Side story to the origins of Hospital horrors in FoE

by Alternate realities

First published

A short story involving two childhood mares trying to survive out in the wastelands and trying to make their fortune. What secrets would they uncover?

Warning! Please don't take this story seriously. It's simply a short and stupid roleplay and not an actual novel. Keep that in mind when you read it and refrain from posting crap like "There's no effort in this.","What a trash story" etc. Like I said, I've warned ya.

Heya! Not long ago I did a short but fun RPing with this artist artsenravenbrave, about the adventures of two unfortunate mares out in the wastelands of FoE, and how they initiated first contact with the hospital horrors that is canon in the FoE universe by kkat. Praised be to kkat. :)
Btw check artsenraven out! He is an awesome artist!!

It follows the story of Compass point and Speckle Dot. Two scavenger mares out on the wastes trying to make their fortunes, till they discover a well hidden Stable vault hidden somewhere in the most remote places. What terrible secrets would they find? Will they find their fortune or unleash another horror out onto the wastelands? Some things are meant to be forgotten.

The RP was fun, and not half bad so I figured I'd post it up here for anyone with the *guts* to read. This was just a silly role play. Please don't take this seriously, it was all in good fun with me and artsenravenbrave. Rated R for tentacle rape, horror and gore. You've been warned. >:D

One and only chap

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Speckle Dot

The morning sun crept over the decayed city that I call home. Gazing out of boarded up window, I took in the sights of what was once a beautiful city.

"Another day, another fucking scavenge, “I said, cursing under my breath.

Leaving the window, I stared at my collection of prewar tech I gathered during my vault excavations.

After finding a rusty old pipbuck out in the wastelands, I knew there wasn’t much left out there. I moved towards my saddle bags, rummaging through my gear until I found my trusty tool.

"There you are! Time to get cleaned up!" I chirped, holding a custom ranger revolver on my hooves. Grabbing cloth, gun oil and spare part from my bags, I began cleaning my gun.


I stopped, my focus directed towards the door.

"Yeah? What do you want?" I yelled in aggravation.

Compass point

"DO we have to go through this EVERY time?! Those damn radroaches won't catch themselves you know?!" I shouted back through the door

Speckle Dot

"Would you shut it? Jeez, Compass point! Do you always whine?"

I joked as I approached the door. "Hold on I'm opening it," I said as I undid the latches and locks.

With a satisfying click, I opened the door to welcome my foalhood friend.

"You're looking better than usual. Seems somepony is ready for a salvage run,"

I smirked at the orange nerd glaring at me.
Compass point

I rolled my eyes at my tardy friend. "Overslept again eh? Why am I not surprised..." I shifted and adjusted my slung bullpup rifle (Steyr AUG A3, 5.56 mm caliber) to a more comfortable position.

"Got your gear and grub all ready Dotty? I got a good lead from an old friend. It appears the southern ravines used to have an old Equestrian Military base. Top secret. Off the books. Duuno what the hay they were doing there. You and I both know that area is simple infested with hellhounds. But from what my sources told me, the ministry of Arcane tech used that base for experiments of top secret weapons, I've got a good feeling we'll make a fortune there!!" I said excitedly, flipping my annoying mane out of my eyes

Speckle Dot

"Or an early grave, "I remarked.

"Besides, how are you sure this is legit shit here?"

I continued cleaning my gun, replacing its reloading chamber with a more modified version.

I sighed in exasperation, remembering our last scavenge. Her so called source led us straight into a raider camp. If not for those pissed off hellhounds, we would have been raped, drugged and killed.

"Don't get me wrong, we had our moments, but after last time I'm having doubts."

I said tartly while reloading my revolver with 44 magnum rounds.

Grabbing my gear, I turned and faced Compass.

"So then run it by me. What's the plan again? Besides dying in a ditch."

Compass point

I sat down on Speckle dot's couch, which was spoilt with springs jutting out the side. She never made the effort to fix things.

"Always 20/20 in hindsight eh dotty? This is the plan," I unrolled a crude map of the wastelands.

"First we scout the area along this ridgeline here during the day. From what I know, the entrance to the base is located somewhere at the bottom of this ravine here." I pointed at a red circle on the map, signifying a 5 mile radius. "By keeping to the ridgeline during the day, it will keep us out of reach of the hellhounds. Once we find it, we simply descend on zip lines to the door and get in. Grab our prize and leave!"

