron running.

The energy dissipated, leaving a small crater, and at the center of it was a small lavender-purple horse, me, a six pointed star on my flank.

I came to much later, in the school infirmary, back to human form. When I asked what happened, I was directed to the bed nearby. Lying there was Bruce, now a pony as well, with second and third degree burns all over.

Reassuring the nurse, I used my magic to heal him. He rose almost immediately. Upon seeing me he shouted, “She isn't human! She's a FREAK! A FREAK, I SAY! Wait, why do I have HOOVES?”

The nurse cut him off. “Shut up you insipid lout! You've bullied this girl for months, and she just turned the other cheek. It was YOUR choice to stay within range of... of... whatever that was. And not only did she not kill you or taunt you when she had the chance, but, out of the kindness of her heart, she just HEALED you and saved your LIFE! Show some respect, or gratitude at the least!”

“Whatever. In my opinion I was right to bully her like I did. No, I should have done WORSE to a freak like her.” Then he turned to me, “Listen here. By tomorrow the whole town will know your little... “secret”.” he said, sneering at the last word. “For healing me like you did, I'll give you 48 hours. I suggest you move before then, because if we ever meet again I. WILL. Kill you. My parents will not brake if they see you crossing the street. I am DEAD serious.”

With that, he trotted off, leaving me on my knees, sobbing, feeling wretched and unclean, only the nurse and Spike comforting me.

It turned out that due to the magical energy emitted by the “surge”, as it became known, several other students were turned into ponies. This, supposedly, was permanent. They would be allowed to keep studying at the school, but it was likely that they wouldn't get past high school, if into it at all.

I told my mother what happened that day, and what Bruce said. My mother gave me a hug and reassured me before we started packing the van. We had to leave quickly.
When we were going to leave, i went to the school to set some things straight.

“Look! There she is! The girl that did this to us!”

“WAIT!” i shouted. “I understand that you're a mite ticked off at me. Fine. I understand and as a result am leaving town. BUT before you all try to kill me, I'll tell you this: Even though many of you have been changed, you can still learn how to be a great help to this world. Those of you with wings are Pegasi. I'm not sure how I know this, but you can fly, control weather and have prehensile wings. You could help by, say, clearing smog from cities, or bringing rain to parched lands. Those of you with horns, naturally, are Unicorns. You can use magic and have a stronger nervous system than any of the other races. You could, say, transmute oil into water, use concussive blasts to take out criminals non-lethally, lift heavy objects safely and so much more. Those of you with neither are Earth Ponies. You are stronger and hardier than the other two races and have a natural connection to, well, the earth beneath your hooves. You also have prehensile manes and tails. You can, perhaps, regrow clear cut forests, grow food that's more nutritious than what you get in the store faster than any farmer, and much more.”

“Why are you helping us if you did this to us?” one piped up.

“I had no clue that that would happen. If you want to really blame someone, blame my attackers, who triggered it. I'm sorry to those who were previously my friends, but this town is nothing but a death trap for me henceforth. Goodbye.”
With that i walked back to the van, leaving a trail of tears behind me.
“Be well, my friends.” I finished, closing the door.

Part 1 Chapter 2: Relocations and Revelations

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Part 1, Chapter 2: Relocation.

As we drove along the highway, I considered what this meant for our lives. Would this go on my permanent record? How couldn't it? That said, would i ever go to another school? Graduate? Go to university?

Fortunately my mother snapped me out of it. “Twilight! What's done is done. There's no point dwelling on it further.”

“But... if I hadn't...”

“If you hadn't used your magic, you would have DIED, child.” Mom said, reading my mind.

“What if... this goes on my permanent record? I would never be able to go to another school!”

“Well, we'll have to take that chance. Someone will listen. Trust me.”

We drove on, way into the night. Apparently we were going to stay with my very odd uncle Geoffrey. And I do mean he was ODD. He ran a gizmo shop and had a collection of rare tools. These were versions of hammers, screwdrivers, ratchets, pliers and more. Limited edition versions of said tools. He had, for example, a screwdriver with a grip much like a large screw. He had a hammer that on one side, the flat end for the usual hammering, on the other side was a sort of blade/spear mechanism that would shatter stripped nails and screws. Brilliant, yes. Effective, double yes, but strange nevertheless.

