Amazing Fantasy in Manehattan

by cornholio4

First published

When the Mane Six got to Manehattan they discover that they have their own superhero!

Takes place in an AU where Rarity Takes Manhattan has happened but the fashion contest took place in Canterlot.

The Mane Six and Spike got on a trip to Manehattan which they believe to be just an ordinary trip, but what will happen when they discover the town is filled with villains and a teenage spider based real life superhero is their protector!

Title picture is uploaded on my Deviantart account:!

Chapter 1

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“Ah Manehattan!” Rarity said excitedly as she along with the rest of her fellow Elements of Harmony as well as Spike were getting off the train that had taken them to Manehattan, they had wanted to go on a trip to the city and Applejack’s aunt and uncle Orange had agreed to set up hotel rooms for them to stay in for their trip. “I can smell the generosity in the air; this is my kind of city!” Rarity said looking like she was going to faint with excitement as they were walking into the city itself.

“Ah can’t wait to see my Aunt and Uncle Orange again, along with my other aunt and uncle who live here with Babs.” Applejack said thinking it would be the first opportunity to see Babs ever since she had gotten her Cutie Mark. “She would want to cut my mane when ah meet her again...” Applejack laughed to herself.

“I can’t wait to see the museums and the musicals that they have here....” Twilight said bursting with excitement herself, looking at Rarity the other Elements of Harmony knew that she was going to burst into a song of what life is like in Manehattan when..........

Rarity looked shocked when she discovered she had bumped into a colt, “So sorry about that dear.” Rarity said helping the colt up with a sheepish look on her face. “Are you okay?” Twilight asked concerned when she looked at the colt herself.

The colt was a unicorn with a brown mane and tail, light green fur and his Cutie Mark was of a test tube. The colt seemed to be of the age of the last year classes at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. The colt looked shocked, excited and nervous at the same time when he looked at Twilight and realised who she was. Twilight then noticed that the colt had dropped a large hardcover book he was reading when Rarity accidentally knocked him over.

“Is that Star Swirl the Bearded’s Book of Incredible Advanced Arcane Magic Volume XVI?” Twilight asked looking excited as it was a book she had read several times herself. The colt after taking a deep breath nodded as Twilight gave him the book back.

“Yeah, my school’s semester had ended so I checked this out of the local library so I can read it for fun when I am not busy.” The colt said before deciding to introduce himself “my name is Peter Wallflower, nice to meet you Princess Twilight!” the ponies knew that other ponies in Equestria would know the news about Twilight ascending to alicornhood but Rainbow Dash had her eyes widened as Twilight returned his greeting.

“Wait you read that book for fun, looks like Manehattan has its own egghead.” Rainbow Dash muttered as Twilight glared at her. “Nice to meet you Peter but we have to get going, we might see you again at another time.” Twilight said as they waved at Peter and Peter waved back as he started reading his book which he was using his horn to levitate.

“I wonder if anything is going to happen in this trip, something usually does....“ Spike muttered passing a newspaper stand of the Manehattan Bugle with the headline “SPIDERPONY STRIKES AGAIN!!!!!

In the offices of the Manehattan Bugle:

YOU SAW PRINCESS TWILIGHT AND YOU DIDN’T EVEN GET A PICTURE? WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER WITH YOU WALLFLOWER!” the newspaper’s owner and publisher from his desk where Peter was inside a little later. The boss was an old unicorn stallion with a printing press Cutie Mark, grey fur, black mane and tail, black moustache, silver business jacket and a red tie. He had gotten word from one of his informants that he saw Peter meeting Princess Twilight and had called Peter to his office when he arrived.

“Because of my Spiderpony pictures Mr Jameson?” Peter responded and his boss Jolly Jameson grunted in response. Jameson then used his horn and levitated a bag of bits. Peter looked excited when he saw it.

“This is for your pictures in the last edition of the Bugle, get me an interview with the Princess and I will triple your usual pay Wallflower.” Jameson told Peter who saluted as he walked out levitating the bag of bits. As he exited Peter waved to the other employees of the Bugle which included a Changeling typing up a story, two earth ponies delivering some notes and a griffon rearranging some files.

“Surprised you still have your job Wallflower, not a good idea making Jameson angry today of all days.” said an earth pony photographer and Peter laughed. Tonight Jameson’s wife was forcing him to take her to see Hinny of the Hills which was something he had been trying without success to get out of for quite some time.

*page break*

Sometime later the six Elements of Harmony were having lunch with Applejack’s Aunt and Uncle Orange. “Wow Spike, I didn’t think you would treat one of your comics like that.” Pinkie Pie commented pointing to the Power Ponies comic book Spike was using as a coaster for his mug of apple cider. Spike grumbled wordlessly.

“Don’t worry; it’s just one of the worst issues ever, the one where Masked Matter Horn gives up her marriage for a deal with Discord to save her dying uncle.” Spike said in a dismissive tone, “there are better issues out there: like the one where the previous Humdrum comes back to life as the Red Cloak after being beaten to death by Mane-Iac......” Spike finished taking another sip of his cider.

“Well if you like those costumed ponies, then you will want to take a glimpse of Spiderpony if you get a chance.” Uncle Orange commented to the confusion of the young dragon and six ponies. “Don’t you know about Spiderpony?” Aunt Orange asked looking confused to the idea that they might not know of what they are talking about.

“Spider-what? Beg your pardon but ah don’t think we know anything about a spider pony.” Applejack said as Uncle Orange then got the newest issue of the Manehattan Bugle which had a picture of a young unicorn in a blue and red full body costume (with his tail showing) slinging from what seemed like a web as he was saving two foals from a building that was on fire.

