Beauty of the Night

by ChaoticAce

First published

Discord feels rejected and empty. Can this chaotic creature find peace?

Discord suffers from the same nightmare he's been having for months. He knows he doesn't fit in to Twilight's kingdom. Is there a place he does belong? Can Princess Luna really have the answer he was looking for?

Beauty of the Night

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Discord walked into the castle with a smile on his face. This time he was sure to be triumphant. He was sure to get a throne right next to Fluttershy's and help rule over Twilight's kingdom. Surely spreading love and friendship with little ponies wasn't so bad after all. With a snap of his fingers the doors of the castle opened for him. Confetti rained down on the inside. “I'm home everypony! I'm sure you're all pleased to see me!”

His moment of bliss was quickly shattered by a glare from Twilight herself. The purple unicorn's violet eyes flashed dangerously. His yellow eyes shifted hopeful as his gaze met the other five ponies. The master of Chaos smiled at the ponies. His smile was met with surprising bitterness. Twilight was the first to speak, as always. She shook off the confetti. Her leg muscles bulged as she spoke words through clenched teeth. “Your jokes can only be taken for so long. No one can take you seriously. We already have a party pony. We don't need another.”

Pinkie pie bounced around in the confetti. “Wee! Confetti angels!” She bounced next to Twilight. “Even though we don't really like Discord is it still okay to throw a party? Wait! I know! Maybe we can throw a party for banishing him! We can put up black and red balloons and maybe get some really depressing music!” A stare from twilight made Pinkie close her lips together. She copied the pony's glares and tried to look intense. She looked as about intimidating as a cupcake. Discord resisted the urge to turn her into one.

Rarity stood in front of Pinkie Pie. “All of this confetti is a bit much Darling. It really doesn't go with the atmosphere of the castle. Nor do any of the other 'gifts' you bring. Perhaps you should really consider studying up on etiquette of ponies and royalty before you make your appearance. What if we were holding a meeting?” Her stare softened as she said these words. Discord was glad that the pony of generosity could at least manage to give him a small smile. “I doubt that you are cut out for this type of work Darling.”

Discord felt his body shift as his eyes met the pony of honesty. Apple Jack gave him a stare that said she was smart enough to let the others do the talking. He then looked towards one of the most beautiful mares in all of Equestria—Fluttershy. His heart sank as he saw the sadness in her eyes as they stared into his. Her weak smile and slumped wings said it all. “Very well,” he sighed. “I suppose I should take my leave.” As he said this thunder sounded outside. Rain began to fall. He slumped away with one last look over his shoulder hoping any pony would stop him. Instead they continued staring him down; each in their own way. Discord's eyes widened a little as he saw a black shadow in the corner of the room. He thought about going to help them with the intruder but decided against it. He needed to be alone. It was clear the mares could take care of themselves.

Once outside Discord snapped his fingers and held up an umbrella. He sighed and walked past the little houses of small ponies. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the black shadow once more. The intruder seemed to be stalking him. He decided to take himself far away from the civilians before confronting the intruder. Thick woods stood before him in the dreary atmosphere. The woods seemed to be the perfect place for an encounter. The rain beat down on the canopy of pine branches. He could hear the sounds of the normal animals scampering about. They would no doubt find their way to Fluttershy. Discord's heart sank. No stallion or mare could ask for a better special somepony than her. She had the biggest heart out of any pony and now even she was forced to reject him. With a heavy sigh the master of chaos folded his wings. Was there any place in Equestria for him to go? The Crystal Empire seemed to reject him. He'd already had enough problems with Princess Celestia and her sister. Was there anywhere he hadn't earned a bad reputation?

Not wanting to do anything but sulk he closed his eyes. When his great yellow eyes opened he was in a new location. The blue sky spread across farther than any pony could see. Jagged rocks rose upwards and formed spikes. The great spikes towered overhead like mountains. They turned the moon into a half sun. The gothic imagery turned his attention to the black shadow perched on one of the spikes. From where Discord stood it was directly in front of the moon revealing a glistening mane and tail that blended in with the night sky. He sighed once more and appeared next to the princess.

“It's very rude to interrupt my dreams.”

“A dream is an enjoyable experience.” Luna looked at him with knowing blue eyes. “This would be referred to as a nightmare. Night after night you relive your rejection as if it will help you change the way things are.”

He sat down next to the princess and smirked. “No worries. I'm Discord; master of chaos! I can turn any frown,” he held up a white drama mask, “upside down!” The mask's sad expression quickly turned into a happy one. “No worries Princess. Not that you would worry in the first place.”

“On the contrary. I see the dreams and nightmares of many each night.” Luna turned towards him and extended her hoof. She gently touched his feathers. It could've been the light of the moon but Discord thought he saw a slight blush form in her cheeks. “You must accept what is in here before anyone can accept you. You must accept the good as well as the bad.” She took her hoof away and smiled softly. “Most ponies will never be able to see the beauty in the darkness. It's such a shame too.” Her mane glistened. A pale blue outline kept it from completely blending in with the night sky. Her onyx jewelry held a glow of its own under the moonlight. “You must also accept the pain that comes with unrequited love.”

