Spike and Discord's Chaotic Feast

by Nostalgia Schmaltz

First published

Under Discord's influence, Spike devours the Elements of Harmony and frees the chaos lord. Sexytimes ensue, of course.

A while after his second defeat, Discord returns once more to enact his revenge upon the Elements of Harmony, though with just a sliver of magic to work with, he'll have to get some help from a hungry little dragon.

Yep, some more shameless fetish fuel. Enjoy~

Contains: Oral Vore, Cock Vore, Hyperphallic (huge dicks), Cum Inflation, Both M/F and M/M sexytimes. And chaos. But only a little chaos.

Commission for Archedas.

Chapter ∞

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(NOTE: This story takes place sometime between S2 and S3. Thus, Discord is not ‘reformed’.)

Late at night, once the residents of Golden Oaks Library were fast asleep, a curious little magic glow found its way into the bedroom window, light-gray in color, slowly wandering around the room like a Dandelion seed being blown around by the gentle breeze; coming to a stop as it brushed against Spike’s snout. As it touched down, the light took on a much more recognizable form, none other than the spirit of Chaos himself, Discord.

“Mm, I suppose this will do fine.” the ghostly draconequus grinned and rubbed his chin with one hand as he gazed over the snoozing dragon from atop his snout, already imagining how the dragon could aid him. “Right then! On with the show.” he then leaned forward and disappeared into the dragon’s head, causing him to wake up all of a sudden.

“Mmngh...hm…?” Spike’s eyes blinked open as he was gently roused from his sleep, looking up at the ceiling before turning his head and looking out towards the window, seeing the moon still high in the sky. Despite it being so late at night, he didn’t feel too tired, though with a soft growl from below, he certainly felt hungry. “Ehh...a bit of warm milk should help me back to sleep.

Getting up out of bed however, he began to feel quite strange; an odd tingling sensation coursing through his body and causing him to lightly shudder. His scales also seemed to lose some of their color, becoming somewhat desaturated, though it was too dark to really see, at the moment. “Brr...is there a window open or something?” he looked over towards the window, but raised an eyebrow as he saw it was fully closed.

With a shrug, his gaze turned to Twilight’s bed, where the unicorn was still softly snoring, though as he did, his belly grumbled quite loudly, along with a bit of discomfort from his apparent hunger. “Ngh...why am I so hungry? I could’a sworn I ate before bed...” he rubbed his little belly gently with both hands and looked down at it, before glancing back up at Twilight again as one of her back legs shifted, hanging over the side of the bed now.

He stared at the pony’s leg for a moment before feeling another strange tingling through his body, once more desaturating his scales, making him just barely purple at this point. With another loud growl from his belly, strange urges began to crop up in his mind; his head filling with thoughts of sating his hunger with the unicorn before him. After taking a step towards her bed though, he shook his head, resisting the odd thoughts.

What am I doing…?” he rubbed his head gently with one hand, watching as Twilight turned over onto her back, managing to pull a lot of the covers with her, leaving most of her body uncovered now. As the little dragon looked up at her, the same little wisp from before floated out of his head and directly in front of his eyes, grinning playfully at him. “...Discord? What?”

"Good evening, my dearest Spike!" Discord giggled softly, crossing his arms as he floated before the dragon, whose body had returned to its normal colors. "Up for a midnight snack, are you? I was just about to help you with that."

"You...huh?" Spike blinked, looking up at Twilight again before back at Discord, glaring a bit. "You were going to make me eat Twilight?" he gave a rather confused look now, before shaking his head again. "Ugh, I must be dreaming...I knew I shouldn't have drank the rest of that barbecue sauce."

"Hehe, if that's what you wish to believe, go right ahead." Discord smirked again, floating up and landing atop Spike's head. "But you're quite crucial to my little plan, so I'll just go on back inside again." with that, the ghostly draconequus sunk down into the top of Spike's head; the dragon groaning and grasping the sides of his head as the strange magic energies coursed through him again, this time turning his body almost completely grey in just a few seconds.

At the same time, he began to grow, keeping his body shape but nearly doubling his size over the next few moments; his stomach letting out quite a loud growl now, still hungry as ever. With the unicorn just before him, his mind once more shifted towards thoughts of sating his hunger with the purple pony.

"Ngh...no..." he softly grunted, trying his best to fight the urges, though he felt his legs being moved by an external force, bringing him up to the edge of the bed where Twilight's leg was sticking out from the side of the blanket. "Stop it...Discord!" he groaned, though both of his arms began to reach out towards Twilight, one grabbing her leg and the other grabbing the blanket, tossing it aside to reveal the rest of the unicorn's body.

With another loud growl from his stomach, Spike felt the draconequus’ magic further influence him; his rational thoughts quickly fading in favor of Discord's magic, reawakening the feelings of greed that he experienced not long ago. With both hands grasping Twilight's legs now, he began to lift her up, pulling her closer as well, while his mouth began to salivate.

"Mm, yes, feast upon the Element of Magic!" Discord's voice rang through his head just as his body changed color one last time, now completely desaturated. As he lifted Twilight's body up higher and higher, his mouth opened as wide as it could, with the now roughly same-size unicorn dangling above it.

"Mmngh...Spike?" Twilight groaned softly, having been roused from her sleep by the dragon lifting her up, though when her eyes finally opened, she found herself staring down at the dragon's mouth, barely able to make out the shapes in the dim light. "Spike! What's going on?!"

Before her question could be answered though, the two claws on her ankles pushed down, greedily shoving the pony face-first into his mouth; his dangling uvula being the last thing Twilight saw before everything went dark. "Mmmpmghhgh...." Spike could only growl to the taste of the unicorn sliding across his tongue, his stomach growling once more, filling Twilight's ears with that rumbling sound, only confirming her suspicions about what the dragon wanted to do with her.

