The Milking Hour at Sweet Apple Acres

by Glitter Grenade

First published

Twilight gets up and personal while helping Big Mac with farm work.

Twilight gets up and personal while helping Big Mac figure out a mystery about a certain milking stall.

Rated M for sexual themes.
Contains the following fetishes: Milking. Breast Expansion. Other sexual acts that would spoil the story. Like one starting with R and rhyming with- Okay!

AN: I'm trying to write faster-reading clop so I hoped I hit the sweet spot with this one.

The Only Chapter

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Twilight woke up groggy in a small and narrow room she hadn't seen before.

The walls were white. The floors were white. Its haunting hue just a shade from convincing her that she teleported herself to a egg-white dimension. Not that Twilight actually could recall how she got here. Yellow bulbs flickered as the many black screens sitting on the walls showed the Sweet Apple Acres logo as they waited on standby.

The alicorn glanced around, confused.

Her lower half was snugly strapped to a padded stand... of sorts, making a squelching sound as she adjusted herself to lean forward. The pole holding her up moved with her, bending and twisting to her movements. But there was only so far that she could reach; something was clamped around her ankles, making a tinkling sound of chains dragging across the tiles as she tried explore her limits. She couldn't close her legs. Creepy. But she could maneuver her knees to bend and slide forward some, tilting the stand until her feet lifted off the ground.

Her breasts bounced, tingling, they rubbed against the fabric of her shirt. Staining it with sweat, she guessed, smelling something sweet rise from her tits. Must be a perfume. It was odd how her nipples felt sore, aching at the tips, and hadn't she put on a bra this morning? Regardless, her range of movement wasn't... particularly useful, she remarked as she forced down the little voice telling her that something had gone horrible wrong.

Twilight had been worse situations and a few odd restraints couldn't keep her down.

She could raise her hands and arms slightly. Elbows similarly fastened to adjacent padded stands. Her clothed chest and belly hung downwards, not held by anything. And though there wasn't anything, she felt pressure on her breasts. A sort of... collecting of mass in the mounds that were there. In a sense, her breasts felt heavier than usual. Why? Is it because she wasn't with a bra and should she think it, for what purpose? Why would her breasts weigh heavier without a bra?

Still there were better things to think about. Like her situation smelled rather half-baked.

If she could sum it up in one word, inconsistent. All of this felt inconsistent.

Did her captor run out of chains and stands mid-way?

Twilight tried to think of some reason why someone would go to the trouble of chaining her so ridiculously. She and her friends hadn't fought a massive threat or had a world-ending problem in Ponyville for weeks!

Why not chain her to the wall and be done with it?

Where was the foe, bragging about capturing her?

Twilight was confused, yes, but not scared. There was no point in this. None that she could see.

On the floor beneath her, there was a circular slot, clearly marked by the metal slant in the center. And the fact it had been painted apple red.

Could it be a exit?

Twilight lifted her head, able to see what was in front of her and in the back when she looked around. She was surprised her captor hadn't gone the full way and chained her neck to something.

To her dismay, her purple feathery wings were extended to their full length, held tight by a series of pulleys and wheels. Twilight tried to close them but felt the silver cords brush up against her under-feathers, sending sparks of pleasure down her spine. Ooh, it jolted down her entire nerve center before stopping in the one place she'd rather it not. Her... uh... special place.

Ah-,” The sound ran out of her mouth, surprising her soundly. She didn't know that she could sound so needy. Celestia's honor, when were Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy going to tell her about that quirk that came from having wings.

This was a great... er... terrible discovery to have when being held captive!

Ah- I mean, who did this? When I find out-”

Twilight yanked on her wings again, pulling them closer to her back before they were zipped away. The silky cords brushed up against her nerves, sending a buzz of hormones and thrill. Twilight blushed, giggling nervously.

Her panties were wet.

She and her wings would require a full examination at home, Twilight promised, ignoring the drool coming from her lips. Having enough of whatever this was, a trick or something of a game by the Apples, the alicorn charged her horn. She envisioned home, a small nook in the crystal castle she picked out for her personal studying, and released.

