Black Coffee In Caramel's Bed

by SwiperTheFox

First published

Big Mac relaxes with "you" at a seaside resort, but Caramel pops in by surprise.

Big Mac never even begun to think that he'd win 'The Canterlot Times' reader contest, much less what he'd do once the tickets and check showed up at his door, but he did. His romance with you, kept somewhat quiet given its unusual human-x-pony nature, has taken a fun turn as you both relax at Maresville's 'Seaside Promenade'. After spending the last morning together with a tender breakfast, you encounter Caramel playing around on the beach. Apparently, he still has some feelings towards Big Mac that haven't quite been resolved. You're determined to keep on having fun.

This second-person "you" romance is in response to a request by Swag. The title is a reference to the song "Black Coffee In Bed" by the British powerpop band Squeeze. Please note that it contains mature content. Thanks for reading.

The First Part

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You stagger out of bed, glancing all around the cozy bedroom for Big Mac. You pop open the double-doors to the massive closet, picking out a simple green Hoofington Orchestral Society t-shirt and matching dark green shorts. "No use looking un-presentable," you mutter. You think back, though, that the ponies here had only seen the occasional human. You have no doubt that you could prance around naked, manhood flopping in the air, and nopony would care that much. You giggle.

You scan the fancy mini-beach house, complete with big wicker chairs and flowing white drapes alongside tiny wooden tables, and let out a happy sigh. Big Mac has to be somewhere right around. No worries. You pop in the bathroom, quickly brushing your teeth and grabbing a glass of sparkling water from the mini-fridge. You know that this will be your last day at Maresville's 'Seaside Promenade', and you hope to do something special.

"Really special," you whisper as you step outside. You gaze at the long beach, the barely touched sand stretching out almost endlessly around. The water calmly ripples up again and again at the edge. You put your hand over you eyes, smiling. You suddenly hear a little grunt.

You spin to the right, smiling even wider. Big Mac leans back in a shiny white rocking bench, eyes focused right on the horizon. You step over, putting a hand upon his back. You rub it upwards over to that amazing mane of his, the contrast between his fur and your skin bringing tingles of pleasure like always. He looks so stoic, unresponsive.

He blinks, hooves rubbing up against his legs. "Applejack's probably needing me right now," he murmurs in that tender yet powerful voice of his. "So much bucking to do."

"We've been through this at least a hundred times too many," you reply, sitting down besides him. "The winnings check was enough to hire somepony else as well as save ahead. Besides--" You snuggle a few inches closer, your shoulder nudging his strong, muscular side. "AJ insisted that you take the vacation."

"And she hired Fluttershy, of all the ponies in Ponyville," he comments, sighing. "For the life of me, I can't understand why. So what if she wanted to learn new things?"

"Just forget about her," you say, bringing your shoulder against his. Your arm goes around his shoulder, and you face rubs up against his name. You love his strong, farmer's scent-- that musk-- that he never seemed to lose despite three days of vacationing. "I know it's easier said then done, but we're here, right now. Together. That's what counts." You brush your head a little bit higher, your mouth speaking right into his ear. It flickers, looking so adorable.

"Eeeeeeeeeeyup," he replies.

Fluttershy has long been a sore spot with Mac. Their relationship fell apart, just like every other relationship that he had tried from Cheerilee to even Rainbow Dash, and he never got over them. Every little break-up carved a scar in his soul, and those numerous hurts added up-- time only dragging the pain on rather than healing them.

You've long suspected that, deep in his subconscious, every mare had to measure up with Applejack in each possible way and never could. Silly colt, never trying a guy before! You chuckle. For your part, Applejack saw some kind of deep, inherent honestly inside you and welcomed you to Sweet Apple Acres to stay just minutes after you appeared, dazed and confused, on the outskirts of Ponyville. She became like a protective shield, as close to you as a shoe to a foot.

"Let's get some breakfast," you comment. He locks eyes with you. You can't help but gaze forwards for a long time. That's what you fell in love with-- those eyes attached to that handsome face. He conveyed such strength and yet such gentle, tender feelings from those green wonders, looking like emeralds in the sharp beach sun.

He nods and walks alongside you. You step along the light concrete to the 'Food Hut', Mac following in toto. He drops back with each step. You glance backwards before moving on. He slows down even more, moving like a snail. You glance every several seconds, feeling as if you're playing some game with a kitten or something. Finally, you come to a complete stop. You shove your hands into your pockets, laughing.

