The Victorious, the Gentle, and the Tiny

by Blobskin

First published

Shining Armor was victorious in their card game. Now, him and gentle Cadence have themselves a shrunken stallion toy to play with.

Shining Armor was victorious in their card game. Now him and gentle Cadance have themselves a tiny stallion toy to play with.

Chapter 1: Intro

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"I win! Full House!" Shining Armor declared as he slammed his cards down on the table, sending bits, cigars, and poker chips flying.

Orion wasn't sure if it was tears welling up in his eyes or if it was the enormous quantities of alcohol he'd consumed that made his own pitiful hoof of cards blurry. Either way, the grass green pegasus swayed back and forth in his seat as he desperately tried to will his meager pair of threes into something better than a Full House. Unfortunately, they refused to cooperate.

"You know what that means?" Shining continued to celebrate like a drunk. "I get the whole pot!" He grinned as he wrapped his hooves around the messy pile of things they'd both tossed in the center of the table. Including, but not limited to: bits, hoofball cards, a few shoes, a broken comb, an empty beer bottle, and a broom that actually belonged to the bar. "And that's not all. You have to--" a hiccup stopped him from completing his own sentence.

"I know I know I... know..." Orion mumbled as the world turned sideways and went black.


The next thing the pegasus knew he was waking up cradled in soft pink arms next to a warm fire. He groaned as he rolled in their grasp and brought a hoof to his head in an attempt to end the throbbing. His stomach felt like it was doing back-flips and his skull wanted to peel itself down the middle. Orion had just learned a valuable lesson: hangovers suck.

"You're awake?" a gentle mare's voice came from above like an angel.

Orion lazily lifted his gaze to hers before going wide-eyed. Jumping out of her grasp, he scrambled a short distance away so he could bow to Princess Mi Amora Cadenza.

"You shouldn't be moving around, not after the night you've had," she cautioned sincerely.

Orion blinked with confusion plastered across his face. Then he fell over, his legs suddenly remembering the wild binge he had foolishly been a part of.

"Ah, what the -- what's going on? Why do my legs hurt and why is my head... just... pounding?" Orion whined as he squeezed his temples, eyes sealed shut.

"Easy easy," Cadance soothed as she moved to hold him again. She laid him on the floor and began to massage his head.

"Ah, that feels good," Orion hummed happily. Then some sense of reason came back to him. "Why am I in... your chambers?"

Cadance sighed. "My husband got you quite drunk last night. Then he dragged you here after you collapsed and had the nerve to ask me to care for you while he too was intoxicated beyond... beyond all common sense!" She shook her head sadly. Of course she couldn't deny help to a stallion who clearly needed it. "What were the two of you thinking drinking so much?" she quizzed with a scowl written across her muzzle.

Orion grinned nervously. "We were having a card game."

She merely raised an eyebrow.

"At a local pub."

Cadance said nothing.

"With beer."


"We had fun!" Orion asserted defensively.

"Was it worth it?"

"For now." Orion couldn't help but wonder where Shining had gone after dropping him off. Hopefully he had already forgotten about the bet. The bet Orion clearly remembered losing.

Cadance noticed his grimace even though he tried to hide it. "Is something wrong?"

Orion really didn't want to tell her, but lying to Shining's wife didn't sound very nice. "We had a rather... unusual bet. And I lost."

Cadance rolled her eyes. "I'm sure it won't be that bad."

"Well... that's just it. The bet kind of included you."

It was Cadenza's turn to blink in confusion. "Shining made a wager that included me? Without my permission?"

Orion nodded.

"But you lost the bet."

"Uh," Orion didn't want to continue explaining.

"So what is supposed to happen now?" she asked calmly.

"Th-things..." he droned off.

"Honey, I'm home!" Shining's voice echoed from downstairs.

"Would you excuse me for just one moment?"

By the time Orion could register the joyful expression that flashed across the mare's face, she had already trotted out of the room and closed the door behind her. The sound of hooves clicking down a marble staircase filled the room a moment later. "I think I'll just rest here for a while," Orion mumbled to himself. Lying on his back by a lit fireplace with a raging headache was as good a plan as any.


"There you are!" Shining smiled at his wife as she entered the den. "How's my buddy doing?"

Cadance pranced up to her husband with a small smile. "He's just fine. Did you two have fun at the pub?"

"Why yes we did." The two nuzzled. "We enjoyed excellent drinks and I took all of Orion's bits."

"And you even won the game."

Shining grinned. "Yes I did."

"What was the bet?" she asked slyly, pressing against him and running a hoof down his chiseled chest.

"That he'd join us in a night of passion," Shining spoke huskily.

"Just a three-way?" Cadance quizzed with a slight frown.

