Simple Touches

by randomsurprise

First published

In a remote part somewhere in Equestria, a kind orphan filly befriends a beast that plagued the townponies in the past

Somewhere in Equestria there was a small remote mountian town, the ponies living there were one day plagued by a nomadic beast. Who decided to settled down nearby and from then on make the townponies' lives miserable in any way it could. That is til a time came that a local orphan changed the creature by her mere yet, simple touches of friendship

[AN] edited the summary for slightly better understanding and decided to switch the Sad tag for Comedy instead; hopefully both of these changes were good choices

Ch 1

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The ponies hated the light. They feared it's ever-touching hands on this somewhat barren land. Curses were shouted when the foul monster lumbered over those mountain-like dark hills. Many times the townponies tried getting rid of their intruder and many times said intruder laughed in their faces. So, that day forewards they were showered by it's putrid heat wave that was gatherd by who knows where. If anypony took the time to look they would have noticed even with his amusement in their misery; that something was amiss within. Although none cared; for what could they do? Yet, all that changed once a brave filly's simple touches changed the beast forever.

One day, somepony walked calmly up to the beast making him roar loudly to frighten the pony away... but she didn't run. Instead the child sat down and stared with her big blue ominous eyes. When he was done, the girl got up and marched towards him again. So, in defience he sent forth relenting waves of his power that scorched small patches of land neaby whenever she stepped closer. Again, it didn't faze her one bit and the filly kept it up.

A hiss was heard from the creature's throat yet, it was too subtle to be considered a warning only slight distaste. Yet, once she was only a few meters away the filly looked up & a smile appeared on her pink pearly muzzle. Seeing this, the beast grinned akwardly in return while a odd feeling overtook him. Before he knew it his feet had placed him barely a breath's length away from the girl's clover green dress. Neither one of them did anything until a petite hand came up and softly landed on his belly. Not use to the touch, the furry thing cringed but, settled shortly after. The beast's grin grew as his arms gently lifted the filly up and she recieved a happy lick making her laughter ring strong among the barely dressed trees.

All of this gave a content feeling stronger then his enjoyment of the townponies' sadness. He now wanted her beside him as what somepony's call a friend. Unfortunely and fortunely his new friend picked this time for something unknown but, happily accepted - a hug. His eyes grew wide for a second before a deep dormant purr busted out like some tsunami crashing down on them in it's warmth. Feeling this the filly again let her laugh carry among the winds as her new friend relaxed against a tree nearby. Suddenly she let out a quiet yawn while snuggling on top of his belly for a nap which the beast decided he'd join as well.

Later that day as Luna's moon rose from behind one of the northern hills, a figure yawned mightly while several loud pops and cracks were heard. The beast lightly smacked his lips as he looked down to see somewhat rushed writing etched into the earth. They were from the girl stating that she had to return home before the kind lady running the local orphange started worrying. Giving his answer with some precise clawwork, the beast headed east. A short stroll later, he arrived at a large lake that was next to a seemly giant cave; a hungry growl came from him making the guy and turn around to head to the lake's watery edge.

Girl's POV: after she awoke...

The filly ran home after quickly finding a stick and writing down what she hoped would be a readable letter. The ajar door showed a middle aged caramal brown mare leaning against it's frame once the girl got to the weathered stone steps. With a few concerning words and a warm hug, she was sent to the kitchen to eat a delicious yet, cooled meal that waited. When the filly finished and washed up her plate, she went looking for the other orphans - who were in the living room either playing or watching a helper's puppet show in the corner. Not really in the mood for playing, she decided to watch today's puppet show on a certain royal wedding that happened three months ago.

Beast's POV: lakeside...

Few splashes disturbed the lake's surface as a wet thing came out carrying a truckload of fish and placing them onto a already huge pile. As he shaked the water out of his fur roughly, the beast leaned slightly down to get a start on his nighttime meal. Although a few nocturnal guests were allowed to take some for whatever their reason was, he still finished with a joyful belch or two that woke and scared nearby nieghbors. Afterwards, the now full bellied beast laid were he was and watch the nocturnal activies of the seemly never-resting forest.

Couple hours later as Celestia's sun begun to rise in place of the sighing moon, the beast stretched out like over-sized cat and lumbered towards his den. He wondered if the girl got his letter not knowing that other ponies would still be asleep at this time while his frame settled down on a large moss bed inside. Letting loose a yawn, he gradually went into a peaceful sleep.

Girl's POV: still round dark - orphange...

Few hours later, the head mistress came in the living room to announce that it was time for bed much to some foals' displeasure. Yet, they still went along with it and so after taking either a bath or a shower all of them went to their seperate rooms. As the young colts and fillies laid down; the little girl - who decided to do some light reading before she too went to sleep by the remaining lit candle nearby.

Two hours later, she placed a bookmark inside the book before shutting and putting it on a nearby nightstand while a few yawns escaped. When done, the girl looked out her window and soon felt her eyes slowly shut. Last thoughts before sleep overtook her were what was the beast doing right now and what was her plan for tomorrow.

