Friend or FOE: Genesis

by Brony Dragon

First published

The Caribou of the Fallen equestria are after the Resistence, like they're after every mare in equestria. Little did they know that this "Resistance" was a new, more advanced, and more powerful Equestria.

Starry Knight; technical son of Luna and spawn of Nightmare Moon. He was created from scraps of dark matter from Moon's time on the moon, and personality controlled by a single artifact. He was somewhat happy, making a fiew friends, falling in love, yet never felt to be a great leader like her aunt Celestia because of his darker side. That was until the Caribou attacked, and took his loved ones and all of Equestria away from him. Now it's up to him to lead and take back what was taken from him

Story follows some characters from the FoE Universe (OCs and all), some background characters, and some of my OCs

I don't own anything but my OCs

Note: I have a feeling this would be pretty bad, but just give me a chance


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Location: Auction event, Dodge Junction

A long line of chained mares kneel on a large stage set in the middle of Dodge Junction. Among the line of purple, red, grey and a few black collared mares kneeled a grey collared earth mare named Chrome. She has a now dirty chrome grey coat, along with a white mane hanging over one of her red eyes. A caribou announcer was calling out numbers, while the crowd was bidding. After a while, one of the stallions in the crowd finally bought Chrome for 520 bits. The stallion laughed maniacally as one of the caribou tried to drag Chrome off the stage. But in staid, she simply got up and broke the cuffs that were holding her wrists.

“What the fuck THAT CUNT’S TRYING TO ESCAPE!” someone from the crowd shouted. Two caribou guards drew their stun sticks in attempt to stun Chrome. With speed unlike any normal mare, she grabbed both stun sticks and bent them back, stunning the caribou. She then turned and walked towards the auction host.

“You little bitch! You deserve to be punished for resisting!” he drew his whip and struck Chrome across her face. The force spun her head to the side but didn’t knock her off the stage. She then turned back with half of her face torn off, revealing what looked like a shiny metal skull.

“W-what the fuck-“ He was cut off by Chrome rushing up to him, grabbing him by the neck, and lifting him up with one arm. Then, with the voice unlike any other, she spoke in a metallic computerized voice.

“You. Are. Executed.”

The resulting mushroom cloud can be seen all the way from across town.

Sunrise Splender slowly looked around. The entire stage was in ruins, along with a few building that once surrounded the auctioning stage. This wasn’t what surprised her, but what did was a bunch of tall solder-like aliens walking around in what looked like strange army uniforms with helmets with glowing red eyes. They were either walking around, carrying wounded and/or burned mares, stallions, or caribou, or were walking from the building s that survived the explosion to another. Then saw a group of caribou kneeling in line in front of a group of these alien soldiers. One of the caribou she recognized.

“Master,” she said as she tried to get up, “What’s goi-” She was interrupted as they all pointed some sort of weapon at the back of their heads and blew all of the caribous’ heads off with a loud bang. The bang startled Sunrise, causing to fall back and look on in horror as what’s left of her master and the rest of the caribou fell forward. Looking around, she spotted what seems to be a female alien soldier constantly striking a caribou tied to a post. There was blood flying out of his mouth as the alien kept punching. Finally, the punching stopped.

“You st-stupid bitch…how dare yo-*cough* dare you-AAAAAAAAAAARRRRGH!!!” the caribou screamed as the alien drew a pistol out of its holster and promptly shot the caribou’s dick and nuts off.

“You have no idea who or what you’re dealing with, don’t you?” the alien’s voice was deep and very distorted.

After the pain became at least a little bearable, the caribou spoke, “W-who are you?”

“Don’t you recognize me,” the alien the pulled of its helmet, surprising the caribou with a mare’s face. But what surprised him the most was her broken horn. But what were most noticeable were the black collar and now fiery blue eyes, “'Master'?”

Her right hand then charged with blue electricity as she lifted it up. The caribou looked between her and her hand in dredd before grabbing the caribou by the face, electrocuting and causing him to scream in agony. She held on until the screaming stopped, letting the fried caribou’s body to go limp, dead.

Sunset Splender couldn’t believe what she just saw. Not only was the alien soldier a black collared unicorn mare, but the mare also used magic. Her horn was cut off, yet could still use magic. She knew this was impossible because Sunset tried to use her magic to fight back when it was cut off before she was broken in.

