A Claw Full

by scribe-feather

First published

Fluttershy rushes to find a way to bring the regressed Gilda back to normal (ABDL Themed)

After an unfortunate mishap involving her infamous stare and Gilda, Fluttershy riddles herself with guilt as she rushes to find a way to bring Gilda back to normal. Taking care of a mentally regressed griffin is tiresome work, causing Fluttershy to commit a lot of her time just to keep Gilda out of trouble.

(Do not continue reading if you do not approve of diaper usage, mind control, or diaper lover themes. If you do not like it or are under legal age, please do not keep reading.)

A Claw Full

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A Claw Full
By Scribe Feather

Life near the edge of the Everfree Forest usually meant a quiet atmosphere. The peaceful chirps of birds and gentle rustling of the leaves all reflected the natural tranquility of the area. Fluttershy’s cottage was a quiet place, a peaceful location for animals to eat their meals or sleep away the night.

The peace and quiet today however seemed to always fall flat to loud wailings of a big baby. The mentally regressed Gilda would frequently break the silence with one of her crying sessions whenever even the littlest thing went wrong.

The griffin spent her days playing with her toys in Fluttershy’s living room, kept under the watchful eyes of Fluttershy. Colorful toys and soft plushies laid scattered across the floor. A lot of the toys became soggy with drool and had noticeable claw and beak marks from the curious griffin who frequently chewed on her playthings.

In her regressed state, Gilda was noticeably nicer to the fluffy animals that scurried about Fluttershy's cottage. It was sort of an improvement if you overlooked her need for a diaper. She looked to the fluffy critters with wide eyed curiosity, frequently trying to capture one with weak waves of her paws that missed their mark every time.

However many of the animals still held a grudge towards the griffin. Despite her obvious change of character, many of the rabbits and birds still resented her. Whenever an animal managed to scurry off with a block, Gilda became upset and would fuss about while trying to reach for the escaping animal. She was never able to come close to grabbing an animal with her weakened limbs, but this was probably the only time her old self showed through. The drooling griffin would throw a fit, anger that quickly turned into tears as she cried until the block was returned.

“Gilda’s our friend now, Mister Bunny,” Fluttershy said to a fluffy brown rabbit who guarded a bright green plastic block.

The rabbit simply shook its head, scowling at the yellow pony.

“Pretty please?” Fluttershy asked, fluttering her eyebrows.

The critter reluctantly submitted, surrendering its prize to the griffin. Gilda’s crying stopped the moment she saw the block again, grabbing it with a clawed hand and popping it into her beak. Beads of drool dribbled all over the cube as she happily giggled once again.

Fluttershy sighed with relief. “Good,” the exhausted pony said. Needless to say, taking care of a fussy, full grown griffin was exhausting and time consuming. It had been chaotic these past couple of days as Fluttershy scrambled to keep Gilda happy and in a fresh diaper.

Now that it seemed that Gilda was stable and showed no signs of getting any better, Fluttershy decided to look for help. Twilight would be her first stop today and once the babysitter arrived she’d be able to talk to the alicorn.

Out of nowhere there was an energetic knock at the door. A few animals chattered in response as Fluttershy’s ears perked up at the sound. She quickly scurried to the main door, cautiously opening it.

“Hi!” An energetic pink pony poked her head through the doorway the moment the opening was big enough.

Fluttershy gasped, reeling back a bit as she steadied her startled heart. “P-Pinkie Pie!” was all the shocked pegasus could get herself to say.

“Sorry to scare you like that, Fluttershy. I was just super duper excited about the new baby!" Pinkie Pie wore a large smile on her face, happily hopping in place as she absolutely teemed with energy.

Fluttershy responded calmly, a great contrast to Pinkie Pie's nearly break less jabbering. “Gilda’s not a baby, Pinkie. This is a problem that needs fixing.”

“Well she wears diapers like a baby, drools like a baby, she even crawls around like a baby!”

“I know I know,” Fluttershy answered with an exhausted sigh that weighed heavy with guilt. “She’s not suppose to be like this. There has to be a cure.”

