Suits Me Fine

by Tatswaru

First published

A Bored Elder God tricks and sends a human with the power to Create bodysuits to Equestria. Deceit, scheming and hunger for power ensues.

Rick was but an ordinary man living in Canada, until the bored Elder God of Masks, Infiltration and Spies sold him an emerald that would give him the power to transform ponies into bodysuits and wear them to assume their form.
Now armed with the arguably ultimate ability for infiltration and spying Rick will find his way in Equestria, for better or worse, while fighting temptation for power and glory.

Prologue: Setting Up The Game

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Prologue: Setting Up The Game

Princess Celestia smiled as she finished reading through Equestria's finances in the middle of Her Day. Standing up she raised her arms above her head and stretched her wings out wide to relieve the tension of not moving for a long time.

Standing up from her desk, she moved towards the mirror to make sure her billowing rainbow mane and tail were still flowing despite her wanting to let both down. Celestia remembered what happened the last time she accidentally left her mane and tail down when she arrived at court. It was absolute pandemonium for at least several minutes until Celestia remembered her mane and tail weren't billowing in an astral breeze.

Tittering in amused embarrassment, Celestia thought to herself, 'Oh my little ponies, sometimes you all seem to take things... a little too far' before being interrupted from her thoughts by the squawking of her pet Phoenix, Philomena. Watching her fly to the cage in a hurry, Celestia just chuckled softly as she said “Oh Philomena, did you have a good flight? I trust that you didn't scare or have too much fun with my little ponies.”

The majestic red bird just smiled as only she could and started to whistle innocently. Celestia just rose an eyebrow at her pet. Celestia sighed, “Well I do hope that it was not Blueblood again. I remember what happened the last time you decided to use his suit as a lavatory.”

While rubbing her head with a hand, Celestia heard Philomena start to whistle more frantically. She gave a slightly exasperated sigh along with a stern look.

“Philomena, I know most ponies and I give you a lot of leeway but my dear nephew, well, is a bit more high strung. Remember?” Celestia chastised slightly as she continued to give Philomena a disappointed look.

Philomena squawked and shuddered in fear as she as she remembered how she was chased by the Prince throughout the castle managing to somehow levitate three swords and swing them at her as well as telekinetically throwing various objects and furniture at her. Interestingly he managed to pick up only the non-expensive things and leave the priceless artifacts alone. Who knew that when pushed, the snobby whinny Prince could become a beast of utter rage and only because she couldn't get out in time and needed to go.

Celestia's stern visage slowly loosened as she raised her hand to softly pet Philomena. “I worry when you take your jokes too far Philomena. I don't like seeing you hurt for any reason,” she stated quietly as her pet cooed and shoved her head into Celestia's hand.

Celestia froze when she felt a minor Flux in Equestria's magical field. Turning her head with ears flicking, she tried to discern why such a minor flux disturbed her. Deciding that it wasn't a threat to her ponies, Celestia turned to Philomena to continue to slightly chastise her.

Before she could do so, she was interrupted by two of her Royal Guards, pegasi, knocking on her open door. Celestia turned to the guards with a motherly smile as she answered, “Yes, my little ponies?” The guards entered the room and saluted by thumping a fist to their breastplate and the one on the left spoke up.

“Princess Celestia, it is time to begin the Solar Court. We are here to escort Your Majesty to the Court for today,” He spoke stoically as he stood as ridgid as a statue. Sighing softly Celestia turned to Philomena and said, “We are not done with this conversation my friend.”

Philomena sighed in relief as Celestia turned to the guards speaking to them, “Let's go, my little ponies.” Before squawking in indignation as her cage was locked by Celestia's golden magic.

“Remember what I said I would do if you bothered Blueblood again, Philomena? Also this makes sure that when I am done we will finish our conversation. Dust Feathers will make sure you'll be okay while I'm at Solar Court, bye!” Celestia called out to Philomena as she walked out the door with her guards, horn aglow and shut the door as soon as she passed.

Philomena sighed as she sat in her cage waiting for Dust Feather to arrive and feed her, wondering why Celestia went still and looked towards the horizon not knowing that what Celestia felt was not only a True Major Flux in reality, but one that was muted to allow something into Equestria under the Diarch's nose.

