[C] Good Boy Vocal

by scribe-feather

First published

Two ponies enjoy time together on a weekend as they slip into master and pet roles. (Adult Themes)

After a long and busy work week Dusk Midnight Melody and his mate Vocal Cord use the weekend to relax. They acquire master and pet roles.

Commission For Dusk Midnight Melody

Chapter One

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Good Boy Vocal
Chapter One
By Scribe Feather

The sun was just starting to set over the capital city of Canterlot, bringing with it an orange and red glow over the land. The dry summer heat was slowly replaced with a cooler air, signalling the coming of the night.

There were crowds in the populated city, but all were slow moving and contained sophisticated dressed ponies. It was rare to see anypony run in the luxurious town. The rich and elite were never in a rush, favoring fashion over punctuality. With their chins held high, Canterlot ponies walked with care, treading gracefully with their social status in check. Many ponies were heading home to celebrate the end of the work week. They would typically celebrate it in their own way whether it be charity ball or a quiet wine tasting party at home.

Along the main streets of Canterlot, a light gray unicorn could be seen weaving through the slow moving crowds. Unlike the well dressed ponies around him, this unicorn dashed as fast as he could through the traffic. His eyes locked on the castle at the top of the hill. Today was Friday, and that was enough to excited the stallion.

Vocal Chord was looking forward to the weekend and had just finished setting up the various shows he'd be performing in with his band. The work heavy week left the unicorn tired and weighed down with the stresses that came with the job. Thinking about the upcoming weekend made these last few days unbearable and he could just barely keep focus on the job at hand.

Now free of the bonds of his band and job, Vocal dashed through Canterlot, making a beeline for the castle. He quickly weaved through the crowds, short of pushing ponies aside as he ran. At such a quick pace, he arrived at his destination in record time.

The large white castle sat on it's own hill, overlooking the rest of the city. It's many white and gold towers stretched into the sky as the structure shined in the sunset light. Armored pegasi and unicorns could be seen hovering around the grounds of the castle, keeping the peace and managing the few castle doors that lead to the outside.

Vocal arrived at the main gate, crossing the deep moat that flowed underneath and stopping in front of the large wooden door.

Three white earth ponies waited for him in front, all wearing similar golden armor. Two of them carried long, white spears as the third stood with authority. Before Vocal could get anywhere close to the castle gates, the leading pony stopped him.

Vocal cleared his throat, fixing a few stray hairs of his dark blue mane. "I'm here to see Dusk Midnight Melody," the unicorn stated, doing his best to appear confident to the armor clad pony.

The guard stared at the gray pony, raising an inquisitive eyebrow as he glared downwards. After a long pause, he finally turned to the other two guards. "Let him pass," he stated with authority. The two spear wielding guards immediately responded, pulling their long metal spears out of the doorway and allowing access.

"Thank you, sir," Vocal said with a bow of his head before scurrying past the three authoritative guards.

Vocal Chord finally entered Canterlot Castle proper. Long marble hallways stretched far in front of him, leading to the many rooms and stairwells of the large building. Many ponies have lost themselves among the many hallways and connecting buildings of the large castle, usually requiring a guide to navigate the labyrinthian design.

However, this wasn't Vocal's first visit to the castle and his path was well practiced. He knew the turns he had to take and the hallways he had to follow to reach his destination. After a quick beeline through the castle, the unicorn found himself standing in front of a plain looking, wooden door.

Politely he gave the door a couple knocks, but proceeded to let himself in shortly after. "Knock knock," he said as his head peaked through the doorway. A pair of dark blue ears could be seen behind a couch, perking up at his voice.

The pair of ears belonged to Vocal Chord's mate, Dusk Midnight Melody, a pegasus of royal blood. The blue pegasus was known around the castle as the quiet bookworm son of Luna. His actual heritage was kind of a mess and rumors state Octavia and an unnamed night guard had some kind of play in it. The only clue most ponies had about the prince's past was his cutie mark which took the form of a cello silhouetted against a full moon.

Dusk's week was much quieter than Vocal's, mostly involving him attending boring royal meetings to keep up appearances as a member of the royal family. A week of holding his tongue and being a quiet listener to other royals left the pony in need of this weekend as much as the unicorn.

"You're a bit late," the pegasus said, peeking up over the back of the couch.

Vocal walked in the rest of the way and closed the door behind him. "Yeah, sorry. The guys wouldn't let me go until we settled on a venue for Wednesday." Vocal took a heavy breath of air, "I didn't want to keep you waiting."

"I'll let you off this time," the pegasus said, closing his book and hopping up off the couch.

The two lived together in a spacious royal suite, which was more of an apartment than a typical bedroom. The suite contained a kitchen, living room, dining room, two bathrooms, and a master bedroom. Despite the surplus space the two were given, the suite was furnished to support two or three occupants with it's small dining table and short couch. All the rooms were decorated with high end furnishings and expensive fabrics, giving the whole suite a sort of high class feel to it.

"You ready for this weekend?" Dusk asked, closing the distance between the two.

A large smile shined on Vocal's face, "Yes!"


"O-oh...yes...master," Vocal quickly corrected himself.

