A Night To Remember

by Pinkamena666

First published

Princess Luna comes to Ponyville to spend three days among the common folk, and only one of the Main 6 has room; Fluttershy.

[Popular Stories List: Nov 19, 2014]
[Reading on YouTube by CaptainBron3y / TheCaptainSand]

Princess Luna comes to Ponyville to spend three days among the common folk, and only one of the Main 6 has room; Fluttershy. This is all good news for Fluttershy since she has a secret crush on the younger princess, but it also means she has to prepare for Luna's arrival. All goes accordingly but when one small mishap occurs, Shy's feelings come out and it sparks a relationship between the two...

A Night To Look forward To [The Build-Up]

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Princess Luna had announced that she was to pay a visit to Ponyville for the sole purpose of seeing how the common folk lived. Reason being is that in order to make correct decisions that affected the towns and cities, a princess should first understand how the lower class lived. So she would have a place to stay while in Ponyville, she had asked the main six girls which one had a free bedroom she could use. Twilight had just her own and was bummed that the princess couldn't stay with her. Applejack had a full house with her granny, big brother, and little sister. Rarity was using her spare rooms as "Inspiration Rooms". Sugarcube Corner's guest room upstairs was turned into the baby room, so Pinkie Pie had to decline as well.

Luckily for Fluttershy, that left her. The shy girl lived alone with her animals and had a spare room that she never used. She also had a secret; that she secretly adored Luna. She thought she was one of the most beautiful girls around and was so excited that she was going to be staying with her during her time in Ponyville. In fact, as soon as she received notice that the princess had chosen her she instantly got to cleaning up the guest room, making it sparkle and shine with cleanliness.

Come the next day, the day of Luna's arrival, Fluttershy sat on the couch in the main room, waiting for the knock on her door. She was wearing a yellow sweatshirt with sleeves that reached down to her palms, which covered her DD-cups, and a pink skirt. On her feet, she wore furry slippers, made with fake fur, of course. Just then the sound she was waiting for came, causing her to snap out of her thoughts.


Each knock causing Shy's heart to skip a beat. Even though she had seen Luna on numerous occasions, this one made her nervous. Never before had she been alone with the princess and certainly not for three nights in a row.

Not wanting to keep the princess waiting, she quickly got up and walked over to the door, opening it. "H-Hello?" she asked timidly, not knowing if it actually was Luna or not.

But, she was right. Standing there was the younger princess, wearing an elegant blue dress, which covered her D-cups, and golden shoes. On her wrists were golden wristbands and on her head she wore a golden crown. In her hand was a medium-sized bag, obviously full of clothes. Fluttershy found herself looking at the princess, finding her extremely beautiful in the moonlight.

"Fluttershy?" the princess asked, making the shy girl gasp.

"Y-Yes... Sorry," shy said, stepping aside. "Come on in."

The princess smiled and entered. "Thank you for letting me stay with you," she said, stepping in and closing the door.

"Oh, you're most welcome, princess," the shy girl said, smiling. "May I take your bag to the guest room?"

Luna smiled and held out her bag. "Thank you, Fluttershy. You are most kind."

"Well, you're a princess," Shy said, taking the bag and finding it slightly heavy. "You deserve to be treated with the utmost respect."

"I appreciate the kindness, Fluttershy, but... being away from the castle is such a wonderful break from all the duties I must perform. So, for the time being... please treat me as a friend."

Fluttershy smiled. "As you wish, princess."

"Luna, please..."

The shy girl nodded. "Okay... Luna..." she said with a smile, suddenly realizing that the bag Luna was carrying was heavy. "Were you carrying this all day?"

"Yes, but I had some help with others who did not like seeing a princess carry something just a little too heavy..."

Fluttershy chuckled softly. "Well, feel free to relax here. I have a shower upstairs if you'd like to use it." She then gasped softly. "N-Not saying that you smell, or anything! I just... I..."

Luna held up a hand to quiet her, before smiling. "Thank you," she said, before lowering her hand. "I could use a shower after walking around all day..."

The shy girl smiled, feeling relieved she didn't accidentally insult her favorite princess. "Up the stairs, first door on your left."

Luna smiled. "Thank you... May I see my bag? It has my night clothes in it."

