Craving Adventure: The new elements

by Misscord

First published

The beginning of the big adventure for C.Rave and her friends. See how they became the next elements of harmony, what they did, who they defeated, what they sacrificed and what happened next?

The beginning of the big adventure for C.Rave and her friends. See how they became the next elements of harmony, what they did, who they defeated, what they sacrificed and what happened next?


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(Prologue notes: This prologue tells how our main character met her friends (the main characters), they are not action packed nor are they very long. Keep in mind they are just background stories and not the main story line a better way to know the setting before we get underway. I advise reading them however I cannot skip this part if need be. Also this story is after cannon (after the events of the show). I encourage constructive criticism and kind comments NOT hateful banter and rudeness. If you don't like it then please respect my wishes and just don't read it, there is no need to post hurtful things on my story please. Thank you.)

1. Loyalty

I ran through the forest not looking behind me, I wasn't going to let anypony or anything get in my way. To me at this time my job was the only thing that mattered to me, that reality was about to change dramatically. I dived behind a shrub taking cover from something I could hear nearby. I waited patiently for a few moments, and then out of the bushes appeared a young stallion younger than I was at the time. His dark purple coat showed many lighter purple stripes and scruffy dark hair like his coat. Smartly tucked wings and a saddlebag bare of any mark; this stallion around his mid-teens had not yet received a cutie mark. I shrugged and moved forward as planned, the stallion stared at me surprised to see me. I ignored his wonder filled gaze and trotted on, the stallion followed me much to my annoyance. Soon I grow irritated and turned around to him sharply. “Who are you and why the hell are you following me?” He paused before standing proudly before me.

“I’m Wingstripe my lady, I’m in training to become a royal Canterlot guard.” I smirked back at him,

“Then shouldn’t you be in Canterlot?” He shook his head,

“Nope, I’m out here doing some training.” Just as he had finished talking a roar echoed through the forest.

We followed the noise as a coincidence the treasure I was searching for was inside a cave that was guarded by three manticore. Wingstripe turned to me,

“Stay here.” He got up and lunged at the beasts, sword in mouth. I rolled my eyes and followed, longing for action of my own. As luck would have it I stumbled and was about to be taken by one of these massive beasts. However, Wingstripe saved me by defending me with his blade and chasing them off. He returned panting and smiling. “Friends look out for each other. By the way what’s your name?” I got up with the help of his hoof and smiled at the shimmering mark that had appeared on his flank. I pointed and winked,

“Nice job kid.” He beamed with pride as he laid eyes on the shield and sword on his flank. After retrieving the gem I needed we both headed back to the train station in Ponyville, being the closest town to where we were. That day I made my first real friend, one that would stick with me to the bitter end.

2. Honesty

I had moved Ponyville from Canterlot to get away from the heavy press and paparazzi to a calmer town. I had always got much attention because of my music; I had become a popular DJ in Canterlot along with my childhood friend Vinyl Scratch. Her and I met in Kindergarten and have been friends ever since even taking up the same profession. At that time I had moved I didn’t know anypony who lived there and tried to hide my identity from ponies who didn’t know who I was.

I walked down the main street of the small town eager to get to my new home that had been built recently; I was opening a club in town that doubled as my house upstairs. I called it Toxic Hearts. As my hooves trotted along the path I was bumped into by a tall handsome looking stallion, He wore glasses and had smooth long brown hair and brown fur with white hoof markings and spots around them. I blushed and shook my head,

“Hi, sorry about that.” He smiled back,

“It’s fine, I’m Espresso Shot. I take it you’re new in town?” I nod,

“I come from Canterlot, I came here because… I wanted a change in scenery.” He looked at me with narrow eyes for a moment before shaking it off,

“You look familiar…” I shook my head yet again,

“Nope, I’ve never seen you before.” He wasted no time and gestured for him to follow.

He took me to a café that he owned called Espresso Shots. I giggled at the name and let him make me one of his famous cups of coffee which was the best I had ever had. “How is it? Be honest.” I grinned and nodded,

“Not too bad kid.” He was a talented unicorn with a talent for coffee as his cutie mark of a red steaming cup showed. He introduced me to his pet dragon Tekkit, A small dragon with green scales and a blue underbelly and bright orange horns. He smiled at me and blinked his bright green eyes. Tekkit was never a huge player in my story but, he was still a friendly companion. It was Espresso Shot that became one of my most valued allies in my life.

