by TheGreatEater

First published

Angel Bunny, 10th level cleric for the dark bunny god Little Bunny Fu Fu, unleashes Bunnyocalypse and takes over Equestria.

Angel Bunny Takes Over Equestria

Crack-Horror fic, for Nightmare Night [well an early fic for Nightmare Night]. Angel Bunny with Zebrican Voodoo, Luna's old grimoire, and Draconic magic [Thu'ums] transforms into a vessel of Darkness to bring forth the Bunnyocalypse. The prophesied end of days when bunnies shall rule the world. With the blessing of Little Bunny Fu Fu, what horrors shall Angel his Dark Cleric unleash upon the world?

Artwork: Myself [using an Antylamon Recolor, and a minor touch up of Fluttershy from one of her MLP.Wikia gallery pics.] Bunny-Lightsaber was mine.

Abandon Hope Ye Who Enter Here.

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Angel Bunny looking over the cauldron in Zecora’s home made sure that all of the ingredients were in place. While he looked at that bound and gagged zebra looking at him in confusion. He knew that soon her unasked questions would be answered. Then she’d be the first sacrifice to the almighty power of Fu Fu’s cleric. Fu Fu, the little bunny god, was revered amongst the rabbits of the Everfree, or at least that’s what Angel came up with when he saw a strange book in Twilight’s library.

After all what other than a bunny god would so hilariously go and kill those wretched field mice. The only thing worse than field mice were squirrels, but those unholy abominations of the rodent world would get there’s soon. But I guess some backstory is required. It all started several moons ago. Angel had found a book that depicted Little Bunny Fu Fu, and Angel incorporated it into a deity in the pet’s weekly LARP game.

When it occurred to him, he was super smart for a bunny, but was always under the heel of inferior species that he needed to feed him and clean him. But they were always to busy to drop whatever they were doing and serve his every whim. So he decided that needed to change, and the only way to do that was to release the long heralded and waited upon Bunnypocalypse. Well at least for bunnies at least, it was in their oral stories, of a great calamity that would make their species the superior race.

So now it was in Angel’s paws to make that happen. Thus the reason Zecora was bound and gagged as Angel Bunny looked at several books he “borrowed” from Twilight. After he bludgeoned Spike and stole some scales, then slipped a sleeping draught into Twilight’s tea. The books in questions were a Zebrican Voodoo, a rare book on Dragon Spells (or Thu’ums), and Luna’s Grimoire she made pre-banishment that was given to Twilight for her birthday.

Into the cauldron he mixed several gallons of essence of poison joke, a quart of liquified ergot, several liters of hash oil for the base and a gallon of orphan tears. With a squeaky laugh he started the spell. Dumping in Twilight’s blood, and a newts eyeball he squeaked part of the spell asking for Fu Fu to bless him so that he could enslave all within his grasp.

With a flourish he threw in Spike’s scales and squeaked a bunny approximation of the black magic translated into Thu’ums for transformation and dark blessings. Finally he added sacrificed what was most important to him, his fluffy tail. Finishing the dark ritual with a few last lines squeaked out with megalomaniacal glee. As he did so the cauldron let loose a burst of infernal smoke stinking of brimstone and pain. With a smile Angel knew it was time and jumped into the concoction.

The pot swirled and shook, the sound of a thousand souls screaming in torment filled the air. And Zecora who was still bound and gagged wet herself in terror from the evil radiating from the cauldron. The hut filled with an ominous, evil, red light as blood dripped from the walls. Then just as it all started everything returned to normal just as a giant monster arose with a deep, sadistic laugh.

It looked like a bunny, merged with myths of a human, and parts of a dragon mixed in. It had a rabbit like head, with glowing red eyes, clothed in a strange outfit, and arms as long as it was. And sporadically marking it were strange symbols almost like evil eyes, tartarus bent to find and steal the souls of good pony folk. As the monstrosity undid the gag Zecora could think of one thing to say, “Fuck me!”

