Cutie Mark Powerpuff Ponies!

by RainbowDangerDash97

First published

Another trip to Zecora's is to blame for the transformation of the CMC into Powerpuff Girls!

Another secretive trip to Zecora's is to blame for the transformation of the CMC into Powerpuff Girls!

Turns out they're not the only ones...

I guess they REALLY know their talents, now. But they aren't sure they want to spend their lives fighting crime. How will they turn back into ponies?

PS. It's not a Powerpuff girls in Equestria, or CMC in Townsville fanfic. And Scootaloo is NOT Buttercup, Apple Bloom is NOT Blossom, and especially Sweetie Belle is NOT Bubbles!

Ponyville Powerpuffs

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"This is so borin'. Ah can't think why Cheerilee, AppleJack and Rarity won't let us Cutie Mark Crusade anymore," Apple Bloom complained. She shot a look at her own broken leg, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, one with a broken hind leg and the other with broken wings.

"Yeah, they keep saying "It's too dangerous"," Scootaloo groaned.

Between munches, Sweetie Belle cried out, "Yeah, I mean, come on!"

"Ah mean - look at Sweetie Belle and yourself, Scootaloo," Apple Bloom carried on. "Ah could've sworn you're twice as good as everypony at checkers, considering all ya do is that!"

"Yeah, but what else can we do? We're not allowed to do anything now!" Scootaloo asked. She rolled her eyes.

"What do you expect us to do, Apple Bloom? Playing pretend, camping, mountain-climbing," Sweetie Belle, said digging her hoof into a bag of candy. "It's all too "dangerous"."

"Sweetie Belle!" Apple Bloom scolded, turning her attention to the white filly. "Put down that bag of candy. Yer gonna get fat!"

"I can't help it! It's the only thing to do!" Sweetie Belle argued. But she obeyed anyway. "At least Scootaloo has her scooter, and you have your apple farm, Apple Bloom. Rarity never lets me help her. All I got is checkers."

"Ah hate it here," Apple Bloom grumbled. "All we can do is watch this new tevilesion-whatever. TV thingy. It's boring. Humans watch this stuff."

"Yeah, what the hay are we supposed to do here anyway?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I mean, Cheerilee said it's not bad at all."

"Not bad at all? It's terrible!" Scootaloo cried out.

"That's what I said!" Sweetie Belle said.

"No you didn't!" Scootaloo shouted.

"Did too!" Sweetie Belle replied.

"Did NOT."

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"DID NOT!!!"

"DID TOOOOO!!!!!!!"

"Girls, girls, stop it!" Apple Bloom shouted. "Ah have an idea. Why not go to Zecora's?"

"Yeah! That's a great idea!" Scootaloo cried out.

"If only we could walk," Sweetie Belle muttered, glancing down to her leg.

The former Cutie Mark Crusaders sighed, as they lay on their beds, continuing an unusally quiet game of checkers.

Chapter 2

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"Phew! Finally, mah leg is healed," Apple Bloom cried out, dancing for joy. She looked around the room. "Uh...Sweetie Belle? Scootaloo?"

Sweetie Belle put down her checkers, and looked at her friend. "Now we can go to Zecora's!" she cried out.

"Finally - something exciting at once," Scootaloo groaned. She dropped her checkers one by one onto a small tabletop. She suddenly lightened up. "Let's go!"

"Yay!" Sweetie Belle shouted. The three fillies darted around the corner, out of the hospital.


"Zecora is not even here!" Apple Bloom cried out, when they reached the zebra's house later that day.

"Whaddya expect, Apple Bloom?" Scootaloo asked.

"Look!" Sweetie Belle shouted, pointing a hoof to the middle of the house. The others turned to look. There was a big black cauldron - where they were, and it looked dark and sinister. It bubbled and boiled, and the green liquid inside it didn't look very trusting.

"Come on," Apple Bloom whispered. The Cutie Mark Crusaders followed after her, as if they were staring at a mysterious and illegal counterfeit object.

"G-Gooonnee," Sweetie Belle read out, as she grabbed a sticky note, which was hanging on a small table, near the cauldron.

Apple Bloom snatched it off her. "Gone for half an hour. Looking for a tropical flower," she read out.

Scootaloo groaned, " Zecora to write in rhymes."

"Who cares?" Sweetie Belle asked. She stretched her neck, as she stared into the boiling liquid in the cauldron. "What is this thing?"

"One of Zecora's potions, silly!" Apple Bloom cried out, eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Let's drink it! Let's drink it!" Scootaloo shouted.

"Are you sure it's safe?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I mean - we might explode if we --"

"Ah don't know," Apple Bloom said.