"Baby, you wanted me to bring something exciting and new to the bedroom." Shining brought his lips to hers for a quick kiss.

"So what then?" Cadance pressed, genuinely curious.

"Orion agreed to become our little toy."

"Bondage?" she asked, her lids rising with slight interest.

Shining chuckled. "In a sense. He agreed to be shrunk."

Cadance pulled away from her husband to look him in the eye. "Shrunk?" He nodded. "How ever did you get him to agree to that?"

Shining grinned. "You can get a pegasus to agree to anything with a little alcohol. They're major lightweights, especially Orion."

Cadance hummed happily while a smirk spread over her muzzle. "You bad boy. I bet you used a spell to protect yourself," she scolded playfully and moved in for another kiss.

"We going to start here or do you want to get acquainted with our newest partner first?"


Orion lay on the floor, groaning in agony as the faint sound of hooves tapped their way up the stairs once again. Moments later the double doors of the bedroom were thrown open and in walked the smiling rulers of the Crystal Empire. Honestly, Orion wasn't expecting this. He was sure their wager would make Cadenza flip.

Did Shining chicken out and lie to her about the bet? Orion wondered. That must have been it.

"I see you're enjoying that fireplace," the mare greeted cheerfully.

"Uh... yeah. It's... um... nice?" He wasn't sure what to say right now.

Shining snickered and closed the door. "Hey, how's your head?"

"Not good," he relented. "Thanks for looking after me and all, but I should really get home." Orion stood on four shaky hooves and tried to walk past Cadance, but he immediately collapsed. Luckily, she was quick enough to catch him.

"Easy easy. You're still suffering from all that drinking. Why don't you lay down so we can fix you up?" she suggested kindly.

Orion reluctantly agreed. "You're probably right. I could use... a bed." The next thing he knew Shining was levitating him to their bed. In a snap he was lying on the plush surface, comfy beyond belief. "Thanks?"

"No problem. It's the least I can do for my new toy," Shining replied with a suggestive wink.

Orion blinked. "What did you say?"

"What, you think I forgot about our wager?"

"Come on Shining, there's no way Cadance would--"

"I quite like the idea!" she cut in, draping a leg over her husband's shoulder.

"You do?" Orion asked, dumbfounded. "But you're the Princess of Love and you're supposed to be, like, the most loyal wife in the world!" She simply pouted cutely in his direction. "You'll be cheating on your husband with a stallion you don't even know," he reiterated.

"What are you talking about? My husband is right here!" She made out with Shining for a moment to make her point.

Shining caught the shock on Orion's face and decided to explain it in simpler terms. "You're just going to be our plaything, she's still going to be making love to me."

There was a long pause before Orion spoke again. "Okay..."

"So you'll still do it?" Cadance hopped forward excitedly.

"I guess? I mean, if you're okay with it then we're all good to go. Right?"

The mare squealed and tapped her hooves together. "Oh this is going to be so much fun! Who gets the first turn with him?" she directed the question at Shining.

Orion was about to ask what she meant, but Shining was quicker. "You get the first turn my little blossom. I'll make us some tea while you have your alone time. Be gentle though," he instructed as he moved back towards the door. "I want a working toy when it's my turn."

"I promise not to break him!" she singsonged to the closing door. Then she turned back to Orion. "First-things-first. Let's take care of that hangover and get you tiny!"

"We're doing it tonight? Right now!?"

Cadance tittered. "You're a bit slow on the uptake aren't you?"

He sputtered for a response to that.

"I like you," she lolled happily.

Chapter 2: Cadance

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Orion was sweating as Cadenza stepped back and lit her horn. He stared into the pink glow for several seconds before jumping in his skin when it fired into his head and vanished. He blinked the spots from his eyes as a sudden feeling of relaxation came over him. The pounding in his temples vanished and a pleasant ebb took its place. He sighed at the sensation. Cadance grinned when he closed his eyes to bask in it. Then she quickly hit him with the shrink spell.

Orion couldn't describe it, but it was like his limbs were compacting in on themselves and his chest was being squeezed. While it wasn't painful, it did make him very uncomfortable. Opening his eyes, Orion looked to the mare for an explanation, but she merely gave him an innocent grin while her tail swayed rather quickly behind her. Then he had a spontaneous loss of breath and the world shot up around him. The next thing Orion knew he was only five centimeters (two inches) tall.

The pink alicorn squealed with delight before she was able to collect herself. She moved to the edge of the sheets and lowered her muzzle to Orion. "How are you feeling?" she asked quietly.

Orion shook his head to clear the sense of vertigo he was feeling. "A l-little n-nauseous," he stuttered. "You're really big," he then added in awe.

Cadance pouted. "If that's a comment about my weight, you're in big trouble."

