First published

Soon, they'll infest all of Equestria.

After the debacle that was the changling invasion, Chrysalis is alone. But, she's far from finished. Equestria WILL be hers! Now, she'll have to start from scratch. Begin capturing hosts and starting a new infestation!

My first clopfic. Contains rape, oviposition, mind break and death. Do not read if you have a strong aversion to dark themes.

A Rose By Any Other Name...

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As the white and pink pony mare walked through the field of flowers, she paid no heed to her surroundings or the area in which she hiked. Even though she was near the Everfree forest, even though the changeling invasion was foiled merely two weeks ago, and even though dangerous things happen to Ponyville on a weekly basis, Roseluck merely trotted through the field without a care in the world. She felt she had no real reason to fear, she has visited this same field for years and not once has there been a single instance of trouble. She felt safer here than if she was back in town.

Any other day, she would be right to feel safe. But today...that was going to change.

Roseluck raised her head and took a deep inhale, enjoying the wonderful aroma of the flowers. She sighs, like a large weight has been lifted. This was being content, being happy with one's life.

However, as she walked...she was watched by ominous green eyes, coming from the Everfree forest.

Chrysalis licked her lips. This mare is just perfect! Thin, but not scrawny, and she seemed weak enough to not put up much of a fight. Chrysalis crouches down and begins to stalk her prey. Moving painfully slow, her quarry gets ever closer. Leaves crunch underneath, causing Roseluck's ears to twitch. She looks in the direction of the noise, only to see a large, beautiful rose bush.

"Well well, when did you sprout up?" Rose walks over to the bush and begins to inspect it. "I don't remember you being here before." She turns to grab a pair of cutters from her saddlebags, intending to bring a few of the roses home. When she turns back around, however, she is greeted by two green eyes.

"Ah"! She stumbles back. Before she can shout further, Chrysalis jumps forward and bites her on the neck. Using a type of paralysis venom, Roseluck is instantly frozen. Only her lungs and eyelids are capable of operating. She takes a deep inhale to scream, but her mouth is quickly closed shut from some kind of goo that the changeling spits.


"No, no, no, my new pet. It would NOT serve you well to scream."

Roseluck's chest begins to inflate and deflate, her heart is beating extremely fast and her lungs are doing their best to keep up. Chrysalis bends down and sniffs Rose's coat.

"Hmm, yes, you smell...wonderful." The queen bears her fangs, causing the pink and white pony to tremble with fear. "Aw, is the little pony shivering? I can practically taste your fear! Are you worried that I'll consume you? Kill and devour you?"

Roseluck nods her head.

"Well don't. Killing you serves no purpose. I have something very different planned for you." A sadistic grin spreads across the changeling queen's face as she picks up the mare with her magic and takes her deep into the Everfree forest.

"Well, welcome to my humble abode!" Chrysalis shouts as she drops Roseluck onto the cold cave floor. "Not really fit for a queen, but that will change soon enough." Her horn lights up and casts a spell. Suddenly, several torches lining the cave's walls light up, illuminating the way. She then casts another spell, levitating a large rock and sealing the cave shut.

"Ha ha, now it is just you and I, little pony." She bends down to smell Rose's coat again. "Aaah, a delectable scent!" The urge to "copulate" was strong, but Chrysalis restrained herself. She wanted to savor the the moment. She gave a purr of pleasure as she trailed a holey hoof along Rose's body, enjoying the feel of her soft, warm fur. Roseluck began to squirm, the paralysis venom beginning to wear off.

Without warning, Chrysalis flips the pony onto her back, then rips off the goo that held her mouth closed. Taking a deep breath, Rose screams.


She is silenced again by Chrysalis' lips being pressed against hers. The kiss is deep, passionate and intense. Not only did this stun the smaller creature, but it also get's her ready for the first phase of the impregnation cycle. In the changeling's saliva was a powerful form of aphrodisiac. Even after a single kiss, Roseluck was beginning to feel its affects.

A small tingle of pleasure ran up her spine.

"Ah! What...what are you doing to me?!" Another small tingle of pleasure moves through her body. She can feel a warmth in her navel, spreading slowly to her marehood. Chrysalis bends down and kisses her again, smothering the inside of her mouth with saliva.

"Aaah!" The warmth in Rose's body begins to intensify. She starts to feel flustered and hot, causing her to pant like a dog. "Please...ah! S-stop! Aaah!"

The changeling queen merely chuckles and flips Roseluck back onto her belly. Forcing the pony's head into the ground and pushing her rump up, Chrysalis takes in the view that Rose has to offer. A beautifully formed marehood that was already leaking juices. Chrysalis sticks out her tongue and licks from the bottom of the slit to the top, causing Rose to shudder in both delight and anxiety. Her legs wobble slightly.

"S-stop! No, please! Ah-aah!" The aphrodisiac saliva was working perfectly, hijacking the pony's nerves and making her extremely sensitive to even the slightest touch.