"Spike, STOMMPMH!" Twilight tried to shout, though with a strong gulp, the dragon had pulled her body further into his own, her head sliding down into his throat now, quickly followed by her shoulders. Only muffled groans and shouts could be heard now as she squirmed and thrashed against the dragon's grasp, feeling herself lurching further and further down the hot, slimy passage.

"Mmngh..." Spike only grunted and growled at the pony's struggles, his hands pushing her legs together to stop them from kicking as he kept gulping, working his throat's muscles to pull the unicorn down as fast as he could; her body bulging out his neck and soon his belly, slowly rounding it out as her head entered his stomach.

"Agh...ahh...SPIKE!" Twilight finally managed to shout with just a bit of free space in Spike's stomach around her face, still squirming as much as she could, though she could only feel her legs outside of the dragon's mouth now; the rest of her body wet and slimy with the dragon's saliva. As more of her body entered the dragon's stomach, she began to curl up inside the snug space, panting and gasping for the small amount of air available. "Spike...aahh...S-spike...what are you doing..." she softly groaned, closing her eyes as she felt her legs slip down the dragon's throat with a much stronger gulp.

"Aahhh...mmngghh..." Spike let out a pleased growl now as he felt Twilight's legs sliding down into his belly, her entire body now curled up in his stomach, leaving his belly quite huge and round. Falling back onto his butt, he growled softly as his hands rubbed over his huge belly, feeling the pony within still squirming and struggling. He noticed a faint glow through his stretched scales, though it died out after only a few seconds.

"Not so fast, Twilight dear!" Discord's voice echoed again with a giggle, his ghostly form floating from Spike's head and landing on the dragon's belly, right on top of where the short glow was. "Can't have you using your magic, now. I've got to use it to free myself, you know?" he grinned, crossing his arms and looking up at Spike again, who now had quite a content look on his face. "And I've got a dragon to feed."

"Disc...Discord...?" Twilight managed to groan, hearing the voice from outside and squirming a bit more, though with the ever-decreasing amount of oxygen in the dragon's gut, she found herself quite weak. "What are you doing...to Spike? Ngh...to me, even?"

"Oh, you know, just villain things. Sapping all of your magic, taking your assistant as my own, you know the kind of thing." Discord giggled again, laying on his side now and smirking playfully. "Spike's dragon belly seems to be doing a great job of absorbing your magic." he glanced up at the dragon again, watching his body slowly growing even bigger and taller, causing his belly to be slightly smaller in comparison, but still quite large with a whole pony inside it.

"You won't...nngh...Celestia will...stop..." Twilight managed to groan before her consciousness finally faded; Discord smirking and patting Spike's belly again.

"We'll see about that, my dear Twilight. " the draconequus then looked up at Spike again, who had grown to about three times his original height, with a bit of muscle on his once stubby arms and legs as well. "Very well done, Spike. But we've still got more work to do." he grinned and hopped up onto the dragon's snout, looking into his eyes now. "That's one Element down, now we'll need the others. Go and seek them out." he ordered, before stepping forward, disappearing right between the dragon's eyes and into his head again.

"Rrrghh." Spike growled softly in response and got back up to his feet, before heading out of the library and setting off into Ponyville, heading towards the other Elements of Harmony. Luckily for him and Discord, four of them just so happened to be in one place; Pinkie, Rainbow, Fluttershy and Applejack all over at Fluttershy's cottage, watching movies with a projector that Rainbow "borrowed" from the library.

Despite his large size, Spike was able to quietly enter the building through an open window on the side, finding it just as dark inside as it was outside, due to the lights being turned off. Peeking around the corner from the room he was in, he spotted the four mares huddled close together on a rug in the middle of the room, all staring up at the projected image on the wall in front of them.

Stepping out around the corner now, the big dragon approached as quietly as he could with his enlarged body, coming up behind the four ponies, keeping his eyes locked on them as he did. When he was only a few feet behind them, the movie cut to a rather cliche screaming/surprise scene, causing the projected screen to go completely dark, with a gasp and shudder from a couple of the ponies.

At that exact moment, the big dragon lunged, knocking over the projector in the process and inevitably causing even more of a scare. As he grabbed the first pony that came into contact with his claws, the other three were knocked back with grunts and startled cries, barely able to see with the room being so dark.

"Wh-who's there! Show yourself!" Rainbow Dash's aggressive tone echoed through the room, though she got no response; only hearing muffled groans and gurgling noises coming from a short distance in front of her. "I'll get you!" she growled, shooting forward into the dark, only to let out a loud grunt as she found herself slamming right into a hot, soft, and most of all wet.

Amidst her struggles, the gurgling noise seemed to be much louder now, though before she could think any further, she gasped and shuddered as she felt two big claws grasp at her flanks and push her deeper inside the slick cave, down into a noticeably smaller and tighter tunnel that lightly squeezed along her body.

"What in tarnation is goin' on?!" Applejack called out, shivering from the shock of the situation, also hearing the gurgling noises along with muffled groans and shouts. Getting to her hooves, she began to reach around in the dark with one of her front legs, stepping towards the source of the gurgling noise until her hoof finally pressed against something rather soft-feeling, with what felt like bumps and ridges all over it. "Huh? What's this?"

As his belly was gently prodded with the hoof, Spike groaned softly; the bulge in his neck disappearing with one more gulp, sending the pegasus down into his belly and swelling it even larger still, just as Applejack began to press both hooves against it. Within, the two still-conscious ponies squirmed and struggled, making quite a bit of bulging against Applejack's hooves, along with many muffled groans and shouts from within.

"I don't even...huh?" Applejack shook her head, starting to get ideas of what exactly her hooves were pressing against, though her fears were quickly confirmed as a pair of claws grabbed her midsection and immediately pulled her up towards the dragon's mouth, a low growl emanating from it along with a breath of very warm air which brushed over her face. “This is about to get a whole lot worse, ain’t it?”