“Has Gilda been keeping you busy?”

“Oh she’s been a lot of work, but nothing I can’t handle,” Fluttershy passively answered, "I was just about to feed her-"

Pinkie Pie interrupted her with a dainty sproing and an excited gasp. "Ou! Can I help!?"

Fluttershy curled back from the energy that practically radiated off of the pink pony. “U-uhm, s-sure. I mean, if you want...”

Mere nanoseconds after Fluttershy said this Pinkie Pie was already standing in front of the diapered griffin, wearing a big smile on her face. “Great! Then it’s time to get some little griffin-wiffin in her highchair!”

In a blur of pink, Gilda was snatched up from her spot on the floor, whisked away to the kitchen area. Fluttershy blinked and the other two were gone in a flash, leaving her stunned for a moment.

“Wh-why don’t you come in,” Fluttershy added with an off guard blink.

Once she finally did catch up with the other two, Pinkie was already settling Gilda into her new highchair, snapping the plastic tray into place. The excitable pony quickly gathered two jars of baby food from the nearby cabinet, placing them in front of Gilda alongside a big plastic spoon.

Pinkie Pie had a noticeable impression on the regressed griffin. She happily giggled as the pink pony wagged the plastic spoon in front of her drooling mouth as the feeding went on. The meal was not only nourishing for the griffin, but entertaining as well. She would bounce in her seat when the playtime got especially exciting, gurgling and giggling as Pinkie fed her.

Feeding the Cake Twins made a noticeable difference in Pinkie’s technique. The pink pony handled the task in similar Pinkie Pie speeds, but at no point did Gilda have too much in her mouth or go too long without any. Before too long Pinkie had finished the meal in record time leaving Gilda with a full belly and a relatively clean bib.

“Uhm, thank you for helping, Pinkie Pie,” Fluttershy chimed in as the meal concluded.

“Don’t mention it! I love feeding time!” Pinkie’s voice squeaked with excitement as she used the bib to clean Gilda’s face. “I haven’t met a foal who didn’t enjoy eating!”

“I guess it’s one less thing to worry about then,” Fluttershy added.

“Yep yep!” Pinkie chirped as she carefully pulled Gilda out of her seat. “Wish I could stick around, but the Cakes got this super duper big order for a banquet they’re having in Canterlot. They need all the hooves they can get!”

“Don’t worry about it, Pinkie. I can take it from here,” Fluttershy carefully handled Gilda as the griffin babbled and drooled some more. Her diaper was now a fair shade of yellow from an innocent soaking during the feeding.

“Okie dokie! See you later!” Pinkie sang with a bounce. In another blur of pink, she dashed out of the room and out of the cottage. Before Fluttershy could fully react, the excitable pony was already far out the door.

Fluttershy slowly guided Gilda back to the living room. Gilda couldn’t have been more thrilled to see her toys again and with a happy gurgle she crawled back to them and continued her play.

That gave Fluttershy a moment to think. Her stressed mind had strained to keep track of the new list of responsibilities that came with caring for the regressed griffin. Today alone had a long list of tasks that needed Fluttershy’s attention, each one as equally top priority as the last.

She wasn’t sure how long Gilda would be like this nor did she know how long she’d be taking care of her. All she could do was prepare. She spent a good part of the day moving heavy boxes out of storage, clearing some room for a makeshift nursery for Gilda to stay in. The living room had small stacks of crates lining it’s walls in response to this renovation.

Suddenly, in a flash of white, the draconequus Discord appeared in the middle of the living room. He effortlessly floated a few inches off the ground, gazing down at the yellow pegasus from above. A rather classy top hat rested on top of his head with his mismatched horns stabbing through the object in a crude manner. A clean waist coat covered his torso, giving him a sort of regal look.

“The guest of honor has arrived,” Discord said with an enthusiastic bow.

Fluttershy was busy shuffling some boxes around when he appeared. “Oh my gosh! Discord! I’d completely forgotten about our afternoon tea!” The frazzled pony deeply apologized. “I’ve just been...a little busy.”