“Bo Dii Qeth, Orin,” Angel Thu’umed slyly, before facepalming and speaking in Equestrian as Zecora was trying to fulfill the spell while gagged, “I meant to say ‘jump my bones indeed. But I have a use for you beside as my sex slave for now. So … Oblaan!”

Angle’s deep, rich timbre echoed throughout the room as he stopped the Thu’um. As he did Zecora looked gratefully at him thinking he had some morals still within his monster-bunny head. This spoke volumes that she didn’t know him at all. With a grin, Angle took her staff, and channelling his dark magic through it zapped her with a sickly red light. It’s magical aura wrapping around her, and when it released. There stood a zebra themed bunny that was as big as a pony. With a cute little mane-hawk, and her cutie mark stamped on her cute bunny flank. With a wave of his hand and a Thu’um in his voice he crushed her free will and laughed at the swirling green spiral that showed that her will was his to control.

“I want you to go near Fluttershy’s house and wait for my word. Soon we shall start our conquering of the world and release the Bunnypocalypse,” Angel sang darkly.

Angel slinked out of the Everfree with the grace of a wereleopard, at the moment he was wondering if he needed to roll a D6 to see how his social interaction was going to go with Fluttershy, but he groaned when he remembered that tortoise had the dice in his shell. Keeping them hidden from their negligent slaves. Or in Tanks case his “friend”. Angel shuddered at the lack of propriety Tank showed, what with his love and loyalty to a creature who was put on this planet to serve his every whims.

But with the pushover that Flutters was he only needed to use the proper Thu’um to turn her to the darkside. And as the ever loving, and generous bunny he was, he would let her keep her pony form. So that she could serve him until her dying days as his left hand doe, or whatever it was female ponies called themselves. It was something Angel never took notice too since he was too busy plotting the fall of all sentient beings and giving rise to bunnies as the superior species.

Even if mice and dolphins thought themselves the smartest, Angel knew that bunnies were the wises. All praise Fu Fu! And with that Angel and Zecora entered the cottage where Fluttershy was working on getting dinner ready for the other lesser animals. At least in Angel’s opinion. Fluttershy turned around and at the sight of Angel paled, her body crumpling upon itself with a look of pure terror in her eyes.

Pointing his staff at her he yelled, “Vokun Hahdrim Bel!” Summoning the dark side of the force within her. Filling her soul with the darkness she bottled within her, and he laughed as she let out a tortured scream as a red fire erupted from her flesh as the good within her was purged.

“Oh Fu Fu! I love being able to speak. It’s so much more fun to be able to use actual spells rather than pretending I’m laying waste to the world,” Angel chuckled.

Fluttershy looked at him lustily, and thankfully this isn’t a clopfic or things would’ve turned weird in a heartbeat, Since when did I start breaking the fourth wall? Angel mused to himself as Fluttershy stalked to him.

“Oh Angel! You’ve been a bad bunny, using black magics, turning Zecora into a bunny, what should I do with you?” Flutters purred.

“Serve me vile woman, and make me a sandwich before I start working my pimp hand on you,” Angel said sarcastically. Drawing a huff from Fluttershy as she went and made Angel a sandwich, as it was done she felt it was missing something. So she lured a baby mouse from it’s parents, kneeled down as if she was going to nuzzle it. And bit off it’s head, using her newfound dark powers to bind its tasty soul to the meal to give it that special je ne sais quoi to the meal.

As the soulless body twitched as it’s body came to terms with its sudden termination Angel Bunny did something he had never done since he was a young kit. He gave Fluttershy a hug, “That’s the spirit. Well not for him, his soul’s mine. Good job wench. I knew making you my left hand doe was a smart move.”

The praise drew a blush from Fluttershy as Zecora stood mindlessly in the corner awaiting instructions from her lord and master. The new bunny god, Angel, the Holy Terror. Fluttershy nuzzled Angel while kicking the decapitated mouselet, “I’m glad you approve. So who are we going to destroy master?”