Her train of thought was interrupted as another soldier walked up, prompting her to back away a bit in fear, waiting for the soldier to off her. But instead, the soldier knelt in front of her, removing his helmet. Sunset immediately recognized the face behind the helmet as former guard, Flash Sentry.

“It’s ok, I won’t hurt you” He said as he offered out his hand. “You’re safe with us. No one will ever hurt you.”

Sunset Splender looked at the hand, then back to Flash Sentry, before fainting from fright.

Flash Sentry sighed before lifting up the mare onto his left shoulder, trying to ignore Sunset’s bare chest squishing against him. He then used his free hand to put his helmet back on, and pushed a button on the side of his helmet.

“Flash Sentry to base?”

“This is base,” replied the other end, “what’s your progress?”

“Mission accomplished,” Flash replied, “We’ve taken back Dodge Junction.”

Chapter 1: Awakening

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“Give up stupid cunt, bow down to your new king like your stupid slut sister!”

“I will never bow down to the likes of- AAAH! UNHAND ME, FOUL BEAST! OR ELSE- AAAAAAARRRRGH RUN, MY SON! RUN!”


“Sir, we have to leave, now! There’s nothing we can do but get away!”


Starry Knight woke up sweating, looking around franticly. Finding himself in his now normal room in New Equestria, he sighed in relief as he looked at the clock


He grumbled as he got out of his bead walking into his bathroom, looking at his own reflection in the mirror.

“I’m sorry, Mom. I tried,” he said as he started to tear up from the incident. “Don’t worry. Your son will be home soon.” he then grips the side of the sink in anger, “They will all…pay.”

Turning on the water, he washes his face as he uses his magic to turn the shower on.

“Good morning, Starry Knight,” a computerized voice greets him.

“’Morning to you too, MAI,” Starry replied while drying his face and turning towards a holographic projected mare, “Mind giving me some privacy?”

“Certainly,” The AI bowed before dematerializing.

Starry Knight sighs as he undressed and stepped into the shower. “Yes… need some time to think about reaching out…”

(2 hours later)

Starry Knight stood on a podium in his royal attire riding in his private drop ship, along with five other military drop ships, through the gloomy skies of the Badlands. They were trying to reach out for help from other nations. Starry’s squad was headed for the Changeling Hive while three other squads were headed for the Griffin Empire, the nation of Neighgasaki, and the remains of the Buffalo Tribes.

“Sir, we’re closing in on the Changeling Hive.” One of the drop ship pilots said.

Starry Knight looked out of the window at the scenery. The terrain became full of black trees that looked dead yet looked alive. Green slime glowed every now and then throughout the black forest, while a green river ran through it. Up ahead was a large dome-shaped structure, kind of like a bee hive.

The six drop ships landed in a clearing in front of the Hive. As the ships powered down, four troopers caring machine guns and shot guns hopped off of each ship, along with Starry Knight.

“Ok, I need half of the squad to defend the ships,” Starry commanded, “While the other half follows me.”

“Sir Yes sir!” the squad answered, giving a solute.

Inside the hive was very dark, with the only light coming from the red glow of everyone’s helmet and the glowing green slime and broken cocoons.

“Uugh…this place gives me the creeps,” one of the soldiers shuddered.

“Well you did volunteer to come here,” his comrade replied.

“Hey, I thought it would look cooler!”

“What do you expect from a race of ponies that are like insects?”

“Good point…”

“Shhhh! Quiet!” Starry called back, “We don’t want there to be any-” He was cut off when a thousand glowing blue eyes suddenly surrounded them.


Name: Storm “Striker” Dash
Rank: Major
Faction: ISA, squad #2
Location: Griffon Empire

Storm looked at the empire from the drop ship in disbelief. The Griffon Empire, one of the most powerful empires in Equestria, also has fallen to the influence of the caribou. Everything was pretty much like a repeat of what he saw unfold back at his original home.

“Sir,” Storm was shook out of his shock by one of the soldiers. “We’re awaiting further instructions.”

“Um… yeah, just…stay put,” He responded. “We were warned that the Griffin empire was already invaded. We don’t have enough soldiers here, so we have to wait for backup.”

“Yes sir.”

“In the meantime, I’ll go do a little scouting.”

“But sir, you told us to-”

“Relax,” Storm assured, activating his cloaking device, “They can’t catch what they can’t see.”

And with that, he jumped out of the drop ship door and flew out over the empire’s main gates into the kingdom.