Dusk smirked, giving Vocal a couple condescending ruffles of his mane. "That's what I like to hear."

The pegasus then proceeded to grab a boring looking, blue collar off of a near by end table. A gold dog tag with the words "Vocal Puppy" etched into it in elegant text. Knowing what to expect, Vocal lowered his head.

Yet another weekend would be spent with Vocal as Dusk's loyal and obedient puppy. Vocal could barely count the amount of times they had done this. They discovered early on that they both enjoyed the puppy/master dynamic and found they played their roles wonderfully. Every weekend, Vocal would willingly strip himself of his duties as a busy musician and allow Dusk to command him like a master. With this new role, Dusk would have control over the unicorn, forcing him to eat and sleep where he says so.

With little help from the unicorn, Dusk proceeded to wrap the collar around Vocal's neck, buckling it tightly, but loose enough to not hurt the other pony. Once the collar was on, Vocal felt himself start to slip into the puppy role.

"There we go," Dusk said, taking a step back from the collared pony. "Now my puppy's ready for the weekend." The pegasus nodded affirmatively, wiping a few strains of black hair back into place. "What do you wanna do first?"

Vocal blushed as he hesitated for a moment. He knew long before the collar was put around his neck what he wanted to do. "Can we please play first...Master?"

Dusk smirked at the response. "Well I don't know," he said crossing his forehooves in contemplation. "Promise to be a good boy."

The gray unicorn responded with a happy, puppy-like yip. "Yes, sir! I promise!" Vocal's tail began to wag for the added effect.

Dusk smirked at his obedient little pup. "Well alright. Just a little fun before we begin playing." He said before giving the collar a light tug, "but you're keeping the collar on!"

"Y-yes sir."

"Good boy, now scurry on to bed."

Vocal darted for the bedroom as fast as his legs could carry him, hopping up onto the springy mattress and eagerly waited for his master to catch up. Dusk's pace was not so speedy as he took his time walking through the living room and into the master bedroom where his pet waited.

The generously sized bedroom was big enough to hold the pegasus' books and reading chair with plenty of room for a queen sized bed. A door to a large walk in closet could be found on the far wall, close to a large bay window that allowed sunlight to filter into the room. The long golden beige drapes that hung on the window were closed for the evening, bouncing the flickering candle light of the room back in on itself.

Vocal sat on top of the springy mattress, his blue tail wagging happily behind him. As his master got closer, the unicorn found himself getting more excited and energetic.

"Well aren't we a hyper little puppy," Dusk smirked, slowly looking over Vocal's tantalizing body.

He noted how Vocal's body wiggled with energetic excitement as his puppy side showed through ever so slightly. The metal dog tags that hung on the collar jingled quietly. Already Vocal could be seen growing a sizable erection between his legs.

The unicorn gave Dusk's face a playful lick which quickly turned into a kiss squarely on the mouth. That kiss led to another one and then another one, followed by a couple sensual moans from both ponies. They closed in on each other's warmth.

Vocal's member stiffened to it's full length twitching between the two as they touched. The body heat of his master was enough for his arousal to be triggered, sending his heart into overdrive. His cheeks flared up as his cock flared up stiffly.

Dusk's member rubbed against Vocal's, becoming hard in seconds. He ran his hooves over the unicorn's body as they kissed each other deeply. His hooves brushed over the angles of the other pony's body, sending shivers down his spine.

Without any more encouragement, Vocal quickly broke their embrace, twisting his body around on the bed. He moved about the sheets so that his back faced Dusk, his tail hole inviting Dusk to advance.

Dusk gripped Vocal's flank, pressing down on his cutie mark of crossed microphones, causing Vocal to shiver with anticipation. He slowly thrusted his hips forward, bringing his twitching member close to Vocal's tail hole. The head of his cock teased Vocal, making the unicorn shiver.

Vocal let out a couple cute whimpers as Dusk leaned in further. The submissive pony's cock strained underneath him as Dusk's cock slipped into his tail hole inch by inch. He was allowed to pleasure himself as Dusk continued to thrust into his rump. A naughty hoof dipped underneath their bodies and began rubbing the twitching cock underneath. Pre-cum was already seen dribbling off the head of his cock, speckling down on the clean bed sheets.

Dusk's thrusts started slow, taking on a steady motion of going in and out of Vocal's rump. The pace steadily quickened, sending bolts of arousal through both their bodies.

With such a cute submissive puppy under his charge, Dusk didn't seem to last long. He growled with arousal as his body flared up with heat, his cock suddenly twitching inside the unicorn's tail hole as he filled Vocal's rump up with his sticky cum.

Vocal let out something that sounded like a failed attempt at a howl as his body shuttered past the point of no return. His cock twitched and began spurting out strings of cum onto his chest, leaving the pony panting.

Dusk slowly pulled out of the relaxed pony, easing his length out of the tail hole. His own member was slick with his own cum, quickly deflating after the intense session.

The wonderful sex left the two exhausted with big smiles on their faces. Their humid bodies laid on top of the cool bed sheets as they recovered.