3. Kindness

At a signing after a concert a fan approached me telling me he had seen me in Ponyville, he smiled kindly at me shaking my hoof. Something caught my attention about the orange Pegasus, maybe it was his wild wavy blond hair or his bright blue eyes gleaming as every one of my fans eyes did. He introduced himself as Star Seeker and asked to see me after the signing, normally I would say no, but something made me say yes. I met with him in a garden inside the local Canterlot Park. Star Seeker told me his special talent was being able to fly into space and told me the story. He approached me as a friend and not a celebrity who most my fans approach me as. I liked how he would talk to me as a real pony, from that night on him and I became dear friends, his kindness that night made me feel I could trust him. Star Seeker lived next door to me as it turned out, he had been away in Canterlot on a trip and was coming home on the same train as I was. Soon the press found me; I have many fond memories of him defending me and us running away from the ponies chasing us with cameras and note pads asking for interviews. I will never forget how much of a kind friend he was to me. Never.

4. Generosity

In the dead of night a whistling sound caught my attention, at first I thought it to be a spirit calling out so I got out of bed to check and trotted outside. A silence filled the air as I got closer and tracked the noise down to a tall tree near the window of my bedroom. Looking up to the top of a hill just outside of town there he was. A white unicorn with spiked white and pale blue hair sat alone whistling to himself as if he were desperately trying to keep himself from crying. The aura of his emotion was strong enough to bring a tear to my multicolored eyes.

Once approaching him I sat beside him and smiled, "Why are you so sad?" He looked at me shocked to find I noticed his true emotion through the cheerful whistling.


I sighed and put a hoof on his shoulder, "I'm Conjuress Rave, most call me C.Rave... what's your..." He answered my question before I finished asking it,

"I'm Ghost... And I'm sad because I have no home or family. I have lived alone all my life, and now my home has become a barren land so I'm here to start again. I just arrived." His black eyes were surely from another land, yet I kept up my smile and gave him a warm hug much to his surprise.

"I'll be your friend. It's ok now." He smiled back at me and nodded. I let him stay with me that night, from then on we were close friends. We had a bond strong and unbreakable one that would help me more than I would have realized at the time.

6. Laughter

His Laughter, that’s what I remember the most about Plune. His dark blue coat and light purple mane reminded me of his brother Wingstripe. They looked almost identical if it weren’t for his deep green eyes. He laughed at everything even if it was unnecessary to. I met in in my club one night he came in and asked if I wanted to dance, I agreed and after we shared a hearty dance to the music he took me outside to look at the stars. He told me he wanted the night to never end so he could always have this much fun. He visited my club a lot and was always laughing and chatting with other ponies. He was so lively and happy back then, something always caught me though. He looked at the sky longingly at times, as if he was wishing greatly for something to happen. I never found out what it was, and frankly I am glad I never did. Some things are better left unsaid, especially seeing the circumstances of future events.

They were all to become part of a greater power that made me who I am today. I will never forget what they brought into my life and the world.

A Luna Eclipse

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It was the night of the annual lunar eclipse after I had just moved into Ponyville. I was lucky enough for it to be about a month after my arrival and a night I had just finished the final touches on the new club I was opening up in town; Toxic Hearts. The club was on the outskirts of town and with my personal home in the second floor. It was a good thing I installed a sound proof door that lead up to my home above the club. I was opening it for the first time that night and letting everypony in free for the opening. The night had begun and all my friends had met me on the hill not too far from my home. We sat atop the green grass shaded with a navy light from the moon that had risen not long ago, other ponies from the town sat in their own individual friendship groups chatting among themselves sharing the treats and drinks they had brought with them. I stood and announced to everypony that they were to remember to come to Toxic Hearts once the eclipse was underway and they had finished gazing at it admiring its beauty.

