Child of Chaos, Daughter of Time

by ghostshado13

First published

Something is takeing ponies from arround Equestra, and only one of Time can face the world of a Child of Chaos.

When darkness falls and time stands still
Two worlds’ hopes lie on one’s gamble
One of Chaos, one of Time
Shall answer to the nursery rhyme
The key to one’s destiny
Etched beneath one’s melody
With sword in hand, Time will tell
At the 7th strike of the Chesher Bell
Among the path, shadows will creep
Shall try and defy all sanity
Step with cautious, Step with care
For in her wonderland, Beware:
A child’s dream, as you will see
Is only real if You Believe
[b}Something's happened in Equestria. Ponies are disappearing, time's at an eternal stand-still, and only one pony can stop the madness. But she'll have to try not to lose herself first.

Prolog: Chaos Awakes, Part 1

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It was June 21, the day of the Summer Sun Celebration, 10 years after Luna was reunited with her sister, Celesta, and the holiday was better that ever. Ponies came from all around Equestria to the Sister’s garden to see the wonderful show put on for them. Some of the shows included the Wonderbolts and the students of Twilight’s academy. Every pony was there… except one. One filly who never did fit in with the crowd. She was shunned from society at a young age, for she was neither proper nor smart, her mother dead from a tragic accident and her father banished. No pony understood her. No pony cared about her. No pony even knew her name. Not even her sister would talk to her, for fear of being associated with that strange filly. She was alone… but never lonely. And this is where our story begins, in a garden, by a statue.

“Daddy, this is sooooo boring. When can we have fun again?” she asked the statue.

The statue spoke to her sweetly telepathically. “O, my sweet abomination, the time for fun will come soon, very soon. Just as soon as I’m strong enough to break out, we can create havoc throughout Equestria. But first, I have a gift for my sweet little princess.”

She giggled haply. “What is it, daddy? Is it a play toy? Come on daddy, tell me.” She tugged at the stone creature’s tail.

“Now, now, sweetie, that would ruin the surprise. But I can assure you, it will be something very chaotic”

The little pony squealed with joy. “Ooooo, I can’t take it! What is it! PLEASE?!?!”

“Well…. Alright, I’ll show you. Remember the pocket watch? The one with the symbols? Well, that, my child, is the key to a world beyond your wildest dreams. You just need to open it.”

“But daddy, it won’t open, the latch is-“

“It doesn’t open like other watches. You must use your powers to open it. Only those with True Chaos in their souls can. And I know You Can. Just remember the things that I have taught you, my daughter dearest, and you will have your Surprise.”

“Ok, I can do this. Because I am Screwball, Daughter of Discord! And I will not let you down, daddy”

And with that, she summoned all the chaos in her little body and swiped her hoof at the watch. It took a few tries, but finely, it sprung open. She smiled and grabbed the watch and was teleported into a wondrous world where she could let her imagination run wild and free. Where no pony could ever tease her again. Where she could grow strong, strong enough to free her father again. Someday…

Ch1: Troubles in Ponyville

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: Entry #1 :
‘My sister insisted me to get a diary. I didn’t like the idea at first, but soon agreed. It was her birthday, after all. And after what happened to Papa… well, I don’t want to talk about him. Something happened after he and mom came back from their “Last Voyage”. He was… different. And not in a good way, more of a… well, he changed. Mother doesn’t like talking about him, so I won’t either. And why worry now? After all, today was Dinky’s 7 birthday! She was growing up so fast, I could-‘

I was interrupted by some pony jumping on me. “Come on, Sparkler, you’re gona miss the party! Every pony’s coming, and Rainbow Dash got the wonder-” I couldn’t understand what she was saying after that, she was bouncing off the walls. Literally! She was so exited. “And guess what… Well, Guess!”

“I don’t know” I chuckled “Vinal Scratch is DJ-ing?”

“Well that, and…… Uncle Jack’s coming too! I’m so excited! Come on!” And with that, she ran off to go help set up the party.
I smiled and got down from the hammock to go find mother. She went out with Carrot Top earlier today to go get a dress for Dinky. I would have went to, if not for the fact that the house still needed cleaning, and I was worried to leave Dinky alone. Since the Summer Sun Celebration, ponies from around Equestria have been disappearing. Just last week, one of the fillies from Dinky’s school went missing. I think it was one of the colts… Button. Now the town is in a state of panic. This was the 3rd pony to disappear, the first ones being Lyra Heartstrings and Cloud Kicker. Lyra disappeared the night after the SSC, Cloud Kicker a few days later. We’ve been searching for weeks now, but still no sign of them.
Mother and Carrot Top were running up the front walkway, terror in their eyes. Carrot Top grabbed me “Get your sister inside, two more ponies have disappeared today.”
Dinky came to great mother, but I lifted her inside the house. “But.. What about my party? What’s happing? Mommy?!” She tried to get mother to speak, but she seemed in a trance of some sort. I’ve only seen mother like that after something really bad happened.
“Mother. Tell. Me. What. Happened. Now.” I was starting to get worried, and Carrot Top wasn’t helping much either. She was pacing across the kitchen, muttering to herself “This is not good, this is NOT good…..”
I used my magic to stop her “Aunty, tell me what happened!” And them, mother started crying. She was quiet at first, but soon Dinky and I were by her side trying to help her. And then, ever so quietly, she whispered something. I didn’t hear her at first, but then she said it again
We knew what she meant, and I wished it wasn’t true. We all cried that night.

