War torn

by Moonshine Wing

First published

An immigrant from Griffonia begins his new life in Ponyville, hoping to escape the horrors of the Griffon/Centaur war.

The great war between Griffons and Centaurs, raging for near a hundred years, has finally come to an end. Many soldiers and warriors are returned home to their old lives, their families.

The same can't be said for Adrian Grey-Feather, whose only surviving relative is his grandfather, Ivan Black-Talon (a legend among the Griffon warriors). At the insistence of his grandfather, he agrees to live in his new house in Ponyville with him and his cousin Gilda, to get away from the horror that was the "War of Falling Feathers."

(Tags likely to change) (Art by anime-lover-chelsea on deviantart) (As I can't have both sad and comedy on the same story, I'm gonna be lazy and add neither. They're there in spirit though)

A new dawn, an old face

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It was still an hour before sunrise, I guess that makes me early. Not that it really makes a difference to me, though. There's a lot I've stopped caring about, but I digress. Judging by the map grandfather sent me, this is it. Ponyville. Such a rustic little town, it's almost cute.

Of course, so were the villages I was ordered to burn.

No, no I can't think like that. We're not at war anymore. It's over.

With a sigh and shakes of my head, I begin my trek to the house indicated on my map. If the size is in comparison to to the other houses, then it must be pretty big. As I walked, I noticed ponies that were already out on the streets, setting up their stalls or on there way to their shops, no doubt. Everyone I pass immediately stops to watch me as I slowly pass by. I imagine I looked a little strange, being pretty tall and wearing a hooded pullover and sweatpants. Despite everyone- sorry, everypony- walking on two legs, they still barely wore clothes, if ever, if what grandfather said was true.

One, a light tan mare with a carrot orange mane, tried to wave to me. Then we locked eyes, and she slowly dropped her hand, looking on in shocked silence. What's with her? What's with everyone here? *sigh*

As I drew closer to the town hall, the sun slowly peaks over the horizon, bathing everything it touched in a soft glow. Thankfully, it also made reading the map a little easier. I have to turn east of the town hall, towards the edge of town.

Just as I turn around, I hear a loud, feminine gasp. Turning even more, my eyes widen as I take in the sight of another Griffon, her white feathers somewhat offset by her brown fur. The feathers around her eyes were a semi dark blue, making her yellow irises seem that much brighter.

"Dude, is that you, Adrian?" The Griffon speaks, sounding surprised. She seems vaguely familiar...

"...Gilda, right?" I ask, doing my best to recall her name.

"Holy shit, it is you!" She exclaims, immediately throwing a taloned arm over my shoulder. "I didn't think you'd get here so soon!" she gives me a cocky smile. Okay, my memory may be horrible, but I know she wasn't this friendly before. I just shrug.

"Anyway, can you help me get to grandfathers house? I'd like to get settled before too many, err, ponies start waking up." I ask, popping my neck.

"Sure, follow me." She says, walking off, with me close behind. At least she isn't bombarding me with questi-

"So, you nervous about living with ponies, cousin?" spoke to soon.

"Not really, I just don't want them to stare or, Hresvelgr forbid, see my scars. I'd rather not have to explain my history if I can avoid it, especially if these ponies are really as peace-loving as grandfather makes them sound."

"Ah, alright. Actually, me and my friend Rainbow Dash were planning to hit up the bar today. Wanna join us?" she looks back at me with a half cocked eyebrow. Not even in town ten minutes, and she's already trying to get me drunk. I can't help but smile at the thought.

"You have no idea how tempting that sounds, but I don't want to make a complete ass out of myself on the off chance I have too much." I answer with yet another sigh. She shrugs, somewhat indifferent to my turn down. Wow, what did I miss?

"Hey, it's no big. You are coming with us one of these days, though." She counters with a cocky grin.

As we make our way through town, more and more ponies start leaving their houses. And, of course, more and more ponies stop to stare as I pass. Of course, others wave just like when I first entered this town. I don't return their waves, keeping my hood pulled down, and doing my best to walk as quietly as possible. It may be awkward having to explain why a Griffon made hoofsteps as he walked.


After another twenty minutes of walking, we finally arrive at the house. Well, nice to know that the map wasn't exaggerating. The house in question was a large, four story house, built like a mansion back in Griffonia with sturdy support beams and oddly smooth cobblestone walls.

"Here we are. Now I'm gonna go hang with my friend Dash! Catch ya later, Adrian!" She says before unfurling her wings and taking off with a *whoosh*

Before I can even take another step, I hear yet another loud, feminine gasp and my beak twitches in irritation. Gods, what is it now?!

I turn to the source of this gasp, and catch sight of a mare looking at me with the biggest, happiest smile I've ever seen (by Hresvelgr, but that's unsettling) and big, bright blue eyes. Her coat was a bright pink, with her mane being a slightly darker hot pink (And, as per usual with most ponies, not wearing clothes.) *sigh* Well, let's get this over with.

"Are you okay, miss?" I ask, keeping my hood down. She just stands there for a minute before-

In a flash, she was right in front of me, shaking my paw impossibly fast.


... What. The absolute. Tartarus is this mare on? Shaking my head clear of sudden panic, I lift my hood slightly so she can see my eyes.

"I'm Adrian. Adrian Grey-Feather. I'll be living here with my grandfather from now on." I explain. Thank Hresvelgr ponies don't understand the meaning of griffon last-names.

"Nice to meet you! *gasp* Ohmygosh, I gotta start preparing!" she suddenly says, and in a flash of pink, she's gone. Gods down feathers, I'm keeping my distance from her.

With that not-so-cheery thought, I pivot in place and walk quickly to the large, ash wood door and knock.

"Eh, I'm comin', I'm comin'! Give an old bird a moment to get up!" A familiar voice calls from inside, a rough, somewhat raspy voice with an unmistakeable undercurrent of strength. A voice I haven't heard in so long...

With a sudden jerk, the door is flung open, and I'm confronted with an older griffon, his dark brown feathers contrasting starkly with his near white fur. His tips of his talons were pitch black, and a network of scars ran across his face, chest, and arms, with one large scar cutting across his face, in between his eyes. His eyes, a striking bright orange, widened in surprise, then crinkled in happiness as a smile broke out across his beak.

"Sonson! Det har varit så länge! Jag har väntat på din ankomst!" He exclaims, wrapping me in a crushing hug. Even at sixty-four, his strength never waned. I hug him back, resting my beak on his shoulder.

"Tack, farfar. It took me a little longer than expected to get here." I say. He lets go of me and booms with laughter.

"A little longer than expected? You're here seven hours early!" His laughter reduces to chuckles as he steps aside to let me inside.

As I step over the threshold, he closes the door. "I still don't see why you wear those things, fågelunge. Are you covering your battle scars?"

"I don't think the ponies would be all that interested in seeing my scars, Farfar. If they're as peaceful as you said they were in your letters, I doubt the presence of another krigare will be overly welcome." I say, collapsing on one of the chairs in the living room, to the left of the lit fireplace. Besides the one I was sitting in, there were three other chairs and a couch formed in a semicircle around the fireplace.

"Adrian, if they're comfortable around an old fältherre like me, why would they be weary of you?" he asks, sitting across from me, to the right of the fireplace.

"Because I doubt they know just how strong you still are, Farfar. Or your history." I raise an eyebrow at him, to which he just laugh again.

"You caught me, they don't. Well, not all of them do." he admits, looking me dead in the eye. "But they'll accept you fågelunge, of this I am sure."

Med stor motvilja

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After settling in and catching up with grandfather and after much convincing, I remove my pullover, allowing him to inspect my visible scars and soon-too-be scars he studies me with an appraising eye before loosing a low whistle. I don't have as many as some of the other krigare, but every one of mine stands out starkly against my light grey feathers and deep purple coat (odd coloration, I know.) Thank Hresvelgr none of them were on my wings.

"You've definitely seen your fair share of battle, fågelunge. Keep this up and you'll start looking like me!" He says with a good-natured chuckle. I can't help but grin at this. He does have a point.

"Ah, but as much as I'd like to stay and catch up, I have to go pick the lilla up from school. Say, why don't you go out and talk with the ponies while I'm gone?" He says, standing up. Lilla?

"Lilla? Did you adopt?" I ask, with an eyebrow raised. At my look, he shrugged.

"Poor little one was an orphan, and I'm an old bird whose barn and barnbarn went off to war. It's nice to have a little one scampering around again." He says with a smile. Well, it looks like even Ivan Black-Talon gets lonely.

