Lay Me to Sleep

by SilverMuse

First published

Since the defeat of Nightmare Moon, Luna has found friends, family, and a home. Yet, something still seems to be missing. Little does she know Discord might have the answer to both their problems.

On a bright, starlit night, Luna finds herself alone on her balcony. As she contemplates the loneliness that plagues her heart, a certain Draconequus appears to her. She thinks he's only there to poke fun at her, but his offer is just too good to pass up.

Lay Me to Sleep

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Silver stars bedazzled the midnight sky, shedding twinkling light across Equestria. The moon, in all her glory, rested amongst miniscule wafting clouds. Constellations shimmered, and all the night was alive with Princess Luna’s glory.

Yet no pony was awake to see it.

Luna draped her hooves over her balcony and heaved a sigh. There was supposed to be a star shower tonight, but she hardly felt the desire to bestow her beautiful craft upon such selfish ponies. Hers were bitter thoughts of the past, but she could not let them go easily, nor the loneliness that plagued her heart. She’d been back on Equestria for a few years now, long enough to see a princess wed a guard, a unicorn become an alicorn, and a monster nearly destroy them all.

Luna had witnessed so many battles and excitement, and yet something was still amiss. Walking ponies’ dreams was pleasant enough, and some did stay awake to witness her night, but while husbands and wives snuggled together in their beds, Luna was left alone. Even Celestia couldn’t ease her heart since the sun princess too had her duties.

“It’s hardly fair,” she mumbled to herself. “I cannot deny I am jealous of Celestia, but not in the same way as before. I do have ponies who love and worship me now, I realize that, but I don’t have any to comfort me on nights like this. Celestia has but to wave her hoof and our loyal subjects run to her. And when she is truly lonely, Twilight Sparkle is there to comfort her.”

“Do you always monologue to yourself, Princess?” a voice asked below her.

Luna jumped in fright and scrambled back, her horn alight. She flared her wings and narrowed glowing eyes. “Who dares to enter my chamber?!” she shouted.

Two horns, both quite different from each other, poked over her balcony followed by the familiar gray-furred face of the last creature she hoped to see tonight. The Draconequus rose on a puffy white cloud, wearing an angelic halo while running his claws along a harp. “No one but a guardian angel, your majesty,” he said sweetly.

Luna snorted and sat back on her haunches. “Discord,” she grumbled. “And what, pray tell, has made me your most unwilling victim this night?”

“So rude!” Discord exclaimed. He snapped his claws and the cloud disappeared, but he did not fall. Instead, he dropped down onto her railing lightly, a black umbrella softening his fall, and started to pace. “I come all this way to check up on two of my favorite princesses and you treat me like a heathen? Who, pray tell, is the rude one?”

“I have no time for this.” Luna waved her hoof and rose. “I bid you goodnight.”

“And here I thought you were tired of being alone.”

Luna paused halfway to the door. She slowly turned, her blue mane floating around her face. Discord watched her with familiar golden and red eyes, but there was something there she wasn’t used to seeing. Normally he was so full of trickery and deceit. Tonight, however, there was a knowing glint that gave her pause. She glanced over her shoulder then back at him with a frown. “And what care you about my loneliness?”

“Let’s just say I understand the way you feel, Princess.”


“Oh?” Discord laughed and hopped down. He wound his red tail around her and jerked her close, causing her to cry out in surprise. “You were stuck on the moon for 1,000 years, able to move, able to fly. Guess where I was? In stone, thanks to you and your sister.” He dropped her and poked her in the nose. “There was hardly a parade upon my return. In fact, my warm welcome was to be turned to stone again! And yet you’re the one who feels alone.”

Luna watched him as he slithered around her, his tail flicking with agitation. It was odd to see Discord like this. Where were his tricks and his laughter? She thought of his words and couldn’t help but to admit he was right. He too knew the sting of loneliness. Hadn’t he once said that he could hear everything while stuck in that stone prison? The world went on around him while he was trapped in time, just like Luna.

She bowed her head sheepishly and tucked her mane behind her ear. “I suppose you have a point. How did you overcome the pain?”

Discord chuckled and flapped his purple and blue wings. “My dear, I think our little pony friends have stated it more times than I care to count.”

Luna flicked an ear. “Friendship is magic?”

“Bingo.” He winked. “I have…some friends now, and I think I would count Fluttershy at the top of my list. And you do too, if I’m not mistaken, or do you just enjoy Twilight because of her Star Swirl cosplay?” He stroked his white beard. “You know, I have considered turning into that old smart mouthed stallion just to see the look on dear-” his face suddenly shifted into Shining Armor’s. “Twily’s face.” With a shake of his head, his visage returned to normal.

Luna sighed and rested her chin on the railing again. “Yes, we both have friends, but then why do I feel like something is missing?”

“Are you that daft?” Discord guffawed. He floated over to her side and hung upside down, his red eyes meeting hers. “Since your return you’ve found your sister, your home, and your friends. But what haven’t you had since before you were banished?”

Luna thought long and hard, but her mind kept drawing a blank. “I…don’t know.”

Discord gave her a deadpan look. He slapped his rooster claws to his face and rolled his eyes. “Don’t make me sing it.”

“Sing it? Sing what?”

Discord sighed loudly and shifted into the form of a brown and tan pony with green eyes and a guitar cutie mark on his rump. He slicked back his mane and winked, singing, “Come on little mare, you better shake that plot.”

“WHAT!” Luna exploded. She jerked up, her wings shooting out in shock.

Discord shifted back and chuckled. “Why do you look so surprised, Luna? There’s no shame in it. Why, creatures like me quite like to have—”

“Stop!” Luna cried, horrified. “I don’t need, I mean…what are you…I…Oh, Discord!” she cried.

Discord fanned his blushing face. “My, my, already shouting my name, are we?”

“Stop it!” Luna stomped her hoof down. Lightning flashed behind her. “That is quite enough. I don’t know what you’re implying—”

“Yes you do, otherwise you wouldn’t be getting so upset.” Discord rolled his eyes and reached out, catching Luna’s chin before she could pull away. “Look, let me be frank. I miss being with somepony as well. Celestia and I are…well, a thing of the past, and I don’t think that fire can be rekindled. You lost your lover, long ago. We’re both lonely. We’re both evidently yearning. Why not give in for one night?”

Luna tugged on his hold and freed her mouth, though she felt her cheeks go a bit red in the struggle. “Because the very notion of doing a one-night-stand with you makes me sick.”

Discord smirked. “I could turn into Sombra if you wanted.”


The Canterlot voice flung Discord off of the balcony. Luna thought that might be the end of it, but the Draconequus was relentless. He reappeared in front of her and put his paws on his hips. For a moment, the laughter vanished and he sighed. “Princess, this is my way. This is how I flirt, and not every pony seems to realize it. I am being honest with you right now…odd as that may seem. I’m lonely, you’re lonely…we’re both pining for what we lost. We can’t go on like that. I’m not asking for commitment or devotion or anything. I’m just asking for one night…with you.” He spread out his paws to her. “I want to help you as much as I want to help myself. The sadder you are, the more beautiful your stars appear, and I can tell you that tonight is the most brilliant evening I have seen in Equestria in centuries.”

Luna blinked in surprise. “You…admire my night?” she asked.

Discord smiled. “I do. I think you try to make it more gorgeous, hoping a handsome stud like me comes along to sweep you off of your hooves.”

Luna looked skyward, exasperated. “Forgive me if I withhold my enthusiasm.” Still, it warmed her heart that Discord had noticed her distress. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and swished her tail slowly, thinking. “And…what would you propose if we were to…eh hem, spend a night together?”

Discord’s donkey ears shot up, and he grinned hopefully. “Whatever you would like, Princess.” He bowed low to her. “Your wish is my command.”

Luna considered him a moment. Celestia would never let her live this down if she found out…but then, Tia didn’t have to discover the truth. “I want…” she started then hesitated. What did she want? She had been with a stallion before, of course, but it had been tender and sweet, and she didn’t exactly desire that this time. “I…”

“Might I try something?” Discord asked.

Luna frowned and gave a reluctant nod.

Smirking, Discord snapped his claws. The dark vines that had once attacked Ponyville suddenly sprang up and wrapped around her. Luna gasped, the cords locking her hooves together. One pinned her wings to her sides, and another slithered up towards her mouth.

“Discord! What are-mmph!” she cried out as it gagged her fiercely. She struggled in the bonds, but as she did so, she felt a tightness form in her nether region. It wasn’t painful…no, it was enticing. She grunted into the makeshift gag and lifted an eyebrow in question to him.

Discord tapped his chin. “Uh huh, I thought so. I thought I felt someone squirming in my vines when you and Celestia were captured.”

Luna gave an indignant squeak.

