The Darker Side of Life

by Brony Parasite

First published

Human goes to Equestria as a Sith. He gets powers, and does evil deeds! Enjoy!

A Displaced Human in Equestria story. A high school boy and his friends go to comic-con, he gets a Pip-Boy, and then they have a heart attack. Our "Hero" makes a deal with a being of darkness to give them a second chance, and things go down hill from there.

Edit: I forgot to put the ratings. It's T, not E. Sorry for the mix up.

Prouloge: The Pip-Boy, The Deal, And The Sleep

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So hello, I am Whitney, and no, I'm not a girl. And this is how I went to Equestria. So, I went to comic-con dressed up as a sith lord, my own design of course. So I wear a black sith robe from head to toe. My Lightsaber's -I have two- are one Obi-Wan Kenobi hilt and one Plo Koon hilt... Look it up!

I went to the convention with my two best -only- friends: Clare & Jackie! Both of which are girls. Jackie was like me, but a Jedi... Scumbag... She wore a female Jedi robe, with a Mace Windu's Lightsaber. She was blond, tan skin, and green eyes. Clare, however, went as a female Lich, with gray skin painting, fading blue eye contacts, black hair, and black arcane robes meant for a mage- er, Lich Queen. She also had a gray longsword with a black handle to top it off.

But anyway, I had gotten us all trinkets from a Merchant. I got Jackie a grapple gun, you know, the one Luke uses in A New Hope? Clare an empty spell book. And I got myself a Pip-Boy with a red screen. Once I put it on, I blacked out.

I woke up in darkness. There was no up, no down, no feeling, no sound... I began to panic. Where was I, what happened?

Then, I heard a voice. It said:

"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? No one deserves that." Came a calm, male voice, it was almost soothing. Almost.

"Who are you!? Where am I!? Wh-what happened?" I was on the verge of hyperventilating, but something was preventing me from doing so.

"To answer the first question, you can call me Merchant. To answer the next two questions, I need but two words: You're Dead." He said in a cheerful tone, like he was enjoying this.

I felt like throwing up, but like before, couldn't. Dead? No, I have so much to live for! I was going to ask Sally out, get my sister back for spiting on my toothbrush, and graduate high school! I can't be dead, can I?

"I know it sounds bad. It is! But, there is a way to save you and your friends!" The man assured me.

'What's his angle? What does he want? Eh, what do I have to loose.' I thought. What do I have to loose? I'm dead, my friends are dead, and I want a cookie.

"Sure, why not." I said, not caring what happened next.

"Ok! But no going back." He replied. What?

"This is going to hurt you a lot more then its going to hurt me!" He said, then there was a clicking sound, followed by searing pain.

It was like someone was cutting my brain open and shoving a metal devise in it. While my body began to numb... from the feet up... agonizingly slowly. Hurry up and get to my head, this pain is killing m- Oh, I'm already dead... Well that's depressing.

There was a sound, like a straw sipping the last few drops of a drank. I blacked out.

Opening my eyes to the agonizing sun light, I slap my hand over my eyes to shield them from the accursed element. I could use some painkillers right about now, for I have a headache...

'A headache? A headache! That means I'm alive! Haha, thank you mysterious man!' Sitting up swiftly, I took in the most beautiful landscape I've ever seen! I was on the top of a hill, surrounded by lush green grass. In the distance, I could see a small castle. The castle was kind of old looking, but still in use. And pony century's wher- Wait, WHAT!?

Yes, pony century's where guarding the castle... Am I alive? If so, where am I?

"Halt! who are you!" I heard a male voice. It sounded kinda like the guards in Oblivion, which would normally mean I stole something.

Turning around to look at the... pony, he seems to have a white coat and from the look of his tail, he has blue hair... or whatever horse hair is called. He's warring some kind of gold gladiator armor, with a horn coming out of the helmet. Oh good, a unicorn pony, how... Actually, its quite interesting, and slightly cute. He also had a spear... In his hoof... That's cool, but how!? Its not physically possible!

I heard a groan coming from my right so I looked over to see Jackie doing what I did when I woke up.

"Shut up!" She yelled. The guard seemed surprised, but I didn't blame him. After all, I hade that same face.

"What in Equesrtia are you!?" He yelled in disgust. Why?

'Okay, what's going on? And why is his horn glowin-' My thought was cut short when a ball of blue energy came hurtling towards me.

So I jumped. I jumped twenty feet in the air. I didn't know I could jump that high. Come to think of it, I don't think humans can jump this high. Only-

Ow... I hit the ground in ten seconds flat, a new record! Luckily its grass, so yay for me.

The first thought that comes to my head is 'Testing time!'. So, without further waiting, I push my hand out. The following things happen, one: I fall on my butt. Two: the guard goes out of the park. And three: Jackie punches me in the gut.

As I'm trying to get some oxygen in me, Jackie stands up an looks around.

"Where are we?" Jackie Said, looking around the lush grass.

"I don't know. One minute we're at comic con, the next... We're hear..." I said, after regaining my breath. Thinking it best not to tell her about dying or the deal.

I decided to look myself over. I was wearing the same sith robes, but more... real. Before it was a cheap fabric. Now, it was a smooth and comfortable leather. My Lightsabers, which where once plastic, are now metal. Are they real? Taking the Plo Koon Lightsaber-Which I use in my left hand- I checked to see if I could turn it on, after fumbling with it for a couple seconds, I found the switch and flicked it. A red beam shot out of the hilt, making the sound of a Lightsaber turning on. 'Holy crap!'

Jackie heard it, and turned around. The look on her face was priceless!

"What the frak!?" Were the words of an awestruck girl. And then she ruined it by fan girling out. Man she knows how to scream...

That was when I remembered something... or, someone. Clare.

"Wait, where's Clare!?" I asked, then I saw it. "Pffffft, ahahahahahahah!" My laughter was directed at a gray unicorn with black hair, glowing blue eyes, and Clare's costume. The pony was hiding behind a large rock. It was Clare as a Lich pony!

"Not funny!" She yelled, blushing from embarrassment. She looked sooooo cute! I just wanted to pinch thoughs checks!

Stopping myself from doing something I would regret, I searched my robe for instructions. To my luck, I found a note in an inside pocket. I pulled it out, opened it, and read:

'Dear Whitney, I see you've found my note. So, let me tell you what you need to know! Princess Celestia is an evil tyrant who has a plan to kill you and your friends! I've left you a present in that castle in front of where you woke up! Its underneath the princesses bed! Once you get it, go to the location I've marked on your Pip-Boy. Have fun!
P.S: I put a music player in your head!'

'He WHAT!?' As I thought this, a song began playing.


"Where's that music coming from!?" Shouted a surprised Jackie. They can hear it to?

"What's happening!?" Yelped Clare. Yep, they hear it to.

"Girls, its me! Don't worry, I have a music player!" I lied, trying to calm them down and me. It didn't work.

"This is weird, why's Clare a horse?" Jackie said. Hmm, she doesn't seem that freaked out. Then again, why am I not freaking out!?

"There not horses, there ponies. There too small to be horses." I calmly stated. Jackie was not amused.

"Ok, 'pony'. Clare's a pony, we don't know where we are, and you've got a real Lightsaber! Turn it off!" Jackie yelled. I realized I forgot to turn it off and clicked the switch, shutting the red beam off.

"Check yours." I said simply.

"What?" Jackie said anger obvious in her tone.

"Check your Lightsaber, its bound to be real!" I nonchalantly say. 'Please Vender guy, let hers be real'

Jackie pulled her Lightsaber out and found the switch easier then me. She flicked it, and a green beam shot out of it. Her eyes widen, and she dropped it, automatically shutting it off.

"Ok, I need you two to stay hear while I get something. Understand?" I asked. They nodded.

'Ok, going into enemy territory for something that could be useless... I've done worse.' Not really, but any confidents I can muster is good for me!


'These guys are morons, pin heads, brainless animals' Ok, that last one was uncalled for. Mostly. But when I get seen, and hide, they say things like "I thought I saw something" or "I'm just tired" and my personal favorite "It was probably a cat or something", people these days.

The only problem I had was that dark blue one, she's not as incompetent as the lame excuse for guards.

But other than that, I found the chambers of the princess relatively quick. I opened the door, and seeing no one was home, I decided to walk in.

'Oh. My. Gosh.'

The room was bigger than my house, white walls, floors and celling's. A big white bed with what looked like a small sun on the bed poste. 'Gezz, pure much?'

I looked under the bed to find a silver capsule, about the size and shape of a canteen.

There was another note on the capsule, I read what was on it.

'Hello once again. Now, I'm going to cut to the chase. The stuff in this capsule are what you call Nanites, these little bugs will build whatever you want, with the exception of life. You control them with the Pip-Boy, like everything else. Good luck, and may the force be with you.
P.S: Do not open them until you get to the location on the Pip-Boy.'

'Nanites!? Ah heck yeah!'

I turned to leave when I saw the weirdest sight, a large white unicorn with wings stood right in front of me.

"Crap..." I muttered before running for my life. I heard a "Wait", but didn't stop.

I ran right, left, right, left, strait, left and ran into guards. I turned around to see the blue menace herself, which also had a horn and wings.

"Surrender beast, or we shall slay they!" The blue one said. Rather loudly I might add.

"I surrender!" I yell as I raise my hands. I feel the force flowing though me, as if I know all there is to know about the force and how to use it. Its like instinct. I pull my hands back, point them in either directions, and push. The motion feels almost natural. The guards went flying in all directions, while the blue one smashes into the wall. 'Bingo!'

I looked around and saw a window at the end of the hall. 'Perfect'

I already had a running start, so I just ran. I had the force, what could go wrong!

And that was the greatest moment of my life! When I jumped out the window, I felt a rush of air, and freedom! I felt so alive!

But alas, it was not meant to be. I hit the ground. Face first. 'Ow...'

But now is not the time to be whimpering like a wimp. I got up to see blood coming down my face. I checked where the blood was coming from. 'A cut, nothing more, nothing le-' My thought was cut short be a large pain in my right arm. I looked at my Pip-Boy to see that my arm was disabled. 'Crap, need a medic!'

I looked up from my Pip-Boy to see my friends rushing over to me.

"What happened!?" Clare asked in shock.

"N-nothing, just got something! Lets g-go!" I said in pain.

They looked at me with concern, but nodded nonetheless. And so, we ran.

We reached the place on the map, it was a land of grass... There wasn't much else to say. We reached the middle, I sat down.

"How did you know to come here?" Jackie asked.

"It was in the Pip-Boy map. I followed it hear." I Answered simply.

"Why was it on the map?" She pressed.

"The man told me to-" I slipped. 'Crap'

"And you just trust him!?" Jackie yelled.

"He helped us! We were dead and he saved us!" I yell, not realizing what I had just said.

Jackie's eyes were wide. She began shaking. Not in anger, but sorrow. She turned and ran.

"Wait!" I called. I tried to make chase but a hoof stopped me. I turned to see Clare with a knowing look.

"Give her time." Clare said.

"How can you be so calm!" I questioned, wondering why one of the most scardy cat in my school was so mellow.

"As you can see, I'm dead." Clare gestured to herself. "I'll go see if she's ok."

I nodded. Once she left, I took out the present. I began unscrewing the lid. After I finished, a puff of silver smoke hit directly in my face. And I backed out.

[Cryogenic Sleep, Activate.]

[Base Complete.]

[All systems operational.]

[Set Time For Awakening.]

[Time: 990 Years.]

Chapter 1 Part 1: Rise of Darth...

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[Time: 24 Years Before The Birth of The Elements of Harmony]

[Location: Underneath Ponyville]

[Preparations for Arrival]

[Base: 100% Complete]

[Emergency Weapons: 100% Complete]

[Historic Lessons: 100% Complete]

[Nano Infusion: 100% Complete]

[Extra Preparations]

[Target List: 97% In Progress]

[Extra Pip-Boy Functions: 99% In Progress]

[Family Seed Preparation Mission: 100% Success]

[Corruption: 100% Complete]

[Master, wake up...]

I... I feel different... Like my life is meaningless... There dead. All of them. Dead. Mom, Dad, Sally, Jackie, and Clare... Its been hundreds of years... Why? I know why. That damn princess. The damn Merchant. And just damn time... Burn it all to hell! I'll kill them all! Celestia will get her sister back soon... I know. I'm the one who's going to bring her back!

[Good morning master! Did you sleep well?] My trusty sidekick Nanite-Hivemind said through my Pip-Boy. She's the one who has been taking care of me ever since I got hit by the nanites. I spoke to her -Yes, a girl- in my dreams, and ended up calling her Sandy, after my little sister.

She sounded like a young group of teenage girls with a glitch sounding voice in the background. She gave me all I needed to know about this world. From its inhabitants, to physics. This world is weird.

I began feeling my senses return. The feeling in my brain was the first. Then, I felt my limbs waking, as if they where asleep, which they where. After the feeling in my body returned, I slowly opened my eyes.

Looking around, I figured out that I was in some kind of large capsule, big enough to fit my form. I was standing upright. It didn't feel comfortable, in fact, I'd had to say that it was the worst sleep I ever had.

"No..." My mouth was dry, so it was hard to talk.

[Do you need a glass of water?] She sounded concerned. Which would sound weird, if she where a normal robot. She is a magical AI system, built to make everything imaginable... Except life... But that's more of a guideline. She... Took something away from me... And now I have kids. Pony kids, but kids nonetheless. It was weird, and there dead by now, but I think I still have grandkids. I'll go see them later.