Without wasting another moment, the hungry dragon eagerly lifted her up and stuffed her head-first into his maw just as he did the others, simultaneously pushing and gulping the pony down into his throat; a pleased growl escaping his throat from the feeling of yet another pony being added to his now massive belly. Both of his hands slid down to it now, stroking over its distended form as the three still-conscious ponies within struggled and kicked, sloshing around within their hot, snug prison.

As he glanced down at his huge gut though, he noticed a large pink tail coming from beneath the couch; his mind immediately recognizing the magic radiating from that direction as an Element of Harmony. Leaning down, the bloated dragon opened his maw and snapped it shut around the tail, immediately slurping as firmly as he could, pulling the pony in by her tail.

“Ah! S-Spike!” Fluttershy’s voice cried from beneath the couch; her wings flapping wildly while her hooves scraped along the floor, barely resisting the pull of Spike’s maw up until she felt his lips pressing against her rear. “What’s gotten into you Spike?” she managed to squeak before the dragon’s maw opened again, his now elongated tongue sliding out and wrapping around Fluttershy’s waist, helping to pull her into his mouth.

“Hee, that’s my boy!” the ghostly Discord giggled and clapped excitedly as he watched from across the room, perched atop a tall lamp. “Figuratively, of course, but still. Very well done.” he watched with an eager grin as the dragon’s neck bulged out, each gulp pulling the last pony down further until she joined her friends inside that hugely-expanded gut. With that, the little chaos spirit floated over and landed on top of Spike’s giant belly, feeling it churn and wiggle beneath him.

“Very well done indeed...mm, you’ve got almost all of them in there.” he smirked now as the dragon’s belly bulged up right beneath his feet, from one of the ponies inside pushing their hoof against the stomach wall. “All but one it seems. But you shouldn’t have any trouble with just one more!” he giggled again, looking up at Spike, who growled contently, stroking the sides of his giant belly with both claws.

Already, the struggling within was slowing down to nearly a complete stop, while the magic of the Elements syphoned into his body. With this, he began to grow once more, though not as much as his first growth; taking on the physique of the teenage dragons he had met a while ago, though much bigger of course. Even sitting down, he had to be at least as tall as one of the princesses.

"Go on then, my big dragon! Lay claim to the final Element of Harmony." Discord commanded with an eager grin, before floating up into the dragon's forehead again and disappearing. Spike grunted softly, rubbing his belly and enjoying the feeling of being so full for just another couple of moments before slowly getting up to his feet. With his ears brushing against the ceiling, the carefully headed over to the door and bent over forward to squeeze through it, easily damaging the doorframe in the process, but fitting through without much trouble otherwise.

With one last Element to go, the big dragon set off towards the location that its energy was radiating from, feeling that huge gut of his gently wobbling and jiggling with the five ponies within, all of them unconscious but fine otherwise; the dragon's belly rather confused to be getting whole ponies after a lifetime of plants and gems. With the light of the full moon leading him, he soon arrived outside Carousel Boutique, seeing the windows illuminated with light from within.

'Mm, yes, I suppose that would work..." Rarity thought out loud, gazing at a mannequin from various angles, examining the partial dress that was draped over it. "Perhaps a sharper angle here would do." she nodded before lifting the dress with her magic and returning it to her sewing machine. Just after she started to work the machine, Spike pulled open the front door of the building, immediately getting a stronger scent of the mare and growling softly; memories of his love for the unicorn managing to surface even through the haze of Discord's spell.

In his current state, those memories of Rarity manifested not as love, but as lust; the pouch between his legs starting to bulge as he walked, approaching the room Rarity was in. The tip of his dragonhood was already beginning to push forth as he opened the door, spotting the mare in question across the room at her sewing machine.

Of course, having not been expecting any guests, Rarity gasped and jumped back from the table, looking up to see the rather large dragon in the doorway; her eyes gazing down at his rounded-out belly for a brief moment before going back up to his face. "Wh-what are you doing in here....Spike?" she shook her head and kept staring at the dragon, immediately recognizing the patterns of purple and green.

Upon seeing the unicorn though, Spike’s lust only increased further; the oversized member between his legs pushing forth from its pouch and hardening up rather quickly while his gaze locked on the mare before him. “Rrrggh...Rarity…” he managed to growl; his lust only further clouding his mind.

“Spikey, what happened to you…?” Rarity gulped softly, her cheeks blushing quite deeply as the dragon’s swelling cock came into view, pushing up beneath his giant belly and beginning to stick upwards as it hardened, not even at its full size yet, and already dwarfing even the largest stallions. Just further down between his legs dangled a rather hefty pair of balls, easily the size of watermelons. “O-oh my…”

“Spike...want…” Spike growled, taking a step toward the pony, beginning to salivate now as the familiar scent of perfume flooded his nostrils, filling his mind with further thoughts of the mare before him. His monstrous erection quickly stiffened up to its full size; easily over four feet in length with a very thick girth to match, lightly twitching and throbbing in time with his accelerating heartbeat.

The sight of such a massive dragon cock caused Rarity's cheeks to flush a deep red and gulp softly, backing up a few steps as the dragon approached her. "Sweet Celestia, he's enormous..." she bit her lip gently, looking up at Spike's face again before gazing back down at his gigantic erection. "Oh...I do hope this works." her horn then began to glow as her magic aura slowly surrounded a portion of Spike's member, almost looking like a short piece of pipe was wrapped around one of the four feet of his length.

The resulting tingles of magic caused the big dragon to stop in his tracks, looking down at his shaft just before the mare's magic aura began to move back and forth, stroking up and down the big dragonhood. "Rrraggh...." he immediately let out a pleased growl and came to a rest with one more step; the tip of his massive member only about a foot away from Rarity’s face now.