Deep within a Void, an Elderitch god, who's form was a black humanoid about four feet tall with the only distinguishing thing about him being his bright orange Greek comedy mask, stood in front of a crystal ball showing him that he was successful in hiding his new Avatar from the Diarchs of Equestria. Laughing quietly to himself Nyath'tac spoke to himself rubbing his chin.

“This day just couldn't get any better! The Diarchs are too lazy/busy to double check even my sloppiest of cover work, I got the seemingly best Avatar choice in years (let's hope he doesn't die stupidly like the last ones) and I am already more amused than I have been in over a millennium...”
Nyath'tac entire body shook like jello as he barely contained more laughter.

“I wonder, my Avatar, what you will be? A cruel-hearted villain who'll rule the world with an iron fist? A kind-hearted Guardian, protecting those who need it? Or take the middle path and do what you please? Pffft, I just hope he is indeed smarter than the last three...”

He trailed off grumbling as he watched as his Avatar slowly awaken in his new world.

Chapter 1: Breaking In, Suiting Up and Breaking Out

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Rick didn't remember how he got to an Anthropomorphic Equestria exactly, though he did remember buying a strange spherical emerald the size of his fist. The fact that it seemed to be actual emerald and it was so cheap should have warned him that something was wrong with it but for some reason Rick was drawn to it like a magnet.

After Rick had paid for it from the strange cashier, who had smiled at him while saying “Excellent choice!” Rick had a blackout and woke up here, in Canterlot Dungeons. He knew he was in a precarious position considering all he had for the moment was the Emerald and was for some reason buck naked. Rick was frightened and upon hearing a strange clip-clopping noise coming from a door behind him, panicked even more until he saw an upside down empty crate.

'Solid Snake, don't fail me now!'

Rick thought as he swiftly crawled to the crate, lifted it enough to crawl under and place it gently down as to produce less sound. Just as Rick was finished, he could hear the door slam open as he listened with eyes wide open to three distinct clip-clops of hooves though it sounded far off. Building his courage, Rick sidled over to a small hole in the crate, just large enough for him to peek through and thankfully small enough that no-one could see his eye.

Looking through the hole, Rick was in shock and awe at what he was viewing as he beheld a group of three equine anthropomorphic like women pass by the crate he was hiding under. Staring a bit at them, he looked at the two with gold armor, which in his opinion didn't protect much considering that the bottom armor looked like a thong with a metal plate protecting only the nether regions, while the upper armor was just basically chest armor with the tops of their b-cup sized breasts exposed.

Shaking his head Rick quickly chastised himself, 'Be a pervert later, man!' as he quickly resumed taking stock of the women. The guards seemed to be identical twins with white fur, blonde tails and manes. Grim expressions and looks of apprehension were in their very large sky blue eyes. Both had feathered wings that Rick saw as one ruffled her wings in discomfort. Realizing that they would pass soon Rick swiveled his eye towards the last woman.

Clapped in manacles covered in glowing symbols as well as a muzzle, the last woman was a strange turquoise furred equine with magenta mane and tail with sea green swirls. She walked slowly with sorrow in her large cyan eyes, ears splayed back submissively. The more colorful prisoner was wearing skintight latex pants that only went to her knees and top that showcased her slightly larger attributes in comparison to the guards modest B-cups. Some one had thrown a labcoat over her shoulders in an attempt to hide her considerable beauty.

'I said later dammit!' Rick swore at his hormones.

Watching the Guards and their prisoner walk towards a hall with many doors, Rick wondered where he was and how to escape unnoticed if possible. Before he moved back from the hole, he saw one of the guards move off towards a filing cabinet. Curiosity fueling him, he watched as she pulled out a file folder from between her breasts and place it in a nearly empty drawer.

“There, it's in. Now let's take Alchemic Formula to the Canterlot Dungeons' Oubliette and get out.” The guard Pegasus said acidly as she returned to the other two. They swiftly marched into the hall and quickly disappeared from both Rick's sight and hearing. Rick slowly moved away from the hole. He quickly formulated a theory of where he was from the information he had gathered.

'Let's see, I am in a castle or a barracks or anywhere else with dungeons. The people here seem to be colorful equines, some with wings apparently. The guards said that this was Canterlot Dungeons.' Rick meticulously thought out. ''The only place I believe I may be in is Equestria, though I could be very much wrong due to the multiverse theory.'

As Rick thought about what to do, the emerald began to glow, attracting his attention as it glowed brighter. Confused, Rick slowly brought up the emerald to look at it when it flashed brightly. Rick slackened as a prerecorded message flashed in his mind.

