[C] Chocolates and Love

by scribe-feather

First published

Applejack stumbles on one of Rainbow Dash's biggest secrets and decides to indulge in it as well. (ABDL and adult themed)

Applejack stumbles on one of Rainbow Dash's biggest secrets and decides to indulge in it as well.

Commission for TwistedTears759

(Do not continue reading if you do not approve of diapers, diaper usage, bondage, or sexual adult situations. If you do not like it or are under legal age, please do not keep reading.)

Chapter One: Secrets Don't Stay Secret For Long

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Chocolates and Love
Chapter One: Secrets Don't Stay Secret For Long
By Scribe Feather

There was a pleasant stillness today in Cloudsdale. There was no scheduled rain or lightning so the sky was merely dotted with fluffy white clouds. Pegasi flew threw the air as they placed the many clouds across the sky. Rainbow Dash was part of the many squad of weather ponies that dotted the sky with their clouds. She worked as quickly as possible to get the job done sooner.

The very second their job was done, the blue pegasus bolted out of the sky with a big smile on her face. She was just so excited to get off of work that day. She had plans that she'd been working on for weeks and finally had the time to try it all out.

Rainbow Dash had a big grin on her face as her wings wouldn't stop fluttering on her back. She practically dashed back to her house the moment cloud duty was completed. She bolted through her front door and made a beeline directly to her bedroom closet. She opened the door and dug through the contents of the closet before pulling out a blue plastic package.

"Diapers," the blue pegasus reminded herself and thick ones too!

She ripped open the plastic package and pulled out a single diaper. A plume of nursery scents came with the garment as Dash pressed it against her muzzle. Her back tingled as she took a deep breath of the printed, blue diaper. She exhaled slowly, reveling in the arousing scents of a fresh diaper. Time to put it on!


Meanwhile, a quint hot air balloon was popping itself through the fluffy cloud layer that made up Cloudsdale's floor. A few ponies had to quickly jump away from area as the purple balloon breached through the sea of white, bobbing for a moment before stabilizing itself. The two passengers inside it's tan basket stood steady as it naturally balanced itself.

"An' you're sure this spell'll work?" Applejack peeked her head out the basket, looking down at the cloud floor that sat below the balloon. She could see the green ground through the hole the balloon made in the clouds. She didn't know how far down exactly, but she didn't want to find out.

"Of course, Applejack! It's a simple cloud walking spell!" her purple alicorn friend Twilight Sparkle popped her head out next to Applejack's. "The magic will last a good long while."

Applejack looked once again at the cloud floor, then at the nearby hole leading to the ground. She braced herself and made one big leap of faith out of the balloon. She cringed and closed her eyes as her body flew through the air, only to stop suddenly with a pillow like material beneath her. She cautiously opened her eyes and looked at her feet and then looked at Twilight with a smile.

The alicorn smiled, "told you," she said as she stepped back into the basket. "I'm sure Dash'll love your surprise visit!" She handed her friend a red box of chocolates, a warming gift from Applejack to Rainbow Dash.

"She got off work a little bit ago. I should be able to find her at home." Applejack grabbed the chocolate in her mouth and said her goodbyes to the alicorn before heading off on her way.


"M-mph! This diaper's amazing!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she squeezed the padding between her legs, her ears wiggling at the crinkling sounds. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and took in the crinkling spectacle with wide eyes. Her breath became shallow as her mind raced with exciting ideas with what she could do with this thing! Above all else, she needed to pee. She had been holding it for hours, making sure not to use a toilet and waste it.

Digging through her closet a second time, Dash pulled out a simple box that contained all her secret foal supplies that she slowly acquired over the months of planning. She pulled out a pink pacifier and popped it into her mouth. She figured it'd help her bladder relax and use her diaper easier.

The pony squatted in front of her full body mirror and focused. Years of potty training prevented her from letting go immediately, but having a full, aching bladder helped her along. After a few moments of squatting with her legs spread out, Dash's bladder finally released, loudly splattering against the padded inside of the diaper with loud force.

"A-aaahh," Dash moaned in sweet relief as her bladder let go into the thick diaper. The thirsty padding quickly soaked up the urine, growing heavy and yellow with the new found weight. The pegasus could feel the thick padding swelling between her legs and growing warm as her tongue hung out of her mouth. Her strong urine stream slowly died down, leaving her with the blissful relief of a and a freshly soaked diaper.