Discord’s gaze slowly trailed down to the floor, spotting the regressed griffin babbling about.

“I wasn’t aware that we’d be having somepony else joining us for tea today.” He floated downwards, matching eye level with Gilda. “She’s certainly...dressed differently.”

“I’m so sorry, Discord, we’re going to have to reschedule. I’m too busy looking after Gilda here until she gets better.”

“You mean she’s not normally like this?” Discord innocently asked as he looked towards the diapered griffin.

“Not normally, no,” Fluttershy promptly answered.

A loud hissing cut through the room’s silence as Gilda began staring into space. Her once pristine diaper quickly began to darken till it’s middle was visibly swollen with yellow urine.

Discord chuckled at the sight, “well she is certainly a delight! I think she’d fit right into our little tea party!”

“I just have too much to do to have our tea time today, Discord. I need to pick the crib from Applejack, the diapers from the store,“ Fluttershy than gasped in the middle of her tangent. “Oh gosh! I still need to talk to Twilight about FIXING all this!”

“You seem so stressed, Fluttershy. Is there anything I can do to help?” Discord asked with a concerned tone, but it was sort of an ingenuine way of asking as he would be much happier not doing much at all.

“I need a babysitter to keep an eye on Gilda and Dash hasn’t shown up yet,” Fluttershy started, “could you please watch her while I’m gone?”

“Babysitting?” Discord repeated with a distasteful expression, “Now that’s certainly a different schedule from what we had planned.”

“Please Discord? Please,” Fluttershy was understandably frazzled about the whole ordeal.

Discord hated the idea of watching Gilda. He was the God of Chaos after all. He couldn’t possibly demean himself to being a nanny to some drool faced griffin. He had half a mind to answer with a flat out ‘no’, but his resistance seemed to soften when his eyes met with Fluttershy’s. He couldn’t say no to her.

He then huffed. “Very well, but I don’t do diapers,” he said, crossing his arms with his chin held high.

“You shouldn’t have to worry about that. I won’t be gone for long,” Fluttershy was already slipping on her saddlebags and making her way to the front door, “just promise me you’ll keep an eye on her. I don’t want her hurt.”

The draconequus scowled at Fluttershy for a moment, practically insulted by her insinuation that Gilda would hurt herself under his care. Quite quickly, however, his scowl softened and he let out a light sigh. “I promise.”

“Oh thank you, Discord!” Fluttershy responded, embracing him in a big hug. She quickly broke free and dashed for the front door. “I won’t be long. Goodbye!”

Discord passively waved as the yellow pegasus darted out of the cottage and down the single dirt path. He continued to wave until she was well out of sight. Once she was long gone, he turned his attention to Gilda, picking up the regressed griffin and holding her up.

He looked at the regressed griffin with a quizative eye. Her legs dangled helplessly under her, idelly kicking the air with their weak strength. She just gurgled, letting drool dribble down her beak. The foal minded griffin just giggled and squirmed in Discord’s hold.

“Well this certainly wasn’t what I thought I’d be wasting my Saturday on,” Discord grumbled, but then let out a reluctant sigh, “but it is for Fluttershy...” With a snap of his fingers Discord summoned a baby bouncer, lazily teleporting Gilda into it’s straps.

The frilly pink baby bouncer hung from two strong, elastic straps that clung to an overhead support beam. The harness supported Gilda like a onesie, keeping her in place and bouncing.

Discord lazily floated a yellow rattle in front of the griffin and shook it for her. Gilda weakly batted at it, just barely missing the eye catching object as she giggled and wiggled. “I must say, you’re much easier to deal with with a diaper on. Perhaps you should consider adding it to your daily attire?” Discord leisurely muttered.

Gilda didn’t respond and in fact barely noticed Discord talking. She was much too busy clawing at the wiggling rattle and occasionally letting a little bit of urine into her diaper.

For a little while, Discord floated in place, doing his best to watch Gilda like any typical babysitter would be expected to do. He kept wagging the rattle in front of the griffin for a little bit longer, but even that seemed boring. After awhile, babysitting didn't seem like an entertaining idea at all.

