Barbed Wire in Blood Soaked Mud

by Two Sides of the Coin

First published

War is brewing on the horizon, Forged steel will either have to survive the hell of war or be counted among the countless dead that lay face down in the mud.

For the first few years of Twilight's Coronation the world of Equis felt peace, no evil was stirring in Equstria yet to the north east is the powerful Gryphon Empire. The Gryphon Empire is thrown into Chaos as the old king dies. Another takes his throne and that Gryphon isn't the same light heart king that once ruled over the Gryphon people. No in his heart is a blood lust not seen since King Sombra had taken over the Crystal Kingdom. War is coming; everyone can feel the ripples of power flow through and the Princess of Day and Night are called to action against the threat of possible invasion. Other nations feel the threat of war loom over their kingdoms and rush to either side of the fight ready for the first shot that will shake the planet.

Forged Steel is a simple Earth pony that will be thrust into the horrible mix of war and blood shed. A war on this scale had never been fought before and not with any of the new weapons of the advance time. Death will most likely surround everyone that puts on a uniform for the Princess of Day and Night. Maybe there is a greater purpose to it all but Forged Steel will be sent into hell itself.

The cover image isn't mine and all the Credit goes to BTedge116 whose work is some of the best I have seen.

Chapter 1: Sparkles that Light Flames

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“What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy?”-Gandhi

It happened before we even knew it, in a flash we were at war with the all-powerful Gryphon Empire. No one even knew why we were at war or even how we were going to fight a war on the scale the gryphons were throwing at us. Celestia… save our souls from damnation; we are heading into hell just for you… remember our sacrifices for you.

Just a few years after the coronation of Twilight Sparkle (into princesshood) there was a tension growing between the many countries of Equis. The tension could be cut with a knife as skirmishes, border incursions, and bad politics could all be seen among the nations of the world fueling their hate for one another. The new arrival to the throne would be mostly overlooked but the great Twilight Sparkle being elected to the position of princess? No, that was too much for the other countries to handle peacefully. What would happen if Twilight were to take more then her fair share of the land? What if her nation became too powerful even for her own mentor? What if she were to declare war on other nations? All of these questions wracked the minds of nation leaders across the world. Either way, war is coming to Equstria and many can see it but will there be a roar or a squeak when the first battle comes?

Who will be the first to tip the scale of peace? Will there be those ready to defend or will they hide until the whole thing blows over? Many will enlist in the army thinking that the war will be just a cake walk but little do they know about the horrors of war. All might seem calm right now but a mighty storm is brewing on the horizon, approaching with each and every day. Power is changing hooves and something evil is just under the veil of peace just waiting to come out. The world is a camp fire waiting to be lit; the flame would be lit so easily yet what nation would strike the match?

It is the year 5894 in the reign of Celestia and Luna, having served for many years as rulers. They was all to happy to relieve some of the burden created by the wants and needs of the people. Twilight's nation was formed from the town of Ponyvile. The new state was to be protected by Equstria yet both princesses were blind to the future. Though Twilight was new to the whole princess thing, the princesses left her to her own plans. Being more focused on the current problems of Equstria, Twilight was given free reign to do whatever she wanted and that is how all this technology was created. Left to her own devices, Twilight began a pursuit to understand more about the world around her. From the black pits that catch on fire to the reason why so many bubbles formed from Frog Bottom Bog. One by one mysteries were solved while more was being learned about whole the world worked. With each discovery came more questions to be answered... why did oil burn? Can steam push objects? Why is there a metal that flows like a liquid?

Equis was enjoying a golden age of peace and technology advances unlike its younger years. The work of Twilight Sparkle began to have an effect on the technology of the world. The world is no longer that ancient or behind on current technology; oil and metal could be harvested in great quantities to fuel the new age's high standards. Cars, electricity, cartridge guns, artillery, and the engine; many of these had been fueled by the wealth of the people because of that standard. The people changed their clothing, attitudes, and perspective about social interaction. Equstria's Renaissance era was fading into history while the new era of machinery was forging a new modern nation of Equstria.