As much as Fluttershy wanted to carry it, she knew the princess wanted to relax, so she held the bag out. Luna smiled and took it before heading upstairs. The shy girl watched her head upstairs before heading up herself. When she passed the open bathroom door, Luna shot her a smile before closing it. The shy girl smiled lightly as she headed to her room, heading to her own bed and lying down. She then just stared at the ceiling, thinking about the fact that Luna was in her house right now... and using her shower!

After about another minute or two, Shy heard the shower turn on and blushed as thoughts of Luna naked in the shower started to flood her mind. Then, to her amazement, she heard a faint humming which seemed to make her instantly relax. It took her about a couple seconds to get the idea of listening in. She then got up from her bed and headed into the hall, approaching the bathroom door. Once there, she sat down next to it and listened, a smile appearing on her face as she closed her eyes and listened.

After a few more minutes, the humming and water stopped before Luna spoke up. "Uh... Fluttershy?" she called. "You close by?"

Shy gasped and stood up. "Um... Maybe?"

"Shy, there's no towels in here..."

The shy girl gasped. "Uh! Sorry!" she squeaked. "I-I'll go get one!" She then took off down the stairs.

In her excessive preparation for Luna's arrival, she had manage to somehow forget to put the towels back in the bathroom. Once down the stairs, she rushed to the laundry room and snatched a towel before booking it back to the bathroom door.

Once back, she knocked. "Okay! I got you one..."

"You have to bring it in to me," Luna called. "Otherwise I'll get your floor all wet."

Fluttershy blushed heavily, her grip on the towel tightening slowly. "Wh-What?" she asked. "B-But, you're a-a..."

"A friend," the princess called, almost in a sing-song voice. "Remember?"

Fluttershy took a couple breaths and nodded. "A-Alright..." she said, opening the door slowly and entering.

Once inside she saw the glass door of the shower all steamed up, the silhouette of Luna barely visible inside. The shy mare gulped and walked towards the shower, holding the towel out.

"H-Here..." she said, almost squeaking.

The door opened slightly and Luna stuck her head out. "Oh, thanks. Where were they?" Shy stepped up to her, giving her the towel and getting a partial view of her right hip and breast, making her blush hard. "Uh... Fluttershy?"

The shy girl gasped and looked up at the princess' face. "Oh! Uh... I-I, uh... f-forgot to p-put them back a-after washing them..." She then found her eyes wander to the partial view of Luna's breast.

"Fluttershy?" Luna asked again.

Shy gasped once more. "S-Sorry..." she said, backing up. "I-I'll just... give you some privacy..."

She started to turn to leave when Luna spoke up. "How long were you there?"

The shy girl stopped at the door, hand on the outer doorknob. "U-Um... Wh-What?"

She heard the sound of bare feet against the tiled floor as the princess stepped out of the shower. "You answered me pretty quickly when I called out... So, how long were you out there?"

Fluttershy was extremely embarrassed and nervous but knew she couldn't lie to Luna. She respected her way too much to even think about bending the truth. "A-A few minutes..."

"Why?" asked Luna, sounding curious rather than angry.

"B-Because, I... I-I..." She then sighed. "Your humming... It sounded really nice..."

There was a short pause before Luna spoke again. "You like my humming?"

"Y-Yes..." Shy stammered slightly, her back still turned to Luna. "You have a... a-a lovely voice..."

After a couple seconds, she felt a hand on her shoulder. "You can look now..."

Shy gasped and turned around, facing Luna to see her wrapped in the towel. she then felt her heart beat faster as her eyes started to drift downwards before she quickly looked up, finding herself being drawn into Luna's eyes.

The princess then tilted her head, examining the shy girl's expression. "F... Fluttershy? Are you..."

Shy squeaked and blinked, blushing heavily. "S-Sorry!" she gasped, backing out the door. "I-I'll just be in my room," she said, quickly walking away.

Luna reached out a hand to stop her before lowering it. "Hmm..." she said, turning and walking over to the toilet, sitting down on the lid. She then thought about her recent interactions with Fluttershy to try and see what was going on with her. After recalling her hanging outside the bathroom to listen to her hum, the way she looked at her body in the shower, and the way she looked into her eyes, Luna smiled. She then looked over at her overnight bag and a smirk slowly spread across her face.