I happily squeal. "If we pull this off stealthily enough, no one will know and we'll be set for life!" I flicked my red tail at Speckle Dot. "So you in or what?"

Speckle Dot

"Despite my disapproval, I'm not the type to leave my friends hanging. Alright I'm in."

I smiled as Compass point jumped in glee.

Grabbing my gear and rolling up the map, we set out into the wasteland.


"Holy fuck it's hot!" I groaned at the heat .The wastelands always makes me wish for a nuclear winter.

Our destination was about 2 hours away. Adjusting my leather barding outfit, I checked my ammo and gun as we continued our journey.

Reaching once more into my bag, I pulled out my dull and busted pipbuck.

Sure it had nothing on the light bringer’s, but the find was a good find indeed.

"I wonder what makes this bad boy tick."

I questioned looking at Compass.

"Hey, Compass, how good are you at stable tech?"

She was standing still looking into the map. "Hey, Compass? Earth to Compass point? Hello?" I asked again, without getting a response.

I groaned as I moved in front of her.

“Having a hard time reading a map again?" I joked.

Compass point

I jerked out of my reverie. "Huh? Oh, no dotty. I told you already, I only lived in the stables when I was a filly with a blank flank. That was before the overmare chased us out."

I turned around and waved my luscious rump in Speckle Dot's face.

"Does this look like Stable tech talent to you?" I pointed at my cutie mark, which is a gold x on a map. "Give me a map and I’ll tell you which direction your mother sleeps in. But give me Stable Tec equipment, I may as well shove it inside me just for the high." I naughtily replied with half lidded eyes.

Speckle Dot

"I need to find you some stallion to knock your ass up," I replied harshly as I moved Compass's flank from my face.

"Of course, how can I forget my friend’s noble talent of ass shaking,"

I continued trotting in the direction we were heading in.

With the suns heat beaming down on us, my forehead already began to sweat profusely.

What felt like an eternity was only a 2 hours’ worth of trotting in the devil’s playground.

"Alright we made it, so now where do we go?"

I looked around the area. Old destroyed buildings prove uninhabitable.

Compass point

"Try there," I pointed a hoof at a particularly old and inconspicuous shack. "If I were to set up a secret base, that's where I would put the entrance..." I nudged Speckle dot.

"Come on! Unless you wanna cook yourself for the hellhounds and save them the trouble!" As we entered the shack, I could see nothing special. Just a table with a few rusty and used food cans of ole pickled apple slices, and a few sacks of hay in the corner. I turned and looked back at Dotty, who was giving me the most irritated/annoyed look.

I sighed and stomped my hoof in exasperation. "Fine then! YOU pick a place for us to caAAAAAMMMMP--------!!!" The wooden flooring beneath us buckled under the force of my stomp, and me and my white maned friend fell into the abyss haplessly screaming.

Speckle Dot

You know the saying, “Lucks on you when you least expect it, “. Yeah, that saying is a fucking asshole.

I groaned in pain from the fall. Looking around for my friend, I saw that we had fallen a great way. It was a miracle we survived the fall itself, but now we probably gotta save ourselves from dangerous beasts. Yay!!Me!!

I got up checking myself, I wasn't seriously injured.

But that doesn't change the situation.

Compass point

I felt shuffling next to me. I groaned, still dizzy and dazed from the fall. I looked at speckle dot. She doesn't seem to be injured, and neither was I. Thank Celestia. I stretched and looked around.

We had fallen into some kind of narrow crevasse. I looked around and sighed with relief when I saw our gear and weapons were intact. I picked them and stowed em away.

I looked at Speckle Dot apologetically. "Sorry about that. Maybe we should continue on and see where this cave leads, maybe an exit?" I asked meekly.

Speckle Dot

Placing a hoof on my friend, I spoke reassuringly.

"Hey don't be so down, hell for all we know this could lead us to our treasure!"

I spoke cheerfully, “but still we should be careful about how we should approach this."

The cave that we've fallen in was kind spacious. Wider than most caves. As we continued down the path, which was thankfully lit by glowing mushrooms, we began to notice something flicker in the distance.