All of these technology came to be within the few short years of Twilight’s coronation. All of these took place through the science academy created by the wise Twilight. More and more technology was created each and every day. How they were doing this was much unknown to the citizens. There was only speculation to how they were doing that. Either way the people would never know for the building where the labs were wasn’t going to let any commoner in. The progression of technology is ever growing.

Inside of a small apartment building in the west side Canterlot lives a young stallion, only twenty one years old. Having a simple job at the nearby metal plant that produces cars for those willing to pay hefty prices for such fortuity not that he would care for such luxury. Not rich or powerful in fact he barely has enough to eat. Soon he would have a part in the world where his morals and his life choices would come into question. Soon enough he would be thrust into the flame of hell and he just doesn't know it. His name was Forged Steel, he would become something greater than he could ever imagine.

In the distant lands of the Gryphon Empire the old kingdom was rotting from the inside out. The king had no heir to his loft throne; nobles were squabbling over who should lead the Empire after the old king had passed on. They had known peace for hundreds of years, wealth and trade prospered within the kingdom but when greed begins to take hold of one’s heart evil sickness isn’t too far behind. Something of an internal war was being fought behind closed doors. Nobles murdered one another, thievery was common, protesting and undermining had become the life in the main city of Gryphus. The once and great prosperous life they once knew disappeared in a flash of blood. Riots broke out over which noble family should lead.

The fighting escalated from backroom politics to full front fighting in the streets. Death was spreading at rate unseen for years. Soon the old king died; all at once the sparks were cast out of each and every noble's fire place. No such violence had taken place in years, not since the great civil war of Wind Bluffs. The flame of war consumed many a life within the short months the Wind Bluff War continued. Noble families rose and fell by the rifle. One of the larger families was Bladedusk family with their eldest son at the helm of their fights. His brutal tactics plus his unquenchable lust for blood shed earned him the name Zeradin the mind flayer. His love for torture and breaking had done beyond just simple interrogation. Torture of others, in fact, pleasured him. That sadistic personality made most fear his actions.

During the final days of the civil war Zeradin stole many of the house leaders away into secret dungeons below the very foundations of his home. Inside of those stone was were unspeakable acts committed. Some of the prisoners even killed themselves just to not suffer like the stories told. Zeradin would love cutting each finger off like a delicate roast being carved at Thanksgiving. Screams virbrated through out the prison walls as would the moans and sobs echo through each fearful heart in the place of destitute.

His family grew in numbers followed by strength of their new armies. Striking down each other family one by one; blowing out family linages like a candle. Thousands fell to his bullets while hundreds fell to his sword. A literal void had formed in the middle of the Gryphon Empire enveloping those unfortunate enough to fall under his rule or sights. Though one might not see it on the surface; the people were subjugated and bound to where they were. Sure life was good once Zeradin annexed or conquered the land but a plague of the worst kind was flowing just under the surface. The people grew to like the rule of Zeradin yet he hadn’t taken over all the lands of the gryphon empire, there were still pockets of rebellion to which his armies of loyal gryphons quelled the rebellious gryphons. With his armies stamping out the last bits of rebellion his blood thirst hadn’t simply quenched by the war that had been between the gryphon people.

He had new problems arise from the war: No food was being produced so the people were starving, his industry had been badly damaged by the war, and the people were overall tired from war. In the few months that his rule had begun raiders and pirates had come out of the woodwork. Stealing from the already poor people; more and more people were dying of starvation. Zeradin would turn his eye to the south where Equstria laid. A land rich with food, resources and where his people would be able to thrive without any sort of trouble from the neighbors. Between him and the lands he so desired was the crystal mountains. Housed between the tall snowy spires lay the Crystal Kingdom. A mostly peaceful kingdom that declared its neutrality after its war against King Sombra. Knowing that this kingdom would be little of a threat he marshaled his troops ready for battle to take the food needed. A full conflict war was inevitable though to the gryphons it seemed like a waiting game till when Zeradin would strike the first blow against the peaceful kingdom.

