Love as sweet as music

by Toxic Charm

First published

After a relationship ending and losing a job our maim character drinks his problems away and wishes for a new world...little did he know the wish would come true

Woah new fic!

Yep new story! As a warning there is t be clop in the future, but this wont be my normal BDSM clop fic, this will be a full romance between a human and octavia.

The story starts off with our human "William Matthews" having a bad luck day. But,his luck changed when he wakes up in equestria and walks in a tavern full of ponies...

Chapter one: I am William Matthews...

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I wake up in my boxers and smile as I sit up in bed and take a long stretch. The feeling of my muscles stretching felt like sweet relief.

I yawn and sit up in bed and pop my knuckles before walking out of my room through my small apartment to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast.

It isn't the greatest, just a T.V.,a playstation, and a couch with a old wooden table infront of it for magic the gathering to be played on, worn from the amount of drinks its held and the ammount of times its had dice rolled on it.

"Today is the day, Today is the day I ' William Matthews' Propose to 'Veronica Smith.' I open my to my fridge containing; orange juice,eggs, and some cuts of meat and cheese.

I grab myself the eggs and juice ready to cook some eggs as I rehearse the entire plan in my head;

"First, as soon as I finish my shift at the comic shop i'll call the outdoor shop and pick up the boat I had been saving up for the past few months.

Drop it off at our little romantic spot at the lake.

Pick up our favorite rum.

Get the ring I had been saving for, a nice white gold band and two carret diamonds.

Pick her up, and take her to said spot, surprise her with the boat.

Get in said boat and look up at the stars drinking under the soft glow of the night and pop the question, then after she says yes take off in the boat enjoying the rest of the night."

I smile and snap back into reality as I notice me over pouring my drink in the glass. "Ah shit." I muttered as I stopped and grabbed a towel to clean my mess. I had been dozing off into fantasy ever since a few months ago when I wanted to propose to the girl of my dreams, she was the perfect girl. Perfect blue eyes, Long black hair, a slender body but not to thin, pale skin,funny,cute, and charming. She was in my mind twenty four seven for the past two years. She was my world, she was my reason to wake up in the morning, the only person who cares about me in life.

And everyday I wondered, what I did to get such a lovely woman. Looking at me I'm not much, Tall, Thin almost to the point of boney , long brown hair, and brown eyes, and a very pale complexion. And everyday I'm grateful to be with her.

I quickly eat my breakfast smiling practicing what I'll say to her;

"Veronica, I love you, you have been there for me ever since I lost my grandfather a couple years back, you must have had to have to deal with me for a while, he was there for me since my parents died in a car crash when I was three.

You have been there when I had no one else to turn too, you have cared about me as much as I've cared about you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you..." As I take my last bite of eggs I softly whisper. "Yeah, that's when I pull out the ring."

I clean my dishes and get my homer simpson shirt and and jeans and dash out to my old beat up pickup to drive to work. After my long shift is over I hear my boss call me to the back room, to which I recived the bad news.

My boss sighed. "Hey Jacob, I um...I don't know how to tell you this but with having seven members of the staff the shop has been losing some money...I-I have to make cut backs so this will be your last day..." he muttered.

I stood there frozen. "Cut backs? You're going to really fire me and everyone?" I asked shocked.

"Not everyone...just the ones not exactly..." He paused for a moment trying to think of how to put this. "Not exactly the ones that are as quite as you, you creep out the customers." He said bluntly.

I grumble. "Are you kidding me? I creep them out?!" I say getting annoyed.

"Look, Just go home and cool off." He ordered pointing at the door. "I have to close up." He stated as I turned away and walked out.

"Minor bump...thats' all it is..." I sigh as I get in my car and start my plan to propose.

I get the boat and everything in place before I pickup Veronica and slide the ring box in my left pocket. She stood in front of her house in her skirt and black t-shirt. A black hummer in the driveway.

"Hey babe, how are you?" I ask smiling as I pull up next to her.

"Hey Will..." she said as she walked to the driver window.

"Well? Hop in! We can go to our little spot, i have a surprise." I say happily.

"Look...Will we have to talk..." she said with a expressionless face, I felt time froze as I felt terrified of that sentence.

"It's not working out, I mean all you do is work in a comic shop, text me and keep hanging out with me, and when we do hang out you keep talking about that geeky crap, and I can't take it anymore..."

"W-what do you mean? I mean I thought..." I uttered out before hearing her house door open.

"Hey babe you coming back in?" I hear a voice call out.

"Yeah...I'm done talking too will hun..." she said before coldly turning and walking back into the house. I sat there frozen as I see man tall,well built, in a tank tap slap her backside playfully with her giggling to it. "Stop that! Wait for after dinner mister!" I hear her playfully scorn as the door slowly closes.

I sat there for what felt like eternity before speeding off sobbing in my truck on the way to the boat.

Next thing I know I'm on the boat staring at the dark sky through tears, clutching the half empty rum bottle. "I-I don't need her...I don't need anyone...I wish I could vanish out of this world to any caring world" I mutter as lighting cracks. I take another hearty swig of my rum as I feel raindrops pepper my face before I black out.