His yellow eyes widened as his thoughts once again shifted to the pale yellow fur of the delicate little mare. “Fluttershy loves me.”

“Not in that way. She is far too innocent to take a mate and must stay that way. Jealousy is not an emotion for someone that holds the element of kindness.” The mare sat down next to Discord. Together they gazed up at the moon. “Friendship is the only thing any stallion, or being, can take from something as precious as Fluttershy. Besides, why would you want a pony so tame? You should be riding on the back of the wind chasing excitement. Chaos does not need a cage.”

“I'm more tame but I'm not caged.” Discord folded his arms. “Besides I can't go around acting how I used to. I wouldn't want to go around causing too much trouble.”

“On the right night a bit of trouble can be fun. Nightmare night is a prime example of this. I cannot allow myself to terrorize people in the form I once took. I can terrorize people for fun on Nightmare Night.” Luna's eyes held the reflection of the moon completely illuminating her bright blue eyes. If Discord didn't know any better he'd think she was inching closer to him. He was pretty sure that he must've been imaging things. An x in the dirt appeared in between them to be sure.

“I want to be by her side even if friendship is all I can have. I'd eventually like to take a mate.” Did he really just admit that? To Luna of all ponies? “Settle down. Have a nice little ranch or something. Maybe grow some cotton candy trees.” This sounded like something Pinkie Pie would want. Was she an acceptable mate? “She was the one who taught me the meaning of friendship; my first friend.”

At this Luna's ears twitched. Her head shifted downwards slightly. She let out a soft sigh. “You really have forgotten everything, haven't you?” They had lived out over several ponies' lifetimes. It wasn't strange that Luna would point out if he'd forgotten something. Was she the type of pony to hold a grudge? Her horn glowed with a blue hue. The ground beneath them began to swirl. Soon they were in another location. This time they were in a cave outside of Ponyville. A small creature stood slumped over a small flame.

“I was so cute,” Discord said with a devious smirk. The smaller Discord snapped his fingers and made a bed appear under him. He pretended to enjoy this solitude but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes that couldn’t be hidden. “I was rejected from Ponyville.” His tail slumped and his yellow eyes narrowed at the painful memory. Yes, he in fact used to live in Ponyville amongst all the ponies. They once lived in unison until they started to get old enough to realize that the master of chaos was different. He didn't have hooves. His flanks were different. His body was elongated. Discord couldn't seem to recall who his parents were. At sundown all the little ponies returned to their parents. Discord slept alone. He remembered the teasing that lead to him slipping away and making a home: that cave. Closing his eyes he turned away not wanting to face Luna. Oddly enough he ended up doing so anyway.

A tiny filly just barely big enough to fly was making her way towards the cave. She spotted the flame. The blue filly's mane and tail were light enough that they were easily noticeable in the night sky. Her mane was also a lighter blue. The small alicorn landed gracefully. She folded her wings onto her back and smiled. “There you are! There are ponies looking for you everywhere!”

The child Discord looked at her and smiled a little. “No they aren't.”

“The stallions and mares are! Even Cia seems to be worried.”

Her attempt was endearing. He got up on his awkward feet and walked towards the princess. “Don't worry about me. I'm off looking for my parents.” This was an obvious lie but she seemed to fall for it. He made a white lily appear in his hand. He put it behind her ear. “Princesses shouldn't worry.”

“I'll come visit you every night! I hope you find them soon!” The memory faded and Discord turned to Luna. They were both on the jagged spikes. “You stopped coming back soon. I came to check on you a few times. You just disappeared. When we met again you became jaded. I wish I could've been there in your time of need. I made a promise back then to keep coming back for you no matter what.” She smiled and oustretched her wings. The soft blue feathers rubbed up against Discord's body in a way that gave him goose bumps. “I too have felt unrequited love. There is light in the darkness; good in evil. You can be chaotic good. You have it in you.” She leaned up against his chest. Looking down at her made Discord smile. The prettiest mare in all of Equestria was laying on his chest. He ran his talons through her soft mane. “Go. Be free like the wind. Go explore new depths, but come back this time.” She looked into his eyes and smiled. “Do not let the ponies that isolate you rule you. Do not let their prejudiced turn you again.”

Discord looked down at the mare and kissed her lips gently. He pulled away and closed his talons. “You have my word.” He opened them again and made a black rose appear. He placed the rose in her hair behind her mane and began gently stroking the petals with a claw. Each stroke added a silver sheen. He kissed her again allowing his forked tongue to slip into her mouth. The princess kissed back just as passionately allowing her hooves to run down his back. The two began to kiss more intensely. Luna soon found herself pulling him ontop of herself more wanting his tongue deeper in her mouth. She craved the warmth that she only felt when with him.

“Redemption is possible,” she muttered as their kiss broke. “You'll never be alone.”