Orion laughed timidly. "Maybe I don't want to do thi-"

"Let's get started!" she cut him off with an ecstatic giggle.

Orion would have said more, but he was interrupted by Cadance diving over his head onto the mattress! The shock wave sent him shooting into the air a respectable distance before falling back down with a few harmless bounces.

The pegasus shook his head and blinked. "Did that just happen?" he asked himself.

"Turn around," came a mare's sweet husky voice from behind him.

His fur felt electrified, his limbs tensed, and his throat was suddenly full of sand. It took all of his willpower just to move his neck.

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, the pink angel of love, was on her side with her precious belly exposed. A hoof brushed a lock of mane behind her ear revealing a pair of fluttering lavender eyes. That same hoof then moved down her neck, past her chest, and over a wing before coming to rest on her deliciously round flank. It was only now he realized how painfully naked Cadance was. No shoes, no necklace, and no crown. Just velvet smooth fur.

"You like?" she asked.

Orion fumbled with his words, "m-me like very m-much." His hoof immediately met his face. He sounded like some kind of idiot.

Cadance snorted in amusement. "I'll introduce you then."

A plush pink hoof filled Orion's vision and soon he was in its firm grasp. Lifting the shrunken pegasus into the air slowly, Cadance brought Orion to her face and studied him for a moment. Then she smiled and gave him a quick kiss. Her lips were as big as cartwheels to him and the rapid embrace covered his entire head. Without giving him time to react she then moved him down her body.

Orion felt his jaw drop. The hoof that controlled his fate had decided to show him to Cadenza's perfect ass. Those subtle curves, that tantalizing coat, the crevice hiding beneath her tail. So entranced at the view, Orion didn't even notice when the massive flanks were getting larger. Then he was abruptly pressed into the bubbly flesh.

Cadance took a deep breath and sighed, practically smearing Orion up and down her backside. He would have made a great bar of soap. Ooh, that was an idea! Maybe some day in the future the two of them could do this again in the bathtub. The thought made her hum even more as she massaged her left butt cheek with his body. Meanwhile, Orion felt like he was on fire as his hooves slid helplessly across the huge mare's smooth posterior. Her feminine aroma was drowning him as he was dragged along the curve of her rear. There was nothing but him and the princess's dominating ass.

Which is why he wanted to cry when he was suddenly pulled away from her warm embrace.

Cadance brought Orion back to her front and sighed sensually at the sight of his erection. Orion followed her eyes and blushed, pulling his limbs to his chest. But he did not attempt to cover his pride. She licked her lips and her hungry muzzle advanced. His eyes widened while hers closed. Cadenza's maw opened just enough for her ridged tongue to emerge. Orion could feel his heart threatening to jump right out of his chest as the organ brushed his shaft.

Orion moaned while the mare pulled away. Then she approached again and made another pass. Then another. Over and over she lapped at his privates, coating his cock and balls in sticky drool. And every time he would utter moans of pleasure. Orion's whole body was locking up. He didn't even care that his lower half was soaking wet. Then Cadenza's beautiful lips latched onto his rod and began to softly suckle. His ecstasy doubled.

Orion felt like he was going to pass out. He was practically foaming at the mouth. The strange guttural noises coming from his throat were the only indication he was even still alive. Cadance purred, causing her mouth to vibrate and Orion's limp body to twitch against her snout. She wanted to laugh at his reaction, but she was a little busy nursing on his dick. She did, however, bring her tongue back into the game. This time playing with just the tip of his penis.

He couldn't take it. This was on a level he'd never even dreamed of. Orion had seconds before he erupted and he was only able to warn Cadance with a single, pitiful, barely noticeable shuffle of his wings as they fell away from his back.

The sudden salty taste and the exaggerated exhale from Orion told Cadance he'd just cum. She grinned and let his seed pool in her mouth, surprised by just how much he could produce at his tiny size. When it finally seemed like he had run out, she moved him away from her mouth so she could swish it around and swallow it. He tasted good. She looked down at the spent pegasus with a giggle. He smiled back.

"That... was the... greatest... release... I've... ever had," he managed to rasp.

Cadance nodded. "I bet it was." Then her eyes narrowed mischievously. "But now you owe me one."

"Huh?" Orion mumbled.

"Don't worry, I can get it myself!" she suddenly assured him. The next thing the exhausted Orion knew, the hoof that held him was moving underneath the princess and between her rear legs.

Orion, like a lot of other stallions, had always been a little jealous of Shining Armor. Not only was he the youngest stallion to ever achieve the rank of Captain, but he also had a great looking wife. Now from Orion's new position between her legs, he was even more jealous. Shining's wife was just as beautiful down here as she was above. Although he wasn't given much time to admire her fine pussy before he was pressed against it.

