A Lesson in Leadership

by nou

First published

When Seabreeze's son loses part of his group, Seabreeze tells him of a time where she learned the same lesson.

Seabreeze had always been a harsh leader until Fluttershy showed her how to be caring for others. Now her son is commandeering for the first time, and when he goes down the same path and ends up losing part of his pack, his mother comforts him. She tells him of a time when she made the same mistakes, and an old friend helped her out, though at the time they really weren't.

Rated Teen because I don't know what constitutes it being Teen or Everybody.

My very first FiMFic story, written right after the episode on my phone. Enjoy.

Interesting Facts: No proofreaders or editors, and I actually couldn't find a cover image. Oh well.


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The Breezies were preparing to lift off once again. The leader, Deepbreeze, waited anxiously for the portal to open, pacing back and forth in anticipation while his mother, Seabreeze, tried to calm him down to a point where he could effectively lead.

"Deepbreeze, you're going to have to calm down eventually." Seabreeze was now a wrinkly, old Breezie and was deemed too old to venture outside the portal to Equestria. "If you don't, then I don't know if you're ready to lead yet."

"Nonsense, mother; I can take care of myself. My heart is just racing for joy, that's all." This would be Deepbreeze's sixth time out into Equestria, but his first leading to get the pollen.

A flickering light came frome wall. The cheers intensified to a degree that the Breezies only made twice in a year: Once, when the group went, and once again when they returned safe and sound.

"Gather 'round, Breezies; we're off on an adventure!" Deepbreeze yelled to his comrades, spirits high and soaring. The portal flickered faster, and the cheers gained a certain quality to them that could only be described as brimming with joy and excitement.

The portal roared to life, a small hole at first, and slowly expanding until a thousand Breezies could go through all at the same time. Goodbyes were cheered, thoughone stood out from the rest: the call of Seabreeze, the former expeditionary leader, to her son.

"Good bye, Deepbreeze! Come back safe!"

About two weeks later, the day for the portal to close had come, and not a single Breezie could be seen in their homes; they were out on the streets, laughing, dancing, and having a good time. The Breezie Expedition was due back around sunset with loads of pollen tolast for the rest of the year until next year's opening of the portal. Friends were chatting about seeing other friends, younger Breezies were playing in the main street, and the older Breezies were sitting in their tiny chairs, reminiscing about how their trips went when they went to Equestria.

However, something was off; the Breezies from the expedition were normally home by now. The last time they weren't here at this moment was when Seabreeze led her first journey for food, and the group had split in two.

Frantic wings could he heard for the longest time, their beats making tiny breezes, and finally, as the portal was only a few minutes from closing, the scout came back.

"Citizens, they are here, but they are weak! We must help!" The scout was out of breath, bug-eyed from exhaustion.

The frantic wings could be heard moving towards the portal, all of the Breezies now helping in getting their friends and family back safely home. The sound of the wings was magnified by how small the tunnel from the portal was, but the Breezies did not pay any attention; right now, the rest of the town was in danger, and all that mattered was that they got home safely.

The Breezies were intercepted at the cave entrance, all of the families helping their loved ones as they were guided to home. However, a low-pitched buzz in the distance made them look.

All eyes looked at a yellow-and-black formationin the distance. Seabreeze nearly fainted.

"THE BEES! MOVE FASTER OR YOU'LL BE CAUGHT!" Seabreeze was now rushing towards her son, whowas in turn yelling at his comrades.

"Move faster, faster!"

Seabreeze yanked him by an antenna. "Can't you see they're unwell? This is all your fault, dolt!" Seabreeze then left her son and went to help the others before the bees came.

The Breezies were starting to get through the shrinking portal. The bees were right behind them, and Seabreeze and Deepbreeze slipped through just as the portal closed. Several sickening thuds could be heard from outside as the bees ran into the now solid wall.

Today was not a day for celebration, today was now a day of rest. All the Breezies went into their homes, the festive mood hampered by the near-death experience of all.

Seabreeze and Deepbreeze went into their home, where Seabreeze motioned to her son to come upstairs to her room. Deepbreeze folowed his mother up, and was immediately tackle-hugged by Seabreeze.

"I thought you weren't going to make it, my child. What hapened for such delay and such horror to befall the group?"

And so Deepbreeze recounted the whole journey; how the expedition for food had gone well, all of the pollen being gathered in a matter of a day. Hiwever, the way back was tough. The breeze was oftentimes too strong and the group would get separated, or the breeze would be too soft and the group would fall behind schedule. And then the bees came, and everything was a chase.

"Deepbreeze, this may seem funny to ask, but how much did you yell at your companions?"

Deepbreeze was taken aback. "Mother, this definitely is an odd question. However, I guess I should answer. On the way there, I didn't have to speak at all. Everything went as smoothly as it possibly could. On the way back though..." Deepbreeze had to pause for a second while he regained his thoughts and memories. "On the way back, though, everything went horrid. We took the wrong path, so we almost entirely missed any pony town and actually flew over this creepy forest. And then you saw on the way back, how we were being chased by bees. Lots of yelling to pick up the pace, everywhere on the way back. I'm surprised I haven't lost my voice or my sanity."

Deepbreeze looked at his mother with pained eyes. This was not due to tears or anything of the sort, just the several hardships that had befallen him.

"Deepbreeze, my first time leading the expedition wasn't good either. As a matter of fact, through one pony town, a leaf came and split the group. I was stuck with about thirty other Breezies and we were taken in by a young pegasus named Fluttershy. She was the one that helped up get home that year, when you were just a little baby Breezie. Not only that, but she taught me that leadership is not a force that comes with a booming voice and harsh actions, but with compassion for your friends and the willingness to lead, being firm but not mean. This is a lesson that you need to know for the later years, when you are leading expeditions. Be kind when everything is going well, and only be firm when you have to, but never mean. Put your mind in another Breezie before saying something; if it comes off as something that would be harsh, then don't say it."

Deepbreeze looked at his mother with amazement, with her words of wisdom making him feel like he just learned a parable from a wise sage.

"Thanks mother, I will always remember the lesson I was taught today."

His future expeditions went well, and not because of luck, but because he was compassionate.