The taste on Chysalis' tongue was divine. She licked her lips, savoring the taste. This mare was delicious! She gave another lick.

"Ah...hmm." The mare, just for a moment, gave in to her carnal side. But she quickly recovered. "No, no!" It was getting harder, though. The more time passed and the more she struggled, the more the affects worked their way into her body. It wouldn't be long before she would be BEGGING to be fucked.

And Chrysalis, being the loving queen she was, would oblige her.

Chrysalis stopped her licking and got on top of the mare. Not really mounting, but still above her body. Slowly, her "reproductive" appendage slid from its sheath. Almost two feet long, thick and very slimy, she gently prodded the mare's sensitive vagina. She would run it up and down the slit, causing the pony underneath to quickly change from fearful mare, to panting whore, to fearful again. Rose's emotions were in a chaotic flux. She just couldn't help herself. One second she's afraid, the next she's moaning. She was both ashamed of what was happening to her...and also desiring more!

Chrysalis grinned. Time for the main course!

She mounted Roseluck fully and carefully positioned herself at the mare's entrance.

", please I-" Her cries turned into moans when Chrysalis pushed the first few inches in. "Aaaaaah!" The feeling was incredible. The pleasure overwhelming. And it only increased when the next few inches entered. "y-yes!" Her panting could was loud, echoing throughout the cave. She was slowly giving in...

Suddenly, Chrysalis pushes in as far as she can go, the tip of her "cock" jabbing at the entrance to Rose's womb. The pony underneath cries out in pleasure. Slowly, the queen pulls her cock all the way back until only the tip is still in. Then...she slams it back home again.

"Aaah!' This harsh thrust, filled with both pain and pleasure, causes Rose's tongue to loll out as she groans.

The changeling queen began thrusting in and out. Rose's groans got louder as she was finally being fucked in earnest. Chrysalis gave a few pleasured groans of her own. This mare was exquisitely tight. The sheer wetness and heat provided by her marehood was giving Chrysalis a sense of bliss that was almost indescribable.

"Ugh, yes!" Chrysalis shouts, her thrusts becoming harder. "Who's a good broodbitch!?" The smacking of their hips echoed throughout the cave.

"I-I am!" It was all Rose could really do to respond. The changeling's saliva had won over her body, and now she was practically being fucked silly. Her eyes had long since rolled back and drool had formed underneath her chin.

Smack smack smack smack.

Suddenly, Chrysalis stops and pushes the tip of her cock back onto the entrance to Rose's womb. With one strong jerk, pops inside, causing the mare to groan.

This was it, a new beginning. Through this mare, the changelings would be on the path to restoration!

Chrysalis hooked her front legs around the pony's barrel, making sure they both would remain stable. She began to tremble, anticipating what was to come. The very first egg slid from its confines in her body and moved down the canal. She has to bite her lip to stop herself from screaming. The egg, along with nutritional fluid, slid down her cock and into the mare beneath her. The added sensation of the egg caused Rose to moan and squirm. The feeling was so great that it caused her fluids to begin dripping like a flood. Soon, there would be an entire puddle under her legs.

The egg traveled all the way through until it reached the entrance to the womb. While it's met with resistance at first, the flexing muscles of Chrysalis' cock force it to dilate and accept the new girth. The moment the egg passes through, Roseluck can no longer take it. She practically screams as she orgasms, causing another wave of fluids to hit the cave floor.

With the first egg out of the way, the others follow suit. Her egg-laying cock is now like a bilge pump. Egg after egg, along with the fluid necessary to sustain it, and deposited directly into the mare's waiting womb.

Rose's insides felt warm and sticky, and this caused waved of pleasure to rocket through her. As she was overcome with wonderful sensations, Rose's belly began to inflate, ever so slightly. With every new egg and cup of fluid, the more it would expand.

After several minutes, the process was complete. After sealing off the womb with goo, Chrysalis pulled out of the fucked silly mare. The poor girl was so overcome with lust that her eyes were even glazed over. She could wave a hoof in front of her face and and the mare wouldn't even acknowledge it.

The queen of the changelings lifted the mare with her magic and moved her deeper into the cave. She had several "pods" already waiting for hosts. These were filled with a nutritional fluid that, when a host was encased within, would help keep the host both alive and asleep during their gestation.

Placing the mare into one of the pods, she sealed it over her, leaving only a funnel-like hole that went around the mare's snout to let her breath.

With everything now said and done, Chrysalis relaxed and pondered the future. When she had sealed the mare, the pony's belly wasn't actually that bloated. But that would change. One of the things she loved was unsealing the pods and observing the reactions of horrified mares when they realize their bellies are the size of beach balls!(or even two) And she couldn't wait to see this one's face!

Oh yes...that day will be just perfect!

Aren't they cute?