The princess moaned and gripped the pillow with her free hoof. Her wings flared and her back legs kicked. She dragged Orion up to her clit, who found his muzzle bumping Cadenza's button. He couldn't resist giving it a lick. Her body squirmed above him and Cadance neighed with delight. He brought his hooves to either side of her bulb and began rubbing it. The mare thrashed in the bed, the sheets ruffling beneath her into mock tidal waves. Orion grinned to himself and hugged her clit before her hoof pulled him back down, dragging him along the mare's drooling entrance.

Orion came to rest atop her pussy so he used his arms to spread her opening and began to crawl inside. Cadance helped him do so by thrusting against his squirming legs. Then she cried out in pleasure, her angelic voice filling the room. She could feel sweat matting her coat, but she was too busy grinding away at her snatch as a little stallion wiggled inside her tunnel. She whinnied and thrashed about on the mattress. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth and her eyes threatened to roll back into her skull. In seconds, her body seized up and she road out the best orgasm she had had since her wedding day.

Orion found himself ejected from the cave-like vagina in a waterfall of feminine juices. He tumbled across the sheets like a log caught in a raging river. When everything settled and Orion was able to lay on his back, the little green pegasus couldn't help himself.

"That was great," he chuckled.

Cadance merely smiled and nodded, too tired to even reply to his understatement.

Chapter 3: Shining

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A few minutes passed as the two of them regained their breath. After a short while a knock came at the door.

"Come in," Cadance called.

Shining peeked through the passage and eyed his wife with a pleasant smile. "Tea is ready."

"Good, I could use some." She hopped out of the soiled bed and sauntered towards the stallion. He floated a steaming white mug towards her which she happily took in her own magic grasp. Cadance hummed at the pleasant taste after taking a generous sip. "That's good."

Shining smirked. "Orion really took that much out of you?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes. He was excellent! Have you two been practicing?"

Shining scoffed. "Of course not. Where's the fun if it's not spontaneous?"

"Well he's all warmed up for you. Have fun!" she told him with a sway of her tail as she trotted out the door. "I'm going to get cleaned up before the finale."

"Don't get too clean, you're just going to get messy again," he called after her before she closed the door. As the sound of her hooves echoed down the stairs Shining turned back to the bed where Orion had been watching. "Need another minute?"

"Uh, yeah," Orion mumbled. He got to his hooves, but his muscles were a little sore.

"Heh," Shining chuckled, "you two really made a mess."

Without warning the unicorn levitated Orion over to the nightstand and set him down gently. Then he went to work ripping the soaked sheets from the bed and tossing them on the floor. A closet across the room opened on its own and a fresh set of blankets levitated out and decorated the mattress once again. By habit Shining even went and made sure the surface was wrinkle free. After completing his task he suddenly realized what he had done and couldn't help but laugh.

"Ah well, it'll look good for the moment anyway." He turned to Orion. "You ready now?"

"Sure," the pegasus replied with only a second of hesitation. He could still use some more recovery time, but he figured it was best to get this over with rather than draw it out.

"Alright, 'cause I'm gettin' hard already," Shining winked.

Orion rolled his eyes as the larger stallion climbed onto the sheets and stretched out on his stomach. Shining embraced the rich smell of lilacs and pulled a lump of the spread to his muzzle before inhaling deeply.

"Gotta love that aroma," he sighed. He turned his head towards Orion who was giving him confused blinks in return. "You're going to be enjoying my aroma in a second buddy, don't you worry," he grinned.

Pink magic quickly surrounded the pegasus and suddenly he was airborne once more. The giant white stallion levitated his shrunken friend in front of him before dropping him a few inches onto the bed. Orion bounced lightly on the plush surface and had to spread his hooves to maintain his balance. He looked up at Shining, annoyed with the rough treatment.

Shining's muzzle was wrinkled, his eyes were narrow, and he bore the longest smirk the little green pony had ever seen. His face screamed of contempt.

"Lay on your back, slave," the towering unicorn ordered. The pegasus felt his feathers tremble. Was this really the same captain from a moment ago? "I said, lay down."

A blue hoof twice Orion's size bowled him over and hovered above his head, blocking out what dim light there had been.


The word hung in the air like the heavy scent of sweat wafting from Shining's hoof. There was no room for debate.

Hesitantly, Orion opened his mouth. The dark sole was speckled with dirt and debris from the streets they had taken back from the bar and the huge stallion's musk nearly clogged Orion's sinuses. Regardless, his tongue glazed across the jagged underside of Shining's shoe.

"That's right, slave," the unicorn hummed above.

The pegasus gagged on the salt and earth tang which stung his taste buds. But he kept licking anyway as the hoof lowered on top of his chest. Orion grunted under the weight.

