Teased Tickled and Tortured

by RarityEQM

First published

Trixie gets even with miss Sparkle...

Soooo This is pretty much all just...yeah. This is a lot of fetishy sex stuff. Long story short, Trixie tickles Twilight. No real story or plot, this story came about between some...conversation that spawned from watching "Carootheticklish" streaming annnnnd I started writing what came to mind, and he started saying how he'd love to see a story, and we ended up doing a trade and...


I could do better...I think...
Yes, and this is an ANTHRO story.

Next time I shall simply have to try harder. But if Tickling is your thing, then hey, heres a story about it. Go nuts.

Coochi Coo

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Twilight couldn't recognize the room she was in. No, there was nothing familiar about the dirt on the floor, nor the soft, bluish bricks of the circular chamber she was in- a shed of some sort, or perhaps someone's basement? She could smell and taste the cool touch of the night's air, so she was fairly sure she was close to the out doors. Regardless of not knowing her direct location, however, Twilight knew exactly where she was: She was in trouble.

Oh yes, the X shaped bar her body was strapped to, was a big clue. She was sure about that. The last thing she could remember, was slipping into her favorite pajamas- the soft, baby blue ones, with the cute little white stars dotting all over the material. She'd slid into bed with a small glass of milk and had planned to finish the next chapter of her book (One she'd borrowed from Rarity, "Pleasures of the Pasture")


And then she woke up. Here, in this strange place, strapped to this strange device. Drugged. She must have been drugged. Hours must have passed by since sh- The sound of footsteps snapped Twilight from her thoughts, and the young unicorn looked up, immediately, training her every last bit of focus on her horn. She was curious about the situation, but she wasn't about to end up on the news as some sadistic statistic of some crazed kidnapper. But try as she might, not a single bolt of magic energy fled from her horn! No! What was going on?! Something in the walls dampening her powers? Whatever she was drugged with? Some sort of anti-magic field?! Twilight didn't know, but she was starting to panic. Whomever had kidnapped her had gone to the trouble of somehow disabling her magic- and the footsteps were getting closer. She twisted her hips, and tugged against her restraints, but there was no escaping the rack she'd been imprisoned against. Behind her- somewhere out of view, a door opened, and shut. Someone was in the room with her! Oh, Celestia, they were going to murder her!! They were going to do something horrible!!

"L-look, I um, I don't, I don't know w-who you are, o-or what you want but I'm not important! I'm not special or rich or anything, I'm just a student! Is this about the princess? A-are you kidnapping me for a ransom or something?!" The panicked pony squeaked. There was a few seconds of silence before a voice rippled through the air behind her.

A familiar voice.

"Oooooh, no. Nothing like that. This is simply about revenge. " Whispered a sinister, female whisper. For a moment Twilight's panic subsided, and instead curiosity took over.

"Trixie?!" She squeaked and yelped in relief when Trixie's mane and muzzle popped into view just over her shoulder. Trixie Lulamoon. Rival and class mate of Celestia's school for gifted unicorns, and while Trixie and Twilight weren't always on the best of terms, there was no denying the begrudged respect they had for each others abilities. In fact, if it wasn't for her attitude, Twilight had to admit Trixie could be kind of ...fun to be around. Or even cute, if she dared admit to herself, that her rivalry with the other mage was anything but. Trixie's lips twisted into a delicate, playful grin, and she twisted to stand in front of Twilight, dressed in jeans, and her favorite blue top.

"Twilight Sparkle. Ha! The look on your face is priceless! This is already worth the price of all those weeks of planning!" She giggled. Twilight let out a sigh of relief and let her body slump forward on the rack. Whatever was going to happen next, she wasn't going to die. This was all some sort of joke. A prank.

"Trixie. Oh thank Celestia its you! You scared me!" Twilight squeaked, while Trixie simply grinned and reached a hand out, tickling the purple unicorn under her chin gently. Trixie's smile was warm but sinister. She was up to something, and whatever it was, Twilight wasn't going to like it. She knew she wasn't going to like it...

