The Conversion Bureau: Pony And Human Love

by Bendy

First published

Celestia wants to turn all Humanity into pastel Ponies, but Adolf Hitler's charms seem to prove too much.

Celestia wants to turn all Humanity into pastel Ponies, but Adolf Hitler's charms seem to prove too much.

Warning: Hitler and Pony sex and general stupidness. Should not be taken seriously.

The Power Of Love

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Equestria, a good happy magical land of pastel Ponies, where nothing ever bad happens apparently. Everypony is a kind, good, moral person and fart rainbows out from their backsides.

Truly the land is paradise. Despite the fact if Nightmare Moon had won in an alternate universe, it would mean the end of all life on the planet because there would be no sun. Oh and random Pony jerks... King Sombra, nah he wasn't a Pony, he was just a evil Human in disguise.

In another nearby universe, a world where Celestia had forgot. Earth, a planet where 99% of Humans were either serial killers, Justin Bieber fans, baby eaters and mostly had small penises. Adolf Hitler was elected president of the world, whom was cloned back to life.

As president, Adolf Hitler masturbated vigorously with his gigantic penis sitting at his desk live on television everyday for the world to see, most of Humanity cheered in joy with tears in their eyes as they masturbated in awe over their glorious leader.

Truly a world of darkness and evil. Yep, genocide from pastel horses is justifiable on these evil Humans.

On a sunny dark day on Earth. Princess Celestia the good leader of the pastel Ponies teleported herself outside the White House.

"Humans! I have come to bring you your salvation! By turning you all into perfect Ponies!" she heard a strange flapping sound from behind her. "Huh?" she turned around and gasped in horror as she saw a dozen naked Human males with their small penises masturbating to her in public. "Stop that, you filthy Humans!" she shouted.

The Humans only responded by masturbating even faster.

"Such vile creatures!" she knocked on the door. "President of Earth, I wish to talk with you."

"Come in." said Adolf Hitler sexfully on intercom.

The doors opened, Celestia trotted in. Her plans were to take over the mind of Earth's leader, so it would be easier to turn all Humanity into pastel zombie Ponies. She walked into the oval office, but Hitler wasn't there.

"Where are you?!" she shouted in frustration.

"I'm in my bedroom." said Hitler sexfully on intercom.

Celestia gulped, she knew she had to do this, it was up to her to save Humanity from itself. Bracing herself she made her way to Hitler's bedroom.

Once she opened the door, she gasped at the sheer beauty that was Adolf Hitler. He was lying on his bed butt naked in a seductive pose, he was a handsome man with a hairy chest and top it all off he had a giant penis that was even bigger than Big McIntosh's penis.

She shook her head from side to side, she will not give in to this evil Human's charms.

"Hello there sexy horse." he said sexfully while giving her bedroom eyes.

Celestia blushed, she then coughed remembering why she was here.

"I um, I have to--

"Yes?" said Hitler timidly with hope in his eyes.

Celestia stared into Hitler's beautiful eyes, for some reason she found it difficult to hate this Human.

"I um..... Oh, who am I kidding!" she looked at him with her sexy face. "I want to make sweet love with you my Führer!"

"Then come here milady!" he said grinning as he stroked his massive terrifying penis.

Celestia walked toward one of the most handsome men in the entire universe. She lay on top of him, going into a sixty nine position with glorious fat ass on his face. Adolf Hitler was a true gentleman and began licking her pony pussy as soon as her glorious horse butt was on his face.

Princess Celestia moaned aloud as the Human licked her pussy, which overwhelmed with the urge to suck on his mighty penis.

"Oh Hitler!" she shouted in ecstasy.

She then swallowed his monster cock and began sucking it.

It was truly a tender display of love between a Human and Pony. As Celestia sucked on the Führer's mighty cock, her hate for Humanity slowly began to wither away and the evil Human hating demon inside her began to die. To be replaced with love for Humanity, she was no longer a misanthrope, but a Human lover with a love for Human penises big and small.

Celestia sucking on Hitler's cock caused rainbows to go all across the skies of Earth, across the planet of Earth Human seemed to change in behavior. Most serial killers stopped killing people, only small number continued. It appeared Humans began to gain morality and threw these serial killers behind bars. Most Humans stopped eating babies and stopped being fans of Justin Bieber.

More and more Humans seemed to gain morality across the world as Celestia continued to suck on Hitler's cock. Much of the evil of Humanity was being rapidly wiped away with the power of love.

Back in the white house. Hitler was no longer Hitler, he was now his true form. With the last of his evil being sucked out of him by Celestia.

Adolf Hitler, was now a truly paragon of good with the last of the evil sucked out of him by Celestia. His true form was of indescribable beauty, he was now the most handsome man in the entire multiverse, the evil demon that cursed Humanity was destroyed as Hitler sperm poured down Celestia's throat as he came. With the last of his evil now truly gone, it was revealed Adolf Hitler was actually Morgan Freeman. All across Earth, most of the evil was gone from Humanity with power of Morgan Freeman's compassion and goodness.

Celestia turned around and kissed the Human in a tender display of Human and Pony love. Hitler was now gone, replaced by his true self Morgan Freeman.

"Oh, Celestia...." Morgan Freeman began in his deep epic voice, his voice was so powerful it seemed to be heard by everyone across the universe, yet it was not loud. It was a gentle epic narrating voice that caused everyone in the entire universe to cum in their pants with tears in their eyes. "you are so beautiful."

"Oh... Morgan Freeman." she said with tears of joy in her eyes.

Tears filled Morgan Freeman's eyes, the Human and Pony lovers kissed again. Celestia mounted herself on top of Morgan Freeman's giant penis.

"Oh, Celestia!" he said in pleasure.

The union of Human and Pony was complete, the power of Human and Pony love had destroyed most of evil of Humanity. It was truly a joyous day that all evil doers would fear.

Celestia bounced on his fearsome monster cock moaning aloud. Morgan Freeman groaned in pure pleasure, his narrating voice made everyone across time and space cry in joy as they masturbated to his beautiful voice. Angels sang and evil demons died as the Human and Pony love making continued. Pastel Ponies from Equestria came to Earth and had steaming hot consensual sex with Humans.

There is no light without darkness, but by the leadership of Morgan Freeman, evil will never win against the righteous forces of good and kindness. The love between Human and Pony was now the strongest force of good, which would make the forces of evil shake in fear.

And so this tale comes to an end. But war between good and evil, is a war without end.