Cooling the Stone

by Java Joe

First published

Maud Pie needs some help from one of her students for some extracurricular exercises.

Maud Pie was known for being a brilliant geologist and every year she chose a student to take with her on a rock hunting expedition. What the student discovers however is that rocks aren't the only hard thing that Maud is looking for.

Chapter 1

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When I signed up for the chance to work with the renowned Equine geologist Maud Pie I figured it would be a feather in my cap. It wasn't often that she requested help from students in fact she had this habit of insisting on working alone. But this time it was different and I jumped at the opportunity. There was the necessary interview and getting time off from my courses but in the end I was chosen over all the other geology and natty sci students.

Two weeks later we're in the middle of nowhere with just rocks around us. That was okay. I was eager to work with her and learn from her but I never expected her to be so... stony. It was like talking to a damn computer. I'd ask her a question and most of the times all I'd get from her was a yes or no answer. At the end of the day instead of pleasant conversation over the campfire, we just sat there in stony silence until one of us got up to say goodnight. That is until the third night we were there.

I had noticed that Maud was acting strangely all day long. Usually she was focused on her rocks but often times I felt like I was being watched. When I would catch her staring, she'd quickly turn her head away. Or those times we were standing together, I'd find her flicking me occasionally with her tail or casually brushing up against me. Yet throughout it all, her expression remained blank and her voice never changed from the bored monotone she used.

After an uncomfortable dinner, where she stared at me throughout the entire time, I had to get away from her and excused myself. Her hand shot out and grabbed me which was mildly startling. I looked down into her turquoise eyes for explanation but her expression hadn't changed. Her grip was like iron, I don't know where this Equine got her strength but she held me fast and it looked like I needed to find out why.

"What's going on Maud? Do you need something?" I asked her.


"Do you need something from me?" I asked trying to get some kind of response to help fill in the gaps.


"Do think you could tell me what it is or are we going to be playing 20 questions?"

She seemed to think for a moment before saying, "I need you to help me with something before I go out of my mind."

I sighed and took a deep breath because sometimes in order to continue you just need to do it. "I'm not in the mood for games. Can you just tell me what it is?"

"Will you help me?" she said, still holding onto my hand.

From the way things looked I felt like I had no choice but to agree so I nodded and said, "sure. I'll help you."

"Good. I am on my estrus and I need you to rut me." With those words she let my hand drop and casually started to remove her clothes. One at a time she removed them, folded them neatly and placed them on the ground. Needless to say I was a little shocked and now that I saw her naked I was more than just a little turned on. It wasn't a secret that Equines preferred human males when the rutting season came around. Part of it was that we couldn't get them pregnant but also there was the stamina factor. An Equine male would usually finish the job before the female had even gotten into it. Humans had a tendency to last a little longer and we also had a reputation for being more caring in bed.

"I've never actually done it with an Equine before especially one in heat. Is there anything specific that I need to do?" I asked more than a little nervous at this. This was completely uncharted territory for me. I know guys that have been with Equines before. I've even seen some pornos where Equines and humans get it on but this was so much more real. Here was an attractive, albeit stony, mare who wanted to fuck and I was acting like some damned virgin. Okay, in a sense I was a virgin when it came to women of this type but you know what I mean.

"No. I need you to copulate with me quickly. I have been using a rock for the past few days but it is insufficient. Please don't make me beg for it, " she said again without emotion. If the situation wasn't so shocking it might have been funny but my mind was more focused on her naked form. When I didn't immediately get down on top of her she held out her arms to me and just said, "please."

Well, how could I ignore such a pretty mare and such an obvious invitation? I removed my clothes, letting them fall where they may and lay down on top. Her arms came about me and I leaned in for a kiss. It was like kissing a rock. Not that she was hard as stone, just as emotional as one.

"There is no need for foreplay. I am sufficiently lubricated, " she said looking me straight in the eyes.

"I like foreplay, " I replied stubbornly. Truth be told Maud might be a cold fish but she had a killer body that I was determined to get to know better. After all it might be my only chance to do so.

"Very well. I've waited this long. I can wait another five minutes." I guess that was about as encouraging as I could expect her to be. Oh well, five minutes exploring her body was still five minutes. I started with her neck and nibbled at that part where it meets the shoulder. I followed this up usually by kissing and nibbling to the earlobe but remembered that Equines had their ears on top of their head when instead of her ear I got a mouthful of her mane.

Kissing my way back down I took a moment to admire her breasts. They were, without a word of exaggeration, amazing. Her skin was a bluish grey with, oddly enough, purple nipples which were currently rock hard and just begging to be kissed. Who was I to ignore such an invitation and gently fastened my lips on one of them while lightly playing with the other one.