Soon the moon had shifted its position across the sun that has met it half way, this was a sight to behold. Little did we all know that the princess of the night was to grace us with her presence. This was the first time I had ever met her. I had met Celestia many times for it was her who sent me to Ponyville to live, I was aware that she had done this with Princess Twilight a few years back and I was lucky enough to be the next to be sent here. She advised that the club was what Ponyville needed to develop and thought it was such a good idea that she sent me here to do so. As the brilliant light shone around the orbs of grace Princess Luna arrived from Canterlot in her carriage carried by her night guards. I caught her eye as soon as she arrived, everypony was thrilled and bowed and greeted her, I however was frozen in awe. I was not so sure at the time why, perhaps I was nervous because I had never net her before, but I realize now it was because of what was to come that I in feeling must have foreseen.

She trotted up to me and smiled holding out her hoof, I kissed it and smiled at her. “I am excited to dance the night away in your club. My sister insisted I would like it, she has faith in you Miss Rave.” I shook my head,
“Oh please call me Crave. Everypony does.” She chuckled,
“Called by your stage name, I am in fact I admit with shyness a fan of you music.” I blushed hearing her praise and chocked a little.
“I uh… yes please come in.” I rushed down to open the club and turned on the lights, music and opened the bar. My working bartender was a resident from Ponyville called Applejack, she seemed to know a fair bit about serving ponies and as a sales bonus for both of us I let her sell and serve her Apple Cider at the bar. Luna did love the music and I was lucky enough to dance with her and my friends as well most of the night. Once things got quieter I headed up to bed leaving AJ with the keys to lockup when everypony left. I glanced out the window once I stumbled up the stairs, to my confusion Luna was outside looking up at the moon. I opened the window and called out to her,
“Princess Luna are you ok?” She turned and nodded with a half-hearted smile. She was lonely, the feeling was unavoidable for me to pick up. I headed down back through the club and outside to talk to her, by the time I got there she was gone. She must have known I noticed and was heading down. One dark blue feather remained in her place, I picked it up and sighed. I wondered why she fled, why was she lonely? I smiled at the moon making a note to myself, I knew I’d see her again soon. I took the feather back upstairs and left it on my kitchen counter and headed to bed. I did not dream that night.

As time went by I framed the feather and hung it on my wall above my bed, it meant a lot to me that feather. Every morning before working on my music or whatever it was I did that day I’d head to the café by the park were Espresso worked, in fact he owned the café. He was always happy to see me, I always ordered a cappuccino from his shop and talked to him about whatever it was we talked about that day. Usually I’d run into Plune and Wingstripe at the park or around town, times I’d see Star Seeker and he would fly around happily as we spoke. I had to seek Ghost out to see him since he lived in Everfree and hardly ever came out, he wasn’t too keen on most normal ponies accept me and my friends. Soon enough we would all see each other every day meeting up in one place or another. We all became best friends and I was lucky.