"Who cares anyway?" Scootaloo asked.

Sweetie Belle swept that worried look off her face. "Yeah! Who cares?" she joined in.

Soon, without a warning, the liquid was being gulped by three excited fillies, while three packets labelled "Sugar", "Spice" and "Everything Nice" were lying on the ground, unnoticed. If only the fillies knew what dangers lay ahead for them, when they drank that potion.

Chapter 3

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"What's going on?" Apple Bloom asked, as her hooves suddenly transformed into little pale lumps.

"I think we're becoming humans!" Sweetie Belle cried out, as she examined her own hooves. "Like Lyra always talked about!"

"Oh no! This is serious!" Scootaloo shouted. She looked at her reflection. "I'm - My whole body is human!"

"Wait a minute," Sweetie Belle said. "Calm down, everypony! Humans have fi-fing- what was it again? Yeah, fingers. We don't. We can't be humans, get it?"

"I dunno. Wait - what's this?" Scootaloo asked, peeling another sticky note from the back of the cauldron. She read aloud, "Sugar Spice and Everything Nice. Mix with Chemical X for the perfect pearls, And there you have the Powerpuff Girls. What's that supposed to mean?"

Suddenly, a great whizzing was heard. Papers and alchemy ingredients flew everywhere, as three human girls appeared in the room.

"Oh, hi! We're the Powerpuff Girls," the leader, with the red bow introduced. "I'm Blossom, and this is Bubbles and Buttercup. Nice to meet you!"

The blue one, with yellow hair, cried out, "Poooonniiieeess!!!" She ran to hug Scootaloo, who bawked at that. She stopped and asked, "Wait - you're not ponies? But - but Professor said --"

"Ugh...Blossom! What the heck? This is stupid. I'd bet they can't even understand us," the green one, with ebony black hair, Buttercup, cried out.

"What the hay is goin' on?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yeah, is this some kind of trick?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Almost answering her question, another Powerpuff Girl appeared. Her hair was almost like a human Rainbow Dash's, however the hay that would look like, except it was teal, with a white strip. Her skin was a light creamy tan, and she wore a teal dress, much like the fillies'. "Hey, everypony!"

"L-L-LYRA?!?!" the three fillies shouted, in perfect unison.

They looked at each other, before screaming. They bolted out of the house, to Ponyville.

Chapter 4

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"Twilight! Help us!" Apple Bloom panted, as she and the other girls busted into Twilight's library.

"What's happen to you all?" Spike asked. He screamed. "What - wha - Seriously though, that's cool. Hey, Twi! Twilight! Come check this out!"

The lavender unicorn groaned, rolling her eyes, "What is it this time?"

Spike pointed fearfully at the three former fillies.

"Oh Celestia! What has happened to you?" Twilight asked, horrified. Almost at once, she calmed down. "Oh, Spike. You're silly. It's probably just a game. Humans don't exist."

"We didn't think so either," Sweetie Belle confessed. "I think we DID drink that potion at Zecora's..."

"You WHAT?" Spike asked, nearly fainting.

"It doesn't matter," Scootaloo groaned. She glided to Twilight's side. "You have to help us!"

"I - I don't think I can," Twilight muttered. "SPIKE!!! Where's that Supernatural book again?"

Spike fetched the book, the number one assistant he was.

Twilight snatched it off, without meaning to. Of course, in emergencies, no one cares to say Thank You or Please. And this was a REAL emergency.

"Humans..." she whispered to herself, scanning through the book, with shifty eyes. "It doesn't say anything about humans, Spike!"

Spike looked desperately around. "I don't know, Twi," he said.

"We need to tell the Princess," Twilight cried out. "Come on, let's go, girls."

The small company of five left the library at once, the girls carefully wrapped up, so nopony knew of the horrifying event.


Pinkie Pie bounced her way to Twilight's library, hoping to borrow a book from her unicorn friend. It was a lovely sunny morning, and the breeze felt cooler than a bath on a hot day, and Pinkie Pie loved it when it blew against her mane. She also loved the happy atmosphere - it did make her smile more than ever.

Unexpectedly, she bumped into Twilight and Spike, who were frantically trying to rush towards Canterlot, whilst acting all normal, and as if everything were okay. Of course, the three unidentified objects floating beside them caught Pinkie Pie's attention.

"Hi Twilight!" she cried out. "Nice day, huh?"

Twilight rolled her eyes and groaned, "Yeah..nice."

"Ooh! What's those things hanging around your head?" the pink earth pony asked, eyes wide and curious.

Twilight was tempted to snap at her friend, harshly. But instead, she just said, "I'm sorry, Pinkie. We really need to go!"