Ch. 2: Music in the Night

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:Entry #2:
‘I woke up at about 7:00 in the morning. Mother and Dinky were still asleep on the couch. After what happened yesterday, we didn’t want to sleep alone, so we slept together. I didn’t want to make the matter worse, but I still wanted to know what happened. Where did he go? Who took him? Are we still safe here? When morning came, I would go call Uncle Jack to see if we could go stay with him for a while at Tourchwood, to calm some tension. We needed to get out of here, go have a break.’
I went into the kitchen to make some breakfast, try to think of something other than the disappearances. While I was making pancakes, i noticed something on the counter, something… strange. Something… not there before. It was definitely not ours, and I don’t think aunty wore jewelry. And if there’s one thing Papa taught me, it was to always investigate strange objects.
I brought it in front of me to get a better look. It was a locket of some sort, with an hour glass engraved on the front... Just like Papa’s cutie mark! Was he trying to tell me something, because I know it wasn’t there before I got up. I tried to open it, but to no avail. I sighed, put it on, and looked at the clock. It was 8:15, but something seemed… off. Then I looked outside. The sun wasn’t up, and neither was the moon! I had to tell mother, but when I left the kitchen, she and Dinky were…. gone. The front door was open, and I swear I could hear… singing? I started to follow the sound, wondering what they were up to.
When I got outside, it seemed so quiet, like time was stopped. What’s gotten into you, time can’t- Never underestimate strange happenings. Just to make sure, I looked at the river under the bridge. Nothing, just still water, a frog in mid-jump. What in Equestria is going on around here? I had to make sure Mother and Dinky were safe.

I followed them to the clearing where Papa’s TARDIS was located. I was going to sneak around the back so I could see who they were following, but I couldn’t move. It was like I was captivated by the strange fillies’ song. It sounded… off, like there was more than one, but only her. I felt dizzy, couldn’t think straight. Then we stopped. And /i got a good look at her.

She was like no pony i had ever seen. She was a pinkish mare with a curly purple and white mane. She had on this silly little hat with a propeller on it, but the weirdest thing… was her eyes. The were swirles, like hypno disks. I couldn’t look away, I was trapped. My head was pounding, I couldn’t see straight. I tried to scream, but I couldn’t. I was frozen, like everything around us. O dear Celestia, Luna, ANYONE, help me!

Ch. 3: A Time to Stand

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I thought I was dead. But something happened before the pony could take me. A blinding light snapped me out of her spell, I don’t know. All I know is that Dinky’s gone. And mother won’t wake up.
When that pony left, I was still dazed a bit. I sat up and looked around. The sun was up, and it seemed that time was back in motion. I thought it was just a dream or something, but then I saw mother.
She wasn’t waking up, and she was stone cold. Thankfully, she wasn’t dead, but she sure was close. I brought her to the Ponyville hospital, but they couldn’t figure out what happened to her. She seemed ok, but she was in some sort of magic-induced coma that they couldn’t break. I had to figure out what happened to her. And I knew just the pony. But first, I had to tell Aunty what happened.

I ran straight to her house after mother was settled into the hospital. At least Aunty was allright, she was gardening in the garden. When I got to her, she saw that I was distressed, so we went inside so I could tell her what happened. When I finished, she’d already stopped crying.

“You have to find him, Amethyst. Only he would know what’s happing. As much as I disagree with the idea, it’s the only chance we got. I’ll go check in with Ditzy. Where’s Dinky?”