"Yes, I'd like that. Thank you." I said politely. Sandy made a floating glass appear in front of me. It was empty, but I was patient. Water fell from the ceiling, coming from the lake in 'Ponyville' throw a filter. I took the flying glass of water, and literally inhaled the soothing liquid.

After I was done, I threw the once full cup to the floor for dramatic affect. But before it hit the bottom of the sleep chamber, it disintegrated, leaving nothing left. I smirked.

[Are you ready for me to open the chamber, Master?] Sandy asked.

'YYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!' I've been cooped up here with nothing to do. But I'm not the begging ty-

"Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease, PLEASE!!!!!!!!" I begged.

'Nice work, all mighty dark lord' The voice in my head said. Yeah, I went insane being stuck in here with Sandy coming, oh, once a year. So my coping mechanism is this guy. I call him Whitney. Sandy said she had to erase my name to 'make me more evil'. She calls me Master, but I'll get my new name after she lets me out.

'Shut up stupid!' I retorted. Whitney 'rolled his eyes' and stayed quiet.

[As you wish, Master] Sandy said, there was a sound of hissing of as the chamber door opened slowly.

When the door was fully open, I jumped out and fell to my knees. I began weeping for joy. 'Finally.' was all I could think. The base was a metallic silver, no doubt made of a metal not known to man. Lots of hallways leading to different parts of my 'home to be'.

[Welcome back to Equestria, Darth Folteren] She said almost menacing.

"What?" I asked.

'So smart.' Whitney commented, rather rudely I may add.

'What was I supposed to say!?' I defended.

[You're new name is Darth Folteren.] Sandy answered calmly.

'I can live with that.'

I wobbled over to the nearest room. The bathroom.

I went strait to the mirror, and what I saw scared me.

Pale white skin with thick black veins coming out of my robe on ether side of my neck. My once hazel eyes where now a glowing yellow/orange. And my hair, black with white tips.

Celestia did this. She will pay!

After I examining the bathroom, I looked around the base. I found all the necessities one would need for an evil lair. A weapons vault, a training room, a prison, five bedrooms, a bar(Not going to use it), two war rooms, and a pool. I'll swim later, right now I have a plot to begin.

"Sandy, when will S.T.A.R. be ready?" I asked my friend. I turned on the computer in War Room 1.

[The Secret Track And Rise will be ready in 41 years, Lord Folteren]

I winced at the amount of time before it was ready. 'Dang...'

'Hey, at least you'll be able to practice swimming!' Whitney mocked, oh no, you're not getting away this time.

'You know, I could tell Luna about you're crush on her' I threatened. He gulped.

'Y-you wouldn't.' He replied nervously.

'Watch me' I went to press a button, but Whitney yelped.

'Okokokokokokok, I'm sorry, at least you'll have time to practice you're powers!' He apologized quickly. I didn't even know what the button did!

'Better, now if you'll excuse me, I have things to do.' I think he is mad... who cares, lets see who I'm related to!

"Ok... DNA scan... searching... searching... Ok." I mumbled to myself as I typed. When the results popped up, I looked at the surname to see to: Apple, and Pie. Interesting, food types... Hmm... I'll see the Apple's first, they live in Ponyville. Sandy must have Luna'd them and made this place good for farming. Heh, never thought my dependents would be farm folk... They BOTH were... Weird...

Then I felt something. In the years after Jackie died I thought I would never feel... Hope.

And so, I prepared. I made two pony bodies with the nanites. They may not be able to make life, but they sure do know how to change my body, but not for long. I made one for the Apple's, and one for the Pie's. Sandy prepared the changes, I would take the look of a stallion in his 20's, with a dark brown coat, blond hair, green eyes, and a Zap apple cutie mark. I would love to try one of them.

The other, a mare. Same age as the stallion, but a faded pink coat, a white curly mane, baby blue eyes, and a pie cutie mark.

Now I needed a name. Two. Sandy has the worst name choosing program, she had 990 years to think of a name and 'Folteren' was what it was? Oh well. Lets see... The stallions name shall be Apple Jam, cause why not. And the mare... Aha! Wiggle Pie! I love a silly mare, and I shall be that mare!

I pressed a button on my Pip-Boy and changed into the stallion.

'Off to the Apple's!'

Chapter 1 Part 2: ...Folteren. And His Apprentices

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[Time Line: Two Day's After Season Two, Episode 2]

[Location: Darth Folteren's Lair]


[Target List: 99% In Progress]

[Extra Pip-Boy Functions: 100% Complete]

[Droid Control Ship: 98% in Progress]

[CIS Starship Yard: 100%]

[New Armor: 100% Complete]

[CSI Military Factory: 100% Complete]

[Base Modifications: 100% Complete]

[Armored Transports: Continues]

[Time in of the essence...]


( )

Walking down the hallway, I see how my base has changed. No longer is it that barren, and metallic, default base.


Now, it has the appearance of a TRUE Sith lair. Dark gray walls, lined with red drapes that have the Sith Empire insignia. The floors and ceiling, an ebony color, was spotless.

I could hear the sound of pistons, and my minions in the distance. I told Sandy to make a Droid Factory, so I have Battle Droid Minions.

I enter my Sith Alter, a new room I made to practice the Force. Looking around, I see a statue of the greatest Sith to ever "live": Darth Revan.

I had played the game, and instantly loved the dark lord, back on Earth. I had almost every Darth Revan piece of merchandise... He is best Sith.

I turn to my left to see my apprentices, Shadow Slash, and Scootaloo.

"Greetings master." Shadow, a white Pegasus with black, red, and purple mane, said Bowing.

The orange Pegasus bowed as well, her purple mane hiding her similarly colored eyes.

"Rise." I imitate Lord Vader from Force Unleashed.

They do as I said, rising up to there full height of about three feat. opening there eyes. One pare is a deep purple, while the other is a vibrant teal.

Time for a pop quiz. "What is the Code of The Sith?" I give quizzes to keep them knowledgeable in the dark side.

They spoke in unison. "Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me."

"Excellent!" I said. I'm still proud of them. I took them in at a young age, Scootaloo was just a newborn, and Shadow, a filly. I took Shadow in first. Her power in the Force was, and is, great. But later, I sensed a more powerful Force Sensitive, Scootaloo. So I took her in as well, I mean, its not like her parents. I never knew ponies could use it... Maybe Jackie had an apprentice... I'll check later.

"You two are exceling in the Force," I said. They smiled. "Which is why you two can stay up late if you want to." Annnnnnd, cue the extremely cute jumping up and down... 'D'awww.'





After Whitney shut up, I continued 'D'aww'ing over the girls. If I'm a Sith Lord, then I'm a bad one. But ponies are cute, and even though I'ma kill there Princess. I still think there adorable.

"Now, clean up and get ready for diner." I then leave to do more planning... orrrrrr, I could check up on family... As Clare always told me: "Family comes first! Now lets go poke that dead rat!" To this day I still do not know why that dead rodent had to do with my Moms death...

I walk menacingly towards the Control Room. Droids doing there preparation, and ever since Discord was set free, we were set back by years! God knows what I've done to get this far. 'If he ever gets out, I shall not hurt him... Who am I kidding? I'm going to gut him!'

'Whoa... Harsh!'

'No one cares what you think.'

He seems annoyed about my piercing words.

"Sir!" I hear a Battle Droid shout. 'Is it talking to me?' I think.

I turn to see a yellow-class Battle Droid, with a data pack clutched in its three fingers.

"I thought I told the Admiral to program all Droids to call me Lord Folteren!" I growl, nothing calls me anything less.

"S-sorry Lord Folteren, but our scanners indicate that a rift may open in the near future. Also, it seems Princess Celestia has sensed a possible new threat. How do you wish us to respond!" The Droid reported.

"What do you mean rift?" I asked.

"We don't know, our scanners aren't that advanced! Estimated time of opening is in 1 hour, and 37 minutes" Figures everything is out of date, and my Pip-Boy makes it so when it comes to equipment that I don't use all the time is restricted to CIS designs. So, there gonna have to make do. And so will I.

I sigh. "Fine, but try to locate where it will appear, I might need it." I wonder what I'm going to find.

"Yes, Lord Folteren!"

"And what about the threat?"

"We think she means she knows where we are. She has sent troops to Ponyville(Shudder), and is setting up Dark Magic Wards all around the town." The Droid informed Me.

Really? Dark Magic Ward's? Celestia MUST be kidding. Does she think everything is magic? I groan internally. I may like the Ponies of this world, but I think she is more of a horse then an actual pony.

"Okay, I'll see if I can fix this." I said exasperated.

"Roger, roger." It replied. And then it... Skipped away... 'What did I program them with?'

'Beats me...'

'Quite, my idiotic brain ceil.'


I then think of the perfect thing to do.

I'll investigate that dimensional anomaly... I'm bored.

"Sandy, set the map to the estimate coordinates. when you get them."

[As you wish, Lord Folteren.]


{Scootaloo's POV}

'Master is so AWESOME!!!'

Yeah, I know he is evil, but he's the closest thing I have to a father... I know, cheesy, but true nonetheless. If it wasn't for him, I'd be stuck in an orphanage, and from what Shadow says, there Tartarus.

Shadow's like a sister to me, but she tries not to be. I would have her as my idol, but she isn't as awesome a flyer as Rainbow dash. Sure she'd be able to kill Dash without even trying, but I don't want to be like her. She's kinda... Cold. Her family abandoned her, and unlike mine who died, hers didn't care for her. Its sad, but Master Folteren has taken care of her, and all will be well.

You are probably wondering why I'm not trying to get my Cutie Mark in the Dark Side. I would, but then I'm like Shadow: Hidden.

Her Cutie Mark was the old Sith Symbol, a black circle, with three spikes on ether side, and on both, one spikes was longer which is in the middle.

Me and Shadow leave and return to our rooms. Mine is up above to make it look like I'm normal. My room was a teal color, with a couple of paintings on the walls, one of which was a photo of Rainbow Dash. My bed was a checkered light green, and dark green. Aside from the silver trash can, the room was barren. I trot over to the elevator that takes me to the fake house-Which is basically mine-and press the 'up' button.

"Greeting Scootaloo." I hear a dark voice behind me. I turn to see one of Masters Acolyte's, named Venture.

"What is the Masters pet doing here?" He asks in a snake like tone. Master finds force sensitive ponies that are wanted or imprisoned, and turns them into Proxy's to do his bidding.

"Going to my room to leave. I need some fresh air." I said monotonously. Though I can take him on, I don't have a Lightsaber yet. That's when he lunged at me. I ducked, then kicked him in the knee.

"Stop right now or I will tell Master of you're treachery!" Yelled Shadow. 'Yes!'

He stops, looks over to her, and runs. She has a Lightsaber, and knows more about the Force the Sith Acolyte's. I sigh in relief... and then I feel a crushing hug.

"Are you okay Scootaloo!? Did he hurt you!? I'd kill him if he did!" She announced, being sweet, caring, and menacing at the same time.

"Shadow! You know I don't like it when you do that in public! And I'm fine." I wined.

"S-sorry Scoot... I-I just-" I cut her off with a wave of my hand.

"S'okay, I think I'll just go crusading with my friends, there's still time." I said, getting in the elevator. I wave. "See'ya later!" I yelled.

'Well, here we go.'


{Darth Folteren's POV, Five Minutes Until Rift}

I was walking in the Everfree, looking for the Rift.

'I sense something, something familiar...'

'I sense it to.'

I look around as I walk through thorny vines. They don't hurt, I'm wearing my new armor: Mandalorian.

Two things missing though. One: The helmet, I find it useless. Two, the jetpack. in there place, I where a cloak. I have two Blaster Pistol's too.

I trip... 'Owww'

I fell down a curved tunnel, and ended up in a cave.

Getting up, I looked at the glowing pool, illuminating every inch of the cavern. I sense the Rift approach.

'What do you think the Rift is?' Whitney asked.

I was about to respond when the pool turned into a space like vortex. After looking at it for a brief moment, I got closer.

A image appears in the space-like pool. The image of other humans, one with on army of monsters, one looking like a goofy knight, and one that had a trench coat and a pocket watch, just to name a couple. They look like there giving each other personal things, and I hear the words of: "This are Token's, used to aid the Displaced. Give me an object of you're calling." It said.

'More Displaced!?'

'What are you waiting for! You need to help others!'

[This would be quite useful. We could destroy Celestia this way.] Sandy resounded.

'No! There's still good in you! Do this for them, not you!'

It didn't matter ether way, I was still doing this.

"Sandy, make 27 CIS Hologram Projector." I ordered.

[As you wish, Master]

After an hour, they were done.

I activate one, and record myself:

"I am Darth Folteren, Dark Lord of the Sith. Be you hero, or villain, I shall cut down you're enemy's. I may aid you in you're turmoil, and help you in you're darkest and/or loneliest moment. I am here to help my brothers and sisters. May the Dark Side shroud you in you're travels."

I end it, and download it onto the others.

"The Rift will open when you wish to send more." The voice said. I dropped them in, and the pool turned back.

'We're not alone...'

'You made the right choice.'

'Yeah, yeah, laugh it up freak show.'

Whitney went silent, no doubt thinking of ways to annoy me.

"Well... Time to wait."


