Fighting for Justice and Harmony

by pinkiepie2010

First published

The main six meet the Teen Titans.

During their latest expedition to The Castle of the Two Sisters the main six come across a book on alternate dimensions. Then an unexpected spell is cast sending the main six to another dimensions where they meet the Teen Titans.

The Book

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"Ugh, why did Twilight have to request that we be here while it's dark outside," Rainbow Dash asked. She and the other main six besides Twilight were outside the castle and Celestia hadn't even raised the sun.

"Maybe we're going to throw a party," Pinkie Pie piped up excitedly.

"I doubt that sugarcube," Applejack stated, "my guess is that, that filly is more wound up than a rodeo clown on a sugar high."

"Girls I'm so glad you could make it. " Twilight said as she walked out of the castle. "In case your wondering why your here so early,"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well Rainbow Dash, last night I asked Princess Celestia if she knew anything about alternate dimensions. She replied by telling me there's a book on it in the Castle of the Two Sisters. So I called you all here so we look for it."

"Oh, oh, can we make it a party?"

"You know Fluttershy I don't remember coming this way before?" Rarity asked Fluttershy as they were walking to their destination.

"You're right Rarity. We've been to the castle many times before and we've never been this way. Oh, I hope we're not lost."

"Don't worry Fluttershy," Twilight butted in, "I know my way around the Everfree Forrest like the back of my hoof we'll be there in no time." She yawned.

"Uh, Twilight if ye don't mind me asking," Applejack asked walking up to her, "how much sleep did ye get last night?"

"I couldn't sleep I was to excited. I kept thinking about all I could discover in that book.

"Well this will be fun looking for a book with a sleep deprived Twilight," Rainbow whispered to Pinkie Pie.

As she finished the group reached the bridge.

"Oh Twilight be careful," Fluttershy requested. She the turned to Applejack. "I'm just worried that Twilight's condition will cause her to fall."

"Don't worry sugarcube, I'll watch her." Applejack then walked up next to Twilight and watched her all the way across.

"Just look at the tapestries. They really light up the room don't you think?" Rarity asked as they were walking through the doors. Rainbow flew up to one of the them. She looked at the details of it. "Of course you do Rarity your the one who restore them. "

"So Fluttershy," Pinkie began.

"Would everypony please stay on topic." Twilight yelled causing everypony to go silent.

"I was just asking Fluttershy if it was Star Spider mating season."

"That's not important what's important is to find that book. Let's go." As Twilight said that she started on her way to the library.

"Uh Twilight I hate to interrupt," Fluttershy whispered as the group entered the library, "but do you know where this book may be exactly."

Twilight gasped, "Oh no I forgot to ask. How could forget to ask where this book, which could answer all my questionson alternate dimensions I have, be!"

"Well, do you know the title?" Fluttershy gave a weak smile.

"Okay, I know that its Alternate Dimensions Throughout History."

"Well now we have a start."

"Hey everypony look at this book I found," Pinkie called out to the others while pulling out a book. "Its all about famous fictional Equestrian heroes."

"Pinkie we don't have time for reading other books. We have to find that book." Twilight said as continued looking through the shelves of books.

"But Twilight, we've been searching for hours."

Applejack walked over she knew she had to be careful with her words. "Ye know Twilight, ye been up all night ye could use some time to relax."

"Applejack I appreciate your offer, but this book takes priority. Even if everypony else is looking at a book with no relatively what so ever." With that she left to continue looking through the shelves.

"So Pinkie what's in this book you got?" Rainbow Dash asked while flying down to her.

"Oh it's full of famous literary heroes from Ancient Equestria," Pinkie replied as she turned the page.

"This one seems pretty cool." Rainbow Dash explained while pointing at a picture of a hero, "It says her name is Wind Speeder. She had amazing flight and was the fastest pony in on her team. Her team?"

"Oh, her team is called the Harmony Fighters. They're the stars of the classic stories The Mares Who'll Never Give Up. They're famous for being the first all mare superhero team."

"Cool, hey this one sounds like Rarity."

"And what could that possibly mean?" Rarity asked walking over to them.

"Well Rarity," Pinkie explained. She pointed to a picture of a mare fighting someone. "This mare, Princess Dazzling. She's the most fashionable pony on her team. Her power was the ability to hypnotized anypony who messed with the law.

"Oh, impressive. I kind of want to read more."