A Night To Remember [The Sex]

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Fluttershy sat on her bed, her heart racing and her face completely red. She had made a huge fool of herself in front of the girl she had strong feelings for... or so she thought. She then heard approaching footsteps, telling her Luna was coming. Her heart began to race even faster when the princess suddenly stepped into the room, Shy's heart sudden'y skipping a beat or two.

Luna stood there in a very elegant and revealing dress. Her top was a skimpy purple bra with no cleavage covering, both halves in the shape of crescent moons, held together by a thin, see-through material that served as a light gown. Attached to the see-through material on her arms were long, purple, fingerless gloves. She also wore skimpy purple panties, which also had a square of see-through material hanging down form the front and back sides. One her legs she wore long, purple boots that went up to just under her thighs.

Fluttershy's face was crimson red as the princess approached her. "P-Princess?" she asked, squeaking a little. "I-I mean... L-Luna?"

Luna smiled as she was halfway between the door and Shy. "I finally figured it out, Fluttershy..."

The shy girl began to sweat nervously. "F-Figure what out?"

"Well, you like my voice... and my body... Right?" she asked.

"Wh-What?! I-I... I..." Shy stammered as Luna tilted her head with a knowing smile. Shy then sighed, defeated. "Y-Yes..."

"And... do you like me?" Luna asked, stepping up to her.

Shy's heart quickened as she tried to hold back panting out of nervousness. "U-Uh... Um... I, uh... "

The princess giggled. "The fact that it is hard for you to answer is obvious that you like me more than a friend... More than a subject loves a princess, even..."

Fluttershy hung her head in defeat. "Yes... It's true... I-I'm sorry if this... m-makes your stay... a-awkward..."

Luna placed a hand on Shy's shoulder. "It doesn't... Not at all..."

Fluttershy looked up at her, relieved to hear this. Just then, Luna moved her hand to Shy's cheek, making the shy girl calm down instantly as she almost melted into the touch. "Th-That's... nice to hear..." Luna smiled as she looked into her eyes, before putting her arms around Shy's waist. "Wait... A-Are you saying wh-hat I think you're s-saying?"

The princess chuckled softly. "Well, I suppose that would depend on what you think I am saying, would it not?"

"But... Why me?" asked Shy, realizing what the princess was implying. "You could have anyone... Someone more brave, even..."

Luna nodded. "That is true... I probably could have anyone... but, I am looking for something special in a partner. Kind... Thoughtful... Caring... Fun... Sweet... Not to mention someone I actually like... Know someone like that?" Fluttershy blushed and looked away, making Luna smile. The princess then placed her right hand on Shy's left cheek and gently made her look her in the eye. "I thought so..."

Shy then blushed before Luna leaned in, gently kissing her on the lips. The shy girl thought her heart would leap out of her throat once their lips touched. However, she soon manage to relax herself and close her eyes, kissing back. The princess smiled at feeling her return the kiss and she moved her hands down Shy's sides to her hips, resting her hands there.

Luna then slowly pulled away from the kiss, Shy subconsciously leaning forward with her to try and keep the kiss going. When she was about to fall forward, she opened her eyes, finding herself looking directly at the princess' breasts.

"You have been looking at those all night..." said Luna as Shy quickly stood upright, blushing heavily. "Twice in the bathroom and once now..."

"I-I'm sorry..."

"Don't be..." said Luna, thinking. "Would you like to... see them?"

Fluttershy thought she would die right there from the amount of embarrassment and excitement she was experiencing. Luna was her dream and now her dream was offering to show her her body. So, being too overcome with the aforementioned emotions, Shy simply nodded, her entire face being just one big blush.

Luna smiled and put her hands on Shy's shoulders. "Sit, please," she said, gently pushing Flutters into a seated position. "You like you are about to fall over."


"No..." Luna interrupted. "Don't apologize. It's cute." Fluttershy smiled as she rested her hands on her legs. Luna smiled, too, before backing up. "Firstly... what do you think of my dress?" she asked, raising both arms above her head before interlocking her fingers.

Shy smiled. "I-It's really... nice," she said, blushing, but not as heavily as before. "I like it..."

