Spiced Apples

by Buttercup Pegasus

First published

Growing up with Big Mac made things easier for Applejack, but what happens when you fall in love with someone you know you shouldn't? What happens when your morals are on the line when it comes to love?

Growing up with Big Mac made things easier for Applejack, but what happens when you fall in love with someone you know you shouldn't? What happens when your morals are on the line when it comes to love? Do you let the love flourish, or do you succumb to the rules of society?

*incest Clopfic*

//In a collaboration with a very close friend of mine, we have decided to make a few clopfics for you're reading pleasure. This is the first of the few we will make and I hope you enjoy. To read my friend's work, please check them out here.
For the cover photo, you can find it here along with their other amazing pieces of art work.
Just so everyone knows, we are taking a tiny break on writing this. With things that are going on with Marketbasket and effecting me and my co-writer directly, we feel it best for things to settle down before we can put our focus on our story. We hope that you all understand.

Chapter One (edited)

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Sunlight shone through the trees of the apple orchard in a happy array of warmth and joy. A young farmhand had been up since the crack of dawn, getting her hands and knees dirty with her daily routine of going around to feed all the farm animals, do some repairs, pick some apples and help clean up.That's the way it's always been since the day she was able to round up the cattle on her own, which was a rather young age. She raised her slender fingers up to her eyebrow and closed her eyes, hiding her peridot green eyes from the world, wiping the sweat off of her. As she lowered her head, she gave her head a soft flick, causing her long blond hair that was pulled back fall off of her shoulder and hit against her back.

A soft sigh escaped past her full lips as she lifted up a bucket filled with dozens of apples. At first glance, you would think she wasn't very strong. Her arms are slender, but that didn't mean there wasn't muscle hidden there. No, this girl was rather strong. Looking like a stereotypical farmer's daughter, her cheeks were flecked with freckles from spending long hours working in the sun. She had curves in the right places and if you caught a glimpse at the right moment, she would sway them and distract people.

Carrying the bucket over to the few others, she had taken care of, she bent over and placed it down onto the dirt, causing her shorts to ride up a bit on her. At a quick glance, you could see part of the apple tattoo she had on her upper thigh, which was family tradition. As a smile painted her face, she stood upright and stretched her arms up over her head. She didn't realize exactly how hot it was out until then. Not even thinking about it, she pulled off her orange, red and green plaid shirt, quickly revealing her low cut, white tank top.

When she wasn't working on the farm, she could easily be found hanging out with her friends. She didn't exactly mind not having much of a social life. She felt that having the friends she did and her vast, extensive family was all she ever really needed. Hell, if she wasn't honest about that, then there was no point in calling her the Element of Honesty.

Though distant, the sound of loud thuds resonated through the trees. Birds scattered at the sound. Another loud thud rung out, and a crash shattered whatever piece there was. A tree had been felled and smashed into the ground. Wiping the sweat from his brow, a young man looked at the tree. He readjusted his short sleeve deep red work shirt and faded worn out jeans. Walking to the cart he had brought with him, he grasped the brown gloves he been fortunate to bring with him, sheathing his hands to prepare for the task at hand. His deep green eyes scanned over the downed tree. Grabbing hold of a thick rope, he moved toward the tree. Tying it around the trunk he pulled the rope over his shoulder and set himself up. With another glance to assess the size of the tree and measuring his own strength, he leaned forward and let out a low sigh.

His massive frame lurched forward, pulling at the tree trunk. His nose scrunched as he gritted his teeth and dug his steel toed boots into the sifted soil. With a loud grunt, he exerted a great deal of strength. Baring his teeth as he pulled, his deep throat grunts got louder and louder as he pushed into the soil and pulled. At first it seemed the tree would not budge, but soon the sound of roots being forced from their home and ripped to the surface above overshadowed the grunts of the man. With one last audible grunt, the man pulled hard and his labor bore fruit.

His feet finally found their grip and he was able to push off the ground. His forward movement had begun and the tree was along for the ride. The fallen obelisk, now partially removed, was now moving out of its long rooted home to follow the man. Now fully uplifted, the tree sat still as the man looked over his work. With a satisfied smile, he walked to the tree and bent down. With just as much effort as it took to uproot the damn thing, he hoisted it onto his shoulder and carried it to the cart. Its weight bore down on him as he moved. Grunting, he threw the tree into the cart.

“Whelp, that was a biggin',” he said wiping his hands. Taking the gloves off, he wiped his brow once more and let out a sigh at the hard part being done and over with. He removed his shirt, revealing his well maintained and powerful muscles. Glistening pectorals and abs shined in the daylight as he took deep breaths. On his shoulders, he bore green half apples marking his relation to the Apple family. Walking to the cart, he dumped his shirt in and grabbed a apple from a small pouch. Taking a large bite, he grasped the reigns of the cart and started back home.