See what I mean? And these were some of his lesser... eccentricities.

Spike tried to comfort me, but mom could see that I was still bemused. She said, “I can't really help you, honey. If i knew how to contact your father, I bet he would know. But, alas....”

At that point a thought hit me: If he's a god, why not pray? That should get his attention!
So I prayed, “Oh, father, powerful and knowledgeable Thoth, your daughter, Twilight, seeks your aid. What is my purpose? How can I master my power, so this won't happen again? Who, or what AM I, really?”

{“So many difficult questions. So many possible answers.”}

“Father? Oh, thank you for answering!”

{“My pleasure child. You know, a lot of your... cousins take much longer to think of this method of contacting me. As somewhat of a reward for your astuteness, I shall answer your questions as clearly as i can. The first is fairly easy. Close your eyes and think. What might your purpose be?”}

“Um... all I can tell is that is has something to do with magic.”

{“Yes. And since I'm also a god of knowledge, what do you think would be the best way to exercise that?”}

“To.... Teach students of my own! To... unlock their power and teach them how to use it for the benefit of all!”

{“Yes, child! I knew i made the right choice! Now, your third question is slightly harder to answer.”}

“I'm all ears, father.”

{“Listen well, my child. Several years ago you lived in another world, as did your brother. You were the very pony that you reverted to when your Mana Flare ended. She, or you, and your friends made the choice to sacrifice yourselves to save your homeland, the land of Equestria. We gods answered your prayers, and defeated the threat, at the cost of your lives. When your brother, a dragon, heard of this he more or less stopped living, himself. We brought him along because of your bond, and out of mercy. We decided that your souls should be reborn, as our Scions.”}


{“Yes. Half god children such as yourself and your brother, who have a great destiny, are Scions. Now, your second question intertwines with the first. I shall make a deal with you, here. As you grow older and teach more students of magic, I will grant you new boons and unlock new spells and abilities for you. These, in turn, will give you more opportunities to master your magic. Deal?”}

“As you say, father, it shall be.”

At this my father chuckled. {“My good child. For now, here is all the power I can grant you. Are you ready for it? It will feel... strange.”}

I braced myself for it.

{“Here it comes! Good luck, Twilight Sparkle! Surely we shall speak again. Tell your mother I said hello!”}

My father broke the contact, and a moment later I felt a rush of power flow through me. It tingled up my spine and through my arteries.

Twilight gains:

1 points Strength, and Stamina.
2 points Charisma, Dexterity, Manipulation Appearance, Perception and Will
3 points Intelligence (+3 of epic intelligence)

1 dot melee, survival and medicine
2 dots athletics, fortitude, investigation, science, academics and politics
3 dots awareness, integrity, marksmanship and occult

Ren Harvest: When someone speaks of her accomplishments in a favourable way, she rolls Charisma + empathy. Number of successes = legend points gained.
Animal Aspect,
Sekem Barrier: floods self with magical energy, forcing a surge.
Sky's Grace: takes little to no damage from falls
Wind's Freedom: Can jump as high or as far as she likes without penalty or damage
Knacks: Fast Learner, Teaching Prodigy, Know-it-all, Social Chameleon

The contact cut and I awoke. I felt even more powerful than before. I could feel the powers of ages long past flowing through me like honeyed milk, at once sweet and running quickly.
“Dad says hi.” I told my mother.

“You... contacted him? How?”

“He's a god, so I prayed.”

“That... actually makes sense.”

i turned to Spike. “Why don't you try it, bro? Pray to Horus. I'm sure he'll hear.”

“Okay. Here goes.” Spike said.

“Oh father, wise and just Horus. Spike, your Scion wishes to speak with you. Who or what am I? What is my role in life? How may I help my sister? The answers are beyond me.”

{“Ah, Spike. My newest Scion. I was wondering if you would find a way to contact me. I never expected you to choose this method. Well done.”}

“Heh. It was my sister's idea.”

{“Ah, your sister... Twilight, is it?”}

“Yes father. That's right.”