"What... what is it?" you ask, trying to keep yourself to just a low giggle. "You're not hungry?"

"Ah am," he says, his country accent becoming thicker than usual. He prances in place. You can't believe how adorable he looks, body rubbing up against the ground. "Ah just... feel awkward."


"It's not my place," he says. You step over, putting your hands into his mane and sliding down. He loves it when you do that. He feels almost ashamed at it, acting so girly as he whines at having his mane brushed and handled, but he leans his head over to your side and smiles at your touch. "There's all of these Canterlot ponies there. Big business types from Hooftington, too. The factory slave-drivers from Coltsville pop in. They've got their trophy mares." He takes a deep breath. "I love being here with you. Please, I just..." He hunts for the right words. "I can't relax here if I'm around those ponies. I'd rather be back on the farm. Shoot, I belong there. They're hurting without me."

"We're not required to be friends with them. We're just eating there and then going back to our part of the beach," you say back. You understand, not much liking the snobby vacation-set ponies much either. They gawk at humans and mumur as if they're walking museum pieces.

"Eyup." You sit down and let your hands wander all over Mac's body. You scratch along his fur, fingers drawing figure-eights across his back and over to his chest. He blushes at the public affection, his cheeks somehow becoming purple-ish red. You press your face against his cheek and make a sweet kiss.

"Let them have their fun. Them and their trophy mares. We'll just eat."

He looks at you blankly.

"Besides, aren't I your trophy mare?" You run your hands through your hair, sucking in your cheeks.

He snorts with laughter, looking the happiest he's been for days. He nods and walks into the hut with you. Sure enough, the crowd breaks way for you both. You tune out the numerous comments, many just curious but a lot words worth fighting over back on your planet, scampering around the room.

Mac eyes the stacks of waffles. For your part, the massive tray filled with scrambled eggs almost seems to call out at you-- a heavenly aura going over it. The chocolate cupcake desserts don't look too shabby either. You seize a huge paper plate and start filling it up. Mac watches you make a second plate for him, adding the same delicious assortment as yours.

Mac's head rubs up along your side. The touching drives you crazy. You can't wait to finish your breakfast and get started with the "good morning pick-me up" that you and Mac always had. You force your breathing down, trying not to make a scene with the posh-type horses around you. Mac locks eyes with you once more, and he gestures back towards your mini-beach house. A silent understanding goes through your mind immediately

You both head out of the food hut, you carrying the plates with Mac holding a huge jug of iced tea in his mouth. You step forward past him once again. Oh, what now? You rub your face with your hands, setting the plates on the path, before flipping around.

"Big Mac? Really? Wow!" shouts an unfamiliar voice from somewhere. It reminds you of Mac's country accent but more emotional, softer, and younger.

"Caramel?" says Mac, dropping the pitcher and just barely catching it a second later. His eyes swell up with wonder.

"What are you doing here?" says Caramel, stepping over from behind a stack of folding chairs besides the foot hut.

"Same to you!" Mac replies, stepping off of the path and onto the sand. Caramel trots over and embraces Mac. You size up the new stallion, eyes moving up from his golden-yellow hooves up to a light, white shirt he's wearing and over to his poofy brown mane. He has a curly, gently looking face. You almost picture him as a mare in a stallion's skin or vise-versa. He appears so sleek and so lanky.

"Your friend is?" Caramel asks, putting a hoof through his mane. He side-steps, standing in between you and Mac.

"My friend's... name is..." Mac starts to say, looking a little overcome all of a sudden.

"Your boyfriend's name is..." you correct him. You show a pouty-face of mock anger, although in truth you're already a bit miffed at seeing this other stallion get all of Mac's attention.

Mac leans over and whispers your name into Caramel's ear. He nods, stepping over to you. You must admit that he has an incredibly pretty face, the sun sparkling across his back and along his fluffy brown tail. Caramel and Mac do an interesting little move where they tap cheeks and then tap flanks before intertwining their tails. Your eyes grow big as you watch.

"That's an interesting mane for a pony," Caramel says. He stops, shrugging. "I mean, that's-- ya'll ain't a pony. You're, uh, with that name. I guess that's--" He blinks, ears twitching. "That's a pretty standard name for a human, then?" You mock being offended, eyebrows moving up. "Oh, I guess it's a fantastic name for a... an anything, partner." He holds his mouth open, slanting to the side. His confused expression seems even more adorable than a second ago.