After a long and tiring moment of boredom, Discord finally spoke up. "So is this what you do all day? Drool and soil yourself?" Discord asked entirely out of boredom, not expecting any sort of response. "Although it's better then stomping around the cottage and threatening my friend Fluttershy," Discord shrugged in his musings, "who knows, maybe a little time wallowing in your own filth will do you some good. I sure hope there's a lesson for you to learn in all this. I would think you'd have to earn your adult life back."

Out of the corner of his eye, Discord noticed movement from outside the cottage. He peered out the window and noticed a cyan pony trotting down the path.

“Well if it isn’t Rainbow Dash,” he stated with a smirk, “looks like I’ve found my replacement.” He then looked at the drooling griffin who happily bounced in her new baby bouncer. “And my entertainment for today.”

With that said, he snapped his fingers, making the bouncer disappear and teleported Gilda to the ground among some wooden blocks and other foal toys.

He paused for a moment, scratching his chin as his eyebrow raised. “Hmm,” he quietly thought. Another finger snap caused a big, pink pacifier to pop into Gilda’s mouth. “Perfect!” He exclaimed, “now to make myself scarce.”

Discord disappeared in a flash, mere moments before Dash opened the cottage’s front door. He reappeared far up in a shadowy corner of the room, shrunk down to a fraction of his size. He floated there, framing the scene in front of him so that he got the best view of all the action.

With a snap of his fingers, a comfy, tiny recliner appeared out of nowhere, floating beside him. The chair’s built in cup holders came fully stocked with a large soft drink and tub of popcorn.

“Let the show begin!” He happily mused as he plopped down in the chair, a pair of golden opera glasses appearing in his hands.

“Fluttershy?!” Rainbow Dash called out as she entered the cottage. “Fluttershy? It’s Rainbow Dash!”

The cottage was empty. Not a sound could be heard as Dash called out. She scanned the living room to find the room completely abandoned. The only sign of life was the regressed Gilda who was busy trying to chew on a blue block while suckling on the pacifier at the same time..

“I don’t suppose you know where she is...?” Dash asked rhetorically as she walked up to Gilda. “Guess not.”

The rainbow pony stood in the middle of the living room for a moment, listening for any kind of movement upstairs. Nothing, as far as she knew she was alone with Gilda.

“Guess it was an emergency,” Dash commented, plopping down on the couch. “Looks like you got a babysitter, Gilda. Never thought I’d say THAT.”

Rainbow Dash plopped down on the couch, ideally watching the ceiling as she counted the seconds away. She kept an eye on Gilda as the drool faced griffin continued to play her little foalish games. As far as diaper wearing foals go, she seemed to be behaving herself.

Dash melted into the couch cushion, taking in a big, exhausted sigh. Who would have thought babysitting would be so boring!

Suddenly a foul odor wafted in her direction, causing her nose to curl up in disgust.

"What the?" she sprang up straight as a ramrod as she looked around the room. Her eyes locked onto Gilda who's diaper looked much heavier than a few minutes ago. "Ugh! Gilda!" She plugged her nose with a hoof, pulling her body off the couch and walking over to the griffin.

Gilda didn’t even seem to notice the foul stench that beamed from her diapered butt. She seemed perfectly content with babbling along, sitting on her mess as she continued to play with her toys.

Dash looked around the room as if there was somepony else who could handle the dreaded task. She hoped there was maybe some kind of diaper changing machine she could use instead. ANYTHING was better than changing her best friend’s poopy diaper.

After none of those things showed up, Dash let out a heavy sigh while simultaneously making sure not to breath through her nose. “Alright fine...Let’s go change your...diaper, Gilda.”

Gilda was happy to cooperate, behaving herself as she was gently dragged away from her toys and gently laid on the ground in preparation. She now busied herself with a clawed hand that she happily chewed on as Dash gathered the needed supplies.

