The Avatar of Albion: Starlight’s Strife

by TheIdiot

First published

Life is often portrayed as being a stage, with people you know as other actors sharing the stage while you are the star. Well, time for one of these stars to have her performance known among a greater narrative.

Earth, 2030.

The human race is reduced to one last island, one last bastion against the darkness, one last fortress, constantly assailed by the Tyrant Astra Solamina Maxima, formerly known as the benevolent Celestia.

In this dark time, they rely on one hero to save them - the Avatar of Albion, the embodiment of light.

This story, however, isn't concerned with that yet.

Equestria, 2030 (human calendar).

A strange magical signature leads High Commander Twilight Sparkle to an unknown mate. This mare has no memory of how she got here, and no knowledge of the magicks that surrounded her - but her past is darker than even she knows...

Her destiny may lead her to many places she does not want to be: the labs of the Archmagi, the holdouts, Earth, the Resistance against Solamina... but there is one place it leads that she both wants to reach and must never.

The truth.


TVTropes page

Please take a look at other stories that are set within the AOA Multiverse:
The Avatar of Albion (main/original story)
The Avatar of Albion: Tales of the War (side story anthology)
The Avatar of Albion: Bittersweet Victory (sequel)
The Avatar of Albion: When We Needed Him Most (AU)
The Avatar of Albion: Cold Regret (AU)
The Avatar of Albion: The Morningstar Dawns (AU)
The Avatar of Albion: The Avatar's Odyssey (AU)

Convergence (Crossover AU with the Spectrum-verse)

Chapter 1: The Beginning

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The Avatar of Albion: Starlight’s Strife

Based on the writings of Jed R, Author of “The Avatar of Albion”, and TheIdiot, Author of “TCB: Shades of the Unsung” with materials present from other sources as well.

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Written by:
Jed R.

“These do bring back memories. This one is still warm. What is it? The recollections of a great lover? A catalog of conquests? We will soon find out. You wouldn't appreciate that, would you, Mr. Whatever-your-name is? Not the sort of conquest you would ever understand. Let's see, a touch of unhappy childhood, a dash of teenage rebellion, and last but not least, a tragic death in the family.”

Dr. Schreber, “Dark City”

“The mind of the subject will desperately struggle to create memories where none exist…”

R. Lutece, “Barriers to Trans-Dimensional Travel”


Time is always passing. The present ever shifting with each moment coming and going by. The things we’ve done exist in our past for preservation or for reflection; the memories we have these events are precious by every definition.

The things we do here and now, will immediately shape what comes next in our close future. These actions we commit will have consequences for each one done, regardless of intentions well or nefarious.

But it’s the future that makes us afraid - we don’t know what will happen, or if it’s in our control entirely. All we do know is that we have our memories and experiences to guide us.

We usually hold them deep within our hearts and never let them go; sometimes they are treasured, other times we wish that they never happened - regretting the worst actions of possibilities that have been done, are happening and will be done.

Our personalities are shaped by these memories and experiences, they describe who we are and give the indication of what we might do.

But, what happens when our memories are taken from us? Replaced even? And we can’t remember our true selves at all?


There are many ways to start a story, tell a tale or make a film. With so many ways available, why would anyone choose to write something that is based on another story? That’s a good question. Writing a story of a story is just building off someone else’s universe and basically advertising that said universe like an ad on TV for a (subjectively) better show that the person should be watching. So why do it?

If I could give an answer, maybe it’s because sometimes we want more of the same thing and previously created things materials just aren’t enough. Or we want more of the same but with our own spin added to it. Because that is the purpose of whenever someone writes a story to flesh out ideas that were already made - things like expanding on a simple concept and making an entire universe out of it while also going to such lengths to build on these ideas; to explore all the possibilities that can be done with it.

Now, one may be wondering what this tale is? The answer… is a recursive one - simply put it’s a form of story that basically have their story take place somewhere else while the original would occur, with common practice being that their characters would be entirely original and to have the story itself being those characters going around the original’s setting, thus making their story up entirely.

A point to make is the fact that other times, recursive stories tend to exist for the purpose of expanding the world they’re in by taking place in other areas within the world by using unique characters of their story to flesh out the world they’re in along with other canon characters that did appear in the original story from time to time.

Now - in this world… in a land called Equestria ten years ago the Diarchy that ruled the nation, Princess Celestia and her younger sister Princess Luna, would find an anomaly a mile outside of Las Pegasus’s borders.

As it would turn out, on the other side of these anomaly was an island that had a portal - one that led to a new world called Earth and home to a race known as Humanity; one that was very ethnically and politically diverse.

At first, Princesses Celestia and Luna approached the people of Earth - these humans - with friendship and kindness, as they attempted to approach all things. Though the humans could not traverse the portal between worlds, they seemed open to friendly terms of co-existence. Soon, however, cracks would begin to show - cracks that would begin with the creation of a potion that would transform the human form into an equine one, with the intention of having Ambassadors and others cross over the divide. These Converted would, after a time, forget all about their ties to humanity and instead seek to embrace the new lives, names and relationships they had made as ponies; most of them having resigned from the various agencies and embassies that they had been employed in or helped establish.

At first, this was the limit of the problem - after two years though, disaster struck. First, Princess Luna died under mysterious circumstances - the official story was that she had died of illness, though many rumours to the contrary, some being very outlandish, circulated. Then something worse happened; the Barrier that prevented humans and human technology from traversing the portal began expanding outward from Portal Island, destroying anything - and anyone - it touched. The human race, in vain, tried stopping it, but nothing in their great technological arsenal was capable. The only thing mankind could do was die - or, as many did, convert and begin new lives as ponies.

Equestria was forced to watch as the human race was exterminated, their history obliterated. Though it was a horrible fate, there were those who saw the horrors that humanity unleashed, the butchery, the terror, the monstrosities of Gilead and the other extremist forces that dragged the human race kicking and screaming into its apparent destruction, and these ponies said that maybe… just maybe… the human race deserved to die.

After all, instead of seeking refuge and a chance at a new life they instead chose death.

It all came to a head with only one land mass remaining unconsumed by the barrier - the islands of Great Britain and Ireland. For they survived due to the actual magic of Earth, which has long since been underused, and made a blue barrier that prevent Equestria’s from destroying them and rendering all of humanity extinct.

For a moment, there was respite and rejoicing… but then, the war would begin.

It would be a war that amounted to a brutal, bloody conflict - countless millions of lives, ponies and humans alike, falling as what remained of humanity (along with ponies that have defected to the other side) fought desperately to survive the onslaught of the forces of Astra Solamina Maxima, the Alicorn who had once been the benevolent Celestia.

At first, this war was a battle of half-measures and retreats. The human race fell back again and again… until one day, years into the conflict, hope was born in the form of David Elliot, the Avatar of Albion - a man who had already become a hero, now host to the power of Britain herself, chosen to fight for humanity in this, it’s darkest hour…

And yet, this story… is not his; this story belongs to somepony else this time around.


The Everfree Forest. January 25th. Year 6 of the New Solaminan Calendar (2030 AD).

Our story begins in Equestria, or… it was Equestria once upon a time. Maybe it still was, underneath Imperial decrees and roadblocks, Royal Guard marching hither and thither and hundreds of recruitment posters everywhere you looked, demanding you do your part for the Solaminan Empire. If it was Equestria, though, it was an Equestria long since changed by its experiences, and not for the better. Where once friendship and harmony had been the watchwords of this once great land, now duty, honour and military might were the most important things one could have. Equestria was a fortress, a military machine, and that machine had little sympathy for its cogs.

Nowhere could this be seen more clearly than the once proud town of Ponyville. Many of the citizens of this quiet hamlet had long since abandoned the town, either at the outset of the war with humanity as part of the Mass Exodus to that tiny island or out of discomfort due to the Converted and their fanaticism. What was left of the town's population had seen a rise in Converted labourers, come to work in factories and foundries set up in the once homely town.

In its outskirts stood Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic (one of the two Elements of Order left really) and High Commander of the Equestrian military (though her authority usually only extended - by choice - to her personal guard, the Archmagi). She was investigating a strange source of magic that was coming from the Old Castle of Two Sisters, the place where, a long time ago, she had first harnessed the then Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon.

That had been a long time ago. She had brought an escort group of Archmagi with her - these ponies having been hoof picked as her own personal best and enormous potential as magicians and battle-sorcerers - certain that whatever it was, she was prepared for it; the Archmagi were armoured in their specialist anti-magic, enchanted gear, which was designed to be able to withstand just about any spell thrown at it.

“My lady,” a mare named Gentle Flower, one of the comparatively few Converted Archmagi (in general of their ranks, not just this group), said quietly. “We are approaching the area the magical reading came from. What are your orders?"

"Is there any sign of what caused this spike of energy?" Twilight asked, ignoring the pang of emotions the word 'spike' caused. ‘That was a long time ago, and he chose his fate…’

"None, milady," Flower said with a sigh. "We can't understand it."

Twilight looked in the direction of the castle - the old fortress was unassuming, but looks could be - and often were - deceiving, that was a lesson she had learned long ago, and her belief in it had only strengthened as the war progressed.

“I will go in alone,” she finally said to the Archmagi. “Hang back - I will signal if I need assistance.”

“Understood,” Gentle Flower said.

Twilight turned and marched toward the castle, still feeling prepared for just about anything.


The Castle of Two Sister remained as it had been since the first time Twilight had seen in a long time ago - old, abandoned, quiet… it almost made one want to set up a lab here, either for the secluded nature of the place, or perhaps out of nostalgia.

It was where she and the others became the Elements of Order after all. Nostalgia was a powerful thing. Maybe she would get to study it sometime, after the war was over and she could finally rest.

The Element of Magic continued forth, her horn glowing as she slowly approached the throne room of the fortress - it was here that the energy was spiking, reaching its absolute peak. She braced herself, knowing that there could be anything beyond these doors.

