Symphony's Song

by MousieMustache

First published

Being the only mule in her school, Symphony is bullied horribly to the extent of running away.

Symphony's father a donkey, her mother a horse, making her a mule. Mules are nearly all infertile with the slightest chance of being able to conceive a foal. For this reason, there are hardly any mules in Equestria. Sweet Symphony is one of few and school is a tough place where the different are shunned.

After being teased day in and day out, she can finally take it no more and decides to run away to find more of her kind to finally end the bullying.

Chapter One: The Only Mule

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"Does she realize how stupid her short mane looks with those long ears?"

"Mules can't grow long manes. Too bad she can't do anything with those rabbit ears."

"She doesn't even have a cutie mark and she's in high school. What a loser."

"Mules in general can't get cutie marks. Something goes wrong when the DNA's from the two different animals mix. That means they aren't special enough to get a talent."

"Wow. Shouldn't there be a special school for her kind? Seems kind of mean to put her in with all of us talented ponies."

Sweet Symphony walked past all the murmurs and whispers with her head held low. No matter how quietly she tip-toed, how close her head was to the ground when she walked, or how she did up her short, black mane, everypony always noticed her because she was different. Her colors weren't even of the rainbow like most of them. She was the color of coffee with speckles of creamer on her nose and rump. Symphony's tail was just a little puff of black and her mane was only long enough to put into little pigtails at the base of her jaw. Maybe tomorrow, she would wear a hat.

She walked faster once she got inside the large school. It was easier to hide when there were actual rooms to duck into. Her classroom was at the end of the hall with a misleadingly bright door. The bright yellow door said "Welcome!", but Symphony knew it really meant, "Go away."

The corner seat by the window was her favorite spot. Nobody had to walk past her and only one unlucky pony had to sit next to her. It minimized the bullying most days. The view was a gorgeous view of the school's garden. It was the only thing that made her happy. The flowers never called her names. The squirrels and doves never shuddered at her appearance. The garden was the only place that was able to put a smile on her face.

The bell rang loudly, signalling that class would be starting in five minutes. She sank down into her seat as the rest of the ponies filed in, babbling to each other like hyperactive monkeys. As the seats filled, the one next to her was still empty. When the final bell rang, she was alone in her corner. Most ponies may find this to be lonely, but she found it to be ideal. No one could tease her without the teacher noticing. She finally relaxed and gazed out the window.

"Sorry I'm late, Miss Mocha!" her voice cut through the peaceful air like a freshly sharpened katana. Symphony's peace was short-lived. The unicorn that galloped in and took the only available seat left in the class was Divinity. She was the color of porcelain and her long, straight mane was as yellow as a banana slug, which was attractive to most people. Her cutie mark was of some yellow gemstone. She claimed her talent was being a total gem and charmer. Symphony believed it meant her destiny was belonging in the mines.

Divinity glided past all the ponies as the males stared at her flank and the females squinted their eyes with jealousy. Symphony tried not to make any eye contact at all, but it was difficult when her orange, flaming eyes would not leave her face.

"Hey, Mule. Looks like we're going to be partners today," every word stung like acid, the subtext reading that today was going to be Hell.

Instead of answering, Symphony just nodded and looked out the window at a robin perched in an old oak tree. He looked at her and sang his beautiful song. If only ponies were more like robins.

"Are you stupid?" Divinity prodded her with a hoof.

Symphony shook her head and tried to bury herself in her text book. Oh how interesting. Naponyeon was not actually that short. Weird that everypony depicts him that way, she thought to herself as she flipped through the pages nervously.

Miss Mocha began to talk with her hooves again, which usually meant she was talking excitedly about a group project. "Class, we are going to combine Writing Class today with History. I want you to pick your favorite history story and tell me about it, but from your favorite pony's perspective! It is called creative nonfiction."

A smile started to spread across Symphony's face. It was sounding like it was a solo project and those were her absolute favorite!

"But," the whole class groaned. Whenever teachers say 'but' it is never good, "I want you to work in pairs! Symphony, you work with Divinity. Rocky, you work with Golden Sunshine, Melon you..."