Twilight closed her eyes, expecting to have kicked up the dust in her study. She then opened her eyes, finding herself in the exact place. What? Twilight tried again, feeling her magic levitated herself up and teleported... Right back to where she started? The alicorn switched tactics, couldn't she just teleport herself out of her bonds? Twilight focused, surging her magic to a precise vision.

Chains Be Gone!

She teleported, chains jangling in the wake of her magic. Her eyes slid open, momentary victorious before she noticed the truth. She hadn't gone anywhere. That was just great, something was blocking her magic. It could be anything. Null runes written inside of walls. Null runes written on the floors. Twilight's eyes darted to her horn, breathing a sigh of relief. A null-ring on her horn would have been too much.

But now, it meant that she would have to wait for help. Might as well start from the basics.

“Help! Help! Anyone! I'm trapped. Can anyone hear me!”

She had a feeling that this was going to take some time.

Twilight yelled and yelled, exhausting herself as she waited for someone to open the door. An ugly though came to her; what if the room was soundproof? Nobody would know she was here until she starved to death from lack of water and food? What kind of anti-climatic ending was that? She was Twilight Sparkle, why couldn't she make with the escaping? To end it like this was out of the question.

“Hello!” Twilight tried again, her hope growing dim. She sparked her horn. “Can anyone hear me? It's Twilight! Twilight Sparkle!”

Suddenly, the room began to quake. Finally. Twilight sat up as much as she could laying on her stomach and her ass perched permanently in the air as she could, wanting to look some what presentable. Then she remembered that she made a mess of her panties and that it would be the first thing her savior would see, so she shrunk as close to the floor as possible.

Soon the quaking stopped, the whirling of electricity starting up in its stead reaching her ears. What wound up greeting her was not a pony or any of the Apple siblings but the light of one of the screens turning on. The screen showed a simple interface, showing the life signs of a cow and its milk quality. Twilight noted that right next to the milk quality slot, the digits sat at an ominous 0000 a/c.

She recognized that little symbol, Applejack once said to her they used their own system for quantifying their liquid products by the gallon. The little a/c standing for apple clan certified. Then a red light fell from above, slowly moving over her chained form. Was it... scanning her? The image of the screen changed, correctly listing her weight and breast size, a fair B-cup. It even had the length and width of her nipples which had her confused. Scans couldn't be that accurate. But Twilight decided to not care, the information had also changed to realize that she was a pony.

Surely, somebody had to notice that she was here.

A little gear spun as the screen started loading its recommend diagnostics. Twilight waited, feeling at ease as she waited for the rescue. After all this time, she started remembering bits and pieces as to why she was here. Big Mac had asked her to stop by and fix something was on the fritz, thinking her magical expertise could help him along.

Twilight had even dressed for the occasion, a green pencil shirt and white blouse for her playing teacher. It would have been so much fun. Quizzing Big Mac on the principals of Giga Watt's eight forms of converting crystalline fuel.

The alicorn frowned as a thought hit her.

Didn't the problem have something to do with a lack of power source?

All of the screens flickered on, showing angles of her prone body. Twilight averted her eyes as she saw a crotch shot of her black panties, the damp spot enlarged on the left screen. She looked to the first screen, seeing its declaration in bright bold letters.


No. Not her.

Twilight squirmed, her legs kicking at anything she could reach. If she stretched, her bare toe could touch the door leading out but that was it.

There was nothing she could do.

“Stop. Cease all action. Halt.” She tried all manner of command codes. Think! Why couldn't she think? “Can anyone hear me! I'm not supposed to be milked! Hello! Big Mac! Anybody!”

A thin padded metal hand cranked slowly from the floor, sliding its cold fingers over Twilight's mouth as if determinating the shape.

Would try it to milk her face?

No, this couldn't be happening!

She stared in horror, noticing the white plastics caked over the appendage. “What are-” She started to say before it jammed itself into her mouth. The alicorn squirmed, the weird device making a fist inside of her mouth and preventing her closing it. Gurgling, saliva fled from her mouth and poured down her chin as she heaved, trying to breathe.

Then a second hand appeared, sliding two fingers into the top of her mouth and lifting it up. The hand inside pulled out, switching to gripping open her lower jaw.

