The Best In the World in Equestria

by Rated R-Superstar

First published

What if I told you that I just started wrestling again. Crazy, right? Now what would you say if I told you I wrestled in a land of magical technicolored hors- er... I mean ponies.

My name is C-M-Punk. I'm a former wrestler from WWE, and I'm living right now in Chicago. Everything was fine and dandy, until one day I was summoned in some way to find myself in a world that had, no humans, but taking hors- er... I mean "ponies". They needed my help, and that I did.

(Warning, I do swear in this Fic, in case you are sensitive to that sort of thing, I thought I should just warn you. Enjoy)

Chapter 1: The Land of Equestria

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Hello everyone, I wanted to share a certain event that happened to me a week ago. The reason I'm writing this now is because, my fingers finally healed from my match I had. I know. I wasn't suppose to wrestle anymore. However, it doesn't matter so much to why I was wrestling, it's where I was wrestling.

This is how the day was going a week ago: I was sitting on my coach watching a tournament in ice hockey between "The Los Angeles Kings" and my favourite of course "The Chicago BlackHawks". I had a bag of Doritos and Water with me as I was watching, normally fans would just have something alcoholic, which makes them more excited then how you are right now. I didn't drink any beer, or whiskey cause you know, Straight Edge. After the BlackHawks won, and several minutes of me yelling for joy I started skipping through channels. I came across Monday Night Raw "Oh look, its my favorite company, with my favorite event." I said with a pretty obvious sarcastic tone. I wanted to just turn off the TV and go to bed, but then I heard the worst commentator (Michael Cole) saying the next up coming match was for the divas championship and it was going to be AJ, going up against Nikki Bella. I haven't seen AJ in a while, her being so busy with wrestling and entertaining folks from America and the rest of the world, so I decided to watch my girl show Nikki, who's the boss of all divas.

After the match, and once again yelling for joy on AJ winning, I shut off my TV, and changed into some clothes. I wore a pair of blue jeans that were size 33x33

a pair of black Nike Free 5.0 V4 Mens Running Shoes, Black and White

and something I thought I'd never wear again, my old black "CM PUNK Fist" t-shirt, with the label on the back "Best In the World, CM Punk"
and then I went for a walk.

I always go for casual walks around the streets, going by the tattoo parlor that I live just above. I use to have peace on these streets when I go out for my morning jog, but fans from WWE are always hanging around to get a look at me, say hello, take pictures, or have me sign autographs. They don't annoy me in any way that I want them to go away, I just wish I could have one day to myself, no fans, nothing. During my walks around the city I would always go to this one park, Portage Park.

This was the same park I went to when I was growing up, and still do. During the evenings, I would have the park all to myself, I don't think the fans knew that I would come here, because there's never a horde of wrestling fans or UFC fans.

Oh, thats right!!

Since I got fired from WWE, I've been training in mixed martial arts, so I could try my luck out at UFC. I had many interviews about my sudden jump to the Ultimate Fighting Championship, saying that it my be alot different from WWE, and that it'll be hard to make into the company, but I was confident I would get through it. I also got to relive history when I had many doubters and haters telling me "You're not gonna make in this place". Just like I was doubted at WWE, that I wasn't gonna be someone big, and I was never going to hold a title. In the end however, I proved them wrong. I went from being an underdog and made myself into one of the biggest stars in the business.

I promised myself and to everyone that I would do the same at UFC.

As I walked through the park, I liked looking at the trees, seeing the leaves, and watching squirrels collect nuts, OH, thats right! It was the beginning of winter, and a lot of people were starting to decorate their homes, and hanging up christmas trees. Its not really as cold as you'd think, I mean I only had an adidas jacket at the time.

After I had finished walking around the park for several hours, it was starting to get late, I think it was 11:02pm at the time, or so it said on a big clock next to some path lights, so I started to walk home. The streets of Chicago can be very quiet and abandoned at that hour, I kinda liked it. After some more time of walking back home, I finally arrived to my apartment. I reached for my keys I had in my jacket, opened the door, and waltz in. I looked at my clock that hung on the wall of my living room, and it said it was 12:10am. I took off my jacket, and hang it on my coat hangers that I had next to my front door, I was ready to take of my shoes, my clothes, and drop dead on my bed, when all of a sudden...