One night I was walking with Ghost outside of town when we were met by the princess of the night again, it has been a good two months since we had met last. She approached me looking very distressed and upset. “Good I was hoping you wouldn’t be too long. I have had the most unpleasant dream about you Crave… It haunts me. I cannot let that happen to a friend.” I was shocked not just that something bad was going to happen to me but that she called me her friend. I shook my head quickly as she held my shoulders and gazed at me strongly. “Please gather each of your friends and meet me here at dawn. Hurry.” Without a moment to hesitate I ran, leaving Ghost behind to wait as I gathered and woke each friend from their night slumber and dragging Star out of my club. Once all gathered Star hiccupped and dropped his beer picking it up with his wing in a distorted manner. Luna rolled her eyes then she spoke to us, “You must address the one they call the wish granter. She lives within a space between worlds, it can only be reached with strong magic. I can send you all there but not myself along with you. Ask her to grant you wings, you will need them. I cannot say why but… just do it!” Her horn shone a brilliant white and soon I opened my eyes in a room filled with smoke. Star giggled with a hiccup,
“Hehehe weed.” Wingstripe sighed and shook his head,
“Crave he’s drunk!” I nodded in annoyance,
“I know.” Star slapped my flank and laughed,
“You know nothing!.... but everything. You just get me.” I ignored him and stepped forward approaching the tall white alicorn that lay on a pile of red velvet pillows. She took another drag of her long pipe and exhaled at us letting out more thick cloud. Her hooves were grey that stopped before her knees and changed to white with small grey spots around the stopping point in markings, she wore red make up around the sides of her eyes shaped like a tear that faced outwards. Her hair was very long, straight and black with some tied up in a bun with what looked like chopsticks with purple fabric hanging off them and bells on the end. Her long purple and grey kimono hung loosely over her shoulders. She was beautiful yet equally intimidating maybe even a little frightening to me at the time. She smirked impishly as if she expected us.
“So you want a wish?” I nodded,
“I want to be granted wings.” She laughed loudly at this,
“No this is not what you truly wish…” She suddenly turned serious as she paused and continued, “But you do wish to please the one who wishes this for you. Indeed if what she saw is to come to pass you need these wings. You need alicorn magic. You need to be an alicorn.” I frowned, indeed I did not wish no become an alicorn. I was happy being a unicorn and didn’t want to be a ‘princess’ but to have both would make me one I knew I’d have to deal with even more publicity and media with this change. As if being a up and rising DJ wasn’t hard enough. “The price will be heavy. Your gift is indeed like mine, though you are young.”
“Price what do you mean? We will pay it for her!” Wingstripe stepped up. I shook my head,
“She will only let me pay it since it’s my wish.” Star chuckled,
“Can I have a wish?”
“No.” The alicorn said bluntly.
“AWWWW!” Star whined loudly.
“As I was saying… Your price. I require a payment… hmmm.” She gazed into the smoke she blew out as it twisted and moved into the image of a feather.
“You want Luna’s feather?” She smiled wide,
“Not exactly, I want to show you dreams from now on till your last day in this world. The feather is a link between them and you.” I was puzzled, there had to be more to it than just seeing my dreams. She knew I was puzzled by this and explained more knowing I was no fool who could give it up so easily, “By giving me the feather I will show u dreams, the future, you must fulfil a task for me. One that you cannot avoid if this wish is to be granted. It will show you what must be done. Each dream will show you what you need to do to get to the position you need to be in when this time comes. That is all I will say.” I knew whatever it was would weigh on me heavily, like she warned. This would be no easy task.
“I accept.” She chuckled,
“Then let it begin.” I have to be honest I blacked out, we all did. We woke up back with Luna, only difference is aside from my newly granted headache were my wings. I stood up and looked at Luna as she gave me a sudden hug.
“I am so sorry, what was the price?” I looked at my wings and then back at Luna,
“Your feather you left behind when we met… with it she can show me dreams till I die. I have to do something for her.” Luna looked shocked,
“I have no idea what she wants you to do but why one of my feathers?” I blushed as I spoke my next few words,
“I… it means a lot to me I guess, and with it being your feather it connects to my dreams because of your power.” Luna blushed back,
“I am honoured something so small of mine I would cast away without a second thought would mean so much to you.” Star joined in on the hug with laughter,
“I love dreaming, it’s like imagining things but in real life.” Plune grabbed him by the tail and dragged him away much to his whining disappointment. Luna chuckled and nodded goodbye to me, there was nothing else to say in the moment. We both knew it was at least for the night time to part ways. The next day would be one of the strangest days I have ever had, I was not prepared for it. Now that I think about it, nothing would.

Questions with no Answers

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Getting settled down for me was difficult after getting my wings, to be honest the last thing I wanted to be was a 'princess'. Ponies started stopping me in the street, I got letters from ponies I never met and I felt swamped! Celestia had said to the public I was to be dubbed the princess of spirit, a fitting title to my talent. Things I kept to myself eventually got out soon everypony know about me, they knew my talent was my ability to connect with spirits and psychic magic, they knew the friends I hung out with, the gang, they even knew my club was where I lived. Although business there picked up a lot and I got more fans and publicity for my music hobby. It wasn't all bad.