"Well, that was the first part of Trixie's plan. The great and powerful Trixie needed to knock the princess's pet down a few pegs. " Trixie explained. Twilight frowned, narrowing her eyes at the boastful filly in front of her.

"I am not the princess's pet! I told you to stop calling me that!" Twilight snapped, struggling against her restraints again. Trixie rolled her eyes and let her smile widen further.

"Trixie will stop calling Twilight that when Twilight stops acting like it. Always on time, always sitting in the front of the class, always so well groomed. Such a super nerd, and always rubbing it in everyone else's face, that the princess likes you best. Well, not tonight you aren't, Twilight. Trixie thinks it's high time that you were taught a lesson. Tonight, you're going to learn that allllllll your magic and alllll your smarts don't make you any better than Trixie." Trixie explained with a sinister smile. Twilight narrowed her eyes even further.

"Listen, Trix-" She started, but Trixie cut her off with a waggle of her fingers, her own cheeks strangely tinting pink as she began to circle Twilight like a shark.

"You know, the other day when you got that A+ in class, and I only got an A, you had the biggest smile on your face. Trixie must admit it was pretty cute." Trixie stammered, her voice dipping low, as if she were afraid there were others in the room besides just the two of them. Twilight's own cheeks pinkened slightly and she bit at her lower lip. Well. This was awkward. Mostly because even now, she kind of thought Trixie was on the cute side, even if she was trussed up on an X rack.

"Trixie should like to see it again hmmmm? What do you think?" Trixie asked, catching Twilight by surprise. The purple pony rolled her eyes with a snort, and gave another struggle.

"I think, if you let me go, I'll smile nice and wide for you. How about that?" She asked. Trixie grinned. Uh oh...

"Hhmmm? Well Trixie thinks not!" The girl barked, and reached forward, seizing Twilight's pudgy purple tummy underneath her night shirt, forcing a surprised squeal of laughter to tumble from her lips.

"Coochi coochi cooooooo, Twilight..." Trixie cooed, leaning in, dancing her fingers delicately across Twilight's tummy in devilish little circles, and wiggles. Twilight squirmed and arched her back, immediately bursting into helpless giggles as Trixie attacked her belly. This was the torture Trixie was planning?! To tickle her?! This was it!? THIS?! So absurd, and bizarre and silly. And playful. And for some reason, that seemed to make Twilight laugh even harder.

"S-Stop!! STHAP!" Twilight barked, but Trixie was only getting started, digging her fingers into Twilight's sides, watching the poor pony squeal. She was MUCH more ticklish than Trixie had anticipated...which was good, since Trixie really had no intention of hurting her captive...but this was also turning out to be MUCH more fun that she'd expected.

"Awwww, Is poor widdle Twilight ticklish? HMmmmm?" Trixie teased, the baby talk sounding so silly coming from her, yet it only served to increase Twilight's helpless giggles. The filly twisted and bucked, trying in vain to pull herself away from Trixie's fingers while the other girl leaned in, pressing so close that her breasts gently pressed up against Twilight's while she tortured her belly.

"So cute." She whispered, curving her fingers around towards the small of Twilight's back, and then back around to her belly. Finally, she pulled away, giving Twilight a few precious moments of air. She peered at Trixie, trying to catch her breath, and at the same time, find the energy to tug at her bonds again.

"Now, wasn't that fun? All your smarts aren't helping you out of this, are they, Twilight? Where's that big brain now, hmmm?" Trixie grinned. Twilight gave a bitter glare.

"Let me go or else Trixie!" Twilight snapped. She was starting to get tired of this game, but she was far from mad for some reason. Maybe it was the minutes of helpless laughter she was forced to endure. Or maybe it was the fact Trixie was so close to her...

"Threats, Twilight? Really? Maybe your not so smart after all, you're hardly in any position to make threats. But maybe Trixie needs to make her point again, hmmmmm?" Trixie grinned, dancing her index finger gently against the hem of Twilight's shirt. The girl immediately gave a giggle and tried to shy away from Trixie's probing finger.

