A DaringDash of Fun

by StarkyShy

First published

[Foot Fetish story] Daring Do visits Rainbow Dash, and thanks to her hospitality, she learns a secret that Dash had been hiding and chooses to exploit it.

[Foot Fetish content] Daring Do decides to visit Rainbow Dash while on break from her adventures. Rainbow Dash tries to be a good host, but when she offers a foot rub, Daring starts to catch on to Rainbow Dash's secret, ready to exploit it to her advantage.

All Because of a Foot Rub...

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Rainbow Dash was fast asleep on the couch, her legs spread out as she snored. After a long exercising session, it felt good to just get naked and rest on the couch while her sweaty body cooled off with the air conditioning. Just a regular, boring day…


Dash slowly stirred from her slumber, groaning in frustration. Who was ruining her well-deserved nap? Did Fluttershy lose an animal? Did Pinkie want to go on another pranking spree? “Rrgh...Who is it?” She muttered, putting on her shorts and top.

“It’s Daring Do,” the person on the other side said. “Open up, will ya?”

“Yeah right…” Dash muttered, shaking her head. Was someone really that bored that they were going to trick her into thinking Daring Do was at the door? Although she had to admit that it was a good impression...

When she opened the door, her jaw nearly hit the floor. It really was Daring Do visiting her. She opened her mouth to greet her idol, but after two tries, all that came out was a very meek “Ohmygosh.”

Daring smirks, amused by Rainbow Dash’s loss of words. “So...you wanna let me in, or what?”

Dash steps to the side, still wide-eyed from the initial shock of the sudden appearance. “Y-Yeah! C-Come in…”

Dash watches as Daring Do makes her way to the couch she just laid naked on, she sighs in relaxation, using her hat as a fan to cool herself off. “Oh man...thanks a lot, Rainbow Dash. I needed this...”

Rainbow Dash instantly blushes, trying to continue the conversation without freaking out. “S-so...what brings you here? Don’t you have adventuring to do?”

"Well I can't always be sneaking into temples and running away from monsters, now can I?" She laughs. "I'm exhausted! I figured you wouldn't mind of I maybe crashed here for a while." She begins to take off her boots.

Her focus instantly shift towards Daring’s boots. watching as she peels off her socks and tossing them on the table in front of her. "Heh...Yeah...I can imagine...All that running and jumping and kicking...Must take a lot out of you, right?" She says, her mind still on the pair feet in front of her.

“Oh yeah…” the adventurer sighs as she splays her toes, feeling the cool air run through her sweaty feet.

Rainbow Dash continued to stare at her soles, thinking of a way to get to them. “So...can I get you anything while you’re here?” she asked, trying to be a good host.

Daring’s feet curl and uncurl. “Nah, I’m good.” She smiles, opening up her vest a bit, revealing more of her cleavage.

“You sure you don’t need anything? Sandwich, glass of cider, foot rub, fluffy pillow, warm bath?” Dash listed off things that she could do, hoping that her guest would pick the third option without getting suspicious.

Daring cocks an eyebrow and sits up straight, clearly aware of Dash’s intentions. “...There something you wanna tell me?”

“What? No…” Dash nervously chuckles, “Just want to be a good host, that’s all!”

“...A foot rub? Really?” She smirks.

Rainbow Dash tries to be casual about the situation. “So...is that a no on the foot rub, then?”

Daring Do chuckles at her fan’s attempt to be cool. “Well...since they really hurt...I guess you could if you really wanted to…” She teases, wiggling her toes.

“Eee!” Dash squeals, her wings nearly extending on accident. She blushes before clearing her throat. “I mean, if that’s what you want, I’d be glad to do it.”

Daring Do spread her toes for the athlete, feeling the cool air run through “Go for it.” she grins.

Dash nods, kneeling down. For a while, she just stares at Daring’s soles. She places her thumbs on the balls of her feet carefully as if handling an ancient artifact.

Daring leans back and closes her eyes, not aware of her fan’s current actions. “You ever do this before?”

“Oh yeah, totally!” Dash said. Well, it was a half-lie. The only time she massaged feet was when she rubbed her own after a run.

“Alright then, get going.”