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"So, Roseluck, ya’ll ready to help out at the farm later?" Asked Applejack.

Rose, who was busy minding her stall, hadn’t noticed the orange-coated blond mare coming from somewhere to Rose’s back right. Rose cocked her head in confusion. "What? What do you mean?"

"Oh, don't tell me ya’ forgot. Remember, muh’ family is going on a trip and Ah'm gonna need a little help while they're away. Ya DO remember, don't ya?"

It was a bright sunny day in the middle of Town Square. Ponies shopped noisily in the background. All potential saboteurs. Act natural.

"Oh, yeah, duh, I totally remember! for clarification, why don't you tell me why you need me again?" Rose gave an innocent smile.

"Big mac, Applebloom an’ Granny Smith are goin’ on a trip. They're gonna be gone for at least a few months and I need ya’ to come by and help while applebuckin’ season winds down. Just come by after work. And don't worry, I promise it won't take up much time.” Not one of those names sounded familiar to her.

"Sure, I'll be right over after I'm done here."

"Ah, good. Thanks!" Applejack turned to walk away, presumably in the direction of her farm.

"You're welcome," Rose sweetly smiled as AJ left, which became a sneer when said pony was out of range.

No good changeling allows a victim to simply vanish. Since setting up the Real Roseluck back in the cave to incubate, Chrysalis had been pretending to be Roseluck. At first, Chrysalis let a few days of fawning over her growing ‘Brood Mare’ get the better of her before realized that, eventually, ponies would wonder where Roseluck went. Roseluck had 4 days unaccounted for in the minds of her fellow townspony. Shameful. Now, the changeling queen was going at it double time, using her powers to maintain the ruse.

Ah, Roseluck. A smile crept onto Chrysalis' lips as she thought of the beige and pink mare. The poor girl's brood was almost ready and it wouldn't be long now. Not long at all. She was even let out of her pod! Which… wasn’t as risky as it sounded. It wasn’t as if she could just walk out. Her hooves no longer touched the floor by that point...

Her thoughts then turned to Applejack. This new development was just perfect! AJ, alone for months? The perfect time to strike with almost no chance of consequence!

'Oh, this just gets better and better!' Chrysalis thought to herself. ‘I can go to her farm later and both enact my revenge against her and her friends AND increase the hive! It was brilliant! Brilliant, brilliant, brill-‘

"Excuse me, Roseluck. Can I get the special delivery you were talking about?" A mare's voice interrupted Chryssy's inner monologue. Standing before her now was Love And Care, mother to that bratty video game playing colt that she'd seen running around. The mare in question was referring to the ‘Special Delivery’ that Chrysalis implemented.

At one point, Chrissy discovered that Roseluck owned a shop. It simply made good business sense to utilize every aspect of Roseluck’s identity to Chrissy’s advantage. Whereas Roseluck used to only run a booth, ‘Rose’ now did special deliveries and also a Hearts and Hooves Day special. Flower bouquets would be nearly free… but only to customers who were lonely... and alone. Widows, teens trying to make it on their own, pet sitters— as long as there was no one else in the house, no one would stop her.

Single mares supporting a foal… Rose expanded her H&H Day Special receivers to include them. She didn't count kids— they were just too easy to get rid of.

“Why certainly! Why do you want the special, though?"

"Ah, well, that's a tough subject. You see, my husband died a little while ago and...right now, with Hearts and Hooves day coming around, I'm feeling just a tad bit lonely.” The mare looked askance, like she was embarrassed. “I just figured it would be nice to get some flowers, even if it's to trick myself into thinking someone cares about me again."

Oh goodness, those are all the right signs.

"Ah, I see. Well, I could certainly drop them off. When do you want them?"

"About 2 month from now, on hearts and hooves day."

"Ok, will do. Say, will you be all alone that day?"

"Yes...well, almost. Button will be with me." Love and Care hurried that last part.

"I see.” ‘Rose’ feigned sympathy. “You know, if you wanted, when I drop the flowers off, I could spend some time with you. You just seem so lonely, I wish there was a way I could help." Chrissy found herself subtly posing for this mare. She wasn’t about to go all-out seduction, but a little couldn’t hurt.

"Actually, I'd like that. That's very sweet of you to offer, Rose."

"Ah, well, I try."

With that, Love's business was concluded and she left.

Chrysalis' mind swam with devilish fantasies... all of which involved a tan and brown mare.


Entering the deepest part of her cave with a bounce in her trot, Chrysalis practically sang "Oh, Rosey! I have good news!" A groan was the reply she got. Ignoring the rude reply, Chrysalis quickly spotted the beige and pink mare in the gloom of the cave and walked up next to her. The pony was lying on her gigantic gut. This made Chrissy smile. ‘Close, but not yet.’

"You'll never guess what happened in the market today. Applejack invited me over. And she' going to be alone for months! This is so perfect. Don't you agree?"