I squinted my eyes, looking carefully at the odd light source. It suddenly dawned on me that the light source belongs to a switch.
It had the label “Stable-Tec” on it!

Stable Tech! It was a stable! Imagine that! As I look closer, I notice a rather familiar shape of a huge vault door rusty like many others before.
Stable number sixty four two, carved on the entrance door.

"Imagine that shit, Compass Point!! We found the Stable just ripe for the picking!"

I jumped in excitement.

Compass point

I squeed in delight. No mistake! It truly was a Stable tec vault! I knew for a fact every vault served a purpose. Surely this vault's purpose was to house the ministries shady experiments! I turned around to flick the switch.

But before I did so, I turned to warn Dotty. "This is where my intel ends, I'm afraid." I said somberly. "From this point on I'm just as clueless as you. We should proceed with utmost caution...”

I unslung my assault rifle and loaded it before racking a round into the chamber. I looked at Speckle dot and motioned her to do the same, before I placed my hoof on the switch to open the door.

Speckle Dot

Readying myself, I pulled my Ranger from its holster. Nodding at Compass, she activated the switch. Loud sirens could be heard as the stable door began to unlock.

Loud creaking sounds could be heard as the door opened to the side.

"Alright let's see what we can find. “ I spoke, taking the lead into the unknown stable. The stable was completely silent like a tomb.

Upon entering, I notice a pony skeleton laying on the ground.

A holotape was resting under its hoof. I trotted towards the odd piece, hearing old pipes groaning and churning creepily in the background.

Grabbing the tape I notice a terminal to my right .After searching a few more times, I saw nothing of value that the poor pony left behind.

"Let's see what you left here,” I trotted towards the terminal, inserting the holotape inside its hard drive. A recording started playing.
"Whoever reads us please! We had no idea what they was doing to us!! What they wanted to do to us!! I tried to escape but…*aaarrgh!* they fucking shot me, I'm losing a lot if blood.....I'm not gonna make it *fuuuuaaagghk!!!*”

“*Huff huff huff* please if someone reads this burn it!! BURN THIS PLACE TO THE FUCKING GROU-"

The holotape abruptly ended with a gunshot being heard. From the loud sound, it was probably point blank range.

"I guess we found what your friend was talking about," I sounded uneasy, feeling like a cold gaze was watching us, monitoring our every movements.

Compass point

I stared at the holotape that Dotty had found, cold dread creeping up my spine. I looked at speckle dot. "I don't know what that was about, but we have only two options. Either we get out now and find another way out, or we find what we are looking for and leave. There is no way in Tartarus I'm spending any time in here unless we absolutely have to."

I raised my rifle and clicked off the safety. "We came too far to back off now. Let’s just find whatever's valuable in this damned place and get the fuck out asap ok?" I reassured Dotty. “We’ll be fine if we moved quickly."

Speckle Dot

"Yeah if course! We've been through worse right? Besides whoever did this is long dead, “I said as we gathered at entrance of the stable.
It was surprisingly clean in this stable. Usually, they be rusty looking or infested with remains and blood stains, but there wasn't any signs of such things.

It’s like they all just vanished except for that skeleton.

I took point entering the facility, as I moves further in I noticed a vending machine containing old pre-war snacks.

It was amazing how well preserved they were. As I move towards the vendor, a loud siren went off. Horror gripped me like cold hooves of death, as we saw the stable door closing on us.


I screamed, galloping into the only exit we got.

I tried using the switch inside the structure, but it required an overstallion or overmare approval.

"Shit! Fuck! Now what!!"

I heard loud banging within the pipes.

I aimed at the pipe line ready for something to drop down on us.

Nothing happened.

Compass point

'FUCK!" I exclaimed, rushing to the door with Speckle dot, intending to keep it open. But I was too slow. The giant metal door shut itself with a deathly clang that echoed throughout the stable. So much for fucking stealth.

I looked back at Dotty, my throat dry. "It’s fine Dotty. If the vaults are designed the same way, we need to get to the overmare's office to activate the override. But to get there we need to go through the clinic and morgue..." I trailed off, watching Dotty aim at the still pipes...

"What’s wrong dotty?" I asked, scared.

