Romantic Shock

by PrincessSongBird

First published

After shining armour and cadence get married, shining armour has a shock comeing...

When shining armour and cadence finally get married, luna has a sudden lust for shining, and cadence will have to compete with THAT kind of love...

Chapter 1 "Wedding Bell Blues"

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"I'm so happy for them." Princess Celestia sighed, as the jeweled wedding carriage was pulled away in the streets.
"As for I am too, sister." Celestia's younger sister, Princess Luna said as she turned to her. It was the night of the Royal wedding that had happened between Shining Amour, and Princess Cadence. Luna looked at the carriage and squinted from the sparkling reflection from all those jewels. She turned her gaze to the sparkling moon above Canterlot, and her stomach lurched, from remembering the horrible memories there. Luna had been trapped on the moon for a melinum, and had gotten back, over 2 years ago, when the Elements had freed her.
"Luna, are you alright?" Celestia said, with a worried tone, looking at her younger sister.
"I'm okay, just a bit tired.." Luna replied, her frown, turning into a weak smile at her sister.
* * *
Luna had a dream that night.
Luna was walking down a pathway where suddenly, shining amour had appeared, and so did cadence.
Shining amour and Cadence were yelling at each other, and then suddenly, cadence was gone.
Shining amour smiled at Luna, and grasped her hoove, kissing it and then blackness.
Luna awoke with a start, sweat trickling across her face. She let go of the covers she was holding, and felt the cool night air on her hooves. She got out of bed, and walked to her balcony opening, looking at the stars. She sighed, and started humming a small song, stopping everyonce in a while. She was humming a song her mother had sang to her as a young filly. Luna couldn't remember her mothers face, but the way she spoke. Luna looked at the beautiful red roses in the flower boxes in her balconey rails.

She plucked one out of its spot, holding it with her light blue arura magic, studying the red pedals. She sighed and set it in a vase by her bed, and sat down, sighing. She did'nt know why, but, she felt an aching in her heart, like it was missing something. She shook her head and pressed her hoove on her forehead. Just try an get some rest, your visiting the empire tomorrow... Luna thought. She pulled the covers over her wings, and layed down, drifting off to sleep once more.

Chapter 2 "3 Years Later..."

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Luna was sitting on her concrete slab balconey, looking down on Canterlot. The busy town was bustling with busy mates and stallions, and filly and colts. Luna sighed and set her chin on the golden baloney rail, feeling the cool metal under chin.
"I see your looking upon the town, Princess?" A voice said, behind her. She turned her head behind her, seeing a brown draqonaquis with a small smile on his face.

"Discord, how quaint of thou to see me." Luna said, smiling at him.
"We'll its not often i get to see my two favorite princesses, now is it?" Discord said, teleporting to Luna, and hugging her. Luna seemed to ignore him, and continue look out onto the bustling city. She sighed and looked back at discord. His smile turned into a frown, and his eyes went sad as well. "Awww, what's wrong, Luna?" Discord asked, as he pulled her closer to him.
"I'm fine just...wondering.." Luna replied, looking at Discord with a small frown.
"About the future, like what stallion I'm going to marry...".
"We'll, I'm not a match maker ya know." Discord said with a bit of a rude tone in his voice.
"I know discord, I just wanted to tell you." Luna said back to him. Hours past while Discord and Luna sat, talking and laughing, watching and singing songs they knew.

" Well, I guess I better head back to see Celestia, Luna." Discord said, looking at a watch he contoured in his hand.
"Oh, alright." Luna replied. Discord got up and ruffled Luna's mane, cause in her flowing mane, to stop rippling for a minute.
"See ya, Luna." Discord said, and smiled as he walked out of Luna's room. Luna sat, looking at the rose she had picked off her balconey, three years ago. She sighed and sat back down on the balconey, and laid her head down on balcony once more

When Luna sat down at the dining table in the royal palace, her sister set down her fork, and smiled at her. "Glad to see you joined us, this time." Celestia said to Luna. Discord was sitting at the table with them, eating a bowl of paper bits.
Heh, random discord. Luna thought.
Always eats paper out of spell books. Luna started to eat a seasoned salad, with carrots, and then stopped, looking at her sister. Celestia was eating the same thing as Luna, but with dressing. That was unusual for Celestia, she only ate that for a specail occasion.
"Luna, I have an announcement to make." Celestia said smiling. "Luna, I'm engaged to Discord." Celestia said, as she held up an engagement ring, on a necklace.

Chapter 3 "Engagement"

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Luna was so shocked, her magical blue arura vaporized around the fork, and it dropped to the floor. "W-WHAT!?!?" Luna stammerd, sweat trickling down her forehead. "YOUR MARRYING HIM!?!?!?"
"Luna calm down!" Celestia exclaimed, firmly.
"Sister, your makeing a big mistake!!!" Luna yelled again. "THS IS CRAZY!!!!"
Luna felt tears wel up in her eyes. She couldn't bare the thought of Celestia running off with Discord, and leaving her behind. Luna got up from her seat, and ran down the hall, into her room. The chair was knocked over from when she had got up, and Discord straitened it. Celsestia sighed, and coverd her face with her hooves. "Luna....." Celestia whisperd to herself. Discord looked back at the white coated mare, and his gaze slowley lowerd to the floor. Luna slammed the door behind her, and pressed her back agenst the door, locking it. Tears rolled down her cheeks, leavening wet trail marks along her blue fur. She inhaled sharply, struggling to catch her breath from the
shock. She slid her back down the door, and sat down, her curled mane piece covering her face. She sobbed, for almost what seemed like forever, until a knock came at the door. Luna's head lifted almost immediately and got up. "Luna?" Discord's voice answerd. "Go away, discord..." Luna said softly.

"I just want to tal-" Discord started, until Luna replied;
"I SAID GO AWAY!!!!" Luna screamed, her eyes flashing a yellow color. "Just go away..."
Luna's voice broke into a sob again, and Discord put his claw on the door.
"Come talk to us when you feel like it...." Discord said, as a. Small tear formed in his eye. "I'll leave now..."
Luna had realized something. She had lost her only friends-- the friends she cared about....gone...away from her grasp. She got up and walked to her bed. "What have I done...." Luna whispered to her self. Luna closed her eyes tight, and cried, for what seemed like forever. Another knock came at the door, but a different male voice spoke.
"Luna? Are you okay, I heard crying." The voice asked. Luna recognized the scratchy voice. Shining Armor. Luna blushed, and wondered why Shining would be here.

"I-I'm fine...." Luna answered, wiping her tears away, afraid Shining would notice.
"Come in, if you want." Luna said, blinking to make sure her vision was right. The white, blue maned stallion trotted in. His royal armor was gone, and he he had a small frown on his face.
"Hi, princess." Shining Armor said, as he bowed on his forelegs. Luna smiled, and touched his shoulder. "No need for that, prince." She said as she chuckled. Shining chuckled as well and got up.
"I came to talk about something..." Shining said. "Come on, sit and ill tell you."

(Please play this youtube track while you read!!!)