{“Please. I would have my Scions call me by one of my names. You may call me Heru, Nekhemy, or simply Horus.”}

{“Alright, 'Horus', then.”}

{"Better. Now, in answer to your questions, Firstly, you and your sister were, in your previous life, inspirational figures in a land called Equestria, the majority of the populace were miniature horses, or Ponies, as they preferred to be called. Your sister was one of the leaders of the nation. You, however, were her assistant and constant companion, a young dragon.”}


{“Indeed. Your sister and her friends made the ultimate sacrifice to remove a threat from the land, sacrificing everything they had to do so. When we say that you almost ceased living yourself, in grief, we took you along as well. You were reborn not only as Scions, but as siblings.”}

{“Wow... that would explain this mark on my thigh.”}

{"That, in Equestria, is known as a Cutie Mark. It represents your special talent. Your Sister's represents magic in general. Yours, a dragon on a shield, represents your loyalty to your sister and will to protect her and others dear to you."}

{“And now that Twilight has... Awakened, i suppose you could say...”}

{“Indeed. It will be all the more difficult. But as my Scion you are a Bravo.”}

{“A... What now?”}

{“A Bravo. It means that you enjoy excitement and danger, and difficult situations only make you stronger and more determined. I suggest you one day take up a job in law enforcement. As to your third question, I'll make you a deal. As you grow and come into your powers more and protect more people i will give you new boons to help you to further do so. Deal?”}

{“I'm okay with that, Horus.”

{“This is all the power i can give you at the moment. Remember: protect the weak. Avenge the deaths of innocents and bring justice to all. One day, you two might ascend to godhood yourselves.”}

“That i will do!”

{“Alright, here it comes! Tell your mother that I love her, no matter how far apart we are!”}

Spike gains:

1 point: Dexterity (3), Charisma (2), Manipulation (2)
2 points: Stamina (4), Appearance (3), Perception (3), Intelligence (3), Wits (3) and Strength (4, +3 points of epic Strength

1 dot: Academics (2), Empathy, (2), Integrity (2), Politics (1)
2 dots: Animal ken (2), Athletics (3), Brawl (4), Awareness (3), Fortitude (4), Melee (2), Presence (2), Science (Geology) (2)
3 dots: Survival (3)



The contact broke and suddenly Spike awoke. “Twilight! I remember everything now.”

“Remember what?” our mother asked.

“Our past life.” Spike replied.


“Yeah. We lived in a totally different world. A world typically of magic and peace. I was just a dragon then and Twilight was everything to me. She was my mother, my aunt, my best friend... But now, we're so much more.” he said, hugging me.

“But I remember our other Friends. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie...”

I finished, “Rarity, and Fluttershy. I wonder... I wonder how they're doing...”

“You think we'll see them again?”

“I hope so. We can only hope.”

We drove on into the distance, hoping for the best.

Part 1 Chapter 3: Applejack Reborn!

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--Jacksonville General Hospital--

I came to in a warm place. It was delightfully warm and i felt comfortable. Then just as suddenly I was being pulled from it. Being pulled suddenly into the cold and all ain't no fun, I can tell ya that!

I heard voices, too. But I couldn't make them out at first.

“C-ngr-tu—tio--! i-'s a -ir-.”

“S-e's g-rg—us! H-r fa—er w—l be pr-u-!”

Suddenly my ears popped and I could hear clearly.

“Where is he, anyway?”

“Oh, ah'm sure he would be here, but he's got duties to perform. He has his, and now...”

The speaker, I presume my mother, lifted me up and hugged me.

“Ah have mine.”

“I understand.” the nurse replied.

My mother sniffed at me. “Hmm. Odd. You smell like apples. Hmm... if ya were a
boy ah would'a called ya Jack, but in a case like this, ah think ah'll call you... Applejack. Would ya like that? Hmm?”

“A'ja!” i exclaimed.

“Now let's getcha some breakfast.” She brought me to one of her nipples and i drank greedily. It tasyed like the finest apple juice, made from only the best apples, but richer. More creamy. As I drank, I could feel myself filling with a strange sort of power. Her milk was literally making me stronger!

At length I finished. “Good. Now go to sleep, my little Applejack.”

“Ah Pul Je-k...” I said, sleepily.

This startled both women. And rightly so! A few minutes ago I had barely been able to utter a few letters of my name, and now here i was, nearly speaking it properly and much of my baby fat replaced with lean, hard muscle.
The nurse noticed a little milk on my cheek and swabbed it, putting that in a container. “I'm sending this to the lab for analysis.”

“Why? It's just milk.”