The Crystal Kingdom wouldn’t be ready for the war against the gryphon empire. Over the many years that the Crystal Kingdom had been neutral there had been no need for an army and with the defeat of all its major enemies the Crystal Kingdom didn’t desire to fight anymore. Many would be ruined for all time while others would be permanently wounded in their bodies. The Crystal Kingdom was fed up and only a small handful of guards were left over from the wars that transpired decades ago. Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance ruled lovingly over the subjects. Happiness was widespread through the kingdom. The Crystal Kingdom could almost be seen as utopia hidden away in spire like mountains filled to the brim with endless snow.

The advance of the Gryphons would forge a way straight into Equstria. There was one road from the gryphon empire: straight through the Crystal Kingdom. If they went around they would be caught in the middle of the saddle barbarians that ruled to the south. Not to mention the land is very hostile to any that try to traverse the treacherous mountains that continue for miles. To the north was the impassable Arctic Ocean, the waters are filled with icebergs the size of ships and the weather would freeze anyone on the spot. There was one path and one path only to his goal. There would be no one brave enough to stand in his way.

Steel... such a fine metal... A large black and gray feather gryphon was lying out upon an ever bigger wooden throne. The gryphon's raven black feathers were smoothed down to create a glossy look. A completely uniform line of feathers traced down his back crossing the cloud gray fur. Soft to the look but hides the sheer ferocity presented by the iron tipped lion and eagle claws. A royal white uniform is wrapped about his shoulders and down his chest. On the left side of the uniform are tens of gold and silver medals hanging from colorful ribbons jiggling lightly from each movement of his arms. Golden buttons flow down the middle of his puffed out chest with the golden epilates on his shoulder solidifying his image as a military leader. Upon his face is a grin of delight, his beak curved into the sinister grin he was known for. A large gray scar is just under his left eye leading all the way back to his ear. His eyes are a radiant sky blue lost in a void of anger. His tail, slender in nature but muscular enough to lift a weapon and wield it with great force. The tail was tipped with a large steel spike, poised to strike down anyone that displeased him. King Zeradin's eyes focused on the steel sword in his left eagle claw. In the steel sword his reflection of his young self was reflecting back giving him the opportunity to figure out the being staring back at him. It had been a long time since he had taken time to stare into his reflection and by the looks of it the war had taken a toll on his body. “At least you are still devilishly handsome gryphon.” he spoke quietly in the empty throne room. The deep inlet flesh that each discolored scar reflected brought back memories of each battle that he partook in. His face wasn't the same as it use to; he was now a different person from the last time he ever saw himself.

The throne room was normally stuffed with dignitaries and others that wanted to express their opinion about everything inside the kingdom. Today was different; instead Zeradin sat on his throne without a single soul in sight. He requested that the dignitaries do not disturb him for the time being thanks to a large set of problems that arose from ruling of the throne.

Not a single room in the Gryphon Empire could compare their beauty to the throne room Zeradin sat in. The left walls were lined with dusty, old, night blue tapestries depicting the older kings exploits of war and peace. On the other side of the room was colored glass depicting the recent actions of Zeradin; the colored glass held one battle where he slayed the last family leader and finished off the civil war. Recently commissioned and built in the capital, Zeradin had thanked the gryphon whom had made the glass yet it failed to capture his divinity but it was good enough for the time being. In the center back of the room on the raised platform was his larger throne chair that housed his loft position in his kingdom. Crafted out of the long dead Emerald Glades his throne was one of a kind. Radiate stones lined the outside of the chair with carvings of flight and trees could hold the imagination as sights of the older kings were forever ingrained into the wooden flesh. Above his head, inset into the wood, was the elder wing diamond. This diamond is the symbol of the will that goes forth once a gryphon takes flight. Taken from the last king, Zeradin uses the symbol as his right to rule over the Griffon Empire. Stone pillars lined a single path way covered in a royal red carpet. The basalt stone pillars created somber feelings when one would walk past; those pillars hold many battles engraved in the mighty stone. Spanning all the way to the door from the throne that carpet was one of the most conforming carpets in the land. No other carpet could be worthy holding the claws or hooves from other lands. A good six hundred and sixty paw lengths separated his throne from the other side of the throne room.

