Ghosts in the Code

by Talguy21

First published

When blasphemy echoes through the halls of the Hive, a Changeling is sentenced to death. Drones, all the same, are told to escort and guard her. But what happens if there's a ghost in the code?

When blasphemy echoes through the halls of the Hive, a Changeling is sentenced to death. Drones, all the same, are told to escort and guard her. But what happens if there's a ghost in the code?

Inspired by a song of the same name by Aviators, and a prequel to Mirrors.

1: Blasphemy

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In a dark place, lit only by a dim green glow, a few shapes hunched around a cocoon, the source of it. Within, a pony was suspended, a mare, whose true color was masked by her prison. The shapes were conversing in hushed tones.

“The attack will happen in a few days time. The Queen will alert the guard before infiltrating personally...” one said, his odd voice resonating with a hum off of the close walls.

“Why alert the guard at all? It would make our invasion that much simpler!” another asked, her voice thick with concern.

“Don't question her majesty's orders, Scape. She knows what she's doing.” a third, another male, said before snorting. “And it's obviously above nymphs like you.” The largest of the three rose slightly.

“Now Pincer, treat your broodmate with more tact.” He said. “You and her are even in the Pits, and I doubt either of you will avoid scars. You know that all too well, I suspect.”

“What, like you and Crusher, Entropy? As if you're one to talk! That scar of yours has barely stopped bleeding!” Pincer growled. Scape rose suddenly.

“None of your bickering changes anything!” She shouted. “The Queen's plan is outright stupid!” Every other being present froze, and the light level in the room suddenly brightened considerably. The three changelings were soon swarmed by dozens of others, pushing Entropy and Pincer aside as they encircled Scape.

“You dare oppose the will of her majesty, the glorious Queen Chrysalis?” one hissed. “You question her holy word?” Scape froze, and a look of sheer terror quickly rushed over her visage.

“That's not what I meant! I love our Queen, but-” she stammered

“You question her word, and her decision! No love of our Queen must exist in you, husk!” another changeling roared. “Her strategies have never failed us, nor will they today!”

“She must be punished.” Another voice sounded. All present turned to the source, and from the shadows stepped the Queen herself. “Any changeling who defies me will not be permitted to live. Defying my orders is dissension I will not tolerate.”

“Yes, my queen.” A chorus replied.

“She is to be executed tomorrow morning.” She ordered, before turning and exiting through the passage she came from. Suddenly, Scape was engulfed by a swarm of bodies, and dragged out of the room, screaming for mercy and forgiveness all the while. The crowd receded until only Entropy and Pincer remained in the room. As the lights dimmed to normal, Pincer strolled over to the cocoon. A tendril of green magic extended from it, and curled around his horn for a moment before fading. He smirked.

“Serves her right. Nobody defies the Queen.” He said, before making his way to one of the exits. “She would have learned sooner or later, the fool. This is no pathetic Pony town. Here, what she says goes. That is what makes us better than them, Entropy.” He turned to face his comrade. “We have no tolerance for weakness.” With that, he turned and walked from the room. Entropy, alone now, frowned. He turned to the cocoon, and took some of the emotions contained within.

“Not every mistake should be a death sentence.” he murmured. “She still had plenty to offer to the Hive... To all of us.” He sighed, and cast a small spell into the cocoon. The straight face of the mare within curled into a small smile. The warrior turned and headed for another passage. “And not all difference is weakness.”

2: Malfunction

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The Drone marched on. The dim hallways of the Hive flowed past as he fulfilled his purpose. He was to take the Traitor to her cell, and then guard her. This was his purpose. By the Queen's word would he act, and by nothing else. The Drone shoved the Traitor into a small cell imbedded in the wall of the hallway, and locked the door. She had defied her purpose. She was to be removed. The drone turned to the Warrior.

'What is my purpose?' He chittered.

“You are to guard the Traitor, Josho. By the will of the Queen, those are your orders.” The Warrior replied. The Drone gave an affirmative click, and moved beside the cell. The Warrior left the Drone. He was to guard the Traitor's cell, so she did not escape. This was his purpose. This was all he strived to do. Another Warrior moved beside him, and the Drone hissed at him. The Warrior turned his head and chuckled softly.