“'Just milk' that increased your child's IQ and converted fat into muscle. If we can find the secret behind your milk, we could help all newborns. If I’m correct... your milk is a natural Enhancer!”

Anyway, one Eureka later, we were leaving the hospital, soon to be several thousand dollars richer. Turns out ma could be a shrewd negotiator. She didn't want the fame, though. Just the wealth. So she asked for 35% of the take as defrayal. This sounded more than fair to the nurse. BUT she in turn insisted that if she got an award or suchlike we would have to be there to share the glory.

We were later sharing a Nobel prize, much to mom's embarrassment.

At any rate, so began my childhood. I grew and developed quickly, spurred on by my mother's very nutritious milk. By two months I was up and walking!
Though I could talk (sorta) before I was an hour old, I couldn't read until i was 4.

Eventually, though, came school.

Every year I got As in gym, science, English and drama, music, art and so forth... but for some reason, try as I might, I could barely get the hang of math. I always studied hard, but I’d be damned if I could get more than a mediocre score. Not low enough to fail it, but often just barely not.

Where was I? Oh yeah.

Anyway, my parents (mother and grandmother) ran a farm. Mostly produce like apples, plums, pears, blueberries, currants, strawberries and more.
I have to give mom credit, she could really manage her time! She instinctively knew exactly which plants needed what fertilizer, she knew just when to go and pick the produce, the optimal time of day to water them, the-

I digress.

The point is that she was somehow able to run almost the whole darn place by herself! It wasn't just a small farm, either. It was 8 acres of land. My grandmother (Granny Smith, we called her) made jams and such with the produce we brought in, no easy task either!

I helped them out whenever I could. Turns out I had a green thumb, as they call it. More like a green hand! Anything I planted grew within days, not months!

Then things started to get... interesting.

I started to come into my powers at about 5 years of age. I had supernatural strength, speed, stamina and my “green hand” extended to an arm! Plants would grow just by me singing to them. (I started with watermelons.) If I sang to them once a day, by a week's time they were fully grown!
Later on, in an instant, if I liked!

Applejack Smith learns: Green Thumb, Accelerate Growth, Verdant Creation

Also I became capable of great feats of strength. I could bench press the farm's tractor! Keep in mind, I was 10 or so at this point.
Speaking of tractors, come the summer of my 13th year I didn't bother with that noisy contraption. I just hitched the over-sized rake to me and dug the land up myself!

Applejack Smith learns Mighty Heave, Uplifting Might

At school I became somethin' of a celebrity. A quote unquote “patron saint” (or, matron saint at least) of the harvest. They would tell me of their problems with their plants and often I would tell them what to do. Sometimes their plants were assailed by weeds. Situations like those I handled by myself. I would “tell” the plants that if the weeds wanted to take them over, then they'd do the same! The plants would effectively kill the weeds and absorb their nutrients.

Applejack Smith learns Inspirational Figure, Plant Communication

At my 18th year there was an.... incident. Some corporate jerks decided that they didn't like how successful we were. They wanted a take of our profits. Somewhere in the range of... 100%. Being the strong, independent type, my mother refused. And so they flat-out tried to kill my parents! And nearly succeeded! It was only with the aid of the conveniently arriving police that we were saved.

--Hospital, two hours later--

“Are they gonna be okay, doc?”

“Yes. They should be. We got the bullets out and patched up their wounds. Your grandmother, though, I'll be surprised if she ever walks again... ”

“Who were those guys anyway?”

“I'm surprised that it took them this long to find you. They're called the Green Club. They are a mob of ruthless thugs who pose as businessmen. They make successful farmers pay for protection and if they aren't paid, they kill the owners of the place or outright burn the land.”

“Wait, WHAT?!?”

I dashed out the door and ran back home, probably breaking a world record.
Sure enough, when I got there, everything was up in flames. The house, the fields, everything. I fell to my knees, sobbing. Minutes later the fire department arrived and the blaze was under control, but everything we had worked so hard for was destroyed.

One fireman said, “Sorry, girl. It's what happens to those who get the attention of the Green Club. It's happened before and I imagine it'll happen again.”

“The hell it will.” I said coldly enough that you could actually see frost forming around me. “Where do they set up shop?”

“4th street. Can't miss the place. Trust me. But-”

“I'll be back.” I said, cutting the man off.