"Go ahead. " Pinkie Pie held the book to her. She began to read.

"I really like these heroes. Oh look this one, Cider Blazer, had amazing strength. She could even left an entire house with one hoof."

"Do you guys mind," Twilight interrupted, forcing them to stop reading, "I really want to find this book that once again, could answer all my questionson about alternate dimensions."

She then took out the book right below, where the book Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity were reading, looked at the cover and gasped. "Really all this searching and it's right here."

"Well don't just stand there read it," Rainbow Dash requested as Applejack and Fluttershy joined the group.

Twilight began to read, the others stood there and watched, questions were racing through their heads. Twilight stopped and smiled with amazement. "This is incredible. Look I even found a poem from one of the other dimensions."

"Oh, oh, can you read it please," Pinkie pleaded. Twilight nodded and began to read.

"A place unlike any other.

A place different than my own.

Wonderful things could happen,

In a place unlike my own.

I want to go to a place where
Amazing people to amazing things.

Take there please take me there,

To place unlike my own."

As the last word left her mouth a portal opened up. The main six gasped, at that moment they sucked them in. They soon had tickling feeling went through their bodies. It when after they landed on something hard and unfamiliar to most.

Welcome to Jump City

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Twilight opened her eyes and began to look around. This place was unfamiliar to her but the ground wasn't. It was cement just like Canterlot High but this didn't look like Canterlot High at all. Her thoughts were interrupted by Rarity gasping.

"What happened to my horn and what are these?" Rarity asked as she panicked.

"And what happened to my wings?"

"Those are hands Rarity," Twilight began to explain, "this is just like when I go to Canterlot High."

"Does that mean we can meet your Canterlot High friends?" Pinkie asked excitedly.

"No Pinkie we can't."

"What! Why?"

"Because this isn't Canterlot High."

"But if isn't Canterlot High, then where are we?" Fluttershy asked walking to her.

"I have no idea."

"Well where ever we are, they do have spectacular fashion. I also love that manestyle on you Twilight " Rarity complimented.

"Uh, thank you," Twilight replied as brushed back her mane. Unlike at Canterlot High, Twilight's mane barely touched her shoulders.

"Hey Twilight I don't know if you thought of this, but we might be able to figure out where we are if we looked in the book." Rainbow Dash requested.

"That's a great idea," Twilight squealed as she picked up the book, "if I remember correctly the poem is on page 27."

She turned to the page and looked there was no sign of the poem anywhere. She continued looking and stopped to check the cover and gasped. "Pinkie this is your book not the book that brought us here."

"So if that's Pinkie's book, then what happened to the book that brought us here?" Fluttershy asked as she backed away. Pinkie took her book back.

"I think I might know what happened," Applejack began, "Twilight ye were levitating the book with your horn while Pinkie was holding hers in her hooves."

"My magic must have stopped," Twilight interrupted, "and when it stopped the book must have fell before it could," Before Twilight could finish she fainted.

"Twilight!" everypony gasped. Applejack was the onlg one who went up to her and examined her. "Well yall, I reckon that since she got zero sleep last night, her body couldn't handle any more time awake and she fell asleep."

About an hour passed before anypony said anything, though there was the occasional sound from Pinkie as she was reading her book. It was Rainbow Dash who broke the silence. "Okay Twilight's asleep and we're stuck in another dimension, so I think we should at least try to find out where we are."

"But, uh, Rainbow Dash, we can't just leave Twilight here." Fluttershy pointed out.

"Well then, you guys watch Twilight and I'll go find out where we are. " She started walking away.

"Wait Rainbow Dash," Pinkie Pie called out, "I'm coming with you. " She ran till she caught up with Rainbow Dash.

"Uh, Pinkie I can handle this on my own."

"But Rainbow Dash what you get hurt and no one is there to help you and then we're forced to live out our lives feeling guilty forever and forever. So I need to come."

"Okay then, you can come." Then they headed off.

"Hey Rainbow Dash do you think we should climb this?" Pinkie asked pointing to a building with a ladder against it.

"Sure Pinkie," Rainbow Dash answered, "I wish we could control the weather in this world, the wind keeps blowing my mane in my mouth." She pulled a piece out of her mouth.

"Here use this," Pinkie requested as she handed her a hair tie.

"Pinkie, where did you get that?" Rainbow Dash turned and saw that Pinkie's hair was now in pigtails.