Miss Mocha's words began to run together as she continued talking. Anypony but Divinity would have been okay, but she was the worst. She was the Queen Bee. If she had decided mules were amazing, Symphony's school life would have been completely different. The worst part about group projects was that Miss Mocha encased herself in her books and barely paid any attention to the fillies and colts. That just meant it was open season on Symphony.

"My favorite historical pony is Marilyn Maneroe, so we are going to tell her story," Divinity got out a piece of paper and a pencil. If we have to write about that stupid pony, at least she's going to do it, Symphony thought to herself. Divinity pushed them towards her, "Get working."

Symphony's blue-gray eyes just stared at the blank sheet of paper, "Are you kidding me?"

Divinity's jaw dropped, "Are you talking back to me, hybrid? Marilyn Maneroe is the best of the best. I don't suppose you have any better ideas."

"I like Manetin Luthor King Jr," Symphony said without an ounce of confidence in her voice.

A loud guffaw came from the white unicorn, "The stupid donkey?!"

"Because of him, donkeys have rights too," she mumbled.

"Yeah, it's also because of him that we have so many damn mules!" Divinity snarled.

Symphony felt the blow like a kick to the stomach. She tried to keep her composure and said, "I'm the only mule in the school."

Divinity raised a delicate eyebrow and said, "And that's too many damn mules."

The poor mule shut down and stared out the window. Even a failing grade would not make her work with Divinity. She was the worst scum she could have imagined. When the cruel pony tried to get her attention, Symphony excused herself and left. Only a half an hour of class had passed, but she could not stand to be there any longer. With her knapsack on her back, she strode out the front door of the school and began to walk home.

She may have heard a voice, but her attention was not in her own world. She continued to walk at the same, slow and steady pace.


Okay, that time she definitely heard something .She stopped and when she glanced over her shoulder, she saw Arctic Mist. He was the most handsome Pegasus in the school. His coat was an icy-blue and his mane was whiter than snow. His hooves were white and he had the cutest white stripe down his muzzle. He was known for being popular, but Symphony had never spoken to him. She stiffened up, preparing for the worst.

"Class just started," he said.

Symphony couldn't help it. Her eyes squinted, "You must be a genius! I thought I had been sitting in there for years. I think my mane even grew a few inches. No, wait, it can't do that because I'm a stupid mule."

She began to walk away, this time stomping the earth.

"No, Symphony," Arctic Mist caught up with her. "Divinity is the worst kind of pony. She makes fun of others who are different. I would never do that. I only said class just started because there is still the rest of the day ahead of you! It could get better and you will only find out if you go back."

Her hooves never paused, she was going home no matter what he said, "Thank you, but no thank you. It is the same way every day."

"Why don't you plan a hang out with your friends after school? That could make things better," he suggested.

Symphony couldn't hold in her laugh as her tears began to pour, "You have no idea who I am. I have no friends. I never have. Divinity makes sure of that by getting everybody to make fun of me for being born the way I am."

Arctic Mist stopped walking, "I've never made fun of you."

She slowed to a stop, "I..."

"I would never make fun of you. There's nothing wrong with being a mule. It just means your parents married for love," his voice got quiet. "I am going back to class. I will see you tomorrow, okay?"

Symphony turned and watched him trot back. The longer she stayed there, the more she had to question her sanity. Did Arctic Mist really chase after her? Did he really say all those nice things? She shook her mane free of her pigtails and galloped the rest of the way home.

I need a nap, she thought.

Chapter Two: Home Life

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As Symphony entered her house, she listened for her parents. It sounded like they were in the kitchen, so she had to sneak past them to get to her room. When she got to the kitchen door, it flew open and she stood still, feeling paralyzed. Both parents stared, a seemingly never-ending silence filled the room. Symphony, more afraid of their silence than their anger, finally spoke.

"I'm sick," she said, backing up towards her room. She tip-toed as if they could not see her if she moved an inch at a time.

"Young filly," Cocoa Butter, her mother, said in a stern voice. "Why are you home in the middle of the day?" Her eyes were like stormy puddles, her cream mane a waterfall around her face. Her coat was a simple coffee brown, matching Symphony's, yet she was a beautiful specimen who could have been a model pony if she hadn't had children.