Another tried to stop me. "Whoa! Whoa! Is this really worth-"

I glared at him

Reflex Roll: Intimidation - 6 successes

"Get. Out. Of. My. Way." I growled.

Begrdgingly, he aquiesced.

I began to walk to the mentioned place. As I did I heard a voice.

{“Applejack. With your current powers you can't beat them by yourself.”}

“So what am ah supposed t` do?!” I shot back at the voice.

{“Become who you were born to be. Become your father's daughter. Become... my scion. And exact vengeance upon those fools.”}

“Who are you, anyway?”

{“I am Xipe Totec earth god of the Aztlani. I am your father and, if you'll let me be, your ally. What do you say? Shall we make the bastards pay for what they did?”}

“With interest.”

{“Good. Excellent. While you are on your way there, i shall tell you of who you once were.”}

“All ears, father.”

{“Good. In a past life you lived in a land of peace and happiness – for the most part. A land largely populated by Ponies.”}

“Are you pulling m'leg, dad?”

{“Truly. You were one of six heroes among them. You were a farmer, running an apple orchard with the help of your family.”}

“I'm starting to remember! Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, Big Mac...”

{“Yes. You and your five friends made the ultimate sacrifice to destroy a demon more powerful than any you had ever faced. You offered everything that you were to the heavens. We decided that your souls had better uses than sustenance. Speaking of, here we are.”}

I looked up. Turns out that the fireman was right. There was an ostentatious building before me. It had a wrought iron gate and behind it a four story mansion.

“Overcompensating for something, maybe?” I commented dryly.

{“Indeed. Now, take this.”}

in my hand appeared a pendant. On it was a jade statue.

{“Throw this to the ground when you get attacked. It will summon a receptacle for sacrifices. Now follow me on this. The more enemies you sacrifice, (whole is better) the more aid I will be able to send you. Deal?”}

“Let's make some mayhem.”

{“Not so fast! First.....”}

A wave of power flowed through me. I could feel myself getting stronger.

Applejack gains





Part 1 Chapter 4: Rainbow Dash: Reforged!

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Okay, so i guess it's my turn, huh?

Right. Where to start?(1)

It started a bit before my birth, naturally. I was born to a couple that ran a black/glassmith business; the Blakes. My father handled the blacksmithing, making weapons, armor or other metallic things, while my mother handled glassblowing. She would make anything from glass globes to glass sculptures to glass... glasses.

Naturally, when my mother got to being, uh... in pig, my father broke out the high quality stuff to make ends meet, as it was no longer healthy for mom to be so close to the heat, for either of us.

About eight and 3/4 months later, she gave birth to me at a local hospital. It wasn't a high quality hospital or anything, but they managed to get me out safe-like.

Oddly, i was born laughing, and -oddly enough- with a hammer in one hand. A blacksmith's hammer with a lightning bolt engraved on either side. The doctors questioned what my mother had been eating to have THAT happen, but it was played up for laughs. Everyone had the feeling that it was a miracle. And how could you blame them?! But one thing they couldn't come up with at the timee was a name.

Oddly, a few days later, when my hair started coming in, it was in an array of colours. Hence mom gave me the name "Rainbow Dash" Blake, after my uncle, the strangely named Dash Blake..

Shortly after getting back, my mother resumed her gaffer's trade. and she started making amazing masterworks that people would pay through the nose for! One even got featured in a museum! The cash was flowing once more and our lives were happy.

When i saw my father with conscious thought for the first time (I was around two years old), I could tell that there was something... off about him. Maybe he was slightly too handsome or slightly too clean, despite his business, or the way that he would occaionally leave without a trace for a few days now and again. Something like that. But even at that age, i could tell that he wasn't normal.

When I came to being four years old, dad would get me started with working in the forge. He had me using my special hammer (which grew with me, for some reason.). At first, i didn't make anything really special; a few knick-knacks, nothing much. Give me a break, I was four. But as I got better, my pieces grew in quality.

One piece i was particularly proud of was made when I was seven: A pair of half moon blades that could come together and form a sharp-edged shield, of sorts. Dad liked it so much that it became our new emblem, much to my increased pride.

Most of what I made were display weapons, though. Like those "Kit Rae" things you'll see these days. Fakeblades, my father called them. Still, they sold better than hotcakes, and the ones I made were practically mastercraft level.