Dash pulled out Gilda’s diaper bag and collected a fresh diaper, baby powder, and a big tub of wipes. She neatly assembled all the items beside her. She kept a hoof on Gilda’s leg, gently coaxing her to stay in place. Everything seemed to go as according to plan.

“Well that seems too easy of a task,” Discord mused to himself with an impish grin as he raised a hand. “Perhaps if I simply...made a small adjustment.”

Gilda’s face contorted grotesquely, loudly grunting as her legs raised up into the air. Her face flared up a bright red as it scrunched up. A loud fart cut through the air suddenly as her diaper began to bulge out profusely. The garment became brown in the back as it stretched to absurd lengths. In a matter of seconds, the diaper tripled in size and weight, tugging down Gilda’s waist with it’s sheer weight. Gilda simply reverted back to her dazed, drooly self, barely even noticing the change of weight in her smelly diaper.

“Eww!” Rainbow Dash loudly exclaimed, plugging her nose with both hooves. “Gilda, what are you doing?!”

Gilda didn’t say anything in her defense. She just continued to drool and babble.

Dash reluctantly sighed “well, here goes!” She then took in a deep breath, holding in as much air her lungs could carry. Cringing, she carefully pulled at the diaper tapes that strained as they held back the hefty load. Once freed of the tapes, the diaper front popped open and plopped to the ground, revealing a messy, brown mountain inside. At least the diaper did well to contain the mess.

Straining to hold her breath, Dash warily began wiping the area clean. She cringed as she used countless wipes to clean off the mucky filth, barely able to look in Gilda’s general direction as she proceeded. Wipe after wipe, she worked at cleaning up the griffin’s lower half, systematically piling the used wipes into the center of the overly used diaper.

Now visibly turning blue in the face, Dash quickly wrapped up the wipes into the poopy diaper, sealing away most of the horrible stench that emanated off the large fill up. She struggled for air as she quickly finished up the last steps of the diaper change in record time. In a flash she slipped a new diaper underneath Gilda, profusely powdered the area, and taped the diaper up tightly and securely.

Finally she fell backwards, her mouth popping open to breath. Dash finally allowed herself to take in a breath, gasping for air as she tried to wipe the images of Gilda’s used diaper out of her mind. “Sweet Celestia,” the panting pony exclaimed, “that was just horrible!”

Gilda rolled back up to her feet, crawling over to her toys with the fresh diaper crinkling loudly between her legs.

Rainbow Dash was quick to dispose of the beanbag sized diaper, keeping it a fair distance away from her scrunched up nose. “I hope I never have to do that again!”

With a sly and mischievous smirk, Discord snapped his fingers again.

Gilda froze in place, dropping a drool covered block she was playing with. Dash watched in disbelief as the griffin began to grunt loudly. The diaper swelled up behind her, quickly growing three times as big once more. The heafy mess browned the garment as Gilda grunted. Once she was done she carelessly plopped down onto the messy diaper, giving Dash front row seats to the fill up.

“Gilda! How do you still have stuff to put IN that diaper?!”

Discord chuckled to himself. Rainbow Dash’s expressions and genuine surprise was just too much to resist and he had front row seats to the whole thing. He resisted the urge to applaud numerous times during the performance. This was much more entertaining than tea time.

Plugging her nose with a hoof, Dash now weighed her options. If she changed Gilda again, would she just end up filling the new diaper? Would it be better to just let her sit in it for a little bit? Was that bad? Could it smell any worse!?

Almost like she was answering Dash’s prayers, Fluttershy came in through the front door. She carried with her a pack of adult diapers with a large box trailing behind her.

“I’m back!” She called into the cottage before noticing the green faced Dash. “Rainbow Dash? When did you get here? Where’s Discord?”

“I got here this morning to watch Gilda,” Dash plugged her nose as she spoke with Fluttershy, “Discord’s here?”

“Well, he was suppose to be watching Gilda,” Fluttershy’s words trailed off, rather shocked that Discord was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly a flash lit up the room as Discord appeared out of nowhere. He was now wearing a large chefs hat and a pink, frilly apron. A delicious looking pie was held in one hand as he looked at the ponies with a friendly smile. “Oh Fluttershy! You’re back! I was beginning to worry my pie would get cold before you returned.”