"Okie Dokie Lokie!" Pinkie Pie giggled. "I'll come with you!"

"Uh..." Twilight said. She lost her temper, which was badly excited, "Pinkie! I'm busy! This is serious!"

"Awww...I'll keep my lips sealed, then!" Pinkie Pie announced. "Hey, what are these things?"

She lightly pushed the hood off Apple Bloom's head. She squealed, "Aaah!!! It's a - a -" She turned to Twilight, and cocked her head sideways, in confusion. "What is it, Twilight?"

"Oh..uh..." Twilight mumbled, behind her teeth.

"And look! There's more!" Pinkie Pie cried out. She playfully pushed the hoods of all the three mysterious things. "This one looks like Sweetie Belle! This looks like Apple Bloom! And look - Scootaloo!"

Spike couldn't help but shriek, "It IS them! They've been turned into humans!"

"These aren't humans, Spike," Twilight scolded. "I told you not to tell anypony. That goes for you too, Pinkie."

"Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are humans!!!" Pinkie Pie screamed. "RUN! Run for the hills!"

The other ponies stared in horror at the the Powerpuff Ponies.

Some screamed, some ran around, and some dashed into their houses.

"Celestia preserve us!" somepony shrieked, as she locked her doors and windows.

Twilight glared at Pinkie Pie. "Ponies! Do not panic! I'm about to ask Celestia about this. It's nothing, really."

She grabbed the CMC, Spike and ran as fast as her hooves could carry her, hooves metaphorically flying.


"What do you think, Princess?" Twilight asked. "Is it something serious?"

"According to this book," the Princess said. "It must be a serious case of hay fever."

"But hay fever is --" Twilight protested.

"In the human world, yes," Celestia said. "But in Equestria, hay fever "

"We drank a potion," Apple Bloom answered. "If Ah can remember properly, Ah think it was made of Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice."

"Alas, that, I cannot explain," Celestia whispered.

"Is there a cure?" Sweetie Belle asked, her eyes hopefully looking up to the majestic alicorn.

Celestia shook her head slowly. "We are talking about mysterious allergies, my filly. I know not. But this is a threat! Twilight, warn everypony. We must find the source of this, and eliminate it before others catch it!" she ordered.

Twilight nodded, "Yes, Princess! Rainbow Dash! Pinkie Pie! Fluttershy! Rarity! AppleJack! We must stop hay fever from affecting us all!"

"Uh..Twi? Ah think we'd better hurry, then," Apple Bloom pointed out. "We're not the only ones contracting it."

Twilight held her breath, as she turned to look at where Apple Bloom was pointing. Why, there floated three more Powerpuff Ponies - Lyra, Gilda (even if she was a griffon), and not surprisingly, Derpy Hooves.

Chapter 5

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"We've done everything we could, Twi!" Rainbow reported. "But we still don't know the cause of this hay fever thingy. Lend a hoof?"

"Three weeks of hard work, and STILL we haven't found ANYTHING!" Twilight cried out. She sighed and said, "We'll never cure the Cutie Mark Crusaders now."

"But Twilight," Rarity <strike> whined </strike> complained. "There HAS to be an explanation, darling!"

"I dunno," Scootaloo said, staring at her lumps which were supposed to be hands. "We kinda got used to being humans though."

"Scootaloo?!" Pinkie Pie shrieked. "So you LIKE being a freaky bug-eyed freakity-freak?"

"We're not freaks," Apple Bloom argued. "We just miss bein' ponies - give us some space, alrahght?"

Sweetie Belle groaned, "Second that."

"Don't worry, girls! Maybe Doctor Colgate can fix that up!" Pinkie Pie giggled. "Besides - you look funny. No offence!"

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom crossed their arms, staring at her, looking offended.

"Come on, everypony! Cheer up!" Pinkie Pie cried out. "Auntie Pinkie has it all taken care of!"

"Auntie?" Sweetie Belle asked, in confusion.

"Unless my dad married her sister," Scootaloo added.

The girls burst out laughing.

"Come on, girls! Your fate lies on Doctor Colgate's hooves," Twilight cried out.


"What the hay?" Apple Bloom asked, as the doctor examined her.

"Listen, girls," Colgate said, a little nervously. "I don't do diseases? I do teeth. I have NO idea what this thing is, or how this thing even came to Equestria. I'm sorry."

"But - but --!" Scootaloo protested.

"I'm sorry," Colgate confessed. "I'm a dentist. You - have to live with it."

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom bolted out of the room, in despair.

Twilight rushed after them.

"Uh...bills?" Colgate asked, her hoof out.

"You didn't tell me anything about them," Twilight argued, running past her.

"I DID tell you it's incurable," Colgate replied.