Chapter two: The Mare Named 'Octavia'

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I feel a wave crash and bumb the boat making me jolt awake in the early morning's dusk,my now dark blue homer shirt wet and clinging to my chest My head felt like it was ready to explode from the hangover due to the night before of drowning my sorrows, I felt sick to my stomach. "Ehh, The boats rocking isn't helping...wait...rocking?" I mutter to myself before snapping up on my feet and going to the edge of the boat to see I was surrounded by water. "What the hell? How did I get out here? This isn't the lake?" I question myself wondering if this was the lake and if I just got turnef around.

"M-must be due to last nights storm or something." I mutter remembering the rain before I blacked out. I get to the wheel and flick on the motor,relived to hear it still running I went off to locate any land.

After what felt like a couple hours no land was in sight as I sit back in my seat hopeing to see the trees from the lake peak over the horizen. After a while more I sighed and looked through my storage hoping I packed food, I didn't.

"Damn it!" I grumble slamming the case shut. "Oh I just had to sink money into this damn boat, and this damn forsaken ring!" I say as I sit on the floor of the boat. "Oh, it's not working out, let me go fuck some douchè!" I mimic in a high voice angerly.

I sigh and dropping my head. "First fired, then cheated on/broke up with, now in the middle of a lake or something lost with no food and no means of contacting anyone..." I mutter before hearing the engine die. "And out of gas....COME ON GIVE ME A BREAK!" I yell to the heavens. I place my hands over my face wondering what I did to deserve this.

I sat on the boat,drifting with where ever the waves take me. I feel the a sudden bumb as i feel the boat hit something lightly. I peak over the edge and juml up happy for what I see. "YES! Finally a dock!" I happily yell as I quickly grab some rope and tie the boat off and hope onto the wooden dock. I look up to see all the buildings and crates, ahead was a city with tall buildings that tickled the neather regions of the heavens.

"...what the hell?" I asked confused as to if I'm dreaming or if there was a city on the other side of the lake. I shake off all those thoughts as I hear my stomach growl at me begging for food.

I start walking towards the city glancing around surprised to see no one in site, even if its early in the morning I would have seen Someone. I spy a small building lit by neon lights above the stairwell to the door leading to this dive saying; 'Best hay burgers!'And 'Apple Jack's Cider in stock!'

"Hay burgers? Must be slang for something..." I say as I slowly walk down the stairs and approach the heavy wooden door.

The sound of soft music pentrated through the door, a soft tone of a cello and a female with a posh british accent singing, it sounded...elegant. "what kind of place has music like this?" I ask myself as I place my hand on the brass door knob and turned it slowly as I pushed the door with all my strength, wincing all the way.

"What the hay is that?" I hear a drunk slur. I open my eyes to see a bar full of patrons...but not human, all in the room were ponies, all a different color, some red,some green,some blue,etc.

I stood there and looked around more shocked to see some were unicorns and pegasi, and a grey pony wearing a pink bowtie with a purple music note on her flank staring at me wide eyed (as was everypony else) holding the cello and its bow.

"Uh...ok where's aschton kutcher?" I say nervously laughing.

"Who the hay is that? -hic-" a magenta pony asked drinking out of a wine glass.

"Y-you just talked!?" I inquired shocked.

"We all kinda do,bub." A burly stallion stated as he took a swig out of a mug.

"I've gotta stop drinking..." I think. "So...uh...where am I?" I asked.

"The stumblin stallion, In manehatten, the greatest city in all of equestria!" The magenta pony said as she fell off her seat.

"M-manehatten?equestria? Uh....that still in North America?" I asked concerned.

"North where?" The stallion asked.

I froze. "W-whaaa?" I try to ask before I feel my knees get weak, my body figured it out before I did, I was in a new world, a world of brightly colored talking ponies.

The next thing I knew I fainted from shock and woke up on a hard wooden floor surrounded by said ponies. "You ok,sir?" Asked the gray pony.

I sit up pale as a sheet. "Y-yeah...I-I just need fresh air..." I softly utter trying to stand up.

"Sir, please sit for a bit at least!" She insisted as she gently nudged me to a chair.

"Octavia, if the...uh...thing, wants to leave let him, I don't need him in the bar." He said gruffly.

"He is obvoiusly lost and confused! Let him sit for a while." She demanded glaring at him.

He shook his head and pointed his hoof at the door. "Animals go outside,no execption."

"Fine, then i'll leave too!" She yelled at him as he shrugged. "Come on sir lets get out of here." She said to me picking up her cello case in her teeth and stomping out angerly.

I stand there shocked and quickly follow her out. "Uh...thanks miss...?" I asked curiously.

She put the case down and looked at me with her purple eyes. "You may call me octavia, and what is your name sir?" She asked presenting her hoof.

"W-Willaim Willaim Matthews." I introduce myself as I shake her hoof.

"Very good name." She said smiling before going back to her cello case.

"You want me to carry that?" I asked approaching the case.

"Yes,thank you sir, such a gentlecolt." She said as I picked it up in my hand.

"That's a odd way to carry it? Oh well, how about we go and drop that off at my hotel room? We can probably talk more over brunch?" She asked sweetly.

"Yeah, sounds good to me I suppose..." I answer as I start walking with her, The mare named 'Octavia'.