Goddess Day

by Blobskin

First published

Nuru the goddess is grumpy and horny. The mortals will have to pay her wrath for neglecting her like this, starting with Manehatten.

When Nuru the Goddess of Light and Darkness awoke from her long slumber, she expected a crowd with faces pressed to the ground in worship and a line of muscular stallions ready to ravage her godly flower. What she got was a dusty tomb overrun with cobwebs in a world that had forgotten her. This was absolutely unacceptable. The mortals would have to learn the punishment for ignoring her was death and, for a goddess such as herself, there was only one way to do that.

Contains: OC, goddess, macro, violence, blood, crush, destruction, rampage, cruelty, death, vore, butt, anal, insertion

Chapter 1

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Version: 3


The sun cast the city in a warm orange glow. Glints of light sparkled from the tops of towering steel skyscrapers, each a testament to the engineering genius of Equestria's architects. A strong breeze was coming in from the east and brought with it a salty air that lingered between the buildings. While clouds and pegasi went about their usual daily routine above, ships loaded high with cargo cut through the ocean's crisp waters, eager for rest after their long journey across the ocean. The life of an urbanite was one constantly on the move and the crowded sidewalks were packed with ponies all shuffling to their destinations. The roads were equally crammed with carts and wagons, some full of boxes and barrels while others were full of passengers. Most of them were busy shouting at one another as they waited for a pesky light to change. In other words, it was a typical Tuesday afternoon.

Sweet Soda was a common white stallion with a trimmed yet wild sea-blue mane. His light green eyes reflected boredom as he attempted to stare a hole through the bottom of the paper cup in his hooves. A lack of activity was eating away at the young journalist's sanity as he sat by the window on the 20th floor of a 23 story high-rise. If events continued as they were it was likely Soda would have to write another column about the mayor and his latest formal party if he wanted to keep his job.

Gulping down half his water, he practically dropped his cup on the cheap plastic table. "What I wouldn't give for some action," he groaned.

Immediately, Soda's eyes were drawn to the ripples that ran through the remaining water in his drink. Blinking a few times, he noticed how the liquid seemed to pulse, as though there were an invisible heart pushing the water back and forth. It took him a moment to feel the same vibrations rolling up his legs from the floor. Glancing around the office, only a handful of his coworkers were still busy at their desks. All the others had stopped to stare at each other or the carpet.

Soda could feel his ears rise with confusion, fear, and excitement. Something was happening. This could be his big story! Below his window everypony had stopped what they were doing and began silently asking the same question. "Why is the ground shaking?"


Nuru's thick golden fur swayed in the wind. Her black mane and tail had been braided into a series of cascading locks that bounced with her every step. Dark eyeliner highlighted Nuru's bright crimson eyes as they silently surveyed her world. A bundle of delicate feathers hugged either side of Nuru's tall slim form and a spiraling horn jutted from the top of her exotic face. She had the body a supermodel would kill for.

Nuru's enormous hooves left gaping craters with each stomp she took on either side of a narrow road which led into the city. The mare was 300 meters (1000 feet) tall and wore a heavy scowl that would undoubtedly strike terror in the heart of any mortal who saw her. Today the ponies would learn to love and fear their goddess. Even if it killed them.

As she came upon the first few insignificant buildings on the very edges of Manehattan, she took note of the populace below. The multitude of ponies were crowded in the streets and gawking up at her stupidly, as though they had no idea what was coming. She could feel her righteous anger boiling ever hotter. She showed her menacing teeth as she growled down at the puny ants.

"I banished the Screaming Spirits of Krumova," she boomed, her voice knocking everyone back a step. Then she lifted her hoof, clumps of dirt and crops she'd trampled on her way here falling from its underside. A few individuals seemed capable of rubbing two brain cells together and started fleeing while Nuru positioned her hoof over the roof of a small shop. "I exterminated the vampire menace," she snarled, dropping her hoof and crushing the entire store into the ground. Screams erupted from the gathered ponies as all of them turned and fled deeper into the city. Like cockroaches exposed to the light.