“Discord? Where have you been?” Fluttershy asked.

“Cooking of course,” he replied, emphasizing the tasty pie with an enthusiastic motion of his hand. “It was going to be a surprise!”

“But I’ve been here this whole ti-,” Dash’s words were suddenly cut short as a large bite of pie was shoved into her mouth with a fork.

“You simply MUST try a bite of the apple pie while it’s still warm!”

Dash was forced to chew the mouthful of pie before she could talk again. She scowled at Discord as she tried to chew the food as quickly as possible.

“I’m afraid I don’t have time to eat your delicious pie, Discord,” Fluttershy reluctantly answered, “I need to take Gilda back to Twilight to see if she can help me get her back to normal.”

“Oh come now. It’s a simple mental regression curse,” Discord shrugged, looking down at the drooling griffin who gurgled in her mushy seat. “Easy to cast, easy to lift. We can have our dear friend Gilda back to her old crabby self in no time! I could do such a simple spell with one arm tied behind my back.”

“Can you do it now?” Fluttershy asked meekly.

“Can I what?”

“Can you use a mental progression spell on Gilda to bring back to normal?”

“Well of course,” Discord confidently said, raising a hand with his fingers primed to snap. However, the draconequus paused. “But must we rush to such things? Surely she’s much easier to deal with now than when she was stomping around the room angrily clawing at the rabbits.”

“Yes, Discord, now. It’s my fault she’s in this mess in the first place!” Fluttershy stated, weighed down with guilt.

“And I’m not changing...that!” Dash’s face scrunched up as she looked at the brown diaper that sloshed about as Gilda moved.

“Must we be so hasty? I for one prefer her like this,” Discord rambled on, “weren’t you saying how much you’d enjoy babysitting your diapered friend, Rainbow Dash?”

Dash was having none of it, crossing her hooves and scowling at Discord. Fluttershy didn’t seem to support the idea either, looking at him with pleaful eyes.

Discord huffed and rolled his eyes, “fine.” And with a snap of his fingers, a flash of white sparked near Gilda. The light lasted for only a split second and covered the griffin’s head in it’s brightness.

Immediately after Gilda began to blink, rubbing her eyes like she was waking from a deep sleep.

“Ugh, my head,” Gilda mumbled, rubbing her forehead with both clawed forearms. There was a long pause as reality slowly started to sink in. She began to wipe the thick layer of drool off her chin as her eyes rolled down to the thick, smelly diaper that squished under her. "Why am I in a diaper?!" Gilda's voice rumbled with fuming anger.

“Well it was certainly quieter with her as a foal,” Discord mumbled with another roll of his eyes.

Fluttershy ignored the draconequus’ comments. “There was an...incident and you were regressed into a foal for a little while.”

Gilda’s back legs bowed out to accommodate the obscenely sagging diaper between her legs. She wobbled for a moment as it coped with the added weight. “Was this your idea?! Whatever it doesn’t matter! Where’s your bathroom?!”

Discord rolled his eyes again, “oh there won’t be any need for that.” He snapped his fingers again, flashing a white light over Gilda’s heavy diaper. In an instant, the heavy diaper that sagged comically behind the griffin disappeared without a trace. The diaper and the mess inside was magically whisked away, leaving behind a strong smell of baby powder.

Gilda was frozen where she stood, paralyzed by swift disappearance of her diaper. Her legs remained bowed out to avoid squishing a full diaper that was no longer there.

“There we go. The diaper baby is all cleaned up,” Discord plainly mumbled. “Now if you’ll excuse me. I have a pie in the oven.” He then disappeared in a flash of magic.

Gilda’s legs slowly relaxed, closing in on each other now that the diaper was gone. She looked at the ponies still in the room. Her blushing of humiliation was quickly covered up by a bothered scowl.