"WHATEVER!!! Take it, " Twilight said. "Four bits." She dashed away, before Colgate could shout, "It's five bits!"


Diamond Tiara burst out laughing at the sight of the three girls. Unlike the others, she wasn't at all laughing for fun. She was laughing - out of scorn.

"So, Blank Flanks? Is morphing your cutie mark?" she asked.

Sweetie Belle glared at them, "What's your cutie mark, huh?"

"Yeah, you're good at wearing a tiara. Is that even a talent? And Silver Spoon's good at being rich," Scootaloo joined in. The new flaws her humanization gave her, the new anger, made her kick Diamond. The filly flew to the other end of the wall, bashing against it.

"Cheerileeeeee!" Diamond said, trying not to let her tears fall - and make a laughing stock of her.

The mare came over at once. "What's wrong, fillies?" she asked, before gasping and screaming.

Apple Bloom, at the speed of light, zoomed behind a chair, her trail of faint yellow giving her away.

Scootaloo, at the same time, did the same thing, only behind a desk.

Sweetie Belle just grinned nervously, waved, and only THEN did she copy Apple Bloom.

"What are these things?" Cheerilee asked. "Who's responsible for bringing them here?"

Apple Bloom confessed, "Us. Ah'm Apple Bloom! Ah..Ah drank a potion back at Zecora's...and Ah guess Ah mahght have turned human?"

"Yeah, we're awfully sorry for giving you a fright, teacher," Scootaloo said.

"We won't do it again!" Sweetie Belle cried out.

Apple Bloom added, "If we ever turn back into Ponies."

The three sighed.

"HaHA!" Diamond sneered, her nose stuck up.

"Why - you little!" Apple Bloom shouted. She glared at Diamond, and quite surprisingly - a red laser came out of it!

Diamond screamed, as she was hit by the laser. She flew back, furious. She threw her pencils and erasers at Apple Bloom.

"Nopony hits my friend!" Sweetie Belle super-screamed, "Take THIS!!!!"

She clapped her hands, and a huge tonado came out of it, nearly taking the top off the school.

"Girls?" Cheerilee asked.

The fighting continued, from tonadoes to ice breath to laser visions, and whatnot. "Girls!" Cheerilee muttered.

"GIRLS!!!!!" she screamed.

The fillies stopped fighting.

"We're sorry, Cheerilee! We can't help it. Twilight said that humans have fiery desires, weak minds, and less love and tolerance. It's not our fault we became them," Sweetie Belle said.

"I understand, girls. But what did I say about fighting in the classroom?" their teacher asked.

"Uh...well..." Apple Bloom said. She turned to face her teacher. "But Diamond Tiara! SHE --"

"Now, now, Apple Bloom," Cheerilee said.

"We've been given super powers," Scootaloo replied.

"You have to tame then, girls," Cheerilee scolded. "And until then, you must not use them again."

"But --" Sweetie Belle protested.

"No buts," Cheerilee answered.

"It's who we are!" Scootaloo argued. "We can't change that."

"No, but you can stop that," Cheerilee replied. "Let's - call it a day."

The fillies and colts cheered, and threw their pencils in the air.


"What are we gonna do?" Apple Bloom asked Twilight, later that day. "We can't even Cutie Mark Crusade anymore. We're humans!"

"That's easy!" Rainbow contributed. "Use your super powers!"

The CMC gulped. Where did SHE learn about their powers? "We don't have any."

"Fiddlesticks," Granny Smith laughed. "Ah could've sworn Ah saw that tornado."

"That wasn't us," Sweetie Belle lied. "We..uh.." She crawled to Apple Bloom and asked, "Any ideas?"

"Oh, you must mean that stimulator," Apple Bloom cried out. "Uh...Cheerilee showed us it a few minutes ago."

"It's a weather stimu-la-stimuatur - whatever. It generates weather," Scootaloo added.

"You're not alone," a voice said, from behind them, at the doorway of the library.

"G?" Rainbow asked, eyes exploding. "You're not human too, now, aren't ya?"

"It sucks," Gilda growled. "Whyddya wanna know? At least I'm not a stupid lame-o like you all are."

Beside her, were Lyra, Derpy, Colgate, and Pinkie Pie - all Powerpuffs.

Twilight gasped. "Pinkie? What's happen to you?" she asked.

"Same thing what's happen to them!" Pinkie Pie squealed.

"It's contagious!" Twilight screamed. "Princess, can you hear me?"

Princess Celestia confessed "I - I've never known such a disease, in all my life. I'm sorry, Twilight."

"But -- do you mean --?" Twilight asked.

"Yes," Celestia replied. "Your friends are doomed."