The Legend of Zelda?: Ocarina of Time

by Swirl

First published

Well, I took the legend of Zelda and made an mlp parody of it. *my little parodies*

Well, I took the legend of Zelda and made an mlp parody of it. This is my first fic, so tell me where it could use some work (spelling error, punctuation errors, needs more detail, etc.) kay?

Chapter 1: Summoned

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“Navi, Navi? Where are you?”

“I’m right here! Can’t you see me Great Deku Tree?” Navi wondered.
“No. I don’t have eyes. I am just a tree. Well anyways, I need you to go get the pony without a fairy,” the Great Deku Tree said.


“Because I think that I’m gonna die soon, so just go and hurry back!”

“Fine,” Navi said, and then she took off.

So, Navi flew through Kokori to a small tree house of a young alicorn with white fur, a red mane with black stripes (and a matching tail), the tip of her horn, ears, hooves, and the base of her tail were burgundy, and she had a green tunic and hat on, who was apparently asleep and snoring loudly; Navi thought this would be easy. She has never been more wrong.

“Hey! Hey! Swirl! Wake up!” Navi commanded.

“Huh... why?” Swirl said, sleepily.

“Get Up!”



“Aggh!” Swirl said, falling out of her bed with a thump.



“Uhh… The Great Deku Tree summoned you, so let’s go!”

“Can’t you get someone else to do it?”

“I said he summoned YOU! So come on!”

“What makes you think the Great Deku Tree is a boy?”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“Whatever. Well, you comin’?” Swirl said, walking out the door.

“Ignoramus,” Navi said under her breath.


Swirl walked out of her tree house and took a deep breath. She could smell the trees, the flowers, the fresh dew on the grass, and the animals. Apparently, everypony was out enjoying the beautiful day. “I just love days like this! These are the days that I am glad I live in Kokori Forest! Huh, is that…”

“Hey Swirl!” Swirl was interrupted by a red pegasus with a blue and white mane that came running up to the bottom of the ladder, “Finally decided to come out of that tree house I see!”

“Oh, hey Flash. “ Swirl said climbing down the ladder, “What have you been up to?”

“Just practicing my flying. I’m having a race with Flap at the end of the week.”

“Cool! I’ll go watch. I would race with ya’ll, but remember, I broke a wing, so I can’t fly fast. Good luck though!”

“Thanks! How is your wing doing anyway?”

“Better since you helped bandage it up.”

“That’s a relief! I was starting to worry that I might have one less competitor!”

“Oh Really? I always beat you in races in the past, so the only thing stoppin’ me now is a broke wing!”

“That’s just ‘cause you always used magic to slow me down, speed you up, or both! Oh well. Hey is that a fairy? It’s ‘bout time you got one!”

“Yup! This fairy said the Great Deku Tree summoned me! Well, I gotta go! I’ll see ya later!”

“Okay! See yo… wait what? The Great Deku Tree summoned you? That’s great! Well you better get going, Swirl! Don’t want to be late!”

“Yeah, I know. See ya!”


Swirl started walking to the meadow of the Great Deku Tree when she was stopped by a light green unicorn with a white mane. She tried to walk past her, but the unicorn created a force field around the entrance. Swirl tried to use her magic to nock it down, but it didn’t work because she couldn’t concentrate ‘cause she was so tired.

“What’s your problem Swift? I am trying to get to the Great Deku Tree!” Swirl exclaimed.

“What, you can’t nock down a simple force field? I thought you were ‘the most powerful alicorn in Kokori Forest’!” Swift mocked.

“Grrr! Nock down the stinkin’ force field NOW!!”

“Make me.”

“The Great Deku Tree summoned me! Now MOVE the buckin' force field!”

“I said, make me. I, the great Swift, will not be told what to do. Anyway, I won’t move myself OR the force field until you are at least equipped with a sword and a shield, because the forest has been getting more dangerous lately; monsters popping up just about everywhere After all, you can’t even control your magic, let alone destroy a monster; that is why you need a sword and shield!”

Swirl was angry about Swift’s remark, but she new it was true. She couldn’t control her magic; her emotions did. “Ugh! You are impossible!” she said, storming off.

Swirl hopped across the stepping stones on the pond, so angry her magic made her glow a bright red. As she walked, her hooves made the grass scorch a little. Everypony that she walked by stared at her; she could hear them whispering about how weird she was. That made her think about how she's been an outcast her whole life to the Kokori, but there was one pony who accepted her, he was even her best friend. Then, Swirl looked over and saw him running up to her and he said, “Swirl, are you alright? How did it go with the Great Deku Tree?”

“Huh, oh hey Flash. Yeah, um, that stupid Swift stopped me and wouldn’t let me pass. She said, and I quote ‘I won’t move until you are at least equipped with a sword and a shield, because the forest has been getting more dangerous’,”Swirl replied.

“How rude. Well she is right though. There have been more monsters around lately.”

“So, do you know where to find a sword and a shield?”

“Well, there is a shield on sale at the shop, and there is a sword hidden somewhere in the forest. I have no idea where the sword could be though, sorry.”

“Guess that means that I’ll have to work twice as hard!”

“I could help you find it.”

"Mmkay! Thanks!"

“Well I am going to the shop to buy that shield!” And with that, she left. She jumped over the fence and walked across the stream. [i‘Well, there it is she thought.


"What was that?" Swirl wondered.

"Hey! Listen!"

"Okay, that is getting kinda annoying."

"SWIRL!!!!! Did you foret about me or something?!?" Navi said angrily.

"Huh... Oh, it's you. I forgot you were there. You didn't have to yell like that."

"Yes I did! you NEED to get to the Great Deku Tree NOW!"

"Were you not here the past 30 minutes? D you not "

"Uh... Did I tell you my name yet? It's Navi."

"Oh-kay. I need to buy a shield here. Let's go." Swirl said, walking into the building.

Meh... more 2 come l8r