"Hey, what the fucks happening?!" I said both shockingly and scared at the same time.

I couldn't move, my body just became a statue right there and then. All of a sudden, I was engulfed by a white light that appeared from my legs, I couldn't tell what was happening, so I shut eyes and was expecting for the worst.

Earlier in Equestria (Canterlot):

"Nopony is willing to fight the Minitor?" asked Princess Celestia

"I'm afraid so sister." said Luna"The celestial, and lunar guards are too afraid, I as well am afraid."

"No Princess, we can't give up now, all of Equestria is depending on us!" said Princess Twilight Sparkle.

"She's right aunt Tia, there must be somepony who would be willing to take this task." Cadence said with much worry. She was so afraid for her subjects at the Crystal Empire, her husband, and for her sister, Twilight.

"What about you Cadence?" responded Celestia "Do any of the guards from the Crystal Empire dare step forward to the task?" Cadence looked down, frowning, and examining the patterns on the Lithium floor.

"No aunt Tia, the crystal guards are just as afraid as the lunar and celestial gurads." A dead quiet silence took over the room, nopony had anything to say. The silence was broken at the sound of giggling, Twilight knew it couldn't have been Pinkie Pie or any other of her friends, and especially not spike, they were all back in Ponyville. Twilight, Luna, and Cadence all looked at each other, Luna looked to her sister, with a questioning experssion on her face. Cadence and Twilight followed her gaze. They saw Princess Celestia who had be sitting on her throne the whole time, her eyes were closed, and she was smiling. Luna then asked

"Sister, what is it?" Celestia opened her eyes and looked to the three alicorns in front of her, standing up from the throne

"There is someone I know that can help us in our desperate time of need." The three alicorns looked bewildered. Suddenly Twilight was jumping up and down with joy

"Oh thats great, who is he, where is he, how do we get a hold on him, or is it a mare?" Celestia giggled some more, now Twilight had a questioning look on her face.

"We must get CM Punk." Celestia said, the others looked at each other.

"Who's CM Punk?" Cadence asked

Celestia responded "He's someone that I can asher you, is not afraid of a fight.''

"Really?" Twilight questioned.

Celestia continued "Yes, I've seen him in action. The way he fights, and the way he talks, he is quiet amazing, and I think he would be perfect for this task."

Twilight was now smiling, "That's amazing, do you know where he is?"

"Yes, but there is a certain complication."

"What is it aunt Tia?" Cadence asked. Celestia looked at her and said

"We must summon him, with a quiet complicating spell" she paused as the the other three alicorns kept looking at each other "but" she continued "with the four of us combined, it should be quiet simple."

Twilight raised a hoof "Princess? Why do we need to summon him? Can't we just go to him?" Celestia closed here eyes and giggled

"He lives...Far away." This didn't answer Twilight's question, as it just raised her confusion."Come now" Celestia shouted "We must prepare for his arrive." The three other alicorns followed, as Twilight thought to herself "CM Punk? Who in the Hoof is that?

Present Time:

I was dazed, and disorderly, It felt like I drank beer for the first time in my whole Straight Edge life. My eyes were hurting too much for me to open, and I was lying down with my back on a cold floor. Then I heard a voice.

'' Here he is." It echoed in my head, with my ears still ringing. ("Who's voice is that? Sounds beautiful.") I thought to myself. I was finally able to move, I placed my left hand on my head, I was having a massive headache.

"Pray tell, what in Tartarus is it?" another voice said, sounding like a Mid-Western English lady.

("The Fuck?")

I rubbed my eyes for a couple of seconds, until I was finally able to see. What stood in front of me, illustrated that I was either, in another world...or I was dead. There in front of me, stood four alicorns. Now, I wasn't the best in high school but I listened to some mythology to know all kinds of non-real/lengendary creatures.