The pony rubbed a hoof lengthwise through the thick, squishy padding. The hoof slowly slid through the yellow diaper from back to front, causing shivers to course through Rainbow Dash's body. The pacifier bobbed in her mouth as she suckled on it harder and harder. Her wings stiffened behind her as arousal took over her body. The diaper felt so good around her waist. The warmth already making her moist. Dash couldn't imagine how this could get any better.

But then her bowels started to churn, signaling another need to run to the bathroom. With a big grin behind her pink pacifier, Dash showed her diapered rump towards the mirror and looked under her legs to watch. She eyed her own, yellow hued, rump's reflection as she started to squat again.


With Rainbow Dash's spare house key, Applejack let herself in with chocolates in tow. To her surprise, the bottom floor was completely empty. She had hoped to find Dash when she walked in, but now she had to do some sneaking to keep the element of surprise on her side.

With careful steps, Applejack crept up the steps to the second floor. Perhaps Dash was in her bedroom?

The orange pony peeked around the doorway just in time to witness a shocking sight. Something she never thought she'd see.

Rainbow Dash could be seen standing in front of a full body mirror, squatting with a visibly wet diaper. The pony looked like a foal in this position as she grunted quietly to herself behind what appeared to be a pink pacifier.

Suddenly her diapered rump began to bulge before it started to sag between her legs. Applejack could hear childish giggles coming from the other pony as she filled the diaper with her own waste without batting an eye. The pegasus sighed heavily as her bowels emptied into the waiting diaper. She felt so turned on by all of it, momentarily slipping into a pleasured trace.

The shocking sight caused Applejack to open her mouth in confusion. The red box of chocolates dropped to the ground, noisily shattering against the floor.

Dash's blissful daze was suddenly shattered at the sound of a small box being dropped onto the ground. She jumped in surprise and looked towards her open bedroom doorway.

"A-applejack!" Dash's voice cracked as her cheeks drained of color. Applejack stood in her doorway, a box of chocolates laid half opened on the ground with pieces of the sweets scattered on the floor. "What are you doing here?!"

"I...What do you think you're doin'?!"

Chapter Two: Juicy Details

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Chocolates and Love
Chapter Two: Juicy Details
By Scribe Feather

"You're standing here fillin' foal diapers?! That's disgusting!" Applejack covered her nose with a hoof, the entire room stunk of dirty diapers. "I'm...I'm sorry Dash. I can't go out with a sick pervert like you..." Applejack shook her head in shock as she turned around and left.

"W-wait! Applejack!" Dash's cheeks finally regained their color as she dashed after her marefriend. Although, it was more of a waddle, with the heavy load pushing down her diaper. She moved as quickly as her waddling legs could handle, through the doorway, down the steps, and to the front door. Lucky for her, Applejack was just now walking out. "Applejack! WAIT!" In a rushed flurry of movement, she suddenly found her legs twisting around one another, tripping herself and landing on Applejack's tail. In a desperate motion, she gripped the blonde tail and held on for dear life. "Will you just give me a moment to explain!?"

Applejack paused mid-step. She remained frozen for a moment as she looked out the front door. She could escape and leave the disgusting habits of her ex-marefriend behind her. But the earth pony looked behind her and down at the teary eyed pony who held onto her tail like a dangling rope off a cliff.

"P-please!" Dash pleaded with her eyes as they welled up with tears. "Please let me explain!"

Applejack paused, looking back outside. Freedom from the stink and embarrassment was only a few steps away. She sighed as she lowered her head. "Fine..."

Rainbow Dash's ears perked up when she heard the door close again. She looked up at Applejack with shock and amazement. She thought she was going to lose her. She thought she blew it. "Oh thank you!" The pegasus hugged Applejack's tail tightly before being shooed off by the orange pony.

"Jus' jus' tell me what this is all about, a'right?" Applejack took a step away from the hugging pony. The smelly mess inside the diaper seemed to emit a foul cloud, pushing her farther and farther away from the offending odor.

The two resituated themselves on the couch, getting a safe distance away from the front door to a more comfortable spot. Rainbow Dash did her best to explain why she was caught in a big foal diaper, filling it up and enjoying it so much. She had a bit of trouble collecting her thoughts in a way that Applejack would understand. She tried her hardest and Applejack seemed to understand...Somewhat. It took a long amount of explaining before Dash had the courage to ask Applejack to treat her like a foal, a favor she'd only ask from somepony she trusted.