Still blushing deeply, Rarity watched that enormous spire of dragon meat throb and twitch in front of her while her magic stroked up and down its length. "Don't worry, my...big Spikey, I'll help you get through whatever it is you're struggling with." she managed to speak, before reaching a hoof up and stroking over the tip of the dragon's member, only adding to the pleasure her magic was already giving him.

"Rrghh...Rarity...aaahh..." Spike growled, his hands resting on his gut now as it gurgled softly, having fully sapped every last bit of magic from the five mares within it. Just as Discord had commanded him, his mind was telling him to devour the last Element of Harmony, but at the same time, his body was very much enjoying the tingly pleasure that his monstrous dragonhood was receiving.

"Sshhh...let Rarity take care of you, darling." Rarity spoke in a softer tone, a bit more confident now that she seemed to have the big dragon under her control. With one hoof still stroking at the head of Spike’s shaft, she leaned in towards it; her nostrils filling with the scent of the dragon's strong musk, which caused her own arousal to suddenly jettison upward. "Mmmnnh, mama Rarity will make you feel better..." she sighed, before gracefully extending her tongue out and starting to slurp over the tip, eliciting more pleased growls from him.

Floating out of the dragon's head once more, Discord watched the unicorn with a rather devious smirk, getting a lovely idea of how the dragon could devour her from the very position she was in. "Ooh, this is gonna be good." he giggled before flipping around and diving back into Spike's head. Only moments later, the big dragon grunted and growled, feeling his arms starting to move by themselves, sliding down his belly and towards the unicorn.

"Rrrgh...nngh...!" he tried to pull his arms back, but the ever-increasing pleasure of the magic stroking and tongue bath his member was receiving only seemed to make him more susceptible to the draconequus’ control. The big dragon watched as his hands gently grasped Rarity’s sides and slid down towards her flanks, lightly squeezing over both of her cutie marks and causing her to softly moan.

“Mmnh...Spikey…” Rarity sighed to the dragon’s touch, gazing up into the dragon’s lustful eyes as she continued to slurp at the tip of his shaft, stroking her hooves further up and down its length as well. “Perhaps I’ll wait a while...before bringing him to Twilight…” she thought, growing quite aroused herself, which caused her mind to flood with lewd thoughts about the big dragon she was servicing.

As the mare kept working his member, Spike's grunts and growls became more and more lustful; his hands still gently squeezing and kneading the perfectly-groomed flanks, lightly teasing the mare with some pleasure in return. Already, he could feel a powerful orgasm welling up inside him; the magical stroking helping to coax out many globs of his precum, each being eagerly slurped up by the fancy unicorn.

With a couple more slurps, Rarity sighed and leaned in further, gently pressing her snout into the source of the thick precum, easily big enough to accommodate her tongue, which pushed inside, slurping and wiggling within the dragon's urethra, causing him to shudder and growl louder from the resulting surge of pleasure. Without warning though, the dragon's claws suddenly squeezed at her flanks a little tighter and pushed her forward, pressing her face against the tip of his length.

"Mmpmmffh!" Rarity let out a muffled cry as she felt herself being pushed forward, her snout sliding inside the snug urethra, immediately being splashed with a fresh load of precum. Immediately, all four of her legs flailed wildly while she tried her best to shake her head, though the dragon kept his grip on her rear and continued to push, letting out deep grunts and growls as the pony slowly pushed inside his monstrous dragonhood.

"Mmmrargghh!" Spike growled, closing his eyes from the blissful feelings, while Discord continued to control his arms. Lifting Rarity up by her flanks now, his member followed suit, angling itself upward now as the pony was being pushed inside it from above, bulging out the underside in the shape of her head and snout. With the hot passage lightly squeezing around her and constantly splashing her with steamy precum, she could only flail her legs and groan as the dragon pushed her further and further down; another loud growl echoing through her ears as she felt her front legs sliding inside now, further stretching Spike's cock.

"Hehe, yes...keep going, my delightful dragon!" Discord's voice rang as he popped out of the dragon's head again, sitting atop the biggest spine on Spike's head as he watched the lovely scene before him; nearly half of Rarity's body lodged within the massive dragonhood and only continuing to push further inside; the overwhelming pleasure completely overshadowing any thought in the big dragon's mind, leaving his hands pushing down without Discord's control. "Turn that lovely marshmallow mare into a nice load of dragon seed!"

Amidst his growls, Spike began to pant heavily, sliding both of his hands down to his shaft and stroking it; all of Rarity's squirming only helping to slide herself even deeper now, only her back legs sticking out of the monstrous dragon cock now. With a smirk, Discord teleported down in front of Spike, glancing up at the squirmy bulge in the underside of his length and licking his lips. "Ooh, she's quite the squirmer...I'm surprised you haven't cum yet, Spike!" he giggled, watching the dragon jerking himself off with both hands while the mare's legs slipped inside, leaving only her tail sticking out now.

"Mmmngh...rrrgh...ahhh..." Spike's eyes rolled back from the sheer amount of pleasure coursing through his member, feeling the pony starting to enter his balls, swelling his already large balls even bigger. Still, Rarity squirmed and thrashed, quickly sliding all the way down into the dragon's balls, finding herself in a steamy-hot pool of his seed, completely soaking her body in seconds. All of the squirming within his balls only served to further arouse Spike; a pleased growl escaping his throat as his hands began to stroke even faster, while an almost constant stream of precum gushed forth.

"Very lovely indeed..." Discord licked his lips once more, admiring the dragon's massive balls now, nearly touching the floor from their expanded size, and constantly jiggling and wobbling around from the squirming of the pony within them. "Go ahead, Spike. I think you've earned an orgasm." he giggled, before flying back up into the dragon's head, disappearing once more.