"Nice to meet you, Caramel," you say as you lean over and extend a hand. He meets it with a hoof. I think I'm going to like this colt after all. Your fingers rub up against his body fur for a second, feeling rather odd.

"A-ha," he squeaks, which you also find adorable. You stand back up.You eye Mac who's already picked back up the iced tea. He points over towards your place.

"Well, Caramel, I guess you're still having breakfast?"

"Just had 'breakfast proper', or whatever ya'll might want to call it." He shrugs, wiggling his tail against the path. "I can't resist grabbing dessert, now can I?"

"Well, grab that and finish having breakfast with us at our place." You smile, and he reflexively smiles back. You gesture the way down the path. "See you in just a moment."

"It's a, uh, date," he replies. He winks before trotting over into the food hut.

I can't believe that I invited him to be with us. Is he going to touch base with Mac for hours, now? Stupid get-together-type stuff, endless talking with me just sitting there silent like a potted plant? Mac looks at you, making an odd sort of dance with your eyes. You take a little breath and head back to your place. Well, I don't know. He seems so nice. And maybe I wrong with his relationship with Mac. Are they cousins? Ex-boyfriends? What the hay?

You step into your bedroom and set up the plates, crammed full of all kinds of sweet treats, across a big white table. You pick up a some extra, smaller plates from atop a nearby dresser, fingering some glasses as well. Mac parks himself down on one of the wicker chairs, leaning his head far back.

"Tell me the truth," you say, standing over Mac. He looks up at you, making a blank expression like a statue. You try not to sound concerned or jealous, feeling mostly just curious. "You and Caramel. What's your relationship?"

"When he changed jobs, hopping from Appleoosa to Coltsville and elsewhere, I just lost track of him. He's like Fluttershy's heart and Twilight's mind in Applejack's body." His eyes seemed to flash back, legs curving underneath the table in front of him. "He's the nicest colt on the planet."

"I mean, your relationship..."

He waves a hoof in the air, sliding it along an imaginary plane. "Off and on. Mostly 'off' until I started having eyes for Cheerliee. Then, just 'off'." You can see the absolute truth in his eyes.


"Off," he says with conviction. He pauses and then shrugs. "Unless that's somethin' that... I ain't... I don't know. Does it bother you?"

"No, I doesn't. I just need to know." you say. You really mean it. Things feel more weird than anything. You've spent a lot of time with Fluttershy, Cheerliee, and other ex-marefriends of Mac. You've had issues with them related to being a human, but nothing with respect to their relationships with Mac. If anything, that made you understand them better. Still, though, you hadn't ever thought of Mac as a lifetime coltcuddler. You figured that you were his first guy as well as his first human.

"I mean," he comments, searching for the right words. He pours himself an iced tea as he looks out in the distance, the waves still flowing as they always had. "He's the type to turn things 'on' at the drop of a hat-- ain't need to do anything else 'cept ask. Funny, if you were to ask, he'd jump at the opportunity of bringin' you in"

"What!" you call out, spotting Caramel heading over in the distance.

"Well, he likes you. That's as clear as a bottle of cider." Mac chuckles. "Not to mention that you stared with a face lookin' awful funny when we did our little greetin', touchin' cheeks and flanks."

He's totally right. You have the oddest feelings bubbling up deep inside of you as Caramel opens the door. For the past several days, you and Mac have already tried every position you knew in every part of the bedroom, going at each other once every few hours. And you felt electricity coming from Caramel, even just from touching your fingers against his smooth hoof. Goodness, I'm not jealous at all. Nope, I'm... I'm... wanting.

"We'll see how things go," you muttered, a sea of emotions flowing into your mind.


To Be Continued...

The Last Part

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You nod as Caramel steps into the door, nudging his plate crammed full of chocolate cupcakes and sprinkles-loaded vanilla puddling onto a dresser. "Wow, ya'lls place looks so spacious," he says, eyes bulging as he trots around.

"Sure is," you say, stepping over behind Caramel. You're not quite sure what you want to do here. Yet you see Caramel blush, feeling awkward at having you so close to him. You realize that he has to find you pretty handsome, or maybe he just has a thing for humans.

"How on earth could ya'll afford a cozy beach house like this," Caramel asks, turning to Mac. The red stallion picks himself up out of the chair and slides his head to the left, grinning. "Seriously, no foolin', I'm staying at in a room that ain't a room, more like a closet by comparison." Caramel side-steps closer to Mac, his tail rubbing up against your bare legs. You let out a little breath, loving that sensation.