‘The magic weapon’, she thought to herself. Could it be the humans' weapon? That was… not a happy thought; considering that said weapon had claimed the lives of her friends and others, time and again every time it was encountered unfortunately.

Opening the doors, Twilight found herself looking at… something strange.

The throne room of the ancient castle looked… new - it was restored, just as beautiful as Solamina’s throne room; possibly more so.

‘Was this what this was like before?’ she found herself wondering for a moment, before her attention was claimed by something else.

In the center of the throne room, passed out, was a young unicorn mare sleeping softly - ignorant of everything. It seemed as though she was the source of the energy… or the spot she was lying in was.

“What in the name of…?” Twilight said softly. She approached the unicorn - there didn’t seem to be anything physically wrong with her, but…

Suddenly a flash of some kind hit Twilight, causing her to shield her eyes… yet as soon as it came - it died down.

The Element of Order opened her eyes to look upon the young mare, who moaned softly - starting to awaken...


Her eyes opened as her mind came to; for a moment, there was no memory of anything at all, a kind of blissful emptiness that made her feel happier than anything for some reason, and then it came to her. Her name… her name was Shining Starlight, and she was an actress of the theater… and… she was apparently standing before the Element of Magic, and was in some kind of castle?

“Twilight Sparkle…?” Starlight asked out of confusion, her eyes narrowing at the mare before her. “Where… where am I?” She began to look around, “Is this some kind of new castle Empress Solamina created?”

“No, this is the castle of the two sisters,” Twilight replied, frowning slightly. “Who are you?”

“Oh, well… it makes sense you wouldn’t have heard of me - you are the Empress’s student after all and the High Commander,” Starlight responded. “My name is Shining Starlight, theatrical actress for New Manehatten and winner of two Pony awards for best Leading Mare in a row.” She finished, giving a theatrical bow of sorts that a pony of her profession would do.

“You’re right,” Twilight said bluntly. “I haven’t ever heard of you. You do know this place was swimming in unknown magical energy, right?”

“Really?” Starlight responded, eyes focused. “I don’t sense anything.”

“Well, take it from me,” Twilight said with a wry, sarcastic smile, “this place was a veritable beacon of magical energy - an unknown type, too." She decided to refrain from sharing too many of the possibilities - it wasn't this mare's place to know what might have been. "Do you know what might have caused it? Or how you got here?”

“I… I don’t know,” Starlight replied, pure confusion on her face. “Last thing I remember was retiring for the night in my apartment, feeding my pet cat and then…”

She suddenly stopped, her teeth gritted as her snout began to suddenly bleed.

"Ugggh,” she groaned in pain, before collapsing.

“Ah buck,” Twilight swore. She sent a blue bolt into the sky to summon the Archmagi - blue being the symbol of an injured pony on the ground. She sighed.

“This is too strange,” she muttered.

A moment later, Gentle Flower and a half dozen Archmagi arrived, looking entirely alarmed - they had clearly expected to find Twilight injured, and had come with all possible haste accordingly.

“We saw the signal,” Flower said, before stopping in her tracks and her eyes widening in shock. “My - my lady Sparkle.”

“What is it?” Twilight asked, frowning. “What’s wrong?”

“You’re… you’re…” Flower said quietly. “You’ve… changed.”

Twilight scowled, before looking down at her hooves… and frowning. The odd grey hair in her coat, the odd streak that she’d gotten use to… they were all gone. Her eyes then widened.

“What… what happened?” she murmured. None of the others responded, not that she needed them to. She motioned for them to take the injured Unicorn away.


Twilight stood at the Hospital, waiting for some kind of answers from the place…

Doctor Stable soon came - a puzzled expression present on his face.

"Ms. Sparkle, a word if you please?” he requested. “It’s about the Mare you brought in.”

“What about her?” Sparkle asked, ignoring the incorrect form of address for the moment.

“Well, we ran her blood as you requested and… it isn’t regular Unicorn blood,” he said seriously, “There are traces of Earth Pony and Pegasus blood as well, but it’s genetically arranged in a way like an… Alicorn would,” Dr. Stable finished, dropping a verbal bomb shell of sorts.

“That’s…” Twilight said, frowning. “I take it you mean more than the usual traces from mixed group parents?”

“Indeed,” he nodded. “All three bloodlines traits are simply… mixed together in perfect harmony, too balanced for mixed parentage.”

“It sounds almost like you’re describing Alicorn blood,” Twilight frowned thoughtfully. She scowled. “How is that even possible?”

“I don’t know, but given everything that we’ve all experienced these past few years - especially your… recent rejuvenation, it seems that the impossible are becoming more and more probable.” Dr. Stable said. “Though, it could be that she is to Ascend like Princess Cadenza had - if the stories are correct that is," he added.

Twilight scoffed. “A stage actress ascend? Please. Such things do not happen to just anypony.” She narrowed her eyes at the unconscious Unicorn. “There is definitely something off about all of this, though. I want you to keep her under close observation, clear?”

He nods, breathing a sigh. “Yes, Ms. Sparkle.”

“Commander,” Sparkle corrected absently, before walking out. She had other duties to attend to, although she decided to devote thought time to this puzzle - most of her duties weren’t that arduous on brainpower anyway.


In New Manehatten, it was a sunny day within the converted city - within a studio apartment (and sleeping softly within her bedroom) was a familiar mare oblivious to the nice day.

An alarm clock soon sounded before a pink glow of magic would turn it off in absentmindedly fashion - however, to her mild displeasure, there came the sound of a hoof banging on her door soon after.

“Twilight! This is your wake up call!” A voice shouts from the other side of the door, causing the Unicorn to groan and pull her pillow over her head with her hooves. “You aren’t going to make us late again!” The voice persisted

Shining Starlight, her roommate and fellow cast member… and friend; why didn’t she pick Rarity to stay with again?

“Hang on, hang on,” she said tiredly. “I’ll be up in a minute.”

She frowned. There was a kind of grogginess hanging over her.

“What is this again?” Twilight muttered. “Where are we going again?”

“We need to get to Rarity’s early to make sure our costumes fit - we don’t want any mishaps when Solamina and Princess Cadenza come," Starlight reminded, still on the other side of the door and respecting her roommate’s privacy. “Besides, we still promised we’d see Applejack for lunch," the mare added.

“Right,” Twilight said, frowning. She had known that. Of course she had known that. “But what about…?”

She paused, frowning more, now feeling a sense of confusion.

“We can still have a light breakfast if you get out of bed.” Starlight said, “Now please get yourself ready, and quick.”

With that there’d be the sound of hooves trotting as the mare walked away and to the kitchen.

“What about the…?” Twilight muttered, but she lost the thought. The Unicorn sighed and just shakes her head, before looking into her bedside mirror - she looked a little ruffled, but she could live with it. Sighing once more, she headed for her door and opened it.

The hallway was littered with various pictures hanging, amongst them being pictures of Twilight’s folks and family that were still in Canterlot, her brother in the Royal Guard and such. There were pictures of her with her friends, a big old group shot of the Seven of the them standing in front of the Statue of Liberation that New Manehatten had. Also some pictures of Starlight’s, things like Pinkie Pie having drawn on her when she had too much to drink after a party - that mare couldn’t hold her cider or wine… especially the cider.

“Starlight,” Twilight muttered to herself. Something was… off, but she didn’t know what it was. “Starlight…”

Shining Starlight… was that… no, that couldn’t…

‘Do I know her?’ she wondered.

Of course she did - there was no way she didn't. There was all this photographic evidence and preserved memories of what they’d done together.

‘But why does it feel wrong?’

She didn’t get an answer, though there was the sound of her roommate working quickly in the kitchen to fix up a light and quick breakfast for them both - today was a big day, and tonight was even bigger; it was the first time they would ever perform before the Empress, let alone the Crystal Princess… that her brother had a crush on.

“Hey, Starlight,” she said quietly, “d’you think we’ll…”

She paused. Something was off. Something was definitely off. She scowled, and went over to a window, looking out at the city.

It was as busy as could be - various horse drawn cabs present, ponies walking around, Pegasi flying about… it was New Manehatten alright; complete with a view of the Statue of Liberation and the Hudson Bay.

She frowned. Something was wrong. What was it? What was she missing?

“Starlight, did something happen?” she called out.

“What?” Starlight called back, finishing up Twilight’s dish before levitating it to the table. “What’da mean something happened? Did your brother finally cave in and try asking Princess Cadenza out?” she asked, a humorous grin on her face.

“I just…” Twilight said quietly. “I feel like something’s wrong. Like…”

“Solamina deciding to attend just one theatre production out of probably hundreds between here, the rest of Earth and Equus?” Starlight asked, grinning slightly. “I know, I was shivering with excitement when I got up, but it doesn’t make any sense for her to just see us - we’re not special.”

“Earth…” Twilight repeated. “Earth. Why do I think something’s wrong with Earth?”

“You’re starting to sound like that Stallion who keeps yelling stuff when he isn’t in the alleyway,” Starlight points out. “Nothing wrong with Earth, it hasn’t been since Solamina finally finished purifying it like, fifteen years ago.” She trotted out of the kitchen and sat down at the table. “Now come on and eat, or are you not hungry now?”

Purifying Earth? Finished? No, that didn’t sound…

“We never finished,” Twilight murmured. “Did we? I don’t remember… I remember…”

Blood. Fire. Death. Fear.

“It didn’t…” Twilight said, frowning. She trailed off. Her mind wasn’t working properly.

“Twilight? You okay?” Starlight asked, having noticed her quiet and unmoving roommate. “Something bugging you that I don’t know about? You can tell me, I’m your friend remember?”

Blood. Fire. The smell of smoke and ash on the air, the screams of ponies. A figure that stood before an army, sword in hand, a harbinger of death…

“The…” Twilight murmured. “The Avatar of Albion.”