“Wait Manehattan has its own superhero, just like Mare Do Well!” Pinkie said excitedly as the six ponies had their eyes widened while looking at the picture, “Mare Do Well, we heard of that pony. Showed up in your town for a few days in a tacky purple costume.” Uncle Orange said and a look from Twilight stopped Rarity from going off into an angry rant at the ‘tacky purple costume’ comment.

“Been saving ponies in Manehattan for a few years now, surprised you did not hear about it in Ponyville.” Aunt Orange told them as they kept looking at the picture while reading the article.

“Girls, I think this might be something that we could look into.......” Twilight said intrigued at the idea of finding out how this so called ‘Spiderpony’ was making that web. “I think I can figure this out at least: since so many crazy stuff happens in Equestria it just kind of blended in with everything else.” Twilight thought to herself.

Twilight then faced the girls and said “Well I think I know who the first pony that we can speak to who might be able to tell us about this Spiderpony.” Twilight said pointing to a bit underneath the picture that said:


Chapter 2

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“Ah another beautiful day in Manehattan.........” Peter was saying to himself wearing a backpack and his camera around his neck but then stopped when confronted by Rainbow Dash. “Sorry, do I know you?” Peter asked looking scared to be confronted by the older mare.

“Okay, we heard you take pictures of this Spiderpony so please spill the beans!!!” Rainbow Dash and Peter just gulped at the glare that Dash was giving him. “Are you going to tell me what you know or............. HEY!” Dash said but stopped when she found herself being hit on the head by a handbag being levitated by an angry unicorn mare that looked to be reaching her elder years.

“I don’t know what you are doing demanding from my nephew but you need to mind your manners.” Said the mare glaring at Rainbow Dash, “Did that mare scare you Peter?” asked the mare in a concerned tone and Peter just looked embarrassed.

“I told you to wait for us Dash!” Twilight said glaring at Rainbow Dash as the other five Elements of Harmony plus Spike ran up to them causing the older mare to be shocked at the sight of the Princess of Friendship, “Sorry about that Peter, just that Dash can just rush into situations.” Twilight said continuing her glare at Dash.

“It’s alright and there’s no harm done, this is my Aunt May.” Peter said introducing the mare to Twilight, “It’s an honour to meet you Princess Twilight, I had better get going as I have a tea party to get to.” Said May softening up and walked away waving to Peter as he waved back and Pinkie jumped at the word ‘party’.

“Well since you already met Rainbow Dash, these are my other close friends Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Spike.” Twilight said as the mentioned five smiled at Peter, “we kind of found out something about a Spiderpony and we thought that since you take the pictures of him in the Manehattan Bugle, you might know something about him.” Peter jumped at the question and looked nervous as he was trying to figure out how to answer the question causing the others to bat an eye.

“Well I don’t know much about him besides what the news already says, I just take pictures of him helping ponies for the Bugle. You see I work there as a freelance photographer and I am not sure I am the best pony to ask him about, my boss does not really like him.” Peter said looking a bit like he had something to hide. The Elements looked disappointed at his answer but seemed to accept he might not know that much about him, Rainbow Dash however did not look so convinced.

Before Dash could say anything further Peter gasped as pointed up along with other ponies and several others began screaming while running away. The Elements looked up and saw what seemed to be a huge swarm of bees carrying several bags of bits that had the logo of the Manehattan Bugle. “Wait a second; did somepony train bees to commit bank robberies or something?” Spike questioned not being able to believe what he was looking at.

“Where did they get that ghastly coat from?” Rarity asked seeing that that they were also carrying some sort of dark purple cape and hood. Twilight looked to Fluttershy who shouted to get the attention of the bees but they just ignored her as they carried on flying away.

“Come here right this instant!!!” Fluttershy shouted getting the bees attention as they flew down and faced her. “I don’t know what you are doing but it is not right stealing bits from banks, those bits belong to someponies! I suggest you all put those bits back, apologise and think about what you have done.” Fluttershy shouted giving the bees their stare. The Elements looked on as the bees looked at Fluttershy and then seemed to be................... laughing?

Fluttershy had her mouth open shocked as her Stare failed her as it was a rare occurrence. “What a pitiful attempt, did you think your stupid little berating and stare could do anything to allow myself to be bossed about by some pathetic looking Pegasus?” a stallion’s voice said.

“Is this normal around here Peter...........” Twilight asked looking to Peter’s direction only to see that he was not there anymore, Twilight dwindled on that thought for a second before she joined everypony in wondering where the voice was coming from.

“You seem to be stunned, must not be from around here! Let me take my true form........” the voice said and then suddenly the bees dropped the bags of bits and then came together to form the shape of a life size Pegasus stallion that had the purple cape on with the hood up. The stallion shape then turned its head to the Elements and Spike and they screamed in confusion and fear as the stallion opened its mouth and spoke “How do you like my true form, you see I am the Manehattan villain known as................ Swarm!”

“A pony made of bees; okay that is a cool villain!” Spike said in awe thinking the idea was just about as awesome as any villain in his Power Ponies comics. Twilight faced the girls and was about to tell them her plan of action when they heard a voice.

“Seriously Swarm, right this moment are you actually trying to rival Mysterio in the theatrics department with that entrance?” a voice said and the ponies saw the blue and red dressed unicorn from the newspaper article swinging in using some sort of web and then some ponies stopped to watch.

“It’s Spiderpony!” a stallion said in relief and the ponies in the crowd began cheering as Spiderpony dropped from his web and landed on the ground causing Swarm to face him with an angry look on his face. Swarm sneered as he looked at Spiderpony and Rainbow Dash was having Mare Do Well flashbacks in her mind of some costumed hero coming in to save a day, only this time there was an actual costumed villain involved.

The Elements then stared to see what would happen...........