"Well I thinking I could use some hair ties and then I reached down and some appeared."

"That's weird."

"I'll prove it. Since we're both probably hungry some chocolate cupcakes with yellow colored frosting would be nice right now." She reached her hands down and they saw her open a portal up and she pulled two cupcakes out of it. They took a bite.

"They're chocolate," Rainbow Dash said astonished. She took the hair tie and put her mane in a ponytail. Pinkie put her book in a backpack she pulled out and the two began to climb up the ladder. When they got there they stopped. There were three others on the roof.

"Oh when will Twilight wake up," Fluttershy asked.

"I don't know sugarcube," Applejack stated as she looked at Twilight, "it could be awhile."

Before anypony could say anything else an unknown voice spoke. "Are you sure this is the right place?"

"I'm sure," another voice replied, "this is exactly where Raven told us it happened."

"But it has been over two hours what ever came out could have moved."

"It doesn't hurt to check." With that a male figure emerged out of the building's shadow. He was looking at a circular device and then rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well hello there," Rarity greeted him, "I must emit you are pretty good looking."

"Huh," the boy replied, he looked at the group for the first time, "oh, uh, thanks."

"Why your welcome. It's a wonder why you're here all by yourself." She walked closer to him.

"Actually I'm here with my friend."

"I mean romantically. I believe that we could make a great couple." She looked into his eyes and the two shared a laugh.

"Yeah I think we could." The two leaned closer and kissed.

"Robin what are you doing?" the other boys voice called out. Rarity looked and screamed the boy she saw was a robot.

The scream woke Twilight up as Rarity ran to the group. She saw the robot boy and also screamed. Applejack and Fluttershy joined the group and four bunched together. The robot boy approached closer to them but before he could get to them they were teleported away.

"Cyborg, what just happened?" Robin asked.

"It's hard to explain but the one with the long purple hair made you kiss her," Cyborg answered.


"I don't know but I think we should find Raven and tell her we found those alternate dimension beings." He began to walk away.

"Agreed." Robin said as he started to follow.

"Raven we've been searching for hours can we take a break?" one of the people on the roof with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash asked.

"No Beast Boy," another person, probably Raven responded, "we need to find who or what came out that portal."

"Wait I see something, I'll go find out what it is." At that moment a green wolf charged at Rainbow Dash causing her to fall of the roof.

"Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie screamed. She began to cry.

"Pinkie I'm fine,"Rainbow Dash called. Pinkie looked up and saw that Rainbow Dash had wings. They were glowing and larger than her wings in Equestria.

"Woah," Beast Boy said as he saw her wings. He turned to Pinkie. "Who are you guys."

"I'm Pinkie Pie, but you can me Pinkie and that's Rainbow Dash." The other two joined him

"Well I'm Beast Boy, the one with the red hair is Starfire, and the pale one is Raven."

"Greetings," Starfire said as she wave to them.

"Listen," Raven said, "It's nice we're getting to know each other but I need to ask where did you come from?"

"We're from Equestria, it's another dimension." Pinkie Pie explained proudly ad Rainbow Dash landed and her wings disappeared.

"Are you here to do the harming of us?" Starfire asked nervously.

"No we came here by accident. We don't even know where we are."

"This planet is Earth and you are in the America. To be more of the specific Jump City."

"You know, these two cool girls probably need a place to stay," Beast Boy assumed, "so maybe you can stay at out place."

"I don't know, where is it?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"You see that building," Beast Boy explained pointing to a T-shaped building, "we live there. It's the Titan's Tower and we're the Teen Titans."

"Cool are you like a superhero team?" Pinkie asked excitedly. She ran closer to him.

"You bet we are."

"I hate to break this little bonding moment," Raven interrupted, "but I think we asked Cyborg and Robin first before we decide if they can stay or not."

"Well then, let's go," Beast Boy lead the way off the roof.

This Strange New World

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"Hey there you guys are," Cyborg called out as he ran over to the group, "Robin and I think we found those alternate dimensions creatures."

"Dude you're joking," Beast Boy said, "we found the alternate dimensions people and the one with the pink hair is so cool."

"Greetings Cyborg and boyfriend Robin," Starfire said. She hugged him. Beast Boy and Cyborg were still arguing.

"Oh yeah that reminds me," Cyborg said, "Robin kissed one of them."