“That boogyman?” Starlight said, her face a tad disgusted. “Twilight, he doesn’t exist - he was just some creation by the humans to scare us. Solamina herself proved it.”

“No…” Twilight murmured. “He was… he was real... I saw him… he stood in front of us, and he… he…”

“Warriors of Equestria! Thou hast come to make war on the sovereign land of Albion and the human race. Turn thy army back or die.”

What were these memories? What was going on…?

“Did you have a nightmare or something?” Starlight asked, concerned by her friend's words and manner.

“I…” Twilight murmured, frowning. “I don’t remember. I just remember…”

“I am the Avatar of Albion.”


Commander Sparkle shot awake, eyes wide. She coughed slightly, feeling a wave of nausea sweep over her, and got out of bed.

“Spike, take a…” she began, and then she stopped. Even after six years, she still occasionally called out to her old assistant. She scowled. If only he hadn’t chosen the path he had chosen…

But still, what kind of dream was that? Why was she put into the role of being Starlight’s roommate and… apparently having her deceased friends with her in New Manehatten in a life that she didn’t live?

Just who was Shining Starlight?

She scowled. She had once loved mysteries - but that had been before the war. Now all she loved was getting to the bottom of them, having them done with, so that she could focus on her duties. So that, she decided, was what she would do.

High Commander Twilight Sparkle trotted out of her quarters, it was time for answers and to find them one way or another.

Chapter 2: The Change

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Chapter 2: The Change

Written by:
Jed R.

“What's bullshit Mr. Quaid? Afraid to admit that you're having a schizo paranoid episode, or are you really an invincible secret agent from Mars, who is in the middle of an interplanetary conspiracy to make him think that he's a lonely construction worker. Stop punishing yourself Doug, you're a fine upstanding man you have a beautiful wife who loves you, you have a whole life ahead of you. But you gotta want to return to reality.”
Dr. Edgemar, “Total Recall”

“You still don't know, do you? What you are. Why you're here. What's the first thing you remember?”
Paxton Fettel, “F.E.A.R.”


High Commander Twilight Sparkle stood outside the room of the young mare that she had found recently in the Castle of the Two Sisters, one Shining Starlight, waiting for permission to enter from the duty Nurse.

The rather odd dream she had last night was still prevalent on her mind: she had dreamed of an entirely different life, a life very different from her own... and a life that this mare had featured very prominently in despite Twilight having only met her yesterday. While such things were not impossible… it was one heck of a coincidence, and if Twilight believed in anything, she believed that there was no such thing as coincidence - only providence.

Nurse Redheart exited from Starlight’s room.

"High Commander Sparkle, she’s ready to see you now," the Nurse said politely. She motioned her hoof for Twilight to enter the room - visiting hours were still a thing, regardless of if you were a high ranking official.

Twilight nodded to Redheart and moved to enter the room. It was time to find answers.


Starlight simply sat in bed, watching the Element of Magic trot in - a look of surprise was present; she wasn’t expecting a visit from High Commander Twilight Sparkle so soon.

“Ummm… hello," she said, trying to (and failing to) start a conversation. “How are you doing… Commander?”

“I’d be doing better if I had more answers to troubling questions,” Sparkle replied bluntly, not interested in small talk. “I want to know how you got to the castle of the two sisters.”

“I don’t know,” Starlight replied simply. “I just… woke up there to see you, and… the Castle’s throne room. I swear, I wasn’t even on Equus the night before.”

“Where were you?” Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow.

“In my apartment, in New Manehatten,” Starlight stated. “It has a view of the Hudson and everything.”

“Tell me about it,” Twilight said, leaning forward slightly. “Could there be... anything unusual? Anything perhaps related to unknown magicks that might explain your presence at the Castle?”

“Uh no,” she blinked. “It was just an apartment.”

“Now, be very thoughtful for me, Miss Starlight,” Sparkle said, narrowing her eyes at the young mare, a dangerous undertone entering her voice. “We know Earth had magic at its disposal. That magic has been deployed against us before. Are you sure nothing of that sort could explain your appearance at the castle?”

“… no.” Starlight responded. “I’m just an actress that won two Pony awards, went to bed, and woke up in Equus… for some reason.”

“I see,” Sparkle said, frowning. She turned away from Starlight for a moment, thinking about what she had heard so far. “Tell me, Miss Starlight. Are you familiar with the so-called Equestrian Resistance?”

Starlight’s expression turned to a horrified one, before going red at the apparent accusation.

“Commander Sparkle, with all due respect - I am not corrupted by those humans; I am loyal to the Empire and Empress Solamina," she said, her tone full of indignation.

“Indeed?” Sparkle asked, turning back to her with a slight smile. “Tell me then, how do you think a pony gets transported all the way from the New Manehatten colony to the Castle of the Two Sisters? How does that happen, if not by some new spell being developed to grant access to Equestria and circumvent the Barrier? Hm?”

“Uh I dunno, magic maybe?” Starlight said plainly, her expression turning into confusion. “I’m telling you, I’m not a traitor, I have no idea how I got in the Castle of Two Sisters; I swear on Solamina’s name.”

“You might not be a traitor,” Sparkle said, though her tone sounded dubious, “but you are an anomaly, aren’t you Miss Starlight?”

“A… what, now?” Starlight asked, confused by this sudden change of tack.

“Tell me, Miss Starlight,” Sparkle asked, with a dangerous gleam in her eyes. “What were your parents? Pegasi? Unicorns? Mixed race?”

“Well, my mom was from Saddle Arabia - something over her parents deciding to go distant I guess. Her name is Arclight, she’s a Unicorn like me. My dad is a Pegasus born in Cloudsdale - he came from Manehatten, the original Equus one, and was a mail carrier. His name is Stormy Wind,” Starlight explained, still not certain what any of this meant. "What does that have to do with anything though?”

“Interesting,” Sparkle said with a cold smile, ignoring Starlight’s question. “So, you couldn’t possibly have Alicornial genetics?”

“… is that a joke?” Starlight asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh no,” Sparkle said with a wide smile. “It is not a joke, not at all.”

“I… don’t…” Starlight said, frowning.

“Analysis of your blood, Miss Starlight,” Twilight said slowly, “reveals the perfect balance of traits from all three races, a trait only found in Alicorn blood. Now, isn’t that interesting?”

“…What’s next? Empress Solamina is going to come in, tell me that I’m destined to become the new Princess of the Night and end the war with what remains of Humanity?” Starlight said in a deadpan fashion. “Because that would be every filly’s dream… outside of the war with a bunch of hairless apes, that is.”

“Oh, well I’m afraid that isn’t what’s going to happen,” Sparkle said with an almost too-sweet smile. “But you are scheduled to come with me to my laboratories for… some experiments.”

For some reason, the young mare didn’t like the look in Twilight’s eyes and paled… a lot.


Twilight wrote on a notepad as she watched readouts on her machines relating to her surveys and test on Starlight. So far she hadn’t gotten much luck with the young mare… although there was the fact that her magical signature seemed, for lack of a better term, familiar, and she had a very unique reading on her - showing that she didn’t come to Equus via any traditional kind of Portal spell.

What was especially interesting was the fact that there seemed to be something going on with the left side of her brain - the memory parts to be specific: there was some kind of energy around them; they were of a kind Twilight had never seen before. It was really quite fascinating.

“Ummm, Commander Sparkle,” Starlight said, a tad worried and in a chair that held a helmet on her head. “How long is this gonna take? I’d like to go back to New Manehatten soon.”

“Interesting,” Sparkle said to herself, ignoring the Unicorn. “There’s definitely something strange about all of this.”

“About what?” Starlight asked, but she was again ignored.

“And then there’s the dream recorder,” Sparkle added with a slight frown. “There’s far more here than should be possible. Like… decades… no, hundreds of years worth of dream data.”

“What?!” Starlight shouted in outrage. “I haven’t dreamed for that long! I haven't even lived that long.”

“Huh,” Sparkle murmured, once again ignoring Starlight. She tapped a button on her desk and a moment later an Archmagi entered, bowing her head. “Miss Gentle Flower, could you please get me my dissection kit? I’m going to need the skull drill and the bonesaw for this one.”

Starlight’s eyes practically bugged out of her skull in response to that. “Oh no! No bucking way you are going to cut my head open!”

“Now, now, don’t panic,” Sparkle said to her, her voice faux-soothing. “I am going to split your skull open, but you’ll remain alive and perfectly safe thanks to a stasis spell we’ve perfected up here. We’ll remove parts of your brain, and then be able to study them to find out exactly what it is about you that has caused these anomalies. The worst possible side effects that’ll happen are… some minor lobotomization.”

“Get me out!” she shouted, trying to free herself, struggling against her bonds.

“Please don’t struggle,” Sparkle said. “It makes a horrible mess when we start cutting."

However, it would be at that moment that Starlight’s eyes and horn glowed rather brightly as her snout started to bleed once again.

“Get. ME. OUT!” she shouted, her voice going into something not altogether unlike the Royal Canterlot Voice, before her glowing horn flared out; blasting Twilight and Gentle Flower into the wall - had anypony been paying enough attention, they would have realised that this was a display of some powerful Alicorn-leveled magic.

When Twilight recovered, she saw Starlight freeing herself and galloping out of the lab, though her eyes were still glowing like she was operating on instinct or something.

“Buck,” Sparkle swore. She shot a spell into the air, a red spell that split into a dozen different versions that travelled all throughout the complex - the alarm spell. Her Archmagi would be alerted - although she wasn’t sure how effective they would be.

However… there was an itch in the back of her head, there was something… about this - what was it?

“Hey, you!” she heard somepony hiss at the fleeing mare as she ran through the complex. There was no response from Starlight, save for blasting the Guard into a wall, and continuing her mad gallop out of the complex.

“This is intolerable,” Sparkle said with a scowl. “Simply intolerable.”