Dusty Coal was a black donkey with a white muzzle and underside. He was very boring-looking and Symphony had always wondered why her mother had chosen him when she could have had anypony she wanted. He was shorter than her and his long ears and odd-looking tail were found a dime a dozen in any donkey community. Symphony wrinkled her muzzle in puzzlement as she thought, She could've chosen at least a good-looking donkey. Maybe then my classmates wouldn't care that I was a mule.

"Dear, you're spacing out again," Dusty grunted and nodded back towards Cocoa. "Your mother is speaking to you. Don't be rude."

Symphony sighed, "I'm not sick."

Cocoa gasped in mock surprise, "Really? You could've fooled me."

Her gaze fell to the floor as she decided to tell the truth, "I'm a mule. Nobody loves me. The fillies and colts in class all make fun of my long ears and short mane. I'm the only mule in my class... the whole school even. There's a few donkeys and they're picked on, but I'm made fun of even MORE so than them. If a snail were to join our class, he'd have more friends than me."

Cocoa and Dusty stood in silence, trying to decide what to say to comfort their daughter. Dusty's big, brown eyes blinked a few times as he tried to process everything she said.

"Maybe they are just jealous of your good looks," Dusty offered. "You're gorgeous! The most beautiful girl on the campus."

Symphony scoffed, "Dad, no! Are you even listening? They all think I'm ugly."

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Sweetie," Cocoa nodded as if this were the most true thing anypony had ever said. She kissed her daughter on the head as if she had fixed all of her problems.

Symphony pulled away, "If that is true, all the 'beholders' at school find me ugly. I still lose! Why did you have to marry a donkey! Why couldn't it have been a nice Pegasus, or a Unicorn? I'd even love an Earth Pony for a father! Zebra? Sure! They've got cool markings and even though they have a short mane, they are still more accepted than I am."

Dusty Coal sighed and headed back into the kitchen. Cocoa Butter's gaze sharpened, "How could you say such awful words?! Your father is hurt now because you believe he isn't good enough to be your father. Just because of some silly bullying..."

"It isn't silly, Mom! It happens every day," Symphony could no longer hold back her tears as they began to streak her cheeks. "I can't stand it anymore!"

"Honey Dew doesn't complain about school. He doesn't complain about bullies. He is a mule as well," Cocoa tried to point out.

"Honey is 4 years old! He's in preschool! The biggest issue in preschool is who gets to play with the blocks first," Symphony sobbed. "It just isn't fair."

Coca shrugged, "Ignore them."

"Excuse me?" Symphony could feel the sass in her voice, but continued despite the possible future consequences. "I am bullied every day. Things are thrown at me, my hair pulled. They call me names, they say the worst things. You would not believe how bad my social life is. I feel like I am going to go crazy! I'm sorry you were Little Miss Popular--"

"Watch your mouth, filly," Cocoa warned.

"--and don't understand what it means to be tortured! Everyone was nice to you because you were Homecoming Queen. You were beautiful, perfect. I'm sorry I'm not like you, but that isn't my fault," Symphony did not give her mother a chance to say anything back. She ran into her room and slammed the door like any teenage pony would in a time like this.

Curling up on her bed, Symphony sobbed until she had no more tears left. She sniffed and wiped away the last of them, feeling the tiniest bit better. A little light bulb appeared above her head. What would make this better? A new message from her favorite web comic artist, Coral Moon, who just happened to be a mule as well. They had been communicating via Hoofbook for the past couple of weeks after Symphony had sent her a very flattering email. She perked up and grabbed her laptop.

Her heart sank into her stomach as she logged on and found the last thing she wanted to see. It was an invite to like a new page called "Mutant Mules." The picture for the page was Symphony's profile picture with some text over her face reading, "Hee Haw!" The page already had over a hundred likes and as she scrolled through the people who had liked and contributed to the page, she realized it was nearly everyone from her grade, plus a few from the older fillies and colts. She read some of the posts:

"Why do mules keep appearing? Doesn't everyone know they are infertile?"

"I saw The Mutant Mule at school today. She didn't even stay the whole class period. She ran out like a freak."

"Everyone liking this page and commenting things about Sweet Symphony should be reported and have their Hoofbooks removed."