It took a good twenty minutes of explaining before Applejack finally considered Dash's offer. "So if I were to help you out with this..."


"This...Thing..." Applejack seemed to avoid the word as if it were some kind of swear. "Will you be needing a change?"

"Only if you want to...I mean I can do it myself, but it would be...Kinda nice if you..."

"Where's yer other..." Applejack motioned towards the sagging diaper, "Supplies"

"Upstairs, in my bedroom..."

"Show me," Applejack said as she stood up, helping Rainbow Dash up from her spot on the couch before the blue pegasus waddled off in front of her.

Applejack kept her distance and gave Dash's brown seated diaper a wide birth. She covered her nose with a hoof as she followed the diapered pony up the steps again and into her bedroom.

"So these are the...Diapers," Applejack said mostly to herself as she picked up the package from the bed, examining it from all angles. She never realized that they even HAD diapers this thick for adults. She was surprised she never stumbled across this secret earlier.

"Uhm...Y-ya," Dash blushed as Applejack pulled out a single diaper to give it a closer inspection. The diaper crinkled loudly in the earth pony's hooves as she examined it's Wonderbolt markings. The garment resembled a foal's diaper, but was noticeably bigger and had two tapes on each side instead of the usual one. "You might also need powder and...W-wipes..."

"Wipes for what?...Oh! Oh right!" Applejack grabbed the container of wipes and powder that sat on top of Dash's dresser. Both seemed to be tailored towards foals, hinting that Rainbow Dash actually LIKED the foal scented stuff. "Well uhm...Lay down on the floor or the bed or something."

Dash could tell that Applejack was a bit nervous and unsure about all of this. She decided to lay down a bathroom towel onto the ground before laying her diapered rump on top. She "mphed" quietly as her squishy mess pressed hard against the towel, spreading it around inside. She laid on her back, legs spread out.

Applejack kneeled between Dash's legs and slowly started to untape the diaper. She braced herself for the foul odor that would only amplify immensely once she opened the bulging diaper. The diaper was slowly pulled back as Applejack's nose wrinkled abruptly to the stench. She swallowed the reflex to gag and opened up the container of wipes.

Rainbow Dash didn't seem even the least bit affected by the strong smell that filled the room. She simply stared into space as Applejack went to work cleaning up her mess. The pegasus smiled warmly to herself, feeling a strange twinge of calm while being taken care of.

She let out a surprised squeak as Applejack lifted her legs up and pulled the messy diaper out from under her, cleaning up the rest of the mess. Applejack made a pile of dirty wipes in the middle of the diaper and wrapped it up in a tight ball. She did this all while holding Dash's legs up effortlessly like a foal's. Dash had almost forgotten how strong Applejack was.

A new diaper was sipped under Rainbow Dash's rump along with a rather generous amount of foal powder. It took a bit of adjusting, but Applejack was able to positing the diaper just right before pulling the padding up between the pony's legs. The diaper was taped tightly around Dash's waist and the change was concluded.

Rainbow Dash quickly scrambled to her feet to look at herself in the mirror. Applejack took the liberty to clean up the area. She wasn't sure if the bedroom's trash can was the best place for a poopy diaper, but she deposited it anyway. Sure turned back around to see the blue pegasus still posing in front of the mirror with a big smile on her face.

Applejack couldn't take her eyes off of Dash's fresh diaper as the pegasus modeled in front of the mirror. The fresh diaper looked so much nicer than the used one, hugging Dash's firm rump so nicely. She let out a quiet, aroused sigh. Maybe there WAS something about this diaper fetish she could learn to enjoy...

"You did a pretty good job..." Rainbow Dash said as she turned around to face Applejack. She noticed a certain look in the earth pony's eyes that was hard not to mistake. She liked it! Dash KNEW she liked it! She could see it in her eyes! Dash's wings fluttered a tiny bit as she spoke again. "Say...Applejack...Would you like to uhm..."


"Would you want to...Take this to the next level?"

"Next level?"

"Have you ever tried...Bondage?"