"I get it. Well, I guess I'll give being social a try." I say, reaching for my pullover.

"Leave it, fågelunge. It's better the ponies know about you sooner. Besides, you should be proud of those scars!"

"If you say so." I sigh, but pull my paw away. He looks me in the eye as he turns to leave, his eyes shining with pride.

"Helga would be proud were she here, sonson. I know I am." He says before leaving, shutting the door behind him.

... thanks, Farfar.


I walked down the cobblestone road to the nearby cafe, drawing a lot more attention now that most of my scars and healing wounds were visible. Or maybe it was my body that drew these stares.

... yeah, right.

The cafe was a simple building with tables set up outside, protected from the sun by thick, cloth umbrellas. I take a seat at one of the tables closer to the building and look around. Other patrons were chatting and eating away happily, seemingly unaware of my presence. With a sigh, I lean my head back, idly scratching my beak. Well, one thing was for certain, this place looks so peaceful...

So did Coltava

I quickly shake this thought from my head.

"Hey! Adrian!" I hear a familiar voice call, and soon I am joined by Gilda and a cyan pegasus, with a rather colorful mane. I didn't even see them sit down!

"Hey Gilda. Grandfather went to pick up someon-er somepony from school, and thought it would be a good idea if I went out." I say.

"That sounds like him." Gilda nods with a smirk, "I'm glad I caught ya, I want to introduce you to my friend here." She says, nodding her head towards the pegasus. She puffs out her chest and holds her hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in Equestria!!" She says, her tone similar to Gilda's in cockiness. I grasp her outstretched hand in a firm grip and shake.

"Adrian Grey-Feather. I'm Gilda's cousin from Griffonia." I answer. After letting her hand go, she runs her eyes up and down my figure and whistles, which causes Gilda to burst into laughter.

"Didn't anyone tell you it's impolite to stare?" I respond with a smirk of my own.

After finally catching their breath, the girls lean back in their chairs just as a waitress mare approaches the table. She smiles as she sees Gilda and Dash, but pauses, curious, as her eyes reached me. After a second, she shakes her head and smiles again.

"What would you like today?" she asks, holding her notepad and pencil at the ready. Gilda orders an apple salad (weird) Dash orders a doughnut (they sell those here?) and I order a black coffee (earning weird looks from the other two) and the mare rushes off to retrieve our orders. Dash turns to me, eyeing my scars.

"So, how did you get those?" she asks. Gilda tenses up beside her. Of course she would ask that.

"That's personal." I say shortly, looking dead at her. She seems shocked at my tone, then crosses her arms and looks away in a huff. Gilda puts a talon on Dash's shoulder.

"Don't let it get to ya, Dash. His old life was kinda rough." she whispers (not very quietly, I might add), "He'll talk when he's ready."

"Fine." She says, blowing a strand of mane out of her face. "I just thought they looked cool." It takes all my willpower not to sigh, or facepaw. Do they seriously think I can't hear them?

Thankfully, the waitress comes by with our orders, and quickly excuses herself to tend to another table. I take a sip of the hot, bitter brew and give a small smile, looking at my reflection in the cup. Most griffons had either yellow, orange, red or black irises with the occasional green. Mine, however, were an almost glowing purple, just a tad brighter than my fur. Just another small thing that made me different, I guess....


"So, why are your eyes like that? They're so pretty!"

"I-I'm sorry, I don't like to talk about that."

"Oh, I'm sorry... Hey! What's your name?"


"Cool! I'm Adrianna!"


"Hey, you okay?" Rainbow suddenly asks, snapping me out of my trance. With a quick shake of my head, I meet their gazes, both slightly concerned. I've really gotta stop doing that.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What were we talking about again?" Gilda and Rainbow both exchange glances

"We were asking about what you were gonna do for work while here." Gilda says quickly.

"I get paid monthly from the Griffonian war department." I mutter, more to myself than anyone else.

"And I asked if you wanted to hit up Sugarcube corner." Dash adds.

"... no idea what that is, but why not?" I answer, getting a little cautious. Mare I don't know asking if I wanted to go somewhere I wasn't familiar with. Definitely not shady at all. Gilda sighs

"I wanna come to, but Ivan wants me to help him clean the house. I'll try and hurry, though." she says, leaving some bits on the table and taking off into the air, towards the house. Rainbow suddenly fidgets as I turn to look at her.

"Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't know that was a touchy subject." she suddenly, says, rubbing the back of her head awkwardly.

"It's okay. I figured Gilda would've told you about me, so you didn't know. Don't worry about it." I say, taking a final sip before standing up. "So where is this Sugarcube corner? Let's go before I change my mind."

The Party

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As I followed after Rainbow Dash, I gazed around at our surroundings, memorizing the way to this bakery. Now, I know I was a little wary about following this mare anywhere, but then I thought about it a little, and I'm fairly confident they won't do anything to me. Their Earth ponies could never catch me, Pegasi are easily breakable, and unicorns...

There isn't a lot a unicorn can do against a Grey-feather.

So with this in mind, I may as well see what this bakery sells, or why she was so adamant about leading me there. She looks back at me, an eyebrow raised.

"So, you're Gilda's cousin?" she asks.

"Yes. Her only cousin." she seems somewhat taken aback by this,

"Really? You guys must have a small family."

"Well, for the last century, our family has given the army it's best krigare, or warriors, in your language. I'm not sure if you Equestrians understand this, being a peaceful people, but warriors don't live long." She nods, then perks her head up.

"We're here!" she announces with a cocky grin. I take in the building before me, somewhat at a loss for words. The place looks like a gingerbread house! Well, I hope it's the bakery. It'd be awkward if I walked in and it was a bookstore or something like that.

"The bakery, right?" I ask. Rainbow gives me a flat expression.

"Yes, the bakery." she looks like she wants to say something else, but smartly chooses not to. Is she always like this? She pushes open the door and walks inside. I follow suit, entering the sweet smelling bakery. A banner was hung from the ceiling that read,

"Welcome to Ponyville!"

The many ponies inside stopped what they were doing say, "Welcome to Ponyville, Adrian!" and a warmth spreads through my chest. I see my grandfather towards the back, sitting at a table, giving me a similar smile. On his knee sat a small, orange Pegasus filly with a fuschia mane, looking at me with a mix of curiosity and excitement.

"Ah, sonson, fancy meeting you here." He gives a chuckle, and the little filly on his knee looks up at him, "I let the Rosa kvinna that a big surprise wasn't a good idea for a party, even if hospital visits are free."

"Is that Adrian, Ivan?" she asks. She sounded like a tomboy... actually pretty much like a young Rainbow Dash. He nods, and I speak up.

"You must be the lilla Farfar adopted." I sit down across from them, holding my paw out to the little Pegasus. "I'm Adrian."

She grabs my paw with one small hand. "I'm Scootaloo!" Ponies have such weird names. Of course, I don't voice this opinion, rather choosing to smile and nod. "Ivan told me you were a... krigare like him." she has a bit of trouble pronouncing the foreign word, which was honestly adorable.

"I was until a couple days ago. I'd rather not talk about it, though. I'm not a Blacktalon like farfa- err, grandfather." I say, hoping she would drop it there. She tilts her head at me.

"What were you then?" she asks. Some of the ponies around us try to seem casual, but were no doubt listening in.

"We'll discuss that when we get home, lilla." Grandfather tells her, ruffling her mane with one of his powerful claws. She huffs,

"Fine... Can I go play with my friends, Ivan?" she asks hopefully. He nods again with a smile she returns and hops down, running off with a laugh. I can see why Ivan adopted the little one.

"Excuse me?" A mare speaks up next to me. (There's so many mares here! Freaky!) I turn my head to face the speaker. A lavender mare with both a horn and wings stood before me, her mane divided by a hot pink stripe and an arrangement of sparkles on her flank. She seemed like the scholarly, intelligent type. Her violet eyes held mine as I answered.

"May I help you?"

"I wanted to talk to you, actually. My name's Twilight Sparkle." I reach out my paw, which she shakes, and scoot over to make room for her. Any woman brave enough to approach two battle scarred krigare without blinking deserves respect. She sits down next to me.

"I've heard a lot about you from your grandfather, Adrian, and I'm glad I can talk to you in person. First, I want to say that while you're here in Ponyville, you shouldn't have to worry about any fighting." she said, and Ivan nods again. I was actually worried about that.

"I would also like to ask you... what exactly does a Greyfeather do?" I should've known. Might as well get this over with.

"We're the best soldiers to fight against magical foes. We're capable of deflecting and even cancelling active magic and spells." I say quickly, then turn to grandfather. "Could you grab me a cupcake or something, Farfar?"