The large, metal studded, wooden doors suddenly burst open to reveal a griffin captain that went by the name Corymbus. Corymbus was dressed in golden plate armor' gleaming in the evening sun. A red plume stuck straight out accentuating his rank and giving him a sense of regality. A ceremonial officer's sword hung at his side; its grip adorned heavily with gold and rubies. One could tell that Corymbus loved to look at his own reflection. There was no doubt that he would die without a mirror. Corymbus's fur looked as a deep forest trunk, dark brown, showing its age to all those who would look upon the old tree.

Unannounced, Corymbus strode across the soft red carpet, right past the pillars towards his goal. His steps masked and his eyes narrowed in anger. On his face was a frown of disappointment for the land of the Gryphon Empire was about to get a wakeup call from him. His strides ever continuing towards his king to the point he was a mere thirty claw marks away. Dipping his head forward the king, Zeradin raised a brow at his captain whom had meticulously stepped his way into the throne room.

“My king, your forces have driven the last of the rebels out of the land. They will pose no threat to your divine dreams.” Corymbus spoke to entice the king after all the hard work that he had done to protect the kingdom. Zeradin couldn’t help but be pleased with his most trusted captain.

“Corymbus, you have done well in the times where defeat was nearly upon us but I sense that this visits is more than a report?”

Corymbus nodded his head woefully, a look of grim tidings painting across his face. “Yes my king… the civil war of your empire has caused some heavy damage to the common folk’s crops across the land. Food has become very scarce; your citizens are starving and winter is coming soon. If something isn’t done soon there will be no food for your people.”

Zeradin sighed lightly after the terrible news of his kingdom assaulted his throne room. Food was going to be an issue and everyone knew that Gryffon Empire winters were some of the coldest around. If you weren’t indoors by nightfall then you would be never seen again. Zeradin placed his steel officer sword back into the adored black scabbard. With both of his hands free Zeradin stood up. He ignored his captain for a moment while his head was swimming with thoughts of what could done about the new problems. Steeping towards the nearby windows of colored glass, Zeradin stare out at the brilliant orange sunset. The thoughts concerning the food wracked his mind, possible plans were coming together but Corymbus was a bit more impatient about what was to be done.

Corymbus’s eyes followed Zeradin as he walked to the window. Raising a brow at his king, “Sire? What are your plans? You can’t put this off.” Corymbus ‘s words stung for a moment but Zeradin turned around to face his captain.

“Have some faith Corymbus, I haven’t let down the people yet… we are going to need a place where food is abundant since our gold reserves are low at this time.” Zeradin’s eyes flickered over to one of the pillars where the griffon king Adrais was locked in combat with the late Starlight. Then it dawned on him, Equstria was a large country with fertile land worthy of growing any sort of crop or food. Yes a plan was coming together, but he would need his people by his side to take on the Equstrias. “Corymbus… contact the current princess or whatever is ruling Equstria right now. I have a little planning to do.”

Corymbus looked stunned, never before had a griffon king summoned the Equstria royalty like they were at his beck and call but who would he be to deny his king. Corymbus bowed to his king swiftly “It will be done my liege.” Standing up quickly he went straight for the door post haste.

Zeradin listened to the wooden door closing behind Corymbus to signify that his captain was now on his assigned mission. Zeradin clasped his claws together and laughed to himself. “Everything is coming together… he world will be mine.” He said aloud because who would be listening to his plans?

Hidden away was another, a shadow of pony that had purple glowing eyes shine out from the darkness behind a tapestry. The creature has been watching Zeradin since this morning but something wasn't right since Zeradin had been talking about an attack. The creature melded into the shadows. In a quick moment the shadow disappeared when Zeradin’s eyes flickered to look at what ever had been watching him. Shrugging Zeradin left the throne room to start his plans.