"Clean my hoof. Lick faster." Shining's voice was tinged with impatience.

Again and again his tongue rapped over the grimy surface. The awful sour taste never leaving his mouth. He'd have to brush for days when this was over.

Suddenly, Orion felt like he was being ground into oblivion as the ceiling above him pressed down.

"Your master is pleased, little slave," Shining snickered. "I can already feel the sparkles dancing off my perfect shoes."

If you're so pleased, why are you trying to crush me? Orion thought with grit teeth.

"Now that you know your place, we can play."

All at once the pegasus was free. The mass that had threatened to crush him was gone. He took a few deep breathes before he noticed how the mattress shifted beneath him and the sound of creaking springs filled his ears. Suddenly, two large hooves landed on either side of Orion and a heavy black sack hung overhead. Two gargantuan orbs pulled the soft flesh taut. Shining had turned around and was dangling his junk over the smaller male's head.

"Here I come, slave. Try to make it fun."

Orion's eyes widened as those massive thighs tensed and the unicorn's knees bent. Shining's testicles were bigger than he was and Orion was momentarily mesmerized as they swayed, cum churning about inside, preparing for release. The captain's massive member was only at half-mast and already longer than a bus. The little pony could feel the temperature rising and sweat began running from his pores.

Orion threw his green hooves up just as the balls fell on top of him. The folds of skin rolled over his body like fresh dough and he had to angle his head to get air. He struggled against the squishing sack before it could completely engulf him, but the battle was hopeless. More and more flesh just kept coming until only the tip of Orion's snout was free and only a glimmer of light reached his eyes. An all-encompassing masculine stench drowned his senses and he could feel the balls on either side of him pulse with lust.

Shining firmly planted his hooves against the bed and his junk against Orion's beating hooves. He grinned and rolled his hips forward, lightly humping the bed. Then he moved backwards, covering his exposed toy again. The feeling of power made him drunk and horny. Well, hornier.

The giant balls rolled back and forth. Over and over they slid across his body, pressing Orion into the bed-sheets and squeezing his delicate form. His own shaft was forced against his abdomen and ached with the need for further pleasure. The smell of sex clouded his mind and all Orion could hear was the creaking of springs below and Shining's moans above.

The white stallion was already rubbing the underside of his dick when he rose off of Orion and sat back. The little pegasus gazed up at the towering rod, then to the captain's half-lidded eyes. Then Shining's unoccupied hoof seized the smaller male and brought him up to his pride. Wordlessly, the colossal unicorn began masturbating with Orion's body.

Up and down he worked his dark shaft, the heat in his loins growing with every passing second. Shining's tongue dangled from the side of his mouth and drool leaked down his neck. Slowly, he began to tilt backwards until he eventually fell against the pillows of the bed, both hooves firmly wrapped around his cock. Meanwhile, Orion lost all sense of time and direction as he came against the burning obsidian column. He was immediately dragged through his own spunk just as Shining's pre-cum dribbled down to coat him completely. Soon Orion was as white as Shining Armor.

Finally, the larger stallion came.

Shot after shot blasted onto his belly and soaked the bed once more. Hot seed pooled into every nook and cranny as the male bit back a roar, a stupid grin on his face. Shining's limbs were frozen in place as the last spurts snuck out of him and he quickly began basking in the aftermath of his orgasm. It took him a moment to realize he was still holding Orion against his rod and he giggled as he pulled a hoof away only to have the shrunken pegasus glued to it.

Delicately, Shining's magic peeled Orion off, who quickly began to cough up mouthfuls of stallion milk. He dangled in midair helplessly as the captain laughed.

"Let's get you cleaned up. Then we can get Cadance and go for the final round."

"Looking forward to it," Orion mumbled.

Shining lowered an eyebrow. "You don't want to anymore?"

"No, I do." Orion squirmed a little, his fur sticky and uncomfortable. "I just need a break is all."

Shining nodded in understanding, his mane flopping with perspiration. "Alright. Let's clean up, rest for 20 minutes or so, maybe get you a snack, then finish this up and go to bed."

"Sounds good to me."

Chapter 4: Both

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The tea was nice, the biscuits were fluffy, and the candlelight added just the right pinch of romantic flare. Shining and Cadance gazed lovingly into each other's eyes, completely ignoring Orion as he reclined on a plate surrounded by crumbs. It was hard to believe that only an hour ago he'd been a drunk normal-sized pegasus. How he'd managed to slip himself between the young rulers of the Crystal Empire was practically a blur. And for the most part he didn't care. The young stallion was living in a dreamworld.