(What the fucks going on? Why am I seeing four technicolored alicorns?) A tall white alicorn with colorful flowing hair approached me

"Greeting Philip Brooks"

("What the hell, it can talk?! And it knows MY NAME?!")

She giggled in between words"or should I say, CM Punk" I was still in shock and I finally stood up, to my surprise, I was much more taller then her. I think I was about 3-4 inches taller then her. She continued talking "Welcome to Equestria".

Chapter 2: Explanations and Decisions

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I've been in this world for five minutes, and I still can't believe what's going on. During those five minutes, the white alicorn with the colorful wavily hair, who called herself Princess Celestia has been explaining things to me. She'd introduce me to the three other alicorns in the room, and tell me that I was in a country called Equestria, and how it was inhabited by three types of ponies: Earth, Unicorn, and Pegasi. Now normally, this would be a fantasy land that many little girls would come to and enjoy, but like I said, a fantasy, a myth, how could a place like this even exist? Why does it exist?

"I suppose you're wondering why I had brought you here, am I right?" Celestia said, snapping me out of my trail of thoughts. I looked dead in her eyes.

I responded, raising my voice "Yeah! You better tell me why I'm here and what the hell is going on before I kick your horsey ass!" I poked her on the chest, At least I thought that was her chest, kind of hard to tell.

The other alicorns seemed to be taken aback by choice of words and tone. The blue one looked like she was ready to unleash hell, shooting a razor cutting glare at me, will the other two took two steps back away from me. I finally calmed down, as did the others who had also seemed to have settled down after being a bit scared by my actions. I just wanted to know what I was doing here, and why I wasn't back in my apartment in Chicago. Celestia finally spoke.

"Well we have brought you here because we need your help."

She sounded serious this time, not all giddy and monotoned like she was when she brought me to this place called Equestria. I was really curious about the sudden change in attitude. I crossed my arms are continued asking

"What do you mean you need my help and what exactly is it that you need my help?" I continued talking "Me, something from another world who was and still is, tired from a walk that I just took around the streets of Chicago."

"Chekago, Whats that?" the purple alicorn asked.

I got a bit frustrated at how she mispronounced and insulted the city I was from. My home. I took great pride in my hometown when I still wrestling in the WWE, and I still do. I was proud to be from that city, and represent it for what it is while I was battling in the ring, against John Cena, Chris Jericho, and even that stupid manager with his people power bullsit, John Laurinaitis.

"That's the city of which I am from, and its pronounced 'Chicago'. Chi-ca-go." I answered. After that, she still looked at me even more confused.

"Oh. Well, what a strange name to call a city." the purple alicorn stated.

I thought to myself ("My city's name is weird? Do you know that Equestrian is a term in my world, where people ride horses as a sport.")

Celestia finally interrupted "Well you see CM Punk-"

"Please" I interrupted, raising my hand "Just, call me Punk."

"Very well. You see Punk, a great treat has come over us, and over our nation." I kept on listening, seeing if there was a good reason, as to why she brought me here. A treat to them and their nation? Still what did it have to do, with me. Celestia continued "The Land of the Minotaurs has threatened us, with war." My eyes widened.

("Minotaurs? War?") Its like I said, I studied mythology when I was in High School. Even though it was a long time ago, I still remembered everything. I was about to lose my trail of focus on the issue when I suddenly remembered my feud with Jeff Hardy. The battles we did, how personal it had gotten between us. I pushed out those memories from my head, and continued listening to Celestia.

"The Minotaurs want to extend their land into some of the territories in Equestria. We turned them down, and they're very furious with us disagreeing with terms they've given us. Now they have threatened to take all of Equestria by force."

"Why'd you say no to them if they were gonna do something this?" I asked "I see nothing wrong with giving some parts of land to outsiders."

Celestia closed her eyes and signed. "Let's just say....I don't trust them."

"So now these Minotaurs are preparing for war, to take this place, by force?"


I was just standing there thinking to myself about what I could do. Did she bring me here so I could be Equestria's new military advisor or something? I didn't know jack-shit about leading an army. "But" Celestia said from out of nowhere "They did give us one task, and that if we succeed, they'll spare us and leave Equestria alone."