"That was good...for a start," Dusk teased as he pulled his body up into a sitting position. He then dug through the drawers of a small end table that sat by his side of the bed. He pulled out a metal ring and held it up for the unicorn to see.

Vocal instantly knew what it was, his ears drooping down. "Do I have ta?" Vocal gave his master a pouty lip, eyeing the metal ring. He never enjoyed the initial headache that happened when the suppression ring blocked his magic, but he knew deep down that it was necessary to be a good boy. The ring shaped device was simple, but effective when a unicorn needed their magic to be blocked for a short period of time.

"Yes, puppy. You wanna be a good boy, don't you?"

"Yes sir!"

Ever so carefully, Dusk slipped the cool ring around the unicorn's horn, giving it a little twist to snap it into place. He gave the device a couple tugs to make sure it was on snugly. Right away, the rings of the device began to glow a soft gold.

Vocal felt the predictable dizziness rush over him, making his sight blurry for a few seconds as blood rushed to the front of his head. Dusk kept him steady as the device worked it's magic, bearing down a suppression field on him.

Dusk checked on his pup. "Good?"

"Yes master," Vocal stated, shaking his head as the aches faded away.

"I'm glad to hear it. Now it's time for bed time."

Vocal smiled and let out a big yawn. He leaned back onto the soft bed pillows and started to close his eyes. His satisfied mind already showed signs of falling asleep, the week sapping his energy.

"Op op op!" Dusk's voice rudely interrupted the gray unicorn's slumber, accompanied by harsh jabs to his side. "You're not sleeping here. You know the rules."

"B-but I'm so tired," Vocal whined, squirming his body to avoid the jabbing hoof. "Can't I sleep with you? Just for one night?"

Dusk shook his head, "you know the rules. Collared puppies sleep in THEIR bed." He pointed towards a large, square cushion that sat against a corner of the room. The cushion had a visible soft crater in the middle of it from being slept in.

Vocal tried to interject. "But-"

"Unless you want to argue with your master and sleep in your cage," Dusk sternly responded.

That shut Vocal up real quick. On nights that he was extra naughty, arguing with his master or sneaking food out of the fridge, his cage served as his punishment. The large metal pet cage was only pulled out of it's spot in the bedroom closet to be used as his place to sleep in at night when he was to be punished. The thin, dirty mat that lined the floor was almost as uncomfortable as the cold metal bars that lined the ceiling and walls of the cage.

"That's what I thought," Dusk firmly nodded. "Now out!" He gave the unicorn a few more crude nudges before Vocal climbed out of the bed.

Like a good boy, Vocal slunked to his pet bed, curling up in a loose ball on it's fluffy cushioning.

"G-goodnight, master," Vocal quietly said, before lowering his head down onto the cushion.

"Goodnight pup," Dusk said, pulling the fluffy covers over him and snuggling under the warmth. And with that, the bedroom lights were turned out, shrouding the room in darkness.

Vocal let out a big yawn as he curled up tighter on his pet bed. The wonderful sex and the constant surge of emotions from the puppy treatment had left him tired and ready for a good night's sleep.


Morning came almost immediately for the sleeping Vocal. It seemed like the moment he closed his eyes, daylight was already shining brightly through the open window, stirring him awake. He squinted and raised his head, gathering his bearings and remembering where he was. The empty headed feeling from the suppression ring reminded him that the device was still attached. His collar tag jingled quietly, reminding him of it's presence as well.

Memories of the night before quickly rushed back. The domination of his master, the submission of slipping into the role of a puppy for the weekend, and even the wonderful sex the two had before slipping into their roles completely. The weekend had just started and already he felt a quiver in his heart from the wonderful fun.

His joints popped as Vocal pulled himself off his pet bed. He let out a heavy yawn and stretched his forelimbs in front of him. His collar jingled with each head movement he made. He raised his head to find his master's bed empty, the sheets still jumbled up from last night. His master must have beaten him as the first one up.

Vocal walked out of the bedroom into the suite proper. His nose twitched at the delicious scents as his ears could hear the sound of cooking from the nearby kitchen. Submissively, he peeked his head in to find Dusk hard at work at the stove.

"Uhm, good morning, master," he quietly said.

The pegasus busied himself with breakfast, switching between multiple stations in the kitchen as he worked. The pony quickly glanced up from the pots and pans, briefly acknowledging Vocal's presences. "Good morning, pup. Sleep well?"

"Mhmm," the unicorn said, stretching his back legs, "slept great!"

"Why don't you sit down, puppy. Breakfast's almost ready," Dusk said, keeping his eyes on the cooking food.

"Oh good, I'm starving!" Vocal chirped, trotting over to the kitchen table. His hoof was just about to pull out a chair when Dusk interjected.

"Puppies don't sit at the table," the pegasus called out from the kitchen, not even looking up from the cooking food.

Vocal immediately coiled his hoof back. How could he have forgotten that? After a closer inspection of the dining room, he soon found a pair of metal doggy bowls sitting in the corner. These were his usual 'dining utensils' whenever the pair ate at home without any company. These two metallic bowls sat in round wire holders with the word 'PUPPY' etched into them with thick black lettering. One bowl was already filled with fresh water in preparation of the meal.