The couple above him were going on and on about their day, but the mind-numbing details phased into the background and created a pleasant atmosphere that lulled his mind to a crawl. The scent of foreign candle wax only added to the intoxicating euphoria that made lying on a hard glass plate actually comfortable. In the distance were other entrees to the meal which had gone untouched by all parties. Orion wasn't even sure what they were he was so disinterested.

Eventually the talking died down and the couple couldn't resist leaning into one another to rub noses. They gigged. Then they eyed Orion with suggestive smiles.

"Was the food good?" Shining quizzed.

"Yeah, it was alright," the little pony answered lazily.

"How about the wine?" Cadance lolled.

Orion hadn't drunk much. "Raining Fire is great stuff, princess. I only wish I could have it more often."

She hummed. "Yes, but it is rather on the pricey side."

"You can have it whenever you come over," Shining added.

"Come over?" Orion echoed.

Cadance rolled her eyes. "What, you thought this was a one night stand?"


The rulers of the Crystal Empire laughed. "Orion," Shining sighed teasingly, "what are we going to do with you?"

"We would love to have you again," Cadance clarified while brushing a lock of hair out of her eyes. "You're too much fun."

Orion felt a surge of pride well up inside him and he grinned. "Well thank you Princess Cadenza. I'd be honored to do this again."

She smiled. "Don't get too ahead of yourself. We still have one more round tonight."

"Oh yeah," Orion grunted as he stood. "When do we start?"

Shining suddenly began to levitate the tiny pegasus above the tabletop. "How about right now?"

Orion was unable to utter a single protest before the captain was dashing to the bedroom with the princess close behind, both howling like foals before Hearths Warming.

The little stallion watched from his magically restrained position above as the two hopped into the bed and furiously began making out. Their lips pressed together and tongues danced as deep throaty moans echoed throughout the room. The fireplace crackled and the delicate orange flames cast a warm glow upon the pair as they sprawled out and shamelessly wrapped their hooves around each other, searching furiously for a grip.

Shining's hooves found Cadenza's weak point, the joint where her wings met her back. Immediately she retreated from the kiss to squeal, her face redder than rose peddles and eyes tightly shut. Pressing the attack, the pale unicorn rolled the pink alicorn onto her back and pinned her legs to the sheets with his own. He then lowered his chest to hers and stared her down with a sultry smile as she panted from the erotic touch still radiating from her wings. The bedspread was already in shambles.

"You cheater," she accused half-heartedly, feathers fluttering.

Shining's grin only grew. "You know you love it. Now, I think it's time for our toy to get in on the fun."

The magic that held Orion rapidly pulled him down until he was floating beside the white stallion's head. There a blue eye regarded him for a moment.

"Tsk tsk, you're too big for this part."

"Hm, you're right," Cadance hummed in agreement. "Allow me."

The pink mare's horn glowed along with Orion's body and he felt a familiar squeeze as the world expanded around him. He struggled to breathe and his head spun while half his current height dwindled away. When she was done shrinking him for the second time that night, the pegasus was no bigger than a pill. Barely a centimeter (half an inch) tall.

"Good enough?" Cadance quizzed her husband.

"Perfect," Shining cheered.

"Ugh," Orion groaned.

"He might need a moment," she giggled.

Orion shook his head and rubbed his temples. The after-effects of the shrinking, combined with the now even greater volume of the two rulers, made his head ring. He hoped the pain would die down quickly so he could enjoy the rest of the night.

"Open up," Shining purred.

Suddenly, warm moist air crept up Orion's legs and made him look down with droopy eyes. A dripping cave surrounded by pink fur greeted him. Strings of saliva bridged the walls and a huge serpent covered in little bumps waited in the back, blocking the path further down. A row of white teeth like ancient stone tablets marked the entrance on either side as a thick humidity engulfed the tiny pegasus. Mysteriously, Orion's mane was being ruffled by a gust that came from behind rather than in front. When he looked up in confusion he found a near identical cave descending on him from above. However, this one was surrounded by white fur.

Shining canceled his magic hold on Orion before meeting his wife midway. Their muzzles locked around the little pegasus and the two moaned. Orion was vibrated by their powerful voices and tossed back and forth between their wrestling tongues. Eventually Shining's assault was successful and he was free to explore the inner reaches of Cadenza's mouth. The helpless green stallion caught in the midst of the battle managed to find a moments rest beside a pair of molars deep in the pink mare's maw. Heavy saliva matted his fur and dripped from his body. With a hoof he clung to the bumpy white bone until a rough meaty organ pressed into his back and pulled him once more into the fray.

Cadenza's tongue dragged Orion to the bottom of her jaw and hid him from the thorough intruder above. The pegasus tried to push back and grunted as the entire cave turned sideways. Shining had fallen beside his wife in the bed without breaking contact or rhythm. Suddenly, Orion was free and laying on the inside of a cheek. His peace lasted an entire second before the young captain found him and seized him into his own mouth with Cadenza's tongue in hot pursuit of her toy.