Wait, that one was actually nice, Symphony re-read it and looked to see who in their right minds would stand up for her. She knew they would be bullied tomorrow, but maybe she could make a friend.

She read the name, read it again, and once more just to make sure. She clicked on his Hoofbook profile and her heart skipped a beat when she realized it really was Arctic Mist who was telling everybody to back off. His comment made the stinging hurt a little less, but her heart was already pulverized. She closed her laptop and wandered into Honey Dew's room.

He was home since his preschool was only three days a week: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. He was playing in the corner with some race cars, making some cute sound effects.

"Vroooooooooom!" he narrated as his car flew of the designated track.

"Hello, Honey," Symphony smiled at him. He turned around, his light green hair a mess. His eyes were a dark blue like their mother's. In fact, he would have looked just like her if his mane was cream-colored and his ears weren't so big. She envied her little brother, but felt glad that when he got into his teenage years, he may not be teased as much.

He grinned back, "Why are you home?"

Symphony hugged him, "Bad day at school. I didn't want to stay." She backed away from him and looked at her beautiful little brother. "Does anyone bully you?"

"Bully...?" he looked confused.

His sister smiled warmly as she realized that he had no idea what the word meant, "A bully is someone who is really mean to you and calls you mean names. Has anyone ever done that?"

He looked down at his race car for a moment before looking up with angry eyes, "I think Miss Valentine is a bully."

"Your teacher? Why?"

"She put me in the corner when Buggy took my toy," he frowned."I only hit him to get it back. I wasn't doing it because I liked it. He's a thief and Miss Valentine is a bully."

Symphony kissed her brother on the head and began walking out the door, "No hitting," she giggled as she left. She heard a mumbled form of agreement once she reached the hallway. Her smile did not last long. The memories from the day came flooding back. How was she going to go to school tomorrow and see everyone? It was going to be embarrassing and no matter what she did, she would only be giving everyone new material to post on "Mutant Mules."

She was faced with a choice: go to school and face ridicule, or find an alternative option. Without another thought, she bounced back into her room. She emptied her book bag and filled it with a toothbrush, a book, a bottle of shampoo, some energy bars, and her favorite stuffed animal: an owl named Chives. Symphony threw on her back pack and headed out the front door.

"Where are you going?" Cocoa yelled after her. "I certainly hope you are going back to school!"

Nope, Symphony thought to herself, not wanting anybody to know where she was headed. I am going to find Coral Moon and her mule community. I am going to find somewhere to belong.

Chapter Three: Starting a Journey

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Symphony headed out of her town without looking back. If no one was going to listen to her, she did not need to be here. She trotted up to the forest line and was just about to enter the dense trees when she heard hoofsteps behind her. Frightened, thinking it could be one of her bullies, she darted into the green and dove into a large bush. She held her breath, waiting for the mysterious pony to show his or her face.

"Symphony!" her name flew out of the somepony's mouth.

Her long ears perked up in curiosity, her fear fading away. She peeked through the leaves and saw the icy-blue coat of a familiar colt. His light purple eyes were filled with what appeared to be worry. The usually perfect white hair mane that sat on his head was tangled and sticking out in every direction.

"Symphony! Where are you?" he called out.

"Right... here," Symphony struggled to get out of the bush. She not-so-gracefully landed on her face, but tried to get up quickly as if it did not hurt as much as it truly did.

Arctic Mist looked over her and he said softly, "I was at the post office and when I walked out, I saw you leaving with a backpack. I was afraid the colts and fillies at school had gotten to you."

Symphony shook her head vigorously, "No, no, no. I"m just going on a hike!," she lied. "Don't worry, I'll be back later tonight."

He eyed her suspiciously, "You're not a very good liar. I can read you like a book. Please, don't go. If you leave, that just means the bullies win."

Her stormy blue eyes fell to the ground. She shifted her weight on her hooves and looked around uncomfortably. A song bird in the distance caught her attention and she just listened. Its voice was beautiful, the song unique. A small smile formed upon her face, "I am not leaving because they win. I am leaving because in order to fit in, to feel good about myself, I am going to find Coral Moon and her mule community. That way, I won't feel so alone anymore."