He enjoyed these walks. The trees offering shade to his much needed overheated body. He looked up as the light filtered through the trees. This was peaceful. This was how he enjoyed his time, the tried and tested hard manual labor. Letting out another contented sigh, he made his way through the lush and full apple trees with the fallen one in tow. Making his way down the beaten path, he caught a glimpse of the dark shingled roof of his home. A relaxed smile graced his face and set course for home.

Hearing the noise, the blonde haired girl turned her head and smiled softly. Placing her hand on top of her cowgirl hat, she shook her head and let out a soft laugh as she began to clean herself off slightly. She knew she would just get dirty again, but she might as well get herself at least a little cleaner before she continued on with her chores. Still looking off in the distance where the loud thuds were coming from, she bit her lower lip and wondered if her brother needed any help taking down the trees. Sure, she wasn't as strong as him, but it was still the thought that counted and the extra bit of strength he might have needed to get those pesky apple trees uprooted. Shrugging it off, she turned and wiped her forehead once more as she walked into the barn.

After a few minutes of rummaging around for something rather specific, the girl emerged with a large metal basin. Walking back out to the clearing that was between the farmhouse and the barn. Placing the basin down and sighed as she crossed her arms, clearly looking for something. Letting out a dry, annoyed laugh, she shook her head and quickly ran into the farmhouse and soon emerged with a bottle. "Winona!" The girl called out. "You get over here for yer bath," she smiled as she watched the rather excited Border Collie run over to her. Kneeling down, the girl wrapped her arms around her pet, gently lifting the dog up and placing her in the basin. "There you go, Winona. Now you be a good girl and sit in there for ol' Applejack," she kissed the top of Winona's head and got up from the ground.

Walking over to the back of the barn, Applejack took hold of the green hose and turned the faucet to make sure the water would flow through the rubber tubing. Quickly, she put a kink in the tube to make sure that no water would be wasted as she made her way back over to her dog, who was clearly excited about getting a nice cold bath in this hot weather. Kneeling back down beside the basin, Applejack undid the kink and let the water fill up the tub. Letting out a laugh, Applejack wiped off her cheek where Winona had attacked her face with kisses. Gently pushing the dog away, Applejack took hold of the bottle and began to squeeze the contents onto her hand. Dropping the bottle, she massaged the contents onto Winona, cleaning her coat, watching as it lathered up with suds.

The man made his way to the back of the house. He made sure to stop the cart completely before he let go of it. Hitching the cart to a post, he grunted once more and summoned his strength to lift the dead timber from the cart. Hoisting it upon his shoulders once more, he lumbered towards the chopping block. Tossing it to the ground, he let out a loud grunt as the weight removed from him. Letting out a loud sigh, he approached the block. Grabbing a hold of the ax handle, he liberated it from its place in the block. Placing a boot on the tree, he aimed well and slashed into the tree. He raised his arms once more and delivered another resounding thwack into the tree. His grunting got louder and louder as he tore into the tree. Sweat began to roll down his brow and his chest. His body is trying to cool itself as he continued to cut into the timber. Finally, through the thick wood, he sighed and looked down at the wood. He wiped his brow free of sweat before it had a chance to get into his eyes.

Hearing the sounds of a dog, he turned his attention to the blonde woman giving their pet a bath. He smiled softly as he watched the woman work. She smiled as she washed the dog, giving the loveable K-9 a good wash down. She was quite beautiful in her ways. Her attire was always simple, yet suited her greatly. He let out a pleasant sigh. She was a beauty. He felt his body warm and his cheeks flush a bit. His thoughts were starting to drift to where they weren't supposed to. This was his sister after all. However, he couldn't really help it. He spent all of his time on this farm if not for business purposes. Looking away, he forced himself to avert his gaze, only taking small glances at her. He readied his ax once more, he started cutting the tree into smaller pieces to create fire wood. It was a long process that took up quite a bit of time, but ultimately worth it. Satisfied with his work, he embedded the ax once more into the block. Grabbing hold of his shirt, he draped it over his shoulder and headed into the farm house.