I had to make appearances in Canterlot at times, I didn't like being in the spot light but I did enjoy seeing Luna. She and I talked quite often, it hadn't been a month when one night I was staying in the castle I had a strange dream. I was standing in the royal ball room, there was a thick green fog surrounding the room. I was standing with my friends with Celestia and Luna behind me. Each of them looked scared, my friends each had a glowing necklace each a different colour and in the shape of their cutie marks accept for Ghost who's was a circle, seeing as he didn't have one. I looked at my chest and I had one too in the shape of my pentagram cutie mark. I tried to look through the fog everyone was facing towards where the door should be. I narrowed my eyes and in the midst of the forest of thick air I see two turquoise eyes glare at me and the sound of wings beating fast much like an insect's. The thick mist all shot towards me and swirled around me, I couldn't see anyone and as fast as it came it was gone and so was the dream. I woke up sweating and panting my heart beating so fast I thought it would burst out of my chest. "My friend, are you ok?" Luna asked as she stepped inside my room. I opened my mouth but nothing came out but heavy breaths. She shook her head, "I saw it too dear. I see all dreams." I smiled, it felt like a bit of the weight was taken off my chest just by knowing that. She stepped even closer to me as she spoke, "What I don't understand is why did you and your friends have the elements of harmony?" I cock my head,
"They are the..." I put up my hoof and shook my head,
"No,no, no I know what they are but I thought there were already other ponies that wield them." Luna bites her lip,
"Yes but they have not needed them in some time, perhaps the elements will need you to stop this evil instead of them."
"But why not them? What can we do that they can't?" Luna paused for a moment before she answered with a sigh,
"I don't know C.Rave... I don't know."

It took me some time, Luna told Celestia and I told my friends when I went home. I didn't know when it would happen only that it would, Luna and I both knew for sure it was one of those dreams that strange alicorn said she would send. Who was she I had to do some digging. The next few days were spent in the library, Twilight didn't mind me being in her castle reading her books in fact she was intrigued by my story and wanted to give me some aid in finding some answers. I think she also enjoyed a reading partner if you ask me. I buried myself in books about mythical creatures and ponies in history, ancient history, spiritual books you name it before I found one that would give me the link to find it. The book was called 'gateways' it had information about the spirit world and ponies involved in it. One pony had written that there was somepony who governed over this link between worlds and protected it from harm. Many legends told of ponies coming in contact with this pony and or dreaming of them, in these stories the writer noted that she could grant wishes but most of the time the price turned out to be greater than the wish itself often resulting in bad happenings. The sketch the book provided was accurate, this was indeed this pony I had met. She had been dubbed the wish granter. But it stated her name was Fox Fire. There was a spell inside the book to cross over and meet her back where we had before, it wasn't too hard but some of the items needed were scarce. I was glad to have at least found some connections to that mysterious mare.

The next morning I was woken from my slumber by Ghost, how he got inside I'll never know. I'm not sure if I even cared. "What?" I sighed slamming my face into my pillows. He laughed in reply,
"You need to come with me, it's Espresso he need's help." I rose as fast as I had plopped back down and leaped out of my bed and galloped down the stairs. Ghost followed close behind. He overtook me once outside and took me to his place near Sugarcube Corner. Espresso was outside kicking the dirt with an annoyed expression on his face. He looked up at us and growled.
"Oh...hi guys." I stamped my hoof on the ground and puffed as I spoke in a harsh tone,
"What happened? did anypony hurt you? I will hurt them twice as bad!" He chuckled half-heartedly,
"No I'm fine... I just lost my house." I froze for a moment,
"I was renting and my land lord said I can't have Tekit in the house anymore. It's not his fault he's just a kid."
"Come on explain it," Ghost insisted.
"He set fire to the curtains and burnt down the entire kitchen." I tried not to laugh, I knew he was a clumsy dragon but really. "So we are homeless." I shook my head,
"No harm I have a spare room you can live with me for a while." Espresso blushed,
"Really?" He beamed brightly, much to Ghost's annoyance. I was aware Ghost had a crush on me, but I didn't know about Espresso yet. No I found out that night when I found him looking at my photos on display blushing bright red. Doesn't take much for a lady to just 'get it' when something like that happens. On the other hoof Ghost made it clear he liked me, not that he said it. It was just the way he was always so close and loving with me like I said a lady just 'gets it' sometimes. I never asked for their affections, but now that I think about it maybe it was what they needed at that time to help me with what I was to face. We needed a strong bond of love and friendship, stronger than what the other 'mane six' could provide. Friendship is magic, but love is power.