"Oh, yes, Trixie thinks those cute little armpits need a lesson." Trixie explained, reaching up to dot her fingers against Twilight's underarms, who immediately began to squirm. It was only a few seconds, however, before Trixie stopped and frowned.

"You know, can't get too much tickling done with this in the way." Trixie grinned, slowly drawing her fingers along the undercurve of one of Twilight's breasts. The pony's eyes widened in shock, and her body instantly tensed. No! No she couldn't...

"Trixie, W-wait a minute! Don't take off my shirt! " Twilight whimpered, as Trixie gently began to ease the shirt upwards, starting to expose Twilight's tummy to view. Trixie gave a grin, shaking her head.

"No no no, Twilight, you're NOT in any position to give orders, did you already forget?" Trixie chided, while Twilight wildly shook her head, cheeks starting to tint to a warm rose under her fur.

"B-but you can't just-" She sputtered. Trixie bit her lower lip, feeling a sudden rush of power sweeping through her. Power and something else; A growing tingle between her thighs...

"But what? Whats wrong Twilight? We're both girl's here, aren't we? And you can't exactly stop me so lets just have a little peek, hmmm?" Trixie churred, lifting Twilight's shirt slowly, up, up, up, exposing the rounded swells of her plump, perfect breasts. The twin contours spilled gently into view, as Trixie magik'd Twilight's shirt up and off of her, forcing a helpless shiver from Twlight, while she casually tossed it to the ground, leaving the poor filly bare chested and blushing.

"Oh my, these are very nice."Trixie whispered, gently cupping Twilight's breasts under her palms, weighing each one playfully while Twilight looked away, blushing hard and trying to push the sensations of Trixie's warm fingers out of her head.

"Trixie t-this is embarrassing..." Twilight mumbled shyly, her ears splaying gently against her head while Trixie grinned that dreadful, horrible, lopsided grin of hers. A realization slowly flickered past, and she gazed into her unicorns eyes; Twilight didn't say stop...

"Oh, and these cute little nipples! Look at these pink little nubs! Twilight? Why are they all stiff? You're not cold, are you? Or maybe they want to be tickled too! Is that it? What a wonderful idea!" Trixie cackled and before Twilight could protest, not one, not two, not three, but FOUR bright blue feathers, carved out of magic appeared, and began to dance lovingly around Twilight's helpless nipples. They dusted back and forth along her areolas and sea-sawed underneath her nipples, forcing helpless yowls of laughter from the poor pony.

"Oh, yes, these are VERY ticklish aren't they? And they bounce so sweetly!" Trixie teased, and indeed, as Twilight squealed and laughed, her breasts bounced and jiggled- wobbling with every forced heave of her chest as the feathers danced and spun in circles around her nipples and areolas.

"MMmmmm these are alllllll hard, hmm? Stiff, cute little nubs. Hee, just like pebbles..." Trixie whispered, leaning in to take the reins of her own torture. Twilight could only watch helplessly as the blue mage grasped one of those feathers and delicately swirled it around, and around and around Twilight's helpless, naked stub, forcing the poor girl to scream out in ticklish glee- her eyes and cheeks soaked with tears.

"How about underneath, hmmm? Tickle Tickle!" Trixie giggled, tickling the tormenting feather gently under the swell of Twilight's left breast, before her right- and then wickedly right in between, pumping the feather in and out of her cleavage and watching those adorable boobs bounce with every shrieking giggle spilling from Twilight's lips. If Twilight was capable of seeing through her teary eyes at this point, she'd have noticed Trixie's own chest extraordinarily prominent; her nipples framed perfectly through her shirt she was wearing, the girl panting almost as heavily as Twilight as she tortured the filly. Twilight was cute. Twilight was very, very cute, Trixie couldn't deny that- and all of this was turning her on . A lot.

