Gravity Of The Situation

by Durka Durr

First published

A Random guy ends up at a really crazy school.

If I hadn't...

Should I have...?

Would It be the same if I...?

Oh who cares!

(Note: Sex Tag is for suggestive content and future chapters. this is what most call: a 'Harem' fiction, if you do not like literary content of this kind, please do not come and be rude. Constructive Critisizm is always appreciated. Thanks!)

Chapter 1 - The Beginning.

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I wake up.

I Brush my teeth.

I shower.

I go downstairs.

I get the toaster.

I Make toast and bacon, and eat it.

And I'm on my way to school in 20 minutes.

That's My daily routine. I sometimes pack homework in for those 20 minutes but nonetheless, I'm off to school.

My Name: Blake Flyer

My Nickname: Blaze (Becuase i usually light things on fire.)

Family: I live alone but i have a sister a few blocks south.

Residence: I'm Not telling you creep!

Extra: I Have RED hair!

And that's basically me. I also like typing, anime, and color.

"On mah Way to school.. Whistle, Whistle."

"Hey Blake!" A familiar voice yelled. I recognize that voice...

"Wassup Bryan?" I replied, the brown-spikiy-haired boy running to me."

"The Sky, Mabye?" He replied.

"Meta- Oh, you know what im just- ugh, wont even try."

"So, you have the homework from yesterday?" He said to me with puppy-eyes.

"Here." I replied, giving him a peice of paper with answers. Bryan almost never did his homework, and im the reason he still has good grades. He's so lazy.

"Well, Im off to class. Seeya Fire-Fingers!" Bryan yelled as he ran into the school.

"Mr Flyer, Attention please." Ms. Vokenski said as she slapped a book on my desk to wake me.

"Sorry." I replied.

Just as she was about to scold me, I heard a lovely and heavenly sound.


"Hah, Hah! I am successful!" I yelled proudly. The teacher sighed, and I practically skipped out of class happily. I decided to go to the forest near the school grounds - not exactly, its a mile away - and take a nice lazy nap.

Since it was about halfway into school and I had an hour of a break, I took a nap. It was on a nice patch of grass under a pine tree. I was slowly being lulled to sleep by the sound of leaves shaking and the wind blowing. I had fallen asleep lovingly and slowly.

"Who is he?"

"What is he?"

"He's a pega-something you dolt."

"But.. He just appeared out of nowhere under this pine tree."

"His hair is pretty cool, so are his wings. Not as cool as mine though."

"Shut up, Dash."


"Twi, try to find some teleportation magic reminiscence. Dash, try to find someone in the air who mightve tried to drop him off without notice. Flutters, ask the animals if they saw what happened. I'll stay here and check his condition."


"Got it!"



"...toned abs, pretty good muscles, weird wings though..." I heard a voice mumble. His chest felt warm, like a fire. Someone's hand was on his chest.


Somebody's hand was on his chest



"Is he awa-"

"AAAAAAAHHH!!" I yelled. I sat straight up and opened my eyes.

"Whoa.. Chill kid. Its all go-ooo-oooly crap your eye!" The girl held up a pair of glasses that reflected my eyes and one eye was dark red while the other was a bright golden yellow.

"Huh. Well thats new."

"Wh- Look.. Kid. You have any idea where you are? You dont usually just end up at.. Wait, NOBODY just appears at Canterlot Private School." The Girl said.

"Canter- Wha?" I replied.

"By the way, Names' Spitfire, most call me Spitty or Spits." Spitfire said. I looked closer at her and she had blowtorch-like hair, amber eyes, and... WINGS? I looked at my back and I saw a huge feathery giant hooked to my back, moving.

"My name... Is Blaze Flight." I spun my name to sound weird like hers. She seemed to think it was normal and nodded.

"So, Blaze... Explain the dragon wing." Spit said. I turned around to face my wings and I saw another wing-like entity, but it looked thin, partially scaly. I tried to move it but couldn't seem to move the muscle needed for it.

"Paralyzation?" Spitfire said while pointing to my wings and looking closely at them. She seemed dumbfonded just then.

"Stupid Twilight." She said quietly.

"...Twi ...Light?"

"Kid, you fell from the sky." Spitfire said while pointing up.

"The, SKY!?" I yelled freakishly. Did I really fall from the sky to a planet full of alien girls with wings, or more? Is this a dream? If it is, PLEASE, PLEASE wake me UP!

"Yes, The sky." Another female voice said. I looked around and saw a girl with glasses, a pair of wings, a.. horn.. on her head, and purple and pink hair.

"Great, another one." I groaned.

"Twilight. Your name?" Twilight said. So this is the girl that paralyzed my wings..

"His name is Blaze Flight, Twilight. Unparalyze him. I know what you did." Spitfire answered. They both looked pretty hot for guy standards, but they also had technicolor hair and eyes, so that brings the hotness down by 11%.

"Lets get him to the Nurse." Twilight said while grabbing my wing.

"Nnngh." I moaned as she grabbed a part of my wing. What even was that!? Do my wings have like some kind of.. Oh please dont tell me..

"Heh, um, Twi.. Your grabbing that part of his wing y'know.." ANOTHER ONE?!? REALLY?

"What? O-Oh! My goodness! Im sorry.. I guess thats why you made that sound!" Twilight said while letting go of my wing, me moaning again and the new voice laughing.

"Omigosh, we litterally is having a Wing Spring! That's hilarious!" The voice said. Whats a wing spring? I turned and saw my wings were outstreched and tough, like an er... AHHHHHHHH!

"OkGoodBye." I got up even though my numb body protested and walked away, down no path.

"No, No wait! I was kidding! Im - Hehe - Sorry!" She said through chuckles. Ugh.

"Please wait! Your the onyl Dragon-Pegarise specimen on Terra! I need to run tests!" Tests? What?! You just found me and now you want to stick needles in me?!

"Fine Im coming.." I mumbled to myself. My 'Wing Spring' had gone away and i didint feel.. Emotions.. and stuff.

"Yay!" Twilight said excitedly.

"Lets hurry up and get to this 'Nurse' of yours." I replied.

"So, your vitals are all in check.. Your eyes are not diseased, its a DNA-Fusion of sorts. Same thing with the wing, Im also noticing large amounts of magic coming from you but it might just be from Twilight touching you. So all in all, your good to go!" Nurse Redheart Eexplained to me. I was finally able to see what I should do here.

"Also, I took the generous move of sneaking some records into the school files for you, so your good to be a new student and to walk around the school! I also put you in the same classes as me." Dash said. I didnt quite catch that last part though, whatever. I also met all 8 of Twilight's friends. There's Pinks, Dash, Rarity, Sunset, Vinyl, Spits, Fluttershy, and Applejack. Theres a few more friends so its not ALL of them, but im ok for now with just these 8 girls.