Arctic Mist nodded at her plan, "Okay, well if I can't change your mind, I am going with you."

The filly jumped back in surprise, "What? No. I am alone, I've always been alone and I'm going to find where I belong. By myself."

He started walking ahead of her, "Sweet Symphony, you will not be alone on your journey. If you wish me to leave once we get there, I will, but I won't leave you a moment sooner. If you are as lonely as you say you are, I will keep you company. It's okay to be alone, but it isn't okay to be lonely."

"I'm not..." Symphony started, but she knew she had already lost this argument.

"Are you coming or not?" Arctic laughed and galloped ahead.

She chased after him, a smile plastered on her face. Is this what it is like to have friends? She thought to herself. If so, I never want to be alone--lonely--again.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

They walked in silence for nearly an hour, but Symphony did not feel uncomfortable. Just having Arctic walk beside her was soothing. Company of another pony who did not judge her for her looks was not something she was used to. She thought she saw him smiling at her from the corner of her eye, so she looked up. He quickly looked away and began to whistle.

"Um... yes?" Symphony asked.

"Hm? Me?" Arctic asked, surprised.

She shook her head at his silliness, "You know I'm talking to you. Why were you looking at me? Is there something on my face? In my hair?" Symphony started to swipe at her muzzle.

He laughed softly, "No. I was looking at your spots. I think they're adorable."

Her cheeks blushed a bright crimson, "N... no. They look like splattered coffee creamer. Not cute at all."

Arctic Mist flew ahead of her, turned around, and stopped right in front of her face. "Listen here, Missy," he started. "Learn to take a compliment! When I say your spots, mane, face, whatever... is adorable, the proper response is 'thank you.' Try it."

The red in her cheeks was still burning, "Th-th-thank you," she stammered nervously. "I just have never been told anything differently." She nudged the dirt with her hoof, afraid to look him in the eyes, afraid to have him see the blush in her cheeks, afraid of what might be.

After several moments of silence, Arctic Mist began to walk again, "The river up ahead is said to have some of the freshest water around. Want to see if it's true?"

She nodded, still not making eye contact and slowly followed him.

The trees were gently swaying in the wind, another song bird sang in the distance. The trees began to thin out, the unbeaten path widening. Up ahead was a river, just as Arctic had said. It past by them with only a soft trickling. It was very calm, the surface relatively undisturbed. She peeked over the edge and could see every rock, pebble, and fish. As she contemplated drinking, Arctic ran past her and dropped into the peaceful river with a cannonball. The splash he created got her completely soaked, her mane was dripping, her coat matted with the water. She glared at him as he came up for air.

"Symphony, you have to try this water! It's delicious! Oh, and it feels great, too. You may want to put down your backpack so you don't get it wet," he said, doing the backstroke back and forth in front of her.

She took off her backpack and glared at it. It was soaked from Arctic's splash. She sighed and edged towards the river, just dipping her muzzle in for a sip. He was right: it was amazingly delicious, the freshest water she had ever tasted. Even as she watched Arctic having fun, she was not quite sure if she wanted to jump in. There was a bridge to her left and she could easily just hop over it, without getting any wetter than she already was.

"Come in! It's fun. You know how to swim, right?" Arctic began to tread water and just watched her.

She nodded, "Yeah... I can swim. I've just never gone swimming with anybody before. What if you try to drown me?"

He scoffed, "Do you really trust me that little?"

Symphony shook her head and delicately stuck her two front hooves into the river's edge. The water lapped at her eagerly and she waded in a little deeper. It was chilly, but not unbearably cold. She finally made it out to where Arctic was and offered a small smile.

"That wasn't so hard now was it?" he asked. His sweet smile turned into an evil grin and he splashed her with all his might. She let out a high-pitched whinny and dove underwater to avoid him. He chased her and she swam. They played tag until they were both exhausted.

"Ready to continue?" Symphony panted.

Arctic dragged himself out of the water and looked towards the bridge, "Yes, but only if we can take a nap first."

They found a small clearing and Symphony snagged a spot with a bunch of sun. Arctic plopped down mere inches from her and fell asleep instantly. She fell asleep and dreamt of new found friendship.