Despite the tantalizing smells of food and the growling of his stomach, Vocal behaved himself and sat in front of the bowls. He patiently waited at his post, not wanting to bother his master any more than he did.

The remaining fifteen minutes or so of cooking time felt like hours to the hungry collared pony. Occasionally he felt a quiet whimper of distress slip out of his muzzle as he waited. After waiting that long amount of time, he was all too excited to see Dusk walking into the room with two plates of food.

The blue pegasus smiled at the sitting unicorn, placing one plate of hot food on the table before walking over to Vocal and his bowls. "Aw, good boy. Waiting for your master to finish cooking. I hope you're hungry."

With no interference from the collared Vocal, Dusk used a fork to scrape all the fresh food into Vocal's bowl, mixing them all into a pile of assorted breakfast dishes.

Dusk sat down with his own meal, complete with a fork and knife, leaving Vocal with his own food. Vocal obediently ate out of his bowl, tail wagging ever so gently as he ate away. He was a much slower eater because by the time he cleaned out the bowl and washed it down with some cool water, Dusk was no where to be found. Before he knew it, his master was walking up to him with a collar in hand.

Without any exclamation, Dusk clicked the leash onto Vocal's collar, locking the two pieces together. Dusk gave Vocal's leash a gentle tug. "Come along, boy. We're going for a walk."

Vocal let out a quiet whimper as he followed his master's lead. He tried not to drag his feet out of fear of upsetting his master. He kept up a steady stride, walking close enough to the pegasus for him to keep an eye on him.

Much to Vocal's dismay, he was lead out of the safety of their suite. With gentle tugs of his leash coaxing him along, the unicorn was lead out into the marble floored halls that he walked through the evening before.

The halls were much more active this time of day, most ponies coming out for their morning walk or heading to another part of the castle to start the day. Many of them were guards, patrolling the long halls with their shiny gold armor and powerful presence. Occasionally it was a royal official, record keepers, accountants, even the occasional ambassador home from their travels. They would all try to avoid eye contact with the passing royal family member and his pet. Usually they were smart enough to not interfere with royal affairs.

Every pony that passed Dusk and Vocal may have averted their eyes at the sight, but Vocal knew they would get to staring once the two passed. He worried about the gossip that he fueled with his puppy play and the reputation he might have built inside the walls of the castle.

Dusk wasn't as worried, confident in his position as being a son of Luna. He carried himself confidently through the hallways as they traveled along. Any pony he matched eyes with he held eye contact with, being polite rather than embarrassed.

The royal gardens was typically the crown jewel for any spring banquet or seasonal ball that was held at Canterlot Castle. It contained a wide variety of fauna and flora that were carefully transplanted from their native lands all across Equestria. Exotic birds called this large expanse of greenery their home, chirping in the bushes and tall trees. The air contained fragrances from rare, colorful flowers. The tranquil atmosphere was free of any offending torrents of wind thanks to the high walls of ivy and hedge bordering the outer edge of the grounds.

During a special event, the place would be overflowing with ponies, every one of them taking in the sights, the wonderful scents, or using the colorful gardens as inspiration for their newest painting. However, on quiet weekend where nothing was planned, the gardens were a much quieter place. Only a few ponies could be seen at this time of day.

Dusk and Vocal entered the scene through one of the many open archways that acted as the garden's entrances.

Vocal nervously kept his head down, making himself as small as possible as he followed Dusk around the large lake. He whimpered ever so quietly as he dared not look up from the ground. His eyes glued to the green grass under his hooves, too embarrassed to look up to see if anypony was watching.

Dusk, on the other hand, kept his head held high as he carted his pet around the crystal clear lake. His high social status gave him the confidence in being seen out in public in such a compromising way. He showed much less fear in making eye contact with any pony who might pass by. He gave a friendly nod, a courteous "hello", and walked past without another thought.

The two found a nice patch of green grass to sit down on with a strong tree to tie Vocal up if the situation ever showed itself. The shade of the large oak tree kept the two cool on this weekend afternoon.

"Look what I have for you, puppy," Dusk said as he fished something out of his saddle bags. He pulled out a simple yellow tennis ball and hovered it in front of Vocal's face for a few moments. He tossed the ball up in the air a couple times, smiling at his collared pet.

Vocal blushed as he stared at the fuzzy, yellow orb. He blushed even more when Dusk proceeded to chuck the ball across the field, requiring Vocal to chase after it. And like a good boy, the unicorn did just that.

On the first couple throws, Vocal's nervous self shyly chased after the ball, looking around before carrying it back in his mouth. As the game went on, however, the gray pegasus found himself slipping into the role. He started to relax as he chased after the ball, looking around less and focusing more on the fun object that slowly got wet and slick with his slobber.

As their playtime continued Vocal panted happily in anticipation as Dusk teased him with the ball. His dark blue tail wagged as his eyes focused solely on the ball and not much else. Quite skillfully he even managed to catch the ball in his mouth without it touching the ground.

By the end of it all, Vocal was out of breath, his hooves aching as he carried the slobber covered ball back to his master. After depositing the ball close to Dusk, he plopped down next to his master, still catching his breath.