Rainbow Dash leaned forward, she didn’t even have to sniff hard for Daring’s odor to hit her nostrils hard. “Oh...oh wow that’s strong…”

The explorer blushed, “Yeah...sorry ‘bout that. I’ve been running and jumping for a while in those boots…”

“No no no, I get it. I run a lot; it’d be weird for them to not smell like that..I just...Whew…” Dash nervously smiled.

“You know, you don’t have to do this…”

“No, don’t worry about it. I’m fine with it.” Dash shrugged, gently pressing her thumbs down on her heels.

“Aaahhh…” Daring sighed, closing her eyes.

Dash concentrated on doing a proper foot massage, still working on her heels. Judging by her idol’s moans, she was doing a pretty good job.

“Oh...I really needed this for a long time…” she grins.

Rainbow Dash moves her thumbs to just above her heels, getting more into the massage. She started subconsciously moving her face closer to Daring Do’s soles.

"Hey, uh, Dash? I appreciate this," Daring Do opens her eyes, smiling at her. "A lot."

Dash snaps out of her trance, looking up. “Huh? Oh, sure. It’s not problem.” She gets back to the massage, firmly pressing her thumbs into the balls of her feet.

"Heh, I do have a lot of fans, but this is the first time I've ever been offered a foot massage from one..." Daring remarked, curling her toes.

"Oh, really? Can't imagine why..." Dash says nonchalantly, pressing harder into the balls of her feet.

“Oh boy…You are really good at this...”

Dash starts blushing, her nethers getting moist. “R-really?”

“Mmhmm…” she nods, resisting the urge to press her face against her soles, instead gently rubbing her soles.

“Aaahhh...I’m really enjoying this…”

“G-Good to know…” Dash says, rubbing her knees together, her arousal starting to get the best of her.

Daring Do looks up, noticing Dash’s reddened face and short breaths. “You ok, Dash?”

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash looks up, her body tensing up. “Yeah, I’m fine, why?”

“‘Cause to me, it looks like you’re blushing,” Daring smirks.

Dash’s eyes widen, “What? Me? Blushing?” She sputters out, her cheeks changing to crimson.

Daring’s toes start stroking Dash’s cheeks. “Hm...they seem pretty warm to me…” she teased.

Dash froze, her wings extending with a distinct pomf. “I...I...Daaaahh…” she stammered, trying to make any type of coherent sentence, or even an actual word.

Daring Do smiles, knowing that she has totally trapped Rainbow Dash. “Oh, I get it now. You just wanted to get near my feet, didn’t you?”

“N-no!” Dash managed to sputter out. She closes her eyes, trying her best to not just remove her pants and rub herself in front of her.

“That’s not what your wings are saying…” she teases. Her soles stroking the length of Dash’s wings, giggling at the soft tickling.

Dash continues to stutter, not knowing what to do. Her heart starts to race, but her brain slows to a halt.

“You have a foot fetish, don’t ya, Dash?”

Dash slowly nods her head, her entire body frozen in place.

"Well, it's not like I'd mind." She playfully rubs the ball of her foot on Dash's nose.

Dash finally regains the ability to form words. "W-wait, you...and I...with...Huh?"

Daring shrugs. "I like getting my feet played with, I guess. You wanna get back to what you were doing?"

Dash starts nodding wildly, the wide grin on her face going from cheek to cheek.

Daring wiggles her toes in front of Dash’s face, “Go for it, then,” she teases.

Rainbow Dash starts rubbing her thumbs all over her soles, nearly drooling as she starts to rub her face all over her soles.

Daring smiles, "Hey...Dash. Tell me what you think of them. What exactly do you like about my feet?"

Dash freezes, her head hanging low, obviously embarrassed at the answer. “D-do I have to say it?”

“Come on, I’m curious!” she teases, rubbing Dash’s nose with her big toe.

“A lot of things...ok?” Rainbow Dash hesitates, lightly rubbing herself as she comes up with reasons why she likes the adventurer’s feet in her head.

“Like?” Daring Do grins, using her toes to pinch her nose.

Dash gasps, distracted, “L-like the…”

Daring presses her soles against her cheeks. “Come on, let it out.” she whispers, winking at her.

