My Life

by Smileplays

First published

It's the numbers. Always the numbers. You always get a number before your cutie mark. Then, only then you get your name. I'm a orange pegasus with purple mane and tail. My number is 046.

It's the numbers. Always the numbers. You always get a number before your cutie mark. Then, only then you get your name. I'm a orange pegasus with purple mane and tail. My number is 046.

My Sucky Life

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It is the numbers.

It is always the numbers

until you get your cutie mark.

A cutie mark is a talent nopony else can do, but you. I'm number 046, always waiting for my cutie mark. I'm an orange pegasus with a purple mane and tail. I always get mocked by other fillies like me because I'm the only pegasus at my age who can't fly. They always call me a chicken because my small wings. My sister, I call her my sister because she adopted me, Rainbow Dash helps me get through it, but it doesn't help much.

My friends always help me. My two friends are 042 and 051. 042 is a yellow earth pony with a red tail and mane. 051 is a unicorn with a pink and purple swirling mane and tail. They always defend me from the bullies, but it still hurts no matter what they do. I always get bullied at school. There are these two fillies that bully me, they lead the bullying group, and they already have their cutie marks. Their names are Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. I really hate them for making fun of me because of my blank flank and my wings.

I always get shoved around before the bell rings to class. The same thing happens when I go home. My mom is never home and my dad died from a illness. My mom is always working. She always makes lunch for me before she goes to work. I come home, sit down to do my h.w., always hoping she'll come home, and it'll be like old times.

The sad part is I'm lonely even though my friends always visit me and Rainbow Dash drops in to spend time with me. I always feel like I'm missing a part of myself, but I don't know why. I wish I knew why and, sadly, I don't. If only I could understand myself like other fillies and ponies can.

Well, one day when I was walking from school. The bullies came up to me and surrounded me. Then, they got me to the ground and began to pull out my feathers. I winced, but I didn't fight back. I just let them. I could fly anyways. I'll probably never fly. So why do I need my wings anyways? Just then Rainbow Dash flew down seeing what the bullies were doing to me.

"Hey, what are doing?!" Rainbow Dash demanded.

The bullies looked up at an angry Rainbow Dash, before, letting me go and running off. If Rainbow Dash wasn't there, I probably would have let them pull off all my feathers off my wings.

"You okay, squirt?" She asked, gently, looking at me.

I nodded, slowly. Tears filled my eyes, but I shook them off. Rainbow Dash looked at me as if studying me.

"You sure?"

"Yeah," I said close to a whisper then I said louder nodding. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Rainbow Dash looked at me and smiled.

"All right you might want to be careful because next time I won't be here to help you. K squirt?"

"Yeah, I'll be more careful"

"Good you better be." She said tousling my mane.

"Now I'll take you home." Rainbow Dash said, flying beside me.

The Nightmare

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I was walking trying to hurry up to catch up to Rainbow Dash. My hooves hitting the ground spraying dirt everywhere. She flew at at slow pace, waiting for me to catch up. Then, I fell hurting my hoof on a rock. I fell on the dirt, painfully. I tried to stand up, but it was too hard. I winced in pain and called out to Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash can you help me?" I cried out to her.

Rainbow Dash turned around and glared at me.

"What mean you think I'll help you!?" She demanded.

"But Rainbow Dash-"

"Shut up! You can deal with the pain, you little wimp!" Rainbow Dash snapped at me

"But, I can't stand up. Rainbow Dash please help me up." I pleaded, my eyes filling with tears in a scared voice.

"Sure, I'll help you." She flew off to me, shoving me, and I landed on my injured hoof. I cried out in pain.

"Shut up you whim! Deal with the pain! You're just a scared whim that NOPONY LIKES!" She yelled at me.

"Rainbow Dash y-you d-d-don't r-really mean i-it d-do y-you?" I asked, managing to sit up, shaking in fear.


"SHUT UP!" She yelled, flying up to me and she began to hit me. I winced in pain and my tears fell down my face, hurt.

Then, I woke up as a pony was shaking me. "Scootaloo are you okay?" The mare asked as my eyes readjusted to the surrounds around me.

"Mom?" I asked, in a small voice.

"Yes, baby I'm home." My mom smiled at me as I hugged her really tight.

"But, don't you have to go back to work soon?" I asked, confused.

My mom nodded and I became sad. "But, not for a while. My boss sent me home for a week and I have every weekend off."

My face lit up with happiness. I hugged my mom tight. Then, I remembered my dream and I told my mom about the nightmare. She listened with a serious face and replied "I'm sure Rainbow Dash wouldn't hurt you and don't forget it's a dream. It's not real."

Then, she smiled at me. "Do you want me to make you a chocolate cream with peanut butter sandwich?" She asked me and I nodded. Those sandwiches are always the best when my mom makes them. She would make them more often when my dad was still alive. She walked into the kitchen and came back a few minutes with a sandwich on a plate.

"Here you are, my baby." She said, handing me the sandwich on the plate.

"Thanks mom." I said eating my sandwich and handing her my plate.

She tucked me in and kissed me on the forehead "Good night, sweetie."

"Goodnight mom."


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I wandered outside in the schoolyard. My friends 046 and 051 were with me. The principal came outside to make an announcement. Everypony gathered around the school building. Even Diamond Tiara attended, if Diamond Tiara attended then it was a really important announcement because she never attended meetings.

The principal tapped the microphone to make sure it was working. Then, he began to speak. "Hello everypony. This is a ruler review to remind everypony of the rules, yes, even you Diamond Tiara."

Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. It seemed to be the case, that she was forced to the meeting. Every mare was taking their children to school making sure they would arrive and attend the meeting. Even my mother walked me to school but, she told me it was for her to spend more time with me. Of course, I believed my mother, she always told the truth.

The principal continued talking about the school rules. He pointed out that no bullying was allowed and that there would be ponies who will secure the rules. Afterwards, the everypony was dismissed from school. I was going to walk with my friends, when Rainbow Dash flew over to us and landed beside me.

"Hey, squirt. Do you mind if I walk home with you?" Rainbow Dash asked me.

"No, Rainbow Dash." I replied, eagerly, and my friends left us alone. Rainbow Dash put her wing around me as we walked to my home.