"After all I've done for you bugs," Nuru snorted. The simple act was enough to create a gale that tore down the street and knocked weaker ponies to the ground just in time to be trampled by their terrified brethren. Nuru's harsh gaze fell upon a cluster who were attempting to hide from her wrath in an alley. Lifting her other hoof, she centered it right above them and brought it down with moderate force... for her. Dust exploded into the air and four buildings crumbled beneath her tremendous weight as though made of paper mache. "There will be no mercy from me today, little ponies," she hissed. The structures around her didn't even reach past her hooves, but there were some a few steps ahead that might reach her knees and far into the city proper were some that dared to be as tall as herself. "Your city will become your tomb for your disobedience."

Straddling the multi-lane road into the city, her hooves planted inside what were once businesses, Nuru started her march. With every step dozens of ponies were crushed or buried alive. Those in the streets were assaulted with raining debris and a brown cloud which robbed their lungs of oxygen. The occasional grunts and growls Nuru made while she worked vibrated windows and drew blood from ear drums. The rope-like braids in her tail dangled just above the shortest buildings, but tore the roofs off anything more than two stories. Like the paintbrush of a homicidal artist sweeping over his canvas of death.


Sweet Soda was no longer alone at the window as he watched the horror unfolding down the street. Every step the massive mare took rocked the entire building and sent shelves and paintings to the floor with a crash. The roads were packed with screaming ponies all stampeding in the opposite direction of the oncoming beast. Now and then some strange rumble of words would leave her muzzle as she raised a leg in preparation for a particularly forceful step, some measuring as much as 6.0 on the Richter Scale. The apartment building next door began to cave, the concrete front cracking from the constant shaking. A slab of rock fell on the crowd below and crushed a helpless colt. A mother screamed for help as she hopelessly tried to roll several tons of stone off what was once her child. Nopony paid her any mind. The giantess was here.

The doughnut shop in front of Soda's office disappeared as a hoof over 30 meters (100 feet) across took its place and yet still overflowed into the street. He could hardly believe his eyes. Twenty stories up and Soda was still merely eye-level with the huge mare's ankle.

A piece of rubble blasted through the window and crashed into the cubicles behind Soda, forcing him to take cover. When his muzzle pressed against the ugly blue carpet, Soda was made painfully aware he was alone. His coworkers must have made a quiet exit behind him at some point when he was entranced by the destruction. The earth pony jumped back to his hooves just in time to see the great leg outside rising and angling towards him as it ascended.

It wasn't going to clear the building.


Nuru felt the office give like a graham cracker as her leg grazed through the upper floors. Of course this detail meant little to her as she wanted to create as much carnage as possible. The buildings would only be getting taller and soon she would face towers higher than her knees. She figured that was when she'd really begin demolishing everything. As for now, she paid the worthless structure little mind and allowed her hoof to carve a groove straight through it.


Soda could hardly believe his luck.

Turning his head and knocking a ceiling tile off his back, he found the floor where he'd just been standing was gone along with all the cubicles and the main room. A rumble a moment later sent bits of plaster raining down around him followed by another quake as a second giant hoof landed where the previous one had been across the street. Soda again covered his head and ducked down as the giant's back leg tore through the apartment building next door in an identical manner. The roar of concrete and steel rebar being shredded made him cover his ears. He waited only a moment before jumping to his hooves and looking at what was left of his former workplace. However, his eyes were pulled one last time to the window where he caught sight of the creature's many tail braids sweeping over the city.

Each braid was wider than the cables on a suspension bridge.

He flew deeper into the office, away from the damaged front just as a dozen cords slammed into the building and collapsed everything inward. The massive tail then continued above him as it slithered over the office, sanding the roof away and crashing into another structure and then another. The ground vibrated with each step the giant mare took and Soda could feel the floor groaning. A sudden crack filled his ears and the surface beneath Soda's hooves dropped. He barked a scream before hitting the next level down, which too began to groan as it broke apart from the additional weight.

Dazed and winded, Soda pulled himself up and crawled his way around the office... what was left of it. He found the staircase at the back of the building fully intact and carefully worked his way down. It felt like forever before he found himself outside, but what greeted him was little more than a war zone.

Gray faces blurred together as ponies rushed to and fro. A suffocating cloud hung in the air. Sirens wailed in the distance. Chaos.

Soda wobbled off the sidewalk and into the road littered with abandoned vehicles. The doughnut shop was nothing more than a pile of stones in a crater. Water gushed from a broken pipe and was slowly turning it into a pool. Soda turned around and found his office resembled an aged letter U.

This was indeed a big story. Likely the biggest story in history.


Gabriel's Park was boxed in on three sides by 40 story apartment complexes that cast broad shadows across most of the open space throughout the day. They were beautiful buildings lined with fake red brick to make them look old when in reality they were young high-rises of barely five years. The grass was still wet from an early morning watering and oak and pine trees surrounded a pond full of dancing fish. The neighborhood was perfect for raising foals, with a park in front and a school just around the corner. A few blocks down was the museum and the library, and in the opposite direction was the hospital and the local guard recruitment center. It was the optimum location for a young budding family. The cheap apartment rates didn't hurt demand either in a cramped cityscape like Manehattan.

The pond disappeared with a tremendous splash and the buildings visibly trembled. Along the streets ponies rushed, often colliding with one another as they blindly panicked for an escape route. Above, the rooftops were packed with residents being airlifted away by pegasi. Some of the would-be heroes were soldiers while some of them were mere civilians just trying to make a difference. There was clear desperation on everypony's face to move faster now that the giantess was here.

"The dragon king, Cannonade, fled from me too during the war," Nuru mocked. The pitiful occupants of the building in front of her were 40 stories up and yet they still stood just below her belly, forced to stare up at her as they waited for rescue. It was hopeless of course, there were far too many of them and Nuru was already on top of them. "Did you really think you could escape my wrath? I am the goddess Nuru Platinize!"

As she raised a leg to strike the building a line of bodies suddenly appeared before her vision, hovering between her and her victims. The mare blinked at the brave pegasi, her hoof falling back to the ground and leaving another crater in the street. Their speed impressed Nuru, she hadn't even seen which direction they'd come from. She took a moment to examine them and noticed their matching blue uniforms. She couldn't make out any fine details, however she was certain they weren't soldiers. They clearly weren't wearing standard issue armor.

Before Nuru could tell what had happened, the flies had zipped past her head, leaving various elemental trails in their wake!

Nuru's head shot around, eyes wide with shock. They were far faster than any pegasus back in her day. Times have changed, she thought as the group of seven split in two and rose high into the sky. Then they spun around and flew back at her from opposite angles. As they approached, Nuru held firm and waited until the last possible moment. Her attackers unceremoniously crashed at full speed into a golden barrier just as it flashed into existence. The crack of the impact could be heard all the way on the ground and several of the team began to fall, barely conscious. Meanwhile, Nuru laughed.

"IDIOTS!" she boomed. "You had the speed to avoid injury and even detection. I dare say you frightened me for a moment. But those long trails you just had to spread across the sky made it as easy as breathing to track you."

The various squad members tried to pull themselves together and stay airborne, but it was too late. They were already secured in Nuru's magic grasp. Helpless.


Spitfire couldn't believe it. Her whole team captured before even putting a scratch on the monster. It was both embarrassing and terrifying. She was the only Wonderbolt who hadn't charged. Now it was completely on her shoulders to free her comrades and resume the offensive. To do that she'd have to shock the giant mare. Hit her where she least expected it and break her concentration on that spell.

Spitfire's gaze wondered wildly over Nuru's body until it fell upon her enormous rump.

The goddess had raised Spitfire's team up to her face and was studying her prize. It was now or never. Spitfire reared back and aimed carefully.


Their bodies squirmed before her. The seven were fighters. Nuru could appreciate bravery on a normal day, but unfortunately for them, this wasn't a normal day. "What should I do with--" Nuru's question was promptly interrupted when a sharp sting shot through her rear. Instinctively, Nuru's hoof flew back and slapped the fatty cheek, splattering the unseen insect that had dared disturb her.

The effect was immediate. As her perfect godly rear jiggled, erotic signals surged through her body. Feelings that had been suppressed by her anger jumped to the surface and Nuru found herself shocked into a stupor for a split second. Slowly, she dragged her hoof away from her backside and lowered it to the ground, not even noticing the red stain on the bottom of her shoe. Her neck practically creaked as she turned back to her captives who were still struggling to escape. For several seconds her face remained blank. Then Nuru allowed a sultry grin to spread across her muzzle.

"That's right~" she purred. "I distinctly remember leaving instructions for the strongest and most fertile stallions in the land to be ready for my return. Do you have any idea what it's like to be barren for 5,000 years?"

The Wonderbolts stopped squirming to stare up at Nuru as her tongue slid across the surface of her lips. She could already feel the wetness spreading between her legs.

"Congratulations, you have earned the privilege of pleasuring me," she huffed lustfully. The gust of her breath would have sent the pegasi reeling if it weren't for her magic keeping them in place. "It's really too bad," she continued, "this body could have been all yours. Strong pegasi like yourselves would have been amazing in the bedroom." Three of the Wonderbolts, the mares, blushed and fidgeted one last time.

"Seven toys," Nuru thought allowed with a grin. Then she eyed the ponies still watching her from the nearby rooftops. "Maybe more..."


The streets that had once been flooded with fleeing ponies were now deathly still. Many eyes had been filled with hope at first sight of the Wonderbolts, but now they could only stare as their saviors dangled helplessly in the giant mare's grasp.

Suddenly, a shadow fell across the street and the air rapidly grew heavy. Somepony screamed. Nuru's titanic ass landed on the multitude at the edge of the park and splattered them like grapes. The nearby survivors were thrown to the ground from the resulting quake and the concussion wave that rocketed across the ground. Nuru snorted back a laugh high above them and wiggled her backside into the roadway for good measure. Leaning backwards, her enormous wings plowed into a skyscraper. Glass showered the sidewalks and bits of rubble rolled off her shoulders. Nuru didn't seem to notice any of this as she continued to evaluate her playthings. She eventually shrugged and snatched four of the seven out of the air with her hoof and left the others to continue floating.

Nuru let her body tilt and fall over, eventually supporting her weight on an elbow as she practically invited the surrounding masses to ogle her ass. The hoof that held the four prisoners slithered to her rear before carefully pressing against her cutie mark. The Wonderbolts tried to fight once more and strained to push the wall of flesh away. Anything to get some distance between them and the blisteringly hot backside of the goddess. Nuru moved her hoof in a rough circular motion, the ponies beneath it rolling or grinding into her thick fur. Her fatty cheek shifted with every movement, morphing around them like jello. Nuru sighed and moaned, putting on the sexiest performance she could for her rapt audience. It was actually surprising how many had stopped running to enjoy the show. She was, of course, a mare of many talents.

Nuru rolled onto her belly and spread her rear legs straight out in either direction. Her braided tail flicked to the side, lightly colliding with the building she had already ruined. Her engorged privates leaked with feminine juices and her musk easily overpowered the smell of blood that ran down her behind. Nuru's hoof quietly slid closer to the underside of her tail, but never quite reached it.

"I bet you like that?" she whispered to a group of drooling stallions across the park. Nuru's hoof paused, then sunk deep into her plush flank and pulled back, stretching the skin... and leaving four new trails of red across her backside. Nuru smiled innocently and gave her brows a flirtatious wiggle. "Oops."

Nuru tilted her head and let her mouth droop open. Her tongue crept out and a drop of saliva ran down her lips. Turning back to the three remaining Wonderbolts, Nuru seized them out of the air and brought them back around to her asshole. Her other hoof took a moment to arrive and pulled one of her cheeks aside so that her tunnel parted slightly. Nuru then offered the pink puckered ring her last three sacrifices. The unlucky Wonderbolts barely had a chance to scream before they were shoved against the taught flesh and inside the giant mare. Crushed from all sides by Nuru's hungry hole.

She spent a moment massaging the entrance, humming a happy tune as she felt the trio fight for their lives. She experimentally flexed her anus until their minuscule movements ended a minute or so into the game. She released a content sigh, but now she had a dilemma. She had used up all her toys and she still hadn't cum yet. Luckily for her, there was a convenient nearby solution.

The crowd that had watched the Wonderbolts perish was suddenly encased in a powerful golden glow before being dragged towards the giantess.

"If you can make me cum I'll let you leave here alive," she explained quickly, leaving the group in front of her winking sex. Nuru then angled her gore soaked ass upwards and gave them even easier access to her interior. She only had to wait a second before a team of hooves began pulling at her folds. She gave an earth shattering moan and her body quivered, knocking the stallions away. "Tic-toc," she warned huskily. The eager stallions pried her open again and invited others in their number to climb into the three story crevice that was Nuru's vagina.

There was hesitation, but the drooling entrance and heady aroma made it difficult to form a coherent argument. One after another the group pushed inside the goddess and immediately began squirming. The stimulation made Nuru's sex open on its own enough that none of them had to hold it and several ponies could clamber in at once. The eyes of the goddess rolled up in her head and one of her front hooves slipped forward into the closest building. It took Nuru a moment to notice as her body filled with erotic ripples. Half shrugging, she began searching inside for a victim until she felt a warm body. She giggled to herself and pulled what she found was a mare from the main lobby of the apartment structure.

"Your minuscule form reminds me of an earth worm," Nuru commented with lidded eyes. The tiny pony said nothing as she coward.

A sudden jolt of pleasure shot through Nuru as the crowd inside her found her G-spot. The goddess could do nothing as a powerful moan forced its way out of her maw and her tunnel collapsed around the intruders. As for the tiny pony in her hoof, she was blasted with humid air and greeted by the largest open mouth she'd ever seen. Those massive pearly white teeth, those immaculate clean gums, that lake of fresh saliva. She blushed and had to look away.

Nuru briefly worried for her toys, but was quickly assured when she could still feel their little movements deep inside her passage. Maybe a few of them had popped, but most of them were definitely okay. Turning her senses back to her hoof, she raised an eyebrow at her victim's red face. Then she got an idea.

"You liked that, didn't you?" The tiny pony merely stared up at her. "You know," Nuru continued, "all you had to do was ask."

There was no further explanation before Nuru's great lips parted and that rich scent of morning breath saturated the air. The smaller mare's eyes widened in terror as Nuru's huge tongue scraped against the huge hoof and slurped her up. In the blink of an eye the huge mouth had snapped shut again and Nuru began working her tongue. She tossed the helpless pony around her mouth like she was piece of rice. Tasty rice. Kiwi flavored, Nuru thought. Then, holding the mare against the roof of her mouth, Nuru began sucking, squeezing the sour essence from the little pony's fur. When that got boring, Nuru flipped her tongue around and tried tossing the mare back and forth along the bottom of her palate.

Meanwhile, the stallions in her sex fought to pleasure her as they were crushed and drowned. The endless undulating tunnel pounded them and demanded stimulation. Eventually, their desperate struggles brought Nuru to orgasm, and what a release it was. A huge flood of cum exploded into the street, tinted red from those crushed in the process. A few strong males survived however, riding the wave into the abandoned road only to flop onto their sides in exhaustion. The flow quickly ran into sewer drains and left only the occasional puddle here and there. Nuru relaxed into the dirt of Gabriel's Park with a heavy sigh, giving the mare in her mouth a quick break before swallowing her alive without a second thought.


A few minutes passed before Nuru began stretching and looked over the destruction she had caused. "Hm, it's still not enough," she thought allowed. There was still more righteous judgment to hand out and still more fun to be had. She soon spotted one of her recent playthings stumbling awake after his quick nap. She snatched him up in her magic grasp and brought him to her face. There was one question eating away at her that she needed to know.

"Who do you consider the current ruler of this land?"

The stallion took a deep fearful breath before answering. "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna."

"And where do these Princesses reside?"

The End?