Only moments later, Spike leaned his head back and let out a powerful roar as the pressure within him finally reached its peak and began to release; his monstrous balls clenching and contracting, forcing a river of seed up through the oversized dragonhood, which gushed up like a fountain, soaking everything, Spike included, with a shower of steamy dragon spunk. "Rraaggghhh!" Spike grunted and growled through his potent orgasm, still rapidly jerking his shaft as load after load pumped out of it, soaking the entire floor of the room along with the furniture and mannequins, though a lot of it splashed back down on himself, quickly coating his purple scales white.

By the time the dragon finally finished cumming, just about every inch of floor in the room was covered with a fresh coat of white, with a good deal of it dripping from the ceiling and walls as well. With his afterglow leaving him fatigued, he collapsed back onto his butt, panting and groaning while his member continued to throb, oozing a much smaller stream of seed down its length now. As he looked down between his legs, his hands slid forward and stroked over his balls, not as big as before, but still massive compared to their previous size, easily keeping his legs spread from how plump and round they were.

"Hee, congratulations on a job well done, Spike." Discord popped out of the dragon again, this time landing on the tip of his mighty shaft and grinning down at him. "You've successfully captured the Elements of Harmony, well done." he clapped a few times, glancing down at the dragon's bloated belly and balls with an eager smirk. "Now, my lovely servant, return to me for your just reward." he added, before floating up off of Spike's cock and floating over towards the door, motioning for the dragon to follow. "Come now, I simply cannot wait to be free once more!"

With a soft grunt, Spike slowly got back up to his feet and glanced around the room, seeing something small and red out of the corner of his eye. Turning towards it, he looked a little closer, seeing a pair of plastic red glasses on the floor in the midst of his seed. Deeming it inconsequential, he turned towards the ethereal Discord and followed him out, groaning lightly from his newfound endowments; finding it noticeably harder to walk with their huge weight and size between his legs.

Fortunately for the big dragon, once he set foot outside the building, he gasped and fell forward a bit, finding himself suddenly being lifted up and pulled along behind Discord, slowly flying over the treetops now, heading towards Canterlot. Instead of going towards the castle and town though, the dragon was pulled towards the hedge maze, his feet touching the ground once more in front of the statue of Discord, having been re-sealed not too long ago.

“Go on now, work your magic, Spikey!” Discord’s voice called out with a soft giggle before his ghostly form disappeared, leaving Spike alone now in front of the statue. Of course, the dragon didn’t exactly know what he was supposed to do; staring up at the statue with a confused look for a few moments before his belly gurgled, prompting him to look down at it and see that it was glowing five familiar colors.

Further below his distended gut, his scaly balls seemed to be glowing as well, giving off a bright white color. The dragon’s attention was brought to the statue once more as he heard sounds of stone cracking and breaking; the statue doing just that, starting to break and crack from the top down, slowly returning the draconequus to his normal body.

“Ah…! Oh, that feels so much better.” Discord grinned eagerly, stretching his arms and upper body, emitting numerous cracks and creaks from within his body. “It does get rather cramped in there, you know.” he giggled, glancing down towards his lower body as the rest of the stone shattered off of it, falling to the ground all around the base of the statue.

“I simply cannot thank you enough, Spike my boy.” the draconequus grinned at Spike now, hopping down onto the ground and wrapping an arm around the dragon’s shoulder, pulling him close. “I would have done this in the first place, but sadly, I am not Dr.Who.” he giggled, getting a raised eyebrow from Spike, whose dragon-like behavior seemed to have calmed down quite a bit with his lust and hunger sated.

“But enough out of me, let us move on to your reward, then?” Discord smirked now, sliding a hand down over Spike’s belly and raising both of his own eyebrows. “Hm, what is this...the power of the Elements still seems quite strong within you, Spike.” he patted the dragon’s gut, while his tail snaked around between his legs and then between Spike’s, stroking over his overgrown balls and feeling the same latent energy within them; also getting a soft groan and a blush from the dragon. “Ooh, hehe, quite a bit left over, I suppose. Let us make good use of it! And by “us”, I mean “me”, of course.”

With that, the chaos lord pulled his hand up from Spike's belly, drawing out a rainbow-colored smoke after it, which swirled around his body as it flowed forth. "Yes...that's it..." Discord grinned eagerly, watching as the smoke repeatedly circled his body, the magic of the Elements beginning to fill his body immediately. "So much magic...mm...all mine!" he let out a pleased groan, feeling his chaotic body starting to change all over; muscles all over his body bulking and swelling while his body as a whole became less serpentine and more anthropomorphic, only helping to show his bulking muscles.

Spike watched with intrigue as Discord’s body bulked and swelled with size, flexing his arms in various positions as they grew massively; his swollen pecs bouncing a bit as well from the repeated upper body flexes. It wasn't until Spike looked further down Discord's body that he began to blush again, seeing quite a huge pair of balls between the draconequus' legs, just below a bulging sheath.

"Mmmngh...oh yes...simply magnificent!" Discord growled happily, flexing his arms once more as he glanced down over his now godly-muscled form, licking his lips to the lovely sight. "An unexpected change...mm...but that is to be expected from the Lord of Chaos, no?" he giggled softly, seeing Spike blushing while his still-erect member throbbed with lust. "Hee...I take it my delightful servant likes what he sees?" he giggled and turned to the side a bit, flexing his huge arms again while his own malehood began to push forth from its sheath and slowly harden.

The dragon replied with a couple short nods, biting his lip gently as he watched the draconequus' muscles bulge and swell with the flexing, glancing between them and the huge member down lower, watching it swell with size as blood rushed to it.

“Well...feel free to play with it, my lovely dragon.” Discord winked as he crossed his big arms over his chest, feeling his endowment continuing to push forth from its pouch, swelling and stiffening even further, already nearing the size of Spike’s length despite being only halfway erect! “You certainly do deserve a reward for helping me out so much!”