"Oh, come on, it's not that bad." She rubbed Roseluck's extremely swollen belly. Even through the chitin of her hoof, she could feel the life moving under the skin. If Chrissy could feel her young stirring in their snug home, then Roseluck must have REALLY been feeling it. "You should be thanking me. You honestly can't tell me you aren't enjoying this. I've seen your eyes roll back when the little ones squirm.” Roseluck didn’t react. “Well, anywho... I'll be at Applejack's for a bit, but then I'll be right back by dawn tomorrow. Just thought I'd tell you, in case you get worried.” Chrissy allowed for a long pause before she began speaking again. “So...tata!"

Roseluck watched Chrysalis leave through half lidded eyes. She made no indication of understanding her captor’s implied meaning. The mare had too many things on her mind anyway. The things inside her— she could feel the things inside her move. They were doing it much more frequently now. As if... they were anxious about something.


Applejack had just bucked a fresh pile of apples when she saw Rose walking towards her off in the distance. The light beige and pink mare trotted over quickly and issued a quick hello. Applejack took off her hat and wiped her brow, irritation plain on her face.

"What took ya, Roseluck?"

"Sorry, Applejack, I had to run a few errands before sopping over here."

"I see. Well, you're here now, so Ah guess that'll do. Since it’s late, Ah don't really need much from ya’ today— just help me take these bushels out ta’ the barn ta’ protect ‘em against fruit bats. Shouldn’t take long. 15 minutes or so, by mah reckon. Ta’morrow, yall can get busy really helpin’ me. The barn’s load-bearing beams ‘ave been eaten away by termites and-"

"Sure, I can do that." Rose cut the mare off before she could bore the disguised changeling to tears. Tears are something that ponies have. Changelings had no business shedding them.

The two mares nodded, and with that, Rose started what would become a quarter of an hour’s worth of honest back breaking labor. As Applejack predicted, the whole affair lasted only a few minutes, but she was still grateful for the help. Chrysalis’s teeth were dully aching after dragging all those apple laden baskets by the basket’s metal handles.

Once she took a second to rest inside the barn, Chrysalis noted the high structure and open space. It would make for a great hive location. The thought occurred to her that, if AJ was going to be alone for months, she could any part of the Apple Family’s property as a starting point for a makeshift hive. Even this barn. Chrissy smiled at that idea. Not only would she not need to drag AJ several miles to the cave, the barn provided enough shelter that she may not even need to construct a true pod!

The major purpose of pods was to keep a host sedated and imprisoned during early gestation. The pod’s lesser functions included proving host mares with the nutrients they need, eliminating wastes, and maintaining a habitable temperature for hives in more extreme environments. But, as Chrissy noted, with all the apples here… and the ropes… and the roof, a pod wouldn’t be necessary! All the required supplies are right here in the barn.

Chrissy, as Rose, smiled darkly.

AJ had her back turned, apparently doing something that farmers do. Chrysalis didn’t care enough to give what the cow pony was doing an earnest half second of scrutiny. This pony was a farmer who sounded like she was from the deep unwashed South. Who cared what she did?

The queen of the changelings transformed back into her true self, wanting to feel AJ project that delicious spike of fear when the dumb orange mare turned her ass around. She watched AJ's plot sway side to side as the mare tried to find whatever it was she was looking for. It was a nice ass. It seemed that whatever Applejack was looking for was under a table.

‘C’mon, you inbred cowgirl,’ the towering black figure thought ‘turn!’ The stupid blond mare was as oblivious, her ass sticking proudly up in the air. AJ's ass was wonderfully toned, but also had just enough fat to make it soft and squishy!

Chrysalis felt arousal swell within her. Chrysalis couldn't help herself. She just needed... one... good... nibble.

Applejack felt a sharp pain on her right buttocks, causing her to jump up and slam her head under the table. The twin voices of the Changeling Queen laughed at the pony’s expense.

"Ow, what the hay was-!?"

She pulled herself out from under the table and turned to Chrysalis. She recognized Chrysalis immediately.

"You!" The orange mare shouted. She charged, intending to take the queen's head off with a single buck of her legs. But, as she neared, the venom injected by Chrysalis' love bite took effect. She was thrown off course just before her legs met their target. She stumbled over and collapses, Chrysalis’ dark laughter only reaching new heights.

Applejack struggled to get up on wobbling legs. Chrysalis smirked. She casually walked over to one of the barrels that she helped load with apples and picked up a rather unappealing bruised apple with her magic. She turned to face AJ who was now a weirdly positioned lump of pony on the floor.

"Hey, remember when you made me eat those disgusting apple tarts at the wedding?"

AJ trembled her limbs in an attempt to get up, but otherwise did nothing.

" do I," She promptly shoved the apple into AJ's maw. The mare coughed before spitting it out.