Speckle Dot

"I don't think we're alone in here,” I spoke in a cold fear and panic, “we need to find that clinic now!"

I said, sounding more terrified than collected.

How could this place get to me so easily? I shook my head. Now wasn't the time for questions.

I galloped back to the entrance. At the center of the room was a locker and console panels.

Looking for something of use, I spotted a map. Blueprints of the stable itself.

"Compass!! I found a map....the clinics in the third floor along with the overmare's office!"

I handed her the map.

Compass point

I looked at the crusted and dingy map. The clinic was not far from here. Just one level up and at the back of the corridor. I swallowed my rising sense of unease.

"Ok then Dotty. Let’s go. Hopefully we'll find what we're looking for along the way. If not, let’s just activate the override and get the hell out of here."

I raised my rifle and took point, going deeper and deeper into the darkness of the vault.

Speckle Dot

As we proceeded down deeper into the stable, my muzzle began to scrunch up by the horrid smell of rotting flesh.

"Ugh! so much for a clean environment,"

I gagged at the putrid smell. As we moved deeper, the smell became stronger and stronger.

A wet sound echoed through a dark corridor on our right.



The sound of a body being dragged made my ears perk up. There was another pony in here, hurt, scared, or dying.

I gathered my courage as I peeked out of the corner, down the stable halls.

Then I saw the creature.

Abomination was all that filled my thoughts, its body bloated like a corpse in water, like something between pony and monster. Patches of fur clung to its mane, or what's left of it.

I turned away, avoiding its gaze. What do we do now!!?

I drew my revolver to my side.

Compass point

"What the hell is THAT?!" I gasped, nauseous at the mere stench that the creature was giving off. I stared at the creature, frozen with fear. I turned to look at Speckle Dot. She had drawn her weapon.

I turned my attention back to the creature, just as it had noticed us. A flurry of tentacles burst from weird pustules and holes from its mottled skin.

The creature charged at us, tentacles flailing and emitting a horrible high pitch shriek!

I screamed in terror, letting rip a barrage of bullets at the creature, just as I heard Dotty do the same.

Speckle Dot

I drew up my weapon, firing directly at its torso. Bullets ripped apart its mid-section, tearing out entrails and odd black bile while exiting its body.

It collapsed to the ground, twitching madly as we stared in shock.

I turned and stood frozen in pure fear, another one glared at me through its big, bright red eyes looking into my soul.

I couldn't scream, nor could I move. I watched as its tentacles escapes it's deformed muzzle, wrapping around my hooves wetly.

Compass point

"DOTTY!!!" I shouted, turning around and aiming my gun at the next creature, but before i could pull the trigger, something big and wet slammed into me from above.

The force knocked me of balance, and I fell onto the cold hard steel floor. A tentacle ripped the rifle from my grip and tossed it away. I could hear it clatter away uselessly across the corridor. I turned to see my attacker, another tentacled beast.

I screamed in terror as the monster grabbed each of my four hooves with its wet and sticky appendages.

The first two bound my forelegs tightly behind my back while the other two forced my hind legs apart as wide as they could go, making me assumed an obscene position. I turned my head and saw the same thing happening to poor Speckle dot. I Shrieked.


Speckle Dot

My eyes never left its gaze. Staring into its horrid bright eyes, as the tentacles begin to spread my legs.

I stared as I felt an even thicker tendril rubbing between my hindquarters. My juices started flowing. I blushed as my traitorous body betrayed me.

I felt it rubbing my most sensitive part of my body. I wanted to scream in pure horror as I felt something hard, hot, veiny and thick began to force its way inside me.


I screamed in pure agony as I felt my walls split open, my virgin pussy welcoming the intruder. I gritted my teeth in pain as the thick organ started to thrust deeper inside me.

Compass point

I turned as best I can to see what happened to Dotty, and what I saw made me freak. The monster was raping her!! I could see a particularly thick tentacle with a tapered end impaling her in her most intimate mare parts. I turned back to see my attacker and to my horror I saw 3 of those extra thick tentacles pointed right at me!