Shining's defense was mighty as he kept Orion wrapped tightly in his tongue even as Cadenza desperately searched for an opening to reclaim him. Meanwhile, the little pony was pressed from all sides and liquid oozed from every wall. He squirmed for a more comfortable position in his cocoon of flesh.

Cadance pulled away from the kiss only long enough to complain. "No fair," she mumbled before diving back in, pushing her husband's head back. She growled and grunted until finally Shining released his hostage.

The alicorn of lust purred, bringing Orion to her lips and clamping onto his back legs as she pulled away. Cadance grinned at Shining with their toy poking out of her mouth. The stallion grinned back. Orion rubbed the couple's combined saliva out of his eyes. Cadance then placed a single hoof against Shining's chest and rolled him onto his back. Next she slowly crawled over him and straddled his chest. From his new vantage point, the green pegasus felt like he was on top of a mountain looking down on a living landscape. However, his perspective began to move as Cadance slid down the bed until she was seated between the larger stallion's muscular thighs where a thick black shaft bobbed with every movement of the mattress. The pink mare sucked Orion in before she opened her mouth wide and descended.

The little pony reclined on the huge tongue as his view of the outside world was slowly consumed by Shining's dick. The dark member advanced inch by agonizing inch, like watching a jet slowly roll into a hanger, before it came to hover over him. A gust of hot wind danced over him from the depths of Cadenza's throat and made the looming cock twitch. Shining sighed with pleasure. Then the massive tongue rose and ran over the fleshy surface, bringing Orion along for the ride.

Cadenza lapped at the shaft while her eyes, half-lidded, watched her husband squirm. She pulled her mouth away only to advance once more and drag her tongue over his pride a second time, making sure to rub Orion along the entire length. The slick coating of drool ensured the journey was smooth for the pill-sized pegasus, yet the pressure on his back guaranteed he also felt every ridge of Shining's growing meat. Over and over the pink mare tasted the black spire until Shining was just about ready to burst. The captain's balls were visibly churning with need and his limbs were spread wide from involuntary shudders. A sonnet of random noises endlessly poured from his hanging jaw and his eyes were glued to the ceiling.

Cadance grinned around the intrusion in her mouth. Orion was still plastered to her tongue and she held him firmly against Shining's cock. Deciding it was finally time to finish her husband off, she began to furiously suckle as though it was a delectable ice cream in her maw. The effect for both males was immediate. Orion was compressed deep into the stiff flesh and Shining felt his balls contract. The pink mare retreated until only the stallion's tip remained inside her muzzle while a hoof seized the side of his pole to hold it steady. Shining moaned as he came, his white seed flooding Cadenza's mouth and practically drowning Orion in goo. Shot after shot painted her once clean teeth, a far larger meal than what Orion had given her earlier.

Her mouth was nearly full when Shining's load mercifully reached its end. Carefully, she pulled off and began swirling the spunk around her muzzle in search of Orion. Once she found him, she used her tongue to hold him against the roof of her mouth as she drank all the cum. After her meal was finished she used her magic to pull the tiny pegasus out with a wet slurp and smiled at him. Then she gave him a quick lick to clean off the remaining white before saying anything.

"You're not done yet, sweety."

Orion took a few greedy gulps of air before he tried to talk. "I can... take it," he asserted weakly.

She raised an eyebrow. "I hope so." She turned to Shining. "Are you ready?"

"I'm coming," he mumbled in return, taking his time sitting up.

Cadance rolled onto her back and spread her legs. Then she dangled Orion over her engorged privates and teasingly lowered him towards her puffy lower lips. She was already leaking all over herself as cream dribbled down her thighs like a river. Gently, she placed Orion right on top of her clit and shivered.

Orion had to spread his hooves to keep from falling. Still wet with saliva, his thoughts were momentarily thrown off track when a hot gust hit him from above and made his perch rumble again. When he looked up he was greeted by Shining's gargantuan tongue just before it made contact with the opposite side of Cadance's vagina. The meaty organ energetically rolled over the crevice and, just as Orion thought he was about to be flattened, it stopped. The great white muzzle then pulled back and repeated the act. Then it did so again. And again. Then Shining changed strategies and went about licking up all the stray trails of mare pre-cum which had snuck down Cadenza's thighs. As he performed the sacred duty of cleaning his wife's perfect feminine body, Orion stood there, resting and bewildered.

"You should get to work," the larger stallion paused to say. "You want to be a good toy after all."