Opening the door to the house, released the sweet scent of apple cooked goods and other treats. His grandmother has been cooking something good. He smiled and breathed deep the smell, and entered. Heading to the washroom, he tossed his shirt into an open room, opting to stay bare chested for now. He turned the faucet in the bathroom to make the water cascade from the spiket. Running his hands into the water, he washed most of the filth and grime of his day off. Splashing water along his forearms and chest to simply cool him down. With a rather loud groan from aching muscles, he ventured into the kitchen and kissed his grandmother on the cheek as he helped her in the kitchen

Feeling like she was being watched, Applejack turned her head and noticed her older brother was staring at her and in a way she hadn't seen before. Watching him, she could feel her body grow hot and her cheeks burn with a blush. She watched as the sweat rolled down his muscles, slowly biting her lip. If it wasn't for Winona barking at AJ to finish washing her, Applejack would have stared at Big Mac for a rather long time. Shaking her head, she cleared her throat and turned her attention back towards her Collie and smiled at the animal. "Ah'm sorry girl. Ah guess ah just got caught up in somethin' ah recon is gonna be rather interestin in the long run," Applejack apologized and began to rinse Winona off, making sure all the suds were gone.

As Big Mac had walked past her and back into the house, she watched him, not realizing she had a look of longing plastered onto her face. Applejack began to think of things about her brother and of herself that she knew was rather looked down upon, yet she didn't feel ashamed or bad for feeling such things. She knew him her whole life and she grew up beside him. He was always there for her when she needed the help, so it was hard for Applejack to see him in a sort of light that was different from the shade of being just siblings.

Slowly, Applejack stood up and pulled Winona out of the basin and placed her on the ground gently. "Now you go on inside and dry off. Don't need you to get dirty again, girl. I ain't gonna give you another bath again till the middle of the week," she smiled as she watched the dog trot off into the house at Big Mac's feet. Dumping out the water from the basin, Applejack dropped the hose and the tub in their proper places inside of the barn and made her way back into the house. A relaxed sigh came from her as she inhaled the sweet scent of Grannie's cooking. Nothing, in Applejack's opinion, was better than Grannie Smith's cooking.

Stretching her arms up over her head, Applejack took her boots off by the front door where she always did. Walking passed the kitchen, Applejack made her way towards the bathroom. She figured a nice shower to get the dirt and mud off of her was over due. Closing the bathroom door behind her, Applejack slowly began to undress, peeling each layer off carefully, as if it were sewn onto her. Putting her shorts and shirts in the dirty laundry pile, she walked back over to the rug that was on the floor. Bending over, she slid off her panties, gingerly kicking them to the laundry pile as well. Cracking her neck, by tilting her head from side to side, she reached back and began to unhook her bra.

Mac had a thought that seemed to cross his mind. He glanced back to his room, wondering if he needed a shirt. He excused himself and headed back to his room. Grabbing one of his undershirts, he threw it over his head and adjusted it to fit his frame. Letting out a yawn, he felt the need to splash his face with some water. Not really noticing the door was closed, he pressed the door open and glanced in. After his first step, his body locked up. His eyes went from a relaxed and stoic gaze to a wide eyed stare. He was now beholding the bare backside of his younger sister.

His body would not move. His eyes glancing over her fair skinned body. His body turned a deep crimson as his forest green eyes shrunk to the size of pin pricks. Smooth skin, deliciously sun kissed and tanned to perfection. He could not stop himself from drinking in her beauty. It was as if she was a goddess on earth. He felt himself slip slightly, causing the door to slam against the wall. He looked to the door and then back to her.

When the door had slammed shut, Applejack jumped and let out a small gasp as she looked at her older brother, eyes wide. "B-big Mac!" She managed to get out, quickly moving to find a towel to cover herself with. Shifting her body, she wrapped herself up and walked over to him and poked his chest softly. When she felt how toned his chest was, she blushed and quickly looked up at him, furrowing her eyebrows. She tried her best to keep the sexual thoughts at bay. Her breathing became staggered as she tried to quickly think of something to say and when it finally came to her, she raised an eyebrow. "What in tarnation are you doin in here, Big Mac?" She spoke, feeling like she sounded more harsh than she had meant to.

Biting her lower lip, she placed her hands up and waved them quickly, an apologetic smile painted her lips. "N-not that ah'm mad at you or nothin...Just surprised is all..." She began to trail off as she watched him, no longer able to keep the thoughts of him away. "Ah um..." Applejack swallowed her saliva nervously as she looked at him. Sighing, she knelt down between his legs and placed her hand on his cheek softly. "You ok, Big Mac?" She asked him, looking into his eyes.

He blushed deeply and backed up and out the door saying apologies, “Ah, didn't mean to burst in on ya A.J. I just needed to wash mah face real quick,” he said. He pried his eyes away from her and looked to the ceiling. His blush was damn near permanent at the moment. He blinked a couple times, taking a quick glance back and forth at her and a corner. He could not meet her gaze at the moment as he tried to keep the blood in his face and from going anywhere else. “Again, sorry about this A.J,” he says closing the door behind him.