“Shhhh...” Discord placed his talon over her lips not being able to bare the torture of apart from her. He nuzzled down her neck and began to trail soft kisses. Using his powers the sensation and warmth each kiss brought pulsated throughout her body. Luna let out a soft moan. His forked tongue trailed down her neck and across her shoulder lightly. Small spikes began to trail down her back lightly increasing the pleasure. Luna's hind quarters grew increasingly wet. She stared into his eyes longingly and turned around. Kneeling over she flipped her tail upwards revealing a tight pink slit. Her pulsating pussy longed for something to fill her. As if answering his princess's request his long forked tongue lapped at her lips. The soft fur of his lion paw rubbed her delicate clit. He began to move it in circular motions. His yellow eyes watched in delight as her inner muscles tightened.

“Please,” Luna whispered gently. “I don't know how much longer I can stand it.” Soft petals began to tease her sensitive nipples as his talon pressed against her entrance. The sweet folds began to taste even more divine as more juices flowed downwards. The petals rubbed against her nipples more roughly. Their velvety feel drove her to start instinctively thrusting. With one thrust he was inside of her forcefully. Her muscels tightened against his talon and tongue. He longed to be inside of her. The feel of her folds caressing him and the tastes of his juices made clear fluid start coating the head of his cock. Discord let out a grunt as he fought back the urge to be inside of her. His forked tongue explored her while his talon focused more on teasing and widening her entrance. The lion paw rubbed up against her clit more roughly.

Luna began to moan in ecstasy. Soon she could resist it no more. Sweet love juice from her climax filled Discord's mouth. He took it down in a big gulp and moved out of her. Feeling his warmth leave her Luna let out a small whimper. Discord kissed her spine and began sweetly rubbing his head against her body. “Yes! Please! Please take me!” With a hard thrust his member was inside of her. At first her slit was too tight to take it all. Gentle petals and him stroking her back lovingly helped her stay stimulated enough to make it pleasurable. He could still hear her grunts of slight pain as he worked his way inside her sweet folds. Each thrust was slow and hard as he felt her tight folds give in. The warm juices felt even better against his cock as he pressed down into her. Her muscles began shaping to his member. Soon they were rubbing against his head in such a way that it was hard not to cum.

“Deep breath,” he ordered. Luna obeyed. Discord pulled out not being able to wait much longer to fully fill the princess. The cold air was against his shaft. The only part of him that could feel her sweet folds was his head. The petals stopped rubbing her breasts. His lion paw gently stroked the soft fur on her back helping her to relax her muscles. Then—WAM! With one big thrust his was finally all the way inside.

“Oh!” Luna gasped feeling a little startled. Her startled gasp began to turn into squeaks of pleasure as he continued to thrust into her. One of the flower petals found its way onto her clit. The rhythm of the petals increased on her breasts. The petal on her clit pressed down and began rubbing side to side hard. “Yes!” Luna dug her hooves into the rocks while arching her back upwards. “I...I can't hold back much more! Cum with me!” The two released together beneath the moonlight. Panting the two fell into a ball. Discord coiled around Luna. The princess folded her wings partially still allowing her feathers to lay draped over the master of chaos himself. She felt his hot seed within her and felt content. The pair nuzzled and lay beneath the stars. The misfits allowed themselves to sink into a deeper subconscious slumber where not even dreams could reach them.

Princess Celestia looked at her parchment and sighed. There was so much work to be done. Where in Equestria's name was Luna? She knew that Luna had to raise the moon but that didn't mean that her sister had to stay out all night! Feeling frustrated Celestia trotted to her sister's door. She let out a frustrated sigh to help ease the annoyance she felt. The last thing she needed was to wake Luna the wrong way. They didn't have time for the arguing and the drama today. Her horn glowed a soft pink as the door cracked open to Luna's chambers. The door revealed a strange tail not belonging to her sister, but one that looked like it belonged to---!!!!

Celestia shook her head. No. That was impossible! Soon she gently opened the door the rest of the way revealing Luna and Discord coiled up in a ball on her bed. A black rose shimmered with a silverish tint in the light. Discord and Luna snuggled closer and began to nuzzle on another in their sleep. Celestia's eyes grew wide for a minute. She didn't know what to think.

Twilight Sparkle. Yes. Luna closed the door carefully and trotted out of the hallway. That was the alicorn that would help her complete her tasks for the day. Perhaps she would take this time to teach her some new lessons. Was that cum on Luna's bed? Did the two of them mate? Why was her mind going back to that? Twilight. Duties. HER SISTER WAS HAVING SEX WITH DISCORD. Her sister mating was a gross enough thought as it was, but with Discord? She tried to resist cringing. She was a pony to admire. Somepony that everypony could look up to and admire. Perhaps she should ask Twilight's and Cadence's advice on the situation? What was becoming of Ponyville these days? And Equestria for that matter.

Celestia trotted outside to look at the blue sky. The Wonderbolts finally managed to clear it from the bad storm. The other ponies were cleaning up around town. The wise alicorn looked up to the sky. She was hoping that Fluttershy and Discord would become a thing. Luna was too wild to tame the beast inside of him. Were they capable of taming the beasts within one another? Would this result in a greater harmony than even the elements could create or would this result in something even worse than Nightmare moon?