"What...what do ya want from me?!" The crumpled pony could lift her head to face her oppressor, but the angle of her head was drunkly off-kilter.

"Oh, a lot of things actually. Power, not so much fame and fortune. Oh, glory for my people! That’s one thing I want! But... right now.... what I want from you... is revenge." She flipped AJ onto her back and straddled her. “And maybe a little use out of your body.”

Wow. The look on Applejack’s face.

"Get...get off me!" AJ squirmed under her, trying her best to get free. She couldn’t swat away a kitten with her strength. Chrysalis restrained her laughter as she bent her neck down... and pressed her lips onto the orange mare's. Slipping her tongue inside Applejack's mouth, the aphrodisiac saliva almost instantly took effect, causing AJ's stomach to flutter with butterflies.

"Mff!" The mare’s eyes held panic. Panic for what was about to happen. Panic for the disturbing half-thoughts that entered the back of her mind. Words like “lick” and “satisfy” filtered to the surface of her thoughts. Bad. This was Bad!

Chrysalis retracted her tongue before AJ’s confused mind could come up with any subversive ideas.

Already, the orange mare's insides became hot.

Need. Desire.

“What-” she inhaled sharply. It wasn’t from pain. “What did ya do to me!?"

Chrysalis didn't answer, she just began nibbling along AJ's neck, giving the mare slight bites and sweet kisses. The attention was unwanted, but the venom caused it to mean so much. Every kiss and nibble caused slight waves of pleasure to course their way through AJ's body. One of the two was getting Very wet down there. The other one, hard.

Chrysalis concluded her love biting session. A sufficient amount of pheromoned venom surged through the apple farmer’s veins. Instead, the changeling lowered her hoof to the orange mare's snatch. Her hoof grazed the lips before spreading them to get to AJ’s clit.

"Ah!" The mare's legs buck slightly, the venom stopping them from reaching full strength and kicking Chrysalis off of her.

"You like that?"

Applejack tried to shout 'no', but another rub made her gasp before the word could leave her mouth. The changeling queen stopped rubbing for a count of 10 agonizing seconds before she started up again. Applejack thrashed underneath, even with how noodle-limbed she felt with the poison.

"Nha, st-stop! Please...stop!" AJ panted, withholding her moans.

"Why? You seem to be rather enjoying this? Why stop?"

"Ah don't want this." Liar.

"That's not what your other lips keep saying." Chrysalis rubbed Applejack's nub again, causing the orange mare the grunt from the pleasure. Stealing her resolve and ushering forth the last bit of power she could, Applejack, in final effort to get away, raised her left leg and kicked as hard as she could. The hoof connected with a resounding 'thud', sending Chrysalis reeling and clutching her nose. This act of rebellion… “infuriated” wasn’t the right word. No, this cow pony was a fun play toy that refused to play ‘ragdoll.’ The queen was excited. Vindictively excited.

Burning with shame, and limping because of the poison, Applejack tried to turn tail and walk in a straight line towards the exit. "Oh no, none of that!" the bug queen's voice echoed behind her.

Telekinetically grasping the orange mare, she impaled the smaller creature on her rod. Chrissy smiled, enjoying the friction, the slickness. AJ, meanwhile, was curling herself like a dying spider from the pain. Tears began beading up around her eyes. But the look on her face was self-evident; her joy was profound.

Chrissy wasn’t doing anything. She simply allowed the cow pony to lay atop herself. An idea struck her and she used her black hoof to position Applejack's head so that an ear was against her skin, allowing her to take in the sound of her heartbeat, adjusting to her girth inside her.


Blackish green. Layers of slick organic wall, blackish green in color, ran up the barn’s inside spaces. The barn was now in no danger of collapsing as it had been a few hours earlier. “Rose” certainly made it sturdy.

If AJ were ever to get out of this, this barn would need to be burned.

A warm burbling, a shifting of pressure in her engorged womb. AJ’s spine lit up with sexual electricity. When the tingling subsided, AJ felt the dark cloudy fingers of unconsciousness wrapping around the edges of her brain. Sleep threatened to overtake her. Her head nodded down as she dozed, her chin touching part of her stomach. It was just another quiet day.

Her sides rippled. Alert now. 'Them little critters inside meh… They don’t like it when Ah move.' Chrysalis’s spawn squirmed around each other in their confining home, sending prickling bursts of pleasure down AJ’s spine and through her marehood. 'Ah’d like to say the same, but that ain't honest.' she thought. One little creature must have poked some protruding part of itself though her cervix and into the deepest part of her vaginal tunnel, stimulating her.

“wouumm memnly!” ‘Whoa nelly.’ There was simply no pronouncing things clearly with a tube in your mouth.