"Lets see...can't just leave these cute little armpits all alone...hmmm...AHH, Trixie has an idea!" Trixie grinned, wrenching herself back into her 'work' before she could lose focus. Twilight couldn't respond fast enough, only able to watch as Trixie pulled more items into existence, this time; forks. Dancing under their owner's power like puppets, the utensils began to scribble back and forth and back and forth under Twilight's arms, making the poor pony SQUEAL.

"Thats good...but...Trixie thinks we're forgetting something...OH! OH that adorable little belly button! That cute little innie is just BEGGING to be tickled isn't it?!" Trixie cackled, watching Twilight helplessly try and shake her head- but there was nothing she could do, other than watch helplessly as a paintbrush appeared- bright blue with those wicked looking bristles pointed right at her belly button.

"N, n, n-" Twilight sputtered, only to lose her voice to laughter, as that dreadful brush started to drill into her belly. She screamed, eyes widening as the new sensation rippled through her body- this tickle far more intense than the ones before. Her poor little belly button seemed to be Trixie's entire focus, suddenly...at least, until her ears perked up and she gave a mock gasp.

"Oh, WOW...that's really getting you going, isn't it....Waaaait a minute...Twilight, we haven't tickled your feet yet!" "Trixie grinned, watching as Twilight's look of helpless happy girl giggles turned to a look of ultimate horror. Oh...oh Trixie found a winner...

"Why just look at these!" Trixie exclaimed, kneeling down, gently hefting one of Twilight's feet into her hands while the magic continued to work away above her. "Look at how plump and cute these little toes are! Are they ticklish, Twilight? Oooo Trixie bets they are..."

"T, Trixie no! Nonononono! N, not my toes! Not my feet! PLEASE! I'll be good, I'll, d, do anythi-" Twilight squealed, but it was too late...Trixie leaned forward, and drew her tongue softly along the underside of Twilight's plump purple foot. The adorable pony gave a SHRIEK so loud Trixie's ears perked as her voice echoed around the room. OH, yes, Trixie found a winner alright...

"MMmm, Don't curl these toes Twilight, you can't get away...but...for now..." Trixie grinned wickedly, casting her fingertips out in a slow, teasing little circle across the arch of Twilight's helpless foot. The naked toes wriggled and clenched helplessly, doing all that they could to defend against Trixie's slow, teasing assault, but Trixie didn't seem intent on letting Twilight escape. She kept teasing, wriggling her fingers slowly, gently, horrifically around the expanse of Twilight's poor, helpless wiggling sole. But she wasn't sated with simply doing that. Oh no- her slender fingers were diabolically working closer and closer to Twilight's trembling toes- and the moment contact was made, the poor pony gave a shriek.

"Noooot my toes!! NOT MY TOOHOHOHOHOHOHHOHOHOHOS!" Twilight squeaked, thrashing her head back and forth as Trixie gently wriggled her fingertips along the underside of each of Twilight's adorable toes.

"Awwww, too ticklish? Too sensitive for my fingers?" Trixie cooed, watching as Twilight wildly nodded her head, trying to talk through the haze of laughter overwhelming her. Trixie gave a dark grin and nodded her head.

"Alright then, cutie...err, T, Twilight. Trixie shall not use her fingers..." Trixie churred. Before Twilight could even hope to breathe, however, paint brushes appeared. Four of them, specifically, and colored the same, horrible color of blue as Trixie's magic. They dipped forward, wiggling in a agonizingly slow burrow to forcefully splay Twilight's clenched toes apart- and there, in between each of her helpless digits- did the brushes start to spin, and twist, and paint, and TICKLE.

"NOOOO-HO-HO-HO-HO-HO-HO-HOOOOO!!!" Twilight screamed, her tummy aching, arching and heaving the same as her naked chest and plump, plentiful breasts. The paint brushes each did something different. The first one was see-sawing between her toes, while the one next to it was spiraling around and around and around- the next was tickling just underneath the plump purple digit, and the last one was twisting around her biggest toe and second toe, in a devious figure eight. These brushes continued without so much as a flick of magic from Trixie's horn, the spell automated- like the spinning brush that slowly pressed against Twilight's other foot, leaving the pony screaming wildly in ticklish glee.