[New Projects:]

[Mirror Pool Base]

[New Sith Assassin Armor]

[Lightsaber Parts]

[Masters New Lightsaber]

[More Hologram Projectors]


[Destroy Celestia]

[Investigate Mirror Pool]

[Train Shadow, And Scootaloo]

[Help Displaced]

[Study The Whitney Anomaly]

[Locate Jackie and Clare]

Chapter 2: Why She's Here

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[Time: Some Time After Birth of The Elements]

{Darth Folteren's POV}

Yep... I'm bored!

I was searching for ways to kill Sun-Butt without dying in the process, but nothing showed. I was loosing hope.

"Any humans?" I asked. I was getting lonely. I mean, I'm a Sith, trying to kill the Sun Princess, but just having an emotionless AI, and a conscious that says you're doing it wrong every ten seconds isn't healthy. I wanted one. Person... I'm so alone...

[... No...]

I sighed.

"I'm going to take a walk." I stated, walking towards the newly installed elevator.

[That is not advised.] Said Sandy. She almost sounded pleading.

"I'm going. I'll turn into Pony Form Two, to look normal." Or, as normal as talking, multicolored, equine's with eyes the size of a plate.

[... Okay, I'll send Boomer to assist yo-]

"No! You must have hit you're head... or not..." Not as funny as I thought...

[Why do you say that?]

"Its a moving tin-can, it wouldn't even protect me." I said, ever so smartly. Boomer's an R2-D2 Clone... Red instead of blue... And grey instead of white... What else is there? Oh! He's a moron...

'He's not the only one.'

... Whatever...

I walked through my base, passing droids, vehicles, ect. After... however long, I reached my lift. Its like a Star Wars elevator, small, and red! I like red.

I got in, and pressed the famous 'Up' button, and let the doors close. I waited five minuets until it opened... Note to self: Need faster ride up.

'Note taken, Lord Moron!'

'You know... I know where you live.'

Whitney pondered this... or I pondered it... Maybe I loth myself. And he's just my way of dealing with it...

In any case. When my transportation finally stopped, Sandy's voice called out:

[Pony Form?]

Hmm... I feel like an Apple.

"Apple Bop." I said. Hay, it was better than my 'Granny Pie' mode. About the only time I don't feel alone is when I'm with the Apple and Pie family's. I taught Applejack how to bull ride(Which surprised me), and I taught Pinkie Pie not to be afraid(And told her stories, that filly needs to be more cheerful).

[Understood.] The copy of Sandy's voice confirmed. Then I felt the weird feeling of turning into a full-grown stallion. Every bone, and every ceil in me changed(Grey mane, dark brown coat, green eyes, and an apple bopping barrel for the cutie mark). Nothing in the force can prepare me for the onslaught of alien feelings: Happiness, Sanity, Friendliness, Bravery, Joy...


But there just an illusion, and a bad one at that.

What I'd give to feel more than: Greed, Envy, Bitterness, Shame, Sorrow, Depression, and most of all.


But alas, twas not for I.

Once it was over, I left the elevator. On the outside, it seemed like part of a new building. Oh, what was it called again?

'Sugarcube Corner?'


I left the alleyway to do my walk. Ponyville was a nice place, if you liked sunshine, smiles, and everyone around you knowing what its like to be loved, and not be paranoid about if their telling the truth...


I don't like them. There cute(Females, males are too blocky), but they talk like: 'Everypony!' 'Monster!' 'Princess Celestia will get that beast!' and my all-time favorite, 'Friendship is Magic'. What a bunch of crap. Where do you think Sun-ass got her immortality? Or what she did to her sister? Nope! She has power over the sun and nobody is scared!?

Where'd all the voices come from? Anyway, I did my usual stuff, see Applejack, buy food(This economy uses GOLD!!!! Actual GOLD!!!!! Da fuk!?), and look for my friends tome of the Force(Need to know the light side to), and finally, went back. But something, or rather somePONY(Damn it! I'm talking like them!). A little filly, no older than seven. Was sleeping in the ally next to me.

She had a white coat, red eyes, and multi-colored mane of black, purple, and red. There was cuts and bruises all over her body. She was abused.

I felt something, deep down inside. I knew this feeling.


I was abused, from what I remember, my father used me like a stress reliever... Better me, than my sister.

I pitied her. She was like me: discarded.

I'll help her.

'Wow... you DO have a heart.'

I ignore him, focusing on the girl...

I trotted closer. I was three feet away... two... one.. I was right in front of her. I heard sobbing. More pity. I bent down, whispering in what I guess is called 'calming'.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

'Oh god... That was the most stupid thing you've said!'

I mentally face palm. Of course she isn't alright, I know pain when I saw it... or feel it.

She flinched. Quickly, she looked at me. Not knowing who I am, she backed away.

Damn, so cute!(Still hate ponies!)

But I do want to help her.

"Shhh, shh. Its alright, everything's going to be ok." I whisper, using the Force to help calm her down.

Here's something I've learned over my... however-long stasis. All Ponies have the Force... Yeah, you probably think that's crazy, but look what they do! Magic, Weather, Pinkie Sense(I came up with that!)! One Earth Pony, Pegasus, or Unicorn can, with the right amount of training, use the Force.

'You aren't thinking what I think you're thinking!'

'I'll take her in. I'll decide what we're doing with her later.'

She calms down, breathing normally.

"Who did this to you?" I asked.

'What are you doing!?'

"M-m-my d-d-d-d-dad-d...." She sobbed. Pain.

"Let me take you with me." I said, smirking lightly. She smiled faintly.

"What's you're name?" I asked.

"S-Slash, s-s-s-Shadow Slash, sir!" Shadow replied.

"Heh, call me Folteren." I smiled. "You're dad will never hurt you again." She hugged me.

For a second, I thought I would do the Jack Frost heart melting scene, but no.

I... awkwardly hug her back. Even when Pinkie hugs me I'm awkward.

After the hug we went to the entrance to the base. Sandy will have to explain.

"Stay in here, tell Sandy that Lord Folteren sent you. I've got last minute stuff to do." I informed.

"Oh, and... by chance, what's you're fathers name?" I asked, feeling a dark smirk spread across my face. Shadow shied away from me, but said.

"Silverblast, why?"

"Oh, I'm just going to get a restraining order on him. So he can never hurt you again!" I lied.

'What are you going to do!?'

'Something I've wanted to do.' I thought darkly. I cut off his link to me so it'll be easier.


Took me forever to find him. Ponies may be friendly, but most haven't even heard of each other!

The house was small, it smelled like mildew(I'm a nerd, so what?), and looked old. I winced.

'eww.' I thought.

I changed back, and are back in human form. I'm hiding in an ally(What's with all the alleyways!?). I force rush into the backyard.

"Damn that runt!" I hear. Yep, right place!

I held Obi(My right Lightsaber), and Plo(Left Lightsaber). And readied myself.

But... why not have some fun first?

I lift my right hand. When I did, so did everything in the house near him floated, and his reaction was priceless! I snickered.

"WHO IS DOING THIS!?" He yelled. Oh god, what was this guy's tal- Oh... He studies old Canterlot... Damn you, Luna!

I smirk.

"I am the ghost of no future- Ohhhhh..." I said, talking like a ghost, which sounded stupid.

"W-what do y-you w-w-want fff-from me!?" He asked just the question I hoped he would.

"You're soul." I said before jumping out. I noticed he was a unicorn.


I turn my sabers on, the red beams making me look more menacing... or so I thought...

Instead of fearing me like I thought he would, he smiled, and... laughed?

"You think I'm some weak unicorn? I'm the most powerful mage in Princess Celestia's court!" He boasted.

His smile faltered when he heard no response. He looked to me, and his eyes widened. I. Was. Smiling.

Like an idiot.

"Well, there's one more reason to kill you." I said. I then lunged at the 'mage'. I slashed at the moron... and he blocked!

A force field was around him, and a powerful one at that! But, still not near as strong as me!

I broke his defense by using 'Shatterpoint' to find the weak points. The shield broke, sending him flying towards the kitchen.

He groaned and sat up, rubbing his head with a hoof. He stopped, and looked to me in fear.

"Who- What ARE you!?" He yelled panic.

"I, am a Sith." I said before sparking my Lightsabers, and slashed him numerous time as he screamed in pain.

After I was done, there was no body. The place had not a scratch. And there was no evidence. My work there was done...

'Now, lets begin the fillies training... shall we?'

Whitney quivered in my head.

Chapter 3: Wedding's Are Scary

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[Time Line: Three Day's Before The Changelings Invasion]

[All Projects Complete]
{Darth Folteren}

You know? I hate ponies...


I like the ones that are related to me. Allied to me... But when I have to go to a wedding... For an Alicorn... Nuf' said.

I was tending to my plans on killing the Princesses. Ever since my Nightmare Moon plan failed(Code named S.T.A.R.), I've thought of the perfect plot(You dirty mind!). When Scootaloo came in.

"Master! I'm a flower filly!" She yelled.

"... What?" I asked, confused.

"I go down an aisle and drop flowers!" She responded.

"Oh, you mean like a wedding?"

"Yeah! Twilights brother is getting married! And now I get to earn my Cutie Mark!!!" Scootaloo Screeched... Fillies...

I knew about the wedding. Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza!(Or as I like to call her, Miss Forced Love.)

"Uh... That's great! Have fun!" I said, hoping to some kind of being that she didn't ha-

"But you're coming with me, right? I need an adult with me!" She... Oh god! Not the puppy dog eyes!

Now, when it comes to puppy dog eyes, I can ignore it. Except when its someone close. Do you get that feeling when somepony you care for, wants something like going with you to one of you're most hated enemy's, but you care to much for the one who wants to go that you end up going? That's what I'm feeling.

I almost dyed, right then and there.

"How long till then?" I half asked, half groaned.

"Where supposed to be there today." Scootaloo blushed in embarrassment. Tsk, Ponies.


"WHAT!?" Good thing I wasn't drinking.(Haha, I'm NOT an alcoholic...)

"Pwease?" No... She used 'The Pwease'.

"Uh... *Cough* Fine..." I lower my head in shame. I'm a Sith?

"Eeeeeek!" She squealed, then ran off to god knows where.

I start to plan, need a disguise for the party. Can't be Pegasus, then anyone who knows her would ask my why I didn't teach her how to fly. The truth is, only a Pegasi can do that... So I have two Pegasi that don't know how to fly... Heh.

Earth Pony, female, orange coat, black mane, silver eyes, and a guitar as a Cutie Mark.

I press a red bottom on the control.

"Shadow, get you're flank up hear." I said over the speakers.

I decided to pass time, she's slow. I look at my newest arsenal. Two Blaster Pistols, A Sniper Rifle, Plo, and Obi, and my newest Lightsaber: Frenzy. I designed the saber to switch between strait, and curved, making anything that COULD fight me, would be confused by the shire randomness of the device. It looked like a silver and black rod, average length. It was also built to hide in my arm, let me explain.

I lost my arm sometime after I found Shadow. A small Jedi order that wanted my head, and killing Shadow's father set the Jedi into motion. I wasn't prepared for the seven pony ambush.

They all had Lightsabers that Celly reveres engineered to accommodate ponies. This, was when I found my passion. When I learned of Jackie's fate. And, lost one of my only friends.

Heh, got off topic.

Not all of my arm was lost, still had half of it. Like Anakin... but better!

The lightsaber goes just below the wrist. I'd just need to flick the wrist, then it would pop out, and be in my grasp.

'You're boring me.'

'Sorry, you didn't know about Frenzy...'

'Yeah... Hay, how about you stop daydreaming about you're killing instruments, and look at your doorway!'

'Wha...?' I look to my door as Whitney said. Lowe and behold my Dark Apprentice was standing there.

"You called master?" Shadow asked, wondering what I summoned her.

"I'm going with Scootaloo, to a..." I had a hard time saying it.

"What? I can help, more than Scootaloo. Besides, she's just a filly, she shou-" Before Shadow can finish, I spit it out.

"A Wedding, and before you ask, Scootaloo got invited, and wants me to go with her. Nothing evil about it." I sighed... She laughed.

"Y-you're gonna go to a-a wedding!? HAH! This I gotta see!" She mocked. "I'm sorry master, but why can't I go?" She apologized.

"It won't be long, and I need someone to look after Boomer while I'm gone. Remember what happened last time that moron was left alone?" After I was done explaining, her eyes widened in fear.

"I remember..." She confirmed, shivering at the memory. Stupid robot...

"So, can I trust you?" I ask. I feel like a parent.

"Yes, Master! You can count on me!" Shadow announced, filled with pride.

"We'll be back, make sure to feed Leroy." I ordered. She nodded.

Leroy's a Timberwolf I enchanted.

I looked to my Pip-Boy, and turned it on. The screen showed my inventory, nothing I haven't said yet, its just on there so I can change between.

And I was off to a wedding of the ONE pony I hoped I'd never see.

The Princess of Love.

Which I don't have...


I step off the train, another thing I hate is transportation. One word. Bumpy.

I'm in my newest form I like to call: 'Solo Note'. Why she hasn't been seen in Ponyville is because she works in Manehatten.

With my reasons strait, and my head held high. I trot nervously into Canterlot.

I'm strong, I could handle myself in a fight, and even if they found me, I'd get out. But if it did happen, I'd loose my advantage. I'm not nightmare Moon who can be cured by the elements, or Discord, who turned to stone. No, I'd be killed. Its like this, Luna was still somewhat good, and Discord had a heart of stone. I read the 'The Elements of Harmony'.

Scootaloo skipped next to me, excited about the wedding.

I was less optimistic.

We reached the castle... I sighed.