The years went by, both at school and at home. I found that I learned better when I was at a higher elevation, oddly enough. Even a few inches helped.

Otherwise, school was nothing special... until I started to come into my abilities at age 12. The first thing was an affinity for hands on projects, like in shop class or Creative Arts. Then I gained an affectation for mythology, especially Norse.

Dad was pleased with this and even tutored me in Norse mythology. I learned so much that my classmates didn't!

Then i started learning new languages, which I took to like a fish to water, first learning Spanish, then French, German, Japanese, Greek, and so on! By the time i graduated from middle school, i was on the honour roll!

It hurt when someone called me an egghead. Seriously.

Thus things went on. I learned that I also had a way with equine animals (especially horses), I found. Dad was actually elated, to the point that dad actually bought a pony for me. Though, it felt wrong riding her. Therefore i was quite surprised when one day i heard her "speak".

<<"You take such good care of me.">>

No, 'surprised' is an understatement!

"You can TALK?!"

<<"Always could. You've just learned how to listen.">>

That sparked an... interesting friendship, to say the least. We'd often spend hours talking to each other. It turns out that she had been handed off to several owners. But she was not easily tamed. So she'd been sold several times. She thought that she'd be sent to the glue factory eventually. Then dad came and bought her, hoping that I could tame her.

Needless to say, It worked.

Those were good times. But... too good to last.

When I was 18, a band of ogres, 'Jotun' (you could tell from the shapes in the walls and the gigantic footprints), ravaged my hometown when I was at school and dad was off oon one of his ventures. Homes were crushed. People were killed or taken hostage. Not least of which was my mother. Also, my friend was killed, half eaten.

When I got home and saw what had happened, I was devastated. I could feel a surge of hatred grow within me. I saw red for a moment. Eventually, I released a primal yell.


A bolt of lightning from the heavens struck me. I could feel my strength doubling, tripling! i felt llike i could lift a thousand pounds no sweat! Another call flowed out of me.

"By the Allfather. By the Allmaker. Sendeth to me that which is the Stormbreaker!"

Immediately, another bolt of lightning flashed and from the heavens came....


Yup. It was him. But in full armor and wielding a large hammer.

"You rang?"

My father... was Thor!

Part 1 Chapter 5: Rainbow's Empowerment

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"Yes, daughter. It is I. I am sure that you have many questions, but now, 'tis not the time. Before thou ask'th, I WAS going to tell ye when ye were 20, but it seems that there is no choice now."

"No choice?" I querid. "What do you mean? And stop talking like that. It's weird."

He chuckled. "I apologize. Force of habit when I'm in this form. Nevertheless, if we are to avenge your mother, I must tell you of your origin, and unleash your potential."

Thus he told me of my soul's origin in Equestria, of the sacrifice we made. Of my becoming a Scion "And, well, you know the rest. I visit all of my scions, but you... you I stayed with, for some reason. Let's see if you measure up to your lineage."

With that. he pointed Mjolnir at me and another bolt of lightning struck me I felt power overwhelm my senses, felt every part of me become more... real, if that makes any sense. Like this was how i was meant to be.

Rainbow Dash gains the following:
4 points of Strength, Dexterity and Stamina. Total: 6, 5 and 6.
3 points of Charisma and Appearance. Total: 6, 5 and 4
2 points of Perception and Wits. Total: 4 and 3
1 point of Manipulation and intelligence. Total: 2 and 3

3 points of Academics, Animal Ken, Arts: general, Athletics, Fortitude, Integrity, Melee, and Thrown. 5 across the board
2 points in Awareness, Brawl, Occult, Presence and Survival. 3 across the board

4 points of Willpower

3 points of Harmony (4)
2 points of Vengeance and Valor (3)
1 point of Loyalty (3)

2 Legend (Legend Points: 9)

Knacks and Boons:
Automatic bonus: 7 points Animal, 11 points Sky(1)
3 points Justice
5 points Guardian

A moment after that was done, i came to my senses. My father nodded. "Good. Good! you've survived the endowment. I expected no less! Now, daughter, gather your weapons. For tonight we hunt Jotun!" At this, he laughed heartily.

I was about to walk back into the house, but dad stopped me. "No, no! You've kept up on your mythology, right?" he smiled at me, and i understood.