Her cheeks flushed hotly. Lewd thoughts were made lewder by these weird sensations. She felt butterflies in her stomach as a wet, squishy, living party suddenly revved up in her womb. AJ let herself enjoy the sensation. Why not? There hadn’t been any other sort of entertainment for her for almost two months. And Hearts and Hooves Day was hours away now. It felt good to be touched this way. Otherwise, there was only sitting, eating, and guessing the time of day.

'Dang, sure are a lotta ya'll. How ya' suppose yer all gonna get out,' she mentally chuckled to herself. First butterflies, and then a harrowing chill down her spine. They were going to come out. She looked back at her expansive body. Would they... know to come out the right hole, or would they tear open her sides?

Applejack had tried starving them before by starving herself. Now, that wasn’t an option.


The barn door creaked open. AJ’s eyelids rose open at the increase of light. Chrysalis was back early. AJ didn’t have another scheduled feeding until her barrel of applesauce went vinegary and brown. The farmer snorted. One final, often forgotten, source of entertainment was the occasional joy of expressing her displeasure when Chrysalis walked in the room. Which… AJ could only do by snorting.

"Whoa... AJ. Ya kinda let yourself go! I should just call you Apple Tubs from now on!"

An amused and slurred voice punctuated the silence. AJ knew this voice.

"MmMmmerrmeee Puuummmkkkk?" ‘Berry Punch.’ Applejack tried to gargle the name around her tube. Mixed success was attained. The purplish mare walked over in a non-straight path towards Applejacks’ prone form. The mare tilted her head while squinting.

"So what's up, Apple Tubs? Why ya all alone an’ getting fat in yor-” the mare paused mid-sentence to sway and steady herself with an outstretched hoof “in your barn by yerself?"

Okay, her squinting was definitely to keep the room from spinning. It had nothing to do with an uncomprehending mind putting 2 and 2 together.

"Hhkkhemmmp mmeee!"

"Say again?"

Hlrulmp mlree!" she tried forcefully. AJ felt yet another rush of Chrissy’s spawn spinning circles inside her body. It was as if they were anxious or something.

"Woah...., hol- hold on a sec. You're not just fat, you're fat and stuck!" Berry Punch's notice drifted to Applejacks' limbs, which couldn't reach the ground on their own. "Well you wouldn't be that way if you didn’t spend all yer time *hic* in the barn feeding yourself, wouldn’t ya? Say, you put a tube coming out the other end? 'Cause if ya' did, kudos. You thought this thing all the way trough. "

"Hlrulmp mlree! Reeerzz!"

Berry nodded and turned towards the door


"No." Nurse Redheart didn't bother looking up from her desk. She had a bored expression on her face.

"But I didn't say any-"

"No you cannot drink the rubbing alcohol. That's for staff use only."

"Hey, Missy Plus Butt. I didn't come here for that.... but if I did, where would the bottles be?"

"Cabinet drawers." Nurse Redheart droned. She didn't need to look up. The sound of Berry Punch rummaging through cabinetry filled the room.

"No, Mrs. Punch. That's the adult diaper's cabinet"

"Oh, the rubbing alcohol is on that shelf over there?"

"No, they're in the Drawers."

"Still don't see 'em."

"Keep looking, Mrs. Punch. They're there. So, how can I help you today? Is there a medical emergency?"

"Damn right there's an emergency. I was on my way to AJ's farm to share a cup of cider with her since she's a good friend and I reached the maximum limit at the other two bars in town. *hic!*"

"I see"

"So, anyway, I go into her house and she's not home"

"Breaking and entering-"

"Shhhhhhush you... *Hic!* So like I was sayin', I go into the house and she's not there. She's not in that carrot shed thing either. So I figure, why not just borrow some cider now and pay for it later? So I go to her barn-"


"Shush, Plus Butt, there's a good reason for why I included that part in the story. *Hic!*"

The nurse sighed.

"So anyways, I go in and I see AJ laying on the floor and she ain't moving anywhere. She got herself stuck in the barn."

"Oh my, does she have a broken leg?" Nurse Redheart sat up a little straighter.

"Naw~ Say, how do you open these things? The cap just keeps spinnin' forever."

"Suffered a stroke?"

"Naw, nothing like that. Hey, could you lend a hoof. The dang cap won't come off."

"Those are foal-proof caps. But, tell me, Mrs. Punch. What's keeping AJ in her barn?"

"She's come down with a serious case of Fat!"

A deadpan stare. On the other side of the room, BP finally got the cap off by pushing down and twisting.

"Yes, Success!" She started drinking. "Anyway, she's like soooo fat. She put a funnel to her mouth so she wouldn't have to lift a spoon at all. It's just applesauce, applesauce, applesauce all day long!"

“But… Applejack was actually in trouble? She’d fallen and couldn’t get up?” Redheart asked, concern for her fellow pony plane on her face.

“Yeah. Well… maybe. I dunno. She didn’t really try to get anywhere. But it totally sounded like she asked for help.” Berry finished the last of the rubbing alcohol. The bottle was drained in an impressive 45 seconds. “Kinda.... Sorrta.... Okay, it was Really unclear since she was eating at the time. Sweet Celestia, she has gotten so faaaaaaat!”