"You're always so shy letting out your puppy side at first," Dusk commented, placing the tennis ball beside him. "Nothing a good game of fetch can't cure."

Vocal smirked at this, rolling over onto his back to rest his tired back on the soft, green grass. Despite his usual nerves that swell up when he takes on the puppy role every weekend, he also noticed how therapeutic a game of fetch can be to him. Switching between his normal life and this puppy life was less of a switch and more so a steady transition that required time and of course some coaxing from his master. The weekend would always start with him nervous and mindful of every little thing that happened around him, but eventually he'd worry less and enjoy his puppy life with his master.

Dusk rubbed Vocal's soft tummy fur. "Such a good boy! Yes you are! Yes you are!" He cooed at the unicorn as the gray pony squirmed on the ground like an eager puppy. Vocal giggled underneath his master's hoof, wiggling about as his tummy fur was ruffled. After a few more rubs, Dusk gave Vocal's warm belly a couple pats and pulled his hoof away.

The next few hours were spent lazily laying under the shady tree. Vocal rested his head on Dusk's lap as Dusk read a few pages of the book he brought with him. It was nice to take things slow after a hectic work week. The weekends were not only for playing puppy and master for fun, but also to relax and enjoy life at a slower pace.

Dusk had also brought some snacks to eat, a couple apples for him and a dog treat or two for Vocal.

The quiet relaxation was suddenly ended with the sound of a closing book. "Thinking it's time to head in," Dusk could be heard saying as he looked up at the cloudy sky. He gently nudged his puppy off his lap and stood up off the soft grass.

As he stood up, Vocal noticed how messy he had gotten from their afternoon of play. Grass clippings clung to his gray coat as the fur around his hooves were tinted brown from the muddy ground. Small twigs and leaves had found themselves twisted in his dark blue tail.

Dusk stood up and dusted off a few grass clippings that clung to his coat. He noted the amount of dirt that covered his pet's fur. "Somepony's gonna need a bath," Dusk plainly state, tugging Vocal back to the castle.

By his master's lead, Vocal was guided back down the familiar halls and into their room where they made a beeline to the bathroom. Water was run and the tub's drain was plugged.

As the bath was prepared, Vocal sat on the cool tiled floor obediently, not moving an inch unless his master said so. Meanwhile, Dusk pulled some dry towels, pet shampoo, and a couple washcloths for scrubbing from the nearby closet. He stacked each item on the counter for easy access.

Once the water was turned off and the warm bath drawn, Vocal sat in the tub patiently, allowing his master to scrub him clean. He would occasionally move a hoof up to be cleaned, but for most of the bath he behaved himself and remained still.

"Did you have a lot of fun playing fetch today?" Dusk asked, washing some shampoo off with a splash of water.

Vocal nodded, "Yes, sir." He was definitely relaxed after all that running. It was only the first day of the weekend and he could already feel the stresses of life lift away. "Tired though," he said with a yawn.

"We can take a short nap before we head out again," Dusk answered back, scrubbing some mud clumps out of Vocal's fetlocks.

"Okay," Vocal answered back with another yawn. He didn't want to ask where they were going to go or argue that he was too tired for any more activities today. His master knew best after all.

Bath time was quick and efficient. Just as fast as he was plopped into the water, Vocal was quickly pulled out and wrapped up in fluffy towels. His master took special care to get his puppy nice and dry, resulting in fluffing up Vocal's gray mane.

Once he was nice and dry, Vocal was guided back into the living room. Dusk took his usual spot by the reading lamp, a stack of his books already placed on a nearby table. Vocal took his place at his master's side, laying beside him like a real puppy.

Vocal plopped his head onto his master's lap, quickly getting a gentle pet from him. He felt his body relax and loosen up under his master's care. He happily looked forward to the coming weekend and any surprises that his master might have in store for his puppy.

Chapter Two

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Good Boy Vocal
Chapter Two
By Scribe Feather

The two ponies laid on the couch calmly as the afternoon slowly rolled by. There was a relaxing stillness in the room, quiet enough for the birds outside to be heard chirping away. The wall clock quietly ticked as Vocal contently laid his head on his master's lap, letting out a content sigh.

These relaxing afternoons were a welcomed change of pace for the busy ponies. Vocal especially enjoyed the loss of control and responsibility that came with putting on his collar. With the collar on, the unicorn only needed to worry about being a good puppy and following his master's lead. And so far, he felt he was doing a pretty good job at that.

Dusk enjoyed their time together as well even during the less exciting parts of their weekend. Dusk was perfectly okay with reading his book for the day, occasionally giving his loyal puppy a loving scritch behind the ear. Even seemingly mundane things like reading a book was wonderfully enjoyed when he had his good puppy by his side. He reveled in the sight of watching Vocal lean into his rubbing hoof every time he gave his head a good scritch on the ears.

With his idle mind, Dusk noticed a few patches of his fur were still matted down from the quiet day at the park. "Hm," he simply said inquisitively, closing his book and slowly shifting off of the couch. Vocal looked at him with curious eyes, wondering why he was getting up. "I suppose I should take a bath as well," Dusk explained, stretching his legs. "Can I trust that you'll behave yourself while I'm gone, pup?"