He hurried back to his room and closed the door. His back pressed against the door and he panted lightly. His face was still beet red, the image now burned into his brain. He looked down to see that his arousal showing proudly. His glance turned to an irritated look as he placed his hand over his face. He closed his eyes and groaned. He gave himself a bit of time to try and calm himself before leaving his room once more.

Letting out a sigh, Applejack watched as he scrambled away. A look of defeat was plain as day on her face. She found herself enjoying the way he was looking at her. The way he was so stunned when he saw her naked was rather amusing to her and she couldn't help but find it to be rather endearing. Getting up from the floor, Applejack took off the towel and got into the shower, figuring it'd be best for the both of them if they had a bit of space. Applejack tried to think about why it was such a big deal that he had seen her like that. In her mind, she saw nothing wrong with it, but she shrugged it off. Chewing on the inside of her mouth, Applejack spent a good ten minutes washing herself before she got out of the shower.

Wrapping the towel around her wet form, she walked out of the bathroom and bumped into her older brother as he was leaving his room. Tilting her head, she looked up at him and smiled. "Ah'm sorry, Big Mac," She spoke as she watched him. Applejack could feel her heart race within her chest. Wanting to move, Applejack found that she couldn't, she felt like she was glued to the floor. All she could do was take in his scent and look up at him. If she wasn't as strong as she was, Applejack knew she'd would be reduced to a puddle of affection.

When he saw his towel clad sister once more it made his blood start to rush again. His blush returned in spades as he audibly gulped. The towel moderately hugged her and left quite a bit to the imagination. His eyes glanced down at her rather impressive bust, tapering to her trim waist and into her wide hips. He looked into her eyes. His own orbs now spelling want and desire of which he should not have.

Scratching the back of his head he glanced away from her. “It's alright sugarcube, ain' nothin' for ya to apologize for,” he said trying his best not to look at the country beauty. His eyes shifted back to her as a few beads of water rolled down the valley between her breasts. He couldn't help but watch, captivated by the water's decent down her flesh. He tore his head in another direction and let out another rather loud gulp. “Better make yurself, decent. Granny's almost done cookin',” he said. He pushed past her lightly. Doing his best to hide his face. His hand lightly brushed against her hip, which was just enough contact for him to notice. His face went a deeper red as he moved away from her.

As she felt his hand brush up against her hip, Applejack felt as if she was on pins and needles. Her breath got caught in her throat and shook her head as she quickly took hold of his hand before he could pull away. Biting her lower lip, she began to pull him to her bedroom. Glad she had some brute strength to her, pulling on him wasn't the hardest thing for her to do. She wanted to get him in a private setting so they could talk by themselves without distractions or interruptions.

"Oh no you don't. Yer comin' with me. We need to talk about somethin mighty important, Big Mac. Dinner can wait," She spoke as she pressed against his lower back, pushing him into her room. Once they were in, she closed the door behind her and stood in front of the door so he couldn't escape. "Now Big Mac, yer my older brother and ah expect you to be honest with me about most things."

Crossing her arms under her chest, it pressed her breasts upward, plumping them slightly. They begged to pop out from behind the towel. "Now ah've noticed somethin that needs to be discussed. Ah've noticed the way you've been lookin' at me, and you've been actin awfully funny around me. You won't even look me in the eye anymore without blushin like you are gonna have a heat stroke. Now please, tell me what's botherin' you before ah have to take drastic measures...."

Captured and with no real place to escape to, the eldest apple looked at his sister. Once again he knew he could not meet her gaze. With her arms now crossed under her lovely breasts, Mac could not truly look away when his eyes would drift to them. But her question is the thing that got him. He really didn't want to just come out and say 'Ive been thinkin of ruttin' you senselsess' cause that would be wrong and inappropriate. So he thought of the best way to get through this. “Ain' nothin tah tell A.J. Jus' ain' been fillin' right,” he drolls out avoiding eye contact as much as he can. Soon his arousal began to show than it need to, which was never. He felt his shaft swell deep in his loins as he began to fidget back and forth.

Raising her eyebrow, she shook her head and sighed. "Ah'm sorry, but ah don't believe you Big Mac. Even when yer usually sick, you don't normally act like this..." She pursed her lips to the side and looked up at him, lowering her arms. Taking a step closer to him, she wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned against him. Resting her head against his chest, she listened to his heart and blushed softly when she heard it.