Until it stopped.

The forks, the paint brushes, the feathers, all of it stopped in an instant- a blink of an eye, leaving Twilight panting and gasping for air, suckling in what she could, while Trixie sat quietly in front of her, grinning up at the captive pony with a wicked smile criss crossing her lips. And while Twilight was expecting some long speech about how much better Trixie was, or how pathetic Twilight looked, for a brief, flickering second, a look of concern etched over Trixie's face.

"...Are you ok?" She asked while Twilight did her best to get her breathing under control. It was over...Trixie had her fun, and now she was letting the other unicorn go. Twilight had to admit, while it started out terrifying, it was really was sort of.......fun in a way. She nodded her head. No. Trixie hadn't hurt her...if anything, when it came down to it- this was the best sort of 'revenge' Twilight could have hoped for. The only thing she'd lost was her dignity; the idea of Trixie playing with her naked breasts caused a hot flush of pink to raise up over her cheeks. Trixie simply grinned, noticing the look of relief on Twilight's face.

"Oh, I hope you don't think we're done...No. No. Trixie just noticed something interesting, Twilight. " Trixie explained. Twilight's mouth dropped open in shock. Not...done? Impossible! What more could Trixie do to her? Trixie slowly climbed to her knees, kneeling in front of Twilight with that same sinister grin etched over her lips as before. Slowly, she reached forward- and hooked her fingers into the waistband of Twilight's pajama bottoms. Twilight gave and indignant squeal of humiliation but Trixie held tight, sloooowly starting to inch them down as she peered at Twilight- Well at Twilight's crotch. Where the front of her pajama bottoms
were dark and damp with the tangy scent of arousal.

"Trixie was just curious as to what this was down here..."Trixie whispered, dragging her fingertips slowly, in and along the cleft of Twilight's sex, only hidden by the thin fabric of the jammies she was wearing. Twilight's hips arched forward on their own,and she gave a trembling whine and tried to squeeze her thighs closed, but the rack she was attached to prevented any hope of modesty. She had no idea all of this was working her up into a drooling arousal, but it was. Trixie's touch forced a shiver of pleasure through her voice that echoed on her face- she couldn't deny it...she could smell it. Taste it. See it. The two of them were hopelessly turned on...and Twilight had no idea why...

Trixie shook her head, grinning darkly as she treated herself more and more to the side of Twilight's hips- slender, cute with the most adorable little tuft of pubic fur just starting to sprout from underneath her jammies.

"No no...come on, whats under here, hmmm? Whats down here, Twilight? Are we enjoying our punishment?" Trixie grinned, quickly yanking Twilight's pajamas down to her ankles, exposing the girl's naked petals to Trixie's gaze, the girl's sex flushed with arousal, and a sweet scent of arousal instantly brushed across Trixie's nose. Twilight gave another squeal, looking away with a helpless little whimper of pleasure as Trixie slowly, embarrassingly inspected her plump, naked sex.

"My my my, we arrrrrre. Look at all this girl honey..." Trixie teased, drawing her fingers slowly along the tight little flower nestled between Twilight's thighs, causing a shuddery moan from the girl above her.

"Can't have you ENJOYING this, Twilight, but it seems inevitable. But luckily, Trixie has a back up plan..." Trixie whispered, and to Twilight's utter horror, in Trixie's fingers, appeared a long, stiff goose feather- glowing with a cobalt sheen of magic, and pointed directly at Twilight's most private, sensitive treasure.

"No! T, Trixie! YOU, you can't!! N, not there!!" Twlight squealed in embarrassment, trying once again to helplessly squeeze her thighs together. Trixie wasn't listening- and that feather pressed forward. It was a burning sensation at first- prickly, then tingly. rippling along her most sensitive, private girl parts. Twilight's brain wasn't quite able to translate the sensation of the feather's tip pressing against her clitoris, swirling in slow, gentle circles. The helpless little girl button was far to sensitive and Trixie knew it wouldn't take long for Twilight to finally come to terms with what was happening to her.