"Sure, fågelunge." He chuckles as he gets up. I finally turn and meet Twilight's gaze again, and her eyes were almost as wide as her smile.

"I've never heard of that! How is that possible? Can I see?" she asks, a spark in her eye. I just roll my eyes.

"Levitate something." her horn starts glowing purple, and the table starts to rise, enveloped in a purple aura. I reach out and touch the table, dissipating the field and causing the table to fall back to the ground. Her eyes widen in fascination before her smile returns.


"By Hresvelgr, what was that?!" I exclaim, startled. The noise came from nowhere! Ponies start to stare at me in confusion, and Twilight's doing her best not to laugh.

"It's a sound we make when we're really excited, or happy." she explains. Ivan returns to the table, carrying two cupcakes and a glass of punch.

"Trust me fågelunge, it confused me too." Twilight looks to me, a very light blush tinting her cheeks.

"Sorry. But how did you do that?" she continues questioning me. A painful flashback to my induction as a Greyfeather caused me to shiver involuntarily.

"I'll answer all questions later. If it's all the same to you, I'd rather not talk about that right now." I say, taking a bite of my cupcake. My eyes widen at the sheer sugar content, and slowly put it back on the table. Ivan cackles loudly at this, and Twilight giggles.

"Twilight, where's the Pink One?" Grandfather asks, looking around with a raised eyebrow. Twilight sighs.

"Her name's Pinkie Pie, and she's taking care of the cake twins right now." she answers. Huh, twins must be a pain.

"Ah." is all he answers with.

"Jag är glad att jag inte behöver ta hand om barnen än." I comment, and Grandfather chuckles.

"Räkna inte dina kycklingar innan de kläcks, fågelunge." he replies, and I chuckle with him.

"Ni två inser jag kan förstå dig, eller hur?" Twilight suddenly speaks up.* Both my eyebrows shoot up at this.

"You speak Griffon?" I ask, astonished. Grandfather looks impressed as well, his eyes wide as he idly scratches one of his many scars.

"Yep! I've been able to for a while!" Well, color me impressed!

Thankfully, the rest of the party went by without incident.

Inga revor kvar

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As ponies started to leave the bakery, I sigh in relief, stretching my wings. I myself was heading home, my steps sounding across the semi empty, cobblestone street. Thankfully, no one was paying attention to the *clip-clop* my walking was making. The sun was well past it's midpoint in the sky by now, but there was still a couple hours worth of sunlight left.

The familiar, large house comes into view, with Gilda waiting by the front gate. She looks at me with a cocky grin.

"So, you enjoy the party?" she asks, her grin growing. I grin back at her, my arms crossed.

"I've been invited to a mares house." I return. Gilda's brows shoot up at this, and she claps slowly.


"Eh, it's just Twilight." I smirk, and she guffaws loudly.

"Ah, the egghead princess. I should've known." At this, my brows shoot up.

"She's a princess?" I ask, and she gives me a funny look. Come to think of it, there aren't a lot of ponies with a horn... and wings...

I wouldn't be surprised if half the town could hear my face-paw. Gilda is in stitches, gasping for air between laughs.

"H-H-Holy shit, you didn't know? She's the only Alicorn in town!! Hahahahaha!!!" she says, trying and failing to catch her breath. My eyebrow twitches in irritation. Finally, she stops laughing and pats me on the shoulder.

"Hey, she's new to the whole princess thing, so don't worry about it. She probably just wants to introduce you to her friends, or ask about the war." my jaw clenches at this, and my eyes narrow.

"I moved here to get away from that damn war." I state, walking past her and opening the door. Grandfather hasn't returned home yet, and Scootaloo was off playing with her friends, so the house was empty.

"Hey, dude, chill out. Was it really that bad?" Oh, she did not just ask me that.

"Have you ever killed someone, Gilda?" I ask bluntly. Judging by her sudden halt, I'd say that caught her off guard.

"No, I haven't."

"Well, I have. Many, many lives ended because of me, be it directly or indirectly." Her face changes to a look of shock, and horror. "The worst part? Just over half of them were soldiers." A green tint makes itself known on her face as what I just told her sinks in.


"See? I'd say it was pretty bad." I comment, as I sit in the chair I sat in before, to the left of the now dark fireplace. She didn't follow me into the living room, so I assume she went back outside. So, I just sit here, in the dark living room, the only light coming from the window, and feel my eyelids slowly close, the events of this crazy day replaying in my head. Save for a couple of things I'll need to adjust to, I think I'll like it here.


"Are you sure about this, young one? Becoming a Greyfeather is a very painful process, and there are many who would resent you for it."

"I don't care what they think, sir. If I can protect my comrades, protect my country and my king, by the ancients, I'll do it."

"...if you're sure, young one."


I wake up to the feeling of two small hands shaking my knee. Someone lit the fireplace, the comfortable warmth of the fire almost putting me to sleep again.

"Adrian, wake up! Ivan says dinner will be ready soon!" Scootaloo's voice breaks me out of my reverie, and I open my eyes. Just as I thought, it was Scootaloo. Wait, dinner?

"What?" I ask, my voice a little slurry from being asleep.

"I said, dinner's almost done!" she repeats impatiently. Kids these days...

"Alright, I'm up." I grumble, straightening up and popping my jaw.

"Hey, Adrian? If I'm Ivan's daughter, does that make me your aunt?" her question catches me off guard. I guess it does, but that's kinda weird.

"I guess, I don't know." I answer, popping my neck next. Gilda's voice is heard in the hallway,

"Hey Adrian! Someone's at the door for ya!"

"I'll be there in a second!" I call back, getting up. As I stand, my pants suddenly fall, to my horror, and I quickly bring them back up. Too late, apparently, if Scootaloo's confused expression was any indication.

"Wait... why do you have hooves?" she asks. I ignore her question, quickly leaving the room and approaching the door, throwing it open, and hurrying outside. No way in Tartarus I'm answering that.

At least, not yet.

Twilight was waiting outside, her eyebrow raised at my urgency. Didn't we just talk at the party?

"Are you okay Adrian?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answer smoothly. If her face is any indication, she doesn't believe me, but she drops the matter.

"I know we just talked, but I was wondering if you wanted to meet up with me and my friends for a picnic tomorrow?" Now it's my turn to raise an eyebrow.

She's planning something.

"Sure." Eh, what have I got to lose?

I would later come to regret that choice.

A picnic started

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I rose early, donning a new pair of sweatpants and a new pullover, the same color as my feathers (Grey.) I pull open the door to my room, which my grandfather insisted on decorating with my medals and trophies from the war, and quickly descend the stairs as quietly as I can. Granted, nobody was asleep, not even the lilla Scootaloo, but I didn't want them asking me where I was going. Surprisingly enough, I manage to make it out the door without incident, and casually start walking. The sun wasn't shining as bright today as it was yesterday, for which I am grateful. I'm not the biggest fan of hot, sunny days.


There are, again, few ponies up at this hour except those who were setting up their stalls. Some waved to me as I passed, even though I was only introduced yesterday. Honestly, some of these ponies were so friendly, so sweet... it was almost sickening. The library comes into view, and I quickly shake this thought from my head. I'm not going to ruin this picnic, even on accident, if I can help it.

I raise a paw to knock on the door when it suddenly opens, revealing a surprised Twilight.

"Oh, Adrian! You're early!" She smiles at me. She stands aside, letting me in.

She's gonna bug you with questions-

Shut up, damnit.

"So, I've been wondering..." Twilight starts excitedly. Told you.

"Let me guess, how Greyfeathers can cancel magic?" I sigh. She nods eagerly. Okay, you were right.

"Simple. We don't actually cancel spells. We absorb the magic powering the spells. No magic, no spell, less death on the battlefield." Her eyes widen and her grin grows. "As to how we're able to do this... there's a couple rituals you have to partake in in order to become a Greyfeather. Which I will not discuss." her smile falters. "Trust me, it's painful."

Before she even get's a chance to speak, the door flies open and Rainbow walks in with a cocky grin. Followed closely behind her was a rather shapely yellow pegasus with a light pink mane, with a butterfly cutiemark. She looks so... sweet, kind... fragile...

Aaaand gonna nip that in the bud. I quickly shake my head before addressing them.

"Hello Rainbow. Who's this?" I ask, once again cutting off any chance of Twilight speaking. Heh, she looks irritated.

"This is Fluttershy." Twilight answers me, earning a sudden squeak from the mare in question as she tried to hide behind her mane.