Spike didn’t need to be told twice; both of his hands reaching forward and grasping the swelling spire of draconequus meat, stroking along it and feeling it growing harder by the second as it extended out towards him. A soft blush crossed his cheeks now as he watched and felt it grow, easily surpassing the size of his own endowment and continuing to grow further, finally reaching its full size with the help of the claws rubbing it.

“Mmngh...that’s it…” Discord watched the smaller dragon with a lustful grin, letting out a pleased sigh from the tingly pleasure that the rubbing was providing; his massive shaft throbbing and twitching in time with his heartbeat, while further down between his legs, his equally massive orbs churned with the huge loads they contained. Of course, being a creature of chaos, his heartbeat was quite erratic and random to an extent, providing an irregular pattern of throbs for the dragon to feel. “Go on, Spikey...mmm...give it a taste.”

Again, the dragon seemed more than eager to comply; his lust flaring up again as his claws continued to rub up and down Discord’s oversized length, finding the irregular throbbing to be both relaxing and arousing. Leaning in even closer, he slipped his tongue out and began to slurp at the tip of the huge member, his blush only deepening to the musky taste. All the while, his own erection throbbed between his legs, quite eager for another release as shown by the constant dripping of precum onto the ground below. Only moments after he started slurping at Discord's shaft, a large glob of the draconequus' pre splashed into his mouth, giving him quite a sample of the chaotic flavor.

"Glad to see I'm not the only one...ah...enjoying himself." Discord teased, keeping his arms crossed as a light blush crossed his own cheeks, greatly enjoying the feel of the claws and tongue on his swollen erection. Seeing the dragon's shaft gushing loads of pre, he smirked and swung his tail down between his legs, coiling it around Spike's length and giving it a firm squeeze. "Mmm, let me return the favor, Spike my dear!"

With a soft gasp, Spike instinctively thrust his hips in response to the tight squeeze around his member, moaning around the one in his mouth while his cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red. His claws slowed down and began to grip Discord's length now, providing some leverage for his thrusts, though his lips continued to press against the tip of the chaotic cock, suckling and slurping at the repeated gushes of precum.

"Ooh, you've certainly got the right idea!" Discord groaned amidst his own pleasure, the increase in suckling easily making up for the lack of stroking from Spike; resisting the urge to buck his own hips and plunge his shaft straight down the dragon's throat. “But, mmnh, your chaos lord seeks an even greater pleasure, my delightful dragon.” with a lustful smirk, he snapped his fingers and suddenly appeared behind Spike, surprising the dragon with a firm squeeze to his rear.

“Mmnh!” Spike gasped and shuddered, his eyes opening wide once more as the big draconequus squeezed his butt, turning his head back to see Discord eagerly positioning that monstrous cock against his rear entrance.

"You shall have the honor of being the first to receive this lovely length in a thousand years!" Discord teased with a giggle, giving Spike's soft cheeks another squeeze as he pressed his hips forward, firmly prodding the tip of his shaft against the dragon's snug rear entrance and penetrating it with another firm push, grunting softly while Spike gasped and moaned in front of him.

"Aahh...!" Spike's cheeks flushed a deep purple from the surge of pain and pleasure in his butt; the draconequus' cock spreading him exceptionally wide to accommodate its massive girth. "D-Discord...nngh!" he grunted, feeling the throbbing length pushing deeper and deeper inside him each second, already oozing a bit of warm precum inside him, only helping to lube his snug insides.

"Oh yes...you've got such a magnificently tight rear!" Discord groaned, eagerly pushing and pushing against the dragon's rear and forcing his godly shaft even deeper inside, nearly half of the length sheathed in Spike's rump now. "Of course...mmnh, I was expecting nothing less..." he teased, firmly spanking the dragon's rear, only causing him to let out another cute moan. Too eager to wait any longer, he to buck his hips just before his cock was 3/4 of the way in, each thrust lightly pushing Spike's body forward, only for it to pull back again in rhythm with the draconequus' hips.

With the huge shaft lodged so deep inside him now, Spike's cute moans quickly turned to more lustful groans and gasps; his own cock throbbing wildly between his legs as the chaos lord used him like a toy. Still, he could feel Discord's length pushing deeper inside him during the firm thrusts, leaning his head down and glancing down at his belly as he felt an odd sensation coming from below; his eyes widening as he saw his belly bulging outward in the shape of Discord's cock!

"Mmmngh, you're squeezing your chaos lord so tightly." Discord grunted, his own cheeks blushing a bit now from the ever-increasing pleasure of his thrusts, his hands sliding up from Spike's butt and grasping at the dragon's arms, holding him by his wrists now as he bucked his hips even harder. This only caused his huge shaft to push even deeper within the snug rear, making that obscene bulge even bigger each time he thrust forward.

"Nngh...mnh...ah!" cute moans and grunts escaped the smaller dragon's maw as he was relentlessly pounded by the oversized shaft; the huge pleasure overpowering the feeling of soreness in his rear and quickly pushing him towards another orgasm, evident by his rapidly-twitching member. "Disc...ord...nngh!" he managed to grunt before his eyes rolled back, his pleasure finally peaking, causing his cock to erupt and gush a stream of seed onto the ground below him.

"Ahh...oh my, what is this?" Discord grunted softly as he felt the dragon's snug rear squeezing his length even more firmly, quickly followed by a flood of white coming from beneath Spike's body. "Cumming already...mmnh...what a horny little dragon you are!" he teased, grasping Spike's hands a little more firmly as he kept pounding away into the snug rear, loads of precum flooding the dragon's insides with his own orgasm not too far off; his overgrown balls all too eager to pump their contents into the dragon's belly.