"Bondage?...A little," Applejack lied as she stole more glances at the thick, crinkling diaper that hugged Rainbow Dash's rump so snuggly. Of course she had done a lot of bondage in the past with partners, but she wasn't one to kiss and tell. She had a lot of experience and found the whole thing coming natural to her because of her rodeo experiences. "Why?"

"Well...I'd really like it if..." Dash's voice got unusually quiet. The once confident pegasus was embarrassed with what she was saying. "If...You tied me up and be my dominating master..."

Applejack paused, not answering right away even though she wanted to eagerly yell 'yes!' The pony kept her cool and her excitement contained. "I'd like that," Applejack said as she blushed a little bit, "but we're gonna to need rope first."

Rainbow Dash quickly bolted over to her foal supply box. After some swift digging, tossing a few items aside, she pulled out a small coil of rope and brought it over to Applejack.

"That was quick...What ELSE ya got in there?" Applejack glanced over at the box, rather baffled how quickly the diapered pony retrieved it.

Dash didn't answer and instead blushed. She now realized just how strange it looked for her to grab the rope. She almost backed down on the request because of nerves before Applejack grabbed the rope from her.

"Lay down, you big foal," Applejack commanded sternly, nudging the other pony away.

Dash's legs were tied tightly in one large cluster. Applejack's experienced hooves weaved the rope around the four limbs, ensuring Dash was trapped no matter how much she tugged. The earth pony's movements were swift and deliberate, quickly binding Dash into an inescapable bind.

The blue pegasus's eyes appeared worried, but her wings gave off the tell tale sign of arousal, stiffening wide behind her as she was tied up. She felt helpless and submissive to her new dominating master.

"Wait here," Applejack said, grabbing a few items from Dash's foal supplies stash, leaving Dash alone on her bedroom floor.

Rainbow Dash let out a couple whimpers as she was discarded and left to just lay there on the ground. She could hear hoofsteps going down the steps and into the kitchen. Her ears strained to hear the ever so faint sound of the refrigerator door being opened and closed again.

Applejack quickly prepared a bottle of milk for the big foal. She added a bit of laxative powder that she found in Dash's stash to help the pony a long. With a small naughty grin, the orange pony screwed on the bottle's rubber nipple and gave the liquid a bit of a shake to mix in the powder.

Despite her initial reaction towards Dash's infantile indulgence, Applejack found that she kinda...Enjoyed Dash like this. Being cute and small tickled her dominating side and being in diapers gave Applejack great control over Dash. Even the messing diapers thing was cute, except for the smell which made the pony gag a bit.

Applejack returned to the bedroom to find Dash exactly where she left her. The pegasus didn't dare move, too scared of the consequences. She simply looked up at the earth pony as she got closer to her.

"Lay in my lap for your bottle," Applejack commanded, laying on the ground with her back against the bed.

Rainbow Dash struggled with the rope, but managed to wiggle her way up into Applejack's lap. The earth pony did very little to assist the diapered pony, rather enjoy the sight too much to help.

With a bit of a forceful hoof, Applejack slipped the baby bottle into Dash's mouth whether she was ready for it or not. The rainbow maned horse instinctively latched onto it and began suckling the sweet milk.

"That's better," Applejack stated, brushing a bit of Dash's mane out of her eyes as the bottle bobbed in her mouth. The pegasus was behaving herself quite well. Almost as if she WANTED to be dominated so sternly.

For the next fifteen minutes, not a word was exchanged between the two ponies. Applejack leaned quietly against the bed as Rainbow Dash sucked the bottle softly in her lap. Dash could feel the cool milk filling her tummy, calming her down.

There was a moment where Dash was able to relax fully. To regress into a calming state of innocence. She smiled softly as she continued to drink from the bottle, unknowingly filling her system with the fast acting laxative.

Applejack waited patiently as the bottle was drained. Dash had already polished off three quarters of the liquid and it'd be only a matter of time before the laxatives worked through Dash's system.

Dash was ripped out of her content regression by strong cramps coming from her lower tummy. Her stomach noisily started to churn as she did her best to ignore it. She still had plenty of sweet milk to drink and didn't want to get into trouble with her new master. She tried to block the thought out of her head as she tried to finish the bottle.

Applejack watched as the pony in her lap started to react to the laxatives. Dash did her best to disguise it, but it was clear to see that she would soon need to go.