“What are you doing?” She drooled, flinching as she felt something rub her ass. “Stop that.” She kicked her back leg, hoping to hit something. Those hands were on metal limbs, if she could just knock one over... The strange sensation touched and squeezed her rear before stopping at the hem of her skirt.

“Don't.” Twilight said, feeling her skirt being ripped into two. The fabric screaming as it was pulled from her hips. “Stop!” Then her blouse, peeling and sliced by scissors taken from the ceiling. The alicorn glanced at her breasts, recoiling at what she saw. Her pale nipples had darken to a plum purple, beads of white fluid dripping out the nubs.


It was milk, wasn't it?

Twilight tried to fight, watching on the screen as the metal hands descended on her panties. A cranking sound rung out, echoing in the tiny space as her stool was shifted against her will. In front of her eyes, a circular rod with a vibrator sat itself against her clit. Then turned on, vibrating at a steady speed as she bit her lips. No, this couldn't be happening.

She wasn't a cow.

She hadn't signed up for this.

The alicorn moaned, her hips buckling as her panties grew wetter and wetter.

The hands grasped parts of her wings, thumbing the bone joints and tugging lightly at the tiny baby feathers. It felt so good. Her vision blurred as she panted as the vibrator pressed firmly into her. Twilight stopped trying to pull herself away.

She just wanted one and then... Then she'd think of what to do.

Twilight pushed her hips back, a cry spilling from her lips as the pleasure whipped inside of her. Back and forth. Back and forth. She teased herself until she pushed back for the orgasm rattling her bones.

Guh-” She moaned, her body shaking as she came. “Ah, please. I'm not- Ah.” Nothing in the room heeded her. Hands found their way to her aching tits, stroking the nipples. Twilight moaned, wishing the roar and want in her head could go away. The alicorn charged up her horn once more, hoping that this time something would change. Right before the spell could take place, a hand pushed a ring onto it, seemingly freezing the spell in place.

Twilight couldn't call back her magic, her horn sparking violet light as she shook her head back and forth. The ring wouldn't come off. A pair of hands patted her head before clasping her horn, squeezing it. Why? "My horn- stop. I can-t." The alicorn threw her head back, bucking as she came again. Every stroke, every touch. It was too much. Everything blurred and Twilight drowned under the wave of her own lust igniting inside of her.

“More! More please!”

As if heeding her commands, the hands playing with her nipples began to grope them. They milked her horny breasts, driving Twilight wild. “You... You can do better than that!” Thin streams of milk squirted out, falling into the slate that she hadn't notice before. Numbers on the screen began to rise. The alicorn jerked her hips, riding her next orgasm. The vibrator clicked, the speed turning to higher mode.

Things flew in and out of Twilight's head.

Big Mac had invited her to look at a machine up and personal, saying that it needed a magical touch he couldn't provide. She stepped inside and- Twilight couldn't remember what happened after that. She moaned mindlessly, wanting more and more.

Hands lingered on her hips, tugging down her soaked panties as they fingered her dripping pussy. Twilight wondered what she could say when the Apple siblings found her. Watching her become a slave to a simple machine. Panting, she wiggled her behind as she felt something cold press against her third hole, the one she thought they'd ignore. Two fingers sunk themselves into her ass' hole, gently stretching it.

Then the hands milking her breasts stopped, molding her mounds so they lined up with a pair of dots shining from the wall in front of her. Two tiles in the floor shifted, lifting up twin needles filled with a shimmering liquid. The needles quickly pierced her nipples, injecting half of the fluid of the syringe inside before recceeding into the ground.

Hands rubbed her hips, tilting her body upwards until only the tips of her toes touched the ground. The vibrator followed, still stimulating her pussy with another orgasm. Twilight moaned, looking at the sight of herself. She was flushed, sweating and shaking as her hungry eyes stared back at her. On the screen, she watched a metal padded rod rotate down from its nook on the ceiling. She stared at the girth, it had to be ten inches or more, the rod adorned with stubs along its lengths.

It lined up with her pussy and then pushed itself in, causing the alicorn to cry out. The rod filled her, the stubs rubbing against her quivering walls as it drove in without mercy. Tears formed out the corners of her eyes as the rod wasn't even half-way in, going further and further.