"I want you to know that I'm not currently lactating and if that is your intention you will be trying for a long time, " came a bored voice near my ear. I looked up only to find her looking back at me with the same bored expression that she always had. I let her nipple fall from my mouth and again there was no reaction at all. Well that might have killed the mood but I felt it was my mission to get one word. One syllable. One moment where I can say that she enjoyed herself. This was to be my goal but after trying different techniques that never failed me, she still lay there like a stone.

"Dammit Maud! Are you just going to lie there and act like you don't care?" I almost shouted.

"I don't understand. You are helping me with my estrus. The feeling of you inside me is more than adequate to the task at hand. I have peaked twice since we started and will do so again."

"Wait... what? You came twice?"

"Yes I did. I made a sound both times."

Thinking back I did remember her giving a small grunt before but I hardly felt anything. "So you like what we're doing?"

"Yes. I would not be letting you do this to me if I didn't."

"Could you... I don't know... maybe tell me how much you like it? Or maybe warn me when you're going to cum again?" Maud simply nodded and I started thrusting into her again. I was determined to give this mare the best lay of her life. I pulled out all the stops, used every trick in my repertoire when she suddenly spoke up.

"Give it to me. Oh baby. Oh baby, " she said in her usual bored monotone.


"Did you not feel it?" she asked me. "I just peaked. I decided to tell you this time and to use dirty talk. I hope I said it correctly."

"You mean to tell me that that was it?"

"Yes. You are magnificent. Please continue before I go out of my mind."

I didn't know what to do or really how to continue. She was enjoying it in her own way which was totally alien to me. Okay, I'm sure it was totally alien to everybody else she ever slept with, I mean you'd have to either be totally into yourself or totally clueless that the girl you were with just lay there and took it. I mean there are dead fucks and then there's Maud. But on the other hand if I focused on her body and above all her amazing rack it helped a bit. I leaned down and again took a nipple in my mouth. She might not care but I sure did.

"That has not changed, " came the monotone voice close to my ear. But there was something else there, an edge of desire maybe? Or maybe it was just wishful thinking. I continued my explorations of her chest, making sure to explore her other breast as well. This time I did feel something different. When I fastened my lips around it I heard her breath catch for just a moment. This girl was enjoying herself, she just didn't know how or didn't want to let on that she was. Her eyes closed for a moment and she said my name in the same way she had before. I raised my head to kiss her and again, it was like kissing a stone but this time she did open her mouth a bit. Maybe I was getting to her.

Spurred on by this, what could only be called encouragement, I continued to pump into her. Again and again she said my name without emotion and each time it just drove me harder and harder. Each time I plunged into her our hips met with a meaty slap and I knew I was reaching a point of no return.

"Oh yes. Fuck me, " Maud said in her usual tone but I knew at this point that this was her way of begging for it.

"I'm close, " I groaned while trying to hold the floodgates back.

"Yes. Please. Give it to me now, " she replied and with a mighty shout I came inside her, pumping what felt like gallons into her. I collapsed on top of her, sweaty and out of breath. I searched for her lips and then rolled off her when she barely responded. Maud instead stood up, brushed herself off and walked into her tent where she then closed the zipper and obviously went to sleep. A few moments later when I felt my legs could carry me, I stumbled into my own tent and barely made it to my sleeping bag before falling asleep myself.

The next morning I found her inside my tent, once again naked and ready for me. Her reasoning was that since we had a few days she might as well sleep in my tent as it was easier on the both of us in case she needed to rut. I of course agreed whole heartedly before once again mounting her and doing what obviously she had called me up here to do. I guess it wasn't my grades, my desire to learn or anything like that. No, I was obviously chosen to stud for her for the next few days and felt that there were worse ways to spend in the wilderness.

"That was satisfactory, " Maud said after we had finally finished. Three days of frenzied fucking which I knew she liked and the best I could get out of her was that it was "satisfactory"? I rolled over, not wanting to say anything else to her, and immediately fell asleep.

The next morning I was awoken to the site of the camp having been taken down and packed away. Maud herself was sitting on a rock patiently for me to emerge.

"Good morning. I thought you would want to sleep so I went ahead and packed everything up. If you're ready we can head back, " she said before standing up and turning to leave.

I slumped my shoulders in defeat and followed her. We walked back to the train station in complete silence. We sat there without saying a word all the way back home and finally we arrived on campus. I turned to say goodbye and I'd see her in class when I once again felt her iron grip grab my wrist like last time. Turning around I don't know what I expected to see, but Maud's expression hadn't changed one bit except she was just staring at me.

"What? Did I forget something? Do you need something else?"

Maud cocked her head to the side which was possibly the most emotional thing I had seen her do so far. But her ears twitched, she looked at me normally again and said, "thank you". What happened next was surprising however. She came in close and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips before saying, "you rocked my world".