"Loyalty for three years dutiful subscription to The Canterlot Times," Mac replies, passing over a glass of iced tea. You take it. Caramel's been eyeing the thermos of black coffee, and you toss that over to him.

"Whoa, wait a moment," Caramel comments, plopping down on the bed and having a sip. You gaze upon the stallion as his legs straddle the pillows. Hmmm... he's already acting like he owns the place. so masculine, so assertive. "That's all it took? Some kind of reward service."

"Heh, I wish," Mac says, stepping behind the table. It takes you a few seconds to put two and two together, and you pick-up the right side. You both lift the table over and perch it right besides the gigantic bed. Mac leans up next to you, his hoof locking with you leg. "My guy here helped me solve their little logic puzzle last month. You know, that big sweepstakes game."

It's your turn to blush. Something about 'my guy' always felt wonderful coming from Mac, even though humans dropping into Equestria seemed to be disturbing more common than one would first think. You pick up your glass and gulp it down, in truth, you want to get to the smorgasbord besides you as soon as possible.

"Yowza!" Caramel calls out, his face lighting up with even more cheer than usual. You feel like pecking in the cheek right then and there. "So, you two were 'the couple from Ponvyille' that the paper talked about last week. I'll bet you got the green-suited mares showing up at Sweet Apple Acres with the pony-sized check and everything." He giggles as you nod.

Big Mac slumps himself up on the bed, slinking close to Caramel. Not to be outdone, you hop onto the edge and scurry to Caramel's left side. Finding himself in a male-sandwich, the brown-maned stallion lets out a torrent of nervous breathes. The tension feels pretty thick, you can almost see it like a fog through the air, but you simply reach in front of you and grab a muffin.

Mac comments something about Applejack's latest project, and how exactly he plans to spend the reward monies. You tune slightly out, although still nodding at times. You feel pretty famished, and mounds of scrambled eggs practically teleport into your mouth. Besides, you've heard it all before. Mac, oddly enough for such a demure stallion back in Ponyville, talks the importunately to talk on and on. The stallions zip through the breakfast as well, barely less hungry than you feel.

You see Mac's legs rubbing up against Caramel's, and you wiggle your head side to side. Two can certaintly play at that game, Mac! You reach with your foot and bring it against Caramel's hoof. You've got a big advantage though, with some dexterous toes, and you play across Caramel's fur. He blushes even more, Mac not yet the wiser.

Mac finishes up, heaping a stack of potato wedges into his mouth. You keep on wiggling against Caramel, making him moan ever so slightly. He seems rather overwhelmed at the dual attention. Caramel discusses a few things about his new job, this time probably staying for good in Appleoosa. He relays some funny stories about Braeburn as well, noting with great surprise how Braeburn and a new human assistant have gotten along like surrogate brothers.

"Ah, now that's where it comes from," you whisper to yourself. "Poor ol' Caramel feels jealous. Maybe he thinks we're 'exotic' or something." I guess I am, though. You nestle you very human hands, fingers rubbing into his fur, along Caramel's sides. He pauses, blushing so much that you wonder if he'd pass out, before finishing up.

"Hey!" Mac interjects, looking right at you.

You freeze, having paid very little attention to the whole conversation. "Uh, yes?" You see Mac's mane curling along Caramel's shoulders. No doubt, his hooves are having fun right now as well.

"Time for dessert?"

"Eeeeeeyup," you respond, smiling from cheek to cheek. You catch his drift pretty quickly as he picks up a little cup with melted chocolate sauce. You snuggle just inches away from Caramel, your hands digging all along his chest.

"Oh, ah... I'm... uh... glad that you... feel this way, about me," Caramel mutters. You can tell that he's not sure if he should be enjoying what's happening, even though his body is screaming at him too. "And, boy, I'd love even more dessert."

"How about some chocolate covered caramel?" Mac asks.

"That would be aweso--"

He stops as the sauce drips down onto his cheek. He shivers for a moment, mouth open wide in surprise. You lean over and give him a sloppy kiss on his other cheek, smothering your own cup of chocolate onto his chest and down onto his belly. He starts to groan, his hooves rubbing up against your back as well as Mac's back.

Mac slides up with his legs and pushes the table a few feet away. You watch intently as he lines up, standing over Caramel's side. You finish off the chocolate along Caramel's belly and over to his thigh. His enjoyment causes a certain part of him between his legs to spring up, sticking out at full length and throbbing in just a second. You pant for a second, not expecting him to be this well-endowed, just barely falling short of Big Mac.