"O-oh, um...h-h-hello..." If my ears weren't so sharp, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have heard that. I just give her a nod, then turn to Rainbow.

"Well, are the others on their way?"

She blows a stray strand of her mane out of her face. "Yeah, they'll be here in a coupla minutes. Slowpokes." The pink one (Pinkie Pie I think) worries me, so I'm not complaining about her being late. "So, why're you here so early anyway?" she asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"A habit I picked up back home." I say simply.


Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie show up a little while later. I've already met Pinkie, and Applejack seemed a little wary of me, but otherwise was very personable. Rarity, on the other hand...

"Oh my, what a lovely shade of purple!" the white unicorn exclaims suddenly. I was sitting down, and I guess some of my fur was visible. Now that I look, it's the same color as her styled mane. Thank Hresvelgr she didn't notice my h- anyway.

"Ah, thank you. Not a lot of my kind have this kind of fur, so I've been hiding it." Well, that's not the only reason, but anyway.

"So, it isn't dyed?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.

"No. Dye is horrible for your coat." She only smiles at this, and gives a slight nod.

"Everypony ready to go?" Twilight asks suddenly, interrupting our budding conversation. Everyo-pony- nodded, Pinkie hopping up and down excitedly.

"Yup! All set, Twilight!" Gods, she's unnerving.

"Alright, let's go girls! Oh yeah, and Adrian."


The spot picked out by Twilight was a hill just outside town, with a single tree to shade us from the brightening sunlight. I carefully laid out the checkered blanket-


Ah, fan. Nu kör vi...*

Första hemliga

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I should've guessed something would happen.

The girls all froze up, and we all turned to see where the roar came from. There, at the bottom of the hill, was an over-sized lion with a scorpion's tail and bat-like wings. It's fur was matted to it's body by sweat and dried blood, and foam ran from it's snarling mouth, it's pupils the size of pinpricks. Poor bastard looks crazed.

And angry.

I know that, dåre.*

"Fluttershy, darling, can't you calm it down?!" Rarity suddenly asked Fluttershy, her voice betraying her panic.

"It has rabies!" Oh gods, that doesn't sound good.

The manticore looked up at us, it's gaze stopping when it meets mine. We stare at each other, unblinking, and it unfurls it's wings, crouching low and pulling it's lips back even farther over it's sharp, yellow teeth, and giving a low growl.

Ah shit, it challenged me. Well... Åt helvete med det!*

I unfurl my own wings, lowering my body slightly and unsheathing my claws. Something isn't right here... it isn't acting like a rabid animal...

It launches itself at me, cutting off my inner monologue. Twilight and the girls disappear in a flash of light, and I dive to the side, lashing out my leg as I did so, landing a solid kick to one of it's teeth.


The manticore roars in pain, and swipes at me. I wasn't fast enough to avoid it this time, and it's claws cut deep into my arm. I couldn't hold in my grunt of pain at the burning pain that came soon after.

By the gods, that burns!

It lowers again, and we begin circling each other. It seemed to be taking me seriously now.

Okay, I don't think I can use my other arm. Maybe I can get it's eyes-

My train of thought is once again derailed, but this time by the beating of large wings, and the cry of an eagle. No, not an eagle...

In a gust of wind, Grandfather leaped over me, charging straight for the manticore with reckless abandon, his claws fully extended and beak open wide.

Oh skit, he looks angry.

In one swift motion, he dives under the beast, springing up and wrapping his arms around it's body and grabbing hold, before lifting it with a mighty heave and slamming it down on it's stomach again and bringing his claw down on it's front paw. He looks to me while the beast roars again, his message clear.

'Now's you're chance, fågelunge!'

I quickly dash towards them, my claws once again unsheathed. But this time, my target wasn't the eyes..

With a quick jump, I was on it's back, facing it's so far unused stinger.

Thank whatever god can hear me that it didn't use this thing...

With a turn and a swift kick to the back of it's head, it went down. Just as it hit the ground, however, a burning pain begins to spread from my wing, even worse than the scratches. I move to clutch at my wing, and fall off the Manticore's back, hitting the bloodied grass.

"Gah! Skit!"

"Fågelunge! Är du okej?! Vad hände?*"

"I'll be okay, Farfar. I think it's stinger clipped my wing." I try to smile, but it comes out as more of a grimace as another wave of burning pain hits me.

"Dumheter!* We need to get you to a hospital!"

Before I could even open my beak, he has me over his shoulder and is charging into town like a feathered juggernaut.

White walls

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"Hey, Adrian? I've always wondered, where's your dad?"

"... I don't have one."

"Of course you do! Everyone has a dad! You just haven't met him yet!"

"I'm not everyone, Adriana. Three years and you still don't get it. You've seen my legs, you exactly what I am, and you're still grouping me in with the everyone."


I awoke to the feeling of someone prying open my skull with a bent chair leg while the rest of me was burning alive.

That or I'm still somewhat envenomed and have a headache. At this point, I can't even tell the difference.

Grandfather is at my bedside, looking down on me with a worried expression. Gilda is on my other side, her face reflecting the same concern as Grandfather.

"Fågelunge, känner du dig bättre?" He speaks up, noticing my open eyes. Gilda looks at him in momentary confusion. Oh yeah, she doesn't speak heartland Griffon.

"To be honest, no. What happened?"

"Apparently, while you were playing hero, the manticore clipped you with it's stinger." Gilda answered. Oh yeah, I was fighting a mantiore, wasn't I?

... not my brightest moment, now that I think about it.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" Gilda continues, shaking her head.

"Fighting is instinctive to me in situations like that."

"But still, I'm more mad at Sparkle than anything." She adds with an irritated snort. "Why couldn't she teleport you too? Why did she just fucking-"

"Hey hey, none of that. You know damn well he's a Greyfeather, Gilda." Grandfather cuts in. Gilda looks him dead in the eye.

"But that doesn't mean magic doesn't work on him all the time, Ivan."

Before any of us have a chance to respond, the door swings open, revealing a white Earth Pony mare in a doctors coat and a nurses hat. And she doesn't look pleased.

"Can you two save the fighting until after you leave? The patient is trying to rest, and visiting hours will be over soon." she says. Gilda looks down, while Grandfather nods, smiling apologetically.

"My apologies, fröken." As he says this, the tiniest hint of red graces the nurses muzzle- oh, you old dog.

"Well, just keep it down, okay?" with that, she closes the door. I look straight to Grandfather.

"Du sluga gamla vargen."*

He let's loose a hearty laugh, while Gilda just looks on in confusion.


"Adrian, you can't be serious! You're gonna join the Greyfeathers?!"

"I am serious. I'm not going to stand by and let anyone else lose their mothers to those damn prancers, not while I can do something about it."

"This isn't time for heroics! You've heard the stories, what if you don't make it?!"

"I'll survive."

"... what are you trying to prove, Adrian? Is your own pride worth more than your life?"

"Is my life worth more than all the others I can save? All the warriors that can actually return home?"

"... why should you do this, when all they've done is curse your very existence? You've had to endure twelve years of scorn and hate, and now you want to protect the cowards?"

"... because you and I both know that I'm better than that, Adriana."


*Knock* *Knock*

The knocking at the door slowly dragged me into wakefulness, for which I was both thankful and irritated.

"Fan allt...* It's open!" Aren't visiting hours over?

The doors open, revealing a very guilty looking Twilight Sparkle. Her wings were folded tightly to her back, and her eyes were lowered in what almost looked like... shame...

"Adrian... how are you doing?" she asks, her tone soft. Damnit, now I feel bad...

"Doing better than earlier." I say with a shrug. "You ponies have some strong medicine."

"I'm glad... listen, I'm sorry for leaving you back there-" I hold up a paw to stop her.

"I'm going to have to stop you there, Twilight. It was my decision to fight it," again, not my brightest idea, "so don't blame yourself."

She came up to the bedside, then looked over me, her eyes widening- wait, where's my pullover?

"Before you ask, yes they hurt. Like a tik. And I'm not going to talk about them yet."

"I wasn't going to ask." She responds sincerely. Knowing her, I didn't completely buy it... but I'll humor her. With a sigh, I sink a little further into the hospital bed.

"... hey, Adrian?" she starts, looking even more guilty than before, with her eyes lowered further and ears splayed back.

"Yes?" I can't help but feel apprehensive at this, but I'm curious about what she has to say.

Curious, until she speaks again. The sentence that never failed to drop a chunk of ice into my stomach, and tighten my chest in a combination of anxiety, and memories of pain and scorn.

