No Love For The Sun

by Bendy

First published

You are the most evil human ever, because you hurt Princess Celestia's feelings by refusing to have sex with her butt.

You are the most evil human ever, because you hurt Princess Celestia's feelings by refusing to have sex with her butt.

Evil Human Has No Love For Sunbutt

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You the evil human had your arms crossed and your eyes were narrowed angrily as you were sat at the foot of a red, love heart, shaped queen sized bed. Standing before you was a huge, towering alabaster sexy pony goddess, who looked down at you with her lips pouted adorably.

The room itself had a pink carpet floor and had many statues of a human and Princess Celestia engaging in sexual acts… most of them involved a human fucking her butt.

Princess Celestia was a beautiful alicorn. The Princess of The Sun’s beauty could not be matched by any other, for she had smooth white silky soft fur, a long swan like neck, the face of an angel in pony form. She had luscious, kissable lips and beautiful large magenta eyes. A long, white horn worthy of a spartan warrior protruded out from her forehead. Her pastel hair flowed in a non existent breeze, that seemed to be made of a mix of water like based matter magical stuff for hair.

Anyway, she had gorgeous large, feathery wings, the voice of an angel... and one glorious fat bubble butt. Her plump, fat ass was so massive and beautiful beyond description, many legends of old said her butt has the power to rule the universe... if not the multiverse. Many books were written by many a stallion who got to have sex with such a fine booty. Almost every stallion in Equestria wanted to tap dat ass.

Unfortunately, you were an evil non clopper human, so you were not to partake in the tapping of Celestia’s ass.

"Handsome human, I implore you! Please, make love to my butt! Fill my butt with your human cum by cumming inside it," she pleaded as she looked down at you with cute pleading doggy eyes.

"No! Go away! I don't want to cum inside your butt Princess Celestia!" you yelled angrily.

"Oh, come on human! I’m sick of having roleplay sex with a stallion dressed up as a human. It never feels the same!" she said with an annoyed look on her face.

"I said no!" you shouted.

Celestia sighed sadly as her eyes drifted over to a wall where dozens of humans in photographs with herself and a human shared romantic moments; like kissing, hugging and other intimate moments… like an insanely happy human fondling her butt’s bountiful cheeks, the applied pressure from their hands compressed the soft fat of her butt while she blushed profusely from the human worshipping her butt.

"I miss you all so much, my dear good human lovers," a single tear fell down her cheek. "I will always remember the amazing butt fun we had together," she thought of her good human lovers long since dead from old age.

Celestia turned back to face you, a human she hoped one day would be her lover too.

"I must say, I am confused. How could you not want to have sex with my bootylicious pony butt? You are a mere mortal human, who has the gall to reject an offer of quite possibly having the best buttsex of your life from an immortal god pony with a human fetish?" she said while she looked down at you with a most bewildered look on her face. "Like come on! My body is basically an ass man’s dream come true!"

"Celestia…. I’ve only been in Equestria for about ten minutes. At least take me out for dinner before dragging me in here to have buttsex with you," you said with a sour look on your face.

"Hmmm…" she rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "Well, you see every other good human that came to Equestria would be cumming inside my butt right about now."

"Yeah well! I will make a stand! I will be the first human in Equestria not to cum inside your butt!" you shouted in defiance of Celestia’s massive, beautiful butt.

"Please Anon, you know I have a human fetish! A pony with a human fetish, that has been longing for one thousand years to once again bounce my enormous butt on top of a human, whilst I feel the human’s hands tightly squeeze my big, fat, silky soft butt from under me as he unleashes his human love cream deep inside my glorious pony butt," some tears began to fill her eyes. "I promise this will be the best human on pony buttsex of your life."

"How… would my penis be big enough to--

"My body has magical powers to grow a human’s penis so both me and the human fucking my butt, vagina or mouth will have great human and pony sexy time with me."

"At any rate, there will be no human on pony buttsex between us ever!" you shouted angrily.

"We’ll see about that!" she said with an evil grin.

With that she turned around to wave her wonderful massive fat butt before you. She jiggled her huge butt from side to side. The human stared at her butt with wide eyes. Her butt’s movements seemed to have a hypnotic effect on the poor human.

"Can't.... look away," you breath as you were mesmerized by her huge butt. You felt as if the huge butt was taking control over your mind.

"Why look, when you can feel?" she said with a smug grin on her face.

As if your hands had a mind of their own they had came forward to reach out for her butt.

"Nu… no!" you shouted as you pulled your hands away just when you were about to touch her butt. "I-I…I will not give in!" you shouted in panic.

"Give in. Do not resist mortal human, my sunbutt calls for you to praise it. My glorious butt is all yours human. Bow before my butt human! Worship my butt! You know you want to!" she said lustfully while she looked back at you with bedroom eyes.

"No… I must resist," you said in a low, weak voice.

"You resist against an inevitability, you are mere dust struggling against cosmic winds before the glory of my big fat pony butt!" she said sensually as she slapped her butt, which caused her huge thick buttcheeks to wobble from side to side.

"No…. I will not give in! Freedom from human on pony buttsex," you shouted in your best Mel Gibson’s William Wallace impression.

"Why… you are a filthy heretic! No human can resist such a fine butt like mine!" she shouted angrily.

You shook your head from side to side. "I refuse to fall in love with your butt!" you shouted as you looked at her butt with narrowed, angry eyes in determination.

Celestia whimpered. "You really don’t want to cum inside my butt," she said in a low, sad voice as tears began to flow down her cheeks.

"I’m sorry Celestia, but I can’t have buttsex with you."

"Oh.... It’s OK. You don’t have to have sex with my butt," she turned around to face you with her bloodshot eyes from crying. "Would… would you like to lie in bed with me only for some just friends spooning?" she said softly.

"Sorry, no."

A low angry growl emitted from her, before a moment later her mane had suddenly turned bright orange as it became blazed with fire, which radiated an intense heat, along with flashing lightning bolts blasting out from her hair. Her eyes glowed bright red in pure rage.

"GET OUT! BEFORE I DESTROY YOU!" she roared in the traditional royal canterlot voice.

"Ahahaha!" you screamed in terror as you ran out of the room.


Once he was gone Celestia had buried her face in her love heart shaped pillow whilst she wailed in grief. With a flash of her magic she summoned forth a doll of the handsome human known as Commander Shepard in his black N7 power armor with a smug grin on his face.

"Oh Commander Shepard, my first human lover! I miss you so much!"

The End