[Greetings my Chosen Avatar. I am the Elder God of Masks, Infiltration and Spies, Nyath'tac. Welcome to Equestria. I chose you because not only are you intelligent and adaptable but you answered the call of my Emerald. The reason why this message will take time to reach you is because it takes time for the Emerald to become soul-bound. I don't know how long it will take. Anyhow, since you are receiving this now means that you're still alive and thus have been given some Abilities! Now I know that this message will be instantaneous and instill these words and knowledge straight to your mind, but I'll keep it as short and simple as possible.

Firstly is your ability to turn ponies of ANY kind (even Alicorns if you take them by surprise) into polimorphic bodysuits. Which means you'll BECOME them physically and mentally with all their memories. But don't worry, you'll be able to control it. And when you're done with being that pony you can either turn them back (they'll think your actions were theirs) or put them in subspace storage.

Secondly is the ability of subspace storage, where you can put ANYTHING in there, mostly your bodysuits, clothes, accessories, magical items and other nick-knacks, 'nuff said.

Third is Imperceptibility, meaning you can dance naked in front of ponies and they won't notice. WARNING some magic, if actively searching can find you.

Fourth is basically a constant GPS of wherever and/or when ever you are, allowing you to find the way no matter what and locate what you want. Oh yeah I also included a magic pick-lock ability so you can get anywhere not enchanted.

And that's it, I'll call you when I have need so have FUN and go nuts.]

Rick groaned softly as he slowly got from his prone position under the crate. Slowly getting out, he surveyed the surroundings much more closely. He was no longer panicking and knew instinctively how to use his abilities. The room he was in was a roughly dug out cavern with torches on the wall and a cobble stone floor all of the same color, mud brown. The only furniture here was a table with a chair located near the cabinet.

Shaking his head to clear it a bit more and picking up the emerald, he shoved it into storage space. He quickly strode over to the cabinet and opened the drawer that the guard put the file for Alchemic Formula. Gathering that and another file that interested him; a Threstral pony, Silencing Echoes who was an ex-guard. He put them into the storage, though not without noting the cell numbers and using the way pointer of his mapping ability.

Closing the drawer, Rick looked about to see if there was anything else of value to liberate. Seeing nothing else and feeling a little gypped, he started to go down the long hall to the Oubliette with a small spring in his step as he thought of how he would use his power in the long run.

As he slowly made his way to the stairwell at the end of the hall, Rick heard the sounds of hooves on the ground signaling that the guards were returning. Moving as fast as a coiled viper striking, Rick sidled against the wall and activated Imperceptibility and inched towards the stairwell hoping that they didn't have the ability to see him.

“Ahh, I'm glad to be out of there! The place gives me the creeps!” The Pegasus guard on the left said to her partner while rubbing her arms and ruffling her wings with her ears stiffly pointed upright. The guard on the right just sighed softly as she placed her arms on her coworkers shoulders and wrapped her wings around her briefly for a hug before letting go and started to walk again while talking.

“I understand, I've been only down here once and I never wanted to return. Now, we need to go and inform Princess Celestia of our locking up the prisoner in the cell. After that let's go get some doughnuts, my treat.”

“Yay! Doughnuts!” Cheered Lefty as they passed Rick who held stock still, staring with wide eyes and his mouth tightly pressed into a thin line, thanking his Elder God that they had passed by and quickly tiptoed to the stairwell door only a few feet away. Slowly twisting the handle on the metal door, Rick found to his slight dismay that it was locked and began to use his unlocking magic to undo the lock.

Rick was happy when the lock clicked softly so as to not attract the guards' attention. He looked back towards the entrance to see where they went. Shocked but amused to see them gone already, he twisted the handle and pushing inwards he opened it just enough for him to squeeze through. Going through the crack he softly closed the door not bothering to re-lock it.

Seeing that there was only one torch on the wall, Rick took it to see his way down on the very dark spiraling stairwell to the Oubliette. Once he had made his way down the foreboding stairwell, feelings of anger and despair swamped the air like an exceedingly humid day. Rick really didn't want to be there for too long and rushed past the door leading to the Oubliette.