With a chuckle, Discord loosed the bonds and set her gently on the ground. “It seems to me, Princess, that as mighty and powerful as you are, you like to play the damsel as well.” He leaned forward and lifted her chin with his claw. “I can play that game.”

Luna swallowed hard, a bead of sweat rolling down her cheek. She pressed her hind legs together a bit more as she felt the warmth grow between them. “I…” She could only imagine how red her cheeks must be. “If I tell you to stop, you have to stop.”

“Of course.”

“And…and, you can’t hurt me. You can’t leave any marks on my body.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

“If anypony comes to the door, you vanish instantly and unbind me, understand?”

“Loud and clear.”

Luna breathed in slowly and bit her lip. She looked up at him between her mane, her bright blue eyes shining. “You’ll be gentle?” she asked.

Discord crouched lower and pressed his muzzle tenderly to her ear. “As gentle as you want me to be. I’m at your service, Princess.”

Luna blushed crimson. With a deep sigh, she turned on her hoof and walked into her bedroom. “Come, then.” Once Discord followed, Luna locked the window to her balcony. She did the same to the door then cast a silencing spell on the room so nopony would hear her and Discord. She went to her bed and sat down then looked up at him nervously. She hadn’t done this for 1,000 years. What if she was rusty? What if he laughed?

Discord lowered himself in front of her and started to kiss her neck first. “We’ll go slow,” he promised, his kisses going up her neck and to her ear. “Don’t let me push you too hard, Luna.” He closed his teeth around her ear and started to nibble.

Luna sucked in a breath and turned her head towards him, catching his muzzle in a deep kiss. Their mouths moved together, his serpent tongue sliding into hers. The unfamiliar feeling made her giggle at first, but slowly it turned more sensual, and she found herself moaning softly into his mouth. His paw touched her chest and he pushed her down onto the bed. She moved back to give him more room and ran her hoof along his cheek, feeling odd sensations course through her body. It had been so long, she almost didn’t recognize the desire that fluttered inside of her.

Discord pulled back with a smile, his eyes glinting in the darkness. “Should I add a little fun?”

“Yes,” Luna said without hesitation.

Discord winked and conjured nylon rope in his paws. He wrapped them around her front hooves and tied them to the head of her bed. The bonds were tight but wouldn’t leave marks for long. Discord kissed her again and trailed them down her throat, her belly, and to her warmth below. Luna gasped as his tongue slipped inside of her, drinking in her moisture.

“Ohhhh,” she groaned, her head tilting back against her bound forelegs.

Discord slid his mouth out of her and tied her hind hooves next. These he bound a little more firmly, but the nylon rope didn’t hurt her, for which she was thankful. He slid her hoof shoes off and put them on the ground then took her tiara and necklace from her, setting them off to the side. The kisses resumed, but he went down to her warmth much faster than before. His nose pressed in more and he licked her folds, creating more dampness. She pulled on the leg bonds, but there was nothing she could do.

“Oh, Discord…I…yes…yes!”

Discord continued licking her, but as her announced pleasure grew louder, he looked up at her with a sly glint in his eyes “If you keep making noise, I might have to gag you. You said you didn’t want your sister to find out, correct?”

“I put a—” Luna started to say but stopped herself. She remembered how it had felt to be gagged on the balcony. Her stomach twisted with excitement and she batted her eyes at him. “You’re right. We certainly wouldn’t want Tia to find out. But if you keep doing that, I’ll moan, and scream, and then all of our fun will be ruined.”

Discord’s eyebrows shot up and he chuckled sinisterly. He crawled along her body, his paw slipping down to rub and stimulate her further until her mouth popped open in a silent gasp. “Is that so? I have a remedy for that.” He closed his mouth around hers and kissed her harder this time, his middle digit moving to play with her clit. Luna moaned louder and struggled in the bonds, but it was no use. He had her firmly trapped.

Discord’s tail snaked down to the side of the bed and pulled up leather straps attached to a blue ball. Luna looked at it in surprise and tried to speak into his mouth, but he just kissed her harder and brought the gag over. With a wink, he pulled back and lifted her chin. “You’re being far too noisy.”

Luna took that as a challenge and clamped her muzzle shut, a sly smile creeping onto her lips.

Discord laughed. “The lady doth protest! I think not.” He slid his digit between her folds and tickled her clit again. Luna couldn’t hold back the cry of pleasure, and he shoved the ballgag into her muzzle. The ball slid past her teeth, and she grunted as Discord worked to buckle the straps behind her head. He moved her celestial mane so it wouldn’t get tangled and kissed her gagged lips.