"What!" Beast Boy and Starfire exclaimed simultaneously. Starfire ended the hug.

"It's true this one with long purple hair walked up to Robin and started flirting with him. Then they shared a laugh and kissed. Then they just disappeared."

"That sounds like Rarity," Pinkie interrupted. She ran over to them with Raven and Rainbow Dash behind her.

"Woah," Cyborg said looking at Pinkie for the first time, "who are you?"

"I'm Pinkie Pie," she began, "I like your armor." She pointed to the metal part of Cyborg.

"It's not armor it's part of me. You see I'm half human and half robot."


"Wait," Robin interrupted, "where are you guys even from."

"We'll explain," Raven said.

"How did we get here?" Twilight asked looking around. The remaining main six were now in a park.

"I reckon ye brought us here Twilight," Applejack suggested, "your magic probably can still be used in this here dimension."

"Why that's great news," Rarity exclaimed, "now I no longer have to use these hands at all I can just use my magic. Though I do suppose that the magic will come from my hands."

She looked around and saw a stick and tried to levitate it. It didn't work. She kept on trying but to no avail. Eventually she got so frustrated with the stick that she picked it up and threw it. The bounced off the grass and almost hit Fluttershy.

Right before the stick came to her, Fluttershy panicked. She wished she had protection like turtles back in her cottage. All of sudden she found herself surrounded by darkness and curled up in a ball. A bit of light shown through. She moved her head towards it. On her way out she hit her head and saw she had grown a turtle shell.

"What, how did this happen?" she asked. She moved her arms and legs out of the shell.

"We were going to ask ye the same thing," Applejack explained. She helped Fluttershy up. The shell then disappeared.

"So Fluttershy can grow a turtle shell and Twilight might be able to do magic," Rarity began, "this can't be just a coincidence."

"You're right Rarity," Twilight began, "it's quite possible that the people in this world have powers. So when we entered this dimension we gained powers. It's quite possible that Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie have them too. Wait, where are Rainbow Dash and Pinkie?"

"We forgot about Rainbow Dash and Pinkie."

"But where are they?"

"They left while you were sleeping to see where we are. We haven't seen or heard from them since."

"Come yall let's find them."

"So this is the Titan's Tower," Beast Boy said as the group entered the tower, "what do you think?"

"This place is amazing," Pinkie replied. She entered the tower and looked around.

"So this is like you house?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yep Cyborg built this whole place with his own two hands."

"Wow you get cooler by the minute." Pinkie turned to Cyborg as she said that.

"So from what I can gather, you guys are a team of superheroes who have saved the world a bunch of time. Including defeatingan entire team of villains and a demon overlord." Rainbow Dash annalized.

"Yeah pretty much," Beast Boy said. Pinkie giggled at this. "Now what's so hilarious?"

"We it's just that you Teen Titans sound like me and my friends. Raven even sounds like Twilight if she refused to show emotions. But before you question anything let me explain. We have saved Equestria from enternal night, eternal chaos, and everypony from losing their magic."

"Everypony what kind of word is that?"

"It's how a group is addressed. For example, Please quite down everypony."

"But why pony, not dog or cat or even fish, why specifically pony?"

"Because we are ponies." Cyborg and Beast Boy burst out laughing. "I'm serious."

"But do not have the appearance of the pony." Starfire pointed out.

"Yeah you look nothing like this." Beast explained and turned into pony.

"We look nothing like that." Pinkie opened her backpack and pulled her book out. Beast Boy transformed back to his human form. Pinkie opened to a random page. "See we look like this. There's also pegasi like Rainbow Dash, unicorns like our friend Rarity, and alicorns like Twilight."

"Is everyone a pony in Equestria?" Robin asked.

"Oh no, there's dragons, griffins, many monsters, and regular animals we can have as pets."

"Yeah, Equestria is one diverse and crazy place." Rainbow Dash sat down. Pinkie reached down to the portal she created and pulled out a plushi of herself. "This is what I look like back in Equestria."

"Could you always do that?" Beast Boy questioned amazingly holding it.

"Not until I arrived here."

"I hate to interrupt," Raven said, "but I think it's best that we try to find them. If Pinkie didn't get her powers till she arrived here. There's an almost 100 percent chance that their friends have gained powers too."

"Raven does have the point. Their friends may have powers they never once had before." Starfire agreed.