After a moment, she began to feel him grow hard against her. Eyes growing wide, she blushed deeply and tilted her head to look up at him. Pulling away slightly, she watched him. "B-big Mac," she spoke quietly as she couldn't help but stare at the blatant bulge that grew in his pants. "Well, ah never knew ya felt that way about me, Big Mac," Applejack let out a chuckle and smiled. "Ah swear, ah ain't laughin at ya, sugarcube, ah'm just laughin at the fact of how ironic the situation is.

Mac looked down right shamed as she felt him grow hard. Despite her saying she was not mad, he could not readily hear her. In his mind she now viewed him as disgusting. He pushed off the wall he was against and rushed out the room. His face was now permanently crimson as he headed back into his room and slumped against the back of his door. His head resting in his hands as he shook it back and forth. He should not feel like this about her. Her body should not make him react like this. She was his sister for goodness sake. He opted out of eating for the evening, instead just laying down in his bed and staring at the ceiling. He remained this way until he fell asleep.

Chapter Two (Edited)

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The following morning, McIntosh awoke at just before the break of dawn as usual. He looked around his room for a few seconds as the wheels began to turn once more. His usual routine began to play out as he swung his feet over the side of his bed. He hadn't undressed from the previous night, which didn't really bother him, save for the apparent stench of dried sweat. Pulling on the loose collar of his undershirt he took a few tentative sniffs. His head physically recoiled at the stench he was producing. A shower was in order. Standing to his full height, he stretched his arms above his head and groaned out in light pain, shaking loose his joints from the prolonged stillness of sleep. He bounced lightly on the balls of his feet and walked to his dresser.

Pulling the top drawer open first, he acquired new boxers, socks, and a new undershirt. Sliding it back into place he pulled out the very bottom drawer and grabbed hold of a pair of clean work jeans. He had several pairs, one pair per day of the week. He thanked the Goddess that he only did light labor on Sunday as to wash his cloths and dry them, cause if not, than his room would smell like a locker room at the nearby gym. The last item on his checklist of new attire was a work shirt. He walked to his closet and slid the door out of the way, looking through his options. Pushing the standard red and orange shirts out of the way, he decided on a emerald green short sleeve work shirt. Cloths in tow, he exited his room and ventured to the bathroom.

Being the first one up was usually the best, seeing as how the water was always warmest and there was no wait. Closing the door behind him, he undressed in a rather lazy fashion. Crossing his arms over his abs and chest, he gripped the bottom of his undershirt, and with one swift motion, pulled the offending fabric over his head and tossed it to the wayside. Next was his trousers and boxers, which were usually easy to discard. Unfastening the button holding his pants snug to his hips, he hooked his thumbs under the waist band of his boxers while his fingers gripped the denim fabric loosely. And in a quick motion, pushed both articles down his legs to the hard wood floor below.

Standing in the buff now, he stepped out of his pants, before placing his hands on the small of his back. Bending backwards till he heard and felt a few pops come from his spine, he set himself right once more, and stepped into the shower. Pulling the shower knob out released a torrent of water from the shower head above, and after twisting said knob a little, the ideal temperature began to rain down on his body.

The farmer stood eyes closed with the warm water rushing down his head and body as his mind began to wander slightly. His thoughts trailing from work that had to be done around the farm, to making a apple sale to Barnyard Bargains later on in the day. One thought however struck him like a bolt of lightning. Applejack. His eyes snapped open, the vivid image of his younger sibling's nude form began to tease him. Her skin looked smooth to the touch, her hair like golden silk, and her hips. Sweet Goddess above her hips. His face grew red slightly, and his eyes seemed to bug out a bit. He felt a pulse rush down his body and begin to fill his member. He knew this was wrong, that thoughts of his sister in this manner were down right detestable and should never cross his mind.

However, these mental limitations did nothing to hamper his body's physical needs. His arousal grew more as he began fantasizing. His brain flooded his senses with images of her standing in front of him completely nude with water running down her body. He panted lightly, trying desperately to stave off these thoughts. He closed his eyes, but she was still there. Gazing at him with those deep emerald orbs that she called eyes. A lust filled gaze that seemed to egg him on. With a rather defeated grunt, he grabbed hold of his manhood. His calloused fingers gripped his swollen glands and began to pump it.

In his minds eye it was Applejack doing this for him. She was on her knees, looking up at him with a mischievous look in her eye. Her mouth inching closer and closer to the swollen head of his pride. Her fingers were delicate to the touch, tenderly holding him as she lulled her tongue out slowly. Each action she took was agonizingly slow and drawn out, aiding to his arousal. The tip of her tongue gently lapped at the flared head, slowly swirling around it to get a good long taste. The action made the farmer hiss his approval. His eyes shut tightly as the sensation shot through his body like a jolt of electricity.