So as fate would have it I was living with Espresso and his pet dragon Tekkit. Life wasn't too different in fact it was slightly less lonely. Espresso made the best coffees, no dah it was his talent. He had a red cup I got him that matched his cutie mark, when he moved in it became the cup he put my morning coffee in every day. I put up a strong fireproofing spell on most of the important things in the house just in case. Ghost came out of Everfree all the time to hang out with us as did the others, but something was off about Ghost, he was very sensitive to nature, living in Everfree must do that to you. He noticed that something was wrong, or at least it was going to be. I noticed it to but on a spiritual level different to how he noticed. We met one afternoon alone to discuss this and came to a conclusion it was time to visit Canterlot with the others. Perhaps what was to arise was the unknown villain I saw in my dream no more than a month ago. The trip I took that next morning was one I wish I had prepared for better, I didn't stop to think I couldn't handle it.

The Chaos Ahead

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Once we reached Canterlot we noticed that nopony was outside, it was empty. We searched inside buildings, on the streets and the skies but nopony was anywhere to be found. We galloped to the castle post haste. Inside was also empty, I knew this was it, we all did. We went to the throne room and yes it was filled with thick green fog like in the dream. But there we no glamorous necklaces to be found. Just empty thick fog, we looked around and then came together. “Nothing’s here C.Rave, what do we do now?” Espresso asked.
“What a waste of time,” Huffed Plune. Wingstripe was eyeing down the mist as if still searching. Then I remembered hearing something about the elements of harmony appearing to Twilight and her friends when they realised it was their bond that called the elements to them. I held out a Hoof to Ghost who took it with his, Espresso noticed on soon we all were joined by the hoof and with that and a surge of power the elements were ours. But unfortunately that called forth the rest of my vision, a demonic laugh echoed through the halls and the mist swirled strongly. Those familiar turquoise eyes opened and glares at us and the sound of bug wings beat strongly. With a grunt Wingstripe pushed the fog back. There she was back for another taste of Equestria’s love. Chrysalis chuckled and stamped her hoof down on the ground, on her head was Celestia’s crown.
“How dare you stand where she stood!” I cried as I charged towards her, she knocked me back with no effort. Whose love had she been feeding off to get so strong? I wondered. I should have guessed it by then, but I didn’t for a long time to come. We all charged time after time but we were at a loss we didn’t know how to defeat her properly. None of us loved each other like Shining Armour and princess Cadence did, so our power didn’t match up. Then it hit me, she needed it more than any of us. Perhaps giving her all our love WAS a good idea.

I held out my hoof as my friends came to a stop, and with a smirk I challenged her. “You feed off love don’t you, then take it. I bet you can’t take all of the love we have inside of us.” I put my hoof on my heart. I knew from the stories Twilight had told me and I pieced it together, she mentioned how she saw Chrysalis feeding off Shining Armours love and his eyes turning green a few times. I realised she fed in sessions and didn’t take it all at once, it had to be drained slowly. I winked at my friends who just went with it, with that she began to drain it. I remember feeling empty and lonely when she used her power on me, it was rather horrible. Chrysalis stopped for a moment and puffed. “What is this, too weak to drain the love of just six ponies. You call yourself a queen how pathetic.” I started to laugh.
“Whoa there C.Rave,” Star bit his lip as he whispered to me but I nodded in reply to show my confidence. Chrysalis took the bait and started once more to drain the power of our love and as I though she couldn’t do it all at once, it was too much power to take in at once so quickly and she ended up passing out. With that her power weakened and soon the ponies of Canterlot returned from their temporary prison in the caves under Canterlot. Luna told us that it has been almost impossible to break out as Chrysalis had sealed most of the walls with her power making shattering the walls not possible while she was so strong. With our power Luna and I sealed her inside the caves herself and with that the dead was done. The enemy had fallen and we had also gained the elements of harmony, something we were still unsure about.

“Conjuress may I speak with you?” I rolled my eyes,
“Luna please don’t call me that.” Luna rolled her eyes back at me with a sly smirk, she had become a lot more rambunctious with me and refused to call me what everypony else did. I guess she wanted it to be more personal, to be special. I didn’t mind it truth be told but I wasn’t about to let her know that by that stage. She visited my dreams almost every night to simply hang out I knew where I stood in my emotions but I was too nervous to admit it. In a way I think we both knew and were aware of each other’s feelings after all we were both good at knowing such. But our duty and title kept us at a safe distance, we were content with it at the time.