"I believe Robin and I should go," Raven suggested, "Beast Boy would probably give up after a few tries, Cyborg would scare them, and Starfire would punch the one who hypnotized Robin if she tried to do it again. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie you two stay here as well it could send the wrong message." With that they left.

"Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, where are you?" Fluttershy called out. They were a new location past where they arrived.

"Fluttershy look," Rarity whispered, "there's that really cute boy from earlier." She pointed to Robin.

"Uh, Rarity he seems to be with another girl."

"She's not a threat."

"There's the one that kissed me," Robin pointed to Rarity.

"Remember they're probably scared so let's try to talk to them instead of fighting." Robin agreed.

Before they could do anything Raven was blasted by some magic. She got up and saw the four girls standing around them prepared for battle. They were challenging them to a fight.

Ponies vs Titans

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Twilight blasted Raven again and sent her back father. She ameeditly ran towards her with Applejack close behind. Fluttershy and Rarity stayed to fight Robin.

"Hello again cutie." Rarity walked over to Robin.

"Oh no, you are not kissing me again."

"What, but you kissed me." She moved closer to him.

"You did something to me and I have no memory of it, but my friend told me that you kissed me." Robin backed away from her.

"What could I have I done to you." She turned her back to him.

"You kissed me out of nowhere while I'm in a perfect relationship with another girl. I do not want to lose her."

"You could have told me about," She paused and turned to face Robin. "Did you say I erased your memory?"

"Yes you did, because I don't remember it. The last thing I remember before you disappeared was, you looking into my eyes and saying we be a cute couple." Rarity started to back away from him.

"This is the, worst, possible, thing!" She continued to back away her eyes were starting to water, "I'm a relationship ruining monster. Why me oh, why me? I hoped to have my magic, not this." She ran away balling her eyes out. Robin tried to follow her but had to stop, after almost tripping over Fluttershy who was now in her turtle shell.

"Rarity are you still there?" Fluttershy asked not knowing about Rarity running away.

"If you're talking about the one with the pale skin and purple hair, she just ran away, but it's okay to come out of there." He kneeled down so he could hear her better.

"No," she shouted but quickly quited down, "I know I'll be better off in here." Her teal eyes appeared but quickly disappeared again from the shell.

"If you think I'm here to attack you I'm not."

"Are you sure?" Fluttershy poked her head out of the shell.

"It's the opposite of that. You see I know Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie."

"Are they hurt?" She pulled hands out and covered her eyes. Just thinking about it made her shiver.

"No not at all. But you see they have powers they didn't have back in Equestria. We were worried that you guys would have new unknown powers too."

"I never was able to grow a shell before." Her legs appeared and the shell disappeared.

"I know a shapeshifter he'll be able to help control your power."

"It would be nice to know more about my powers, but we need to find Rarity first. Uh, and I'm Fluttershy." She said the last sentence very quietly. She slightly stretched out her arm.

"Robin." He accepted the offer to handshake.

Meanwhile the fight between Raven and Twilight and Applejack was not going as planned. Before Raven could say anything she was blasted. Twilight also kept levitating objects and hurling them towards her.

"What in tarnation was that?" Applejack questioned. She looked down to find a smashed remains of a wooden crate behind her.

"Your back just smashed it." Twilight frustratingly said between her teeth "why can't we get this powerless human, we're from the alternate dimension."

"Yes I totally powerless even though you totally saw me levitate over here." Raven sarcastically commented.

"Doesn't matter, was does matter is you're going down." Twilight preparedto blast again but was blasted first knocking her to the ground. "Huh?"

"Opportunity knocked and I answered."

"We have the same powers?"

"Are yours controlledby your emotions?" Raven flew closer.

Twilight burst out laughing, "What kind of powers are controlled by your emotions? That make zero sense. Magic is about your concentration, not how you feel."

"It just so happens mine are controlled by emotions. If my emotions get out of hand so do my powers."

"So you dabble in dark magic because that is fueled by negative emotions. Which proves my point that your trying to capture us." She blasted Raven again only for her to dodge it and levitate a rope around Twilight.

"Yes my magic can by considered "dark", but all powers have the ability to be used for good and evil it all depends on how the person uses them." She used finger quotes when she said dark.

"I couldn't help but overhear ye conversation," Applejack interrupted leaning against a wall, "but it does seem like ye are trying to capture us, and the rope around Twilight here, doesn't help."