“Don't worry, Josho. I'm here to guard Scape too. Queen's orders, supposedly.” he said. The drone chittered slightly before turning back forward. The Warrior shared the Drone's purpose. Together, they would guard the Traitor. That was their purpose. A spark flared across the Drone's vision.

Why is she a traitor? A voice said. A voice the Drone knew as his voice, but it defied his purpose! Why would his voice defy his purpose? Because something doesn't feel right about this. The Voice said. The Drone shook his head. This voice must simply be ignored. Another spark. The Queen has condemned this one to death. Why? I shook my head harder. There's no way these could be my thoughts. They go against all I stand for. Or do they? I thought. Perhaps... It felt as though a fog lifted from my mind, as I moved my head around, as if seeing the room for the first time. The guard next to me shifted slightly.

“Something up, Josho?” He asked. I shook my head.

“No, Entropy... Just... Need to scan the room.” I reply. Entropy cocks his head, but turns back forward and says no more. Why is the one named Scape a traitor? I thought. What has she done that warrants her death? She had spoken against the Queen. That was reason enough, right? She never claimed rebellion. She never spoke as if she was going to act on her words. Surely the Queen was right, though? She is our all-knowing leader! What if the Queen was wrong? I stopped my scanning to think on that. Why would the traitor be right about the strategy? Alerting the guard makes perfect sense! Why? Because... I stop, and try to find a reason. Another spark. Because... It doesn't. There is no reason to execute Scape! Alerting the guard to the attack makes no sense! She was right to say so, it was for the good of the hive! Then why is the Queen executing a loyal Changeling? I faltered. The queen is wrong, and Scape will not die. “Entropy?” I asked.

“Yeah, Josho? What is it?” He replied, turning his head to face me.

“Scape was right about the Queen's plans... wasn't she?” I asked. Entropy's face lit up with some unknown emotion.

“...I'm not sure...” He mumbled. “I mean... Why are you even asking? You're a Drone! How could you even think she's wrong?” I straighten my pose, and look into his eyes.

“Because this isn't right.” I say. “She shouldn't die for trying to help the Hive.” He nodded.

“She's a good soldier, and a good friend. She has been more loyal to the Hive than most I know.” He agreed. “And if I have anything to say about it, she's going to live.” We shared a nod before he fired a burst of magic at the lock on the door. The lock sparked and fell in half, the other pieces levitating in his green magic glow. He lowered them to the floor, and he swung the door open. He picked Scape up, and motioned to the wall of her cell, where sunlight filtered through a small grate. With a nod, I conjure a bolt of magic alongside his, and together, we blast the grate away, alongside a chunk of the wall. He ran his magic over Scape, and she woke, if slowly. She blinked a few times, then gasped.

“What are you doing, Entropy? Do you want to die too?” She asked frantically. I chitter for their attention, and get it quickly.

“Run. Make sure she lives. I'll take the blame. Say I did it. That my failure allowed her to escape. I'll say you tried to catch her... After all,” I smirk, half-sincerely. “Drones can't lie.” Entropy starts to speak, but is cut off by cries from down the hall. “Go.” I say. “What is my life in the grand scheme? I'll die for a greater purpose. That is all I wish. Don't let this be in vain.” He nods, and runs out through the hole, his wingbeats buzzing as he ascended. As they left, several Drones entered my view. One Infiltrator with a tattered frill stepped from amongst them, anger flaring from him.

“What is the meaning of this, Drone? How has the Traitor escaped?” he growled.

'It is my failing, brother.' I chitter. 'I have failed my purpose.' I collapse, falling to my belly before him. 'The Warrior gives chase to the Traitor... Yet I wait, frozen. I have failed.'

“That you have.” He snarled, before his horn lit, and a sharp pain stabbed through the back of my neck. Now brandishing some sort of blade I couldn't make out, He sneered at me. My vision grew green around the edges, before sensation started fading away. “Now, the rest of you: find her... And see if you can--” His words became indistinct as all sound grew to a dull buzz.

I died for a greater good... and perhaps I will be remembered as more than a ghost in the code...