Applejack gazed up at him teasingly and slowly wrapped her plush lips around the head, taking it into her mouth. It felt so warm and inviting. Her tongue wriggling and lapping at the underside of his manhood as she began to push her head down his shaft. McIntosh let out a audible groan of approval at the action. He placed his hand on the top of her head gently, running his fingers through her soft wet hair as she serviced his needs.

Closing her eyes, Applejack pushed her head as far as it could go down his shaft, nearly reaching his pelvis. McIntosh let out another groan of approval feeling her mouth coil around his thick member. Pulling back, he opened his eyes in time to watch her begin moving her head back and forth along his pride. Moaning deeply she began stroking her moistening mound in her own fit of arousal. Watching her slide her fingers along her wet sex, and her lustful expression as she bobbed her head up and down the length of his member was too much to bare.

“A.J, ah can't hold it much longer,” he moaned out. He felt himself twitching constantly in her mouth. Clenching his stomach muscles and shutting his eyes tightly, he tried his best to stave off his rapidly approaching climax. He peaked through one of his eyes and the sight that he beheld is what drove him over the edge. Applejack was licking his head rapidly while her free hand pumped him vigorously. Her eyes were filled with want, wanting him to do it.

“Go ahead big brother. Shoot yer load all over yer sister's face,” she moaned out. That was the chip that broke the dam. With a loud grunt, he felt himself release string after sticky slick string of his essence all over her face. Her mouth opened and her eyes closed as he coated her face with his ejaculate. He panted loudly and pressed his forearm against the wall of the shower. Opening his eyes, he saw that she was gone, and the wall now had his personal cream sliding down it. Letting his grip go, he groaned out in frustration. He had just masturbated to the thought of his sister servicing him. He felt so dirty and unclean. And Goddess knew that no amount of water would wash this stain on his conscience any time soon. With a heavy sigh, he washed the wall clean of his essence and washed his body with soap.

Prior to McIntosh waking up, Applejack had woken up a great deal earlier than him. She could only manage maybe an hour or two of sleep. Having already showered merely hours earlier, Applejack got dressed and made her way outside. Tiptoeing her way out of the house as quietly as possible, she crept passed Winona barefoot and didn't put on her boots till she was out on the grass. Pursing her lips to the side, she rubbed her eye and yawned softly, not exactly used to being up so early. If it wasn't for the pang of guilt she held in her stomach and deep in her chest, she probably would have slept longer.

Feeling as if she owed it to Big Mac, Applejack decided to handle his light labor chores before she tackled her own. Maybe it would make up for her embarrassing him so badly earlier. She didn't mean to do that to him, she just wanted to understand why he was acting so awkward around her. Reaching a small field, she found the plow he had set up a few days ago. Adjusting the harness around her waist she started to pull. This was much tougher than McIntosh made it look. She grunted rather loudly as she dragged the plow through the dirt. Her thoughts however were soon derailed as she began thinking of his reluctance and awkwardness. Chewing her lower lip, she stopped plowing the dirt and leaned against the plow, trying to figure out what exactly could be wrong. His mannerisms were off and it bothered her. Surely he wasn't wrestling the same issues she was having.

After a short moment of thinking of what his issue could possibly be, she began to think about how toned her brother was and how muscular his arms were. Applejack found herself sitting down on the plow, biting her lower lip at the thought. His large frame looming over her, the way his shirt stuck and clung to his body tightly and showed off his chest and abdomen. Her mind started to drift a bit more. She watched as he leaned over her. His hands planted on the sides of the door frame she was pressed against. He smiled down at her, his eyes contained a sense want. He pressed his face closer to her's. His smile was so confident. Thinking of this began to make the blood rush to her cheeks, causing them to turn red and heat up. Ripping herself from this fantasy, she began fanning herself quickly with her hand, she attempted to cool herself and let out a dry laugh. "Ah shouldn't be thinkin' of such things," she sighed to herself and got back to plowing.

Once those chores were done, she made her way back into the farm house. Taking off her boots, she rubbed her eyes again. Letting out a rather loud yawn, she stretched her arms up and over her head and began making her way passed the bathroom door. At the door her ear twitched hearing her name. She blinked a few times and looked towards the bathroom door. She had assumed she was the only one awake at the moment . Pressing her ear to the door she grew quiet, straining to listen. Her eyes widened as she heard the rather ragged grunts of her brother on the other side.