Lets get this over with.


I walked down the hallway. Alone. I left Scoots with her friends to get ready. I wasn't paying attention, and bumped into somepony.

A big somepony.


"Ugh, watch where you're going!" She yelled rudely.


I decided that playing along would be the best plan.

"Oh, uh, s-sorry Princess, I wasn't thinking!" I 'begged'. She's the princess of love? Nope.

Her Force isn't the Light side, its the Dark side.

Then how does she look like that?

She 'hmph'ed, and left.

I thought of the 'Forever Alone' face, Snickering.

'This might not be that bad after all.'

I played as I strolled to me and Scootaloo's room for the time being.

Chapter 4: The Dark Lord Meets The Gold Bear

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[Time: During The Wedding]

[Location: Canterlot Hotel]

Darth Folteren sat in his and Scoot’s room. Waiting for Scootaloo to finish dressing up.

“Hay! You done in there!?” He shouted.

“No! Stop asking!” Scootaloo retorted.

Before the dark lord could respond, a gold coin hit the back of his head.

Folteren looked to the metal. Its surface had the image of a bear. But not just any bear. Golden Freddy.

One of Folteren’s favorite antagonists in game history.

“I’m ready!” Scootaloo called. Folteren picked up the coin.

Folteren heard a blast. He went to the window, and saw the force field around the city shatter.

“Crap, I wish I didn’t come here!” Folteren yelled.

The coin began to glow, and a voice echoed from it.

“To those who would put an end to the demon Discord or would bring madness and shadow on Equestria, this coin is my token. If you need a bear to crash the game of your enemies, then give a call to ole Golden Freddy Fazbear.”

With a final wave of light, a figure stood in the room. A bear of golden color, his body covered with scattered tears and burns with the only adornment being a small black bowtie. He stood a few inches taller than Folteren even without the black top hat he wore, and looked towards him. Their eyes met, and Folteren could see that his eyes were pitch black, with only a single dot of white in one and a glowing crack in the other. He spoke to Folteren.

“I’m gonna assume from the aura of ‘bad guy doing bad things’ aura you put off that you’re not gonna be some jerkoff hero who’s gonna try and act like a tough guy?”

“Uh… I guess so? Are you another Displaced?” Folteren asked.

“Yeah. But seriously, are you a jerkoff who’s gonna try and fight me or are you just gonna be cool? Because if you’re gonna try and fight me then I’ll just collapse the entire city but if you aren’t,”

The bear held out a hand.

“Then we’re good. Name’s Freddy by the way. If you didn’t get the token then here’s how this goes: You let me kill/have your world’s Discord, and I do you a favor or something in return. On my resume is killing the two sisters for being bitches to me, defeating the elements of harmony, bring untold madness and chaos, fighting a Jotun displaced with an Omnitrix (huge jerk by the way, that guy took a cheap shot and messed up my eye as I was leaving so I couldn’t retaliate) and beating up a Gunvolt displaced. So, what’s your name and do you wanna make a deal with me?”

Folteren took Freddy’s hand, and shook it in the most friendly way he could.

“I’m Darth Folteren. I’d let you have my Discord, but he’s gone. And the sisters are mine.” Folteren said, still trying to be friendly.

“Master! Who are you talking too!?” Asked Scootaloo from the other room.

“He’s talking to a magic bear from another dimension!”

Freddy yelled after hearing her. He turned back to Folteren.

“Gone as in stoned or gone as in dead? Because if it’s the first then I’ll take him as well in that form.”

Folteren thought, he did hate Discord for damaging his plans.

“The first.” Was his reply. Freddy chuckled.

“Well then. You up for the trade? I can still help you with some other favor in trade for the bastard.”

“Of course!” Folteren said, an evil smirk on his face. Then, another explosion happened. Freddy glanced out of the window.

“Hmm. I think this is the beginning of a profitable partnership. So,filly getting ready, you disguised as a horse in formal wear, I’m guessing that there’s a formal event interrupted by the changelings outside? If you want I could fix that. Easily.”

“Yeah, I’d like that.”

Freddy chuckled.

“Any objections to them going into orbit/ being taken away by me for my own purposes?”

This time, Folteren was the one chuckling.

“No, but leave some for me. And I like where we’re heading Mr. Fazbear.” Folteren then pulled out a circular device.

“If you need me, just press the switch.” Folteren showed Freddy where the first switch was.Freddy nodded with a grin, and then placed the device into his ribcage. He started for the door before turning back.

“Oh yeah, the coin’s my own token. You just gotta put a little magic or essence or whatever into it. Oh yeah, how about I leave you some of the higher generals with some drones, while I take the queen myself?”

“Sure. Oh, one more thing! The second switch is to talk to me. If you need anything, I’ll have your back-” Before he could finish, a scream was heard from where Scootaloo was. Freddy snapped his paw and disappeared from sight. From the other room, Folteren heard screeches of pain and then scuffling, and Freddy walked out with Scootaloo on his shoulder and a few changelings with golden glowing eyes floating behind him in an aura of magic.

“Here, I think you’ll want these ones especially.”

He set down the filly in a dress in front of Folteren and then snapped his paw again, creating iron chains and horn inhibitors on the changelings before removing his influence from them and plopping them down in front of Folteren. A key appeared in his paw, which he handed to Folteren.

“That’ll unlock the chains.”

Folteren sighed in relief.

“Thank you Freddy, I said it once, and I’ll say it again. If you EVER need me, I’ll come to your aid.” Folteren bowed slightly, but respectfully.

Freddy chuckled.

“Hey you’re one of the first displaced I’ve met that hasn’t been a huge dickwad. Well I’ll get to work, just stay in the city so I can say goodbye or whatever before dealing with Discord.”

With a final wave Freddy snapped his paw and disappeared, before returning in another flash.

“Oh yeah, small filly you’re gonna want to watch this.”

He warped out again.

[When The Changelings Attacked]

Scootaloo was done dressing, when three Changelings jumped in through the side window. The first one rammed into her, making her scream. One of them was lighting up his horn and she could feel herself being lifted, when a golden flash erupted in the room, stunning the three changelings. She looked up and saw a strange bear, with a golden coat, a pair of black eyes, and a bowtie and top hat. He grinned and sent a pulse of magic at the three changelings. She watched as their eyes closed and they slumped over in an unconscious state. She looked up in fear at the bear, only to see him grinning at her on one knee, holding out a paw.

“Sup. Name’s Freddy and your master just hired me.”

She took the paw, and was hefted onto the large bear’s shoulder. He stood up, and punched one of the changelings when it had recovered from his arrival, and then kicked the other two. He waved his hand again and their eyes were seized with a golden glow, and they all went limp in his magical aura. He lifted them up and then opened the door, taking her to Folteren and putting her down.

“T-thank you f-Freddy…” Scootaloo whispered.

She watched her master exchange a few words of thanks with the bear, and then the bear turned back to her.

“Oh yeah, small filly you’re gonna want to watch this.”

She went to the window after the bear snapped his paw and then disappeared. She saw him in the streets as he walked, and music started emanating from him. She didn’t recognize the song, but her master facepalmed when he heard it. She looked back to see the bear walking down the road, pointing at changelings. Of course, immediately after he did so the flew into the sky in an aura of his magic, screaming the whole way. Freddy got a look of concentration as he walked, and then snapped his paw. A camera appeared with a strap around the top of his head, and a small screen appeared in front of her so she could keep watching. Freddy made his way through the city, sending every changeling in a the city into the sky in the same manned, before kicking in the doors to the throneroom of the castle. Inside were the elements of harmony and princess Celestia, the former tied together and the latter trapped inside a green pod filled with goo. Freddy yelled out as he entered, and Scootaloo could see reflected in the marble floor the cocky grin Freddy showed when he looked down.


Next to the captives in the room was a group of changelings, one of them taller than the rest and possessing a different set of eyes and a small crown, the rest being normal changelings but bearing armor and one of them was also unique of the rest. She had red eyes, and her form seemed similar to the rest of them but sleeker, and with the usual greens and blues replaced with shades of red. Freddy snapped his paw, and before any of them could speak they all collapsed, pushed to the ground by an unseen force. Freddy grinned at all of them, and snapped his paw, teleporting them all away. The bear took the camera from his head and looked into it.

“There ya go kid, that’s how you deal with a bug problem!”

The camera cut out, and Freddy reappeared in the room with them. He took a bow and spoke.

“Lemme know when you wanna pick out your share of the bugs, I got ‘em all in stasis in orbit. If they behave and don’t try to leave they’ll be fine, if they try to leave then they’ll explode, seeing as they’re sitting in space.”

He looked at Folteren with a sly grin.

“Now how about your end of the deal? Whereabouts can I find your Discord?”

“How about I get him for you? He has a chaos resistant's spell from all the alicorns, and some Tartarus deity.” Folteren offered.

“Whatever works for you. Though I do more than chaos magic.”

“Oh, I just wanted to show off. Sandy?” He said, putting his face near his Pip-Boy.

[No.] Said the stern voice of the AI.

“Come on!” The dark lord whined.

[It will take too much power.]

“You mean YOUR power.”

Sandy didn’t reply. Instead, a mass of silver flakes flew around them, and constructed the statue of Discord.

“There my golden friend!”

The bear grinned. He walked up to the statue, and proceeded to stab his paw into its chest. His jaw seemed to unhinge and a wave of shining golden magic poured from the statue, and was downed by the bear. When he was done, Freddy pulled his hand out, and then punched the face of the statue, decimating it into a pile of rubble.

“Thanks. Oh yeah for future reference for when you’re killing the princesses, weaken them first and then go for the kill. Only certain beings are capable of offing them, so be careful when you fight them. Be cautious and don’t underestimate them and more importantly…”

He locked eyes with Folteren.

“Don’t overestimate yourself. That’s a one way ticket to stone city or even death. Anyway!”

The bear gained a cheerful grin.

“That all ya need buddy?”

Folteren thought for a moment.

“That you Freddy- I can call you Freddy, right?”

Freddy laughed at this.

“Yes you can. Well I split out half of the changelings and plopped them into this,”

He held out a golden crystal, in the shape and approximate size of a rubix cube.

“Just push in the little thing on top, and it’ll drop a bunch of tied up changelings for you. Including the queen and her guards. Well call me if you need me as well guy, see ya round!”

With this Freddy burst into golden light, leaving behind only the cube, and then a small plushie of himself, in the style of the plushies in the FNAF games, sitting on a black scooter with cyan lightning decals. A folded note on the top said:

“For the kid. And the plushie has a mind of its own, he won’t talk much but he’ll turn into a golden robot/zombie russian murder bear if anything comes to hurt the kid. Hand wash only.”

- G_F

Scootaloo yelled “awesome!”, before running to her new things and admiring them.

Folteren smiled, he hoped to see the bear again. Wait! Folteren forgot! Damn it! He hoped to ask more questions… Ah well, he could figure them out later. Right now, he had a wedding to finish.

Freddy chuckled as he arrived to his own world. After this little experience, he had not only killed his second Discord but managed to make an ally out of a Sith lord. He took a seat and got back to planning, at a comically large war-room style table. He floated out the two tokens he had gained along with the one from when he fused with his other selves. A guy to call for backup, a kid to eternally fuck with the mind of, and a million others of himself bouncing around inside of his mind. All in all, pretty good progress for his first day of dealing with the multiverse. Of course there was that one asshat who cheapshotted his eye, but hey! That could be fixed if not improved later. Right now, there were plans to make and tasks to be done…

And a New Man Walks Away

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[Time: After Wedding]
{Scootaloo's POV}

After the wedding, I trotted to Master, who was wearing a saddle bag on his back. My new scooter sitting beside him, and the gold plushy I named Goldie was in the bag.

"Hey Scoots. You were so brave!" He complimented, hugging me. I was caught off guard, and just hung there. He never hugged me!

"Is something wrong Master?" I whispered, trying my best to not to let anyone hear me.

"What would make you say that, sweetheart?" He asked, smiling sweetly.

I gave him a confused look, not getting it. Sure he could get a little fatherly at times, but never like this.

"Lets go home. I think Shadow's gonna be scared stiff." Master chuckled. He then picked me up, depositing me on his back. Goldie jumped out of the bag and sat in front of me.

As we entered the train, I looked over the stuff Mr. Freddy gave me. He was awesome, saving me, beating the changelings, and that catchy song!

Master was looking over the cube he got. He turned it around and around. He was most likely studying it. Once we arrived at Ponyville, we got off the train and went to the house that had the elevator in it.

We reached the final floor, and as soon as we exited, I was tackled to the ground in a hug. Shadow nuzzled my neck.

"I'm so glad you're ok!"

Master laughed, a sad smile showing on his face for the briefest moment. I shrugged it off.

Shadow began asking me about the wedding, and Freddy. I told her about how he saved me, and gave me Goldie.

"I'll see you two later, go to sleep." He said, calmly.

We did as told, and Goldie hugged my neck.

{Folteren's POV}

I sat in my throne, grumbling to myself.

How could I? How could I get attached when I told myself never again?

'That was before you became a father you bastard!' Whitney commented.

He was right, I was a father... An overprotective one at that.

'Why? She's just going to die, or betray me! Why do I have to be the bad guy!?' I held back my sobs.

How was I supposed to kill Celestia then!? I had no idea... If I did what Freddy said, I'd live, but Shadow and Scootaloo would hate me. I had no idea what to do.

[Maybe there is another way.] Sandy said from my Pip-Boy.