Entering the Oubliette was only slightly worse than remaining outside. Quickly looking about and using the internal map, Rick was surprised at how...small it really was. The Oubliette was carved out of more brown rock and had two levels with ten cells per level and no guards. Slowly walking towards the stairs to reach the cells with the ponies he was interested in, Rick was confused as he knew from history that oubliettes were used to quite literally drop off the worst offenders of the law and traitors where they are more or less forgotten. This seemed more like a dungeon, a very insecure dungeon at that.

After not encountering anything to impede his progress other than the oppressive atmosphere, Rick was carefully approaching cell number Six, holding Alchemic Formula. Reaching the door made of simple looking wood with a simple handle, Rick searched the door for a lock. After searching carefully for a lock and not finding it he pulled the door and it opened...

Rick cautiously entered the room and to his shock the only things in the room were Alchemic Formula, who was sitting catatonically in a corner away from the door with the manacles and muzzle still on her and himself. Feeling horrible for Alchemic and swearing that he would return her to her normal state soon, Rick summoned his power to transform ponies to fore and emitted a lime green beam from his index finger. The beam struck the poor catatonic earth pony in the back, body instantly tensing before falling backwards with a soft hissing noise like a deflating balloon, her body deflating rapidly as she became a suit.

Looking at the suit that was/is Alchemic, Rick gently picked her up and carefully took off the manacles and muzzle and shoving them into the Subspace storage. Looking at her, Rick decided that despite the fact that the Oubliette was probably not the best place to test out the suit, he should try it out. He was feeling rather cold and wanted some clothes. His lust won over his cautiousness. Besides having a slightly stronger body could be helpful.

Taking off the labcoat from her body he noticed that the skintight “latex” tank top had a slit in it following along with the slit that he was to put his body in. Deciding to think about it later and not wanting to take too long despite wishing otherwise, he swiftly entered the suit and lined everything up like his instincts from his powers indicated.

Within a few seconds of putting on the suit, Rick felt warmer and lightly compressed as the suit transformed his body into Alchemic's. Slightly moaning in pleasure as she felt her mind get softly coated with the memories, mannerisms and personality, Alchemic opened her eyes to look around her cell with mild disgust before smiling brightly at soon being free. Looking down and past her slight muzzle at her new bosoms Alchemic gained a slightly lecherous smirk as she said, “I'll play with you later.”

It was a little confusing at first having two separate personalities, though it cleared up rather quickly like a computer with a partition and the partition enslaved to the master. Alchemic Formula cringed a little at that rather apt and unfortunately true simile with her ears splayed, before shaking her head to clear her mind and focus on the next part of her current plan.

Walking out the door of her ex-cell and closing the door behind her, Alchemic slowly but confidently strode to her next goal, Silencing Echoes who was imprisoned right next to her. Opening the cell door, she sauntered in looking at the poor threstral that sat against the wall, manacles and muzzel intact. Silencing Echoes as with most threstrals from Alchemic's memory had a light gray pelt, dark blue mane and tail though she had really nice sized c-cups she noted. Alchemic Formula also noticed with some sadness that unlike her who still had clothes, Echoes was naked.

Silencing Echoes was twitching madly, her bat-like wings poised like weapons to strike a foe and her deep violet eyes firmly on the open door. Fearing for her safety Alchemic cast the spell as fast as she could, watching with eyes wide and dilated with fear she watched the lime green beam once again strike true. The reaction was instantaneous as Echoes eyes went wide with shock and a small gasp escaped her muzzled mouth, before her entire body tensed. Her eyes went blank as she deflated with a small hiss much like Alchemic had.

Alchemic sighed in relief as she quickly went over carefully picking up the Echoes suit and removing the manacle and muzzle before sending them to the storage. Alchemic was about to send the suit to storage as well, but stopped as she thought about how the storage was set up, since the suit was a living, sapient being. Opening a small portal to the storage she peered inside to see what happened to the items from before. She almost gasped as the space seemed to be like a warehouse with the items already cataloged and placed on selves. In the back it appeared to be racks for the suits to rest when she didn't need them.

Alchemic slowly put the Silencing Echoes suit into the portal and let go watching what would happen. As soon as the suit left her hand, it vanished in a flash of darkness and reappeared on a rack in the back. She sighed in relief that the storage was automatic and didn't need to worry about needing to clean it every so often.

