The Truth Blows

by CreepyPony

First published

Rainbow Blitz is known throughout Ponyville as the ultimate daredevil, taking on any challenge and stunt with almost no effort. He's also known to never turn down any dare he gets, so what happens when Anon presents him with an impossible dare?

Rainbow Blitz is known throughout Ponyville as the ultimate daredevil, taking on any challenge and stunt with almost no effort. He's also known to never turn down any dare he gets, so what happens when Anonymous presents him with a seemingly impossible new challenge?

Warning: Contains sexual acts between a R63 stallion and an anonymous human.

No homo

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Anon groaned, crossing off another item off his long list of chores for today. “Finally done with the kitchen. I swear, that’s the last time I allow Bubble Berry to host a party over here.” And what a party it was, it took at least an hour to clean up all the streamers, banners, food, splattered cake, and to Anon’s disgust, a few condoms. “Jeez, do these ponies just fuck anywhere… Never mind, what’s next” He looked down at the next item on the list, which was ‘wash dishes’.

Glancing over at the sink and counter, Anon felt his heart sink. Nearly every last dish in the kitchen had to have been used last night, and each was as dirty as can be. “That pink horse is going to be the death of me…” Grumbling to himself, Anon made his way over to the sink, thoughts of revenge schemes filling his mind as he hesitantly began to run some hot water with some dish detergent mixed in. He didn’t want to do this, he knew it would take forever, but hey, might as well hurry and get it over with…The sink soon filled to an appropriate amount of soapy water and Anon switched the facet off.

“Well this day has been just fucking great so far, I can’t imagine it getting any better!” Just then, a loud and sudden yell could be heard outside, followed by a loud thud. “Looks like I spoke too soon…” Anon sighed and walked towards the front door of his home to check out whatever incident just occurred. After spending so much time in this world of candy-colored horses, random shit like this was to be expected. At least he could put off the dishes for a little longer.

Without even taking two steps out of his home, Anon saw the source of the thud. There, laying in the dirt face first, was a cyan colored stallion pegasus that was attempting to get to his hooves. Anon smirked as he saw who it was and walked over to the clumsy stallion.“Heh, well if isn’t Rainbow Blitz. I somehow knew I’d be seeing you after hearing that crash.” Blitz frowned and growled softly upon getting back up. “Do tell, what outrageous stunt did you attempt to try this time?”

“Oh hey Anon, and it wasn’t my fault! You try doing a nose dive in these winds and with your eyes closed, then you can talk shit!” The pegasus brushed himself off and did a quick stretch before stareing back up angrily at anon.

Anon rolled his eyes “First of all, there’s barely any wind today. Second, why the hell would you perform a stunt like that with your eyes closed?” He always knew Blitz was a reckless daredevil of an athlete, but this was going a little overboard.

“Oh that’s simple, Applejack was going on and on about how no pony would be brave enough to try flying through the air at breakneck speeds without seeing where they were going. I just HAD to prove him wrong, and I did!” Blitz put on a triumph grin and struck a pose as if he had just accomplished something worthwhile.

Anon stared in disbelief and shock for a few seconds before facepalming, secretly wishing the crash had been fatal “...I have no words for just how stupid you are…”

“Brave and daring you mean?” The stallion chuckled and trotted up to Anon “Of course you do, hey do you mind if I stay with you for awhile? Dangerous stunts sure do take a lot of a pony”

“Well actually I was about to-”

“I can? Great! You’re such a cool friend Anon” Ignoring the annoyed Anon, Blitz trotted past him and into his home, leaving him to think of several ways to end the intruding, stuck-up stallion before he had the chance do another stupid stunt.

Pretty soon Anon walked back inside after having cooled himself down, taking a deep breath before closing the door behind him. He found Blitz lounging on the couch with water bottle in hoof, chugging it down like he hadn’t had a drink in days. “I see you’ve already raided my fridge, anything else you’d like to take?” Anon took a seat in the recliner, watching his unwanted house guest drain the bottle.