Curious, I listened to this so called "task" that was given

"The Minotaurs said, if someone were to go through single close quarters combat with one of their best figthers, and win, they would leave Equestria, and never return." Celestia finished.

Now I understood where this was going, she brought me here to be here savior, her knight in shining armor. She wanted me to be the one to go into combat with a single Minotaur, so that she could save her kingdom, and her subjects. Celestia slitty approached me, with worried looks in her eyes. I think she was afraid that I would refuse to help. Still I don't understand, why couldn't she have gotten someone else like, John Cena, The Rock, or even Undertaker. Why did she pick me? What about someone from UFC like, Brock Lesnar, Alister Overeem, or even Jason David Frank.

Celestia then continued "Punk, you are the only one I trust with this task, I've seen you in action against alot of your opponents, and you are a mighty impressive fighter. I ask- actually, I beg you to help us. But if you don't want to, then I will respect your decision, and I'll send you back to Chicakego."

"Chicago." I added.

"Right, sorry." Celestia apologized

I didn't know if she was trying to guilt tripping me or anything. I just wanted to go back home and get some rest, live my life in the world of "humans", cause from the looks of it, there were none here in Equestria. I also had to train for a match I was gonna have with Green Power Ranger. Yet, at the same time, Celestia seemed to have had complete confidents in me, I don't know why. Even though I'm a bit- well a big jerk, I can't just turn her down like this. The other alicorns also had concerned looks on their faces, with their eyes telling me to please help them. The weight of pressure finally con caved on me.

"All right" Celestia and the others perked up to my response "I can't turn away from you guys like this" I crossed my arms together "I'll help you."

Suddenly everyone in the room went from concerned to overjoyed.

Celestia spoke "Thank You, Punk."

"Now, that I've agreed to this, what do we do now?" I asked

"We of course start preparing." Celestia answered. "I'll contact the Minotaurs, and tell them that somepony, or in this case, someone, has accepted the challenge." Celestia then looked to her Pupil "Twilight?"

"Yes Princess?"

"Would you take Punk with you to Ponyville, and let him stay there until I have sorted out everything?"

"Of course Princess."

"Good, Punk, you will go with Princess Twilight to her home, and stay there until you have heard from me about anything."

I simply nodded at her.

I could have said no to her, and to this task that she had offered me, but like I said I couldn't turn them down like that, even if I am a jerk. Plus I haven't had a match in a while now, I would very much like to kick someones ass, especially in another world. I always go around boasting to everyone that I am the best in the world on my planet. And now, I can show these ponies of another world, just why I call myself the best. They will forever remember the name, of CM Punk.

(A little tribute to CM Punk, The Best In The World)

Chapter 3: Challenge Acceptance

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I really wish we could have gone to Twilight's town in some other form or fashion, I had to walk through the city, Canterlot I think they called it, anyways I had to walk through the city just to get to the train station and it sucked. It wasn't that I hated walking, I go for walks during my free time and I enjoy them, it was just, I was walking through Canterlot with alot of ponies staring at me. They gave me that look that says that they fear you, that you look like something that could take over or destroy the world. I swear I really hated being looked at like some monster.

"Er T-Twilight, could we hurray along to the station? I don't like the way these ponies are staring at me." I said to Twilight while watching the ponies who were glaring at me.

"Oh, sorry Phil, I didn't-"



"Please just call me Punk. I don't like strangers saying my first name as if they know me." I said, looking at Twilight.

"Oh right, anyways the train station isn't far from here, it's only a little ways away." Twilight said to me with a reassuring voice. Please just get me out of here was all I was thinking form this point on.

Meanwhile: Canterlot Castle

Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadance all awaited in the main hall of the castle for the ruler of the Minotaurs, King Slayer. They paced back and fourth for a countless amount of times, until finally, a royal guard opened the two big set of doors "Your Highnesses, King Slayer has arrived."

"Thank you Thunder, please bring him in." Princess Celestia demanded.