There was long silence as the last three stood there. Fluttershy bashfully stared at the ground, too terrified to say anything to the other two as Dash awkwardly scratched the back of her head.

“Guess I’ll...be off too as well,” Dash finally spoke, making her way to the front door. “I’ll uh...talk to you later, alright, Fluttershy?”

“S-sure...Yeah...” Fluttershy meekly replied.

“Let’s go, Gilda. I’m sure you wanna get back home as much as I do,”

“Yeah yeah sure,” Gilda nodded, “why don’t you...go on ahead. I’ll catch up.”

The cyan pegasus nodded back, hopping into the sky with a flap of her wings. Gilda was left alone with Fluttershy at the cottage door as they watched Rainbow Dash fly into the distance. There was a beat of silence between the two.

"Listen, thanks for...making sure I didn't get hurt while I was," Gilda humbly said, "well, you know..."

“O-oh...you’re welcome,” Fluttershy meekly forced out.

“I better not hear you telling anypony about this... Cuz if you do-!”

“Your secret’s safe with me. I promise I won’t tell anypony about it,” Fluttershy sincerely assured, “Rainbow Dash and Discord will keep it secret too. They won’t tell a soul.”

The griffin huffed, “fine then. I’m getting out of this town before anything ELSE happens to me!” And with that, her feathered wings stretched out wide from her sides. With a couple of strong flaps, she kicked up off the ground in a powerful, upward motion, taking flight without saying another word.

Fluttershy watched from the doorway of her cottage as Gilda faded into the horizon. She stood there long after Gilda’s silhouette had disappeared completely. She let out a big sigh, feeling a mighty burden being lifted off her back.

It was strange though, despite the stress and the worry and guilt that came with watching over the regressed Gilda, Fluttershy felt a little empty seeing the griffin leave. In her short stay, Gilda had grown on the pegasus, making her kind of miss the experience. In an odd sense of empty nest syndrome, part of Fluttershy wished Gilda would come back.

Another sigh slipped through Fluttershy’s muzzle as she walked back into the cottage. It was good to see Gilda all better, but now she was left without a baby to care for. Despite the faint chatter of a little animals being heard throughout her cottage, the place seemed so much emptier then before.

Suddenly the room lit up with a flash of white. Once again Discord appeared in the middle of the room, mere inches away from Fluttershy. He seemed to have built upon his dapper outfit, adding a coat and black dress shoes to the outfit. A tray of freshly baked tea biscuits floated over one of his hands.

"Well it would seem your schedule has freed up as of late," Discord grinned, "it's a good thing too because I've had this new recipe for biscuits I've just been DYING to try out!"

Fluttershy remained quiet for a moment. She failed to meet Discord's eyes and instead stared at the ground for a minute or two. "I don't know, Discord. It has been a busy week for me. Even with Gilda gone I have all this stuff to repack. Plus Applejack is sure to want her family's crib back."

"Oh come now. All of that can wait,"

"I'm not sure I'm feeling up to tea today. Sorry,"

"Taking care of the baby tired you out that much, huh? Oh dear, I would have never casted that spell if I knew how stressful it'd be for you to watch her."

That comment made Fluttershy stop to take stock. "...What spell?"

If it were anypony else, the color would have drained from their face in fear. But being the experienced liar Discord was, getting caught was only a minor set back, resulting in the occasional slip up as he spoke. "U-uhm, well. I just mean the spell that she fell under. Very unusual. Whose to say where it really came from. I surely don't know."

Fluttershy's expression turned from exhaustion to stern seriousness. "Discord. What spell?"

Discord paused, looking down towards the pegasus as he started to lose his cool. The silence was unbearable as he began to sweat nervously. "Uhm...F-forget I said anything. It's not important!" He hastily answered, "I'm afraid we'll have to reschedule our tea time after all. I just remember I have this...Thing to do."

Fluttershy didn't say anything and instead stared right through Discord.

"Uhm. See you later," Discord quickly answered before disappearing in a flash of white.

Fluttershy let out another sigh, only this time it was out of tired frustration. "Guess I won't be returning those diapers after all."