Starlight galloped throughout the night laden streets of Ponyville, her eyes no longer glowing and neither her horn… thankfully her snout had stopped bleeding, and she was left with a simple fact.

She had just attacked High Commander Twilight Sparkle and her Archmagi… they were going to kill her just because she apparently had Alicorn genetics…

Why? And what was she going to do now? And when… when did she get so powerful at magic?

“Hey, you there!” she heard a pony hiss from somewhere.

Starlight turned, her face full of fear and on fight-or-flight mode - her heart beating in her chest. Her horn glowed.

“Who's there?!” she shouted.

A pale grey Pegasus with a black mane appeared in the faint light. The mare shushed Starlight and motioned for her to follow her into a nearby alleyway.

Unsure, Starlight followed silently - she didn’t like where this was going, but it was better than waiting for the Archmagi to catch up and do Faust knows to her.

“You were running from Sparkle’s Archmagi, right?” the mare said gruffly. “I saw you gallop from that pile of horseapples like the proverbial fruit bat outta Tartarus.”

“She wants to cut my head open because I apparently have a lot of years in dreams,” Starlight began to explain.

“I didn’t ask for your life story, sister,” the mare muttered. “Just answer me - you want out of the Empire, yeah?”

“…Yes. Please,” Starlight said, her voice tired and drained, but behind that she was full of relief - hopefully this meant she would be safe.

“Great, cool,” the mare said, looking somewhat uninterested. “We got word three days ago that the Freedom Caravan was comin’ this way. We’ve got the pass-phrase for it, so you hook up with us and we’ll be outta this place in no time flat.”

Starlight frowned. “Freedom Caravan?”

“The Exodus’ best escape route,” the mare clarified. Starlight paled visibly.

“Who are you?” she asked, though a part of he knew already.

“Name’s Dew Drop,” the mare said gruffly. “Technically, part of the Resistance.”

Starlight groaned, this was just perfect - in the span of a few hours she had her life thrown away… great.

“Please tell me you can just drop me off in New Manehatten,” she asked, a pleading note entering her tone of voice.

“No joy there, sister,” Dew Drop said, looking back at Starlight with a slight grin. “We’ve got one destination - merry old England.”

“But… that’s where -” Starlight began. “I mean, isn’t that where the war is?”

“Well, duh,” Dew Drop said, rolling her eyes. “We’re already at war, sister. Either we fight for Solamina or we fight for the humans. Pick one. I take it you don’t wanna fight for Solamina?”

“…No, I… I’m still in shock over all this.” She held her head low. “I mean, a few days ago I was in New Manehatten practicing for a production of a new show and now… I’m running for my life.”

“Get used to this, sister,” Dew Drop said with a grim expression. “It’s only gonna get worse from here.”


That night, Starlight found herself sharing a room with a half dozen other ponies. Most of them were quiet, keeping to themselves: they were a motley collection, no doubt - Earth Ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns of all descriptions, each one of them looking battered, like they had all been through their own personal Tartarus.

The room itself was small and cramped, damp and rot on the walls and dust was everywhere, like it hadn’t been used in years. Dew Drop had tossed her a filthy blanket the moment they had gotten into the room, and then promptly gone to sleep, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

‘How could everything go so wrong?’ Starlight mentally pondered, surveying the room and the other ponies amongst her. ‘Where did we go wrong?’

It was a good question to ask - did things go wrong the moment they made contact with Earth all those years ago? Or was it Celestia deciding to use the potion instead of trying to actively destroy the Barrier with Luna? Or was there something else to it?

Could it be the fact that they simply didn’t leave what remained of humanity alone, allowed them to remain in their final moments before the barrier destroyed what remained of them… perhaps if she did she would not see Jeremy’s last moments? Dying in such a horrific way, cursing the name of Celestia; the name of her mentor that trusted her…

Starlight’s head shot up; where did that line of thought come from? Also… why was her snout bleeding again? It’d been doing that a lot lately since she’d appeared in Equus.

‘Could what Commander Sparkle said is true?’ the mare wondered. ‘Is there something I don’t know of, or remember? Some memory...?’

“Hey, you!” she heard a voice say. She looked up to see Dew Drop frowning at her, almost concerned. “You alright, sister?”

“I… I don’t know,” Starlight said, a hoof to her barrel to cover her snout in an attempt to stop it from bleeding any further. “I’ve had a very stressful three days… what with my life falling apart and nothing making any sense anymore.” She looked down, mind suddenly drifting to the ponies she cared about. “Celestia knows if my parents are alright.”

“Don’t say that name, plotwipe,” Dew Drop snapped with a scowl. “I ain’t got no love for it, and nopony else in the Resistance will either. Swear by Luna or the Pony God.”

“…You’re talking about Faust right?” Starlight asked bluntly.

“Who?” Dew Drop asked with a bemused expression. “I ain’t never heard of no ‘Faust’ sister - but if it ain’t the Tyrant I don’t care if you swear by Sally the Space Squid.”

“…I’m sorry, Dew Drop was it? Didn’t you learn anything in school?” the theatrical actress asked, shooting the Pegasus mare a confused look. “Faust is the one that created Equus, all of it… even Celestia and Luna themselves. Legend has it that they were actually raised by her.”

Dew Drop raised an eyebrow, and actually started chuckling. “That’s a right fairy tale you’ve cooked up, there, sister. I’ve heard plenty of myths from the bad old days - the Starswirl conflict, the Sombran wars, the Unification era - but I've never heard of ‘Faust’. But whatever helps you sleep at night, I suppose.” She paused. “Anyway, I was waking you up to tell you - it’s time to move.”

“Again?” Starlight asked, sighing; didn’t they just get here?

“Aw, don’t worry, sister, we’ll give those dainty legs o’ yours a rest soon,” Dew Drop said with a smirk. “We’re gettin’ ourselves a caravan.”


The small group headed toward a large blue caravan that was waiting near a secluded alleyway. Outside it was a light blue Unicorn, who was looking around furtively, apparently concerned about being in Ponyville.

“Can you hurry up?” she hissed to the group. “Trixie does not want to be here over-long! We're too near the Archmagi headquarters!"

Oddly enough, Starlight looked at the Unicorn and a flash of recognition appeared on her face.

“Trixie? Trixie Lulamoon?” she muttered in confusion

“No, Trixie is actually Starswirl the Bearded,” Trixie Lulamoon muttered with a frown. “She just had a sex change and a shave. Can we move quicker, please?”

“Yeah, dainty, let’s go,” Dew Drop growled with a scowl. “I don’t wanna get caught.”

However, Starlight remained standing in her spot.

"Didn’t you… didn’t you once run a show in Ponyville and caused two colts to bring about an Ursa Minor, though unintentionally?” Starlight inquired, frowning slightly.

“Yes, yes, that was me,” Trixie said irritably. “It was a long time ago, and Trixie does not like thinking about it. Now, if we are done with memory lane, Guards might be nearby so get on the bucking caravan!”

Without much prompting Starlight got on, though she still had a confused look on her face due to the fact that she had no idea how she could have known that about a mare she had suddenly met.

“Secret compartment is in the floor!” Trixie hissed to her. Dew Drop got the door and motioned for Starlight to go in first.

She did so, not a word given while her mind tried to figure out how she knew about the Ursa Minor incident, Twilight had informed her… it was a good thing that she did. Future precautions were able to have been made to prevent any colts or fillies to accidentally causing such a thing again.

Hopefully Trixie Lulamoon’s career can be fixed by her public statement, though she may need to fix her pride a touch, also it’s best that Twilight should know the difference between being a complete and utter loon and-

… her snout was bleeding again, her head suddenly feeling like somepony had smashed a hammer into it.

‘Why does this keep happening to me!?’ Starlight silently asked her herself while trying to stop her bleeding snout… again.

“Hey, dainty, what the buck is with the bleeding?” Dew Drop asked.

“I don’t know!” Starlight responded, frustrated over the fact that she apparently is suffering from ‘Chronic Snout Bleeds’ - she stopped having those back when she got her cutie mark, why was it happening again after all these years?

“Well, don’t worry too much about it,” Drop said, looking like she was almost trying to be sympathetic. “We’ll be out of Equestria soon enough.”

“I… I…” Starlight then groaned as her head throbbed, what was wrong with her?

“Hey, chill out, dainty,” Dew Drop said, frowning in concern. “We’re ‘bout as safe as we’re gonna be.”

Instead of responding, Starlight collapses there and then - her hoof no longer trying to cover her snout and blood leaking out like water from a faucet.

“Buck!” Dew Drop yelled as Starlight lost consciousness. “Hey, is anypony here a doctor…?!”


High Commander Twilight Sparkle stood before a small crystal contraption in her office, frowning as she considered what she was about to do. On the one hoof, this was necessary. On the other… she had no desire at all to inform the Empress of what had occurred. It was embarrassing to say the least.

But, despite her desire to keep this embarrassment away from the Empress, duty overrode personal feelings, always.

"Sparkle, Commander Twilight," she said shortly. "Request contact."

A moment later, the crystal shone with a bright inner light, and an image was projected above it. The image was that of a regal white Alicorn with a flowing multi-coloured mane, staring down at Twilight with narrow eyes and a smile at once warm and inviting, and yet at the same time terrifying.

"High Commander," Empress Astra Solamina Maxima began. "You are looking well. Oddly well, considering - have you been experimenting with youth spells, my student?"

Sparkle blushed. "No, your majesty… but…"

"But that is not why you called, of course," Solamina said. "Forgive me - I wished to engage in pleasantries before business, we get such little time."

"It is regrettable, your majesty," Sparkle said honestly.

"Indeed," the Empress said, though it was slightly lacklustre. "You wished to speak with me, Commander?"

"About a matter of some urgency, your Majesty," Sparkle replied. "It concerns a discovery I made two days ago. This discovery... may have dire consequences."