"Yes your majesty." With that being said, the royal guard went back, pass the two set of doors and disappeared down the hall. The princesses were all very nervous, remembering about the potential invasion that the Minotaurs are planning, but then calmed down when they remembered that somepony, or much rather, someone, had become their new beam of hope. Celestia closed her eyes and focused on the new beam, when she remembered certain moments of Punk that reminded herself of why she had chosen him in the first place. However those thoughts were quickly sustained when the three princesses all heard loud hoofsteps entering the hall. Only, these hoofsteps weren't from ponies.

As predicted, King Slayer had arrived with two other minotaurs at his side. Both were wearing silver body armor and carrying battle axes, while the king wore a gold body armor with a red cape that reached all the way down to the floor. The king eyed the princesses for a few seconds before giving a smirk and a light chuckle. "So, you have summoned me here to tell me that your giving up your precious land I see. This is a wise choice I must say. You have spared the life of your subjects as well as your guards."

Princess Cadance put hoof to her mouth and let out a charming giggle. King Slayer caught this and was curious about her emotions.

"Laughing at your surrender eh, well I too do find it rather humorous." Slayer said before crossing his arms.

"Oh, I'm not laughing at that, I'm laughing at the fact that you think we would give up our country so easily." Cadance confessed.

"But you will" King Slayer started then let out a small chuckle "unless you found someone who has accepted my challenge, which I highly doubt."

"Oh contraire King Slayer, your doubts are highly invalid." Luna stated, wearing a smug grin on her face.

"I beg your pardon?" King Slayer asked in confusion.

"We have found somepo- er someone to be exact, that has accepted your challenge." Celestia proclaimed also wearing a grin on her face.

King Slayer looked at both of his guards to the sides in confusion, until all three of them burst out into laughter. The princesses now wore confused expressions on their faces, looking at each other and trying to figure out what these three were laughing about.

King Slayer finally spoke up after settling down from laughter. "You three cannot be serious." The princesses all stared at him with stern looks, trying to show that they were in no joking manner and that they were being dead serious about this. "Huh, so you are then. If that is the case then I hope you've said your goodbyes to this challenger." The princesses once again wore confusion on their faces, not fully comprehending on the part about goodbyes.

"What do you mean said our goodbyes?" Luna asked.

"Oh did you not know, well then let me tell you then. If your challenger-" King slayer laughed "wins, then me and my minotaurs will leave you and Equestria alone. However-" Slayer paused, as he then gave a devilish smirk towards the princesses "if my fighter wins, then not only will we invade Equestria, but your precious little challenger, will be executed for all to see." Slayer then unleashed a Satanic laugh.

The princesses now wore a new expression, the expression of shock and grief. "WAIT!" Candance shouted out "You didn't say anything about taking a life from someone if they had failed the challenge!"

"Last minute change." Slayer grinned "Well I must be off now, tell your challenger that I wish him good luck." Slayer then turned around and began to walk out of the hall.

"He will need it."

Once Slayer and his guards had left the rooms, the unicorn guards that were guarding the entrance had shut it with their magic, while pegasi guards were escorting the minotaurs out of the castle. The princess were now in a state of panic at the sudden update on the challenge. Luna finally spoke up "Sister, what shall we do now? Must we call the human and tell him to drop out of this challen-"

"No." Celestia said. "We shall let Punk continue with the challenge, and we will tell him about this update later in due time."

"Aunty…" Candance said with the tone of fear in her voice "What if he isn't successful, what if he loses and ends up giving his life away."

"I agree with Cadance here sister, this is beyond-" Luna said before Celestia interrupted her.

"Both of you please calm down." Celestia demanded, trying to calm both of the princesses down. "I understand your concerns and the dangers of this situation, but now please understand me when I say that I have complete fate in Punk." Luna and Cadance looked at each other before looking back at the white alicorn "I know that he will prevail this challenge and rid Equestria of the minotaurs." Celestia claimed as she looked down at the white shiny reflective tile floor.

"I know he will."

As always a little tribute to CM Punk at the end of the chapter: