All's Fair

by anonpencil

First published

With the war between the Changelings and ponies finally done, the battlefield yields two survivors. Caught up in each other, the fire of battle gives way to the fire of romance and lust. But all is not as it seems...

No one knows how long the battle has raged, and no one know how many countless have died. She only knows that she has lived, and so has her love, Shining armor. Even amidst the blood, carnage, and sorrow, their passion flickers to life and begins to burn. From soft touches and lustful glances, something more emerges between them, and they're helpless to it.

It feels so surreal, so dreamlike. But who cares? They're here. Together. Nothing else could possible matter, right? All's fair in love and war, after all.

Written with (and mostly by) 'Skittletits,' who is only here to ruin your day.
Warning: contains things that will ruin your day.

Bloodlust has a whole new meaning...

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It was finally over.

She didn’t know how long had passed, how many days, hours, how many countless deaths surrounded her, but she could feel hanging heavy in the air that this was all finally through. What mattered now was that she was alive, that she was ok.

But what of him? She felt a tightness in her throat at the very thought of him being dead, but she tossed her pink head. No. He wouldn’t go down so easy. He had fight left in him yet, even after such a battle as this.

The straps were tight around her barrel, legs, and haunches, restricting the normal bounce and
sway of her fur. She could feel the sweat clinging to her, matting down her coat and forming rivulets on her legs and face. She squinted through the stinging dew of exertion that leaked into the corners of her eyes as she scanned the horizon for him. It felt like an eternity before she finally saw movement.

A soft “Ah” left her lips as he came into view, her Shining Armor. The battle with the Changeling Queen had raged viciously but every time she’d seen his white coat, her courage had blossomed and she dove into the fray renewed. His eyes burning with battle fury had ignited her body in ways she never would have imagined possible amidst all the death and mayhem. Now the great battle for Canterlot showed only in ruins, scars across the earth, and the survivors that were left to pick up the pieces.

The usual light pink of her fur was now tinged the red of her foe’s blood and Shining had stripes of the same color marring his body in haphazard splashes and spatterings. Still, it did nothing to detract from his majesty and allure. She trotted forward his eyes drawing her to him like a moth to the flame. He watched her approached with a single minded intensity in his expression that excited her. A low ache began in her belly, a warmth that was quickly easing the cold grip of the horrors of battle. It flowed through her being to her most intimate and personal parts.

Hesitantly she reached out and touched her muzzle to his and sighed at the pressure of his smooth, velvety nose. The wicked gleam in his eyes at her touch and his body pressed against hers, crushing her cotton candy fur, made the low ache roar into a hungry churn of need. She wasn’t sure what was happening with her, this was all so new to her, this desire combined with the aftereffects of war. It should have been horrifying, but instead she felt nothing but intrigue and want.

Something thick and hard brushed against her hind legs as they circled each other, nosing and silently touching each others’ bodies and she inhaled sharply at the new contact. Was this happening? Was Shining interested in her now, like this? The war with the changelings had left the two of them alone when the Queen had killed Celestia, so sorrow should have been the only thing between them then. But there was so much more. She felt just so alive. He pressed against her flanks briefly, an invitation and a request.

Was this for real? The better question was, did she care? This was Shining Armor, he would never do an act like this someone he wasn’t in love with, and even if the time and place felt strange, it also felt right. Like this was fated somehow.

In that instant her decision was made. She pressed against his hard body and was rewarded with his shaft making firm contact with her quivering flanks through her dense fur. A slight shift of her hips and she felt the flared tip make contact with the center of her desire. Her nostrils flared and a throaty

“Ahh” escaped her as the thick length pressed slowly deeper.

She smelled him, his warm, battle-sullied scent invading her body and mind as hips flexed and eyes rolled. The pounding of her heart was echoed in the pounding of his fierce thrusts, each blood boiling pulse bringing her inches closer to fulfillment. His hardness filled her with joy and she knew he was close too by the way he was beginning to throb within her.

She tossed her head and caught a glimpse of his eyes shining with lust and joy as they spiraled higher and higher into ecstasy together. The strokes became rougher, wilder, losing their refinement as flank slapped lathered flank.

She could feel it building inside them, in her stomach, her mouth, her entire body. She knew they were together at last. That they were one. That she was his and he was finally hers. It felt so much like a dream then, a fantasy, but she pushed the thought away. A fantasy, a dream…who cared? The pleasure was overwhelming.

She heard her breaths coming quick and shallow, and she felt a squeal of delight building inside her. Yes. That’s it. Right there. Almost there. She was going to…


The strident voice cut through the frantic swirling fog of fantasy and narrative that filled her head but she couldn’t stop, neither of them could. This was the start of something…

Queen Chrysalis stared in shock at the scene she had stumbled upon. In the heart of the battlefield she’s spied movement and had landed to inspect it but nothing could have prepared her for the horror that awaited her.

Fluffle Puff stood among the dead, straps encasing her hindquarters. She was staring into he distance, tongue dangling, looking a million miles away, as if she had written a scene for herself in her head and was playing it out mentally to the last detail.

At first it looked like she was trying to move the gore smeared body but upon closer inspection Chrysalis saw the heavy silicone shaft buried deep inside of Prince Shining Armor decapitated corpse. The dead stallion’s eyes were cloudy in death on his severed head, which lay a few feet away, but Fluffle Puff’s were gleaming with satisfaction and whimsy.

“What have you done?” Chrysalis asked her voice even and tight.

Fluffle Puff seemed to come back to herself, and smiling, turned her attention to the queen. The fluffy ball of pink fur sighed and pulled out of Shining Armor’s body with a loud sucking noise, and Chrysalis shuddered at the blood and filth covering the silicone dong. The pink pony smiled wider and stuck out her tongue then began scribbling in the dirt. She drew a picture of her, then Shining armor minus a head, then encircled the two figures in a heart. The queen watched in dismay and horror.

When Fluffle Puff had finished, she gave a little “Ah” then bounced away leaving the new Queen of Canterlot with the decapitated and violated corpse of the deposed prince.

Such is life, such is war.