Once that was done Alchemic was finally ready to leave the Oubliette, forever if she had any say. Rushing out the door while simultaneously closing it, she took a chance on her rather new hopefully sturdy body and jumped the ten hooves from the second floor to the first. Landing with both hooves hitting the ground cracking the floor, but not making any sound to her confusion, Alchemic was happy that the muscles and magic in her legs were able to negate any harm or injury.

Exiting the Oubliette and to make sure that no pony that came down would be suspicious, she closed the door and grabbed the lit torch she had put before rushing to enter the Oubliette and slowly meandered up the stairwell slightly shocked as she felt the atmosphere of the Oubliette dissipate the further she went up, because quite frankly she forgot about it after she left her cell.

Reaching the top of the stairwell Alchemic replaced the torch where she as Rick originally found it, opening the door to the hall leading to the room where it all began. As she passed by the crate where she hid, Alchemic couldn't help but think 'Good times. Goood times.' with a small smirk on her face. Stopping by the door to take stock of everything that’s happened so far, she finally realized that her hooves weren't making any noise. Looking at her hooves she stomped them a few times and heard nothing, she thought about what could possibly cause this until she remembered Imperceptibility. Alchemic remembered that she used it while passing the guards, but surely it could not have continued for that long without input?

'Fucking overpowered that is!' Alchemic thought (using a human word since buck just doesn't really cover it) incredulously as she deactivated it mentally and stomping one of her hooves into the floor, finally hearing the thump. Shaking her head, Alchemic finally opened the door to begin her true escape.

Going through the door quickly and as with the rest closed it to avoid suspicion and alerting all the guards, she carefully started to walk up the steps in this room towards the surface. After reaching the next room, which like the rest was brown stone walls, floors, etc as well as barren. Alchemic Formula checked the Map and paled. She was going straight up to Canterlot Castle, which while Imperceptibility was powerful she was not just going to waltz right into the Princesses' domain.

Checking the Map again, Alchemic found a secret passage that led straight out of the Dungeons and into Canterlot. Seeing as that was the best and only way to escape, but a little wary of how easy it seemed, she slowly made her way to what appeared to be a solid wall. Lifting a hand to knock on the wall to find the secret to open it, her hand seemed to pass right through.

Alchemic just looked in confusion at what appeared to be her hand sticking in a solid wall but not feeling it before she realized it was an illusion. Chuckling a little, Alchemic passed all the way through the illusion and found herself in a dimly lit tunnel. She looked around to see if there were anything she could use as a light source and spotting an old dusty crate, made her way towards it slowly.

After tripping over several rocks with some minor cursing, Alchemic finally reached the crate and using her body's earth pony strength easily tore off the top. Cheering softly as she found fifteen torches and five boxes of matches inside the crate, she happily, like the hoarder/prepper/survivalist/gamer that Rick was, shoved all but one of the torches into the Storage.

Alchemic then used a match to light the torch she held in her hand. She also took all the boxes of matches as well. After the last box was in the Storage, Alchemic slowly set off into the tunnel. The tunnel itself was roughly dug out, a dull gray color and straight as an arrow. So to stave off boredom and tunnel vision, Alchemic listened to the rhythmic pounding of her hooves and felt the natural sashay of her body. She happily began humming a tune.

After what felt like hours, Alchemic could finally see daylight. After being underground for so long, she threw caution to the wind as she barreled straight for the exit. Alchemic screeched to a halt just past the exit to breathe in the cool, fresh and most importantly to the mental part that was Alchemic Formula, Free mountain air.

After a few short gulps of the air of Mount Canterhorn, Alchemic scanned the area. She could see that it was a like a bowl with high walls. There was an old rusted metal gate on her right. On her left she saw a two story building made of the stone from the mountain built beside what she assumed to be an entrance to a mine.

Looking at her map, Alchemic was astounded to see that she was on the other side of the mountain! Looking closer she saw that the map also said that the mine entrance was for the Abandoned Crystal Mines, which amazed her because she didn't know that the mines went that far into the mountain.

Alchemic, noting that it was getting dark, had decided that the old building would be a better choice to sleep in than outside so close to the Capital while she was in the form of a criminal. Walking in the house with her torch she found a hole to place it in the wall. Finding an old cot near where she placed her torch, Alchemic, tired and sluggish summoned her lab coat from the Subspace Storage and using it as a sheet, laid in the cot and fell asleep.

Nyath'tac smiled as he watched his Avatar find the cot he left for him/her and decided to visit him/her tomorrow.