"Nnn...A lot of things!" Dash blurts out, starting to rub herself faster. "The smell from being in those boots all day that I just want to push my nose into them and just take it all in, the sweat that just drips down your soles, the little wrinkles in your feet when you curl them, the sweet soles that still seem pampered even through the adventuring, the toes that you keep teasing me with that make me wanna...Aah!"

Daring Do blushes, covering her cheeks with her hands at Dash’s moaning. “Do you wanna take this upstairs?

Dash silently nods, walking slowly up to her bedroom as she leaks.

Daring sits on Dash’s bed, smirking at her. “So, how many times have you fantasized about me?”

Dash looks down, her face still red. She never thought in a million years Daring would
ever ask that kind of question.

“Come on, what you and I do?” She prods Dash’s ribs, making her jump.

“Well, we um…” Dash muttered, trying to choose a specific fantasy that could be acted out.

“Gimmie a situation Dash, I won’t tell anyone! It’s just between you and me.” Daring patted Dash’s back, trying to calm her down.

Dash nodded, slowly smiling as she recalled her fantasies. "Well, I did think of me being tied up, and then when you saved me from the bad guys, you...took off your boots and pushed your sweaty, smelly feet in my face...Not that I couldn't get out on my own, of course!"

"Ohhh, you're THAT kind of girl." Daring chuckles. "I can handle that. Lucky I always bring some rope with me." She reaches into her backpack at the face of the bed

"What? N-No, I...I like being in charge...usually..." Dash says nervously, kicking at the ground.

"Well you can't very well be in charge while you're tied up, can you?" she teases. "Go ahead and take those clothes off."

Dash wastes no time, removing her shirt and shorts, revealing her dripping pussy and still sweaty body.

Daring smiles, admiring Dash’s muscles. “Mmm...you really work out a lot…” She pats the bed, “Come on, stomach down.”

Dash does so, flopping on the bed, trembling with excitement.

Daring gets to work, quickly pulling up Dash’s arms and legs. She firmly ties the rope around Dash’s joints, effectively hogtying her. Of course, an extra knot was wrapped around her wings. It was gentle enough to not cause pain to the wings, but firm enough so that they could not extend.

Dash replies with a grunt, while this wasn’t the first time she was hogtied naked, it definitely was a much stronger rope, with a possibly more dominant girl.

Daring Do makes sure the rope is firm around her feet before slipping her panties and shirt off and undoing her bra. She sits in front of Dash. "Well, well, you seem to have gotten yourself into a situation, haven't you?"

“Y-Yeah...could you help me out?” Dash asks, trying to break free and get into character.

“Sure, but only if you do me a quick favor…”

Dash nods, “Anything for you, Daring! What is it?”

Daring Do grins evilly as she props her feet inches in front of Dash's face. "I want you to lick my feet."

“W-wait what? Lick your feet?”

Daring wiggles her toes in front of her. “You wanna get out of here, don’t you?”

Rainbow starts to nod. “O-ok, I’ll do it.”

“That’s a good girl…” she grinned, pressing her sweaty, musky feet into Dash’s face.

Dash takes a moment to get a good long whiff of her feet, shuddering when she finished.

“Mmph...you love that smell, don’t you?” she teased.

Dash nods, trying to stick her nose between her toes, smelling the wonderful musk of adventure.

Daring moans, starting to get wet. "That's right, sniff 'em all you want. But if you wanna get out, you're gonna have to lick them all over, and I mean ALL over."

Dash sticks her tongue out, slowly dragging it up and down her right sole, moaning as she does so.

Daring starts to rub her wet pussy, “Nnnf...you kinky little…”

Rainbow Dash sticks her nose between her toes, licking the center of her sole while she sniffs.

"You are just so horny right now, aren't you?” Daring teased. “Tell you what, if you do a good job on my feet, I might allow you to get a little release."

Rainbow Dash's face turned redder as she licked more forcefully, giving her rough slurps on her soles.

Daring begins to moan and stroke herself as Dash licks her sensitive soles.

Dash sticks all the toes on her right foot in her mouth and starts sucking on them. "Mmmmph..."

Daring starts to spread her toes in Dash’s mouth. “Oh yeah…” she moaned, “Make sure you get in between them.”

Dash starts to slobber on her toes, darting through Daring’s toes. “Haauhghh…” she shuddered.

"Ugghh...you sexy, kinky mare..." Daring Do's toes begin to reflexively curl as she grows more and more excited. Her strokes start to increase in frequency as she nears orgasm.