Solamina's eyes narrowed even further. "Then by all means, my most faithful student - begin."

Chapter 3: A Prelude

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Chapter 3: A Prelude

Written by:
Jed R

“Even if the good old days never existed, the fact that we can conceive of such a world is, in fact, an affirmation of the human spirit. That the imagination of man is capable of creating the myth of a more open, more generous time is not a sign of our folly.”
Orson Welles

“Where now the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing?
Where is the helm and the hauberk, and the bright hair flowing?
Where is the hand on the harpstring, and the red fire glowing?
Where is the spring and the harvest and the tall corn growing?
They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow;
The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow.
Who shall gather the smoke of the dead wood burning,
Or behold the flowing years from the Sea returning?”
Lament for the Rohirrim, “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers”.


Starlight groaned, a hoof to her head as she sat up; passing out there and then was never a good thing to do, or comfortable in any case.

‘What was that about?’ She thought, looking up to see that she was back in her apartment… in New Manehatten; her cat Mr. Prenchy was sound asleep at the end of her bed, his grey fur sticking out against the comforter’s light colors.

“I’m home?” She asked aloud, her head turning to be greeted by the a large pale white statue of an Alicorn in the distance, set on an island that was within a bay; it was the Statue of Liberation and the Hudson Bay… it looks like she was home after all.

‘Was it a dream?’ Starlight thought, slowly getting out of bed and trotting out of her room.

Going to the kitchen, she poured herself a glass of milk and had a drink, frowning slightly at the sheer incongruity of the things that she thought she had been experiencing. So far everything seemed normal - Mr. Prenchy was his usual self by sleeping on her bed, could see her two Pony awards on the shelf and there wasn’t any sign of anything out of the ordinary.

So why did something feel wrong or out of place?

“Starlight, are you ok?” a voice asked. Starlight turned to see Twilight Sparkle, her roommate, trot up to her, concern in her features.

Starlight froze up a bit and backed away in fear, the events of her… dream were still fresh in her mind. “Oh uh, good morning Twilight; I’m… I’m just a bit freaked out over a dream I had last night, it was a real doozy that kept going downhill," she said, absentmindedly scratching her right foreleg with her left hoof. “I got shanghaied into joining the Resistance and you tried to cut my head open.”

“Well, that’s silly,” Twilight said with a smile. “I’d anaesthetise you first.”

“But you wouldn’t do it to me unless you had to… right?” Starlight asked a tad paranoid. “You wouldn’t actually cut my head open after I asked to be let go… right?”

“Well, there is all that Alicorn genetic material to study,” Twilight said seriously, a thoughtful frown on her face. “I’d have to see for myself at some point. In fact, that kind of gives me an idea…”

“Ah, uh… Twilight?” Starlight asked, a fearful frown on her face as she trotted back. “You’re creeping me out a bit, could you stop?”

“Sorry,” Twilight said, looking back up at her, an odd light in her eye and a strange smile on her face. “It’s just the war, you know? Really changes a mare…”

“B-But the war’s over, it’s been over for ages,” Starlight stressed, eyes widening. “You weren’t even on the front lines, it…”

It was then that a look of realization blossomed on the mare’s face as the Twilight in front of her grinned at her.

“You’re not Twilight are you?” she asked, her tone fearful for her life.

“Of course I am,” Twilight replied. “Commander Twilight Sparkle. Archmagi. Right hoof to the Empress.”

“No, Twilight’s my roommate and my friend - we’re performers we-” Suddenly, Starlight’s head throbbed. “Ugh,” she groaned, before demanding. “What did you do with my friend you loon!?”

“I am your friend,” Sparkle said. “I’ve always been your friend. You just never realised.”

“Friends wouldn’t cut other friends’ heads open,” Starlight shot back, glaring at the Unicorn. “Stars above, I need to get out of here!” She stressed, her horn starting to light up the door handle outside starting to glow.

"You won't find anything nicer out there," Twilight said lightly as Starlight moved away from her.

“Better than in here!” She shouted, the door swinging open and Starlight galloped out, hoping to get some distance… only to soon stop immediately at what she saw.

She was in the streets of Canterlot. She turned around to see where she had come from, but she couldn't see the door to her apartment. She turned back to the street, only for a spell of some sort to impact right near her, blasting apart the masonry all around her and knocking her to the ground.

A moment passed, a faint ringing in her ears. She opened her eyes, looking up at the sky, and saw a strange metal contraption - like a Zeppelin without its the balloon - zoom over her head. She blinked. A handful of Pegasi zipped across her field of view as she sat up, flying off into the distance, and then she frowned at the sight of something else in the sky - a bipedal figure, dueling with what looked like an Alicorn. The biped had a large two-handed sword in hand, swinging it far faster than such a thing should have been able to move, and the Alicorn held a glaive, blocking blows with elegance and precision.

The two swung their weapons at the same time, the blades meeting in a titanic clash and -


Shining Starlight’s eyes snapped open, she noticed a few things.

Firstly, she had an ice pack on her forehead. Secondly, she was in a bed, somewhere in a white room - it looked like some sort of hospital. Thirdly, her nose had been cleaned up and wasn’t bleeding anymore. And finally... she had no idea what had happened to her, or what was up with that dream

The mare took the time to groan over all that… and the fact that nothing made sense really.

"Ah! She's awake!" a voice spoke. An electric blue Unicorn mare with a dark blue mane walked up to her, smiling softly. "How are you feeling?"

“I…” She tried to figure out a response, but found herself uncertain how to proceed.

She had been through so much that she was in danger, though she didn't realise it, of going into some kind of shock.

“I feel tired… what… what happened?” she finally asked, her mind a whirl.

"The Pegasus mare you were travelling with brought you in the minute you all reached British shores," the blue mare replied. "She said you'd been unconscious since leaving Equestria. Some sort of fit?"

“Dew Drop?” Starlight wondered, “Is she… is she okay?”

"Miss Drop is fine," the mare said. "She's waiting for you outside. Shall I tell her you're awake?"

Starlight just weakly nodded in response - she didn’t have it in her to even say yes at the moment.

A moment later, Dew Drop entered, looking faintly relieved.

"Hey there, dainty," she said. "You ok?"

“I don’t know,” Starlight said, “Is my life still in one piece and Twilight Sparkle isn’t out to cut my head open?”

"Wouldn't know about that, sister," Dew Drop said, apparently oblivious to the dripping sarcasm, "but to get to you here, Sparkle'd have to go through about ten thousand human soldiers and a bunch of pissed off looking ponies."

“Great… just great,” the unicorn groaned, trying to get up but couldn’t. “Did the doctor figure out what’s wrong with me?”

"Could always ask," Dew Drop said with a shrug. "Hey Doc? Doc?!"

The electric blue mare entered again, looking concerned.

"Hello?" she asked. "Is there a problem?"

"Dainty here wants to know if you figured out what's wrong with her," Dew Drop said gruffly.

"Oh," the mare said. "Well, Miss Dainty..."

“It’s Starlight, Shining Starlight,” she corrected.

"Well... Miss Starlight," the mare said, frowning slightly before continuing. "I've had a conversation with some of my colleagues. As far as we can tell, there's only one possible cause for your... issue, matching all the symptoms. It seems your magic has been Over-Channeled. This is extremely rare in Unicorns, but it's a condition well known to human medicine as a form of Magic Burnout."

“I see…” Starlight said, this was perfect - first she suffered from a snout bleed, then a searing headache, then passed out, had a crazy dream and has now been told that she somehow got Over-Channeled.

'Where is Discord when you need him? His brand of Chaos is better than this randomness,’ she thought.

“How long will it take for me to recover?” Starlight asked aloud, hoping the answer would be a positive one.

The blue Unicorn mare looked uneasy for a moment. Dew Drop scowled at her after a moment's silence.

"The mare asked you a question, Doc," she said, sounding annoyed.

"Forgive me," the Unicorn said softly. "The only other case on file of Magic Burnout is... terminal."

“…What?” Starlight croaked in disbelief, her eyes wide in shock.

"Now, that is a human sufferer," the doctor added quickly. "So it may be that Unicorns react differently - we're hoping so. But in the human case, the patient suffers from cellular damage that has already significantly lowered his life expectancy. In his case, there's no cure. In yours... well, there's so much about it that is unprecedented that..."

"Cut to the chase, Doc!" Dew Drop snapped.

"Well," the doctor said, swallowing slightly, "we just don't know. There might be some way to rectify the situation before too much damage is incurred. But so far, we're low on leads and low on resources to look up those leads."

“It doesn’t involve my head getting cut open does it?” Starlight asked, “cause Sparkle wanted to do that and… said something about my blood being weird.”

"Well we're still waiting for the results of your blood tests," the doctor said, looking mildly affronted, "but I am not Twilight Sparkle, Miss Starlight. I am a doctor. I heal. I do not harm."

“Sorry… I’ve been having a long week…” Starlight croaked, before turning to her associate, “Dew Drop… why did you leave Equestria?” she asked the Pegasus, “Is it because of the restrictions on Pegasi?”

"Not quite," Dew Drop said, but she didn't elaborate.

"Did Sparkle happen to mention what was wrong with your blood?" the doctor asked.

“Said it wasn’t right, asked about my parents… told them they were a Unicorn and Pegasus, said something Alicorn genetics I think,” Starlight responded before groaning. “Didn’t make any sense…”

"Alicorn genetics?" the doctor said, raising an eyebrow. "That's... well, that's the second unusual thing about you. Curious. We'll see what the blood tests come out as."

“Can I get some rest, please?” she asked. “I feel tired… really tired.”

"Of course," the doctor said. "Miss Drop, if you'll come with me."

"Yeah, sure," Drop said. "Hey, dainty. Take care of yourself, yeah? I'll see you later."

Starlight nodded before closing her eyes and once again going back to sleep, leaving Dew Drop and the doctor in the realm of the waking.


