Daring Do and the Temple of Earth

by Crystal Light

First published

Society in Equestria took a fews things as fact about their race, Unicorns have magic, A pegasus has wings that are used to fly, Earth ponies can farm. One of these facts is wrong, and it's up to Daring to find the ancient history of the Earth Ponies

Society in Equestria took a fews things as fact about their race, Unicorns have magic, A pegasus has wings that are used to fly, Earth ponies can farm. One of these facts is wrong, and it's up to Daring to find the ancient history of the Earth Ponies be he does.

Basically I am rewriting my entire story from scratch. It was honestly the cringiest thing I have ever seen now that I look back on it. Basically I will be editing/changing the entire story (maybe not from scratch :twilightsmile: )