"If we were trying to capture you wouldn't she be tied up as well." Raven pointed to Fluttershy who standing nearby.

"And how do we know your little assistant didn't force her stand stand there perfectly fine so we'll trust you."

"I'm not her assistant." Robin explained.

"Fine your partner then," Twilight continued struggling out of the rope.

"Struggling's not going to help," Raven flew closer. Twilight broke her hand free and tried to levitate the rope off her but Raven's magic was stronger.

"Twilight maybe it's a good idea not to fight these two and continue on," Applejack tried to reason.

"We can't do that," Fluttershy explained, "Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are at their home."

"You kidnapped our friends," Twilight interrupted almost bursting into flames.

"Oh no Twilight, you have it all wrong. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie went with them on their own free will and have befriended them. Also Rarity ran away."

"Why in Equestria would she go off and do that?" Applejack inquired walking over to Fluttershy.

"It was something about kissing him," Fluttershy pointed to Robin, "and being a relationship ruining monster."

"Do ye know where she ran off to."

"Already found her," Twilight boasted. Everyone looked to see Rarity running towards them.

"Twilight I need your help I've become a monster," she began as reached the group tears were still streaming down her eyes, "I ruined a relationship. I don't how but a made a boy kiss me and he has no memory of it."

"Don't worry Rarity," Twilight responded. Rarity sobbed and latched on to Twilight.

"Twilight what's around you?"

"That demon over there tied me up."

"Aside from that, Rarity is it," Raven said, Rarity nodded, "it comes to my attention that you and your friends have gained new powers when you entered this dimension. Your power is some from of hypnotism that unfortunately surfaced when you were flirting with Robin."

"But I ruined his relationship with another girl."

"You can explain it to her."

"What if she won't forgive me?" Rarity screamed.

"She will," Robin explained, "she forgave her sister after she tried to get her arrested."

"Then I must go make things right," Rarity marched off, "um where is your house exactly?"

"I'll show you four," Raven said as walked, pulling Twilight along with her. The others quickly followed. "Hopefully the others are having an easier time."

Fun in the Titan's Tower

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"So you don't have a catchphrase?" Pinkie asked Beast Boy as they were sitting on the couch together. Beast Boy was playing with the stuffed Pinkie Pie who they had dubbed Plushi Pie.

"We don't but we do have battle cry." Beast Boy replied.

"I think you should have one."

"Pinkie's right," Rainbow Dash agreed walking to the couch, "but it has to be cool."

"How about: Evil beware we have,"

"Waffles?" Cyborg asked holding out a box. "Or would you prefer pizza?"

"Pizza definitely," Beast Boy responded he turned to Pinkie, "do they have pizza in Equestria?"

"No, is it any good?"

"It's the best you have to try it." Pinkie looked over and saw Starfire fly in with one of the strangest creatures she had ever seen.

"Okay Silkie, time for lunch." She place the creature down and gave it a bowl full of food. The creature then crawled over and began to eat.

"Pinkie," Beast Boy said interrupting her thoughts, "what are you staring at?"

"What ever that is." She pointed to Silkie.

"Oh that's Starfire's pet Silkie."

"I mean what is it?"

"He's a mutated moth larve."

"Kind of like your pet Pinkie," Rainbow commented.

"You have a pet, what is it?" Beast Boy asked.

"It's a small toothless aligator named Gummy."

"They have the pet like that in the Equestria." Starfire questioned.

"Well they don't, I got Gummy from a magical pet shop." Pinkie quickly explained.

"With every sentence you say about it Equestria sounds weirder and weirder," Cyborg commented.

"This place isn't exactly normal either," Rainbow Dash defended.

"Well sorry, it's just we don't have pegasi, unicorns, or any other magical creatures."

"You guys don't even eat hay or flowers to eat here."

"Humans which, we are can not digest those things."

As the two continued to defend their worlds Starfire and Silkie sat joined Beast Boy and Pinkie on the couch, "Are either of you going to do the debating with Rainbow Dash and Cyborg?"

"Nah it seems pointless," Beast Boy answered, "besides people have said I'm the weird one of the team."

"Ponies say that about me too," Pinkie Pie gasped.

"It seems you too are very the alike of each other." Starfire giggled.

Beast boy was about to comment when he got a call on his Titan Communicator. He open it up and saw a frustrated Raven on the other end.