Finally the strain became too great and the pony started to grunt. Right in Applejack's lap, Dash began to fill her diaper up again, moaning behind the bottle as Applejack watched with great interest. The pony squirmed in Applejack's lap, blushing heavily as loud noises erupted from her smelling diaper. Dash felt sweet relief after pushing her mess out, but instantly regretted it when she saw Applejack's expression change.

"Did you just soil yerself on my LAP?!"

"S-sorry, I-I couldn't help it!"

Applejack's body language became tough and firm as her voice dropped to a commanding tone. "Sorry's not good enough! I'm going to have to teach you a lesson!" In one jerking motion, she spun Dash around in her lap, diapered rump sticking up in the prime position.

Rainbow Dash weakly squirmed as she whimpered. Her diaper swayed between her legs as she tried to will herself out of Applejack's hold. The earth pony was much too strong and asserted her dominance with a very hard and firm smack to Dash's inner thigh, causing her to yelp. She didn't have the safety of the diaper to cushion that first initial spank. She quickly stopped and laid there still as pond water.

"Better," Applejack stated. "Now, because you soiled yourself like a helpless baby, you're going to get thirty spanks. If you behave yourself, I'll only spank your smelly rump." This was music to Dash's ears as she seemed to relax a bit in Applejack's lap. The diaper was thick and squishy, the spanks couldn't hurt THAT much, right? "But," Applejack started, tensing Dash back up, "if you misbehave, move too much, or anything else, I will spank you hard on the back of your legs and you wouldn't like THAT!"

"I-I'll be a good girl," Dash's voice sounded so little as she braced herself for the embarrassing spank. Being in Applejack's hold and being ordered around like a real foal turned her on greatly. Her wings perked up a bit behind her from the situation.

"Then be a good girl and count out the spanks. If you miss one I'll start again." Applejack raised her right front hoof into the air as her left kept the pony's butt steady.

The hoof spanked down hard with a muffled "twap", squishing the smelly mess inside the diaper. Rainbow Dash gasped loudly, "o-one!" The spank, despite it hurting a bit, felt arousing to the diapered pony. She felt controlled and dominated, and she wouldn't have had it any other way. "Twap" "Two," the pony counted again, cringing at the sensation. "Twap" "T-three..."

Each spank felt like it took hours to complete, leaving the pony cringing in anticipation. The cycle of faint arousal and painful spankings continued until Rainbow Dash finally reached number thirty. Once it was finally over, the pony seemed to droop in Applejack's hold, panting from pain and sexual tension.

"Get off, poopy pants," Applejack ordered as she nudged the diapered pony off of her lap.

Dash instinctively started to get into position again, laying on her back with limbs curled up. She looked at the other pony, expecting a diaper change.

"Guess again, you big foal!" Applejack seated herself at the foot of Dash's bed and spread her legs. "You're not getting a diaper change until you make me cum."

Rainbow Dash's ears drooped as she looked at the aroused earth pony. With her limbs bound, she was forced to wiggled around like a boned fish. She got off her back, scooted over to Applejack, and slowly nestled her muzzle in between her master's legs.

"That's what I'm talking about," Applejack smirked, leaning back on her fore hooves to emphasize her moist sex. "Now be a good sub and make me cum. The longer you take, the longer you'll have to sit in that diaper."

Rainbow Dash went right to work, licking Applejack's moist sex a couple times. She could taste the salty, sweet arousal on the other pony as she felt her own arousal build up inside the smelly diaper. Slowly, the pony dug deeper into Applejack's moist nether regions.

Applejack leaned back as she was licked lovingly without any help from her. It was a whole new experience doing it hands free. She occasionally got a whiff of the brown diaper that swayed between Rainbow Dash's legs, but she did her best to ignore it and hold her breath when necessary. She tried her best to focus on what mattered. She was being licked through by her lovely marefriend, Rainbow Dash and she looked so cute in her little diapers.

"Mmph..." A small moan escaped the earth pony's lips as she closed her eyes. She gently moved her legs up and around Dash's head, locking her ankles to keep the pegasus close to her dripping sex. "M-mph! Don't stop!"

Dash's licking intensified as she played with Applejack's clit, arousing her farther. She would dip her tongue deep into the slippery sex, tasting Applejack as she was pushed closer and closer to an orgasm.