"Aaahhh....aaahh..." Spike's tongue lolled out of the side of his gaping mouth now as he basked in the pleasure of his orgasm; the constant thrusting from Discord keeping his orgasm going even longer, his member still throbbing wildly as it gushed load after load onto the ground, leaving the two standing in a puddle of white after just a few moments.

While Spike was lost in the pleasure of climax, Discord remained somewhat attentive as he kept pounding away into the snug rear, his ears perking up as a soft rustling came from one of the hedges surrounding the area. "Oooh...just who I wanted to see..." he grunted between thrusts, a wide smirk crossing his muzzle now. "You're just in time...ah...for the big finish!"

"Discord!" A voice called out from the hedge behind the two, Celestia stepping out from it and glaring at the bulky chaos god, though her white cheeks were fighting back a blush. "S-stop this immediately!"

"Stop...mnh? Ooh, as you wish, my princess...ngh!" Discord teased, giving a few more powerful thrusts into Spike's snug rear before leaning forward and slamming his entire length inside, letting out a deep growl while Spike's belly bulged outward even further in the shape of his cock. Immediately, that belly-bulge began to swell and round out as the draconequus' balls contracted and forced out the huge reservoirs of seed they contained, pumping the smaller dragon full of it.

"Discord!" Celestia growled once more, her cheeks flushing red now as she saw Spike's gut swelling and bloating outward, stomping a front hoof on the ground. "R-release Spike immediately! I command you!" she shouted in the firmest tone she could muster at the moment, her mind torn between trying to assess the current threat, and beholding the arousing sight before her; Discord's oversized balls being the first thing her gaze met at the moment, with Spike's ballooning belly in front of them.

"Oh yes...ahh...I'm certainly...releasing...into him, that is!" Discord giggled amidst his panting, still pumping load after load into Spike's belly, leaving the dragon leaning onto a massive gut by the time he was finished! With a pleased sigh, he stroked his hands over Spike's bloated form, turning his head to smirk back at the alicorn behind him. "I take it you enjoyed watching us, Celestia my dear?" he teased, spotting the alicorn's furious blush along with her fully-spread wings.

"Cut it out, Discord! You're going right back in that statue!" Celestia growled, lowering her head to aim her horn at him; Discord only giggling and shaking his head.

"It's no use, Celestia." Discord shook his head as the alicorn fired concentrated magic at him, which simply bounced off his muscled body, flying off into the sky. "The power of the Elements courses through me." he giggled again, pulling his hips back to slide his still-erect member from the dragon's snug rear, Celestia's angry gaze softening once more as she was now able to see just how big the draconequus had grown, down there. "As you're probably already able to tell, that is."

"B-but how? What...where are the elements?" Celestia gulped and took a step back as Discord began to approach with a haughty grin on his face. "What have you done, Discord?!"

"Oh, I haven't done much. Handling the Elements was all Spike's work." he grinned and glanced back at the bloated dragon, who was rubbing over his ballooned-out gut as it wobbled beneath him like a waterbed. "He had himself a nice pony snack, well...six pony snacks, and brought the elements to me." he smirked back at Celestia again, who was looking over at Spike now.

"Spike...ATE them?" Celestia's jaw dropped quite a bit, only to be pushed back up again by the tip of Discord's tail, a giggle coming from behind her as she turned her head to look back, seeing the massively-bulked draconequus behind her.

"Mm, that's right. Every last one of them went right into his hungry belly...well, and one into his balls, but still." Discord poked his tongue out while his right hand quickly moved down to Celestia's horn, poking the tip of it with his index finger. "And all of their lovely Elements of Harmony helped to fuel not only his growth, but mine too!" he grinned wide and pressed his hips forward ever so slightly, prodding his overgrown member against Celestia's soft rear, causing her to blush even harder than before.

As the draconequus' finger poked her horn though, its distinct white color seemed to fade, starting from the tip and working its way down the length, soon spreading to her mane and head as well; the bright colors washing away into a single grey color. "Now, my dear Celestia..." the bulky chaos lord's voice echoed through her ears as her body's color continued to desaturate, her mind struggling to fight the magic that was quickly overtaking her. "I shall take the kingdom that rightfully belongs to me, along with its princess."

With that, he snapped his fingers, once more appearing in front of the princess, with his massive shaft sticking up in front of her snout, filling her nostrils with the strong scent of his musk. "Despite your precious Elements being out of commission, I suppose I shall make my reign just a little more fool-proof." he added, while Celestia began to pant softly, a strong lust overtaking her body as the discordant energies further corrupted her; almost completely desaturating her vibrant coat at this point. Leaning forward just a bit, her tongue slipped past her lips and began to slurp at the tip of Discord's member, eliciting a pleased groan from the musclebound draconequus.

"Mmmnh, that's a good princess..." he teased, closing his eyes and stroking one hand over the alicorn's head, brushing it through her wavy mane while he enjoyed the light pleasure of the mare's tongue slurping over the first few inches of his length. Despite cumming just minutes ago, precum already began to ooze forth from the tip, immediately being slurped up by the princess' tongue. “Go ahead and enjoy a little snack before I enjoy mine…” he giggled softly, licking his lips as he watched the mare slurp at his shaft; a soft rumbling, gurgling sound emanating from his midsection.

“Aaah...mmm…” Celestia panted softly as she kept up her oral work, eagerly lapping up every last bit of precum that flowed from Discord’s cock, her mind completely overrun with an insatiable lust. Her wings fully spread as well, lightly flapping and twitching from her intense arousal, only causing the chaos god to giggle to himself once more.

“Quite eager...mm, for a taste, are we? Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to give you plenty…” Discord let out a pleased sigh while his hands slid down along the princess’ body, grasping at her flanks and firmly squeezing over the two cutie marks. “Being imprisoned in stone for a thousand years certainly does work up an appetite...I barely had any time to eat when I was first released, as well.” he teased, lifting the alicorn now and smirking once more. “Though with you out of the way, I certainly won’t have any more trouble filling my belly...let us start with you then, shall we?” the hungry draconequus eagerly slurped over his lips once more as he raised Celestia above his head now, opening his maw nice and wide, leaving the princess staring down into it.