AJ extended a limb. Maybe Chrysalis had given her a lead skeleton; it wouldn’t have surprised the mare at all if she had. She focused harder- last chance to leave. She had gotten so close to rescue, and then Berry Punch just got up and left her. AJ channeled so very much energy into getting her heavy limbs to move, despite the poison Chrissy’s spawn no doubt was flooding her system with.

Her sides rippled. Her eyes rolled skywards. It felt good to be touched in this way, from within. Jolts of sexual electricity ran up her spine and down her marehood. It felt good. But it probably meant bad, bad, Very bad things.

Then, they started swarming like angry bees.

Shivers and goosebumps ran down AJ's limbs when the first 'big shift' happened. Living mobile lumps put pressure on her love tunnel as they squeezed through her cervix. These things inside of her, coming out of her- they were BIG! Twice —or maybe more— the size of a tennis ball. The back of her passage spread wide to accommodate them. They massaged her walls wetly as they writhed down the first third of her passage. She felt a row of them. Ooh, how they delighted her deepest inner walls. Her pussy lips dripped in need.

Then a spike of pain shook her whole body. AJ didn’t understand it— she was stretching dutifully.

Her cheeks flushed in the wake of the sting, which was quickly turning into pleasure. She was needy again. Worse than before. Another surge of pressure from within. AJ gasped. They were traveling downward. AJ found her hips thrusting at nothing. There was no stallion at her other end, but it sure felt like it. A massive one. A virile stallion with a need to breed, a need to punish her with his cock.

She cried a little. What she absolutely needed was the head of a horse’s cock spreading her pussy open and ramming hard all the way in. She tried squeezing her back legs together. No friction, not even a little. She needed to be raped.

Stabbing pain! What, was she being bit from the inside? Her cheeks blushed harder. Tingles radiated from her spine. Another flash of HOT ran through. Something about the pain…

The first one eventually reached her hyper sensitive labella, its thick rubbery body putting pressure on her in all the right ways. It was too much. She orgasmed around it, slickening her tunnel for easier passage. The tip of this tennis ball sized maggot-head stretched her lips as it pushed its front end out. It got stuck at her nether lips as its body thickened after its head. It couldn’t quite push the core of its bulk through. It lacked feet, but AJ could feel some muscle rippling beneath its skin in an attempt to propel itself forward. It tickled her, stimulated her. It sent waves of pleasure through her.

The realization hit her like a pie to the face. She was going to be a mommy. She was already a mommy. She screamed as it pushed hard just at her entrance. She felt tearing. She climaxed right then and there. A wet bursting sound, a sensation of fire, finally signaled her first child slipping out of her tunnel. Needles dove into her skin. Lots of them. All outlining some weighty thing. That’s how it walked, she realized. It walked on needles— so they Didn’t lack feet. She felt it leave her completely and it was totally out of view. Her insides clenched around the empty space left behind by the maggot. Fear, desperation. Where was her baby?

Another lump of pressure at the back of her womb drew her attention. Another one. First one forgotten. Her heart sored when she felt its head push past her deepest barrier. She shuttered, she rasped in moans. Its bulbous head wormed itself into her love tunnel, where she could feel ALL of her baby’s movements. She squealed when she felt more pinpricks of pain. Its needlepoint feet—she knew what caused the pain now.

The second one began travelling down the same tunnel as the first. Periodically, its needles would flair out to skewer her inner walls. Following the spike of pain, waves of pleasure radiated through her in glorious afterglow. Utter bliss. AJ cherished the feeling of its thick rubbery body, how it kneaded her walls when it squirmed forward. It wanted out.

Her insides were so wet. Her pussy lips as well as her clitoris throbbed pulses of pleasure in time with her heartbeat.

Her third and fourth babies were fighting for space as they crawled down her tunnel. AJ felt them wedge themselves against each other. Applejack wailed when they squirmed in tandem. They weren’t doing it in unison, which made it all the more stimulating.

She orgasmed again. A flood of pressure built up behind Number 3 and Number 4. They squirmed. They squirmed hard. Suddenly, their bodies were pushed forward by AJ’s flood. They blasted through her incredibly quickly, feeling like one HUGE cock was deepthroating the wrong tunnel- and somehow doing it from the inside, out.

They wiggled all the way down her birth canal, carving little rivulets with their needle feet as they rocketed out. AJ’s eyes rolled up. This feeling of being stretched— her body being damaged, irreparably so. Why was she enjoying it so much? She loved her little babies. She shot them mental encouragements as they tried so hard to find their mommy’s outsides. She couldn’t say anything with this tube in her mouth. That frustrated her. Mental praise was all Mommy had. An idea struck her. She flexed some internal muscle and gave her stuck twins a hug using her inner walls. Pleasure hit her back. The little ones twisted and wiggled and fidgeted under her embrace. Some kids aren’t touchy-feely. Hugs and kisses embarrass them.