"Yes, master," Vocal said, giving his most sincerest of nods.

"Alright then," Dusk nodded back in confirmation before he turned towards the bathroom. "I won't be long." The pegasus walked into the small bathroom and shut the door behind him. After a few minutes the low hum of running water could be heard.

Like a patient puppy, Vocal stayed in his spot on the couch. He watched the bathroom door while occasionally glancing over at the clock on the wall that ticked the minutes away. At first, he figured his master wouldn't take long. His own bath didn't seem to eat that much time so he remained on the couch, patiently waiting for Dusk to reemerge.

However, that patience quickly dwindled as time went on. It quickly dawned on him that Dusk was taking his time with the bath and would not be out any time soon. Patience eventually lead to boredom as Vocal continue to lounge on the couch. He then spent his time shifting about on the couch, trying to find a better position on it's cushions that would somehow magically rid him of his growing boredom.

Eventually his dull mind tried to conjure up solutions to the growing boredom. It quickly sorted through dozens of alternatives, many of them requiring his use of magic which at this point was impossible. With the obvious things set aside, one thought dwelled on his mind. Cake.

He was reminded of the leftover pieces of cake that sat inside the fridge. Just picturing it made his mouth water. The multilayered treat was nothing special, just some left overs from a dinner party Dusk attended recently. Vocal only caught a glimpse the cake, but he remembered being offered a slice, but being much too full to eat any. Now that he was just sitting there doing nothing, a slice of cake did sound pretty tantalizing.

His bored mind continue to build on the suggestion. Eating was a great way to kill time and Dusk surely wouldn't notice if a slice or two of cake went missing, especially if it was Vocal's to begin with. The more he thought about it, the more promising the idea felt. He licked his chops thinking about it. The unicorn quickly hopped up from the couch, quietly tip toeing into the kitchen.

The cool, gray tiles cooled his feet as he walked into the room, flipping on the main overhead light. The kitchen area was a rather modest arrangement, containing no overly elaborate luxuries in it's design. A small island sat in the middle of the room, containing an amplitude of cabinets and drawers. A fridge and a number of counters sat against the far wall as well as an oven.

A chilly breeze slipped past the collared pony as he opened the fridge. The cake was easily found, sitting on the middle shelf in all it's frosted goodness.

Although the original plan was for him to only eat a slice of cake, Vocal found himself eating the cake in its entirety. He started to panic as he realized just how much trouble he would be in when his master found out about his misbehavior.

His naughty snack time was suddenly interrupted. "And what do you think you're doing?" The voice behind him said.

Color drained from his face as he slowly turned to face his maker. Standing over him stood his master, freshly dried off from the long bath, and wearing a disappointed scowl on his face. The pegasus crossed his forehooves in front of him to emphasize his disapproval.

The panicked Vocal hastily scrambled for words. "I-I was just-"

"Misbehaving," Dusk completed the thought, "after you just told me you'd behave yourself." His scowl deepened as Vocal's ears drooped down on his head. "Well, I hope you've had your fill because you won't be having dinner tonight. It's straight to your cage for the night."

"What!? But I-"

"Off you go," Dusk firmly stated, shutting the fridge door and pointing an authoritative hoof towards the bedroom.

Vocal reluctantly obeyed, his tail tucked between his legs and his head lowered. He quietly walked into the bedroom, not needing to wait too long for his master to come in shortly after.

He watched as Dusk opened the bedroom closet, revealing the large metal cage that waited inside. Vocal let a quiet whimper slip through as he looked up at Dusk with his best puppy eyes.

"In you go," Dusk firmly stated, unlatching the front door of the cage.

Vocal hesitated, doing his best to amplify his puppy eyes in hopes to win his master over. But the pegasus was having none of it, holding tightly to his stern expression. At the end of the very brief battle of wits Vocal reluctantly climbed into the cage.

The cage door was then closed, locking Vocal in for the night. As an added measure, Dusk decided to close the closet door as well, shutting Vocal into a dim darkness. The only light he had to go on was the thin sliver of lamp light that slipped through crack between the sliding doors.

He sat there in his cage and thought about what he had done. The temptation, looking back at it now with less of a bored mind, was a simple thing to avoid, but something in him expected to be caught. He wouldn't have admitted it, but there was part of him, a naughtier side of him, that wanted to be punished by his master. It made things interesting for the two ponies' master and pet adventures. The thought was tantalizing, but to actually experience the punishment was a bit too much for the unicorn. Regardless of how he felt about the treatment, he was now forced to ride it out.

Vocal did his best to fall asleep, but struggled with the seemingly simple task. It was cold and uncomfortable inside the metal cage. The thin mat that made up the floor had it's slender layer of padding flattened and matted practically ruining any chance of it being cozy. The discomfort left the unicorn alone with his thoughts, holding back instinctive, puppy like whimpers.

He always hated the cage, but even he couldn't deny it's benefits as an effective punishment. His ears tucked back as he pathetically whimpered at the closet door in front of him, but deep down he knew he deserved it.