Ch 2

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Chapter 2

(Girl's POV - In Town)

Next day's mid-morning sun shined brightly as residents from the town below went bout their own business for today. Two large bells could be heard from a hill just north, where an old church that also acted as the local orphange sat overhead. In one of it's many rooms, a small girl sat near a old worn-down vanity that was beside a neatly folded bed, brushing her ebony colored mane then tying it into a small ponytail. Afterwards the girl left her room towards the kitchen to either make and/or place some simple snacks into a smallish blue pack.

Short time later, the filly stood by the same tree from yesterday; looking around she soon spotted last night's note. Going over a quick glance to the right revealed another; it read of the beast's aknowledgement and a "wait for me here" line that held promise. A soft grumble came from her belly making the girl blush in slight embarrassment as she first sat against the tree's cool copper red trunk and reached in the pack to pull out an apple.

(Beast's POV - Home, hour or so later)

One sleepy crimson eye blinked open as the birds sang their sweet but, at this moment annoying tunes. With a disgruntal growl, the beast rose as he stretched out his ambery orange and smokey gray furred body. Later by the lake's edge, a more alert beast goes out to hunt after a quick shake to clear any remaining water from his face; once done, he starts heading over to the tree's location til something catches his ears making him stop and listen. It wasn't long before curiousity urged him to go see who was singing.

As he got closer the singer's voice seemed kinda fimiliar to him yet, it was still too soft to hear very clearly. So with a short pause he glanced past the tree's wide-ish frame to see no other then his new friend; who at the moment had her eyes closed and head slightly tilted back as she sang with a bright smile. The creature remembered for some reason of a time where he traveled briefly with a pink filly, who sang and smiled as much as she could before they went their seperate ways much to that girl's sadness. Few months or years later some rumors had said a pink mare that was maybe similiar to the one he knew lived in "Ponyville" and was one of a elements of friendship along side her friends.

Back to the present, the beast opened his eyes - not knowing that they had closed - to see the girl offering a trio of juicy apples in her out-stretched hands. Shaking head to clear away that piece of the past, he took the apples and chucked them each into his mouth inticing giggles from his friend as she grabbed a sandwhich for herself.

(Girl's POV)

Taking a few bites, she tried giving more foodstuff to the beast but he declined with a headshake and small smile. Shrugging, the girl placed the them back into her pack before continuing to eat. When done, she got up and dusted off the white summer dress of any dust or crumbs. A sudden loud gasp escaped her lips as ahead two deers were strolling past. Both stopped to stare at the duo either questionally or nervously til one of them nuzzled the other's cheek facing it which caused a returned gesture before they resumed their walk together.

The gentle smile that the young one wore during this whole time quickly turned into a childish pout at the deer's leaving. Soon a growl-like chuckling was heard making her whip around and give the beast a annoyed yet, at the same time playfully swat on it's wrist; he played on her sympathy by inducing a fake whine with the injury routine that got the girl examining his wrist in a motherly way.

(Beast's POV)

Another chuckle left the beast's maw as soon as his worried friend started using gauze to the "injury". So, gently removing the paw, he simply shook loose the wrappings and gave her a sheepish grin. The girl gave back a look that was not amused at his attempt of a joke but, soon let a forgiving smile grace her features. A breath that the beast unknowningly held was soon released in a relieved sigh before his tongue gratefully licked the filly's cheek causing her to laugh shortly in joy at his affection.

Wiping away what little drool was left over, she suddenly started to run in a random direction much to her friend's brief confusion but, he quickly got the idea soon enough and started chasing the girl on all fours with a loud friendly roar. Time passed and as Tia's sun was partial midway down the sky, they came up to a small creak beside a large twisting willow tree. The beast lowered his mighty head to water and using his tongue drank the moist goodness; his friend instead used her hands.

When the two were done, they continued on their way til the friends came upon a hill were a seemly large field of wild flowers grew below. Excited, the girl hurried down and to her surprise/pleasure got to witness a barrage of colorful butterflies taking flight as the smiling beast watched from his hillside perch above. Later, the filly was on her knees, picking the flowers and having a good time while her friend kept a eye out. Once or thrice a few brave animals came close to the girl but, either a quick quiet growl or the sight of his relaxed yet, intimadating frame laying on the grass knoll sent them on their way.

(Girl's POV - Couple minutes later)

Petite hands held a rather somewhat large chain of flowers while the girl climbed up the hill. A slight sideways turn of the beast's head at it's function reminded her of a confused colt or filly when they didn't understand their guardian(s)' actions or gifts but, as she started to attach the flowery thing then he finally understood. A brief nuzzle from him was exchanged back to her once the gift was secured onto his left wrist. Looking up, the girl let out a shocked gasp as she saw the sun little more down in the darken sky.

A few soft nudges from a her friend's paw made her look at him in a puzzled way as he turned 180 degrees and lowered himself down then the beast gave her a "climb on my back" sort of look; which she followed as quickly as she could and held a handfull of his fur between her hands when she got there. Soon her friend ran off in speeds rivaling a cheetah's. The duo stopped once they were on the other side of the hill facing the back of her home. The girl gave the beast's face that was still lowered a affectionate nuzzle and a hug before she saw him take off into the surrounding forest with a almost ear-peircing howl goodbye. After he finally left her line of sight, the filly started heading towards her home for the night.