"NOOOOO! PLEASE NOO!!! ANYTHING BUT THAT!!" I begged the creature, not knowing if it understood my pleas. But from what I could see, the creatures were only the basest form of instinct. Some kind of bioweapon made to reproduce inside living creatures. One of the tentacles slammed home inside my virgin pussy and another one impaled me in my ass. It went SOO deep I could feel it stretching my intestines to its limits. I felt like I could rip apart at the seams!

"FUUUUUUUUCCCCK NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" I shrieked in pure agony. My blood ran down my thighs in small rivulets as the cruel monster began thrusting in and out mercilessly.

Speckle Dot


I screamed as every thrust of the thick tentacles slammed into my womb. I cried as the pain was too much for my petite body to withstand.
I cried louder as I felt every vein, every pulse of my walls clenching it's appendage, refusing to let go. Its pounding becoming more forced and harder than before.


I cried as my body spasmed in pain and reluctant pleasure.

Compass point

The pain was unbearable. The monster kept thrusting without any consideration for me or Dotty's pain. I screamed till my voice was hoarse and nothing came out. My body became acclimated to its size after a while, and the pulses of pain soon transformed into waves of pleasure. I groaned as the tentacle in my pussy started thrusting deeper and deeper.

"FUCK OH FUCK!!!!! I squealed, trying to delay the inevitable. But it was too late. "FUCCCCCCCCCCCCK!!" I screamed in pain and pleasure as I peaked. My love tunnel milking that tentacle hard just as my love juices spurted out in a brilliant display like a fountain. That sudden increase in pressure signaled the monster that it was time.

Its evil seed burst forth into my pussy, and I felt a searing heat as the evil mixture seeped into my uterus. "OH GODDESSES NOOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed, unable to believe what had happened.

Speckle Dot

I screamed in pleasure as my orgasm reached its peak. I could feel my walls clenching hard around its sex tool, moving in a faster pace. Panic gripped me as I felt his thing pulsating hard inside me.


I felt my womb become filled to the brim with its hot, potent seed. My belly began to grow from the amounts of cum exploding inside me.
I began to list consciousness, my mind foggy and unable to think straight.

Why? Why us? Why now? I don't want to die!! These were my last thoughts before I blacked out.

Compass point

I groggily awoke, covered in sticky slime and goo. I turned to my right. Dotty was there, out cold. The monsters were all gone. Back into the blackness of the vault from whence they came.

I could feel something wrong with me. An indescribable itch deep inside my belly. I weakly moved over to dotty and shook her awake.

"Dotty! Dot!! Oh god please wake up!" I shook her more vigorously. A sudden pain in my gut made me double over. "Aaaaaagghh!!" What’s wrong with me!!

I looked down at my belly and almost fainted.

I looked 9 months pregnant! My belly swollen to its maximum. But that’s not what freaked me. I could see something squirming underneath my taut skin. The squirming got more and more violent! Like something was trying to escape from inside me!

Speckle Dot

With a snap, I woke up screaming in pain, pain like no other feeling I've ever felt before! It’s as though something was eating me inside out!!!


I screamed as I felt my womb explode inside me, my organs churning and ripping apart violently inside.

The pain becoming unbearable, I cried out one last time, feeling my stomach give way.

It was like a moment I was in horrible pain and entrails were flying out of me like confetti.

I stared in horror, seeing an ungodly abomination emerging from my flesh. I collapse to the ground as my vision begins fading.

Darkness welcomed me. It was finally over.

Compass point

Through my red tinted vision, I saw the horrible fate that had befallen my poor friend, and I know my doom was not far behind. I removed a tape recorder and pressed the start button.

"To whoever finds this, l-leave a-a-at once....*Auuggghhh!!!* *huff huff*, the monsters here impregnate you and eat you from the inside o-o-out....*F-FUUCCCKKK!!* *uh uuuuh*, celestia help you if you did this recording, and double help you if you're a mare....."

I turned off the recording, and not a moment too soon. With an ear piercing shriek, my taut belly finally gave way with a loud rip. Something flew out of me, besides my guts and decimated organs and crushed pelvis. The force of the explosion was so intense that the far walls and windows were painted red with me and Speckle Dot's blood and viscera.

With darkening eyes, I saw the horror, my baby that had crawled up to my side and stared at me with blood red eyes. "Mama......" it croaked.... before death mercifully claimed my tortured soul.