Dash starts lapping at the tops of her toes, moaning as she drips from her marehood. As she finishes, she starts to suck on her big toe.

Daring finally releases, her fluids landing on Dash’s face. She starts to pant, curling her feet. "Mmmh...you've done well, Dash...I think you deserve release." she removes her toes from Dash’s mouth and crawls around to her back end...

Rainbow Dash tries to look behind her, panting with her tongue out like an excited dog. “T-thank you…”

The adventurer places her wet foot on Dash’s pussy, rubbing up and down with the ball of her foot. “You like that?”

“G-gaaaahn…” Dash replied, her body shuddered, her toes curling up.

Daring fits her foot in between Dash’s thighs, pressing her sole against her soaking marehood.

The bound mare begins to grind against Daring’s foot, getting closer to orgasm with each thrust. Suddenly, Dash can feel something scratching against her toes, and she begins to giggle and wiggle frantically. “A-aack! N-Nohohoho!”

"What's the matter, Dash? Ticklish?" Daring Do grins, tickling Dash's feet faster along with the rubbing against the blue mare's pussy.

“Y-Yehehehehes!” Dash helplessly laughs, the tickling clearly overpowering the sexual stimulation.

The tickler pursed her lips, trying to find the perfect mix between pussy rubbing and foot tickling. “Hm…What if I tickle...here?” She asked, wiggling her fingers on her soles.

“That’s even wohohohorse! Eeheeheeheehee!” Rainbow tries to wriggle away from Daring’s fingers, but it only makes the tickling worse.

Daring chuckles, wriggling her fingers up and down the soft blue soles, still rubbing her foot on Dash’s wet sex.

Rainbow Dash starts squealing, her blue face turning pink. Throughout her laughter, she gives out a loud moan, indicating that she can still feel Daring’s foot firmly rubbing against her.

Daring Do finally stops tormenting her fan with tickles, instead shoving her face right into Dash’s pussy, her tongue licking against her inner walls.

Dash finally sighs, finally getting relief from the tickling. Although short on breath from the tickling, she still moans quite loudly, occasionally giving a grunt of lust.

Daring’s licks starts to become slower, her tongue hitting her erect clit.

Dash’s breathing becomes more erratic and rough. Her orgasm getting closer. She buries her face in her bed to muffle her moans.

Daring squeezes Dash’s buttcheeks, flicking her clit with the tip of her tongue.

With a loud moan, Dash finally releases, her juices gushing out of her and straight into Daring’s mouth. Eventually it gets to the point where Daring can’t keep up and some of her fluids start to drip down her chin and onto her naked body.

Almost entirely spent from her orgasm, she lays her head on her pillow, panting tiredly.

Daring continues to lick away at Dash’s pussy, each additional lick making her squeal or moan. After giving it one final slow lick up and down her pussy, she finally removes her face from her wet sex.

Dash’s breaths are short and quick, her cheeks a rosy red from her orgasm. “Ohmygosh...t-that…that was awesome…” She smiled, resting her head on the pillow.

Daring smiles. "Congratulations, Dash. You've just done what countless terrible fanfic writers have only dreamed of." She chuckles as she undoes the rope.

Dash begins to softly chuckle, “G-great…” She puts her body in a more comfortable position, not moving her head. “Aaah...that was great…~”

Daring snuggles up to Dash, pressing her naked body against hers. “Hey...you’re really fun, you know?”

“Heh...I can say the same about you…”

"Hey, who knows? I might come back here sometime soon..." She nuzzles Dash's face.

Dash quickly becomes disappointed. “You’re going already?”

“Hm...nah, I guess I could stay the night before I set off.”

Dash instantly perks up, sitting upright. “Sweet! Oh, but before we go to sleep...could we do another one of my fantasies? Please?"

“Still got some stamina left, huh?” she smiles, sitting up, “Alright, fill me in.”

"Well, it's not that really hardcore or wild...I...normally don't like anyone touching my feet because...they're really ticklish. But, I wouldn't really mind if we played with each other's feet." Dash blushes, playing with her hands.

“I’m cool with that.” Daring smiled, putting her feet on Dash’s lap.