I perked up, "What do you mean!?" I was so excited, I forgot I was a pony and fell on my snout.

[Indeed, and it would allow you to obtain everything your heart desired.]

I almost died, another way!? 'Wait...'

"Why didn't you tell me about this!" I yelled, angry at the AI for waiting for who knows how long!

[Because, when one door opens, another one closes.]

'The hell?'

'Maybe, you'll end up like Skywalker.'

I thought about what Whitney said, but I didn't know what to do.

Then a thought occurred to me, "What are the doors?"

Sandy paused. After several seconds, she replied, [The door to that would be open, shall grant you revenge, but it will lead to sadness. The other option, you'd have everything, but remain in the shadows.] I could almost hear a smile.

I froze, 'Either revenge, or hiding eternally...'

'Please, this obsession has gone on long enough.'

'You are right... It has gone on for far too long! And I shall end it!'

I heard Whitney's cries, pleading me to stop while I still could. I ignore him, choosing to listen to Sandy.

[Go to the mirror pond, there, I will talk to the one who lurks within.] The AI instructed.

I walked to my newly made launch bay, I hadn't used it yet, and now I'd get to do just that.

As I walked, Venture ran up to me holding his Lightsaber in his mouth.

“What is it Venture, I’m in the middle of something.” I growled, glaring at the assassin-wannabe.

“Where are you going, Lord Folteren?” He asked. And my glare intensified.

“It has nothing to do with you, Venture.” I said, threatening. I didn’t trust him, his cocky attitude. But he was one of the Five Loyal Sith Guards(which include Shadow, Scootaloo, Venture, and three others who were out on a mission). And his lust for power was easily controllable.

He bowed fearfully, “Sorry my Lord, I stepped out of bounds.”

‘That’s right.’ I thought, leaving him there stood. Cocky was one thing, stupid was another.

When I got there, I saw my ride. And. It. Was. Awesome!

It was Vader’s TIE Fighter Advanced x1. If you don’t know, then its that ship Vader shoots Luke in ‘A New Hope’.

“Lord Folteren! Your ship has been prepared!” Yelled one of the maintenance droids.

I kept quiet, decided to enter the ship and fly off before anything else.

I was given the skills to fly all kinds of vehicles during my stasis, so it felt natural.

[Mirror Pond]

Once I landed, a squad of droids came out and welcomed me, they told me it hadn’t changed since I’d left.

I made my way through to the small body of water. The clear liquid changed to the spacey kind I was used to.

[Walk into the pond.] Sandy ordered.

‘Stop! You don’t know what will happen!’

I ignored him, and stepped into the water. Pain struck me, as if my foot was cut off, and I heard Whitney shriek.

“What’s happening!?” I yelled, trying to pull my leg out to no avail.

[You shall gain the power you want, but only if you fully submerge.]

I cried in pain, the water began pulling violently, and I had already lost my whole left leg. I tried, I really did, but I lost my balance, and fell in.

I was gone, yet still here. I was changing, and once it was finished, I came out a new man.

I wore Revan’s armor, three new Lightsaber's replaced my old ones, and I felt even MORE power. I turned to the droids, and ordered, “Prepare the army! I’m ready to fight Celestia!”

They scrambled, telling my orders to one another.

‘Here I come, Princess!’

{Jackie/Bastila's POV}

I felt a disturbance in the force, one I've hadn't felt before. I opened my eye's, and looked around. I was alone in the Jedi Temple, so I walked over to a pool. It was crystal clear, and I could see my reflection, I looked exactly like Bastila, from the clothes, to my face.

I stood up and walked to the entrance.

"A Darkness is coming. We must prepare."

Art of the Lightsaber

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---Third POV---

“Hmm. Hey guys, anyone want to see a dark jedi? I’m gonna go and see if Folteren wants a mudkip. Like an adoption thing.”

Freddy looked over the gathered animatronics in front of him. They all seemed to be concentrating to see which of his memories held info on what a jedi was. Bonnie snapped his claw.

“Bingo! Yeah sure that sounds cool. Dark jedi magic force whatever. Maybe I can get the specs on a lightsaber so SB can conjure one up for me.”

The other animatronics started remembering, but found they had other things to do, namely since Foxy had decided to build a cannon, which gained the attraction of the others for various reasons. Freddy put a paw onto Bonnies shoulder and placed the Mudkip he had chosen onto his own shoulder. He reached in and grabbed out Folteren’s token, clicking one of the button to talk to Folteren.

“Yo Folty! I got Mudkips here now, you want me to pop over with one of them?”

Folteren seemed different, his face was covered by a mask, and seemed to have droids behind him, “Greetings Fazbear, what is this about a ‘Mudkip?” The sith tilted his head.

“Well I got bored and so I started making Pokemon IRL. SO I got Mudkips now. Another Displaced I met wanted a Pokemon to take with him so I was wondering if you wanted a Mudkip.”

He held the small Mudkip up to the hologram.

Folteren nodded, “I’ll be happy to take the little one, Shadow, Scoots, and Goldie would enjoy another friend.”

“Cool, gimme a sec to use the token I gave you to pop over! Oh yeah, mind if I bring Bonnie here along? I made a bunch of the other animatronics and stuff and he wanted to meet a sith.”

Folteren shrugged, “If you so wish, as long as he causes no trouble. I’ve had to deal with strange magic’s, and my plans are near complete.”

Bonnie shrugged.

“Sure thing.”

Freddy grinned and his paw lit up, pulsing the trio over to Folteren’s world. Battle droids scrambled, magna-guards were marching, and Folteren oversaw everything from a hovering pad.

“Welcome Freddy.” Folteren greeted, taking off his mask. He looked different, his skin was tan, and hair brown. He smiled, yet still had that ‘evil dude doing evil deeds’ aura, but more stronger. Freddy waved and Bonnie seemed to look around at the droids.

“Bonnie that’s Darth Folteren or Folty as I call ‘im. Folty this one of the animatronics I made, Bonnie.”

Bonnie uncertainly waved his claw. “Uh. Sup?”

Folteren examined Bonnie, then looked to a red battle droid, “Vision, get Scoots down here. And Shadow… Go!” The droid ran down a corridor, and Folteren turned back to the two, “Droids… Anyway, its good to see you again. How has your world been holding up?” He smirked.

“Pretty good, I took some advice and I’m doing less utter destruction and focusing on making stuff. I also gave myself a decent rep by reseting my Equestria to how it was earlier, as a favor. Oh yeah I dunno if she’s different here than mine, but Princess Cadenza’s alright. She actually tipped me off to this whole thing about Discord. Turns out the jackass put a chunk of power in my head to make me crazier from the start but it was getting worse since I offed him- Anyway Cadenza helped me get it out and all, and I actually made good use of those changelings I got off ya. Made them a new race without the hive mind so they’re all unique and such. And I started making Pokemon, such as this Mudkip. His name is Waffle.”

Freddy grinned and held Waffle up Lion King style to where Folteren was hovering. He smiled up at him and started wobbling his legs. Folteren seemed less enthuzed about the less evil Freddy, but his frown was replaced when seeing the Pokemon. He took it gently, and held it under his arm for comfort and safety.

Down the hall, the sound of hooves on steel rang out, and out came a white pegasus, and an all-too-familiar, orange one.

Scoots ran up to the group with a big smile on her face, and a little plushie on her back that hugged her neck.

“Oh! Mr. Freddy!” Scootaloo said, happy to see the golden bear. Freddy knelt down as she ran up.

“Sup kid, how’s the plush doing?”

“He’s been learning, and he’s fun to be with!” The plush bear waved, “I called him Goldie.”

“And he creeps me the heck out, he roamed around in the fridge!” The white one said, shivering.

Freddy smiled at that and stood up, looking to the white pegasus.

“Well small white pegasus I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting, you seem to know my name so what’s yours?”

The white pegasus smiled, “I’m Shadow Slash! Scoots told me your name when she got back from the wedding!”

“Well nice to meet you. Oh and so I don’t forget, I’d like the two of you to meet my son/creation Bonnie!” He pointed a paw to Bonnie who waved to the two.

“Hey there.”

Shadow walked over to him, “Hello, nice to meet you.” She smiled, looking him over curiously.

“So, you just came here to give me this Mudkip?” Folteren asked, unsure if the animatronic was serious or not.

“Well mainly to see if you wanted the Mudkip, by the way the little guy will grow over time rather than evolving, eating algae and moss and the like for a while and then starting to eat fish alongside by the time he’s Swampert age. He’s able to live on land, just give him a pond to make a little nest to sleep in sometimes (y’know as a place to have fish/ algae and moss and all) and he’ll be good. And otherwise I’m just checkin’ up on ya buddy, since you have the whole ‘war on princesses’ deal going on. By the by, if ya want I can swipe a couple of the Elements of Harmony and replace them with fakes, that way they can’t use them on you. Celestia always seems to underestimate her opponents.”

Folteren nodded, he looked to his Pip-Boy, “Sandy, build a pond for Waffles.”

[As you wish.] The AI spoke in a monotone voice.

“She’ll work on that… wait, did you say you built the other animatronics?”

“Yup! Well most of them. I magicked up a new sort of metal for their animatronic skeletons that’s nearly as impregnable as my own, and made new minds, like I took copies of bits of my own personality and memories and put them in the new bodies. Each of them used what I gave sorta as a foundation that they became unique entities off of. Like Bonnie there was started off of my persona and such from back when I was a teenager on my Earth, but with some Fazbeary goodness mixed in. So far I got Shadow Bonnie, Shadow Freddy, Foxy, FNAF1 Chica, Toy Chica, Toy Bonnie, and then any others either haven’t been made or I prefer to leave unmentioned. And for Bonnie and Chica (original versions that is) they’re made so they can sorta transform to resemble Old Chica And Old Bonnie from FNAF2. But y’know, without the damaged costuming and missing limbs. Like you can see Bonnie’s got the claw there. Of course it’s enchanted so it only cut what he means to cut, and anything else it reacts as if its wrapped in bubble wrap.”

Bonnie wiggled his claw at Folteren and then turned so that the fillies couldn’t see his face, and took off his mask to show his black-tinted animatronic face. He blinked his pitch black eyes and moved his red pupils in circles before replacing the mask and fixing the disguise over his eyes.

Shadow seemed extremely interested, but Scootaloo seemed lost. As for Folteren, he smirked, “Seems fun where you are. Things have been looking up for us too. Why don’t we take this to my shipyard.”

Freddy shrugged. “Sure.”

Folteren walked over to an Empire Shuttle. “Scoots, take Waffles. Shadow, come with me.” He used the force to give Scootaloo the Pokemon, and Shadow ran up to him. “Vision! Get the shuttle ready!”

The droid mumbled as he worked, “Vision this, Vision that…”

Freddy called out as the droid exited view. “If you want I can give you extra arms! Would that help? I could make you look kinda like General Greivous though you may not know him!”

“I don’t think you should,” Folteren said, “He’s not that well programed. All Vision can do is shoot, fly, and be funny. I like that about him.”

“Eh fair enough. Don’t want a Terminator style revolution of ‘bots and all.”

“It could still happen, I’ve got Skynet right here.” Folteren gestured to the red screen on his Pip-Boy.

Folteren walked inside the ship, followed by Shadow. Freddy walked aboard and as Bonnie walked in he gained a look like he was trying to remember something. After a moment he snapped his claw. “Oh heck yeah! New memory!”

When all the others but Freddy glanced at him in confusion he looked at them deadpan.

“Remember how Freddy said we got his memories and stuff? Or at least some of them? Well I just found a new one.”

He bent his neck back and reached down into his own chest and pulled out what looked like a keychain of a small, red electric guitar along with a silver guitar pick. He held the keychain in his claw before flipping it like a coin. It flashed and grew into a full size guitar.

He sat down and started playing the song he seemed to have remembered with a grin.

“I actually remember some of this stuff now! Alright so battle droids, an Imperial shuttle, what else ya got guy? I’m getting more into this now.”

Folteren chuckled, and Vision started the ship. “This.” He pulled out a silver device, archaic in design. A purple blade appeared in a flash, humming as it moved. Bonnie stopped playing and looked at it. He snapped his claw and a ripple of light went over the handle. Bonnie shrunk down his guitar and placed it back into his chest with his pick and then gained a look of concentration. Sparks flickered around his paw and claw and a few flashes went off, summoning metal parts around him. He gathered an aura around him paw and snapped in again, a glowing orange gem appearing in his claw. He floated all of the parts with an excited (if somewhat manic) grin. He stopped partway and then looked at Folteren.

“Uh, it’s not gonna be offensive if I make my own lightsaber, right? I can’t remember if it was super sacred to make a lightsaber to a Sith.”

Folteren gave Bonnie an unamused look, “Indeed, it is. Yet how you made it isn’t. First, you aren’t a Sith. You aren’t even a Jedi, but that could be overlooked. You didn’t give it any thought. A Lightsaber is in fact, sacred, but it is not a weapon. It is an extension of oneself.”

Bonnie gained an embarrassed expression and levitated the incomplete saber in front of himself. While it was in midair he lifted his claw. His claw seemed to extend and sharpen a bit, and he moved it through the blade as if it weren’t even there. After a second it shattered into shredded fragments, sans the gem. Bonnie grabbed it and held it out to Folteren.

“Uh, sorry. I got this crappy habit of acting before thinking when I get excited.”

Folteren sighed, “I can teach you how to customize it. If you want one.”