"I... I saw your hooves." she says, taking a quick peek back up at my face. "A-are you a-"

"Don't you dare say it, Twilight Sparkle." I interrupt, with a little more venom than I intended. She recoils, as if I had slapped her (though I would do no such thing)


"No. As far as I'm concerned, the last one of its' kind died when Coltava burned."

"You can't seriously think-"

"I can think whatever I wish. I'm not one of them, and I never will be. I know you've read the stories, if you know our language." I could feel myself getting angrier, but the words kept coming, getting louder and louder, "All the stories heralding their arrival, the grand heroics that select few have ever accomplished, all that talk of destiny. That's all they are. Stories."

With a sigh, I slumped ever deeper into the bed, closing my eyes.

"Det finns inga hjältar.*"

Riv Färgade Minnen

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"Alright, listen up!! Our orders are to either capture the city, or burn it too the ground!! I want all our Black-talons to form ranks and gear up!"


"Red-talons and Green-talons, grab some cloud cover and follow behind the main army, get ready to rain hell on these damn prancers!"

"Hoorah!" "Aye aye!"

"Greyfeathers, you're leading the charge! Don't let any of their cowardly magics past you!"

"Nothing will get past us! För kung och kamrater!!"

"That's what I like to hear, Adrian! Alright, ready up, krigare!!"


It's been about a day since Twilight came to visit me. Thankfully, she dropped that rather uncomfortable subject almost entirely and has left me to my own devices. Thinking back on yesterday, I can't help but grimace.


I looked out the window to my room and sigh.

Well, at least I'll be out of here in an hour or so. Gods I need a drink... I'm almost tempted to take Gilda up on that bar visit.

The sound of the door opening snaps me out of my thoughts. Applejack was at the door, an apologetic look on her face (seriously, these ponies are horrible at hiding emotion.)

"Howdy there, Adrian. Ah was just comin by to visit ya." she says with a warm smile. "Hope ya like apples." she lifts the basket she was carrying a little. It was covered, but a little steam could be seen rising from it.

"I do, actually." I say with a smile. Her smile turns into a sly grin.

"Well, have ah got just the thing for ya!" she says, moving to stand at my bedside and hand me the basket. "Ah made it as soon as Ah got ta the farm, so this 'ere's a fresh one!"

When I could finally see into the basket, I could see a steaming pie (no doubt apple) but strangely couldn't smell it.

Must be the antivenom.

"That looks good... but do you expect me to eat all of this?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at her with a grin of my own. She looks a little confused, before it dawns on her what I'm suggesting.

"That's sweet of ya Sugarcube, but this's your pie." she insists. Perfect, I can try this out.

"And I want to share it with you. You did make it."

She looks defiant, then sighs with a grin. "Stubborn one, ain't ya. Alright, why not?" she relents.

Keep going at this rate and you'll need contraceptives, big guy

Dra åt helvete.

She lifts the plate to reveal a plate and fork. Huh, guess she didn't expect to eat with me.

"Well, we can share the plate, but I'm not sure about the fork. Wait..." I lift my paw, extending my claws. They were about two inches in length, but I never extend them past an inch. "This might work."

"... are ya serious?" she asks, sounding rather unamused. "Why not ask a nurse fer one?"

...oh yeah, I forgot.

I wouldn't be surprised if the room next to mine could hear my facepaw. Applejack chuckles at this. "Wait here, Ah'll ask fer one." She says, walking to the door. For the briefest of moments, my eyes were drawn to her well toned flank before I regained my self control.

Not the time for that.

There's ALWAYS time for love!

Knulla dig, damn interloper.

She returned shortly after with another fork and a hospital tray.

"Are ya doing alright, sugarcube?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm fine, don't worry. A little hungry though." I answer. She grins and sits down at the bedside before cutting a piece for me, then her.

"Dig in, partner!" she says, taking a bite. I follow suit, although a little slower.

The taste... was indescribable. I just sat there as my brain tried to process what it was I just ate. There's no way this could be an apple pie.

Applejack chuckled. "Family recipe. Ah guess ya approve, sugarcube?"

I could only nod dumbly in response, much to her amusement.


"I've never seen a Greyfeather fight with such ferocity, Adrian. Most with your circumstances can barely fly, let alone lead the charge."

"I could've done a lot more if the enemy brought a bigger force, sir."

"That's what we need in this army, krigare. If you weren't a Greyfeather, I'd commend you for the Red-talons at the very least."

"Very kind of you, sir."

"Take word to the Greyfeather tents that we march on Coltava at dusk tomorrow. You all need to ready yourselves, this is dangerous."

"Yes sir. You won't catch me falling behind."

"See to it you don't, and you'll come out of this battle with more medals than you can carry. Alright, lights out krigare!"


After devouring the pie (which turned into a contest of who could eat faster) I lay back and give a content sigh.

"I can never look at apples the same way again." I say, drawing a laugh from her.

"Glad ta hear it!"

"Thanks for coming by, Applejack, even though I'll probably be released in about an hour." I chuckle.

Maybe farfar was right, I think I'm gonna like here. Too bad it took getting stabbed by a manticore stinger to see that.

Ah well.

Best left buried

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After being released from the hospital, I made my way back to the house, thinking to myself. I did have a lot to think about, after all.

Well, I think it's safe to say I won't be attending anymore picnics. Getting poisoned by a manticore, upsetting the local princess, and being found out by said princess. At this point, I'll just just stick to home meals and takeout.

For once, I agree with you. That was a little hectic.

"Yo, Adrian!" A familiar tomboyish voice calls, derailing my thoughts. Sure enough, Gilda was hurrying to catch up with me... but she looked worried.

"Gilda?" I say, stopping completely. She quickly reaches me, panting slightly.

"Adrian, Scootaloo had her friends over and they were in your room. They found your medals!" at her words, I felt my whole body go cold, my body freezing up.


"Adrian?" Gilda asks, concern in her voice. I felt my body begin walking again, quickly gaining speed. "Adrian! Snap out of it!"

No no no

The buildings blurred as I charged, one or two rocks cracking as my hooves pounded on the gravel road. Gilda was left behind, and the house was in sight. I put on an extra burst of speed, giving a fierce cry as I charged through the door. Farfar was sitting on the couch, with the three fillies sitting on the floor in front of him in a semicircle. They all turned to look at me, three in surprise, and one with a smile.

"Ah, fågelunge! Just in time!" Grandfather says to me, patting the spot next to him. "We were waiting for you. These småflickor* want to hear how you received so many awards!"

"Du behöver inte berätta barn dessa historier, särskilt ponnyer, farfar." I hope the fillies don't speak our tongue. They look at me in confusion, but grandfather raises an eyebrow.

"Varför inte? De vill höra dina triumfer! De hittade din "Lejonet Från Norden"* medalj" At this, my blood chilled again, a lump of lead settling in my stomach. My brows furrowed and I turned to the confused fillies.

"Why were you three in my room?" I ask, my tone low. Scootaloo swallows, Apple Bloom and Sweetie belle look at each other before Sweetie cracks.

"It was Scootaloo's idea!" she squeals fearfully. Scootaloo's eyes widen and she waves her hooves in the air.

"We were just curious! We weren't gonna stay in there long!"

I narrowed my eyes dangerously at them all, no longer caring if they were children. "Don't ever go through my stuff, or into my room without me being there." They nod quickly, going pale. "Grandfather tells me you found one of my more special medals. I don't care how curious you all are, that little piece of history is better left buried."

"Y-yes, sir." Scootaloo lowers her head in shame, followed by her friends.

"Ah'm sorry, mister Adrian." Apple Bloom says. Sweetie belle nods silently, none of them meeting my eyes.

"Just make sure it doesn't happen again, okay? I went through hell to earn those awards, and I have them hidden for a reason."

"Yes sir..." they say in unison. Apple Bloom looked up at me with watery eyes.

"Can ya please tell us how ya got the big medal, at least?" she asks in a broken voice. Memories of the war came rushing back to me, and I could feel the sting of tears in my eyes at the hellish experiences. All the pain, the uncertainty... the uncountable warriors and families I've slain...

"... I was given that medal during Griffonia's most recent war, during one of the last battles of the war." I start, and the fillies heads perk up attentively. "It's the highest honor any krigare can receive, and I'm first person to receive it in half a century. Grandfather earned it as well."

The fillies "wow!"'d in unison and looked at me with a new respect... but the tears finally spilled over, trailing down my feathers and across me scars.

"But I keep it as a reminder that behind the glory and riches, the awards and money and fame..." I lowered my own head now. "War is horrible."