High Commander Sparkle stamped another report, frowning slightly. She shook her head, still feeling... strange. As though she had missed something important.

She had explained everything to her Empress, leaving out no detail - not the dream, not the Alicorn genetics... nothing.

"I see," was all Solamina said when Twilight had finished. "And you are certain the name was 'Shining Starlight'?"

"As certain as anything, Empress," Sparkle replied. "Tell me - what should I do?"

There was a long pause as the Sun Empress seemed to ponder this question, her expression thoughtful. Sparkle felt a rush of adrenaline building - would she be granted leave to seek this anomaly herself? Or -

"For now," Solamina finally spoke, interrupting Sparkle's train of thought, "you will do nothing."

"…nothing, my Empress?" Sparkle repeated, confused.

"Nothing," Solamina confirmed. "Shining Starlight... now that is a name I have not heard in many years... and the impossibility of it is... intriguing."

"May I know what it is the name represents, my Empress?" Sparkle asked.

Solamina looked down at Sparkle, and even through the crystal projection, Sparkle could feel the almost derisive air about her Empress' person.

"You have already gained much knowledge from me, Twilight," Solamina said slowly, sounding at once like she was placating Sparkle and mocking her. "Surely you will allow me to keep one secret, if only for a short time."

"Of course, my liege," Sparkle said, bowing her head. "Please, forgive my presumption."

"There is nothing to forgive, most faithful student," Solamina said airily. "But there are other things at work that must be... seen to. For now, your orders are as follows: wait, watch, be patient. Should the opportunity arise to do something about Starlight, take it, but take no action without first consulting me."

"It shall be as you say," Sparkle said, keeping her head bowed.

Without any further word, Solamina disappeared and the crystal projector switched off. Sparkle raised her head, a frown on her face.

There was something amiss with this, this whole thing felt… off. Why would Empress Solamina be so interested in some actress? Was her name the same as somepony she knew once? Or…

Or… could this ‘Starlight’ really be something the resistance have made? A golem to distract the Empress? To throw her off, as the saying would be.

‘Curiouser and curiouser, whatever she is…’ Sparkle thought privately, ‘One day… I’ll get the truth, One day.’

She was distracted by a knock at her door, and sighed.

"Alright, Commander Scootaloo, you may come in," she said, as the young mare entered. Twilight sighed. She hoped this wouldn't be too much of a waste of time...


Starlight and Dew Drop, it later turned out, that they had apparently ended up in one of the various field-hospitals off the coast of Britain that had been set up deliberately for the purpose of assessing new arrivals into the country. There were mostly pony staff and guards present, presumably to make the transition easier. That didn't mean there were no humans though - most of them were taciturn guards, though some of the doctors - apparently specialists in equine physiology, as marked out by the green crosses on their uniforms - were human as well.

Starlight wasn’t the happiest mare per se, despite not having any snout bleeds or throbbing headaches since arriving in Britain… she still wished she could just go home; back to her apartment in New Manehatten, feed Mr. Prenchy and go back to her normal life instead of getting roped into the Resistance and being amongst the humans.

She didn’t hate humanity, nor was she a bigot towards them, she just had to wonder why there was all this fuss over the potion? She knew some Converted, worked with a Converted once and even went on some dates with a fine Stallion back in the good old days who was a Converted.

All they had to lose is just walking upright and their… claws. Sure, there wasn’t a surefire transformation that meant they could choose which of the three races they could join but it was better than death by the Barrier.

Although, it was kind of disturbing to know that humanity has become so well versed in Equine biology - did they… do things to Unicorns here?

"Hey there, sister," a voice spoke, distracting her from her thoughts. She looked up to see Dew Drop appear, smiling. "How're you doin'?"

“Better,” Starlight answered. “Still can’t feel my magic though, can’t even move anything or make my horn glow.”

"Hey," Dew Drop said with a shrug. "If whatever's up with you is to do with your magic, maybe that's a good thing."

“What do you mean?”

"Well, I had a chat with Doc Tender Care about the human with magic burnout - his gets worse if he uses it," Dew Drop said. "You'll never guess what though - I think she meant their big hero guy, you know - their Avatar of Avalon or whatever."

“I believe it’s Albion, Dew Drop,” Starlight corrected before she paled. “Wait, he’s suffering from Over-Channeling?”

"Don't think they call it that for humans," Dew Drop shrugged. "But the burnout part, yeah."

“To think, the Boogyman across the Pond… he’s dying.” Starlight gave a hollow but short laugh over it. “Isn’t that silly.”

Dew Drop frowned. "It ain't gonna be any good for us if he croaks, ya know. We're Resistance. We'll be lucky to get a quick death at the end of this if we don't win."

“But I’m not,” Starlight protested. “You and everypony else here are a part of the Resistance, I’m just a Unicorn that got roped into this whole thing because of Twilight Sparkle being a loon.”

Now it was Dew Drop's turn to laugh. "You're here and you aren't wearing Guard Armour or militia colours, sister. That makes you Resistance. You could spend the rest of your time here under a rock and it'd make no difference. You're stuck with us, now."

“Well, Mr. Prenchy goes hungry then," Starlight commented dryly. “He’s still stuck back in New Manehatten.”

"Mr. Who-now?" Dew Drop asked with a smirk.

“Prenchy,” Starlight corrected. “He’s my pet cat, I’ve had him for the past four years - sleeps most of the day, loves tuna, hates Stallions hogging his limelight and would fight for it.”

"Sounds fun," Dew Drop said. "You bring him with you from Equestria?"

“No actually, I got him in New Manehatten - one of the Animal Shelters that Fluttershy started up… I guessed I wanted to commemorate my voyage to the new world with a cat companion," she said a tad carelessly.

Dew Drop frowned. "Thought you said you had him for four years."

“Yeah, that’s how long I’ve been in New Manehatten. Four years, thankfully I managed to get into Theater before the second year ended or I’d go nuts.” Starlight chuckled fondly at the memory.

"But that's not possible," Dew Drop said, frowning at Starlight. "You sure you're ok, sister? I reckon you're having delusions."

Starlight’s smile disappeared almost immediately: she didn’t like hearing that. Her grip on reality had already become somewhat tenuous, what with the horrific things she had undergone, the strange differences in her experiences she had already gone through and that blasted dream.

“Dew Drop, I’m telling you - I’ve been in New Manehatten for four years; I even got in a carriage accident once,” She rambled, slightly nervously. "That’s as authentic as you can get.”

"Sister, you can't have been in New Manehatten for four years, and that's for sure," Dew Drop said. "It's not been around that long."

Starlight frowned after hearing that. “No that can’t be right, after the barrier consumed North America a colony was set up in the East Coast it… I came in the second group and… and…”

"Sister, I had a cousin who worked on the New Manehatten weather team before the second Sanction," Dew Drop said. "She sent me a picture the week they started work. I saw the first pre-fabs they had up. Apple Bloom's contractor company was responsible for the whole darn thing. That was two years ago - up until then, they'd been focusin' on farmland. Everypony knows that."

“But… but I have an apartment that sees the Statue and Hudson,” Starlight stammered, her mind racing a bit.

"What statue?" Dew Drop asked. "Sister, New Manehatten's all prefabs and barracks, maybe the odd communal building. I don't think they'll have statues up for another ten years." She paused. "Heck, I didn't even think they had apartments yet 'til I heard you start talkin' about the the place."

“No that can’t… it… nrrrgggh," Starlight groaned. Just like that, her snout started bleeding again and the throbbing headache returned, but this time her horn glowed too.

"Ah, heck," Dew Drop swore. "Doctor Care! Doctor Care! She's havin' another fit!"

Dr Tender Care, the electric blue mare, charged in, eyes wide in shock.

"What happened?!" she demanded.

"She was talking about New Manehatten, but all o' what she was sayin' was weird, like she was talkin' about a different place," Dew Drop said. "Then I told her, but..."

"Hell!" Care swore. "She's having a fit! Nurse!"

That was the last thing Starlight heard before once more falling unconscious…


Astra Solamina Maxima sat upon her throne and looked out. All was well in her Empire - the sun was out, her ponies and Converted were happy, and yet she felt… troubled.

The news that her most faithful servant had granted her a few short days ago was still present in her mind.

‘Shining Starlight… a name that I have not heard of in years,’ Solamina thought, sitting upon her throne and reflecting upon that terrible night, oh so many years ago.

Fire and blood on the air, and a fresh figure imprinted on the moon, and there her body lay...

She pushed the memories aside. It had been so long, so long since then, and she refused to become maudlin about it after all this time.

‘How long has it been… how would she had survived?’ Solamina pondered, before recalling that apparent alicorn genetics that Starlight had.

She had been there when Starlight died, it was one of the worst days of her life… in fact, it was the only thing that made the day even worse than it already had been.

She shook her head, clearing the old feelings out. It didn't matter: she was not the same Celestia anymore… and Shining Starlight had been dead for years - whoever this mare was, she could not be her former student…

She couldn’t be the closest thing she had ever had to a daughter…

She just couldn’t be.

Chapter 4: Of Your Own Volition

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Chapter 4: Of Your Own Volition

Written by:
Jed R.

“I have walked my way since the beginning of time. Sometimes I give, sometimes I take, it is mine to know which and when!”
Merlin, Excalibur.

“There are no inconsistencies in the Discworld books; occasionally, however, there are alternate pasts.”
Terry Pratchett


Starlight awoke with a start only to find herself back in her apartment; this was her apartment, right? It hadn’t been before in all the previous times she’d awoken here and yet…

“Just what the hay is going on?” She asked aloud, looking around the room to find that it did certainly look like her apartment and all: the picture she put up on the wall after Applejack punched into it after that tense fight was there (the hole included), there was that scorched spot above the fireplace where Twilight accidentally launched let off a small flare spell after having too much Ol' Trotspur from that party, and even that old stain on the floor that they could never get out.