“Well I won’t lie I do want one, but not if it’s, y’know, offensive or whatever.”

“Nonsense, Freddy helped Scootaloo, and gave her a guardian. The least I could do is help you construct a Lightsaber. It would be like you were an apprentice. So, you up for it?” Folteren gave Bonnie a friendly smile.

“Hecks yeah! Thanks!”

“Thank me when we’re done. Okay, first off, there are no rules in the building of a Lightsaber, except color, but we’ll get to that later. First, type of Lightsaber. The standard Lightsaber is this,” He gestured to his, “It’s useful, and the most common. It can use all forms of combat, yet master of none. Next, there is the Saberstaff.” Folteren used his hologram projector to show Darth Mauls Lightsaber, “It has a better grip, great at defense, and is surprising to find one. It does come with flows. The extended hilt makes it vulnerable to attack.” Folteren looked to see if Bonnie was still with him, because Scootaloo fell asleep when he taught her. Bonnie looked up from the hologram and gave him a thumbs-up.

Folteren continued, “Next, there is the light Pyke,” The hologram changed to a long rod with a short blade, “Good for dealing powerful blows, and better length. Its weakness is by far my second least favorite. It has god awful maneuverability. If you want to be strong, yet not as agile, then I guess this could do…” The image changed once more, this time, a small handle, and a wavy light, “This is the light whip. Don’t pick it. It’s stupid, and dangerous. Its not even a lightsaber if you think about it… Some reason it is one… and its the least common of all. Can you see what I don’t like about it?”

“Yeah. Sorta seems like it’d just explode upon being activated, seeing as it’s not really restricted. Plus you could easily mutilate yourself.”

“The second one is correct, but you do have a point.” The image changed one last time, it looked like Count Dooku’s “This is the last one I remember, and by far one of my favorites. The curved hilt. While it does make some moves harder, it makes others easier. Same size, same length as a standard, but curved. Its rare, and not as impractical as the last two.” Folteren finished, he looked to Bonnie once more, “You got all that?”

Bonnie nodded. “Standard is a straight blade, Saberstaff is the double bladed one like Darth Maul’s, Light Pyke is a staff lightsaber with a shortened blade on one end that’s good for attacks but not very maneuverable, light whip sucks ass, and Curved is the same length as standard but is, as implied, curved.”

Folteren smiled, “Good, you excel just as well as Shadow… So, what hilt would you like?”

“I think I’ll go with a standard type. Curved seems like it’ll take more finesse in usage, so I dunno if that’ll be as good a fit for me. Same for the others, since they either need extra skill or care to use without mutilating someone.”

Folteren nodded in approval, “Good choice, though, they can all be is you have the skill, and where you are from, I doubt you’d need anything more.” Folteren turned to Shadow, “Now, for the crystal, my main problem with your constructing a Lightsaber. Each color represents different choices of skill. Shadow loves this topic, so she’ll teach you.”

Shadow jumped in excitement, “Yes!” She turned to Bonnie and smiled, “Now, the colors have different purposes. Like for instance…”

---[Watch this for what Shadow’s teaching.]---

Shadow took a deep breath, and trotted over to get some water. Bonnie put his claw on his chin and gained a look of thinking.

“Well I don’t have the force, as I am an animatronic albeit alive, so that removes the options of my having a saber/class that uses the Force a large amount… Hmm. I guess that my best bet would be yellow, since I got technology knowledge up in my head, and I have more balance of, though of physical skill/strength and magic rather than physical strength/skill and Force power. So would yellow be alright?”

“You could consider magic the Force, but yellow seems to suit you. Better than orange I believe.” Folteren said, “You can customize it anyway you’d like.”

“Cool! Uh. Gimme a sec to see if I have any memories on lightsaber appearances…”

Shadow came back, “Yellow? Cool! I took red!”

“Sounds awesome. Okay Master, I think I’ll take my saber as a shoto build. That way I can have it as a secondary sort of weapon alongside my claw.”

Folteren nodded, “Build it piece by piece, so as to understand that it is a part of you.”

Bonnie nodded but then looked up. “Uh. Should I summon up all the mechanical bits with magic like before or should we get stuff made the normal way?”

“Everything but the crystal, magic tends to make duds. I’ll get the crystal.” Folteren moved to get a crystal in a compartment. “Get your stuff ready.”

Bonnie nodded and gained the same glow of magic to his claw and paw, making the new components under Folteren’s instruction from what he had learned of Folteren’s own saber.

“Okay all the parts are made.”

Folteren came back, holding a yellow crystal, he set it down in front of the parts, “I made this with my nanites when I got out of stasis.”

Bonnie nodded, and began to construct his saber under further instruction from Folteren. After a short while the new Shoto Saber was constructed. Bonnie stood up with his new saber in his left paw. He activated it, bringing out the yellow blade. He grinned.

“Awesome...Thanks Master!”

“The pleasure was mine.”

“Lord Folteren! We’ve landed. Why aren’t you at the bridge?” Vision said, they had landed on a still being built Death Star.

“You moron! I’m not Sonic, I can’t be everywhere at once!” Folteren glared at the droid.

[Lord Folteren, hurry up.]

“Everyone is so impatient… Come, the bridge isn’t that far.”

Both of the animatronics made to follow him along. The group arrived in an iconic Star Wars area. The meeting room from the first movie.

“Okay, so know what?” Folteren asked, looking to Freddy. Freddy shrugged.

“I dunno, I thought you were taking us here for something.”

Folteren thought for a moment, “Oh, I was going to tell you about how I’m doing with my Celestia problem.”

“Oooohhhh. So you’re gonna make a mini Death Star to blow her up? I say miniature as the original would, y’know, take years to build and a constant stream of materials from other planets as one alone wouldn’t have enough, etc etc etc you know the spiel.”

“Well, sort of. I did make a smaller Death Star, but blowing her up would zap my revenge. I’ll use my droid army to invade Equestria, and this will be the army carryer. It is nearly complete, so I’ll be ready in a day or so.”

“Nice. So are you just gonna take out Celestia or are ya gonna go for the whole pot? You know taking over the whole country type of deal.”

“Yes, Celestia killed one of my friends, so I’m going to take her ponies! Its the perfect revenge!”

“Hmm… Well I can see where you’re coming from but then there is a better way to make her feel your pains. Instead of taking her ponies then maybe take one of her friends. Perhaps one as close to her as yours was to you, such as Luna or her student? That would take a good deal of time out of it and get it done faster. Then again, your revenge your plans. And I suppose that would definitely work as well… Anyhoo, let me know if you need help keeping it between you and Sunbutt, and I can whip up a bubble to keep any...interlopers out”

“Thank you, but there is something. Could you give me something to corrupt three of the Elements. I’m related to two, and Scootaloo would like Rainbow not to hate her.”

“Hmm. I suppose that’d be doable, though it may be difficult to have them withstand your plans and still show the same personality, as it would seem out of character.”

“Make them half evil. They’d be themselves, yet be on my side. It doesn’t sound difficult.”

“Well the mind is a complex thing. Madness is easy, just gotta turn their own knowings and beliefs and such upside down and there, but this takes more finesse. Like I said it’s doable but it’ll need more caution. Would simply turning them against Celestia work? That way they’d be willing on their own to join you, and I wouldn’t need to spend as much time on it.”

“Thats good, I’d also like some loyalty for me. Hate for them to turn on me.”

“Yes I suppose that’s doable. Ponies are suckers for a sob story, and would undoubtedly help someone that had lost a friend. Turning them against Sunbutt should be easy enough, I’ll just be able to show them every gamble Celestia has taken in her rule, especially those which could have affected them and their loved ones and then show them how it could have turned out if she lost those gambles. The only thing that’ll make it hard is you taking innocents in your revenge. Those ponies have ‘good’ all mixed into who they are. Putting them on your side should work as well. You may have to choose to have them as allies and find another way to get vengeance or to specifically take innocents and make enemies of the elements.”

“I just plan on killing those who fight for Celestia, I do not plan to kill bystanders.”

“Okay that makes it easier. I can just convince them that Celestia needs to be put out of power for what she could have done. That’ll easily include the justification for taking out guards, though they’ll naturally prefer simply knocking them but or such. But they will understand the need. So which elements do you want on your side?”

“The Elements of Laughter, Honesty, and Loyalty.”

“Well Honesty will be doable, as from what I recall that one is fiercely to family members and thus would be massively protective about family and would take offense to the risks taken by Sunbutt. Loyalty of course for obvious reason, and Laughter… Hmm. She isn’t as confrontational as the others, so she won’t be willing to get actively involved but I think she can be made to see that there’s no other options… You may have to settle for her not revealing you out of Loyalty and otherwise refusing to take a side either way. But hey, she won’t be against you per say.”

Folteren smiled, “I can take care of that. I am her Granny Pie.”

“I’m gonna assume that either you have that by disguise shenanigans or you’re a crazy shapeshifting gender-changing nympho. Either way, you have my respect.”

“I still need the corruption. And thank you, I don’t get that quite often.” Folteren smirked, “Like I said, tomorrow is when I’ll attack, so I’ll take care of them here.”

“Right right, I’ll pop out and take care of that now, that sound good?”

Folteren nodded. Freddy smirked and snapped a paw, first going invisible and then warping to the farm of the element of honesty. He moved above her in the air and planted his paw onto her head. Freddy had already scanned Celestia’s mind back in his own world so he knew of some of the things that she had done, and many that she had hidden. In an instant he planted all of that knowledge and all of the possible outcomes into her mind. Along with that he revealed the truth of who Folteren was and how he connected to her family. She shook for a moment before Freddy placed her into unconsciousness and placed her in bed. When she woke up then she would feel like there was a voice whispering about who Folteren was, and she would see Celestia for what a poor ruler she was, and all that she had risked on her own mistakes. Freddy smiled, his work for this one was complete. She now wanted Celestia out of power by any means and understood Folteren’s reasonings and ideas.

Freddy snapped a paw and repeated the process on the element of laughter, adding in all of the sorrow and pain that Celestia both had and could have caused. After that it was easy enough to convince the element of loyalty. All he had to do there was make her question her loyalty to Celestia and show her why she shouldn’t feel that way, as well as showing her how Celestia could have ruined the lives of her friends, family, and all of Equestria. He snapped his paw again, returning to Folteren after a while.

“Alright, my work’s done Folty. They now see how much Celestia sucks ass and you got good reasons for doin’ what you’re gonna do.”

Folteren smiled, “Thank you so much, you keep helping me and all I do is give you things you could have gotten yourself. I’ll take good care of Waffles. And enjoy that Shoto Bonnie.”

Bonnie saluted. “Can do! And would it be alright if I called you up from time to time for tips on using the thing?”

“Of course. I’d be happy to. And heres a tip for you: The Lightsaber is powerful, but it is only that, if you know how to use it. So here.” Folteren gave Bonnie a book labeled, ‘Form One Lightsaber Combat’ that he pulled from a hidden panel. “Should give you something to work on.”

Bonnie grinned. “Cool!” He placed it into his ribcage to get later.

Freddy snapped a paw and Bonnie shimmered, returning home. He turned back to face Folteren.

“So, you need anything else before I go buddy?”

Folteren grinned evilly, “No, you’ve done so much. I think I’ll be fine. And may the dark side aid you…” Folteren said. Freddy felt a chill attempt to run up his exoskeleton. He shrugged.

“Eh think nothing of it. What’s the point of reality defying powers if ya don’t help your friends with ‘em… And fuck up your enemies...And do some stuff just for fun...Where was I going with this again…? Oh yeah! Anyhoo, no big deal and all. Seeya later Folty!”

Freddy snapped his paw and disappeared in a flash of golden light.

Folteren sighed. “I guess he is my friend… If I see him again and he has someone else call me Folty, I’m gonna force choke him even if it kills me.”

Folteren sighed, “It was good to see him though, I hope him well.”

Shadow smiled up at the dark jedi, “I liked that Bonnie guy.”

Folteren glared at the pegasus playfully, “No boy’s till your older.”

Shadow held her lunch.

Folteren began walking away, “We will see them again. And when that day comes, we will already rule Equestria.”

To Be Continued

Honesty, Laughter, and Loyalty

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{Applejack's POV}

The sun shined on me, but ah didn' care. Those images made me angry. I figured out ah was related to somethin' called 'Folteren'. He was hurtin' because a the Princess! She hurt one a mah family, and I was gonna make 'er pay.

"Big Mac! Stay here an' keep Apple Bloom safe! Ah have somewhere ta be!" Ah hollered. Big Mac nodded with his famous "Eeyup!" and got to it. I left to see if I could find mah lost family.

Ah had a fellin' he'd be in the Everfree Forest. So ah journey to find mah lost family.

Celestia lied. Ah'm gonna show 'er why the most important thing a ruler needs is…

{Pinkie's POV}

Ohhhhhhh... Celestia's done horrible things, and endangered Equestria! I had to find Folteren/Granny Pie and help him. He needs a smile, so I'm gonna help him!

I galloped out of Sugarcube Corner and went as fast as I could. He needed me, and Celestia. You never mess with the Pie family.

Granny... I'm coming to give you my…


{Rainbow's POV}

That witch! She endangered my friends, my family! Nopony hurts the ones I care for!
Especially Scoots. If Celestia's done those, I'll do more than a Sonic-Rainboom to the face!

I flew to the Everfree. I had no idea why, but my gut tells me this... 'Folteren', was there.