His breathing sounded labored as he repeated her name over and over, over the sound of the running water. She bit her lower lip, her face glowing a deep shade of red as she listened with captured attention. Biting her lower lip, she slowly brought her hand to the door to open it, her heart pounding loudly in her chest as her own desire started to fill her body. She wanted to join him in the shower, to help clean him off and run her hands against his skin. With her fingers lightly clutching the knob of the door, she heard him call her name once more and a rather loud grunt followed by a series of whimpers. Her hand recoiled away and moved away from the door.

She looked at the door, her cheeks still red and her panties were growing increasingly wet. She turned her back to the door and Sped to her room at a quick pace. She made her way into her room and quickly closed the door behind her. Maybe now she'd be able to get some sleep.

Exiting the shower, having cleaned the wall, McIntosh still felt a bit dirty. Grabbing a towel he draped it over his head and pulled it back and forth vigorously to dry out his dark blonde hair. Squatting down on the toilet cover, he sat and contemplated his actions. Maybe it was just a one time thing. Something he had to get it out of his system. Maybe that was it. With a sigh and a nod, he decided that, that was the right reasoning. Toweling off, he dressed rather quickly figuring he had spent too much time on “extra” activities. Now fully dressed, the farmer exited the bathroom and headed for the front door. Sitting on the stairs, he laced up his boots and pushed the door open, waking Winona from her slumber.

The Collie shot her head up and ran up to the man. McIntosh greeted her with an affectionate head rub as he began to walk to the fields to plow. He had to get a couple other things as well. His chores for the day involved plowing one of the freshly created fields, apple picking, and then going into town about mid day with a cart of apples for Mr. Rich. shoving his hands into his pockets, he walked with a relaxed stride out to the field. Much to his surprise, and confusion, the plow had been moved and the field already plowed and ready for cultivating. He raised an eyebrow, contemplating how this had happened.

“Now, how in tarnation did this happen?” he asked aloud. Scratching his head, he decided the best course of action was to simply roll with it. That was one choir he didn't have to deal with. Turning back to the barn he gazed at the horizon as the sun began to break the last bits of darkness. Its light scraped away at the every encompassing darkness of night. Solar rays began to blanket the world around in the brilliant glow of morning. A small gust of air pushed past him, blowing his unsecured shirt open and caused his hair to flutter lightly. This felt good, so very good. With a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, he approached the barn. Opening the wide doors, he spotted the empty crates he would need as well as his all too familiar cart.

Stacking a few crates into the back of the wagon, McIntosh knew it was going to be a scorcher. Since he wouldn't need to be back for a while, he took his work shirt off and left only his undershirt to cover his chest. Looking to the wall, he grabbed a deep brown harness. Placing it around his neck and securing the ropes to it, he began to pull the cart out of the barn and along the gravel road. Today he was working on some of the trees in the west field. He smiled softly, knowing that there was a really good remedy for his troubles; good, old fashion, hard physical labor.

Applejack couldn't help but toss and turn on her bed. She couldn't get comfortable at all, thinking about her brother didn't exactly help the situation. The fantasy from earlier played in her mind over and over as she tried to sleep. His smile was just too much. Coupled with that look in his eyes, she really couldn't take it much longer. Chewing on the skin that made up her lower lip, she glanced left and right as she slid her hands down her bountiful chest.

Her hands cupped her breasts and slowly kneaded the flesh through her shirt. Sliding one of her hands down lower, she slipped a hand into her panties and pushed her fingers along her lower lips and into her moist folds. It came as a small shock to Applejack as to just how wet she had gotten just thinking about her older brother made her. Rubbing her clit gently, she closed her eyes and let out a soft gasp of approval over the appealing feeling. With her free hand, she slid it back up and under her shirt, grabbing hold of one of her breasts, giving special attention to her slowly hardening nipple.

Closing her eyes, Applejack began to think of the same fantasy she had when she was working the field. A soft groan escaped past her full lips, her fingers clutched her chest tighter as she began to knead. Slowly turning her head, Applejack opened her eyes. A shiver rolled up her spine as she watched her brother walk out of the barn without a shirt on. She couldn't help but let out another gentle groan. If there was one thing that was on her mind, it was for him to take her, and take her good and hard. Slowly, she began to pump her finger inside of her. It didn't take her long to feel the need to add another finger. Her breathing became shallow as her chest heaved. She could hear her heart throb and felt as if the sound of it filled the room completely.

Being quiet was turning out to be a challenge for Applejack, especially as her fantasy began to envelope her and evolve. In her mind's eye, she watched as Big Mac's nude frame crawled on top of her. Looming over her, he propped himself up on his muscular arms. She blushed deeply watching him smile gently down at her. Her eyes widened at the feeling of tip of his manhood began to rub against her folds cause another lustful moan to escape. Her hips bucked excitedly up at him. She wanted him to be inside of her so badly that it caused her entire body to ache.