Mac's hooves clutch Caramel's leg, rubbing up and then down in a smooth massage. He curls his head along and begins licking up the chocolate, wet slurps traveling from Caramel's cheek in spirals down to Caramel's colthood. Your hands flicker along the brown-maned stallion's thighs as well, moving up to his large sack and cradling it for a moment.

Caramel makes a torrent of feminine whines, begging you both to go faster. You gaze upon his open mouth, tongue sticking out, and almost giggle at his adorable expression. Your fingers rub his sack and move up his shaft. He digs his head into the pillow behind him, eyes getting wider by the moment. Mac, for his part, turns the slurp-filled licks into passionate kisses, determined to peck every last inch of Caramel's body almost.

You stroke up and down Caramel's colthood, starting to pant hard. Your own thing between your legs has gotten incredibly jealous, and you shove your shorts and briefs down with your free hand. You lean up, scooching your sack against Caramel's, and your fingers dance up Caramel's rod up to the tip. You lean back, picking up the last cup of chocolate, and douse it on the things in front of you.

Mac's kisses have driven Caramel out of his mind, ripples of pleasure going through the brown-maned stallion's body. Mac meets eye to eye with his ex-coltfriend, leaning in to lock lips. Their messy making out has you rather jealous, but you can hardly stop stroking Caramel's amazing rod. Your fingers curl around the tip, making the stallion twitch and groan.

You've had more than enough foreplay, and Mac's gigantic, throbbing colthood also cries out for close attention. Caramel instinctively understands as Mac breaks the kiss. You press your hands against Caramel's chest, your fingers scraping down hard into his fur. Your eyes feast upon his handsome face, you can tell why Mac fell really in love with him once upon a time, and you kiss him. His lips taste so totally delicious. You coo, your tonuge playing slipping along the sides of his mouth. Your heads slant side to side, and you savor the moment.

Mac makes a very loud grunt. You lean up, standing atop the bed. Caramel's eyes lock on the thing between your legs. You feel a little self-conscious at your relative lack of size, but he seems more in shock than anything. I guess I really am exotic game to him. You chuckle as you step a little bit backwards.

Mac scooches upwards ontop of the pillows. You look on intently as Mac's enormous colthood rubs up through Caramel's mane onto his cheek. The brown-maned stallion lets out a gasp, mouth going into a big 'O'. You put your hands against his legs as he flips slowly over. His tail wags with anticipation against your manhood, making you almost grit your teeth with anticipation. You can't resist moving your hands up and running them through the cute fur, the tail now bobbing against your shirt.

Mac's thing shoves up against Caramel's face. The red stallion smiles, eyes turning upwards as the licking starts. Caramel devours Mac's colthood, lips wandering along the shaft and tongue wiggling out. The slurps turn into kisses, coupled with whining like noises.

You gaze at Caramel's small, snug looking tailhole below you. You lean over, picking up a little can of melted butter, and you dose your manhood with it. You coat your fingers with it, forcing yourself not to lick them, and you rub up against Caramel's entrance. He feels so warm. He also seems totally ready, hungry on the inside. You stick two fingers a little bit inside, and the golden-yellow stallion makes a very loud gasp.

You open your mouth, taking in a very deep breath. You line up perfectly, hands pulling against his tail, and you close you eyes. Mac, for his part, seems to have stopped to watch you enter paradise.


You cry out, knees buckling. You cannot believe the smoothness, the wetness, and the snugness. Your thing moves in right to the base, pulsing inside of the beautiful stallion's body. You collapse forwards for a moment, hands going up along his sides. The ripples of pure bliss shoot through your body and almost burn into your mind. You feel Caramel's fluffy tail up onto your face, and you bury it inside.

You hear the endless slurping and sucking sounds right in front of you, Mac clearing having the time of his life as well. You can't really think. You're lost in your own little nirvana. You lean out, face still rubbing up against the golden-yellow stallion's tail and fingers curling along his back, as your manhood pulls out. Inch by heavenly inch, you try hard not to blow your load right then and there.

You plunge back forwards. It feels like some kind of electricity shooting from your hips. You lose it, the constant cascade of pleasure upon pleasure making you turn into something animal. Your body topples down, fingers scratching all along Caramel's back, and you pump time and time again. Thrust goes into thrust with seamless motion, your body unleashing a huge groan.