I didn't admit it, but Scoots was the only 'family' I had in Ponyville. She was my sister. She was my…


{Third POV}

Folteren waited for the girls to arrive. Luckily, whatever Fred gave them drew them to him. 'Weird word phrasing...' Folteren thought.

First to the scene was Applejack. She had a look of determination.

The next one was Pinkie. She looked sad and desperate. Folteren felt sad himself.

And last, Rainbow. She looked seething angry.

Folteren smiled under his mask, 'Freddy did an amazing job. Now, I've got one chance or they'll turn me to stone.' He thought.

Pinkie was the first to speak in a shaky voice, "Granny Pie?" The other two stared at her in shock.

Folteren nodded, and knelt down, "Yes Pinkie, it's me. I wanted to see you, so I made a disguise to do so. I also did with Applejack. Though I was a male, Applebop." AJ's eyes widened, and Dash froze. Folteren turned behind him, "You can come out now!"

Scootaloo trotted out of a bush shyly. "Scootaloo!" Dash flew pass Folteren and tackle hugged the poor filly. And at that time, Pinkie and Applejack proceeded to tackle hug Folteren.

After the hugging, Folteren began explaining. "Years ago, I was ripped from my world by some guy that sold me this-" He gestured to his Pip-Boy, "-And wound up here with my two friends. I was put in stasis, while my friends were not. Celestia found them, and killed one of them, and brain-washed the other. I now want Celestia to pay for the crimes she has committed." They looked excited, and Folteren gained an evil glint in his eye.

"How can we help y'all!" Applejack said.

"Yesyesyes! Couldwecouldwecouldwe!?!?!?" Pinkie asked rapidly, eyes sparkling.

"Yeah! I'll do anything for Scoots!" Rainbow showed this by nuzzling the little filly, who was surprised to say the least.

Folteren put a hand on his chin, as if thinking, he then said, "Tomorrow, I'll attack Canterlot. No innocents will get hurt, I promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." He did the motion, "And I'll need you three to hold Twilight off. You know how faithful in Celestia she is." They all nodded.

"We'll make sure Twilight doesn't get in the way Granny!" Pinkie beamed.

"Darn 'tootin!" AJ replied.

"Don't worry! I got your back!" Dash saluted.

Folteren grinned under his mask. 'Perfect.'

One Banner

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{Third POV}

“Now Mistress Starlight, you must concentrate on your studies!” The Toon Sorcerer scolded the young filly. “These cards you have chosen for your deck are less than effective.” The Toon tsk, grabbing a monster card from the filly’s deck, “I mean really? While the Watapon may be a good card in the right hands, it is simply much to advance of a card for you to properly use!” Grabbing Starlight’s deck, he looked through the cards, “And the worst part is, that this deck is filled with nothing but monster cards! Not a single trap or spell to be seen!”

Starlight groaned, “What’s the big deal anyways? So my deck doesn’t have any spells or traps, but it filled with only the strongest monsters in the vault!” She proclaimed smugly.

“He’s right Starlight, you can’t run a proper deck with only monsters.” Starlight and the Toon jumped from the sound of the new arrival. “In fact my deck would be completely worthless without the spells and traps it has.”

“S-Sorry Mr. Pegasus.” Starlight said, pouting at the cards. “But this game is just too complicated!”

Pegasus frowned at that. “Now Starlight, while this may seem like a game, it isn’t.” He walked up behind her and picked up a card from her deck. “You see Starlight, the reason why we use playing cards as our weapons is because the monsters are sealed inside the cards, and the only way to bring them out is when he summon them during a duel.”

Starlight rolled her eyes, “It still sounds like a game to me..”

Pegasus stopped walking, narrowing his eyes at her, “Just because it’s called the Shadow Games and we use playing cards doesn’t mean it's a game!” He walked towards a bookshelf and pulled out a large tome, “Perhaps it is time for you to study the true nature of a Shadow Game.” Pegasus dropped the tome in front of her, “You are to read the history of the Shadow Games and are expected to give me a report on its mechanics by tomorrow.”

Starlight gaped at the large book, it was at least half her size, “B-B-But.”

“No buts! I expect the report to be finished by tomorrow,” Pegasus said sternly, giving no room for argument, “Now if you excuse me I have something that needs to be taken care of.”

“Don’t you think you’re being a bit hard on her?”

Pegasus stopped walking, turning towards the Kuriboh, he rolled his eyes. “Starlight needs to learn that the shadows isn’t something she should take lightly.”

“Yeah but, let’s be honest, we all used to think this was nothing but a game.” Jack said, floating towards Pegasus. “I know the shadows are something someone shouldn’t take lightly, but you’re being too protective of her! You weren’t this protective to your first student!”

He gritted his teeth, “And look where that got him.” Pegasus glared at him, “If I had been more careful during his studies then he would have never been consumed by the shadow’s power! He would have never tried to enslave a whole empire!” Pegasus took a few calming breaths before turning away. “Goodbye Jack, I’m going out for a walk, don’t follow me.”

Folteren sat in his throw, concentrating harder than ever. If he wasn’t careful, he’d lose. He scratched his chin, and ‘humphed’. He was outnumbered ten to one. He sighed.

He moved his final piece.

[Checkmate.] Sandy declared, [Five-Hundred-and-forty-three, to zero.]

Folteren glared at the hologram of his AI, he sucked at chest, and Sandy kept rubbing it in his face.

“You know what!? I don’t give a flying monkey's butt! Your a robot, practically built to do this!” Folteren snapped.

[I believe you are being a ‘sore loser’.]

“I hate you…”

[I know master.]

Folteren sighed in defeat. Folteren sat up out of his throne, and proceeded to walk out.

He reached the kitchen. Scootaloo had Goldie on her back as she eat, Shadow was playing with her Lightsaber, Boomer was chasing Venture, Vision was making a mess, and Waffles was eating waffles… Weird…

Folteren cleared his throat, getting the attention of everyone. He sighed, “Why me?”

Shadow, being the smart alec she was said, “You bought a Pip-Boy that didn’t match your costume!”

I live with comedians…

I was pulled out of thought by something hitting my head. Hard.

A weird book.

The book was a large green tome, the words ‘TOON WORLD’ were written in the top, while a picture of an orange dragon sat on the cover. On the back of the green pop-up book was a picture of a cartoonish mermaid. Upon touching the green book, a message echoed throughout the room.

“True peace can only be achieved through power, true harmony can only be achieved if all are united under one single banner. If you are ever in need of assistance or if you are a fellow warrior of harmony, summon us and we will come to you. I am Pegasus, Spirit of Harmony, and wielder of the Millennium Items.”

‘Huh... ’ Folteren thought for a second, then realized, “I might need his help!”

“No duh!” Venture said, and winced as Folteren Force Choked him, “Uncle! Uncle!”

Folteren let go of his grip on Venture and walked back to his Death Star throne. Once there, he spoke, “I summon Pegasus!” ‘I have no idea how this works!’ And waited for something to happen.

Suddenly the pop-up book opened, revealing a large gloomy castle sitting on top of it’s pages. The book started to glow sinisterly, shocking Folteren with electricity. Once the electricity stopped flowing, a catchy tune started playing out of the book, a pink vortex appeared above the book, dropping a well dressed man in front of Folteren.

He looked around his new surroundings for a few moments before spotting the sith lord. “Ah! Hello there my good friend, I am Maximillion Pegasus, and who are you?” He finished, bowing at him, the book floated behind him, still glowing.

Folteren’s glare subsided and was replaced by one of annoyance, “I am Darth Folteren.” He said simply.

Pegasus put a hand over his left eye, activating his Millennium Eye. “Well Darth Folteren, for what reason do you have in summoning me this fine day?”

This guy better not shock me again...’ Folteren thought, “I need help with the Royal Sisters. They have caused me enough trouble and pain.” Folteren clarified, using the force to retrieve his mask that sat on the throne and secured it to his face.

Pegasus smirked, “Well then I believe that should be easy enough, since you have summoned me here, I will help you in your endeavors!” Pegasus then smiled sheepishly at him, “I also want to apologize for Toon World trying to claim it’s tribute, you see when Toon World is activated, it demands for a tribute, for me it’s a thousand of my life points, for others it’s a small piece of their soul or it just shocks people for it’s own amusement.”

“Well, I guess being shocked is better than the alternative. Give people a warning though.” Folteren looked behind him to see his two apprentices, Boomer, Waffles, and that freaky bear plushie. “Looks like we have eavesdroppers.” Folteren smirked, and pulled them out to the open.

Scootaloo spoke first, “H… Hi, I’m Scootaloo…”

Pegasus smiled softly at the small filly, “Hello Scootaloo, as you may have heard, I am Pegasus, it is a pleasure to meet you.”

Scootaloo seemed overcame her fears, “It’s nice to meet you too Mr. Pegasus! These are Shadow, Boomer, Waffles, and Goldie!” She pointed to each one as she said their names.

Pegasus narrowed his eyes, “Is that a Mudkip and a Golden Freddy?” He tensed up a bit, “That animatronic always used to scare me.”

“Yep! Mr. Fazbear gave it to my to protect me! And Waffles was given to Master by Mr. Freddy!” Scootaloo explained, and Folteren shrugged while nodding his head. ‘I don’t understand it, but she’s right.’ Folteren thought.

“A Golden Freddy displaced? I’m honestly not sure if I should be worried or not.” Pegasus looked at Goldie as if it was going to attack him. “You think after so many years being in Equestria, I would’ve forgotten about him.”

Folteren chuckled, “First, yes, you should be worried about that guy. He’s killed and absorbed two Discord’s, and fused with every version of him in the multiverse. I’m scared of him, and I’m one of his friends.” Folteren shivered, “Second, those jump scares will stay in your head for eternity.”

“So he’s able to defeat two Discord’s? Hmm, well if he has that type of power, I should be able to hold my own against him if he decides to try and attack me.” Pegasus muttered.

Folteren heard him, “He has phenomenal cosmic power, the guy made Waffles by snapping his paws, made the FNAF group, and beat an army.” Folteren warned, “But he won't bite. He sticks to his world. But back to the matter at hand!” Folteren turned and walked away, “Come, I’d hate for you to die in space.”

Pegasus looked around the area for a second, “We’re in space?!” He asked, mildly confused and awed. Seeing Folteren walking ahead, he sprinted towards him. “So, what exactly is the plan?”

Folteren continued to walk as he explained his plan, “My droid army will attack Canterlot and distract the guards and civilians. We will take on Celestia and Luna. Cadence may be there too, and Shining Armor. The Elements will be fighting themselves as I’m related to two of them, and the third is extremely loyal to Scoots, so no worries about turning to stone.”

Boomer bumped into Folteren, “Beep!”

Folteren glared, “Don’t talk dirty! That’s rude, even for you!”

“Will any civilians get hurt?” Pegasus asked curiously, “To be honest, I never approved of senseless violence when it’s given to those who are innocent.”

Folteren sighed, “I’m not that cruel. The guards will be killed if they are stupid. The Elements I have aren't evil, and I’d like to keep them with me.”

“Then consider my Toon army at your disposal.” Pegasus answered, with a confident smirk.

“Thank you.” They arrived at the hanger. A Imperial Shuttle was in front of the two. Folteren went up the ramp, followed by Pegasus. The ramp closed, and a blue Battle Droid sat in the pilot seat.

“Taking off.” The Droid said. Pegasus saw four humanoid robots with red eyes, a white short cap, and a long staff.

“Those are my Grievous Magna-Guards.” Folteren explained.

Pegasus looked over at the four bots, “Impressive.” Taking out a card from his deck, he summoned it into the field. “Toon Ancient Gear Golem!” The Toon World book near him glowed, opening, the book spit out a large robot like toon, it’s whole metal body was rusted and its gears were visible to everyone around him, his large cartoonish eyes blinked. “This is my guard the Toon Golem.”

“You should wait until we land.” Folteren warned.

“I’m simply being careful, I just needed one toon out incase of anything.” Pegasus replied, “In any war or battle, one must be prepared for the worst.” He patted the Toon, “And this Toon of mine is just a extra safety measure.”

“I fully agree, but we are in a spaceship. He could have made the ship sluggish, and droids suck at surprises. But summon anymore, and crashing isn’t something I want to do.” Folteren looked out the front windshield, “But we are nearly there.”

“Have faith in me Folteren, I wouldn’t have done something so idiotic without knowing the end result.” Pegasus said, grabbing the glowing Millennium Necklace around his neck. “Unfortunately the necklace can only tell me so much.”

The pilot turned its head, “We’re about to land Lord Folteren!”

Folteren growled, “Keep your optics forward.” He turned around to face Pegasus, “I hate flying, especially when the pilot is an idiot.”

“Trust me, I’ve had my fair share.” Pegasus glared at his deck, “If you think an idiot pilot is bad, try having a toon flying you around.”

Folteren chuckled, “That does sound bad.” The ship shook, then stopped, “Looks like we’ve arrived.” The ramp lowered, and seven guards along with a captain stood tall, until they saw the two humans.

Pegasus smiled sinisterly, several black chains appeared, wrapping themselves around Pegasus’ duel disk and his deck and then disappearing. Taking out five cards, he summoned one onto the field, “Toon Cyber Dragon, attack!” In an explosion of light a small metallic snake appeared, pouncing at the guards, he wrapped himself around them, making it impossible to move. “What would you like to do with these guards?”