The only change in the mundane was when he could hear Dusk turning in for the night hours later. He didn't acknowledge Vocal's presence as he got ready for bed. He could hear the pegasus going through his nightly routine and eventually climbing into bed. The lamp was then turned off, shrouding the closet in pitch black darkness.

The night slowly passed after that, minutes ticking away like hours as Vocal struggled to fall asleep. He would constantly shift positions, desperate in finding that one golden position that he'd be able to sleep for more than five minutes in. After so much rolling and toiling, Vocal couldn't see how he'd ever get to sleep.

However before he knew it, Vocal was being woken up by sunlight. He wasn't sure when, but he must have been able to fall asleep at one point after all. He sat up, yawning a bit as his ears twitched about to hear for movement in the bedroom.

He could hear Dusk waking up shortly after. He eagerly waited for the closet door to open, minutes feeling like agonizing hours as he squirmed in his place.

As if answering his prayers, the doors finally opened, shining bright morning light into his cage. Dusk stood over the caged unicorn, standing with a strong, authoritative presence. "Have we learned to be a good boy?" The pegasus asked. Vocal pathetically nodded, desperate to get out of the claustrophobic cage and finally stretch his legs. "Good," Dusk simply said, unlocking the cage door.

Vocal quickly scurried out, half worried that his master would change his mind if he waited too long. Right away his limbs tensed up, crackling and burning a tiny bit as he stretched them about. The cramps were finally able to release tension, bringing much needed relief to the pony.

The collared pony was led out of the room and into the dining area like the morning before. Breakfast was served in a similar way when Dusk took the liberty in cooking their food. Dusk focused on the cooking food as Vocal patiently waited by his doggy dish.

Dusk however, was in no rush feeding his naughty puppy his breakfast. With expertise he crafted the perfect breakfast for himself and rather than being generous and share his well-made breakfast with his naughty puppy, he simply put all the leftovers in Vocal’s doggy bowl.

Not wanting to further disappoint is master, Vocal hungrily ate his breakfast, satisfying his grumbling stomach that was forced to missed dinner. He was a bit sloppy with his eating, but this was tolerated by his master. Puppies can be messy eaters after all.

Once his meal was quickly dealt with, Vocal leaned back, licking his lips with a smile and fully belly. His quick eating led to a post-meal daze. He never thought a day in his cage would make him miss food so much.

He was suddenly snapped out of his daze with the sound of metal clicking together. He then felt his neck being tugged in a direction.

"Come along, puppy," his master stated, attaching his collar to a leash. "Time for walkies!"

Vocal's tail began to wag as he happily hopped up from his seat. He excitably darted for the front door, eagerly sitting next to it in a puppy like manner. He practically wedged himself through the door as his master slowly opened it.

The collared unicorn happily led the way, walking about with his head held high and his tail wagging wildly behind him. However, his mood drastically changed when his master gave his leash a couple tugs, leading them in the opposite direction of the castle gardens.

"N-no private gardens today?" Vocal asked with a puzzled expression.

"Have you forgotten you're being punished today, pup?" Dusk raised an eyebrow making Vocal's ears droop down. For a moment, he actually had forgotten. "No, I'm taking you out on the town. Do some shopping, maybe even grab some dinner while we're out."

Vocal quietly gulped, whimpering as they started to walk out of the familiar halls of Canterlot castle. They soon left the well decorated and regal halls of the castle, leaving behind any kind of privacy Vocal thought he had while the two were play master and pet. They quickly entered Canterlot proper, large bustling streets filled with ponies and tall buildings.

It seemed like every pony in Canterlot were out and about on this lovely Sunday afternoon. The streets were packed with visiting tourists and snooty unicorns, all of them weaving in and out of the many stores and café that dotted the cobblestoned streets.

The sight of a unicorn being trotted around in a collar and dog leash was sure to attract a few gawkers in the busy town. Vocal could just barely hear mumbles of distaste towards him as his master tugged him along. Children would frequently appear to pet him oddly enough, finding the allure of pet play cute. They even offered to walk him or play fetch with him some time which Dusk politely turned down. The entire day was filled with humiliating exposure as Dusk carted Vocal around as his pet. Vocal shyly kept his eyes to the ground as they walked, nearly running into a wall or two because of how glued his eyes were to the floor.

As the evening drew closer, the two ponies grew hungry. After an embarrassing day of puppy play, Vocal was relieved they would be taking a break, even if it was at a public place.

Dusk led his puppy to a richy looking restaurant in the shopping district of Canterlot. The fancy building stood apart from the rest of the tall buildings and crowded streets, giving it's atmosphere plenty of room to breath.

A waiter pony stood at a podium near the entrance of the restaurant. The black stallion was dressed as classy as the restaurant, wearing a clean cut suit that was free of any stains or wrinkles. His attire was as spotless as his dark green mane that was slicked back without a hair out of place. When Dusk and Vocal arrived, he was busy sorting through a couple receipts and seating charts that laid scattered on the podium's surface. He slowly looked up at the arriving patrons, momentarily raising an eyebrow at the dog collar that hugged Vocal's neck.

"Table for two, sirs?" He spoke with an elegant and sophisticated vocabulary, mostly speaking through his nose.