But one night I had a peculiar dream, it was simply me getting up and walking to the edge of the everfree forest at night. Once I awoke I was indeed standing at the edge of said forest. I was being called by some sort of force into the forest. What did I do? I quickly rounded up my friends accept for Ghost who lived within and told them about my dream and where I woke up. We all agreed to go in together but after taking a few steps inside Espresso called my name. I turned back to see them still at the edge of the forest. “What’s wrong guys?” Espresso tilted his head and rubbed his mane.
“We can’t seem to get inside… we take steps in but...” He took some steps in but he didn’t appear to be getting any closer. “I think this one is just for you.”
“But don’t worry we shall wait right here for you to return,” Wingstripe gave me a proud salute.
“We will?” Moaned Plune eyes drooping and hanging his head low. The rest nodded much to his disappointment.
“Thanks team.” I smiled back at my friends before turning and heading deeper into the frightening forest.

In time I found myself come to a stop at the entrance of a cave, with a gulp and a deep breath I headed inside bravely. I walked town twisted dark paths till I felt soft hay under my hooves, I looked up and was met with a pair of yellow and blue eyes. I jumped back in shock once she started to laugh and I sparked up a brighter light from my horn. “Careful there or you’ll blind somepony,” the voice hissed. I gazed upon the beast which turned out to be a female draconequus. I had no idea there was more than Discord back then so I was shocked.
“Are you?”
“If you say Discord I will hit you.” I paused again, shocked at her attitude and utter dislike of the possible mention of his name. “Don’t even speak his name, I wish never to hear it again.”
“Why?” I snoopily asked. She glared at me so I dropped the subject.
“The name is Misscord, or Missy for short. Do not forget that you will need to remember it for the next time we meet.” I wasn’t wasting any more time I wanted to get out of that creepy cave ASAP.
“Why am I here?” She chuckled and floated above me suddenly,
“How should I know you are the one who came into MY home uninvited? How rude.” I huffed and tried again,
“So how can you help me?” She clapped her claw and paw together and appeared behind me suddenly and coiled around me.
“I believe it is you who can help me, you just have to do it by helping yourself.”
“…What?” I stated bluntly. I wasn’t in the mood to be played with, I never was or even am in that matter.
“To the ends of the earth as you know it
Six parts to one solution will do it
Open the door to test your skills
And be pushed to the limits of your wills
Can they all come out with a pass
Time is turning why sit here and wait
Why not do as I say to find out your fate.”
And with that I was back in front of my friend with her echoing laughter ringing in my ears. “So?” Star asked.
“I don’t know…” I said with a blank face. After telling them the riddle we all decided to head to inform the princess’ about this meeting. As expected we were told to once again pay a visit to Canterlot, I was beginning to think we should just move there to save time and bits. But that said I always liked to travel, I think we all enjoyed traveling there together.

“Misscord?” I nodded back to Celestia. “She has been missing for a long time, I am surprised to hear she is residing in Equestria.” Luna stepped forward,
“Yes dear sister as am I, I would have thought she would want to be as far away from him as possible given her outcome. She has no resolve…” With Luna’s sigh came my concern.
“Tell me about it Princess Luna?”
“As you can tell Misscord is a draconequus, she and discord were once partnered. After he was sealed by our magic 1000 years ago she flew into a deep depression. Not wanting to risk getting herself turned into stone she had no choice but to flee. Yet she seemed to think he was dead, I didn’t know at the time but she indeed had a son with Discord.”
“Discord had a son?” Plune butted in shocked at the news. Luna nodded and continued,
“Yes indeed. His name was Din ironically a name meaning chaos. Misscord in her depression couldn’t properly raise him and soon her son left to fend for himself. As I know Din is working in Manehattan as a movie director, his powers work well in that field.”
“It must have been really hard for her… to find out her love is still alive and fear to face him because she’s so ashamed. I know that’s how I’d feel.” Luna nodded,
“Indeed it is I have visited her dreams and she faces many personal demons.” My heart did go out to Misscord, then again my story wouldn’t be as happy and easy as I thought it would back then.