“Everyone! But first I must make you something special, a sword that will bunnify any creature you cut, unless it kills them instead … but that’s semantics. If they don’t change we can just eat them, after all bunnies eat meat too. It’s just something ponies like previous Fluttershy seemed to forget. Especially Alpha Bucks like Angel.

“Yum, sounds good. I haven’t eaten meat since opal decided to leave me some presents. So I had to teach her I knew how to hunt. It’s the reason she doesn’t hold me in contempt like she does Rarity. Oh! Can we eat Rarity? She always looked like she had tasty flanks,” Fluttershy asked. Although she thought Rarity’s flanks looked tasty for other reasons before being enlightened by the dark side. Now she was just hungry, hungry for ponies.

“We’ll see, now as for your gift.” Angel took the body of the mouselet and cast his dark magics upon it. Its carcass twisting and convulsing until it transformed into a wooden sword hilt with the hoofgaurd being in the shape of a butterfly. With the smallest tendril of pegasi magic Fluttershy would be able to form a sharp red blade of corrupting magic virally infecting her target with a Bunny transformation and mind control spell. Of course those who failed to transform would be sliced to bits as if they were cut with a regular lazer sword.

“Oh! Angel!” Fluttershy moaned. Giving the sword experimental swipes and slashes. ‘Accidentally’ stabbing some of her more annoying animal friends, only to see them die in sizzling clumps, “Let’s help our friends see the light, but first I need to cook these animals for my more meat eating friends.”

It took almost half an hour to turn the other Element Bearers. Unfortunately Spike, Big Mac, and Granny Smith weren’t able to transform. So they were placed over a spit and roasted for Angle’s growing appetite. Angel looked at Twilight, and was amazed that bunnified ponies kept their racial appendages and magics. Something that was going to make the next part of his plan so much easier.

“Twilight, I need you to draw a ritual hexagram around Ponyville and a summoning spell to get me a virgin dragon. We’d use Spike, but as you can see he’s slow roasting to perfection,” Angel said sadistically.

Tiny tears leaked from her eyes as she followed through with her master’s orders. The part of her mind still hers crying over the loss of her baby dragon. Wondering how Angel and the red-eyed demon that looked like Fluttershy could have overpowered everypony so quickly. With a burst of magic, she inscribed the ritual markings throughout the city. The burst of magic accidentally setting fire to Ponyville’s orphanage and Angels premier supply of orphan tears and orphan meat. But sacrifices are needed when performing dark apocalypse spells. Playing a level 10 Neutral Evil Cleric taught him that sacrifices were needed for power, sacrifices like his pet beetles, Timmy through Timmy Jr. The Fifth. As well as his favorite carrots that he stole from Golden Harvest when she started refusing him service just because he repeatedly attacked her with fiery dung balls and stones. Which was her fault for trying to charge him for what was rightfully his.

So it was with a sad, but accepting heart that Angel watched his fith favorite past time burst into flames. As the smoke cleared he watched as two dragons appeared where the orphanage used to be. A small smile formed as it clicked he got even more virgin sacrifices than he planned for, the male dragon spoke up first. His bright red scales and gruff exterior a stark contrast to the bejeweled green dragon beside him, “Hey! Who did this! I’m Garble Prince of the Sundering Waste and I demand to see who summoned me so that I may eat out there heart! I was just about to get it on with Crackle here, and that’s a party foul!”

Crackle just chuckled and started licking the ground in front of her. With a laugh Angel screamed, “Sil Suleyksejun Thur!” A mighty white light enveloped the dragons, as their bodies started be be transformed into a sacrificial energy. “Zahrahmiik Fah Faal Vul Gein!”

As he finished the Thu’um version of Luna’s old sacrifice spell the souls and bodies of Garble and Crackle were ripped to pieces and acted as fuel for Angels spell. Channeling his dark magic he flooded the lands with the bunny transformation, enslavement spell. Within moments most of Ponyville was transformed into his bunny minions. And those that weren’t were food for the superior race.