“Everything is making less and less sense every second,” Starlight groaned, getting onto her hooves as her horn glowed with telekinesis - the picture flying back over to cover the hole in the wall. “I mean just… why, in Celestia’s mane, can’t things ANY sense?!” She groaned out of frustration.

Was this her apartment or not? It shouldn’t exist based on everything that Dew Drop has told her and all. Hell, nothing she was familiar with in New Manehatten should exist either based on that logic.

"I believe an old acquaintance of yours once said," a new voice spoke, "that there was no fun in making sense. In some respects, I'd have to agree with him on that."

Starlight turned, looking behind her to see something unexpected. There was a human there, setting at one of her tables while sipping tea. He wore long, dark, tattered robes, and had a beard. His head was shaven, and he had a twinkle in his eyes.

“…Who’re you and why are you in my apartment?” Starlight asked, confused as to how - and why - a human dressed in robes was in her apartment, regardless of what Dew Drop had told her.

"This isn't your apartment, it's your head," the man said casually. "Or it's the apartment in your head. Which has your head in it. Which has your apartment in it. Apartment, head, apartment... it's all rather circular, come to think of it."

“Well, whatever!” She snapped, irritated over everything that had happened and all that she had gone through these past few days.

The man chuckled. “Tetchy, aren't you?”

Why are you here, and who are you!?” Starlight demanded, not replying to his comment.

"Why? Why's a question for those who know all the why's to be why'd," the man said. "There'd be no point explaining why if you didn't understand anyway, and right now you wouldn't. You barely understand why you're here, let alone me.” He chuckled slightly, apparently amused by his own wordplay. “Still, Shining Starlight, I suppose it's only fair I should introduce myself. My name is - well, depending on who you ask, it is Myrlin, Muldwych, Merlin… I go by the last one. Sounds simple. Let's people know what they're dealing with."

“… So you’re some kind of Archmage or something?” Starlight asked bluntly, “Cause you look like an old man trying to pass himself off as a wannabe Starswirl the Bearded.”

"Lovely fella," Merlin commented with a grin. "Made excellent tea. I tried warning him about that Heart thing, but he thought it'd let him have all knowledge. Not sure where he got to, but he usually turns up. As for ‘wannabe’… well, I have no need to prove myself to anyone, thankfully. I did my work and now I content myself with watching others do theirs. Mostly."

Starlight looked at Merlin with disbelief.

“You do not know Starswirl,” the mare said bluntly. “He lived and died practically millennia ago, you look old… but you probably aren’t old…” She trailed off, looking at him now with caution. “Are you?”

"Well, looks can be deceiving, Miss Starlight," Merlin said, looking amused by her declaration. "This entire place for example. It looks like an apartment, doesn't it?"

“…Yes,” Starlight said simply. “It looks like my apartment in New Manehatten that I’ve been in for the past years… or one that shouldn’t exist given what Dew Drop told me.”

"Well precisely," Merlin said, motioning to the walls. "It shouldn't exist. It doesn't exist. Not here. So if this place that looks like an apartment can be not an apartment, what does that tell you about what I could be that I don't look like?"

“…Are you Discord?” Starlight asked, “Because you really sound like he would, and it’d fit considering the whole… thing about looks I guess.”

"No, alas, I am not Discord," Merlin laughed. "Though I have been. And Starswirl has been. And Starswirl made him. And Starswirl fought him. And Starswirl might have been his Jekyll…" He laughed. "It all depends on where you're standing, or so one might come to believe."

Starlight just groaned and face hoofed, this is getting her nowhere… and confused, more and more confused which is just what she needed right now in her distress.

“Well, where I’m standing nothing makes any sense: my life has fallen apart, my life in New Manehatten doesn’t exist at all… and there’s also a chance that I’m dying from some kind of Over-Channeling like the Avatar of Albion,” Starlight said, clearly annoyed, “Could you please just give me some short, simple answers here? I really don’t need all this vague direction right now.”

"Depends largely on what your questions are," Merlin said, raising an eyebrow. "But if you like, I can try."

“Okay…” Starlight respondly slowly, taking a deep breath and before exhaling; it may be time to (hopefully) get some answers as to what’s going on. “Is what Twilight said true? Do I really have Alicorn genetics?”

"Of course you do," Merlin said. "Twilight Sparkle has been many things, but rarely an idiot - at least when it comes to matters of book learning."

“Great…” Starlight replied quietly; it seemed that her parents had an Alicorn of a daughter without even knowing it.

That’s just dandy.

“Alright, so what about the whole ‘one hundred years worth of dreaming’?” She asked, “Was she right about that too? Cause I know that I’m not that old regardless if my life in New Manehatten was a sham.”

"Oh no, you aren't that old," Merlin agreed.

“Oh thank Celestia…” Starlight breathed out of relief; hopefully this wouldn’t be too bad after all-

"You’re much older than a mere few hundred years," Merlin said. "The fact that she only caught that much dreaming is a sign of how much you've repressed. Or lost."

…And in a mere moment it had just gotten far worse.

“…What?” Starlight gasped, her eyes wide with shock. “Are you implying I’m a reincarnation of somepony or something?”

"That would be silly," Merlin said. "I'm implying that you're much older than a few hundred. Well, I'm outright telling you that, actually. I'm not sure of the exact age. Probably a good thing, too - it's rude to ask a lady her age, so I'm sure it's rude to tell her it."

“But… but, I’m not more than triple digits, I’m not even thirty yet!” Starlight shouted frustrated, “What’re you gonna say next?! That I’m actually some kind of pet project by Solamina or something!?”

"Oh, no," Merlin said with another chuckle. "Not here, anyway. I’m afraid you're here entirely of your own volition."

“Wait, so you're saying that I went to the Castle of Two Sisters because… I wanted to?” Starlight asked, confused.

"Not quite," Merlin said gently. "But the chain of events that led you there - and thus led you here - was set off by you, and you walked it knowing, if not the exact details, then certainly the probabilities of where it would lead."

“But all I did was feed Mr. Prenchy, have dinner, and fall asleep…” she trailed off. “Which apparently didn’t happen.” Starlight muttered.

"No, it didn't," Merlin said. "Something else happened."

“...was it Twilight related?” Starlight asked. “I wouldn’t be surprised if it was.”

"Ah, no," Merlin smiled. "I think not."

“Well… what then?” Starlight asked, “I’m drawing a total blank here.”

"You will discover the truth," Merlin said. "Eventually."

“Wait, but I thought you were going to answer my questions,” she pointed out, frowning at him. “Tell me what I did that got me here… or, at least give me a hint to something that can help me.”

"Why would I tell you something you already know?" Merlin said, looking amused.

“Remind me then,” Starlight said bluntly as her feelings of desperation rose.

The old wizard looked thoughtful for a moment, as though considering her request, and then he chuckled at her once again

"I will tell you this much," he said quietly. "A long time ago, you made a choice - that choice was the start of your road."

“‘Start of my road’?” Starlight repeated, but before she could ask for any clarification she suddenly suffered another headache as her snout began to bleed.

What she failed to noticed, was the fact that the entire apartment seemed to shake - had she been able to pay attention, she would have noticed that it didn’t phase Merlin all that much.

“Uggggh, why do I keep getting these headaches?” Starlight groaned, a hoof to her barrel to keep the blood from leaking out. “Also, how come my chronic snout bleeding has returned now of all times?”

"I think the door behind you may have the answers you seek," Merlin said with a smile.

Door? Starlight thought privately, frowning in confusion, What door?

She turned her head around slowly only to find what stood behind her was the front door to her apartment.

Now, had things been ‘normal’ it would have simply lead to the hallway and to the other front doors of the other appartments on her floor.

However, all pretense of ‘normal’ had been lost the moment she had woken up in the Castle of Two Sisters and before Twilight Sparkle.

“Merlin,” she began quietly. “That door lead me into the middle of a war zone last time… is it trustworthy?”

"That door leads to many places," the old wizard smiled at her patiently. "Try it once more."

Despite the hesitation she felt, Shining Starlight slowly trotted over to the door and opened it with her magic… only to revealing a bright, blinding white light right before her.

She instinctively shielded her eyes out of reflex as the light began to consume her vision and possible blind her… yet she soon saw a distant yet unrecognizable figure amidst the blinding light.

She tried to call out to the figure, to get some answers as to what was going on and what it all meant… but she couldn’t speak for she heard a voice: a familiar, loving and caring voice speak out.

“We thank thee for the sacrifice thou art about to make: thou hast sacrificed yee future… to grant them theirs.”

And then…



Starlight woke up feeling more refreshed than she had been in… years it felt like. Her eyes were unfocused and lazy as she simply stared at the same white ceiling in the field hospital. She felt… warm inside; like something great and wonderful had been allowed within her.

Her eyes drooped as her mind dimly realized that she hadn’t felt like this before… not once…

"Dr. Care, she's awake again!" Dew Drop’s voice spoke up, causing her to come back to her full senses. A moment later, Dr. Tender Care appeared, having entered Starlight’s vision with a concerned frown.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

“I… I don’t know,” she said quietly, her eyes wide and full of shock. “I just… I just have no idea…”

“Well, you’ve been out for a few days,” Care said. “We were worried it might be a coma, but it seems you’ve come out of it quickly enough.”

Starlight gave no response; she was still caught up within what she had experienced and all the questions that were still apparent before her.

What had happened to her?

What did Merlin mean?

Who was that figure amidst the blinding light?

Was that S-Celestia? Why her though? It didn’t make any sense.

“Doc’s got some news for you, too,” Dew Drop said, distracting Starlight from her thoughts. “Tell her, Doc!”

“I called in an expert on the human case of magical burnout,” Tender Care said. “I think he might well be helpful in this case.”

“Oh,” Starlight said, blinking, “What’s his name?”