Number 3 and 4 separated. One slid past the other and her tunnel shivered joyfully in response. Poor little #3. He was turned upside down as his sibling slipped by. AJ’s baby laid on its back flexing and kicking its little needle feet. It wanted to right itself, propel itself forward. All it did was painfully tickle Mommy AJ’s insides. Her whole body convulsed involuntarily.

‘Mommy loves you,’ she sent mentally. If they heard her though, they made no indication of acknowledging it.

AJ didn’t push, she didn’t help them along. This moment, this pleasure… it needed to be longer. It took sooo loooong for her babies to develop in her tummy. Even if she became immediately pregnant again, this pleasure wouldn’t revisit her for two months.

The second and forth ones collided at the mouth of her tunnel. Her vagina dutifully stretched over their large bodies. This time, they didn’t spread their needles. They jerked forward in beats the way that maggots do.

They grazed her clitoris as they spilled onto the floor. AJ’s walls convulsed. She screamed. Her insides clamped down hard on the one still in her passageway. It reacted by digging its needles into her flesh. AJ screamed again.

By the time she regained her sense of self, #4 already had half its body writhing out of Applejack’s vagina. AJ bucked her hips as much as she was able given her limited mobility. The little guy was jostled out of his mamma’s snatch and tumbled to the floor with his brothers. The four of them crawled all over AJ’s body, periodically digging needles into her skin.

‘Mommy loves you,’ AJ repeated mentally. ‘Mommy really really loves you.’ She meant it.

One little guy crawled close enough for her to just barely reach it with her hoof. She moved a shuttering limb out to embrace her child. To her immense joy, her baby paid her attention. It crawled closer to her outstretched hoof and bit her fetlock with its tiny hidden pincers, drawing blood. Applejack cooed lovingly. She wished Applebloom was here so that Applejack could tell her little sister that she’d just become an aunt. Bloom would just love to play with her 4 new nieces and nephews, as well as the other 15 or so that were right behind them on their way.

AJ screamed with pleasure as she birthed 19 more beautiful babies over the course of the next few hours. Maggots were crawling all over AJ's body and up the walls and on the ceiling. The final 3 inside her formed an orderly line in her well abused tunnel.

Numbers 24 and 25 seemed intent on resting in Momma AJ's birth canal. 26 was taking his frustration out on Mommy's walls, sending shockwaves through her that no longer even registered as pain. AJ loved this so very much. She never wanted tonight to end.


Berry Punch clutched a lantern in her teeth. Her path took a swerving line from the hospital to the bar (only to find out that reaching her legal maximum daily limit meant they legally had to limit how much they served her for that day. Go figure) to her house to the bar again and then back onto the road leading to AJ's farm. AJ still owed her that drink.

Redheart said something about maybe checking things out at the end of her shift if she remembered to get around to it. She’d probably put Apple Tubs on a diet. There’s really not much to do in fixing a fat pony.

The barn was in sight, a big black house shaped silhouette against the night sky and equally black apple trees. Closer, she went. Her lantern illuminated only the path before her until it also illuminated barn door when she stepped in front of the thing. The air smelled different now. Berry Punch wrinkled her muzzle and swayed drunkenly some more.

Cider. Cider was inside. What else mattered.


The barn door creaked open. AJ was on the floor with her back to Berry Punch, looking smaller—though still fat, as BP noted. Fatty fatty, Apple tubs!

Berry Punch stepped closer. The barn’s gloom consumed her small circle of light. The applesauce tube was made visible as it came within the light’s reach. It still connected with AJ’s mouth. “Applejack?” Berry Punch called the other mare’s name. Something seemed wrong here.

“Lllrrerrlll kukkllk llarlk lehh” It was AJ’s voice.

Berry concluded that removing the tube would lead to more understandable conversations, like any sober mare would have long ago. She moved closer. The light swayed, casting odd growing and shrinking shadows of Applejack.

Berry’s hoof reached for the tube and yanked hard. Applesause dribbled from the open end. In fact, the whole floor seemed to have been at one time covered in sticky fluid.

“Applejack. It’s me, Berry Punch.” Berry noticed that AJ seemed to be clutching something. “What’s that you got in your hooves?”

AJ turned her head and smiled. She leaned back to reveal some white quivering form. “They’re cute. Aren’t they?”

Berry punch saw something she didn’t see before. On the walls and on the floor and in the other pony’s arms were THINGS! Large and white and grotesque with black shiny heads, each traveling slowly against each’s chosen surface. She screamed. They swarmed. She screamed louder. They lunged at her. Needles and webbing became her everything when a mass of them landed directly on her body.

The lantern fell to the ground and went out.