Orion blushed with embarrassment. Of course, they hadn't left him here for the heck of it. Orion kneaded into the bulb underneath him with his hooves. Working his arms back and forth as he stimulated the princess. For her part Cadance thrashed. "Don't stop!" she gushed repeatedly. She grit her teeth and blindly gripped handfuls of the bed-sheet. Soon Shining had no more mess to clean and went back to treating her flower.

"If you boys -- uhg -- don't let up -- ooh -- I'm going to -- ho -- to explode."

Suddenly Shining stopped.

"Hm?" Cadance looked down.

Without saying a word, the large white stallion took Orion and forced him into Cadance's entrance. The alicorn cooed briefly before she was interrupted by her husband climbing over her. Then they were looking into each other's eyes.

"What are you doing?" she asked quietly.

"Finishing," he replied smugly.

Lining himself up, Shining rammed his shaft into her drooling snatch, forcing Orion in with him. Cadance cried out and threw her hooves around the unicorn's neck, but he resisted her desperate attempts to pull him down for the moment. Luckily for her, he eventually let himself slide another inch inside before he halted again. The pink mare mumbled a protest and rubbed her hooves against his chest as a bribe. He smirked at the desperate look on her face as she silently begged him. "More," she whispered. Finally, he eased himself down onto her fuzzy chest and simultaneously bottomed out inside her. They both moaned. A perfect, snug, fit. As usual.

For Orion, who couldn't see what was going on outside, the experience was amazing. He was plastered to the tip of the captain's rigid cock, with a small drooling slit right in his face. For the pegasus it was like a huge worm was taking him deep into its den. The slimy walls practically flew by and mare cream relentlessly flowed over him and the giant member. He found himself clinging to the head even as it dribbled with pre. He was only slightly afraid of what would happen if he fell and were run over by it.

Then everything stopped. The walls were undulating around him, but otherwise he could tell he wasn't moving. He took a deep breath and waited.

"Remember, Orion's riding that monster cock of yours," the alicorn of lust gently reminded Shining while bumping his nose.

He snorted and rolled his eyes. "He likes it rough. Probably not as much as you though."

Her giggle slowly morphed into a dissatisfied groan. "Don't keep us waiting then," she whined.

Shining began to pull out, his heavy black member producing a number of quiet squelching pops. When he paused, his balls jiggled and Cadance grinned. With the power of a trained soldier, he plunged forward like a battering ram and she squeaked. Shining pulled back, his thigh muscles tensed. A stain was growing on the bed. Then he drove his member deep inside her again, eliciting another squeak. Gradually, the pair built up to a steady rhythm with Shining doing most of the work as Cadance did her best to stay in place against the abuse.

Inside, Orion felt like he was in a bouncy castle that had gone crazy without him. He gripped the enormous penis as hard as he could as it pulled him back and forth within the tunnel. The walls skid over him as his head churned. His own member was hard and he could hardly muster the sense to hump back against Shining's. Everything was so big and so fast. He had no way of measuring how many mouthfuls of pre-cum he'd swallowed.

Finally the huge cock dug itself in and froze. The heat was sweltering and the air was so heavy with sex Orion felt like his nose was going to fall off. The huge black worm twitched once. Twice. Then it exploded. Shining released for the second time and Orion's face was right in the firing line. He would have been blown back if the tunnel walls hadn't chosen that moment to clamp onto him and bath him in another brand of milky white.

The two rivers had nowhere to go however, and so the pegasus found himself suspended in an ocean of secretions with the only exit blocked by several tons of unicorn excitement.

Drop after drop of their combined spunk dribbled onto the mattress, but the two rulers were too spent to care about that. So they laid there, a tangle of limbs and sweat, when Cadance remembered something.

"Shining, you have to pull out or he'll drown," she cautioned quickly.

His eyes widened slightly. "But it feels so good," he mock-whined.

She batted his shoulder and he laughed, swiftly pulling out so the soup could flow. Sure enough, Orion came sliding right out along with it and collapsed between the giant mare's legs. He coughed and wheezed for a few seconds before bothering to clear some of the cream from his eyes. Blinking tiredly, he met the alicorn's gaze and flashed a smile of reassurance.

"I'm glad you had fun."

Shining carefully picked Orion up and deposited him on the pink mare's chest. Then he wrapped a hoof around her lower body and pulled her close to himself. He sighed, relaxed into the mattress, and soon began to snore. Cadance rolled her eyes.

"The mare always has to clean up afterwords," she sighed.

After taking a few minutes to dry Orion off, she levitated him to the nightstand where he promptly fell to his belly in exhaustion. She grinned slyly at him.

"Hey. Shining got to cum twice while I only got one. Want to have another go?"

Orion chuckled. "But Shining is taking up half the bed."

"He won't mind waking up on the floor."

The End