"Hey Raven find their friends yet" he asked through it. Pinkie and Starfire got closer.

"Yes," Raven stated Pinkie was about to cheer when Raven began to continue, "however the purple one keeps telaporting away and we have to find her. So expect us to arrive later then planned."

"Who are you talking to?" Rarity asked in the background, "is it his girlfriend?"

"If she's talking about Starfire she's right here."

"Really," Rarity ran over and got on the tiny screen, "oh I'm so sorry for kissing your boyfriend I had no idea about you two. If I had known I would have never done it. I know I'll never forgive myself but if you could see to forgive me and more importantly your love I'll feel a little better."

"Do not be the hard on yourself I forgive you." As soon as she finished a bright pink light covered the screen.

"Great she telaported again, " Raven said she turned to face the screen, "I'll call you back." Ths screen went black.

"Pizza's ready," Cyborg called out as he walked to the others. He handed everyone a plate with two slices on it. Immediately the Titans began to eat the pizza while Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash just stared at it.

"What's the matter not hungry?" Beast Boy asked.

"No it's just I don't know what this is? " Pinkie pointed to the sauce on the pizza.

"That's the sauce it's made from tomatoes."

"Oh, thanks," she took a bite, "this is pretty good."

"Figured you'd like it."

"Why, do have some sort of mind reading powers I'm not aware of?"

"Just a hunch."

Starfire giggled to herself, while the other two continued their arguing.

"What time is it?" Rainbow Dash asked. It was dark now and there was still just the five of them in the tower.

"It's about 8 o'clock," Cyborg responded.

"Man I hope Fluttershy's alright out there."

"Hey I know a way to pass the time how about we play truth or dare."

"That's sounds awesome count me in."

"I want to play to it sounds fun and Pinkie loves to have fun."

"I would like to play too."

The five of them formed a circle. Rainbow Dash and Cyborg were on the couch, while the others sat on the floor.

"I'll go first," Cyborg started, "Beast Boy, turth or dare?"


"I dare you to eat this piece of bacon." He held out a piece. While Rainbow Dash sported a confused look.

"What dude?"

Starfire oohed and pointed at him. She was quickly joined by Pinkie.

"Dude you know I've been most of those animals?"

"Doesn't matter you picked dare. I gave you a dare. Now you have to do the dare."

Beast Boy gulped and took the piece from Cyborg's hand. His eyes closed as he stuffed it in his mouth. After he swallowed it he got up and ran to the bathroom. The other four heard him throw it up. He returned to the group with a sick look on his face.

"Satisfied," he asked Cyborg.

"Yes," he replied.

"Okay it's my turn now Starfire truth or dare."

"I pick the truth," Starfire said cheerfully with a smile on her face.

"Okay then," Beast Boy paused for a moment, "got it tell us when you realized you were in love with Robin."

"Well it started when we were on the farris wheel together. Before my sister came for the visit. At first I was not sure about, this did the lasting for many months. I was not fully sure until when I was going to be wed to someone I did not love and there he showed me whag love could be."

Cyborg, Pinkie, and Beast Boy all let out an aww. While Rainbow Dash looked away.

"Okay Rainbow Dash now you choose the truth or the dare."

"I don't trust you guys with dares so turth."

"Is there anyone you have the crush on in Equestria?"

Pinkie immediately got closer to Rainbow Dash. Wanting to hear what she was going to say. She began to think of who it could be.

"There's this one stallion named Sorin," she began.

"You like Sorin the Wonderbolt?" Pinkie interrupted.

"Yeah him but you have to promise not to tell anypony."

"Okay I cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Ignoring the weird looks they got from the Titans Rainbow Dash turned to Cyborg, "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Cyborg responded almost immediately.

"I dare you to say Earth is weirder than Equestria."

"Earth is weirder than Equestria," Cyborg said annoyed, "Pinkie truth or dare."

"Dare sounds like more fun so dare."

"I dare you to kiss Beast Boy on the lips."

"I don't think I'm ok with this," Beast Boy commented.

"We'll just make it quick and then pretend that it never happened ok."

"Okay then."

All eyes were on them as turned to face each other. Beast Boy placed his hand on Pinkie's shoulder. The two them closed their eyes and slowly got closer to each other. The kiss itself was a little longer than expected but was interrupted by group of four shocked vioces in unity saying, "Pinkie!?!"