Dash grins, giving her feet to Daring Do. “Thanks…”

Daring wastes no time, lifting one foot to put the big toe in her mouth, suckling on it.

Dash bites her lip at the ticklish sensations, wiggling Daring’s big toes back and forth.

“Mmm...it tastes really nice…” Daring mutters, darting her tongue between her toes.

Dash starts to giggle lifting up one of her feet to get another sniff of her musk.

“Hey...I like you Dash…” she smiles, planting several kisses on the ball of her foot before nibbling.

Dash blushes, rubbing her cheek against her sweaty soles. “E-ehehe….I…I like you a lot, too…”

Daring slurps on Dash’s ticklish toes, stroking her calf with her free hand.

Dash shudders, licking under her toes. “Mmm...Your feet taste really good…” Her legs starts to twitch, trying not to laugh as her legs are gently tickled.

Daring lovingly nuzzles Dash's sole, moaning happily as her toes are licked. "Hey...anytime I'm in the neighborhood, i'll hit you up, ok?"

Dash lights up, “That’s great news! I’m honored…” she smiles, lightly stroking her soles with her thumbs.

Daring starts to giggle, showing Dash that she’s still ticklish.

Dash smirks, wiggling her fingers under her toes.

Daring Do jolts, now trying not to laugh as she’s being tickled properly. “D-Dash? W-what are you doing?”

“What, me? I’m not doing anything!” She says mischievously, dragging her fingers up and down her soles.

"St-stohohop it, Dash, you're tickling me!" She laughs, still not pulling her feet away.

“Oh, am I?” Dash teased, now raking her fingers up and down Daring’s defenseless soles.

“A-aaahaahahaha! Y-you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” Daring squeals.

“What if I am? What are you gonna do about it?” Dash taunts, forgetting that her feet are still in Daring’s grasp.

Daring curls her toes, and in desperation, begins to furiously skritch her fingernails across Dash's tender soles.

“Eeeee! Nohohohohohoho!” Dash cackles, wildly scribbling across her feet to try and find Daring’s most ticklish spot.

Daring squeals as Dash’s fingers tease the balls of her feet as she does the same to see where Dash is the most ticklish.

Unfortunately for Dash, everywhere on her feet is a sensitive spot for her, as she continues to laugh uncontrollably. She starts to focus her tickling on the balls of her feet. “G-gahahahahaha!”

“D-dahahahahamnit Dahahahash!” Daring manages to squeak out as the tickling intensifies.

Dash can't say anything, the only thing coming out of her is laughter as she tries to keep up the ticklish assault.

Daring tries to keep up with Dash’s tickling, starting to hiccup between her laughter as she’s mercilessly tickled.

Dash begins to tear up, trying not to surrender first. “N-Nyahahahahahahaha!”

Daring keeps hiccuping, using her energy to not pull her feet away. “Ahahaha! *hic*”

Dash's laughter becomes high-pitched squealing as she nimbly tickles all over Daring’s feet from the balls of her feet to under her toes.

Daring Do's does immediately curl, clutching her sides in defeat "STOOHOHOHOOOP! *hic* I...I giihihiiive! *hic* No mohohohohohore!"

Dash's fingers finally stop, as she pumps her fists in victory. “Y-yes! I win…”

“Heh...wow...*hic*...you're...*hic*...relentless!" Daring pants, trying to stop herself from hiccuping.

"Y-You too...Haven't had a tickling that intense since...forever..." Dash smiles, rubbing Daring’s feet to calm her down.

“A-all right...That took a lot out of me…” Daring smiles, doing the same to Dash’s feet, pressing her thumbs against the balls of her feet.

“M-me too…” Dash pants, rubbing her toes. “You...you’re relentless, you know that?”

Daring sighs happily, no longer having the hiccups. “Thanks...you’re a really fast tickler…”

After the two finish calming themselves down, they embrace in a long hug, their sweaty naked bodies pressing against each other.

“You mind if I sleep in the bed with you?” Daring smirks, already lying down.

“Heh, you sure? I could sleep on the couch if you want…”

“Nah, I’m good, come on, join me!” she pats the empty space next to her.

Dash shrugs, flopping down right next to her.

They both quickly fall asleep, holding each other in a deep embrace as their bare breasts pressed against each other, their toes wiggling against each other as they dreamed.