"Yes. That'd be lovely," Dusk answered, "one outside if you got it."

The waiter simply grabbed two menus from the nearby stack and started to walk to the left. "Right this way."

Dusk and Vocal were lead down a main aisle through the restaurant, likely grabbing a couple ponies' attention as they passed. Faint, muddled words could be just barely heard from tables as ponies muttered to each other about the strange sight.

The waiter pony lead the two through a glass door, leading out to a patio area. The patio sat on top of a shallow hill, overlooking a small yard as the rest of Canterlot could be seen beyond. A simple, metal railing lined the edge of the patio to set it off from the cobblestoned path that encircled most of the restaurant. Eight or so tables dotted the area, some already filled with ponies and their meals.

The two were led to an metal legged table with a clean glass top. A well watered, pink flower bloomed in a small pot in the center.

"Shall I start you out with drinks?" the pony spoke with rehearsed words as he placed two menus across from each other, "Water? Wine?"

"Just cider for me, thank you," Dusk said, taking his spot at the table. Vocal was moments away from asking for cider as well, but Dusk was much quicker, "and he'll just have water."

"Very good, sir," the waiter stated, walking away without another word.

With the composed pony gone, Vocal turned to look at his master. The pegasus leafed through his saddle bags and pulled out Vocal's doggy dishes, placing them underneath the table. Vocal was then ushered underneath the table as well, his leash tied tightly around one of the table legs.

Drinks came around shortly after as the waiter continued to hold his tongue about the peculiar sight.

"Shall I take your order?" The waiter pony asked, floating a notepad and pen with his magic.

"I shall have the wildflower sandwich. And he will just have a small salad," Vocal efficiently ordered, closing the menu and passing it over to the other stallion.

"Very good sir," the waiter mumbled, leaving with the menus in tow.

Food came shortly after, served on fancy silver platters. The waiter held his tongue when he saw the unicorn submissively sitting underneath the table.

With the help of a fork, Dusk scraped Vocal's plate of food into his doggy dish. Vocal patiently waited for him to finish, blushing ever so faintly whenever he looked around to see if anypony was watching.

As Dusk delicately dined at the table, Vocal quietly ate from his bowl. The royal pegasus used a set of silverware to elegantly cut apart his food, never taking in more than a mouthful of food at one time.

Vocal on the other hand ate his food as quickly as he could. He reasoned that the only thing standing between him and being back home out of the public eye was the simple collection of greenery that waited in his bowl. The unicorn was a tad bit sloppy, but he efficiently dealt with the meal, polishing his bowl off and drinking down the cool water as well.

Eventually, Dusk was done as well. He took much longer than the embarrassed unicorn, but finished all the same. The bill was then paid without an issue, attracting more stares from nearby patrons as Vocal was pulled through the restaurant once again.

As if answering his prayers, his master finally led him out of the building. With light tugs of his leash, Vocal was led back through the busy streets of Canterlot. Stores were slowly closing up for the night, the evening sky slowly darkening the orange sky above.

Vocal kept his head low to the ground, relieved that he made it through the day in one piece. Dusk took the more scenic route back to the castle, weaving through the many streets of Canterlot. His path gathered a couple more stares and muttered comments about Vocal, but he could barely hear any of them. He was much too excited to get out of the public eye and back into their apartment suite.

Finally, after what seemed like agonizing hours, the two returned to their suite, safe at last. Much to the submissive unicorn’s relief, there weren’t anymore ponies to gawk at him here.

"I hope you've learned your lesson, pup," Dusk said, unlatching the leash. "I don't want to find you misbehaving anymore. Understand?"

"Yes master," Vocal submissively answered back.

"Good," the pegasus simply said back. "Now I think that's enough puppy time for one weekend. What do ya say we get that collar and ring off?"

Vocal's face lit up as his tail began to wag. "Yes master!"

Without another word, the unicorn happily dashed into the the bedroom, hopping onto the bed with a happy butt wiggle.

Dusk made quick work of the collar, slipping it off and tossing it back into it's usual spot in the bedside table drawer. He then moved on to twisting off the magic suppression ring that slipped effortlessly off Vocal's horn.

Vocal was quickly hit by a rush of relief once the device was removed. His magical powers came surging back with a tingling sensation like waking up a foot after it fell asleep. "I can never get use to that," Vocal simply stated, rubbing his forehead. After a couple of rubs, the burning pain seemed to fade. He moved in close to the other pony and gave him a big hug.

"There's my Vocal," Dusk said as he ran a hoof through Vocal's mane. "Did you have fun this weekend?"

"Mhmm," Vocal nodded softly, leaning into Dusk.

"Aww, I'm happy to hear that," Dusk said as he hugged the other pony, "just for that, you get to snuggle with me tonight."

The unicorn smiled, leaning into Dusk and nuzzling underneath his chin. Dusk responded by pulling the unicorn close, enveloping him with a hoof as their warm bodies touched. A blanket was gently pulled over the two, keeping them warm as the outside air started to become crisp and cool.

Vocal was out like a light almost instantly. Before long, he was slumbering quietly, still snuggling close to Dusk. "Good puppy," Dusk said with a light peck on the other pony's forehead.