With an insidious wave of magic he wriggled into the minds of his slaves and collected his future snacks. As they gathered he let his voice carry over the crowd, “My loyal minions. Well not that you have a choice, but still it’s the thought or lack there of that counts. Still soon we shall rush upon Canterlot, and from there we shall take over the world!”

His zombie like minions cheered. There’s swirling eyes rotating in concert as their minds worked as one under Angel’s divine will. Forget that pony-slaveicorn Princess Twilight, Angel had gained godhood via good oldfashioned evil. Angel felt like he won the soul raffle lottery. Something the dark gods he prayed to refused to let him take part in all because of a little misunderstanding, and the lame good gods were angry at him for stealing the souls of their followers. How was he supposed to know stealing the souls of kits and kittens was a sin? When they were so fun to trade for favors. Now all that was left was the running of the horde.

The moon had risen over Canterlot and Luna sat in the dining hall with her sister for their shared brinner. The breakfast for one was the dinner for the other, and as they sat for their meal they couldn’t know the horror that was coming for them. At least not until the screams of the city echoed throughout the castle.

“Sister do you hear that?” Luna asked.

“Don’t be crazy Luna, if their was a problem we’d hear about it,” Celestia said with a wave of her hoof.

“Oh! My Goddess! The horrors, the horrors!” A staffpony said as she ran into the dining hall. Her totally forgettable, non-descript form of her earth pony body said as nearly collapsed only to be picked up by Celestia.

“... My little pony, I … can’t remember your name, but what’s the problem?”

“My name is Vague Whisp, and there is a stampede!”

Both sisters looked at each other about to launch to save their ponies, “A STAMPEDE OF BUNNIES!” Vague yelled. Which caused both sisters to facehoof with enough force to shake the walls from the force.

“Sister, I know things have gone to Tartarus since I left, but bunnies?” Luna asked.

“You don’t understand, they are -” Vague started to say. When a dark wave of evil magic washed throughout Canterlot when it was done Vague was a giant Bunny. With eyes that showed that she was brainwashed. Just as Celestia was about to say something a bright red flash shone in the room and when the light died down a giant demon bunny god stood before them, with a pegasi pony that resembled Fluttershy, except for her eyes that shone with an evil red.

“What are you demon?” Luna asked her legs trembling with fear.

“I’m Angle Bunny, the newest God of Equestria, and I’ve come to overthrow you,” Angel said sleezily.

“That horror of a bunny that was one of Fluttershy’s pets?” Celestia asked buying time while her summon Discord Spell was being charged.

“Well the only pet. I killed Toby, and bathed in his blood and drank his soul in the name of Fu Fu,” Angel said nostalgically, “And I am no pet, I! Am! A! God! Well at least now I am, I was a cleric. Now I’m so much more!”

“Well now you face something more than a god, you face, Dissy!” Celestia yelled as Discord was summoned. Only for Fluttershy to stab him in the dangly bits.

“Ow! Flutters, why?” Discord wheezed.

“So I could do this,” Flutters whispered before shooting eye-murder-lazors from her eyes blasting him to Angel who did the most destructive of Thu’ums, “Shoop-De-Whoop!” Blasting him back to Fluttershy who stabbed the bunny-light saber into whatever Discord had for a heart. Discord looked at Fluttershy with wide disbelieving eyes and transformed into a Bunny. Angel laughed at him uproariously, “That’s what you get for stealing my sofa! And trying to encroach on my territory slave! Mwahahahaha!”

Celestia looked at BunnyCord and slumped before asking, “Why?”

Angel towered over her before dealing his decisive blow, “Because I always hated -”

The Sun rose like it did every morning to the screeching lunacy of Richard the Cock, as Celestia’s ball of cancer inducing hate blasted into Angel’s little bunny eyes, blasted cancer ball! One of these days Little Bunny Fu Fu the prophecy will be complete and I shall unleash the Bunnyocalypse upon all of creation!” Angel thought as he squeaked obscenities upon the pony kind. Celestia and Luna in particular.

Grabbing his dice he rolled them in his paws as he thought maliciously, one of these days.