"Come on, sugarcube, don't tease me," She whimpered as she looked up at him, leaning up to lick his lips. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to kiss him roughly. His lips were soft against her's as they melded together. Shifting her hips, she drew her legs up and moaned as she felt him rub the tip of his cock against her folds once more before slowly pushing into her. Arching her back, she pulled her head away from his and let out a lustful gasp. Her nails dug into his back, as the pain of his throbbing erection pressed deep into drenched folds. He slowly began withdrawing himself from her only to slide back in just as deep. His actions elicited several deep moans from her as he delved his member deeper into her. His grunts filled her ears, his arms giving way slightly allowing him to come face to face with her. His lips brushing lightly against her's.

Before long, Applejack was pulled from her fantasy as she felt herself start to cum. Blushing deeply, her body began to stiffen as she felt the sweet release. Breathing heavily, she allowed her body to drop to the bed. Taking off her shirt, she wiped her hand off against it and tossed it to the floor. Now that she had taken care of that, she rolled onto her side and began to wonder if the thoughts that her and her older brother shared were just caused by all the time they spent together. Maybe it was just a moment of moral weakness that Applejack couldn't exactly avoid. Whatever the reason was, Applejack couldn't remember the last time she came so hard to the thought of anyone. Shaking her head, she let out a sigh and closed her eyes.

A few hours past by rather quickly as he worked. The sun hung high in the sky and beat down on the farmer relentlessly. Covered and saturated in sweat and dirt, his undershirt was now next to useless to him. With a light growl, he discarded it into the cart and continued working. Pulling the cart once more, he made his way to his next tree. This was probably going to be the last tree he would harvest prior to going to the market today. Pulling the harness from around his neck, he set it on the ground and pulled out the last few crates. He arranged them in various places at the base of the tree and took a step back. The Apple family had a very interesting way of harvesting their apples. It was a form known as Apple Bucking. Usually this technique involved a powerful back kick to the tree to shake the apples loose and cause them to rain down.

In McIntosh's case, he preferred a snap kick approach. Twisting his body into a more combat like stance, he bounced on the balls of his feet as he started to pump up his adrenaline. Feeling himself get fully juiced up, he pivoted on his left leg causing his right to raise off the ground and striking the tree with the force and speed of a lightning strike. Upon impact, the tree and the soil shook violently as apples rained down from the branches. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he smiled at his handy work. Retrieving the freshly fallen apples, he decided now was the best time to head back. Judging by the sun, he had been buckin' apples for at least 4 hours now. Re-securing his harness, he headed back through a more untouched path.

As the hours had passed, Applejack had finally gotten some sleep and when she had finally woken, she felt very well rested. Slowly, she sat up and stretched her arms up and over her head, once she heard a popping noise, she lowered her arms and slowly crawled out of bed. Going into her closet, she got changed into a pair of Daisy Duke shorts, a push up bra and a tank top. Leaving her room was the challenge. She didn't want to run into her older brother out of fear of blushing and acting like babbling idiot. Shaking her head and mustering the courage, she left the room and went into Applebloom's room to wake her up. "Come on, kiddo. It's time ter wake up and do yer chores," Applejack spoke gently as she picked up her sister out of the bed. "Ah want ya to go muck out the pig pen and then take Winona out fer a walk. After that, you can take a shower and play with yer friends."

After making sure her little sister was on her way, Applejack made her way down to the kitchen and decided that it was a good idea to help out Grannie in the kitchen. Sitting down on her chair, she began to peel away and core out the apples before handing them to grannie, who was slicing them up and putting them with their dinner and dessert. If there was one thing Applejack loved, it was the smell of fresh cut apples filling the house.

McIntosh's path tapered till it reached the main road, where it was much more smooth sailing to the house. Looking out to the the barn, he noticed Apple Bloom taking care of the pig stalls. He smiled with a bit of smug satisfaction at her having such a dirty job seeing as how she melted the gazebo and hoarded all of the nails on the farm the day of Summer Wrap Up. He walked past her and set the cart down in front of the barn. Going into said barn for a quick moment, he grabbed his shirt and headed to the house. He needed to shower before going into town.

After a quick shower, he redressed in some cleaner cloths with the exception of his work shirt since it had stayed in the barn most of the day. Buttoning it up and securing his fresh jeans and boxers to his body, the farmer went back outside only to be stopped by the sweet smell of apples filling the air. He smiled softly and went outside. He hitched the cart around his arm rather than his neck. It was easier to pull on roads like this and required less brute strength.