From there, he dipped back down to kiss and pleasure her sensitive folds. Luna moaned and threw her head back, her warmth growing greater until she felt juices flow down her flesh and into Discord’s mouth. He licked his lips loudly and looked up at her between her partially raised legs.

“Tasty,” he purred. He pulled himself up and focused on her neck once more, going so far as to nibble at her throat with his teeth. He reached down, and when she expected him to start massaging her once more, he instead pulled out his member from his scaled folds. Luna watched and gasped into the gag at the size of it. It was huge! And long…She started to panic at first, but Discord stroked her cheek with the back of his paw and kissed her. “I’ll go slowly. You’re lubricated enough it shouldn’t hurt as much. Do you trust me?”

Luna arched an eyebrow at him. What a question…Nevertheless, she nodded and tilted her head back, preparing for the pain.

Discord nuzzled her and lowered himself to her chest. He kept kissing and running his paws along her body until suddenly, she felt his member start to slide into her. She tensed up, and Discord instantly nibbled on her ear, which brought so much delight. “No, no, don’t tighten up. Easy, Luna, easy.”

Luna tried to follow his suggestions and she relaxed her body a bit. She felt him push further and further in, until a pleasant tightness formed in her belly. She sucked in a breath, her legs moving to stop or increase her arousal, she couldn’t tell. Discord slid the rest of the way in then came out a little, then in again. He began to pump against her, filling her with him. He grunted with exertion, his paws moving to grip her waist.

Back and forth, back and forth he pumped, and Luna felt her body move with the flow of their sexual dance. Her back arched off of the bed, and for a brief moment there was a stab of ecstasy before her body released, and she screamed into the gag. Juices exploded in and outside of her as both she and Discord shouted at their climax. Luna fell back in the bonds, panting. Discord collapsed on top of her, his long body stretching from her head down to the floor. He rested his head on her chest and played with her mane gently.

“I’ve missed that…” he whispered.

Luna lowered her head and nuzzled him as best as she could, unable to speak to him. Discord reached up and removed the gag gently. She worked her mouth loose and swallowed. “Me too.”

Slowly, the nylon ropes untied themselves and lowered Luna onto the bed. Discord climbed up and wrapped himself around her gently before magiking a blanket on top of both of them to stave off the chill. Luna snuggled up to his chest and closed her eyes as he wrapped his arms around her. They lay there silently for a long time while Luna processed what had just happened.

Did she feel guilty about having sex with Discord? No. But there was a strange needling in her heart that hurt her. She looked down at his paws and realized she wished black hooves were wrapped around her instead. Not just that, she wanted somepony else to be holding her instead, but that wasn’t possible. The dead couldn’t comfort her.

Tears stung her blue eyes and she sniffed.

“Luna?” Discord asked in concern and brushed her mane out of her face. “Did I hurt you?”

“No, no, I just…I miss….” Her voice trailed off and she pressed her hoof to her face.

Discord ran his talons through her mane soothingly. “I know, Princess. I miss my love too. But, at least we had the chance to release ourselves. We might have been two damned creatures in Equestria, but we’ve both been reformed, and we both have a life out there, waiting for us.”

“Then why does it hurt so badly?” Luna wept.

“Because we both have a hard time of letting the past go,” Discord replied and rested his cheek against hers. “It’s why I joke so much. I’m the master of chaos, so of course I’m a bit screwy in the head. But laughter, jokes, insanity…it helps hide the pain in my heart. You use the stars to express your sorrow. Both of us have been searching for release, but haven’t found it in anypony. Either we’re still feared, or nopony else realizes what we have gone through. I needed this tonight as much as you did. We are friends, and we don’t have to worry about either of our hearts getting broken by the other. We just needed…relief from the pain.”

It was as he spoke that Luna realized that she really trusted him. She rolled over to look up at him and found his red and gold eyes just as misty as her own. She kissed his muzzle sweetly and tucked her head under his chin. “Stay with me tonight?”

“Aren’t you afraid of Celestia walking in on us?”

“Let her…She told me to find ways to heal. Well, this is how I’m going to start healing.” She snuggled her face into his warm, brown fur and sighed. “You know…I wouldn’t be opposed to doing this again.”

Discord’s deep, quiet laughter vibrated through his chest and against her cheek. “Me neither, Princess. Me neither.” As his body tightened pleasantly around hers, he held her close. “Goodnight, dear Princess.”

“Goodnight, Discord,” Luna whispered and drifted off to sleep.