Luna smiled. "I had originally packed it in case I stayed with Twilight... So I could tease her..." she added with a giggle.

Flutters smiled, chuckling lightly herself. "But, you're a princess... aren't you supposed to be... proper?"

"I like to have fun every now and then," Luna explained. "And, it would've been fun to tease her... However..." she said, reaching behind her back and unlatching the bra.

"However?" Shy asked, bushing as she saw Luna about to take her clothes off.

The princess smiled and gripped both halves of her crescent moon bra. "I think I will have more fun with you," she said, making Shy blush a little harder, but not as hard as when she pulled her bra halves apart and slid her arms out of the attached gloves, holding her dress by her side.

Fluttershy became crimson red again as she stared at Luna's bare chest. "W-Wow..."

"Now, you can look all you want, Fluttershy..." Luna said gently, her lovely breasts on full display.

Fluttershy felt her fingers twitch lightly, wanting desperately to touch them. Luna then walked over to Shy's dresser and set her dress on top. She then turned back to Fluttershy and reached down to her boots, before Shy stood up.

"W-Wait!" she squeaked, making Luna look at her. "U-Um... May I... take those off?" she asked, holding her hands together in front of her chest.

The princess smiled and stood up, walking towards the bed. she then lifted her right foot and set it on Shy's left knee. Flutters then gulped and felt the boot, finding a small zipper at the back. She gripped the metal tab with her fingers and unzipped the back. She then reached in and held Luna's leg as she slid the boot off, setting it on the floor.

Afterwards, she looked at the princess' bare foot. "I could... give you a foot rub after..." she offered.

Luna smiled. "That'd be nice... My feet are kind of sore..." She then added, "Although, I should tell you that... I love when someone rubs my feet... Perhaps a little too much..."

"Too much?" asked Shy, as Luna lowered her right foot and lifted her left foot, setting it on Shy's right knee.

"You'll see..." the princess cooed.

Shy blushed lightly as she pulled Luna's other boot off. "I guess... uh... Lay on the bed?"

The princess smiled and climbed onto the bed, sitting by the pillow to give Shy room on the bed. The shy girl then turned to the Luna and positioned herself by her feet. She then took the princess' left foot and rubbed gently.

"Mmm..." Luna moaned softly. "That feels nice..."

Shy blushed lightly at the moan as she kept up the rubbing, staring at the princess' breasts. Luna let out a series of constant moans as Shy rubbed her foot.

"Y-You really like this, d-don't you?" the shy girl asked.

"Mm-hmm..." said Luna. "Try kissing them..."

Shy blushed and looked at the feet. "A-Alright..." she said, lifting the left foot before leaning in and planting a soft kiss on it. She let out a shudder when she found that she liked the feel of her lips against the princess' foot. She then planted several other kisses on it, closing her eyes.

Luna smiled and reached down to her hip, unhooking her panties at the side and pulling them off. She then dropped them on the floor, not really caring at this point. Fluttershy kept kissing the foot before a scent caught her attention. She then opened her eyes and blushed heavily, staring at the princess' dripping pussy.

"L-Luna?" she asked, squeaking lightly. "Wh-what are you..."

"I told you a love it when my feet are played with..." Luna explained. "Care to kiss something a little more... delicious?"

Fluttershy bit her lip, staring at the princess' slit. She had dreamed of this moment, but now that it was here, she was nervous as all hell. She then bit her lip as Luna spread her legs. The shy girl proceeded to to get to her hand and knees before slowly crawling towards the inviting and wonderfully-smelling pussy. Once there, she placed her hands on Luna's hips and slowly leaned in, getting a nice whiff. She let out a shuddered moan as she felt herself begin to leak with arousal as her lips pressed against the princess' folds.

A warmth spread through her body when she tasted her dream girl's slit and she began to kiss it all over, getting soft moans from Luna. After a couple seconds, Shy thought about how good it actually tasted, so she pulled back a little before sticking her tongue out. The princess smiled wider when she saw and let out a gasp when she felt the girls tongue against her lower lips.

"Mmmm, Fluttershy... Now, you are getting the hang of it..." she complimented as Shy continued licking, loving the taste.