Name: Yang Long
Rank: Sargent
Class: Ninja Assassin
Faction: ISA, squad #3
Location Neighgasaki

Yang sighed in relief as his squad’s drop ships landed in a grassy clearing outside the city of Neighgasaki.

“Home sweet home,” he said as he got off. “Good thing it didn’t get hit…”

He and the rest of the squad walked around, looking for any inhabitants.

“Wow,” one of the soldiers exclaimed, “Despite everything, this place feels very peaceful…haven’t felt it for a long time…”

Yang had to agree. Despite the fall of Equestria, his hometown was still very isolated, with green grass as far as the eye can see, clear, blue skies, and a few butterflies and birds flying along their own business. One of the birds landed on his hand and gave a little chirp.

“Well hello to you too,” he greeted while scratching the bird’s head. It gave another happy tweet before flying off.

“Whelp, about time we start moving, too.”

The rest of the squad agreed before marching towards the city.

Document 1

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Document 1: The Executioners

The Executioners, created by Chao-Tech Inc., are a line of Bionic Soldiers created to aid fellow soldiers in battle. They are brutal, prone to follow directives, and are willing to sacrifice themselves in combat. The only thing keeping them form replacing traditional soldiers is how expensive and difficult it is to create them.

EX-800 SHERman: The first ever created, the Steal Humanoid Electron Robotic man was very simply designed, used mainly on the front lines. Standing as tall as the average full grown stallion, the EX-800s were programed for teamwork and can usually be found forming small squads by themselves. The EX-800 design consists of Hydraulic “jump boots” that initially were used to help the EX-800s to leap and jump to great heights, but were repurposed to also aid in delivering strong kicks during close hand-to-hand combat. The arms have hidden bladed clamps that help countering and, literally, disarming a target. They usually are seen welding assault rifles, light machine guns, and, most commonly, shotguns, thus giving the SHERman Shotgun its nickname.

EX-1000 “Skeletrons”: Nicknamed by their appearance, the EX-1000 stands 2.1 m and used mainly for infiltrating, and occasionally in basic combat, just like its ancestor. Its frame is made of titanium, and but is usually covered with a very convincing exoskeleton that disguise it as any normal inhabitant. This exoskeleton is able to regenerate over time. They also contain a sentient and learning AI that allows them to also behave like normal inhabitants. They usually work alone, coming out of cover only when the time is right or if their cover is already blown. There are currently 3 versions of the EX-1000 modals, with the original EX-1000 modal being the basic design, with petrusite batteries, laser guided eyes, and immense strength. They usually weld Plasma Pulse riffles, Plasma Beam riffles, or if those aren’t available, shotguns, LMGs, Heavy machine guns, and their AI pretty much lets them use any weapon they can get their hands on. Alternatively, they self-destruct if they sustain too much damage, to prevent its design from getting into the wrong hands

EX-1033: This version of the EX-1000 is probably one of the most expensive. Their ability to weld weapons is replaced with only one thought: Blow themselves and anything that is targeted up. Their petrusite batteries are replaced with Hydrogen Power Cells that either can be manually detonated or auto detonated. They are much faster and agile, properties that help the EX-1033 to catch up to enemies.

EX-1066: This version is a combination of the gun shooting EX-1000 and self-destruct EX-1033. They are also equipped with a buzz saw to better cut through enemies.

EX-2000 “The Giant”: These massive Executioners stand just under 3 m tall. It is used essentially as an automated tank, welding heavy weapons like miniguns, heavy machine guns, and rocket launchers. It is even strong enough to dual weald these weapons, as if they were mere hand guns. The most expensive and largest in size, they are also comparable to mech suits. “The Giant” is also sometimes referred to as “THE War Machine” before the title was taken by the EX-O

EX-O “The Succubus”: With the most advance AI to date, the EX-O gets its nickname from its main purpose; blend in along with the enslaved mares of fallen Equestria and seduce its “Master”. Then, when the time is right, it murders the victim, after which it extracts “Data from the victims brain. It is also nicknamed “The Changeling” because it can take any form it wants. Its exoskeleton is much faster at regenerating than the EX-1000 model and much faster, stronger, and can even reassemble its self, but its adaptive AI can help it gain even more abilities. There are currently 3 in operation, and are armed with collapsible buzz saws, DNT and Data extracting shives, and can even bond other weapons to itself.