Applejack's body suddenly started to tense up as her breath became quick, the pony's limbs curled as a sign of what was to come. With a final gasp and a light buck of her hips, the orange earth pony let out a shuddering moan as bolts of arousal coursed through her body. "A-ah!" She cringed as the orgasm took over her body.

After what felt like an eternity of orgasmic pleasure, Applejack finally relaxed, released Dash from her hold, and plopped onto the bed behind her with heavy pants. "M-mmh..." She laid there for a few minutes, reveling in the bliss.

With a hint of wobble in her legs, Applejack stood up and started to untie Dash. "Come on, downstairs."


"You still need to wait." Applejack said as she helped the other pony back onto her feet. "You made me wait for an orgasm, so I'm going to make you wait for a change." Applejack ushered the diapered pony out the door as she grabbed the box of foal supplies to carry down with them.

Dash had a noticeable waddle to her step as she was watched from behind by Applejack. Her diaper was now greatly brown in the back as the padding slowly absorbed the fowl waste that pulled down the padding. Applejack couldn't help but smile at the cute stride her marefriend had.

Rainbow Dash was forcefully placed in front of the living room couch. Applejack took the liberty of pulling out all of her toys from the box, placing them around the pegasus. Now Dash wished she hadn't collected so many things. It was embarrassing for every item that Applejack pulled out of the box including a stack of plastic blocks, a rattle, and some plastic keys on a keychain

"Now then," Applejack said as she sat down on the couch. "You have a lot of time to kill before I change you out of that disgusting diaper. I expect you to play with ALL your toys while you wait."

After an extended period of time in the smelly diaper, it had lost it's allure to Dash. She now wanted out of it as soon as possible. However, Applejack made her wait and expected her to play with her toys. She did her best to busy herself with the colorful hunks of plastic, occasionally giving the keys and rattle a few shakes to keep Applejack happy.

Finally, after a half hour of sitting, which felt like hours to the diapered pony, Applejack stood up from the couch. She took her time walking over to the box and pulling out the needed diaper changing supplies one by one. Dash watched intently, waiting for the signal to lay down. She whimpered quietly as Applejack slowed her movement down deliberately.

"Alright, poopy butt. On your back," Applejack finally said to which Rainbow Dash quickly obeyed. "Three diapers in one day," Applejack said as she pulled out a new diaper from it's package and spread Dash's legs apart. "My big foal's quite the stinker."

The diaper change went along much smoother this time around. Applejack seemed more relaxed now and Rainbow Dash was just happy to get out of the smelly, brown diaper. She was wiped clean, powdered up, and taped into a fresh, crinkling diaper. The feeling of a new diaper was greatly refreshing.

"Well I gotta get goin'. Big Mac's gonna need some help with farm work," Applejack commented as she stood up straight, "now I expect to see you in that diaper when I come back tomorrow, got it?"

"Y-yes master," Rainbow Dash quietly whimpered with a hidden smile.

Chapter Three: Epilogue

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Chocolates and Love
Chapter Three: Epilogue
By Scribe Feather

The next day, Applejack returned to Cloudsdale with a brand new box of chocolates hanging in her mouth. This time around she knocked on Rainbow Dash's main door before entering.

"Rainbow! I'm here!" Applejack called out before placing the red box of chocolates on the end table next to the couch. Her first thought was to go upstairs and see if Dash was up to no good again, but she decided against it.

She could hear movement from upstairs as the pegasus made her way to the lower floor. Oddly enough, she wasn't wearing a diaper. Instead she was carrying the box of foal supplies from the day before with a few fresh diapers poking out the top.

"RD, why aren't ya in yer diapers?" Applejack asked, surprised that Dash of all ponies would pass up an opportunity to waddle around in a diaper.

"Well I thought about it and I was thinkin' we could...Switch..."


"Yeah, I figure you did such a good job yesterday changin' me and being a good dom. I thought I'd take a shot at it."

"Hmph, alright," Applejack smirked back, "but expect a big ol' stinky diaper from me!"

"And expect me to make you sit in it while you lick me." Dash said with a knowing smirk. "Now lay on down."

Applejack complied while Dash pulled out a fresh, blue diaper. "Hey, Dash?"


"Do you mind if I call you 'mommy' instead?"

Dash paused for a moment, the request being a bit unexpected from her marefriend. She simply smiled and nodded. "Sure, I'd like that!"