Mac moans as well, his hooves suddenly perching against your shoulders. You keep on thrusting, the pure bliss putting you so incredibly close to the edge. Mac's hooves jiggle against your body, moving over to your chest. His moans grow incredibly load, so loud that you know ponies can hear from quite a ways away outside. You almost bit your lip, trying not to scream at the top of your lungs. You press yourself in all the way to the base, feeling Caramel's sack slapping against your legs. That wonderful sound seems indescribable, the emotions driving you totally insane.

"It feels... so... good..." you screech.

Mac's head suddenly goes up against your shoulder. You feel your face inside his mane, and he puts his face upon your bare neck. You somehow manage to kiss each other's bodies, sharing in the total bliss. His body jitters, almost out of control. He's about to unload himself. He knows it. You know it. Caramel.

The brown-maned stallion keeps on groaning. For all you know, he's been in one continuous orgasm for the whole time. You're determined to make the moment count, and you hands shift down to Caramel's colthood, feeling his sticky pre-cum pooling onto the sheets below.

You stroke him as you and Mac both thrust even faster than before, moving at total abandonment. Finally, you can't hold it in anymore. Caramel's cozy tailhole seems to suck you in, his sack rubbing up onto your skin. You press in as deep as you possibly can, hearing yourself start to scream. Mac pounds his hooves onto your shoulders, tears of pleasure dripping from his cheek onto your hair.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Mac hollers, so loud that they could probably hear it back in Ponyville. Caramel shivers uncontrollably, thick filmy goodness squirting all over your hands. You pant as you thrust yourself out of the handsome stallion, hands waving in a daze. You tumble down, half on the bed and half on the floor, with you mouth hung wide open. Your eyes seems to fade.

You can't believe the orgasm, your mind floating up into the sky and sailing off to the moon from the sheer bliss. You nudge over to the side, trying to gaze upon Mac. The red stallion smacks his back against the wall, topping a lamp onto the floor. You see his hard thing blowing thick trails into Caramel's mane, white mixing with brown. He leans over, eyes shutting tight, as his enormous colthood begins to withdraw.

Caramel, coated with sticky love, flops over with this belly in the air and his hooves prancing upward as if he wanted to walk on the ceiling. He sucks in air, trying hard to catch his breath. Your eyes drink in the stallion's pretty body before locking upon his flanks, his tail curling over in a sudden burst of modesty. You hear your white stuff bubbling out of Caramel's flanks onto his fluffy tail, and you can't help but smile.

It feels like years until you three climb-down, but you do. You do a sort-of group snuggle, kisses going all around. Mac says something about telling the hotel staff to wash the sheets twice, and Caramel refers to the broken lamp as a "trophy" that he'll "cherish forever". You laugh, hands moving into both their manes. So different, yet so alike... and both so beautiful...

The Next Morning...

You lean your face against the glass, taking in the wonderful scene from outside the train's window. Shimmering mountains stretch out into rolling valleys with huge rivers, crystal clear blue water flowing through them in such a picturesque way. Your mind flashes forward to the next several days of especially hard work on the farm, at the end of the season.

You can hardly pretend to be looking forward to it. On the other hand, both Applejack and Big Mac understand your particular preferences at work; knowing that you're far from the lazy type. There are plenty of things that hands, feet, and a six foot three body with an even longer reach can do that an earth pony can't, and vise versa as well. Your mind flashs back to Caramel, still, and you sigh.

You wonder what on earth that letter that the brown-maned pony gave you says. He insisted that you wait until you had reached Ponyville to open it, but you can hardly stand to wait another second. "Maybe a just a peek," you mutter.

You open it up, gazing at the message inside. You also finger some kind of tiny golden cardboard slide with red embossment at the bottom of the letter. You take a deep breath, and you start to read.

Hey, partner,

I know that you're hearts with Big Mac, and I can certainly understand why. There's a lot of wonderful things about that stallion, too many to think of let alone jot down here. Still, I feel like I had a connection start that didn't quite "get complete", or so they say. Look, I'm not so good at this sort of thing. Let me be honest.

I felt something. I feel something. You and me. I'm not competing with Mac, Celestia knows. I'm just hoping that, instead of working as a team to please that big red lug, how about you and I have some kind of special fun together? Let's just say that, compared to Mac, I'm more on the 'open-minded' side.


You glance at the golden thing, seeing the title 'Appeloosa House of Folk & Country'. You see the fancy lettering, declaring that the holder can spend a two days at the hotel slash bar absolutely free, and you nudge it deep in one of your cargo pants pockets. You look out the window again, and you smile.

The End