"My blades! My hammer! To me!" when i sad that, my moonblades and hammer came flying. The swords slung themselves at my back, the hammer at my side.

Also, a set of armor begam to form around me.I recognized this plate mail armor as my Warrior's Raiment, and somehow i knew that it would only appear when i needed it.

Before anything else happened, i looked back at my dead friend. "I wish i could do something for her." I commented idly.

"But there is, my daughter!" dad said. "Concentrate on your magic; call her back."

Doing just that, i reached out to her body and soul. "My friend, return to me!"

Wind swirled around her, raising her into the air. Before my very eyes, flesh, bone and sinew came anew, rebuilding my friend's broken body, reshaping it. By the end, a white pegasus stood before me. And not my kind, either!

"Ugh. I'm gonna feel that in the morning." she said, still groggy.

I glomped her joyfully. "You're back! I thougt I'd lost you."

"Still need air!" she said, and I released her. we smiled at each other and she nuzzled me.

Suddenly, a change started to come over me. My skin turned blue and kind of fuzzy. My face became a small muzzle. My ears migrated to the top of my head. Also, my false wings became real wings! All said, i looked like a half human half horse mix, with wings for good measure.

"Let me try that!" At will, my friend shifted to a similar form, but golden and brown. "Swift Breeeze, at your service(2)."

My father and I looked astonished. "Since when could you do that?"

"Just now."

Dad asked, "And why didn't you mention that you could talk?"

She shrugged. "You never asked."

Face, you remember palm, right?

"Anyway," dad said, "we haven't all day, and we have much to do."

"Wait, wait. First..." i said, then put my hands to Swift's chest and said, "You are now under my protection."

There was a flash and a symbol of a lightning bolt appeared on her chest.

"NOW we can go." I affirmed.

My father, the Thunderer, nodded. "Well and good. We fly! To Jotunheim!"

A portan opened in the sky and we went through.

Jotunheim was, I found... optimistically dystopian. There was a lot of gray and black. And i mean a LOT. Rock covered the ground, not a single tree was in sight, not a blade of grass anywhere, not even a single pool of water was in sight. It almost made me feel sorry for those giants.


"Well, isn't this impressive." I said, dryly. "You really need to work to get this level of menace into a place."

"Indeed." Dad said. "This is the home of the forces of chaos. We must be careful. Our backup wil be limited here."

"We get backup at all?" I queried.

"Observe." my father said, then raised his hand, blue magic crackling along his arm. "Birger!(3)"

Suddenly, a flash occurred and a silver and red armored warrior appeared. He bowed befor his commander, saying, "Sir. The Arms of Thunder await your command."

"You have an ARMY?!" I queried incredulously.

"He does indeed, my lady." the warrior said. "T'was formd after a... somewhat embarasssing incident, shall we say. If ye so desire, there is a similar army prepared for thee." he added.

I looked down to my hand. Then i summoned some energy, imagining soldiers that looked much like I did at the moment. "Two fighters. Two archers. Two guardians." I then raised my hand, six flashes appearing.

The warriors i saw were nondescript, clad in plain gray armor, with grey weapons. I looked to my father for an explanation.

"Ah, yes. They remain untouched by your magic. You might notice that Birger here is garbed in my colors. Also, don't worry about losing them. They are made with Seidr, and will come back as often as necessary."

"Aaaaah. I get it!"

I turned to my assembled guards and said, "Then you are part of the Stormguard." Magic flowed from my hand, washing over them. Immediately they were shifted to resemble my current form. Yeah; an army of anthro ponies. Their armor changed to a sky blue with red highlights. Also, they were all female.

Pointing to them in turn, i said, "Brenda, Brenna, Asta, Astrid, Borghild, Dagmar.(4)"

They seemed satisfied at this and knelt to me.

"Rise, my guardians. And embrace your new roles." i said. I then put a hand to Swift and thought "Warrior."

Another flash occurred and Swift Breeze was covered in armor, wielding a shield and a broadsword.

Dad again sseemed pleased. Then he turned away. "Bjart! Bjorn! Brandt! Cuyler! Geir! Gudbrand!(5)"

Six more flashes occurred, six more warriors appeared. I grinned. Now we had a chance!

"Alright, Everypony!" i called out instinctively, "Let's do this!"