"M-mister Adrian, are ya okay?" Apple Bloom asks. I quickly wipe the tears from my face.

"I'll be okay, girls. I just need a minute." I say, just barely keeping my voice from cracking. Grandfather stands, clapping his hands once.

"Tell you what, girls! How about we go get some ice cream!" He says, earning an excited giggle from the girls as he scoops them up in his arms. "We'll be back in a bit, Adrian." he says with a wink.

... tack så mycket , farfar.

+Excerpt from the Griffon book of Honor+

Lejonet Från Norden- one of the highest honors in the Griffon military, given to any warrior who's managed to confirm more than 800 enemy deaths in any major battle, imprinted with the face of Gustavus Adolphus Rex, the Great Warrior King, a Griffon with a lion's head and first king of Griffonia. Legends tell that the Great Warrior King drove the Diamond Wolves to extinction with his own claws and teeth before establishing the Kingdom of Griffonia. Warriors bearing this medal are exempt from further military service or granted the title of Generalissimus*.

Total number of bearers of Lejonet Från Norden in history

Red-Talon bearers: 3
Green-Talon bearers: 2
Black-Talon bearers: 5
White-Talon bearers: 0

Redfeather bearers: 0
Greenfeather bearers: 0
Bluefeather bearers: 0
Blackfeather bearers: 0
Whitefeather bearers: 0
Greyfeather bearers: 1

Most recent recipient: Greyfeather Adrian Sparkle, with 1,893 confirmed kills.

Tio nyanser i helvetet

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Grandfather closed the door loud enough for me to hear, and the house was silent. Taking a minute to collect myself, I realized how tired I was, coupled with how sore I was from spending a day or so of not moving, my legs feeling leaden and taut.

I may as well get some rest.

With that cheery thought, I climbed the stairs and walked into my room, locking the door behind me (old habit) before slipping out of my sweat pants and flopping onto the bed. Of course, I didn't know how much I would regret that particular decision.


"Alright, get ready to charge, krigare!"


"Yes sir!"

"Greyfeathers, you know the drill! Front of the formation, let no spell pass you- Adrian? Are you alright?"

"I-I'll be fine sir."

"Don't give me that shit! Your veins look as though they're gonna burst through your eyes!"

"... I think it might be magic overload, sir."

's this true, Adrian?"


A knock on the door woke me up with a start. Sitting up and rubbing my eyes, I look to the door.

Allvarligt, nu?*

With a grumble, I stand up, slipping on my sweatpants, and open the door. On the other side was Gilda, claw on her hip and eyebrow raised.

"Hey, you alright?" she asks, dropping any attempt to keep up her usual act.

"Just flashbacks. That, and I was taking a nap." I pop my neck and yawn, covering it with my paw. Gilda rubs the back of her head awkwardly.

"Look, I know this may be a bad time to ask, but do you want to go to the bar later? Dash and Applejack are going, and you look like you need a drink."

... where is this coming from, all of a sudden?

"... you know what? Why not." I shrug. She perks up, grinning.

"Cool. We're going in an hour." she says before heading back downstairs. I stood there for a minute before shaking my head with a small smirk.

"Kvinnor är galna.*" I mutter to myself, before shutting the door and looking around for my pullover. I'm not going drinking with my scars visible.

I might actually start talking about them, otherwise.

++Optional music++

"Sir, they're pushing us back!"

"Skit! We don't have any reinforcements on the way either! Black-Talons and Greyfeathers, cover our retreat! Regroup and strike again at dusk!"

"Sir, the Hippogryph started glowing and is charging! I've never seen a Greyfeather do this!"

"What is that fool thinking?! He isn't in any con-"



"By the gods, what is that thing?! That can't possibly be Adrian!!"

"Look at the halfling go! He's on a rampage, hahaha!! Never figured him for a Roc-kin, let alone a warrior! Kill 'em all, halfling!!"


"Are you alright, Commander?"

"I'll be fine, krigare.... Renew our attack on the city! And stay behind Adrian, if you value your lives!!"



"Sir, the enemy are focusing their attacks on Adrian!"

"Green-Talon, I don't think we need to worry about them. Just focus on capturing the city. Whatever is happening to Adrian is probably due to his magi-"


"They brought this on themselves... I almost feel sorry for the Centaurs. Send word to the king, I want to know who his family are, and why it wasn't documented that they're Roc-kin."



"Right away, commander."

"Hahaha! Look at the Prancers run, commander! Maybe the halfling isn't so bad after all!!"

"... To think I had a monster in my ranks this whole time..."


"Gods be with us, as Hresvelgr is with him. We will have victory this day."

++End music++

The sun was starting to set, and I left the house quietly, so as not to disturb farfar's reading. It had been an uneventful hour, save for my pullover being found on the roof (By the gods, I'll never understand how it got there.) and I made my way to a humble little bar called "The Watering Hole."

Sure enough, Gilda, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were all waiting outside the bar. Gilda taps her foot (paw) impatiently.

"I was wondering when you'd show up." Gilda says impatiently, opening the door. "Come on!"

"Nice ta see ya up and about, Adrian." Applejack comments with a grin. "Let's see how well y'all can hold yer liquor!"

"You're on, AJ!" Rainbow answers challengingly. I only sighed quietly, following them inside the dimly lit bar and sitting beside them at the half occupied counter. Applejack signals the redish-purple bar-mare and grins as she approaches.

"Mead." Gilda orders. Huh, didn't think ponies had mead down here.

"Ah'll take a hard cider, Berry." Applejack orders. Should've figured.

"Vodka, if you have any." Rainbow says, earning a raised eyebrow from me. "Straight." huh, tough mare. The bar-mare, Berry, turns to me with a friendly smile.

"And you, sir?" well, here goes nothing.

"Do you have any Green Breezie*?" I say. The others (and half the bar) turn to look at me in disbelief. Berry bursts into laughter.

"Dude, if we had any of that, I'd be drinking it right now!" she says as she calms down. "That's pretty strong."

"Then Rum will do, please." I say with a chuckle. Everypony goes back to whatever it was they were doing, but the mares are still giving me looks.

"You actually drink Green Breezie?" Rainbow asks. I just nod.

"Well, I used to. Not much now, since it doesn't look like Ponyville stocks any." I sigh. Well, at least they had rum. Applejack just gave me another challenging grin and tipped her hat at me.

"Doesn't that stuff make you hallucinate?" Gilda speaks up.

"I don't remember, I'm not a lucid drunk." I chuckle again.

Berry comes back with a tankard of mead (still surprised they have those down here), a mug of cider, a bottle of Stalliongrad vodka and a shotglass. "I'll get your rum shortly, sir. Any specific rum in mind?"

"Hmm... Cockatrice-spur dark rum." I say with a smile. It was my favorite kind, and it's made just south of Equestria. Berry raises an eyebrow and grins again.

"Well, somepony knows their rum." she giggles, "We have some."

This should be enjoyable.


"Sir, Adrian is attacking the castle!"

"I can see that, lieutenant. Don't get in his way."


"... yes sir."


Letting your guard down

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With a healthy burn and cherry aftertaste, I was feeling a lot better, laughing with the girls as they told stories and jokes. The din of the bar was more than loud enough to cover our conversations to all but those within our immediate proximity, for which I was thankful. Honestly, if it wasn't for the alcohol, half of these jokes wouldn't be nearly as funny as they were now.

"And then she said, Oatmeal, are you crazy?!" Rainbow finished, to which Applejack and Gilda laughed heartily at. I chuckled a little before taking another drink (it was mead now) before wiping the back of my paw across my beak.

"Hey Adrian, ya got any jokes?" Applejack speaks up, her voice only barely slurred.

"Well, none that you all would find funny." I admit,

"Aw, come on big guy!" Rainbow urges, "I wanna hear sshome." yep, she was definitely gonna have to go home soon.

"Alright, alright. So two stallions walk into a bar, and the third one ducks." I relent with a grin. Applejack laughs, Gilda chuckles, and Rainbow just looks at me confused.

"I don't get it." Rainbow says, scratching her head. This only makes me chuckle.

"Don't worry about it, Dash." Gilda says with a shake of her head and a smile. Applejack shakes her head quickly, as if remembering something important.

"Shoot, ah almost forgot! Adrian, how'd ya like to come work at mah farm?" Applejack pipes up. I raise an eyebrow at this... this was sudden.

Then again, so was the invitation to go out drinking. Must be a woman thing.

I'm gonna have to agree with you, there.