Folteren thought for a moment, then smirked and waved his hand, “You will evacuate civilians at all costs.” The guards repeated what he said, except the Captain and one other. Folteren turned to Pegasus, “Let all but those two go. Might as well get some guards to help ponies as my droids attack. Do whatever you want to the two that resisted, guards are loyal to the princess.”

Pegasus smirked, snapping his fingers, the Toon Golem walked up, Toon World in his claws. “I always wondered what would happen if I turned ponies into Toons, and now I think it’s time to find out.” The Toon World book opened, absorbing the two guards into the book, seconds later the book opened and deposited two new cards, picking them up he read their stats. “Toon Pegasi guard, Atk and Def 1400/1200. Mediocre at best.” He looked at the other guard. “Toon Unicorn Guard(Captain), Atk and Def 1900/1500. Not bad.” He put the two cards into his hand. “So Folteren, any ideas?”

Folteren snapped out of his awe and turned to the castle as droid drop ships began landing, “Well, lets pay the rulers a visit.” The four Magna-Guards jumped out of the shuttle. “And I might give you some Star Wars style cards, how does that sound?” Folteren began walking towards his destination.

“I think that sounds wonderful, I can just tell, by the end of the day, my Toon deck will be receiving one major power boost!” Pegasus went back to reading the effects of his Toon Unicorn Guard.

By the time the two reached the palace, the battle had already begun. The Elements of Harmony had their work cut out.

“You're not WHAT!?!?!?” Twilight shouted, staring at her friends in shock.

“You heard us. We ‘ain't helpin.” Applejack said sternly.

“But why!? These brutes are tearing up the city!” Rarity cried with a flare of drama.

“Yeah, a city built on chance!” Rainbow roared, glaring daggers at Twilight.

Twilight gasped, “Rainbow! How could you!”

As the four fight, Pinkie played with a ball, and Fluttershy whimpered.

The six were seated in the throne room as Celestia retrieved the Elements. Another human stood with a long metal rod. The Princess of the sun returned with her sister. But before they could do anything, the gate came off it hinges. Folteren and Pegasus walked into the room, followed by the Magnaguards and a couple of Toons.

“SUN-BUTT!!! I’M HOME!!!” Folteren yelled, laughing. “I’ve been waiting to say that for a thousand years!”

The three Toons behind them laughed, Pegasus glared at the solar princess, “Well I don’t believe we have met, I am Pegasus the Spirit of Harmony.”

The Princess's eyes widened, “Spirit of Harmony!? What kind of mockery is this!?”

“Oh shut up! You were never that good at meeting human, where you?” Folteren glared, venom lacing his voice.

A human female stepped forward, “Whitney!? Is that you!?”

The dark lord stared at her, “You… Leave before I kill you too Jackie!”

“So its true, the dark side has taken you.” She flicks a switch on the staff, and two yellow blades appear on either side, “Then I have no choice.”

The Princess turns around and runs, and the Elements fight each other(Mostly AJ and RD vs. Twi and Rare).

“Magnaguards! Get Celly and bring her to me alive!” Folteren turns on his red and purple lightsabers, “Pegasus, take care of Luna, I’ve got this under control.”

“With pleasure!” Pegasus eyed Luna, his smirk never leaving. “Before we begin our duel, I do have two friends who you might recognize.” He summoned out the Toon Pegasi Guard and his Toon Unicorn Guard (Captain). The two Toon ponies were about the size of a foal, only slightly more larger, their eyes were much bigger, their flat teeth were replaced with razor sharp teeth, their cutie marks replaced by a picture of Toon World.. “Princess Luna, I like to introduce you to my Toon pony guards!” The toon pegasus pounced at Luna, his razor sharp teeth snapping.

Luna blasted the Toon as she backed away, horror filled her features at the monsters image. “What have you done to that pony!?”

“What have I done?” He chuckled, “Why I helped this pony achieve it’s most superior form.” Pegasus leered at Luna, his smile becoming unsettling “ Something that I hope I’ll be able to achieve with you.” Pegasus motioned his other Toon Pony to attack, “Toon Unicorn Guard Captain, attack!” The Toon Unicorn fired a large bolt of magic at Luna.

Luna used her magic to create a forcefield. “Tia!” She cried in fear, but her sister never came, Luna used her magic to create a small star and hurled it at the Toon.(YT)

The Toon smirked, pulling out a stop sign, the small star stopped and fired at a different direction, the Toon Unicorn laughed at Luna’s shocked expression. “Sorry Princess, but my Toons can’t be defeated by such simple means. I’m afraid you’re going to have to try harder than that.”

Luna backed away, shaking as she looked around to find something. Behind Pegasus, two lunar guards tried to jump him. “No!” Luna yelled, worried they would share the same fate as the solar guards.

The Toon Golem jumped in front of the guards, grabbing them by their necks, he dragged them towards the open pages of Toon World. The Toon World book absorbed the two lunar guards, slamming shut, Toon World spat out two new cards in front of Pegasus. “Hmm…. Two brand new cards, one female and another male, Toon Bat Pony Guards, Atk and Def 1700/1500, huh. These two are a lot more stronger than the solar guards.” Summoning one of them into the field, a small Toon flapped its bat like wings, it was slightly larger than the other two toon ponies. His bat wings, like the Toon Pegasus, were small, his eyes were larger than normal, his razor sharp teeth snapped at Luna. “Well isn’t he adorable?”

Luna glared, “I shall destroy you!” Her horn glowed a starry black, and a powerful beam shot at the Toons creating a huge explosion breaking all the windows and pillars.

Folteren was flung across the room, as well as Jackie.

Pegasus using the Millennium Rod, anchored his feet to the ground. “I summon the Toon (Female) Bat Pony Guard!” Like the other Toon, their appearance were almost exactly the same, one difference was how she was slightly smaller than the male counterpart. “Now Lulu this Bat Pony is a little different, for every Toon pony guard I have on the field, she gains an extra 200 attack points.” Pegasus smirked, “And since I have three, she gains an extra 600 attack points!” The female guard started growing, still she was almost the same size as a normal pony, her attack points were now at 2400. “Toon ponies, attack your former monarch!” All four of the Toons charged at Luna, they were all holding hammers, axes, spears, and swords.

Luna tried defending herself, but she couldn't. She lay on the ground, crying her sister's name as if it could help.

Folteren stopped, “Jackie, you’ve lost. The elements are useless, Celestia has abandoned you all, Luna has been defeated, and I have an army. Since we used to be friends, I’ll let you go.” Jackie froze, looking at the area she saw the girls fighting, Luna bleeding, and a Droid army marching towards them. “You can take the girls that want to go.”

Jackie glared at Folteren, “I can’t believe you… You have no right to call me that! I’m Bastila to you.”

Folteren sighed, “Get out of my sight…” Bastila took Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy and left.

“Lord Folteren, the city is yours!” Vision said on the intercom.

Pegasus walked over to Folteren, patting him on the back, “Congratulations on your victory, Lord Folteren.” Noticing the Toon Ancient Gear Golem was holding Luna by the horn, he asked, “I must ask you, what do you plan on doing with her?”

“If you want her, she’d be weak. But Nightmare Moon isn’t, so take her. I have special plans in mind for the moon deity. Because the worst feeling in the world is when family is against you.” Folteren summoned a red crystal, and placed it against Luna’s head. Nightmare Moon appeared next to her asleep. “There, much better! Oh, and take a Magnaguard.”(lookup toon version of it)

The Toon Golem started walking towards the Toon World spellbook, dragging the asleep clone, the Magnaguard following closely behind. He opened the spellbook, and a large pink cloud appeared above the two figures, absorbing them. The book slammed shut, spitting out two cards in front of Pegasus. “Toon Magnaguard, Atk and Def 2300/1800, six stars. Toon Nightmare Moon, Atk and Def 2500/2000, seven stars.” Pegasus smiled, “These cards are pretty good.”

Folteren took off his mask, “Anything else?” Two green battle droids ran in, “Take Luna to my Shuttle, I’ll deal with her there.”

Pegasus tapped his chin, “Well, can’t say there’s anything else I need.” He smiled, “Is there anything else you needed?”

Folteren smiled himself, “Well, I guess two things. Take this,” Folteren handed Pegasus the red crystal, “Think of it as payment, it's call a Shard of Madness. Anything to do with the mind this can do. Mind control only works if you sacrifice it. It's rare, and could lead to insanity, so be careful.”

Pegasus looked at the shard and stored it in his pocket. “Thank you Folteren, this will surely help in my quest for harmony.”

“And what you did today helped my quest for power. I’ll be sure to make this world live under one banner.” Folteren turned to Toon World and used Force Lightning on it. “Payback.”

Suddenly a large gloved hand popped out of the book and slapped Folteren, the glove made a tsk tsked motion and retreated back into the book, causing Pegasus to laugh.

Folteren growled, sighed, gave Pegasus his CIS Comunicatore Token, and walked over to Celestia’s throne. “When you need help in a fight, supplies, or advice. Just press the switch.”

Pegasus studied the token for a moment, “Thank you, and if you ever need some help or just want to give another swing at Toon World just open the book, and careful not to let Toon World have a taste of your soul, the book is in a way, sentient.”

“I’ll do that, and my soul tastes just awful, I’ve been told.” Folteren chuckled, “Well, take care of Moony and your Magnaguard.”

“Will do, I have a feeling that these new Toons will give my deck the power boost it needed.” Pegasus smiled, “I assume you know how to do this?”

“Counteract complete.” Folteren said with a smile.

Toon World shook violently causing an explosion of light, when the light faded away, Pegasus and the Toons around him disappeared, the book slammed shut and fell to the ground.

Pegasus opened his eyes, looking around his new surroundings he noticed that he had returned to the temple, he reached into his deck and grabbed his six new cards, “A great power boost indeed.”


Turning towards the source of the shouting, he saw a Kuriboh flying towards him. “Max, just where have you been?!”

Pegasus smiled, “Well if you must know, I’ve just been summoned by another displaced, I even got six new Toon cards!” He said showing Jack the new cards.

“What?!” Jack moaned, “Great, now how am I supposed to beat you when you’re keep getting new cards!”

“What’s wrong Jack? Finally realized that you can’t beat me in yu-gi-oh?” Pegasus said with a smirk.

The Kuriboh scoffed, “Oh please! My Kuriboh deck will beat yours 10 seconds flat!”

“Then why don’t we test that theory?”

Jack narrowed his eyes. “Your on.”

Folteren’s Shuttle landed on his Mini-Death-Star. Folteren was so happy, he bounced around the base as his guards brought Luna along. His now dubbed “Mane Three” where smiling as well.

“This. Is. THE BEST DAY EVER!!!” He yelled.

“LETS HAVE A PARTY!!!” Folteren and Pinkie screamed in unison. ‘We are so related!’

Then Folteren sighed, “Wait. I’ll catch up with you girls after I take care of Luna.”

“Oh, thats okay! We’ll meet you there!” Dash said.

Folteren nodded. The group split up, getting sidetracked by the fact they were in space.

When Folteren reached the medical bay, the droids set her down.

“I have no idea what to do with her…” Folteren thought for a moment, then he remembered what Freddy told him, “I know! Sandy, erase her mind and age!”

[As you wish.]

And so, Folteren’s new apprentice was born.

End Of A Journey... Wait, WHAT HAPPENED!?!?

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{Folteren's POV}

And that was how I met Shadow, the Displaced, beat Celly, created an army and took the capital of Equestria.

But that was not the end. No.

My army spread out until about half Epuestria was under my control. The other nations either joined me, like the Griffons, Bat Ponies, and, to my surprise, Changelings. Once I let their Queen free, she seemed all too willing to join me. She even gave me her best squad. Which included a red one I took a liking to. Blood, the princess of her race.

Celestia fled into hiding. No doubt saddened by the lose of Luna. Oh, yeah. Heres what happened to the Princess of the Moon.

After Pegasus beat Luna, she was put in critical contusion. So I used my Nanites to heal her wounds, but she was hurt to bad I had to reset her mind. In short, she lost most of her memory. That was good, but I decided a new Apprentice was in order, so I did what Freddy did. I turned back her clock. Now, I can do this, how do you think I stayed this age. Answer: Nanites. She was now a filly, about Scootaloo's age, and has no memory of her sister. I renamed her Darth Night Terror.

I finally let Scoots build her own Lightsaber. A standard hilt, with a red synthetic crystal. And I let her, Shadow, and Luna/Night Terror call me their father.

Scoot... I, am your father.

NNNNNOOOOOOO!!!! *Ahem* Sorry... I couldn't resist.

As for Boomer... Still an idiot.

Waffles has his pond near my room, so there's that...

... Um...

I- Uh...


Oh! And I heard Bastila's making a rebellion. The morons.

Wait, I hope they don't get Shadow to turn on me like Vader...

Nah! Loyal to the bone that girl is. And speaking of loyalty.

The mare six have taken a liking to this! Rainbow's in charge of my new unit Delta Squad, the red Changeling(Blood, I think her name was) was in it. Along with them, a Bat Pony named Mangle, and a Griffon named Vex. They would deal with the important stuff my droids wouldn't be able.

Applejack took care of Ponyville. Lord knows they have a tendency to freak out, and AJ is the perfect pony to help.

As for Pinkie. Lets just say that Luna isn't the only pony to turn to the dark side.

And as for me? Well, I'm finally happy. Nothing could dampen my mood, not now, not ever!

"Lord Folteren! We were attacked by a Rebellion attack team! They took Scootaloo!" A droid informed. Before it could continue, it's head was crushed as my hand tightened.

My eye's turn red.