“Not at the moment, but thanks for offering” Blitz smiled after pulling the bottle away from his lips, a few drops of water falling onto his slightly sweat-covered chest and belly as he did. As annoyed as he was, Anon couldn’t help but glance down at the stallion’s well-toned chest and admire how stunning it was. For a jerk, he sure did have a hot body.

Unfortunately, Anon’s actions did not go unnoticed. “Heh, like something you see~?” Blitz smirked and jokingly flexed his muscles which glistened in the sunlight leaking through the cracks of the window. Anon gasped and blushed a bright shade of red “Wh-what? No, stop it you gay freak!” He turned away, desperately trying to hide his blush and half mast erection from the sexy stallion.

“I expect this kind of attention from mares, but from my good pal Anon? I can’t believe this” Blitz laughed rather loudly as he got a joy out of teasing the flustered and embarrassed Anon. “Oh shut up! In case you didn’t notice, I was frowning when I looked over at you. I was still in disbelief that you even tried that stunt from earlier. And I wasn’t looking at those pathetic ‘muscles’ of yours.”

“That’s not what it looked like to me, but I’ll stop teasing you. Wouldn’t want my pal to get too excited and start expecting certain things to happen” Anon said nothing, his face still bright as ever. “Anyway, I had to do that stunt. Not only to prove him wrong, but also because he dared me! You should know by now that I never back out of a dare” Anon chuckled and turned back to face Blitz after his blush had died down. “Hmpth, I am aware of how you are about dares. I still find it hard to believe that you’ll do any request as long it starts with ‘I dare you’.”

“Of course! I’ve got a reputation to keep up after all! Not that you would know what that’s like Anon” Blitz had a great sense of pride and a massive, fragile ego. He would do anything to keep up his reputation as the best and most daring out of his friends, no matter how humiliating, hard, or complicated the task was. Truth be told, Rainbow Blitz is quite a sad pony. He just wants to be liked by those he holds nearest and dearest. This often lead to these friends taking advantage of the stallion, having him do their jobs or chores without him suspecting a thing.

“...I’ll choose to ignore that comment. So, you seriously will do ANY dare? Anything at all?”

“Yep! Say the word and I’ll have it done in time at all!”

Rainbow Blitz pretty much sealed his fate right then and there. A wicked, evil grin spread across Anon’s face as he began to think of how he would use this to his advantage. So many things he could have this overconfident pony do for him. He knew Blitz would never back out of whatever it was he chose for him to do, but what should the dare be… Something dealing with personal labor, amusement, public humiliation, perhaps even pleasure~ “Hehe, Oh Blitzy, you can’t possibly do any and every dare there is”

“Wh-what! Are you challenging me?” Blitz’s ears perked up, a confident grin on his face. “C’mon Anon, give me a good one. It’s been forever since I’ve had a really crazy one” If only he knew what was to come... “Oh I’ll give you a crazy one alright~” Thought Anon as he finally came up with the perfect dare. One so outrageous that he believed not even Rainbow Blitz would do it, but remained hopeful that he would.

“Very well then Blitz, since you seem so eager, I dare you to…” Anon motioned Blitz to lean in close, which he did with a confused expression and raised ear. Anon then leaned in as close as he could to the stallion’s ear, and whispered in a soft, seductive tone “Suck my dick~” A wicked grin was on his face was on his face as he leaned back into the recliner. Blitz remained in his same position, neither moving or blinking.

“So… will the ‘Brave and daring’ Rainbow Blitz accept this dare? Or will he pussy out like the coward he truly is?” A few seconds later, Blitz finally broke out of his trance-like state in a fit of laughter. It was as if he heard the funniest joke ever and couldn’t contain himself as he retracted back to the couch, still laughing quite loudly. “Oh Anon, That’s a good one! I don’t think I’ve ever heard that one before! But seriously now, what’s the dare you have in mind?”

Anon simply repeated himself with a more serious tone. “Like I just said, suck my dick.” Blitz laughed again, though this time with a hint of nervousness in his voice. “Alright Anon, that was funny but you can stop pulling my leg now…” He also had the slightest shade of red on his cheeks, which Anon found adorable. “What’s m-my dare..?”