"Why not? Better than getting stung by manticores and sitting around, eh?" I chuckle again. "But sure, I'd love to."

"Great!" she gives me a grin, tipping her hat up. Working on the farm would give me something to do, at least, even if I don't exactly need the bits.

"Oh, oh! I got a good one for ya!" Rainbow pipes up as I take another drink.


The once proud city of Coltava lay in ruins, homes burning and other buildings reduced to rubble. The Griffon army was quickly advancing on the castle, the only place left untouched by the winged bastards. The only soldiers remaining where emotional wrecks, having barely escaped the furious onslaught of what could only be called a monster.

The news brought back by the soldiers and the destruction outside disheartened the duke greatly. The escape routes were blocked by advancing Griffons, and if they were caught by that thing, none of them would make it to safety, to warn the Tzar of the surprise attack... he paced as he thought, his dark blue robe dragging along the floor behind him

"S-sir! The Griffons are falling back!" a soldier announced as he burst into the grand hall. Shortly after the surprising news, everyone in the room was knocked to the ground as the ground shook with a resounding *Boom*

"I think I know why, soldier." the duke sighed as he got back on his hooves. "To hell with avoiding capture, evacuate the castle! Quickly-!!"



Lesson learned, pegasi aren't very good at holding their liquor. We were leaving the bar, and Gilda had to carry Rainbow Dash. Of course, I was swaying slightly as we walked, so I shouldn't be one to talk. Thank the gods I'm a lucid drunk.

"Well, I'm gonna get Dash here home, so I'll see you at the house." Gilda says with a flap of her wings. Applejack gave me a nod, her cheeks slightly red from the alcohol (I think)

"Ah'd better git home. Goodnight, sugarcube." Applejack smiled, punching my shoulder playfully. I chuckled at the farm mare and nodded.

"Night, Applejack."

With that, we parted ways, her headed west of Ponyville, and I headed home. The stars twinkled joyfully as I stumbled through the streets. There weren't a lot of ponies out and about at this hour, thankfully. They stare enough as it is.

It didn't take long to get home, and the door was unlocked. Walking in, I could see Scootaloo sleeping on the couch, kicking every once in a while as she dreamed. It was a heartwarming sight.

I could feel the floor pitching beneath me, and quickly ruled out going upstairs. No way I was gonna be able to do that without another trip to the hospital. So, carefully making my way to the couch, I sit down and leaned back.

I was asleep before my head hit the cushion.


The castle was in chaos, pieces of the walls and roof crumbling under the colossus's relentless attacks, ripping away entire segments of the outer walls. It's screeches of rage and blood-lust were strong enough to shatter the windows, and many of the soldiers and servants had already suffered damage to their hearing. What centaurs weren't running were clutching their heads in agony or hiding with a thin hope of surviving.

With a particularly violent rumble, the entrance grand hall caved in, trapping the Duke and a few servants. But while their only exit was blocked off, another was opened... as an enormous lions paw ripped the wall away. The purple fur of said paw was stained red and matted down in a combination of dirt and gore, attesting to the sheer number of centaurs this creature has killed.

The paw lashed out, trapping the Duke and servants in an iron grip, before slowly pulling them out into the open air, and into the sight of the monstrosity that had attacked them.

No longer confined to the castle, they could see that the monster was a hybrid Griffon-esque creature almost the size of the castle. It stood on two legs that ended in equally filthy hooves, the purple fur around it's massive ankles facing a similar discoloration as it's paws. It was riddled with scars and open wounds across it's muscled body, but that wasn't what grabbed the captives' attention. It was the eyes of their attacker that held their horrified attention. The very air around it's bloodshot, violet eyes seemed to crackle with magic and it's own, unadulterated rage. The feathers around it's eagle head were, strangely, grey in color, save for a few patches of red from an open wound on it's cheekbone.

The servants screamed in pure terror at the sight before them, but the Duke stayed silent. Better to die with dignity, right?

It's eyes focused of the Duke and, to his horror, it's beak curled into a sadistic grin, revealing it's jagged, blood-stained teeth, before opening it's beak even further, before slowly bring it's paw to it's mouth.At this, the Duke joined the servants in struggling to break free. A blast of humid air hit them, the scent of bodies digesting almost driving them to vomit.

Their struggles were in vain, however, as they were brought passed the edges of it's beak and saw the nearly uncountable horns and bones stuck between it's teeth, the last thing they would see before adding to the collection. Except the Duke, who saw the creature's bottom jaw close in on them.


Needless to say, Coltava fell that day at the hands of Adrian.

Två hjärtan

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Present day, Griffonian Royal Gardens

Optional music

The moon was nearing the end of it's journey across the sleeping heavens, it's half-full radiance casting long shadows across the expansive gardens. The gardens themselves were divided into three sections: the western, the northern, and the eastern, each named after a few true heroes in Griffonia's history, be they griffon or otherwise.

The northern gardens, Trädgården av Gustaf, were overshadowed by the statue of Gustavus Adolphus Magnus, the great hero king and first recorded lion-head Griffon. The gardens themselves were enormous fields of Gladiolus and Amaryllis flowers, the Gladiolus flowers arranged to resemble swords in shape, with the Amaryllis flowers adorning the "hilt" of each sword. The statue of Gustavus was facing the east, claws bare and head thrown back into a triumphant roar. On the well maintained statue was a bronze plaque, the barest hints of corrosion showing at the edges. On it, it read,

Ingen väg är farligare än vägen inte rest . Ära vare han som ristade sin egen väg för oss , gav oss vårt rike och förhoppningar inför framtiden mot en omöjlig fiende .

Erövraren och Kung.

The eastern garden, Trädgården av Olaf was overlooked by a statue as well, flanked by two almond trees. This marble statue depicted a young Griffon couple, both bearing the royal seal on their shirts, with a Minotaur between them and arms slung on their shoulders. The female was holding a hatchling close to her chest, a tear making its way down her cheek as she looked at the minotaur. The male was smiling as well, a similar tear staining his marble face. The minotaur was smiling wistfully at the baby, his eyes almost shut and head hanging limply. On this statue was another plaque, made of gold, which read,

Ett kungarike i kaos, en barmhärtig hövding, det yttersta priset.

Till minne av hövding Olaf Bluehorn, som gav sitt liv så den unge kungen Havard och hans fru kan leva, och deras barn att födas. Det första offret i ett krig som inte berör hans land. Genom din osjälviskhet, ska du hedras evigt.

Vila i evig fred, käre vän.

Around this statue were beds of Campanula and Gerbera Daisies, arranged into open hands in a circle around the statue, paying homage to Olaf's kindness, even to a people that the rest of his kind hated bitterly. Through his actions, the Griffons and Minotaurs eventually settled their differences, becoming fast friends and allies.

And finally, to the west stood yet another statue, surrounded by beds of Amaranthus caudatus, Lobelia, and Marigolds shaped into claws. The statue itself was of a large griffon back to back with a smaller Hippogriff, bearing an enormous, two handed sword and snarling fiercely. The Hippogriff bore no weapon, looking to the ground with it's paws clenched and tears streaming down his face, which was pulled into a mask of pain and rage. The griffon's eyes were carved topaz, which glittered in the light of the sun. The eyes of the Hippogriff were cut from amethyst, and would dully glow in the waning hours of the day. On the base of this statue was a steel plaque, which read,

En okuvliga krigare och terror kungen, krigare som förde i slutet av vårt århundrade långa kriget. Slayers för många en fiende och odjuret, bördan de bar var störst.

En kämpade tappert, vilket anklagelserna om otaliga bataljer.

Den andra skakade världen med sina skrik av raseri, varje steg som tas , vann en strid.

Ivan och sonson, Adrian.--

A dauntless warrior and the terror of the king, warriors who brought the end of the war with their efforts. Slayers of many an enemy and beast, they brought an end to our hundred year war.

One fought valiantly, leading the charges of many a battle.

The other shook the world with his screams of rage, every step taken, another battle won.

Ivan Black-Talon and his grandson, Adrian Greyfeather.

A young Griffon woman stood at the foot of this statue, her features covered by her cloak, but her posture clearly indicating her gender. Her hooded face was turned up, looking into the amethyst eyes of the stone Hippogriff. A single tear fell from her face at the sight of it's obvious pain.

Don't worry, Adrian. she thought to herself, We'll be together soon. I'll find you... wherever you are now...


Sweat was dripping from my feathers and soaking my fur as I carried what had to be my 43rd basket of apples back to the barn. I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little tired at the moment.

Probably because this is your third day into applebuck season!

That might have something to do with it.