“Please. I'm going to break!” Her words went unnoticed as it finished its decent, slithering to a place she'd never felt before. She came, clenching and shaking, her voice going hoarse. “Ah-” And as she fell from the high of pleasure, dimly feeling the rod rutting her. Something came to her mind.

She'd been in this position before, curious about how the straps worked...

It happened here and... and...

Twilight rocked her hips, pushing that thought away as the machine sped up. She tried to move her body but stopped, feeling something even heavier hold her down. Her tits had grown two sizes, becoming melons as milk gushed from each thrust. Hands fell to her breasts, straining and squeezing them for every last drop.

In. Out. In. Out. The alicorn moaned and cried and panted, hardly noticing the red lube being rubbed inside of her asshole. There was too much. It was all too much. Somebody... Somebody had to notice that she was here. Then another metal rod pressed against her hole, shorter but wider in girth, before it inserted itself in.

Her feet kicked and kicked, she had to...

Something cranked in front of her. She found it hard to keep a steady head. What? Was it the liquid she been injected with? Had it messed with her mind? Then a metal rod went into her mouth, slamming almost to her throat pipe.

Twilight choked, learning quick how to take it all in.

Her lips wrapped around the rod, sucking on it. Something sticky and creamy dripped onto her tongue, tasting so good. Twilight sucked harder, wanting to make more come out. The rod jerked inside of her mouth before pulling out. Twilight refused to let go but it escaped, the cream squirting onto her face.

Soon, the rest began to follow. Both rods inside of her, cumming and inflating her stomach until it was unbelievably swollen. She came once more, her cries ringing out. Twilight panted, her ass still perched in the air as she impatiently spread them wider. Expecting more. Needing more. Instead, the stands holding her up and the chains on her retracted, freeing her. Her wings were released and they came to her side as Twilight shivered, looking for something to put inside her.

The door in front of her trembled as she watched the knob turn.

“Um, Twilight.” Big Mac asked the dazed girl as she sat on her knees, books with words he could hardly understand scattered around her. He waved at the air, breaking up the shimmer of magic. Twilight must have cast one of her clever spells. “Can you fix it? Applejack's the handy one but even she can't make this machine do right.”

“Yes,” Her voice sounded hoarse, coughing. That's when Big Mac noticed the smell of fresh milk and several odors he couldn't put a finger on. Wing musk for sure. Applejack carried that scent home whenever she wrestled with Dash. “I can fuc... Ahem, fix it but I think you should go with another model.”

“What's wrong with it?”

It had been a whole hour since she went to investigate and Twilight was a smart cookie. Probably wrote a whole paper while she was in there. Certainty didn't make any noise he heard.

He leaned against the door, crossing his arms. The newly added milking stall, top of the line those city-slickers said, had been nothing but trouble. All the heifers he sent in refused to come out and the ones who did fought him about being sent back in. He was about done with the foolishness and had a mind to send it right back.

“Well...” Twilight blushed good-natured, her eyes sparkling as she brushed her billowy shirt. Big Mac blinked, hadn't she been wearing a pencil shirt? Her nifty horn ring glittered in the sun. “Quite a few things actually. The new model is more of a prototype. As it stands, it shouldn't have been sold on the market with the design flaws and properties that lead me to believe that it should've been worked on a little longer.”

She patted a wall, a slow smile on her face. “I wouldn't suggest you use it for any professional basis.” Big Mac had a double-take. The stall looked cleaner than before. Nice of Twilight to be helping out.

“So I'll have to rustle up Flim and Flam-”

“No. No... I'm more than happy to buy it off you.” Twilight spoke up, brushing some lint off her well-pressed red blouse. It was white and wrinkled before, wasn't it? “I'm actually curious about its inner mechanics and want to run a few tests on it. I'll probably take it apart once I'm done but you'll get your money back. That's something.”

Big Mac chuckled. “That is something.” He held up a hand. Twilight took it and got to her feet. “Thanks for coming on such short notice.” The farm stallion leaned closer, confirming what had been eating at him. “You have a little something on your shirt.”

Quick clothing.

Fancy magic.

Nothing could beat the sun showing the truth.