“I am being dead serious my dear Blitz. Suck my dick, give me a blowjob, swallow my cum. Will you do it or not?” The stallion had stopped laughing at this point, and looked a little worried with his cheeks appearing to be a much brighter shade of red. “Dude… you can’t be serious… There’s no way I can do that” Blitz spoke in a mixed voice of fear and anger.

Anon hadn’t thrown away the possibility that Blitz would refuse to blow him. But there were several ways to change his mind. “Oh? So you won’t do this dare? And here I thought you were a brave, daring, and extraordinary stallion that would face every challenge head-on without fear.” As Anon spoke and stroked the fragile ego of his stallion friend, Blitz thought it over carefully and weighed the options of accepting vs. declining the dare. Eventually he spoke in a quiet tone much unlike him “I… I think I should go…”

“That’s fine, it’s okay if you don’t want to do it. I’m sure the others would love to hear the story of how the great Rainbow Blitz turned down a dare-”

“Stop!” Blitz suddenly yelled, a bead of sweat noticeably running down his forehead. “There is nothing I can’t do, so if it’s a blowjob you want, you sick fuck, then you’re fucking getting one…” Anon could only imagine how embarrassing that must have been for him to say just from the shakiness in his voice and how he hesitantly got to his hooves, slowly trotting over. “But if I’m gonna do this, just know that this means NOTHING, and if anyone ever hears about this, you’re dead!” He practically snarled at you as he sits his round flanks down before the excited Anon, head facing his crotch.

Oh sweet, sweet success. “I wouldn't dream of telling anyone else Blitzy, this’ll be our little secret.” Anon looked down into the eyes of the sexy stallion in anticipation of the upcoming events about to occur, his hands moving downwards to his crotch. He could just imagine how amazing it would feel to have those sweet, soft lips wrapped around his hard, needy cock. “I’m so glad you decided to accept the dare, you truly are a brave an-”

“Yea, yea, yea, let’s just hurry and get this over with, ok?” Blitz spoke annoyed, who seemed to only want to get this over with as soon as possible. Sucks for him, seeing as Anon had plans to keep him here as long as possible. If all goes well, this stallion could be his before nightfall. This would certainly be a fun evening~

“Whatever suits you, you’re getting a cock in your mouth either way…” Blitz groaned angrily as Anon undid the button of his pants, followed by the zipper. Blitz just watches with widened eyes as he pulls his pants down to his ankles, revealing a large tent pitched in Anon’s boxers. The nervous stallion lets out a gasp as he eyes it, hoofs trembling as he raises them to meet the elastic borders of the soft boxers. “Heh, I don’t want to pressure you into going too fast, go at your own pace Blitzy~”

“Sh-shut up..” He barely mumbles as he ever-so slowly pulls the tight boxers down, allowing Anon’s member to spring out, lightly smacking him against the cheek. The sudden action causes him to flinch in surprise and shock at the sight of his friend’s cock in plain view. He remained frozen for a second and Anon could have sworn his eye twitched, but he quickly shook his head and put on a confident, yet nervous grin. “Heh… is that all? This shouldn’t take too long” Even though he was trying to play it off, Anon could tell he was still extremely nervous.

Blitzy then took a deep breath, preparing himself for what was to come and closed his eyes before lowering his head. What followed was the wonderful feeling of a hot, warm tongue sliding down Anon’s rock-hard cock. The feeling alone was enough to cause Anon to shiver in pleasure and groan softly. “Mmn… that’s a great start~ You’ll be done before you know it~”

Blitz blushed an extremely dark shade of red while his ears lowered in embarrassment. The daring pegasus was not used to this kind of teasing, nor being helpless about it. Still, he continued with the blowjob, bobbing his head up and down in short motions as the saliva from his tongue coated Anon’s dick quite nicely. This earned him a few more moans from the lust filled anon, showing that he was doing exceptionally well for his first time.

“Oh-ooh..~! Nicely done~!” It wasn’t the best blowjob he’s ever had, hell it was far from it. But it was still quite enjoyable for Anon to see Blitz attempt to pleasure him, even if all he was doing were the same motions with his mouth and tongue.