"Sugarcube?" I nearly jump out of my feathers, I completely missed Applejack. She gave me a worried look as I set the basket down, turning to greet her.

"Yes, Applejack?"

"You've been workin' awful hard lately, partner. Somethin' on yer mind?" ... Damn her perceptiveness.

With a sigh, I turn and pick the basket back up. "Again, nothing I feel comfortable talking about yet. Same as always." she lets out a snort of frustration at this.

"Adrian, it's obvious somethin's been botherin' ya fer a while, why can't ya talk to us about it? Isn't that what friends 're for?"... she has a point...

But we both know how that will turn out. Maybe later, when they can understand without freaking out.

My thoughts exactly.

"I didn't say I never planned on telling you all. Just... give it some time."

She looked like she had more to say, but sighed. "Alright, sugarcube. If yer sure." As much as it hurt to see the girls worry, I couldn't share my experiences with them. Ponies are peaceful creatures, the closest things they have to soldiers are glorified castle guards! And to top it off, herbivores tend to be less tolerant towards violence.

Besides, how do you explain to your new, peaceful pony friends that you've killed an entire city's population, not counting the rest of your-

Shut up, you. I've got work to do.

Life goes on

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By the gods, I'm sore. Day four into applebuck season and I'm sore in places I didn't even know I had. It's also made me realize that wearing sweatpants all the time is a horrible idea during the summer, even while shirtless. My arms, currently occupied by at least seven baskets of apples, are still sore from the previous three days of carrying all manner of things. My own sweat has soaked through my pants, more from the heat than anything, I'm so used to the cold weather that this is hellish.

I'm almost tempted to say it was easier to go through boot camp again.

Adrian, buddy, you're gonna kill yourself at this rate. Maybe you should take a break-

Do you see them taking a break?

Well, no.

Exactly. I'll be fine.

"Sugarcube! We're gonna break fer lunch! Y'all comin'?" Applejack calls from somewhere else in the orchard. With a sigh, I set the apple baskets down by the barn door and wipe the sweat from my eyes.

... you win this round.

"Be there in a second!" I call back, attempting to stretch the soreness from my body and eliciting a satisfying *crack* from my spine. Much better. The sunlight takes the place of my sweat in my eyes, and I made my way back to the farmhouse, following the unmistakable smell of apple pie.

Honestly, it's crazy how much of their diet involves apples. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING had apples in it, except the milk and bread. How they can do this all the time, I'll never know.

Then again, I'm an omnivore, so my tastes are probably different.

"Ah've gotta hand it to ya sugarcube, we got a lot done today." Applejack says, not two seconds after I step into the farmhouse. Her expression tells me she's pleased, if her smile is anything to go by, and in the background I could hear pie tins crinkling.

"Well, I didn't feel like being left behind. Besides, when there's work to be done, I don't tend to drag my feet." I reply, twisting my neck to work out the cricks, which seems to unnerve her.

"Well, we'll be finishin' up early today, so y'all can head home after lunch. We'll handle the rest." I raise my eyebrow at this, but say nothing. I know better than to argue with someone like her. She reminds me so much of my old Training Instructor, that hard-ass former militia took NO beak. Err, lip, or whatever the saying is.

"If you say so, Applejack. Just don't push yourself... not that I'm one to talk." I laugh. She chuckles at that.

"Ah've been doin' this mah whole life, Adrian. Ah think we can handle it."

"Alright. What is for lunch, anyway?" I ask, already knowing the answer, but more for conversation's sake. It's always nice talking to Applejack, and her accent's endearing. Easy on the ears.

Not that I'd tell her this, of course.

"Apple pie, some Fritters from breakfast, apple tarts, and-"

"Would you mind if I just had an apple or two? That all sounds amazing, don't get me wrong, but I'm not built for high sugar intake. Omnivore or no." I ask, unable to help the nervous smile from breaking out over my face. She just nods.

"Ah think we can do that."

++Present Day Griffonia++

A single griffon guard, clad in simple steel armor, held together by average quality chainmail burst into the lavishly decorated throne room, his crest standing straight in panic and his feathers (those that weren't covered by the armor) were fluffed out nervously. Upon the gold and red velvet thrones before him were the countries monarchs, both lion/eagle griffons

"My King! My Queen! Princess Adrianna is missing!"

The smaller griffon, wearing a gold tiara, bearing purple gemstones, stood up suddenly at this announcement. Her own crest was raised in anger, and her royal robe billowed out behind her as she approached the now terrified soldier.

"Well then, find her you damned fools! Sear-"

"Dear, you're going about this the wrong way." The much larger, crowned griffon stated. King Charles the IX wasn't one to act hastily. Ignoring his angrily huffing wife, he looks to the soldier. "You claim she's missing, but I know my daughter, soldier. I know where she's going." He holds up a claw to cut off both the soldier and his wife. "The question you should be asking isn't where did she go. It's where is she going. Or, more specifically..."

He leaned back on the throne, his eyes narrowed sharply.

"Where is Adrian right now?"


I felt myself shiver as I walked home, munching on my remaining green apple.

I got a bad feeling just now, Adrian.

You too?

Yeah. I haven't felt like this since we visited the castle after the war.

Do you think it's...

Let's not jump to conclusions. I say we wait and see what happens.

I shrug, taking another bite out of my apple. I had bits to drop off (though, again, I didn't really need them) and shopping to do later.

Oroliga Drömmar (dream (???) chapter)

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The snowy expanse seemed to stretch on forever, an unending blanket of cold pain and indifference. In every direction, there was white, white, and more white. The blizzard's cold winds bit deeply into my naked form as I soldiered through the snow. My hooves never stopped, and the winds raged around me, numbing my limbs and stinging my eyes. But I couldn't stop. I could never stop.

So long as this is your burden to bear, you will never know peace, Adrian. What a horrible fate to be left with...

In the distance, I saw a shape. A silhouette of black against the white blizzard. Someone was here?! I picked up the pace, the sound of the snow crunching whisked away by the raging winds. Who? Who was it that was here, of all places?!

Finally, I get close enough to see them through stinging eyes, my hooves no doubt frozen solid by now, and I can't stop a cry of shock. Before me stood myself, my fur a much darker, richer purple, and my grey feathers blackening at their spines. His eyes, my eyes, were orbs of black, radiating a cold malice that easily matched the angry winds.

It's pointless to fight us, child. To fight me. That peace you so desperately seek, the love you crave, and the happiness you try so hard to grasp will forever evade you. We're capable of so much, Adrian... this world which forever rejects us will know no peace. The prey you call your "friends" have turned your eyes from the truth.

Don't listen to him, you know what he is!

But am I wrong? Is it truly so hard to believe that I understand the only truth mortalkind will ever know?

His eyes narrow, and a grin spreads from his beak.

Not so long ago, you knew this truth as well, Adrian. So long as two creatures remain in this wretched world, there will always be war. Violence never stops. Destruction never ends, and the forces that hold us back grow weak in their complacency. You've tasted my power, Adrian.

His eyes narrowed to black, glittering slits.

That means you know this as well. You've tasted the flesh of many, ended lives in mere sweeps of your hand, or stomps of your hooves. The world cowers in fear of you, even if those prey animals don't. Soon, they will as well.

"Liar!" I shout, my voice cracking and my throat ragged from the icy air. He throws his head back and laughs, a hideous sound akin to the sound of nails on a chalkboard, in a lower pitch.

Am I a liar, Adrian?! Do you truly believe I would go out of my way to tell you this is it wasn't true?! In the short time you've been alive, have I ever lied to you?

I say nothing, looking away from the twisted mockery of my face.

Soon, Adrian, you will see as I see. That the world is beyond saving, beyond caring. Faust's children have failed. War is waged every day, and peace never lasts! This world can't be saved...

He turns away from me and walks further into the blizzard, his final words just barely audible above the growing fury of the icy sky.

And putting an end to it is an act of mercy. The only mercy it deserves. Where your mother has failed... you will succeed.

I fall to my knees, tears streaming from my eyes as the full weight of his words hits me. It feels as if a stake was driven through my chest.

"Liar... I won't... Mother...I..."

Finally, I can take it no longer. I throw my head back and let loose a scream. A scream known the world over as a trumpet of disaster. A warning of widespread carnage.

A scream that forever haunts me.



I can barely make out the sound of someone calling out to me as I float through a sea of black. I feel the pull of consciousness, hear the voice call out again. But it isn't enough. As the blackness slowly pulls me in, my mind goes blank, and I (metaphorically) open my arms to embrace the one thing I knew I could never have.