In her discorded state, Celestia only squirmed and wiggled a bit against the big hands holding her up; completely unaware of Discord’s intentions. Before she knew it though, she was being lowered into the big maw before her, closing her eyes and squirming even more, not noticing her horn shrinking down and flattening against the top of her head, allowing her to safely push into the gaping mouth.

“Mmmm…” The bulky chaos lord sighed happily, brushing a warm breath over the princess’ face as her snout already began to push against the back of his mouth, and with his first gulp, most of her snout was pulled into her throat, assisted by the gentle pushing of his hands against her flanks, gradually easing the large pony down into his mouth. At the same time, his tail slipped around through his legs again and coiled multiple times around his oversized length, beginning to slowly stroke it up and down, providing a decent amount of pleasure as he savored the princess his his maw.

Panting and groaning louder now, the alicorn began to panic as her head was pulled into a soft, hot passage, becoming quite moist with saliva as well; all four of her legs lightly flailing in the air, though to no avail as she found herself continuing to slide deeper into the draconequus’ throat, bulging out his neck quite nicely already. Each gulp echoed through both of her ears, followed immediately by the sloshing of the soft throat around her.

With the mare’s shoulders against his lips now, Discord groaned lightly and opened his jaws slightly wider, gulping a bit harder and giving a firm push against the soft flanks, pushing Celestia’s upper body and front legs down into his throat now, bulging his neck even larger still, all while his tail continued to steadily rub along his length, coaxing out further loads of precum as his balls churned, still quite eager for another release. For now though, he focused on savoring the sweet flavor of the sun princess, feeling her lightly-thrashing head starting to push down into his stomach a few gulps later; only the lower half of her body still outside his maw.

Having rolled over onto his back, Spike watched from over by the statue’s base, a light blush crossing his cheeks as he watched the huge chaos god gulping down Celestia, glancing up and down at the various sights along Discord’s body, from his overgrown endowments to the bulges in his neck which squirmed and moved downward with each powerful gulp; his chiseled 8-pack soon rounding and bloating outward as the alicorn filled his belly.

“Mmpmmh...mmm…” pleased groans continued to escape Discord’s throat as he gulped and gulped, soon finding his hands pushing down against Celestia’s back hooves, while his tongue found itself slurping over her royal snatch, tasting the remnants of her sweet nectar before her soft rump was pushed down her throat with the rest of her body. With nearly all of the princess inside him now, one of his hands slid down to his now massively-distended gut, feeling the struggles and squirms from within.

“Aahh, yes….quite a delicious meal you’ve made, Celestia…” Discord finally spoke after one last gulp, pulling the princess’ back legs down into his throat and stroking his hand down along his neck, feeling the lightly-squirming bulge as it moved down, soon disappearing past his collarbone. Licking his lips, he gazed down at his now very large and rounded-out gut, providing quite a contrast to the rest of his bulky, muscular body. “A very delicious meal, indeed..." he let out a pleased sigh as he began to stroke over his huge belly with both hands, enjoying the feeling of the princess' weak struggles and squirms from within; her movement quite limited with the over-stretched stomach squeezing around her whole body.

All the while, his tail was still tightly coiled around his twitching shaft, his gaze moving to it, only able to see the first foot of its length jutting out past his distended belly. "Now a little milk...mmnh, to wash it down!" he teased, sighing once more as his tail's jerking movements suddenly doubled in speed, pushing him ever closer to his impending orgasm. Still rubbing both hands over his belly, he groaned blissfully, enjoying the pleasurable tingles that Celestia's squirming caused, only adding to the pleasure his tail was bringing him.

Still watching from over by the statue, Spike rubbed his own cum-bloated gut, gently biting his lip to the sight of the godly draconequus pleasuring himself; the rapid jerking only continuing for a few more moments before a blissful growl echoed through his ears, the chaos god lightly bucking his hips as his cock erupted once more, gushing a stream of seed that immediately curved upward and back towards him, flowing into his open maw.

"Mmmpmh...mmm...!" Discord closed his eyes as he gulped and gulped, each mouthful of seed sending another round bulge down his neck and into his belly, slowly adding even more size and weight to it. All the while, his tail continued to squeeze and stroke the overgrown member, helping to milk even more of the thick goop from the two enormous balls below. The gravity-defying flow continued on for a good 30 seconds at least, plumping up Discord's belly to the point where he could barely see the tip of his shaft now. "Ahhh...mmm, fresh as ever..." he sighed and slurped around his lips as the flow finally died down, his hands stroking over his extra-swollen belly; the warmth of his seed only amplifying the light tingly pleasure of Celestia's gentle squirming.

Glancing over towards Spike, he grinned playfully, seeing the dragon's cute blush as he slowly made his way back over to the statue pedestal. "Well...I'd say this worked out quite nicely, Spike." he giggled and rubbed a hand over Spike's ballooned gut, making it jiggle and wobble softly. "A bigger, more delightful body, as well as a nice filling, for both of us."

Spike blushed a bit more and smiled up at the bulky chaos lord, though his eyes mostly focused on the gigantic squirming belly, watching it lightly wobble and wiggle with bulges popping up and disappearing along random parts of its surface; the alicorn within still lightly pressing against the walls of Discord’s stomach with her hooves.

“Let us take a short nap before we proceed, my big, bloated Spikey. I do wish to savor this lovely victory of ours.” Discord teased with a another soft giggle, sitting down with his back against the stone pedestal and resting his hands on his massive belly as he smirked down at it. “And do not worry, my dearest Celestia. Your sister will soon join you in there.”