Luna moaned more and gripped her right breast as Shy sped up her licks, getting really into it before jamming her tongue inside. The princess let out a loud gasp of pleasure and surprise as he moans became louder. At this point, Shy furiously literally eating her out, becoming lost in her lust. This being the case, it wasn't long before Luna orgasmed, delivering a squirt of juices onto Fluttershy's nose and mouth. The shy girl pulled away and gasped, before sniffing, smelling the juices on her nose. She then licked her lips and wiped her nose.

"That was amazing, Fluttershy," said Luna, running her hands down her body. "But, now it is my turn..."

"Huh?" asked Fluttershy, as Luna leaned forward before getting to her hands and knees.

"My turn..." Luna repeated, crawling up to Fluttershy and kissing her.

Shy instantly melted into the kiss as she felt Luna grip the bottom of her sweatshirt, slowly pulling it up. The two then separated as Shy lifted her arms above her head. The princess smiled as she pulled the shirt off, setting it aside as she eyed Shy's lovely DD's.

"Those are beautiful, Fluttershy..." she said, gripping them. Shy gasped and let out a tiny squeak of a moan. "Your moans are adorable, Shy..."

Flutters smiled. "Th-Thanks..."

Luna then leaned in and kissed her breasts, first the left and then the right. Afterwards, she moved a tad lower and began to suck on Shy's left nipple, getting a moan from the shy girl. Luna only took a few seconds before sucking on the right nipple.

"L-Luna, that... feels nice..." Shy moaned out, her pussy leaking more.

The princess chuckled and pulled away. "You have not seen anything yet..." she said, gently pushing Shy down onto her back before gripping her skirt. She then pulled the skirt off and gripped the soaked panties, pulling them off as well. "Already soaking wet?" she asked.

"W-Well, your body is... sooooo hot..." Shy squeaked.

Luna chuckled before spreading Flutters' legs, leaning in. "Yours is pretty sexy, too," she complimented, before licking the shy girl's slit.

Fluttershy moaned loudly, her breasts jiggling as her torso twitched lightly in pleasure. After a few more licking, Luna pulled away and smiled before crawling on top of Shy. she then slid her hand down Shy's sleek body before slipping her fingers in her pussy, getting a loud gasp from the girl.

"L-Luna!" she moaned out, her body twitching again.

The princess smiled and slipped two other fingers in, using her palm to rub her clit. Shy moaned out loudly and gripped the bed sheets, her pussy leaking as Luna pumped her fingers in and out. The princess then sat up and lifted Shy's left leg, sliding forward so their slits touched. She then began humping Shy's pussy, both girls moaning loudly as both their slits leaked all over the sheets.

"LUNA!!!" moaned Shy loudly, spraying Luna's thighs with her juices before collapsing, panting heavily. The princess then lifted her hips and fingered herself quickly, before squirting a little onto Shy's crotch, sighing with relief.

"Mmm..." she moaned, crawling in top of Shy and laying down, their breasts squishing together. "Enjoy that?" she asked.

Shy suddenly pulled her into a kiss, slipping her tongue into Luna's mouth as the princess returned the favor, their tongues dancing together.

Flutters then pulled away, licking her lips. "That was... fantastic!"

Luna smiled. "Good... because we have two more nights to go..."

Shy then looked a little upset. "Then, we'll... have to stop?"

The princess thought for a moment before smiling more. "I will work something out... but my duties must still come first..."

Fluttershy smiled and hugged her tightly, getting a light chuckle out of the princess as she hugged back.


After a couple minutes, Shy let out a yawn.

"Tired?" asked Luna, rolling them both onto their side, still embracing. Shy nodded before Luna gripped the bed sheets and pulled them up, covering their naked bodies. "There... Now, sleep..." she cooed, closing her own eyes.

Shy smiled and cuddled up to the princess and closed her eyes. "Luna?" she asked sleepily.

"Yes, Fluttershy?"

"Mmm... I love you..."

The princess smiled. "I know... I love you, too..."

The two then fell asleep, their relationship just beginning but Shy knew that this first night would be one she would never forget...


The End?

Let me know in the comments which pairing you'd like to see

OTHER HUMANIZED TRILOGIES (Click the pic to read the fic)