“That… would be a rather complicated question to answer,” Tender Care said delicately. “In any case, he should be arriving in the next two days. His schedule is rather… hectic.”

“I see…” Starlight paused, processing it. “So, did anything happen to me while I was out?”

“Well,” Dew Drop grinned, “we won the battle of London!”

Starlight blinked slowly. “...There was a battle here?”

“London’s quite far away,” Tender Care said gently. “In fact, I’m having to travel there in a few days. Military operation, can’t be helped. But there was quite a battle going on - by all accounts, it was a rather crushing blow to the Solaminan forces. Several commanders killed, including…”

“Pinkie bucking Pie, dead as a doornail!” Dew Drop crowed. “Ha, we’ll win this thing yet!”

“P-Pinkie Pie?” Starlight repeated, her mind was knotted - Pinkamena Diane Pie is the Element of Laughter; apparently it was thanks to her that the Parasprites were sent out of Ponyville… although her specific sense has been a rather interesting thing. The mere possibilities of what it can do are endless and it was quite sad that a simple party planner died like that… why would Solamina have the Elements of Harmony fight in this war?

Starlight looked to the two other mares.

“So I take it Twilight Sparkle is the only Element of Harmony left?” Starlight asked, curiosity present.

“Elements of Order,” Tender Care corrected, frowning. “Dear, are you alright? Dew Drop told me you thought New Manehatten had been up for four years…”

“I honestly don’t know,” Starlight looked down on her hooves. “Nothing makes any sense…” She trailed off, muttering, “what did he mean? What am I missing?”

“What did who mean?” Dew Drop asked. “You’re not makin’ much sense, sister.”

Starlight sighed. “You won't believe this.”

“Try us,” Dew Drop said. Starlight shrugged.

“Ok.” She took a breath, this would take some explaining.

“While I was out I had a dream - I was in my Manehatten apartment that shouldn’t exist except this time there was some human guy there while trying to be Starswirl the Bearded.” Starlight explained, “He kept speaking in these half riddles - said that there is something I already know, and that I’m far older than what Twilight saw from my ‘dream data’ before she tried to slice my head open.”

Starlight then paused, frowning - it all sounded rather ridiculous when you say it out loud to someone. “Last thing was that behind the front door… I… I got caught in this blinding light and saw somepony there; couldn’t make out who it was though.”

She looked away slightly, contemplating what she was about to say next, “I also heard this voice too: it sounded like… well… Celestia. Not Solamina, but honest to Faust Celestia.” Starlight finished, looking to the two mares before her with a humbled look, “I know this sounds insane, but I’m telling you it’s the truth.”

“Between you and me, love,” a new and accented voice spoke up, “you sound bloody kaka crazy.”

From the doorway, there stepped a yellow Earth Pony stallion, scowling at everypony in the room. He wore a shirt, tie and trenchcoat, all far too large for him really, and had a cigarette in his mouth.

“Mister Hell Blazer!” Tender Care exclaimed, a tad dramatically. “I thought you were due in a few days, and - is that a cigarette?”

“Yes it is,” the pony said sarcastically. “Well done.”

“This is a hospital!” Tender Care shouted, before frowning, “You should not be smoking indoors.”

“Shoot me,” the pony replied. “Anyway, I take it Miss Delusional is our magic burnout case?”

“My name is Shining Starlight, and you’re an Earth Pony,” Starlight pointed out. She then frowned, “No offense… but should you really be the expert in Over Channeling?”

“Well my name is John Constantine,” the yellow pony said with a smirk, “and I don’t know jack shit about ‘over-channeling’ - that’s some Unicorn terminology and I don’t do nag medicine. What I do know about is burnout, and I’m definitely the bloody expert.”

Starlight blinked, suddenly feeling confused, and surprised. “Wait, restart the act - are you a Converted?” She asked

“Well done,” Hell Blazer - Constantine? - said with a slightly annoyed-looking smirk. “What was your first bloody clue, the swearing, or the smoking?”

“To be fair, I was confused about that,” Dew Drop said quietly. Hell Blazer threw her a look before walking up to Starlight and looking her in the eye.

“Ok,” he said, frowning at her. “Preliminaries. Is there blood in your phlegm, piss, shit or other bodily excretions?”

“Uh…. no…?” Starlight responded slowly, raising an eyebrow.

“Great, cool,” Hell Blazer said. “Any unexplained dreams, of a violent, erotic or otherwise highly emotionally charged nature?”

“Is knowing that… important?” Starlight asked equally as slowly as her last response.

“Nope, I just like fuckin’ with people,” Hell Blazer said with a slightly nasty grins “On a more serious note. Unexplained weakness? Headaches? Nausea?”

“Well, my chronic snout bleeding has returned for some reason,” Starlight answered, frowning at him. She wasn't sure she liked this Converted much. “Also I’ve been suffering from horrible headaches that has caused me to collapse more than once.”

“Ok, that sounds promising,” Hell Blazer said, nodding to himself. “Ok - big one. Do these headaches and other things get exacerbated by using your magic?”

“Well, I don’t know.” Starlight answered, confused. “They would come out of nowhere, I haven’t been able to use any of my magic recently.”

“Your horn glowed last time you had a fit,” Dew Drop added.

“Huh,” Hell Blazer said. “That’s… fuck. Here, Care, is that normal?”

“This is all far beyond my experience,” Tender Care admitted.

“Ok,” Hell Blazer said, frowning again. “What about these dreams of yours? Anything I should hear?”

“Ummm, well the last two dreams were really weird. The first one was with me being roommates with Twilight Sparkle before she went back to talking about cutting my head open.” Starlight explained, “after running away from her, I went outside before winding up in Canterlot during some… war zone: it was a big battle with zeppelins and explosions everywhere - heck even Solamina and some biped were fighting in the skies. It was crazy.”

Hell Blazer raised an eyebrow. “He happen to be wearing armour?”

“…Yes, it was silver armor. Was pretty hard to miss despite everything.” Starlight said simply

“Huh,” Hell Blazer said. “Ok, what about this other dream? One where the Queen Bitch Nag wasn’t a Queen Bitch Nag?”

“Well actually first I was with this old human man; he kept talking weird.” Starlight corrected before frowning, “I felt like I was talking to Discord since he kept speaking in half riddles. Though for some reason he looked like a wannabe Starswirl the Bearded - he even had this long beard on him.”

Hell Blazer’s eyes widened. “What was his name?”

What was it again? Starlight privately thought for a moment, as she began to cycle through the conversation she had with him. My-r-lin? Mu-ld-wych? No, he went by something specific…

It then dawned on her.

“Merlin I think,” Starlight answered after a seemingly long moment before coking her head slightly. “Why? Is he some famous Archmage?”

“He ain’t no fuckin’ Archmage,” Hell Blazer said. “He’d tear any of ‘em apart. And you’ve never heard of him before this dream? Not even in passing?”

She shook her head, feeling even more confused now than before.

“Ah, hell,” Hell Blazer said. “And me without havin’ the Doctor on hand. Well, that does it then - you’ll have to come with me.”

“Wait, what?” Starlight asked, her eyes wide.

“She ain’t going anywhere without me!” Dew Drop said. “Not bucking happening!”

“Fine, whatever,” Hell Blazer said. “But you have to come with me. You might have just saved the human race.”

Starlight was about to object - to say something about the fact that she isn’t anypony special and would like to know why she has to go with him.

But, buck it - nothing has made sense these past few days and she didn’t care anymore. “Can you at least tell me how or why I’m saving humanity? Please?” She asked quietly

“You need a reason to save a species?” Hell Blazer asked with a frown.

“I just… I just don’t know anymore alright,” She hung her head, feeling lost. “Could you at least tell me why I’m so special in this case?”

“You talked to Merlin, love,” Hell Blazer said. “That means he’s around, and that means we can get his advice!”

“Sir,” Tender Care said, “there’s one more thing.”

Before Hell Blazer could ask what she meant, there was a rumbling from outside.

“Now what?” He growled.

There was suddenly an alarm blaring from outside, as well as shouting and yelling.

“W-What’s going on?” Starlight asked, afraid. “Is this an attack?”

“Might be,” Hell Blazer said. “Best you stay here. Tender Care…”

“I already know where my duty station is,” the doctor said, rushing out.

“I haven’t joined up yet,” Dew Drop said. “Should I wait here?”

“Might be best,” Hell Blazer said. “I might be able to help, so I’ll go join the defences outside. Keep your mate,” and here he pointed at Starlight, “safe. Even if I don’t make it, she has to make it to Doctor Hooves at the Leeds Royal Armouries.”

Starlight’s face turned scarlet with embarrassment, “I’m not into mares!” She yelled at the Convie

“What?” Hell Blazer asked, confused. “I never said you were.”

“You called me Dew Drop’s mate!”

“Yeah,” Hell Blazer said, frowning. “Mate. Compadre. Friend. Amigo. Pal. Chum. You know?”

There was the sound of an explosion from outside.

“Ah, shite,” he said. “Whatever, gotta go - don’t have too much fun without me!”

He ran out, leaving the two mares alone.

Starlight just sat in her bed while still embarrassed over being called a mate… even if it was slang for friend. She hasn’t know Dew Drop for even a month yet!

“Well,” Dew Drop said, smirking. “I wouldn’t object...”

“N-not now… please Dew Drop,” She said simply, pale over things. “Just, not now. Please.”

“Hey, don’t look so worried, sister,” Dew Drop said. “Chances are it’s not more than a squad o’ overzealous Convies thinkin’ to ‘teach the humans a lesson’. They’ll be dead in a few minutes and then Pony Bob’s yer uncle.”

“Y-you sure?” Starlight asked, “I think Twilight might know I’m here and… use something more grander than just converted.” She said, worried. “Maybe, I don’t know, Archmagi or something just as dangerous.”

“What could she possibly have sent in a raid?” Dew Drop scoffed.