It started with a gurgled squeal- a shriek really, as that feather took slow, teasing strokes. Again, and again and again, swirling around Twilight's helpless little purple clit, forcing Twilight to scream. It burned. It tingled. It tickled. It sent shivers down her spine, and Twilight had NEVER felt anything so intense in her entire life.

She tried to kick, and scream, and arch her back, and thrash around, and do everything she could to pull away from the tickling sensation, giggling wildly, as a flood of shivers rippled through her body. Insane! She was going to go completely insane from this wicked, teasing, tickling feather! Pressing on her most sensitive place, it was making her hips arch and wriggle on their own, feeding into Trixie's sensations, and leaving Twilight the helpless victim of the feather's touch.

The other objects twitched back to life- something Twilight barely noticed with the way the feather teased and twirled, tickled, and tormented, but Twilight could only feel the delicate feather teasing across her sweet and tender little clit. She threw her head back, cackling wildly, sputtering helplessly as she tried to gasp for air, and giggle at the same time; the sensation burned through her loins, shooting sparks of pleasure through her body like electricity.

Try as she might, Twilight couldn't utter a sound other than shrill, squealing giggles as Trixie focused entirely on her clit. IF she could, she would have begged Trixie to stop, told her this was going to far, told her not to keep tickling because any more and...she was going to...have an sticky accident. Twilight could feel it surging through her- her body reacting helplessly, just like Trixie wanted- a most embarrassing end to a most humiliating torment.

Twilight Sparkle was going to orgasm.

Her toes splayed, and curled around the paint brushes, her breasts bobbled and bounced, nipples helplessly stiff, and tears rolled down her cheeks. She was seized with overwhelming sensations she could barely describe, pleasure rippling through her body akin to bolts of lightning, forcing her into spasms and squeaks of choked laughter and moans. She was cumming harder than she had EVER orgasmed in her life, and only barely aware enough to understand what was happening. All of the tickling had pushed her senses into overdrive, and the climax that wracked her frame pressed her to the teetering edge of sanity, only somewhat able to comprehend the sensations washing over her like waves. Her honey splattered down her inner thighs, like the tears on her cheeks, trickling in rivets slowly from her dewy sex, and Trixie, finally. leaned back, with a coy smile at the trembling unicorn.

Even though Trixie had stopped tickling, and even though the orgasm was slowly starting to subside- Twilight's body still felt like it was on fire; pleasure like she'd never imagined could exist coursed through her, and all she was able to say was summed up in gasping, nonsensical sputters.

"Your orgasm ruined my feather, Twilight. Tsk tsk tsk. And Trixie KNOWS you enjoyed that, you naughty teacher's pet, but Trixie's afraid thats ALL your going to get." she grinned, watching Twilight slump forward, as the magic surrounding her dipped into nothingness- Giving both Trixie and Twilight a gentle reprieve.

" Naughty thing...look at all this cream...you've really deserved what you're going to get, Twilight." Trixie whispered. Twilight gave a quiet gasp, looking up with widened eyes. MORE?! Trixie couldn't be serious...n, no!

"Did you know...Twilight...that a pony's body becomes exceedingly sensitive after an orgasm? Oh, of course you did. You know everything, Teachers pet...so let Trixie ask you this....how long do you think it's going to be before Trixie lets you have another orgasm, Twilight?" Trixie asked, slowly standing up. In her hands was an object- something long and covered in what looked like small blue feathers.

"... T, T, Trixie..." twilight sputtered helplessly, as Trixie bent down in front of her, and gently set the cruel looking device against Twilight's soaked, over stimulated cunny.

"A very, very, VERY long time..." Trixie grinned, standing up and slowly resting a finger underneath Twilight's chin. "But don't worry, cutie...Trixie is sure a big brain like yours can afford to miss a few of Princess Celestia's classes...you and I have a lot to do. Trixie will make sure you aren't bored." She churred, finally giving in, and pressing her lips furiously against Twilight's suckling at the panting pony's tongue, before pulling away. "Now...lets see where else you're ticklish..." She whispered.