I couldn’t say anything, but my silence spoke for itself. “I’ll find Papa, Aunty. I’ll find him and Dinky, and the others. Don’t you worry, just make sure Mother’s alright. “

Before I left, Aunty ran inside and brought me something. “It was for Dinky’s Birthday. If you find her, make sure to give her this.” It was an emerald neckless. I hoped I would find her all right. We said our goodbyes, and as I walk away, I could hear her crying. I hoped she and Mother would be ok.
That day, I swore to myself, I will find that pony, and she will pay for what she’s don! And with that, I went on a journey I never expected

Ch4: The Griffon Kingdom

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:Entry 4:
To tell you the truth, I was a little scared to leave PonyVille. However, I needed to know what happened to sis. And Papa. Somehow, I knew that wherever Dinky was, he was there too. I just Had to find the pony responsible, and make her fix mama. But I needed someone’s help for this.
Sparkler looked from the train window, seeing the countryside rushing past. She sighed and grabbed her map. Where she was going wasn’t going to be easy, for her uncle didn’t like visitors all that much. She’d have to go across the Griffon Kingdom to reach his house, and she wasn’t too excited for that. Griffons could be difficult, and the ponies weren't on good terms with them as of this point. Rumors were spreading that war was on the verge of exploding, and no pony was excited for this. All the more reason to find her family as soon as possible.
“Next stop: Baltimare!”
She grabbed her pack and headed off the train. She walked to the mare at the counter.
“Um excuse me miss, do you know where to find Horseshoe Bay? I need to catch a boat”
“To the west of the station, but there’s no boats going out as of now.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well, you see, they’re afraid of what’s out there. Ponies go out and don’t come back. Been happening since the Summer Sun Celebration.”
That’s weird Sparkler thought Right about the same time ponies were disappearing. “Well, is there any other way I can get across? I need to get to Whispy Meadows to-”
“Hun, no pony in there right mind will travel to the Griffon Kingdom, let alone to the heart of it. You’re gonna have to go at it on your own. Good luck to you.”
Sparkler went to the bay to see, as the mare had stated, that nopony was there. However, there was a little boat ties to the end of one of the docks. She walked up to it and, seeing that it was in good condition, untied it and left a note for it’s owned, along with a few bits for borrowing it. I hope this works… She pulled at the engine and it started up with a sputtering purr. She grabbed the steering wheel and rode off across the Irisus sea. It took about three days, but finally she saw the outline of Irollan, and she sped up to reach it before nightfall. The boat didn't make it, it ran out of gas a few yards from shore
“Mother bucker! Just a little bit farther…. Please?”
The boat replied with a gron. She kicked at it
“Great, Just Great!” She levitated her things and jumped into the water, swimming to the shore. When she arrived, however, she was greeted to three very unhappy griffon guards. One of them had a sworde.
“Who are you? What is your business, pony?”
“I’m here to meet my uncle at Wispy Meadows, it’s very important. Now, excuse me.”
She tried walking past, but one grabbed her with his talons.
“No one goes past without reporting it to King Juniper. You will come with us”
“But I-”
She jumped, and followed the griffons to the gate. When they were distracted, she closed her eyes and made herself invisible. I should have done this earlier, stupid me! When the turned around, she was already long gone. She heard an ear-splitting screech as they looked for her. She smiled and grabbed her map again
“Ok, so I have to get to the edge of this empire, and i sho-”
“Hello? Who are you miss?”
She jumped around to face a young teal griffon, a little older than herself. She was about to scream but he stuffed his wing into her mouth
“SHHH! They'll hear you… Now, why are you here?”
“I-i’m just tr-trying to get to Wis-wis-wispy Meadows, Ok?! Is that su-such of a big de-deal?”
“Well kinda, that is in the Holy Griffin Empire, where the King and Queen live. We don’t like ponies wandering in our territory, but…. You don’t seem like a threat, so I help you. Follow me, I know a shortcut!”
Sparkled didn't trust him at all, but he was the only way she was gonna get out of there alive. She followed him to a waterfall, and he disappeared
“Umm…. Where’d ya go?”
She heard a voice echoing from the falls “In here! There’s tunnels that lead all over our Kingdom.” He popped his head out “By the way, I’m Cyril, what’s your name?”
“Spar- Amethyst.”
“Well, Spar-Amethyst, are ya comin or not? I’m not gonna wait all day”
She jumped into the waterfall and rolled into the cave. Inside were millions of gems and crystals, all glinting off the walls. Cyril jumped onto a ledge and watched as Sparkler look around in awe
“Well, whatcha think? Pretty cool huh? Ya, other Griffons don't usually like pretty sparkly jewels, but I’m not sure about ponies. Anyway, tunnels over here, it should take a day to get there. But we need to get going, the tide’s about to come in here, and I don’t like my feathers getting wet. Come on, there’s a nice place to rest up ahead.”
Sparkler noded and followed him deeper into the tunnels. 2 hours passed when they arrived at the resting spot. By now it was night, and the two travelers were tired.
“Let’s rest here, Spar. I’ll keep watch.”
“Watch from what?”
“J-just in case.”
She walked to the corner and curled up with her diary
:Entry 4.5:
Well, I made it… Almost. I don’t trust Cyril completely, but he’s the only one who knows how to get through these passages. And I gotta admit, the crystals are pretty in here. Dinky would love them! O Celestia, i wish she’s alright. I hope I fin-