That was about to change however, as hearing the moans and words of praise come from Anon filled Blitz with a sort of pride despite his current embarrassing situation. Like all things he did, praise and encouragement always helped him to go that extra mile to accomplish that particular task, and sucking cock was no exception.

Stifling a loud groan, the pegasus found the courage to go deeper with his blowjob and forced himself down as low as he could go. The result was getting the tip of the turgid cock lodged in his throat, causing him to gag and quickly retreat, only to slam his mouth back down again and again in a steady rhythm. With every movement, his tongue grinded and soaked the underside of Anon’s throbbing cock in saliva right down to his balls. The feeling was incredible for both of them to say the least.

“Oh Fuck~! B-Blitz~!” Anon cried out, bringing a hand down to Blitz’s soft, rainbow colored mane. He tensed up slightly from the sudden change of pace by the stallion, bucking his hips up needily. “Damnit, didn’t expect you to be so good at this~ I knew you’d love the taste of a nice, hard, pulsing cock~ U-umf~” Anon gripped the stallions mane as he then leaked a few drops of pre, landing on that slick tongue that was pleasing him some much.

Surprisingly, Blitz didn’t mind the taste, and actually moaned into Anon’s crotch at his erotic words. It was quite weird to be honest. At first, the taste and thought of the swollen, throbbing cock was not at all appealing to Blitz. But now while sucking Anon’s cock, the sensation started to grow on him. Something about this whole thing just seemed so exhilarating, from sucking his own friend off, to the arousing and satisfied groans coming from the both of them, even the salty taste and teasing were all suddenly appealing to the steadily horny-growing stallion.

This was a completely new experience for him unlike anything before, and he was starting to enjoy it. Both pride and shame were thrown away as Blitz’s dark black horsecock began to spill out if it’s sheath and harden almost instantly in desperate need in arousal. The horny stallion gripped it in his hoof, moaning into Anon’s crotch as he shamelessly began to stroke himself, Anon watching the whole thing.

This new display was nearly too much to take in, combined with Blitz’s steadily increasing pace and his chin nuzzling against Anon’s slowly retracting balls. He was so close… any minute now he would be rapidly cumming down Blitz’s throat… He ran his fingers through the soft mane, attempting to calm himself down just enough to give off a proper warning before it was too late. “Bl-Blitz… I’m… g-gonna…~”

That was all that was needed. The moment those hushed, lust induced words escaped Anon’s lips, Blitz eyes shot wide open as he prepared himself for the upcoming load. Just in time too, at that moment, a loud, pleasure filled moan filled the room as multiple strands of hot cum fired off into Blitz’s mouth. Anon held Blitz’s head tightly in place as he unloaded his balls, strand upon strand of seemingly never-ending cum filled the slutty stallion’s mouth. He tried his best to swallow it all, but ended up gagging in an attempt to get it all down, some of it escaping his lips as well. Not once did he pull away during those ten seconds of non-stop cum shooting.

“Ooh… oh dear god...~” As his orgasm subsided, Anon fell back against the recliner and slipped his dripping cock out of Blitz’s mouth, exhausted and totally spent, a wide smile on his face. “Well, you did it Blitzy~ I can’t tell you how proud I am of you~ ...Blitzy?” In the midst of his afterglow, he saw that Blitz was still stroking himself, a delightful sight as the stallion let out sharp groans and grunts. “Hehe… I suppose I could return the favor, just because we’re such good fri-”

And then Blitzy came, his magnificent horsecock firing its own load into the air and falling back down onto his body in massive, long strands of warm and delicious cum. Anon just watched in awe at the impressive, yet very premature orgasm, waiting until it was over to speak.

“Did… did you just…? But you barely…”

“Not a word…” Blitz collapsed on to his back, cum covering his entire front and looking to be just as tired and spent as his partner despite barely lasting a few minutes.

“But… but…”

“I said not a word!” The stallion looked furious and you could practically feel the heat coming from his beet red face.

“Fine… fine… Can I just compliment your performance?”

Blitz chuckled softly and tiredly as his member began to soften and return to it’s sheath. “Was I really that good?”

“Yes, you really are the fastest in all of Equestria~”